I Spent 100 Days in Palworld

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welcome to Pal world where you can navigate the balance between survival and moral choices Can I Endure and Fryman the survival game facing the challenges of defeating pal World bosses capturing legendary Pals and managing the epical dilemas of enslavement shooting and butchering Pals this is how I spent a 100 days in pal world I'm playing on the default settings what what the hell is this a few animals uh get the hell away from me the towers are the key the tree holds the truth what the hell well I'm going to go up this hill here welcome to Pal World we're going to try to survive here for a 100 days we are in the Windswept Hills ah reminds me of the Zelda breath of the wild opening here but yeah let's just complete the tutorial here what is this pick up Fallen branches but there is a woman here a Cast Away been a while since someone who didn't think of Pals washed up here what does that mean this island is a living hell the people I came with aren't twits any longer those damn Pals ate every one of them so these creature or Pokémon are monsters here take some basic supplies 10 wood uh more wood right here so we need to check the survival guide here so a lot of things we can do so we need to open the build menu with b and select the Primitive workbench okay let's do this right there we need to hold F there we go complete it level up level too oh there is a chicken here hello I want some KFC get the hell out of here beating you up ooh nice got some eggs and chiii poultry so we need to open the technology menu okay have a lot of items here we need a pal sphere here so captures pal so we have the Pokeball here now how do we craft this we need some pum so we need a pickaxe I think we need to mine that and get some stone pickaxe needs some Stone where is it maybe these rocks on the ground there we go got some berries pick all of these level three so now we have enough resources for the pickaxe so we're going to go to here craft it and just like so with the pickaxe I need to get this pum so I guess it's that thing right there right I was right palum fragment ooh Some chests I want to pick this up need a copper key and what is this you found a note from another Adventure so this journal right here yeah you can read it if you want to so then we just need some more Stone in fact I think I can mine it right here now so now we can craft this pal sphere here and let's see here so I need to attack Pals to weaken them and then press Q to throw a pal sphere on them so then you over here okay fend it off the sphere uh now I don't have any I know you're angry but let me craft one more I want to capture you capture rate okay cancel a little bit weaker 86 okay weaker 100% there we go our first Pokemon and my first achievement caught first pal so what is this at first glance it appears full of confidence I didn't read it ativa level three so then I can use it now yes uh go let's see here open the technology screen from the menu and unlock pal box so while in team katti helps carry supplies increasing the players Max carrying capacity so a pal box here facility for storing captured Pals but yeah this game seems very beautiful and big oh my time to explore it all but where do we want to build this thing because the surrounding area will become our base ooh what is this a mammo rest level 35 so a pal box so now we can store this thing in here the Captiva and I can summon a pal to my base this way I can also fast travel so what is this mining the kativa is like a slave mining for us so open the inventory and consume food okay we are quite hungry eat some berries you just leveled up open your inventory with Tab and strengthen your stats so then what do we want to increase I think stamina I want to have very good stamina so now we need to capture five lamb balls oh it's even helps us construct oh you're so cute go mine so here you can see the radius of our base here so everything within this perimeter is our territory leveled up to level [Music] four so for example I queued up two pal speres here or the Pokeballs and this Pokémon here will corrup it for us I just thought this Pokémon would only do combat oh no the noon is coming it's going to become night but I need to capture five lamb balls well then let's see if this will work and now 100% chance our pal here is quite tired so we will carry it home with one arm what do we have here a visitor wandering Merchant I've got some good items in stock oh my I have no idea what all of this is so I'm going to take the cat with us and the lamb ball can chill here but it's getting very dark let's see here maybe I can get a bed here we go a shy bed we do have enough for that so we need to build it indoors well I guess I need to research wooden structure set a little 2x two should work for now yes like this one 2 three 4 and a door I accidentally boxed myself in remove this and make a door a the night sky is quite beautiful though oh no we're cold so we are actually taking some damage from this okay we're freezing craft this torch here we go nice and warm and with the roof done our base is complete so now we can get this bed down right here and we can finally sleep I need to capture five lamb balls I have four more to [Music] get leveled up thank you we just have two more to get come on it's one HP no oh goodbye [Music] and there we go five lamb balls so you can take up to five Pals at you at a Time Capture any more of that and they will automatically be sent to my pal box that is convenient so apparently Pals without beds will get stress so I should highly consider getting a bed for them so my next task is to increase my player level by capturing 30 Pals and then I can see there we need to challenge the boss what is that oh I have a disassembly mode okay that's very convenient we have 18 technology points so me just going to get what seems convenient so now I'm just going to do the tasks handed To Us by the tutorial and then we will go further oh no I'm being weighed down by carrying too many items I can build a chest here need this okay I can craft a bow it actually crafted from the chest here so you can store your materials and you don't have to get them out every time you want to craft okay I need pal beds here so my pal will not get stressed well the house is done we got the beds for our Pals so now we have need to capture 30 Pals so apparently I have a base upgrade here okay so I need to reach level seven here build a wooden chest and deploy a work to Pal to the Bas is level one now I can have two working on the base and level three here we go just assign a few lamps here to work on the base I'm going to queue up a lot of pal feere here here and then we will go out in battle also get a bunch of arrows oh my weapon is damaged I need to repair it come on we're working on an invincible Force so now we can repair the stone axe here I need some more Stone so there is a lamb ball here and I'm going to try to get ours to combat it I'm going to command it to focus on the same enemy attack aggressively maybe come on let's see here oh my it's it's rolling on it okay that will work that will work uh thank you ah lamb ball thank you we can also pet it we're petting the lamb ball I also need to feed my pals here so come over here let's see here feed it this should work yeah nice and happy you're welcome now it's time to catch a chiii here yes good job oh no I missed nice job Lambo I would like to to test out the bow [Music] actually we already have 10 Pals I see our pal there is working very hard wait what is this a raid oh my goodness uh help us would like to capture one of [Music] them well they're all dead let's see here I captured a leas punk here well I have crafted 19 pal speres here which should be more than enough oh my I can get an assault rifle here and a rocket launcher is this Pokemon or what am I a mounted machine gun so I got three copper Keys here and I remember a chest by the spawn so we'll head there I think I must have gotten it from The Raid let's see here gold coin ooh pal spere and tropical outfit interesting so I can apply this can be crafted at primitive workbench but the gold coin can be exchanged for other items ah speaking of which can I capture this woman right she has a health bar what is this uh criminal activity oh no come on capture her 14% please 14% come on no way wait what the hell how did we capture a human uh a citizen level three uh I think we have a few slaves here and there but what is this oh no a guard my my Pokémon died well I don't want to face the guy off with a gun jeez we're wanted for assault which um uh in fact we have a bunch of guards on us oh Jesus we're about to die we need to hide we need to hide I need to get the hell back home we're getting shot at ah few I think we lost them uh we're no longer wanted for assault on the top right so we should be safe just eat some berries regenerate uh what is this Expedition Survivor yeah she's ours now our slave hello I'm so tired I tried making Graves for everyone at first but when more than a 100 died I gave up on that idea what has she gone through well can she like fight for us I would like to have her in our party yeah we can shoot her gun at people I need so much wood if only I had a pal who could do Lumber work because right now it doesn't seem like we have that I also need a feed box here for the pals while it's getting quite dark now oh no one of our pals are hungry let me feed you uh it should come to the feed box here now so then it's finally time to catch 15 Pokémon we need 15 more Pals so the great thing is that we have our woman with us the slave with the gun let's see how this will works I will command her to focus on the same enemy and she should start firing right yes please but uh shoot her or just attack like that yeah at this point I think our lamb is better at fighting than you but let's capture it that thing is way stronger and another chest here with some bread cloth outfit as well Le Punk attack is highly effective against the chicky and we leveled up level eight would like to increase our weight here we have quite the stats oh what the hell is that Pokémon a Nightwing I need that if only I had my arrows with us I need more arrows oh no I see a few better Pokémon here let's see what will happen here so we're level six Lee Punk against a level 9 a tier yeah now they are both attacking us oh no come on we should have a chance oh no he has got launched off can we try to get it at least no oh no I died defeat first of many deaths I think we will spawn here what is this fast travel I still keep all of my stat points which is quite nice but I died yeah right here so open this up and get all of it we have a lot of Pals now huh and a release Punk is alive and well so we can upgrade the base now but yeah I need to get this to level seven as mentioned we got the campfire here and now we're making a berry Plantation which is what I need to do here we go so see that bad boy so who will farm this so we also need to water it interesting the peaceful life of pal world oh we can cook some nice food at the campfire lamb ball Kebab that's what we like I'm going to do something horrible but Lambo here we're going to feed it some Lambo Kebab so essentially feeding eating Chicken KFC nice and happy you're eating your own kind I also love eating my own kind in game let's see here base upgrade is this level four let's do this and for level five we need a pal gear workbench and a statue of power so what is this pal gear workbench right here and a statue of power make offerings to enhance the stats of the player and Pals yeah let's make this straight away we do have the resources for it you would do nice with that background right there and now a pal gear workbench what is this so let's see here enhance player stats we need to offer LIF monk Effigies I have no idea what that is need a bunch of claw for the gear workbench here but now we can upgrade to level five we're almost at level seven ah so my pals are transporting things to the chests automatically wow that is very cool yeah we have a bunch of resources here but now it's level five so level six needs a lot of things I need a Crusher Stone pit and logging site a Crusher Stone pit and logging site so essentially automatic Stone and wood but I need a pal that can do wood work I found a statue here what is this oh a LIF monk Effigy so these are like cororo seeds from Zelda yeah I think I should have my chests on the outside because it seems to be bugged their transportation okay here we go so can you please hold that stone properly ah yeah now it's working correctly so I think if the chests are inside that's actually very bad for the AI our raid a Syndicate [Music] skelington a I captured one of them how did I capture a bandit uh I think that's all of them yeah he drowned so let's let's see here a Syndicate fog okay now I really need to explore I would like to explore this massive World grab some arrows make some cloth armor what the hell I got some coarse ammo ammo for musket makeshift handgun and other similar weapons to make a cloth outfit I need ancient civilization parts and what is this mamor doing get away from here a new pal here a dinome let's see if we can capture it yeah that thing seems extremely tough uh it's one shot my pal yeah yeah we're we're running we're running ah please this is a horror game a Nightwing here can we get that lamb ball I summon you oh my okay it's oh no oh this was behind me well let's try this again here we go a new pal oh New Pal a gumos an a corn yeah you weren't supposed to kill it oh what is this a Melaka oh no we might lose this battle come on there we go this one is one we need it was very strong 43% there we go nice random chest here or loot let's see what treasure this holds gold coin pal sphere Mega sphere we found one of these LIF monk here so now we can enhance but now I can make a stone pit and soon a logging site wow that is big yeah let's place it down here I think so we captured it at level 11 but because of level sync it will be level eight wait we can also ride it yeah Oh no I got caught on fire that was an accident ah the pal World during the night all of our our pals are sleeping so the Quarry is up automatic Stone I think this cattivi here is the most useful has the most skills here we want to switch out some of our lamps with them so now we can build a logging site place that right next to it yeah production is underway my pals my slaves H yeah that sound is so satisfying when they're all constructing and with that we have infinite wood yeah I still need a pal that can do lumbering so all the wood I have to get my [Music] self and now I have the final structure for level six or level seven let's see here required watering we can make palum fragments here and fiber so we have reached level seven so now we are done with that we just need to get eight more Pals a level 11 Nightwing I want to kill this thing now or catch [Music] it my that deals a lot of [Music] damage don't tell me we die again come on try to catch it yes come on there we go we caught it I almost died for it well the Nightwing seems even stronger than the Melaka we also leveled up to level 9 what do we increase maybe HP so a Nightwing here so this is our Squad we're bringing out the Nightwing and the milaka I can also get a normal parachute I want that let's test this thing out we can glide gliding yes sir like Zelda I see a new Pokemon in the distance a pulet all I want to do is capture you they're fighting each other these Pokémon so they can also fight each other this is quite funny I need more Pokémon Nightwing I choose you there should be a walk in the park I don't even have to do anything uh yeah that thing is just dead uh we accidentally aggro the mest level 38 at the Agro make a spear this will be useful and we have finally captured 30 Pals level 10 well now we need to challenge the boss at rain syndicate's Tower well it is time time to head out to explore one of our Pals is feeling down because of bad working conditions when the hell did I ask get to working could it be that Tower over there that looks like it oh now what is going on here upset and went to bed I can get a the shot bow here which seems very interesting that will that will increase our DPS well we are ready for the journey to the tower we have the three Shop bow I made a common shield and we we have a lot of pal spheres here and arrows o what is this fox spark so like a Vulpix [Music] here before we head off I also have a mpaka saddle here I can make so research this and craft it now this will work I promise you so now it can be ridden so how do I write it I'm pressing F there we go this is lovely and air cannon it can attack for us and a fluffy tackle oh what do we have here a statue unlock fast travel that is very useful yeah we can fast travel from here to home and we seem to have a unique structure here and a skilled Islander let's see here you're a new face don't tell me an outsider not that it matters to me now that you're on this island why not try and catch some Pals you can get extra XP for capturing up to 10 of the same kind you know what what they say pal Tamers get stronger the more Pals they capture funny one dude now there are so many Pals I want to catch I'm getting distracted this is for science let's see if I can catch this ACH the deer Nightwing I choose you let's see how our new bow is yeah this should be an easy fight for us even though it's level 11 oh my goodness climb I might have to use my mega Sphere for this a don't tell me I missed oh I think we got it oh my jeez that one was a hard fight well now we have that thing on our side so let's test it out here a tany new Pokemon I need to catch let's see here it can do lumbering okay this monkey is the most useful slave yet now we need to get a tant here I accidentally killed the last ones oh no it's just died okay the T Fant can only do watering quite useful but the AEG the deer can do lumbering which is very useful we have no Pals that can Harvest wood so I think this is a boss here the chillet a boss here the chillet well if there's a boss health bar then we will take it [Music] out taking quite some damage okay I need to summon I think oh no I need to summon ache fear [Music] deer oh so far so good oh Dodge Dodge nice Dodges a don't push it towards me come on capture it come on yes we captured it boss first kill oh my I mean we can easily take out the the challenge tutorial boss now right I was not supposed to do that according to the game well in ACH fear you have been a good boy unfortunately my party is full here so it will be back at home but let's see here an ice dragon type okay we don't need it to take out the tower we got some precious Pelt and ancient civilization Parts a new pal here a depresso that's quite the name I hope you're not depressed I think they can only spawn at a night so we need to capture it captured it new one to the Pokedex skill points I think will go into h HP I think I have a new pal type here the LIF monk yeah I'm just going to capture every single Pokemon I mean pal at least once so the LIF mon can do lumbering planting and Gathering and Medicine production very useful what the hell Berle Mech who is this thanks for the help the security around here has gone down what and level 100 there we go captured it Tower is right over here I think I'm at the right place but we have a Daydream and capture that one as well while in team appears near the player follows up the player attacks with Magic Bullets so all of these have some skills here while in team increases attack power of neutral Pals all it's already morning don't even need sleep and I'm at the right Place rain Syndicate Tower we have fast travel here so we can go back home or actually no I think this is a dungeon I will need that boss that I defeated so how do I do this fast travel back to base here we go cloth armor I have the cloth outfit schematic but I want to assign my new Pals to the base so remove oh I have a lot of them huh I want the tanies here and the LIF Monk and now this one the chillet has like a monster icon or something not sure what that is but it's coming with us on the team so now we can automatically Farm some berries so all of this is automatic and they are harvesting wood great we can finally stop being a naked man a naked tribal man here oh we look very nice our health also increased let's see here defense 19 HP 91 well then I think we're ready to head back and try to kill the boss because we ourselves are the boss or we have a boss to chill it a time limit of 10 minutes okay so what is going on here wow that is beautiful uh I see a girl there who the hell is she okay I guess I'm battling a Pokemon trainer let's see what she has uh yeah that seems a bit tough chillet I choose you come on attack focus on on the same enemy 30,000 HP that seems a bit extreme yep that is not good that is not good at all my goodness our chillet seems to be struggling a little bit oh no no no no no no no no no please no they're down to 26 HP or 26,000 I wish I had that assault rifle now that we will get later in the game okay Nightwing you're quite low ache the your time no no no no no no no no no no no no oh my goodness we're surviving come on 20,000 HP we can do this B 15,000 HP halfway Nightwing back out I have no more arrows oh no oh my if only had more arrows I think we're going to lose some time no uh we dropped all items in equipment they are over here I will get some more arrows and then try again H might be worth to get Daydreams necklace here so then seems to be working here when we're attacking something that I think it will attack with us I think our Pokémon level up when we're crafting because the yeah the plus one plus two at the left side of the screen they just level up casually alongside us anyways we have 127 arrows so let's sleep and do this for real so then will you shoot magical bullets or not how many arrows left 51 I think we'll make [Music] it no more arrows and chillet is out of the game okay we have 4 minutes and it's at 5,000 HP I hope I can just hide now yeah we Nightwing though is so good come on 800600 HP uh we will finish it off with okay boss eliminated we have uh we have done it wait what is this I can make a meat cleaver here and butcher my pals what but now the tutorial thing is gone and we're free to explore the world so now I need to get a primitive furnace and get some ingots that's important well then I've place my chillet and the Nightwing in the PO Box 10 minutes to recovery well now I need to level up the base further so I need a hot spring A Primitive furnace and a berry Plantation oh what is this primitive furnace I need a flame organ I guess I need to kill some of those w pies then the firef foxes I also have a few ancient technology points here so an egg incubator unlock that and also a small feed bag so I will automatically eat and a grappling gun this could be very useful but yeah I need some more lever and Flame orian so let's go out and Hunt another Nightwing here I should capture this there we go very nice now I can make a primitive furnace well then make a small Feed Bag here I also need some arrows or actually a lot of arrows I would like to get the metal tools here metal Axe and pickaxe so how does this work here make ingots or charcoal can be combined with sulfur crate gunpowder H interesting but I just need some ingots so small Feed Bag here so automatic yeah yeah just eating and I need a hot spring here so pal fluids where do I get get power fluids I actually forgot but I can yeah Dodge like this so during the boss fight I should have dodged with the control button well let's see here so I to butcher up a pal here we're going to butcher her ah okay yeah uh poor thing poor thing okay we use that for emergencies so production is fully underway but I now need that liquid so a hot spring here need some pal fluids don't remember where I got that from okay I will fast travel to the Boss Arena here and try to look for some more loot what is this a bandit Camp H could be interesting to raid this wait what is this they've captured a Pokemon [Music] here and wow Spar kit but I need to bring some ore back at home I'm pretty sure I need to mine this up right here okay so pal fluids I got that from water type Pals there's a dinome at the base here I mean we're all here to attack [Music] [Music] it no way we got it well it's the strongest pal we can have so a high quality workbench I need nails and nails I can make right here look how cute the cattiva is just chilling in the hot tub so I also need a medieval medicine workbench for level 9 or level eight level 9 base looks like I will need to mine up a lot of [Music] ingots well now we have a lot of wood because tanies are very good at that we have enough for the high quality workbench soon now we can make a metal pickaxe right o i can get a crossbow I can afford that I just need to get some more nails and ingots ooh Pelt armor I need that how do we look now Pelt armor looks very cool oh we can make a crossbow now that will be much better oh no one of our lamp balls is on fire right into the water uh how how is it still on fire it's there we go now that seems very useful now we can make the medicine cabinet and level up our base so what is this lowgrade medical supplies base upgrade let's see here I need a cooler box and a sphere workbench ah My Level Up reward is another base that I can make so a sphere workbench here I need to level up to level 14 but I think now we will explore L further so I think we will go to this biome right here maybe so looks like a red leaf forest I want to check that out I see a bunch of other Pals here Vixie and what is this a rush or a boar yep test out the crossbow here very effective we got it nice yeah the crossbow is so strong what do we have here I see another pal right there another journal and F fast travel oh more pal sphere and small pal Soul it can draw out hidden abilities if offered to a statue of power let's see here maybe this is what it means I can increase my dinome Max HP or attack I will do that well it's getting dark so it's time to head home another beautiful day here in pal world it's time to explore further got a bunch of Pals here I'm ready to get some new Pals our pal deck is filling out quite nice we have registered 22 out of 111 well I think we'll just go back to where we were let's see here where's the next Tower oh my a new pal here I need to capture oh my a th000 damage that's a bit too much what a beautiful scenery right here my goodness but where the hell should we go I mean we just have to keep on exploring there is so much to do so once we level up to level 15 we can get a Nightwing saddle which will be very useful I think I know where to go there's a bridge right there and then we can explore all of this a Joel to new type and a bunch of thugs yeah I mean we're one shotting them with the crossbow capture one of those a jol hog releases the energy stored in its body when under attack what is this a bunch of wolves and capture come on capture bunch of fugs here I want to capture you never mind level up so now we can level up the base as well with this spere workbench and a pal Essence condenser so you can essentially combine Pals to get a higher ranked version but fast travel this and yeah let head back while we're back here after sleeping this looks epic what do we have here level 22 I think I'm in the wrong Zone my Doom here can easily kill it okay I can dodge do not forget oh my what a Dodge I will need a mega Sphere for this [Music] one okay let's try this yeah that will not work 5% and that will uh yeah 6% I'm not sure about this one we might just have to kill it oh maybe never mind come on yes yes level 22 this early on wow they can do a lot of things here medicine production well then let's head back this is not the zone for us unfortunately wow should have settled my base down here this is beautiful what do we have here electrical skill fruit okay so I can learn these for my pals well I think we will be fine we are somehow swimming along the water while riding a mpaka let's see how good this new pal is a robin quill that one is even better than the dinosor well we can actually upgrade the base now because I can make a cooler box just need some ingots but now we can upgrade the base we can have two bases now if I'm honest I don't I think this is the main base this whole site doesn't look too good especially the house so my second base will be much better what do we have here a cave but what is this level 30 gentle Sky Dragon and that thing is way too strong no no no no yes enter dungeon okay what do we have here the real question is what kind of flute is down here a cat over here a cat girl witch I do have a meas sphere here so oh no my Robin quill died oh no there are two Pokémon here okay capture you yes come on oh we captured [Music] her capture I missed no oh we God what are these chances we got both of them and we leveled up level 15 a montering stand you can command your pals to work on various things inside a base try not to overwork them yeah right yeah this dungeon might be too hard like what the hell is that [Music] thing oh my I might be dead here uh run the hell away I know I might be lost where am [Music] I oh no this is not going so well is that a boss right there level 28 green tail oh no I need to defeat the boss yep uh we might be dead here we cannot deal that much damage oh there's no way we're going anywhere with this we have to go back a bunch of new palace here I can [Music] destroy oh no I might be why am I almost dead what is this area where the hell am I uh is that a shiny uh is that a shiny Pokémon that seems like it is I need to capture it oh my what yeah this one is extremely tough I don't care if it's shiny I don't want to die let's head the hell back we're so weak I got a few new y pawns here catus well I would like a Nightwing saddle here so to get that I just need to research this right here also a monitoring stand uh we have our [Music] raid what the I'm almost dead uh what is going on outside what everything is going horribly okay I need to respond yeah I have no idea what's going on yeah don't mind me don't mind me uh okay I think we're fine and I also need a monitoring stand what does this do let's see here hardworking or super hardworking let's go for the hardworking Humane work is not how we do things here okay all of our Pals seem depressed so go back to Humane work we now have enough for the Nightwing saddle here let's do this immediately oh let's see how this will work we can ride this thing oh what happens when it runs out of energy it sinks well it is time to head out so it's time time to go out and explore some more I think we'll go back to Lake Center and we can finally fly around here we can easily kill things like this when we're in the air what can they do there's actually an island here that I would like to explore or I think it's this one right here I am currently here on the map look at the view from here you can see our base right there this is breathtaking what a beautiful place if only I could live here or actually maybe I should move to this place ooh what is this H Saray we need those oh I found a shiny [Music] here come on capture come on my last Poké ball oh my I have none left guess the shiny will not be ours we're currently here on the map seems like a new Pokémon [Music] an nox what the hell is that thing King pcka yeah this game is beautiful look at the scenery wish should be able to kill it it's only level 23 yeah maybe this will be harder than I thought get the hell out of here a raid fan girls who can't contain their love what does that mean here we go um what are those [Music] what was that all about those are quite some Pokemon well we've grinded out some mobs and leveled up so if we check this area out we have quite the plat or flat terrain so we have some wood here a lot of nodes as well so yeah let's make this our second tropical base this one will look much better I hope so now we're close to this ore right here we have some Stone as well within the radius we can also access all of our Pals from here which is quite useful yeah this base here is self- sustaining so we can just leave it be I'm moving to the nice tropical forest well then we're almost done here let's get some pal beds and yeah then it's time to start working production is fully underway yeah I think the AI might be a bit bogged what is this thing doing I think they might be broken okay I think that we're ready now to head out and grind some levels wait what is going on here two mamist are attacking each other this is the perfect opportunity to catch one zero points okay that is well that is is one free kill so much loot oh no uh my Nightwing y [Music] died no oh my this is hard yeah I need to try to farm mobs My Level I should also make an incubator here could be useful I have a lot of eggs from my Journeys that I can incubate I also have uh way too many lamb balls here so I'm going to do something horrible and now we're just going to equip the butcher tool get the hell back here ah nobody watch nobody watch we are ready to explore once more let's go and an egg incubator where do we get this we'll just place it down right here so let's set an egg here I have a scorching egg egg a rocky egg just insert that into here well then it's time to head out once again some just going to catch a lot of PS even though they're low level yes for XP come over here I have my butcher knife need all that exp everyone get in my balls I want you in my balls there we go level 17 I think I'll level up our weight yeah yeah now we have a lot of new stuff I'm going to take out this chillet one more time for exp and this should be pretty easy how much exp 700 well I would like to upgrade the base though again to level 10 or 11 I need a cooking pot wheat Plantation and a mill need to unlock that over here cooking pot wheat Plantation and milk oh a wheat plant ation that is that is huge a raid herd of hungry relaxa orus oh can you relax for once oh no they're coming in hot level 27 how the hell do we have level [Music] 27 how the hell are they so high [Music] leveled [Music] oh I got one of them uh they're running away uh we basically lost everything or every single pal okay where was I I needed a Mill and a cooking pot this will be useful so let's see we got a relax Soros level 27 oh my that thing seems very good now we can level up the Bas so build a weapon workbench oh my weapon workbench is level 20 o our first harvest of wheat so 10 wheat and we can turn that into what is it flour well everybody has been resurrected since that battle that was very tough oh that thing is actually huge oh wait I got two of them that's interesting well then let's try to do a dungeon again I think the one where was it over here I see a dungeon over there so oh this one should be manageable the sealed Realm of the Frozen Wings level 15 we can do this okay level 15 pen King yeah let's summon up the relaxus you better relax oh please don't kill it I would like to capture [Music] it oh my I'm almost dead oh my I'm just dead yes the naked man running for his loot yeah the boss's minions Ste way more damage so I'm going to take care of his minions now this time will go way better yeah actually went uh way way better now to try to capture him 19% that's not good enough come on let's do this yeah now he's stuck up [Music] there yep oh this time we got him well that is the dungeon complete so then what now we're almost level 18 I would like to explore more dungeons maybe take out the king peka yeah I need to go home first to sleep and make more Poke Balls H incubation complete what is this here we go Ray Hound the hell is a ray Hound level one yeah these measer are way better than the pal speres but they cost one Ingot I can make a mega Shield here this will be way more useful taking so much damage nowadays well then King Paka it's time that is one chunky [Music] boy oh no oh the good thing is that I can resummon them every attack Loop mons attack is highly effective against King Paka that's great to [Music] here these damn ads yeah dodging his attacks is quite easy I have to say well I have no more crossbow ammo [Music] so oh no lopmon died 2% chance to capture it that's nothing okay I will get it down as slow as I possibly can okay it's time 73 HP now 15% I have 16 balls [Music] though yeah there's no way we're getting this one I've wasted 16 meas speres on him or oh my goodness boss first kill oh well I guess it's always worth it never give up what is this a village this looks extremely nice I want to check this out ever explored a cave yeah I've heard that caves are home to loads of unique Pals H give me a shout out if you spot any caves yeah sure anyone I can trade with or is this Village just dead oh no I see someone in here a Wandering Merchant I have a lot of stuff that I can buy another Merchant here oh I can buy Pals from him h i could actually sell off some Pals to him I do not need all of my pals that I have yeah I think this this is good enough okay I'm going to craft a mega Shield here and repair my armor from that harsh battle H New Pal from the what is it the incubator so we have registered 35 out of 111 getting there but it's a new day today so it's time to explore we're almost level 20 I'm thinking explore this area and Conquer their dungeons I think this area here is way too overleveled for me we have so much food we can make here Jam field bun seems very t wow look at this scenery here I need to check that out I need to check this camp out and this [Music] one don't worry I will release you pal what do we have here in my Cris I see another dungon over there could that be something we can do H we can upgrade our capture power here I actually forgot to bring arrows so I will have to go back home another incubation complete what will it be a hungu a raay tooo implode unit what they don't stand a chance I haven't been in our old home in a while it's quite different yeah I'm here just to grind up some palum I need a lot of it well then Pals it's time for a New Journey I saw a dungeon just me and lopmon working on a few megas speres what a breathtaking view but that dungeon right there is what I'm thinking of a level 31 univolt oh no no oh how is this dungeon sealed Realm of the swords Master Level 23 that's it's a bit too much what the hell van worm that's a new [Music] Pokemon come on catch it oh you weren't supposed to kill both of them Jesus I also have a bunch of these pal Souls here H let's see here mozina a cow yes capture the cow ow H got milk from it I forgot I have the king Paka here I need to use it sometimes produces milk when assigned to a ranch well we should level up with this yeah level 19 so what can we unlock now a breeding Farm yeah let's get that and a large toolbox well I would like to try to take out the boss now so let's do that here we go bushy oh Samurai pal but the king P can easily take care of her now oh who whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what the hell was that she teleported to me yeah get I need to run she's doing it again she how am I supposed to dodge that let's try this again For Heaven's Sake I see a new Pokémon in the distance a serent couch that damn thing this thing is really stubborn come on Gamble thank you this time I'll try to hide behind the [Music] pillars the king Paka will carry us surely we cannot lose now look at him oh this time I dodged it and yep oh no this time I did not touch it well let's try to capture [Music] it oh my we got it how lucky have we been this play through yeah I'm going to catch a lot of Pals here and then sell them to the merchant we were just at we're almost level 20 come on can I capture him wow it it actually works I can capture humans what is that capturing humans is considered inhumane I know another wyver in here I need let's see if we can capture it this time yeah we are getting a lot of new Pals nowadays van worm Village I'm here to sell some Pals ah they have restocked it yeah we have so many Pals but I don't want duplicates well then this is all that I'm trading so let's see here bushy here she is extremely strong well I would like to make a burit Farm here need more fiber well we're almost level 20 now so I think we will Explore More and take out more bosses level 28 patalia here we go this will be very easy ah she doesn't seem that strong to be honest it's just that she takes like no damage 900 HP left we can do [Music] this well here we go 200 hp I don't think we can make it I only brought two Mega spheres I mean 7% That's uh yeah that's nothing my last sphere and now I only have regular balls which doesn't work this will finish her off [Music] boom nice one bushy well yeah we're level 20 now I would say that's pretty successful so now we can unlock a gigas spere and a weapon workbench let's do that and an average feedback and we also have incubated a large dark egg this is a tomat well now I need to get to farming because I need to build a lot I will need the weapon workbench so I need to get ingots and nails and all of this h a gigas sphere here a sphere that captures Pals when Throne able to capture moderately powerful Pals but now it's time to get to a big mining session so a weapon workbench I can make that soon another incubation complete a flame Bell an raid herd of violent wild Pals uh they're getting destroyed uh yeah that's guy is running away and never mind and they're dead okay the breeding farm that thing is huge about right here so who the hell do we breed I feel like that bushy guy uh male and female not present what do we do oh well the weapon workbench is also coming up oh I see guns on it so I can craft guns here what can we cook up here grappling gun mega grappling gun but now I can level up the base as well so let's see here base upgrade and another incubation has been completed so what do we get a gale claw and also place down one more incubator might as well do that so the incubators are essentially free Pals every time you go and explore you will find lots of eggs we have grinded a lot here so we can also make a mega grappling gun but we' made a few minor improvements to the base got the statue the cooler one more incubator so now we just need to go out and level up some more yeah we also have 12 gigas speres here so the capture power is 20 14 with the meas spere and 7 for the P spere anyways we have the grappling gun or a mega grappling gun here okay grappling gun from fortnite how is it wow that's actually quite useful yeah the mozara is gracing here so it will produce milk anyways we're going to explore this part of the map now I think let's simply get our Nightwing and go what is that a Brun cherry that is one beautiful pal let's see here I have a gigas spere here 41% easy first try Okay 500 XP we're almost level 21 yeah I see like a volcano up there you see that with a tower I wonder when I'll be able to do that so the cave that we found next to this alidon I would like to see if we can take that out now since we were heavily underleveled before we have another dungeon right here uh dungeon level 19 boss we can do this we're level 20 New Pal unlocked the fuddler well looks like we're already at the Boss [Music] Arena let's see if I can capture the boss 44% chance there we go dungeon should be complete level 21 we can make our first gun the musket I need gunpowder course ammo but now I don't need my crossbow and so soon we will have the makeshift handgun as well we're at the exit here so two chests H Pelt armor what do we have here Cito Jesus uh I think bushy is a bit [Music] bug oh my there's a boss here level 17 auro be oh there it is I'll come to land this is not where we're supposed to fight I know it's going to despawn looks like we'll have to do this while [Music] swimming [Music] well it's time to capture it if it wasn't so damn fast first try right to see oh I got a new achievement caught 50 types of Pals oh 50 we're almost halfway there with all the pals oh a shiny mozara don't tell me my first shiny pal will be a [Music] cow yeah I think the AI might be a bit bugged he's hugging him there we go the first shiny H let me go home and see what this is I can also make a musket now so where is that right here and gunpowder oh the lucky mozara well we will have it produce milk so I need ingots high quality pal oil and wood for the musket then for the ammo I need ingots and gunpowder gunpowder needs sulfur and charcoal but where do I get sulfur H we have a bunch of milk here we can make mushroom soup yeah that seems good pancakes who doesn't love pancakes production baby production ingots smelt that down yeah so now we should have enough for the musket so let me head in here look how much milk this m aren has been making yeah I wonder what the first human were doing when they discovered milk hold on our first gun Jesus this is ultimate power let's make some ammo for it and we do have a lot from killing those Bandits the pal Alliance but now I do not need my crossbow I also have a bunch of Loot and PS to sell so will go to the village and sell some stuff reloading this thing takes forever though we're going to come in here with 16,000 gold coins let's see what we leave with I think the merchant celsy pal that I don't have yet the gobin uh yeah New Pal captured and then I have a lot of Pals to sell here well then this this is all that I'm trading what is this 5,000 gold so sell all of this we will get 15,000 gold now it is time to take out where's it this dungeon right here oh a raid of wild [Music] Pals damn the musket it's [Music] op yeah I think that's all of them one guy's running away never mind oh another cave right [Music] here what is this level 29 boss that is way too high oh no don't tell me I'm dead here level up nice level 22 so a stun baton I would like that okay today we will explore continue exploring this area right here because I think where we were here is overleveled okay what is this beautiful biome I'm right over here now what level is this level 19 we can do this I like how we deal 1,700 damage in one shot like this well then what is that boss uh sweeper let's go and the boss already been captured that was quick H so there is a new boss here level 31 relaxa surus I might die here but why not well that thing is very chunky oh yeah we're just done well all of our loot is back but now I would like to craft the stun baton so the stun baton now we can Mele things once we're level 23 we can get metal armor and then the fluffy pal beds we can level up our base okay the stun Bon seems useful we can use this to easily capture Pals well then today we will explore some more so I'm thinking this island right here and maybe this one Marsh Island level 23 cat so this is properly leveled oh you were not supposed to do that the sealed Realm of the invisible well then catus we are roughly the same [Music] level yeah this wasn't too difficult capture it okay still a little bit too high HP there we go I found another dungeon here level 13 that's very easy level 23 well then I guess I need to go home and bake that armor yeah I cannot find the boss I'm just going to leave this dungeon so metal armor I just need some yeah ingots what are you doing up there sweeper I need to mine a raid from Syndicate [Music] Raiders metal armor and I'll make the metal helmet let's see how we look like now that's uh that's a big Improvement that right there is a very big Improvement so let's see here the metal Helm how do we look like uh looks like there is no visual change unfortunately okay so it doesn't show on the menu but as you can see we look very good need some more spheres here meas spheres and gigas speres I really need to go out and farm a lot of metal well we are ready to explore once more with our new armor and our new gun I found something very interesting here I am very far away from the base but we have sulfur so I have to go very far away from the base and there are also a lot of new Pals here come on capture oh my there are so many of them [Music] yeah well got a gory rat this should be sulfur right [Music] here I guess I will be spending a lot of time in this area I see an ice tower over there maybe I can check it out what the bomb oh oh my goodness what was that suicide bombers in pal World they see me rolling they hating a level 28 wasand that looks challenging now I need a lot more pal balls and now I can craft the ammo right the charcoal is done so now we can make gunpowder and have infinite ammo for our musket here we go charcoal sulfur and now I need to go back to where we were which is all the way out here and get some more resources what the hell an elizab be that thing is like the queen well Queen Must [Music] Die oh no don't tell me I'm dead okay she's dead now I need to capture one of these mundas I have 24 gigas feres they're so expensive to craft so hopefully it will be worth it a they both died another one right over here there we go captured one and I get the hell away from here oh got an elizabe here and we've leveled up to level 24 yeah now we can upgrade the base we have the fluffy pal bed we're almost at this Tower here now I know it's cold up here have brought my cold armor but I guess I can TP back home with that well got the cold resistant Pelt armor let's go back to the snow and yeah let's see what this has to offer uh join boss battle but what's the level H whole cinematic who is she huh H Lily and Lyin lilene wait wait what level is this what level is this supposed to be is she about to get one shoted or bushy oh maybe we're fine I can't skyre like this what is she doing the robbing quill might be got the best pal in this case halfway there and 6 minutes [Music] left we're playing so well right now but I don't think we have enough time and my ammo is soon depleted oh my relaxasaurus just demolished yeah this thing is so low but we only have 2 minutes left and that's my last bullet I should have brought just a little bit more ammo oh it's too late and Y 4 seconds I I might be dead again trying to get my loot here we go get the loot back and now we should prepare for the attack once again so this time I have 100 musket ammo and I think I should level up my pals a bit more so at the Statue here just enhance the pals uh Max HP maybe all of this here we go this cannot possibly fail and here we go let's go straight into the action [Music] come on we can do this I don't think we have enough damage though ah it's too late not enough damage oh my God she's so low come on she's so low well we go [Music] again [Music] okay so what I'm doing is right before her attack lands on our Pals you just resummon them and that way they never take damage and I think that's why this time we will kill [Music] her just running around what is the boss doing jump shot you know 360 no scope 360 boom uh we cannot capture it okay oh my third times the charm as they say third times the charm we shall uh head back home yeah I forgot I can upgrade the base now but what I need are fluffy pal beds okay fluffy pal beds one right there and one right here so then let's upgrade this here we go now build sphere assembly line and Power generator I we need to level up to 26 for the power generator and 27 for the sphere assembly line I guess More Exploring well it's time to explore more of the cold here oh it's time let's see what Pokémon we can get here H rain dcks that seems good but there are like 10 of [Music] them come on let's try to catch one there we [Music] go Pokemon with guns is lovely H new dungeon right there I will check out let's see here level 40 well then what is this level 35 word Dash where the hell am I supposed to be right now maybe around here o [Music] shiny okay let's try to catch [Music] it there we go we got it another shiny and level 25 oh my we're halfway to max level already so what's the reward for getting halfway there a makeshift handgun and a silo yep we will make both of these things so now we have a proper gun and a silo play in base to improves planting speed and a makeshift handgun 320 attack versus musket a th000 but I can imagine this one has a higher rate of fire let's see here Six Bullets in one oh my an actual gun and we should have a lot of ammo for it handgun ammo yes course ammo okay it uses the same ammo as the musket well let's test out this gun only a few chickens this is is lovely you're shooting the Pokemon nobody can escape well then let's explore this area right here as I said and then we can properly shoot this gun I mean we are level 25 now so maybe we can take out this level 30 alidon I mean with a gun it shouldn't be too bad uh only five damage that's that's not too good okay I need to be patient here just like uh with the boss fight that I recently did [Music] I mean it is strong but it's [Music] doable there we go 4% yeah this will take quite some time or ah I'm going to waste all my balls on this yes we got oh my we are lucky really lucky well we are we gained so much exp from that and now let's try out the gun here very nice to shoot with it I think I would like to take out this boss right here and the univolt let's see here so we captured it level 30 alidon let's also enhance this pal here increase its attack that's all we need attack and I need some more ammo for my gun For Heaven's Sake there we go more ammo make a lot of Pancakes for the pals they are nice and happy with this I will need to make more gigas speres for the next battle need to make sure we can capture it there we go yeah this Pokemon is go dead shoot everyone [Music] my goodness self [Music] suicide oh my wait my my Pokemon mine way faster than me so I unlocked this on level 24 mandas grenade launcher I will need a lot of ingots for this but imagine just exploding iron ore so let's see here manda's grenade launcher summon the Mand what the hell is this okay let's see this a ah there he are there are dead yep I mean this is pretty insane this is very insane what happens when I run out of ammo yeah it slowly replenishes but as you can see the power of that that will destroy any boss I can also make a van room saddle here should be better than the Nightwing saddle well then I think we are ready for the next boss battle we have a lot of spheres here so let's take out the univolt yeah this thing is way faster a shiny chipi I need this actually quite strong not too strong for my gun though that's our third one right or our SEC no our third one I think our gum barely deals any damage what a Dodge now this one seems very strong though a few ctiv us or what are the cats doing I'm on ride let's do this yes what can it do what can it [Music] do [Music] okay let's Let It reload but that is so [Music] nice here we go 1% that's that's not very good unless oh first try ah yeah okay let's go back and uh summon it I guess but there is one boss close by that I would like to take care of and then we can head back would also like to see how fast we can mine with the rocket launcher let's see here a no ammo what is this egg it's huge yeah huge dragon egg thank goodness we discovered it well let's see what we can do [Music] here well then time to do this level 19 boss oh wait this is not it I'm standing right on top of it but this boss is not here well I'll just go for the relaxa orus looks [Music] then [Music] so we took out that boss somehow and now we're level 26 so now we've unlocked power generator which we need so yeah now we just need to level up one more well let's see the relu saurus is extremely strong and the univolt is also pretty strong well then we are ready to go out and explore I've been saying for the last days that I want to explore this but now we will really explore it okay so we have some ore right here I want to test out how fast it is to blow up the ore yeah we're deforesting everything uh but the or stand strong looks like I will have to mine it well I've explored some of this area here and came across the war sect so has been doing a lot of mining here so I don't have to worry about that I have a 100 almost 200 ingots but we should be ready for the boss battle here we go sealed Realm of the stal ward a huge Beetle [Music] okay yeah we barely deal any damage okay War SE we can easily kill [Music] him all hell on [Music] board well then it's time to try to capture trim 1% 2% come on we can do [Music] this there we [Laughter] go the war SE yeah let's head back home and see how strong it is oh the war SE here pretty damn strong the defense is so high Vanguard 10% increase to player attack we need this one I'm sorry M your rocket launcher is pretty good but not good enough well then it's time to explore further well I think we'll explore this area right here I found some sort of hidden M shaft what is this h elizabe a boss in here here we go charging in oh no I'm almost I'm your dead I'm your dead let's try this again yep time to do this now that we're out in the open should be [Music] easier oh my I'm just dead again I [Music] think okay it's time to try to capture her 27 [Music] HP there we go I thought I was dead for sure well if this boss was underr then this one must be too so I will try to go for that later I also found a dungeon right over here that I would like to take out apparently it is level 29 we can do this oh no suicide bomber so the Boss Arena what do we have Gail claw they can just do what they want in there we got it very good we're done over here a few chests as always as rewards what the hell is that hell aere I want [Music] it first try baby never mind thought second try works yeah that one looked very cool this thing has 473 attack it's as good as my bushy and better than all the rest and it has muscle head so it has a lot of attack I would also like to see how this huge dragon egg will be oh it's not even done yet we're also about to reach level 27 so let me just get that real quick I me is going to get some of these Daydreams oh and noock I don't have that I think that should level us up now we can level up the base once more hypers sphere uh sphere assembly line all of this is great okay sphere assembly line I can afford that this thing is huge sphere assembly line but I think right here by the base is good what the hell is this pal doing it seems to be bugged but now I can make a hypersphere that is actually quite cheap I just need cement how do I make cement then must be at the workbench yes Here We Go Cement that is very cheap or 50 Stone I would also like to make a pal essence condensers you can get two Pals and make them into one stronger pal okay with the cement we can now get hyperspheres well yes make five of those oh I need electricity now damn how do I make that a power generator I don't have enough ingots I had so many oh well the pal condenser yeah I don't have a lot of duplicates un unfortunately since I sold them off but oh well let's see here huge dragon egg this has to be good a relax sorus that's not good oh well I would like to enhance this health sphere increase its HP mostly I will need some electric organs for this electric generator I will have to buy a lot here and I can sell off all of my boss items here for a ton of loot there we go 57,000 gold yes place that somewhere I will need an electric Pokémon here and we can finally produce power let's see here so I need electricity okay let's upgrade the base first so here we go and now I need a bunch of stuff but now I want to assign someone to generate power can you do that this giant thing taking a bath in the hot tub oh then here we go relaxus is generating electricity here so now our thing should work yeah there we go we're producing the hyper ball balls yeah that looks very strange very cool I will need a lot of ingots now so I'm going to farm for half a day I like to TP to the desolate church here so this location right here at the coordinate 62- 413 and there are some ores here and they will respawn all the ores will respawn after a day or so we can just come here and [Music] [Applause] mine so hyper balls these ones will be so good um is this a bug somebody's eating up all my food yeah that was very strange all my food gone in an instant yeah I think my PS are bugged they're trying to attack something here but there's nothing to attack something very very bad is going on here yeah I tried to reload the game but they're bugged okay I'm going to have to unassign everyone oh well I will leave for a bit explore come back and then try to resummon them and see if what happens Let's test out our new Pokemon here come on hell [Music] spere yeah no wonder this one is the most powerful oh there's a cave right here let's see your level 29 boss we can do this well then somehow through this maze I found the boss Let's test out our hell spere [Music] [Music] try to capture it first try baby there we go and we're out of here there was one more dungeon next to this one this one right here level 29 there's also some sulfur down here for more ammo and this time we reached it quite fast another Gail clob okay I'm not capturing this this one flying Pokémon versus flying [Music] Pokémon 9 HP finish it off yeah we're dealing just one that okay it's that what is this ring of resistance uh equip that pretty damn good and with that done we should head to bed it will be yep the middle of night you know I should get one more more of these hell speres and try to combine them to get one better one let's see if this will work okay ah please get in the ball here we go let's see if it will work well let's see if uh this will work now hopefully it isn't bugged yeah now it's uh it's still bugged what is going on here we're trying to attack something maybe if I try to Agger one of the animals here this is horrible actually horrible yeah I'm not sure what's going on maybe I should wait for it to be fixed H seems to be fixed now we have a raid from some crazy people what is what's going on on my screen what the hell is going on but that was quick that was very quick uh one of them fell through the map ah so that's why they were bugged yeah this game is a little bit buggy you could say that through the floor a how am I supposed to kill him okay so this guy is bugging out the game here the guy seems to be gone let me resummon everyone and now it's bugged again let me try to AG some animals like I did and see if that helps and now it's back to normal so yeah I guess that fixes it for now just get another enemy in the zone so with 28 we will unlock Giga shield and production assembly line and then at 29 we get a proper handgun well it's time to head head out that whole Fire Mountain there looks very interesting found a checkpoint here so I can go home and bring some fire armor I will need something resistant against the Heat I need to research where is it heat resistant metal armor oh finally have enough for the heat resistant armor this thing is also way better than the old armor way higher defense H what is this shiny van worm level 48 yeah we're not doing that but flame Bell this one is new on of new Pals and our Vixen yeah we're getting cooked here yeah this is uh this is very bad I guess water pokemon would be great against the fire oh wait I leveled up level 28 so Giga shield and production assembly line okay let's try this again For Heaven's Sake okay water Pokemon and try to capture her how many Pals do we have now oh my almost dead we're almost at the top thank goodness we can Fly level 40 Dungeon up here this is way too overleveled so here we are we can see the entire map from here H interesting so there's a desert Tower there yeah my armor and weapon is broken so I'm going to go back and repair it while we need a lot of ingots now to repair our armor and tools and we need 100 ingots for the production assembly line it's time to mine for a day or so yeah we will be doing this for a lot of hours and some more hyperspheres well then let's try to take out the boss here on the mountain surely it can't be too hard H let's see here so Tower of the brothers of the Eternal P why not okay who is this guy lightning Pokemon guy in a fire biome uh is that a legendary what is that I mean that should be no problem Alex and berserk or or zerk ah 13,000 HP yeah we're barely dealing any damage uh I'm just going to skip this time and just die yeah let's just get our armor and get out of here yeah I mean this biome is quite cool but clearly overleveled for us so we saw a desert somewhere I think it was around here ah level 25 falow boss here we're taking this one out I'm supposed to be on top of it is there like an underground system that I'm missing I have no idea where to look for this let me just go home a waterfall here there's always something behind a waterfall this is leading me to the boss I think uh yep here it [Music] is and it's essentially already dead let's try to capture it please just get captured get all the loot and head out I have so many scorching eggs here from the volcano biome let's just incubate all of them no Raiders are getting through yeah these bugs are quite funny this guy is stuck right right there and my pals cannot kill him I will have to deconstruct this uh somebody please kill him there we go okay it is time to explore the desert over here I can see the huge desert here and there's a tower there with the boss I assume oh what do we have here level 39 there is no way I don't think I'm supposed to be here definitely supposed to stay in the forest here I think maybe we can get this Dy here not so lucky now huh few robbing quills we need to kill this now we need to get the hell out of here I will just go to the Tower and then get out of here the hell is this Zusak oh no I mean we can take this thing out right I'm not going to risk it oh jeez there's another one so we've reached the tower here but we're going to just teleport and explore the arc I think that's good or this area right here but I always need a lot of hyper balls here I got seven we're almost level 29 and then we can get the proper handgun here what a lovely view here we're going to explore this as I said time to go well we've explored this whole area now and there is a level 38 Veet and that might be way too hard uh what it would take to base here this is so beautiful here we go so three Falls in HP let's do [Music] this yeah I barely deal any damage with my handguns so I will just let them duke it out now there is no time limit here so I can take all my time even if it takes 30 [Music] minutes it's trying to to use it what is it the ability to shoot the purple spray and they always try to run up to you like this which means three hits I think that's a bug but who knows it can still attack but it cannot move oh well it's time to capture it soon 1% did we get it in the second or third try how does one take out a boss 10 levels higher that's the question well let's go home sleep and then explore further well if we can take out a level 38 boss then we can take out the level 35 oh there we go level up what do we have here with level 29 of course the handgun and handgun ammo a singleshot sphere launcher it's much better than throwing with your hand I can assume but the handgun is what I want well I've been farming a lot of ingots now so let's get this handgun and its ammo so first we need a lot of gunpowder get this okay so I can automatically have my P mine we finally have enough for the handgun here let's do this okay let's see here eight ammo H sounds the same but deals more damage okay it's time to explore the map even further let's go what the hell is this so I've explored this hole here and there is a black marketeer I want to speak to him I trade in any kind of pal whether it's stolen or even prohibited types uh do I have this kilari I'm not sure H we have registered 82 out of 111 H I do not have a kilari well then sir maybe I can sell off some Pals well then kind sir I will leave you be this mountain will be very hard to climb H what the hell is this I'm in inside the stem or pure quartz well I have to mine myself out of here okay level 39 mobs here this is now I can test out my new gun what the hell is this whole ordeal a huge structure yeah this is very very interesting but there's no boss here what is this gold coins gigas spere okay I got a gold key here wait hold resistant refined armor schematic that thing I'm supposed to unlock at level 41 I need some refined ingots here which I can get at level 34 yeah we've explored most of the map here the desert the volcanus mountains but now I need to explore here the rest of this Forest should be a few bosses I need to actually take care of this Bron Cherry Aqua here where the hell is it h would you look at that there's an entrance right here here yep there is that thing is [Music] huge time to try to capture [Music] it and there we go just needed to reduce its damage a bit so with that boss done we should go North what the hell is this guy Syndicate [Music] Crusher so we have a level 33 mamist and I remember how powerful this thing looked but now maybe we can take it out yeah I mean this thing is [Music] easy no way we got them m amous yeah so I've explored this part of the map too but since it's close to the other starting Islands it's not that high level but yeah we will take out this boss right here and then maybe the level 38 mamor rest there's also level 35 ver Dash there that I would like to get anyways this should be a walk in the park oh this Pokemon looks very [Music] nice let's try to capture it yep first try perfect so let's go take out some more bosses let's go for the ver [Music] Das ah please stop chasing [Music] me we have eight balls left [Music] no way second try how lucky have we been this whole time I mean we're so lucky I mean I'm feeling so confident I could take out the uh what is it the mamor boss here so ver Dash is he good level 30 hold then what do we unlock now fine bed metal structure set let's also see the mammo rest that we got where is it mammo rest level 33 Okay I need you to craft me some hyper spheres here let's see here not impossible [Music] right this is actually very doable yeah pleas stop chasing [Music] me I should have done this during the the day cuz now we cannot see oh my I am cold because it's night I cannot believe this yeah fire Pokémon are the best against Grass types interesting so when I have my van worm uh then I'm not [Music] cold ah that took quite some time but it's time to capture it 1% here we go 2% we can do this first try first try baby wow wow wow wow logging four man yeah that's the highest Pokemon yet what's going on now we've defeated all the bosses in the radius but there's one more here cix let's do that one yeah level 40 boss against level 30 player not an issue H okay let's do this [Music] so far so good not a problem when the thing is that if there's no time limit then what's stopping you oh no might be dead here [Music] well done time to try this yeah this will take quite some time but we have 26 hypers spheres 7% I mean I'm going to get it down to 1 HP okay 31 HP okay this time I'm not so lucky unless there we go four spheres left no way level 40 Pawn so let's see here how good is this thing uh somehow worse than our pawns yeah it's uh it's actually quite bad what is this caught 90 kinds of pals are you serious we only miss what is it 21 holy we have truly come far haven't we yeah we are doing very well so far I mean what the hell do we do now every single boss on the map has been check marked so yeah what the hell now level 48 aagon that is way too much but we explore the volcanic biome the good thing about verd Das here is that if he's out then it will increase the player's movement speed and apply grass damage well today is a brand new day to explore this wonderful world all of our pal are working pretty damn hard I'm just going to explore some remaining parts of the map just to see if I missed anything what the hell is this level 45 German tide and I catch this thing probably not but at least we discovered it it's huge yeah I explored some of that territory there but I think I'm going to go to the desert over here or the volcano or the snowy mountains here I'm going to have to make a lot more hypersphere now because I wasted them all on the last boss I also found this suso here and I believe we can catch one of those they seem very strong well then desert I'm back a dinosor looks I need that we move so damn fast with this [Music] Pokemon I'm to catch this Pokémon or maybe I don't waste my energy on this thing one more try H one more try there there we go okay we need to sleep but in the morning we get that dragon Pokemon oh there it [Music] is quite powerful but not an [Music] issue I can't try to capture it I will waste how many balls I need 7% is not too bad come on yes level 41 we are completing all of our quests quite quickly yeah I mean let's explore this area collect some eggs and just explore this Wildlife I mean the desert here is huge there's also something over there yeah let's just go home first and equip that suso how are we looking like susak um it's actually not that strong yeah I would like to enhance our health spere it's just so good that should be good enough for now h i see a village here a desert village I can guarantee you there will be a few Traders there and that suspicious Island over there Peaks my interests hello officers I have a gun on me but I can pass through right this guy is called PDF goody two shoes so what do we have here bunch of merchants you did well making it here there isn't much but take a load off and relax a oh my so here they sell much more useful items high quality pal oil and Bones I do need tomato and lettuce ah this is a very good Village what do you have to sell wandering Merchant heat resistant underwear and they also sell ammo and there was one more guy here he has some Pals dig toys wait I'm missing three of these I need to buy this pal right here and this this one right here and this one yeah that's like uh 75% of my money gone but I can sell off some good pals so we have 97 Pals registered we're almost done it's just these uh legendaries here perhaps well then it's time to head out it was nice what the hell is this Dark Knight holy KN of Legend paladius level 50 boss that is the max level yeah that's 20 levels higher than us so we're just going to scoot along but at least we know where they are anyways we're almost at the suspicious Island apparently this is the wildlife sanctuary uh level 44 Fango level 44 bushy do we have here level 43 tigon there is a level 48 tigon here criminal activity underway level 44 Shadow beak uh honestly if I want something I'm getting it uh please don't tell me we get one [Music] shot I don't care if we are criminals oh my goodness oh oh this is very bad oh this thing is so strong oh okay it's one oh no might be dead oh no fell through the map well that was a waste of energy now we cannot do anything okay I'll go for the tigon but it seems to be bugged through the floor as well the damn Shadow beak through the floor oh it's trying to attack the shadow beak that's probably what's going on uh 0.2% chance though now it seems to be going for us um okay uh how do I get out of here let's try this 0.3% yeah this will uh let's go as well 1.5 oh this is actually possible though yeah we only have three hypers spheres yeah two left one left and the final one unless yeah no it's uh it's impossible we can always come back here ah we killed it though uh yeah but my band worm is dead time to swim and climb all the way up there I think we will get depleted of stamina now yep that can happen I will have to revive my uh my dragon and fly back maybe get some more hyper balls we're making 26 hyperspheres that should be enough I've also captured enough lift monks here so we have the capture power of level five now let's see what was that thing we encountered it was the The Shadow beak here these are all legendaries I would assume anyways the van worm is here so it's simply time to get our loot loot back if it's gone that would be a disaster I see it I see the loot well looks like we made it thank goodness the loot didn't drop on the floor so we're back at the wildlife sanctuary so uh yeah let's just try this once again ah there's another Shadow beak right there we will just hide here for now damn it is cold here make sure to despawn the uh our Pals when he attacks [Music] yep Dodge Dodge for goodness sake is it even possible to catch this thing 0.09 no no no no no no no a we're dead we're is dead well van worm died but we still have our Nightwing no I might die to heat stroke come on 90 HP oh 7 h HP oh my got a heart attack there yeah everything is damaged though so we should head home what what the hell is happen okay yeah I'm out of here I'm not coming back here until I'm level 40 yep time to repair everything our inventory is stacked to the brim well we've organized all the items I got a bit distracted there let's just say that but it's time for the volcano I think that biome we can handle but I will need to get a lot of resources to repair my equipment and back to farming for reparations I got a bit too greedy there trying to get a level 45 pal when we're level 30 I can also make a metal base now that could be interesting but do I have the time to replace everything with metal it's time to upgrade the base full of metal make this whole base an industrial Zone I wonder why it sounds like I'm walking on grass when I'm walking on metal I guess it's still in Early Access so that will will be added chop down all the trees this planet will be industrialized well it looks like foundations very bad choice because well they're bugged in the floor now so my dreams are crushed um you know what it will have to work it will have to work so here's the progress on the base we have renovated it so much but I think it will be Worf it it looks much better much more organized well I would say that I'm satisfied with the state of the base now we can always expand it I want to make defensive walls but for now we should level up with this incubator there we go level 31 now we unlock what is it high quality spring Stone Gate I would also like to go and trade away some of our valuable items I will you sell away some of these items 25k I will take some of your bone because we need bone for cement you get a lot of XP from capturing low-level Pokémon so if you just want to level up then I would suggest you doing this and this and capture I mean for example 1,700 XP for level three Fox Sparks yes from a few captures we're almost halfway to level 32 but now we should be ready to go back to the volcano so what is there to explore here I mostly want to capture more Pals but level 31 exactly our level so we should be fine here there we go got one already I need a rep Tyro right here do not have that registered oh you killed it For Heaven's Sake I also found this cave earlier so level 40 boss I mean we can try it only nine levels above yeah this one is way more unique Manda looks I just going to mine some or try to capture it a it's already dead let me try to capture this guy only 5% unless uh do we get this machine gun oh well we need to take care of this dungeon here I will go straight ahead oh no to the right first ah would you look at that I think the boss is over here but so we have level 40 Nightwing I was expecting something greater oh it's burning to death what the hell half of its HP just disappeared from the lava oh no our Fang lob died as well oh well get the loot and get out of here okay we have another what is it trip Tyro here and I accidentally killed it again oh no I accidentally touched the fire am I going to die here I'm just dead I accidentally dismounted our Vine worm so that's happened let's see here scorching M shaft level 49 blossam it I'm sure that will go very well I found this sort of structure like a ruined place or something I see a Teleport there H there's another desert over there that I could check out so let's go the volcanic biome doesn't have a lot of dungeons not as far as I can see but what do we have here is this coal yeah some coal I think I will need this in the future in fact I see a village over there by the Sea Fisher man's point what do you have there's a Wandering Merchant here uh they have oh Mega spheres could be useful let's see what they have to say I saw it I'm telling you the other night there was this right beautiful shooting star but just as I was looking at it it turned and left now that I think about it that thing has some wings coming off of it could be it's still somewhere deep along this volcano yeah probably means the aagon there any good pals here I actually don't have an inceram here so I'm going to buy that new pal captured level 37 Fang L I need you it's at 1 HP we have to capture this H come it just died it just died that's a huge waterfall you know from past video games that there's going to be something behind it ah nothing here [Music] okay well got that falou ferocious we're almost level 32 yeah I think once we go home I'm going to try the strategy of just getting a bunch of regular pal balls and just getting a bunch of lowlevel Pals I wonder how fast that will level us up H another black markete here uh yeah I kind of bad pal Stone maybe I can sell you something what do we have here this is a new biome tropical jungle H we have a dungeon here level 40 what the hell is that thing a blaze H damn that thing looks um looks very good but we don't have any Poke Balls oh I hope that's not rare because I will have to go home level 32 ah what do we get now production assembly line 2 so I can upgrade the base so 110 pal spheres how much xp can we get from this we're at level 32 we need 77,000 XP I logged into the game and I seem to be stuck never mind well done time to capture a bunch of Pals one pal ball 2,000 XP that is absurd okay now we're only getting 32 XP all right how does this works you cannot capture too many or you get an XP reduction 2,000 XP for tant wait could it be the XP bonus and it gives 2,000 because the XP bonus okay so once I catch 10 of one then it's becomes irrelevant yeah so the capture bonus here is what I should try to get so for every single pal that would be the fastest way to level up well let's see if I get XP for buying yeah 2,500 XP so then production assembly line two well done we should be ready to upgrade yep we can have three number of bases now but ion only using this one so now I need an improved furnace that I will unlock in two levels yeah I completely forgot about my old base I'm going to have to unassign them you can stop being slaves now and we will sell you let's see here level 33 and this is the way to go you have to capture as many PS as possible oh we do get the hell spere saddle but it costs refined ingots I'm assuming you get that from the improved furnace yep well I'm going to explore further here so this part of the map and I need more Poke Balls oh my this pal here is um quite something eh quite something well 19 hypers spheres it's just time to go why not Farm some XP by killing bosses again come on relaxa orus 6,000 XP for that maybe re killing bosses would be a good plan as well it will reset in 1 hour another level 45 German tide I imagine if we could kill it well then German tide emperor of the sea this is a this is a [Music] lake yeah we deal no damage to this guy abort Oh No abort let me just reill one more boss and then we head out 6,000 exp let's see here how much is this 4,000 I've gotten real good at throwing those balls I do handle balls very well what the hell nuke pal German tide ingness I got that from a huge dragon egg if we can level that thing up yeah we definitely bring that on the adventures and it should level up with us by itself because that thing looks absolutely magnificent yeah look how fast our German tide is leveling up just by being in our party so we will go ahead and kill a few more bosses and then explore some more so who do we defeat wari maybe let's see here 6,000 XP a German TI is level 21 it's attack at level 21 is 353 this thing will become our most powerful Pokémon I would like to try something here what I'm going to do is place down a p box here and we're just going to assign some Pokemon here that can dig is that Mr Bowser what is that and that seems very nice so assign a bunch of miners here let's see how fast they can mine out this thing oh well this seems to be going all right based on a bunch of boxes here yeah look at this it's all automated well I guess I can leave this to them now we have gotten a lot of ore automatically yeah you will be farming a lot of iron ore or is it copper ore so it's best to have an outpost anyways let's get some more EXP so yeah explore this area level up level 34 oh my refined metal pickaxe axxe and all of this or we need to go home and do this wow now I need 111,000 XP wasn't it just like at 70,000 that's huge a grind is real I mean we've captured so many PS already we're almost halfway to level 35 so let's see here new production tab improve removed furnace okay A bit bigger than the old one so deconstruct let's see the recipe for refined ingots then uh select recipe refined Ingot oh all I need is coal and good thing I explored the volcano or was it it was right here I could find coal good thing I got that automatic farm up oh how are we doing here lot of ore 40 ore I can also make a saddle for my hell sphere which is quite nice [Music] what is this Pyon knock I only have one hypersphere though all right it's dead so let's see here a refined metal pickaxe get that oh my in two levels we get a singles shot rifle let's see how fast this pickaxe can mine this must be at least double the damage so double the speed oh I love it okay cold resistant metal armor Ah that's that is 80 refined ingots needed oh here we go one of the best armors oh I can also get a tomato Plantation didn't even notice I can also enhance my capture power to level six maybe I should level up my German tide it is so good at level 26 so one of our Pals is depressed Mr depresso here what I can do is feed him a highgrade medical supply where the hell did you go and now he's nice and happy there we go I have to get more coal from the desert biomes I'm just looking for some level 47 unus boss what is this H there it is 4,000 HP so how does our new armor look like looks very similar to the old armor but oh well I mean we have way more HP with this armor got a few more dig toes from the desert I think these are the best miners good good good mining operation I mean these Bowsers are just rolling on on them spin me round baby right right round so here we go hell spere saddle now my van worm will be useless it has been nice having you though oh our party is Decked Out Fango ver Das bushy hell spere and German tide oh we can upgrade the base now I forgot Max palome Base are limited by the world settings well 15 is good okay house Fier saddle let's do this now we can ride this bad boy how fast is it this thing is much much faster yeah this is what we need this is what we needed anyways let's get some more pal spheres and head out H 29 hypers speres we're going to go out and catch some more Pals oh maybe I go for the cold why not oh this might be the biggest mountain yet have to climb this what is this level 40 cry links Fire versus Ice works fine even though we're Seven Levels lower we still feel so powerful 3% 14% oh we got it first try 5,000 XP for that a mamor rest chis now let's capture this shoot the damn thing and capture it oh 1% I'm not wasting my balls on this yeah one more try yeah no I'm not doing this level 45 boss well we're on top of this huge Tower what is that giant tree well at least I'm at top of this Tower we can view the whole map from here you know I would like to try to get the Legendary Palace where I was in the island there here we go so I want to get those legendary Pals I'm a greedy man we reached this in like 30 seconds I love this new hell spere saddle uh yeah no legendaries here I'm going to to despawn these by going away and then come back let's see here so we have um level 40 orer yeah this thing is not very strong eh no no do not kill it oh almost dead Okay 12% we need to get this come on 13 come on on 43 n yes oh my finally that is huge Lord of lightning logging Foreman that's the first one I had to despawn them many times to get what I wanted this um as Theon what is that oh no that is the one we tried to capture the shadow [Music] beak Shadow Beak he will be ours oh no it's still very strong though damn it's much stronger than the than the previous lightning Pokemon yeah absolutely destroyed let's try to capture it a 5% come on 6% this one will be extremely hard or [Music] yes what the hell boy from the depths of insanity it's very existent should not be oh I need to go home and check this one out no way when do I get the saddle for this thing level 47 okay we have just gotten one of the best Pals so let's check this one out we got the orer 585 damage and Shadow beak 224 damage okay Shadow beak you are um you're actually quite uh not too weak beak well then this is our new deck it's uh quite good Shadow beak yep yeah how the hell did we get this thing let's see here attack I think would be the best yeah what the hell we need to take out a few bosses now we should be strong enough for that for example the German tide level 45 should be easy well we have our raid on our Outpost so Shadow beak [Music] uh seems like they're dead oh Shadow beak you have aggressive so more attack but less defense well 40 hypers spheres I should be able to capture this boss we also have the Anubis okay German tide it is time German tide versus stman tide although water beats fire let's see here O [Music] zerk O Level 35 although I'm not sure if we will win this [Music] battle I should have done this when I'm level 35 cuz I can get better spheres the or zerk is so good I mean lightning on water is the best ah a bit bugged there okay where the where the hell is it going it's just flying 1,800 HP left H 0.1 I mean how am I supposed to win this I think it's uh it's a bit bugged uh what what's going on here get it nice and low so we can catch it we have 38 spheres I mean 4% is uh it's not impossible come on 4% oh no way this game is too easy wow that took a long time though yeah we have a legendary serpent let's see here German tide this thing where is it sort by level my goodness it's uh not that strong apparently apparently my German tide Ignus is stronger yeah this thing is uh actually huge so level 35 Ultra sphere I will need a sphere assembly line to that looks very expensive circuit board I need and carbon fiber okay okay so I'm going to make a base here a coal mining base because i' reckon I'll need a lot of coal I'm going to set up shop right here oh a dig toys to mine it it got one shot well then pal boox it's time to do this yep the Bowsers are rolling while The Outpost here are so loud the Outpost here is done I would say just a few more chests and we can leave this beam and then will automatically collect coal I need circuit boards so I need pure quartz uh the only place I can find that is right around here so how many Pals have you registered 105 out of 111 there is 111 here but I'm missing way more than uh than six no look at this I'm missing more than six well then sphere assembly that thing is long so then let's see here Ultra sphere yeah that is um quite expensive but this will capture most Pals it's the second best sphere well I have a lot of balls here so it's time to head out let's test out this Ultra sphere here or actually I should just use uh hyperspheres for this a don't tell me I'm dead here these things are vicious let's see here new dungeon level 40 boss why [Music] not yeah I mean this Shadow beak is um it's quite powerful new Palo Su [Music] looks H killing these guys actually gain you a lot of XP what the hell someone is bombing me up I mean the shadow beak is too good I think we're almost done with the dungeon but where the hell is the boss room well then here is the damn boss boss what the hell a h come on we only have two more balls oh no ah this is uh my last ball yeah know it's it's over what the hell is this level 50 jetr gon yep get me the hell out of here well we have explored a lot but I want to go home so almost level 36 I will just capture a few Pals and then we can get the uh the assault gun the singleshot rifle that is quite simple to make come on level 30 there we go level 36 oh then it's finally time the single shot rifle high quality cloth rifle ammo and then next level we get refined metal armor and then double barrel shotgun at level 39 let's see here where is this rifle should be right over here I was so confused why I couldn't find this single shot rifle apparently it's this thing right here but in the menu here it looks very different as you can see ah okay this looks like the musket but it must be different it deals 1,00 damage so 100 damage more than the musket it must have a faster reload time right yeah I'm definitely going to have to upgrade this Shadow be even further max out its attack please okay let's test out the reload much much faster way better look at this so one two this is wonderful yeah we're going to have to do a lot of grinding now for what is it refined metal refined ingots here so I will have to get a lot of ore but then with this we can take out the remaining bosses no well we have a lot of ammo and ultrasphere is here so I think it's time to head out so maybe check out some bosses in this area or actually what I wanted to do is try to take out the boss at this Tower I believe I died to this guy they had like 130,000 HP but this time we should be able to take them out yes yes we've already seen this before here we go very good oh my what the hell is that attack but I've underestimated it yeah this is this is not worth it this is not worth it we we haven't even gone halfway yeah I think this is like level 45 at least because that thing has so much HP we were at 6 minutes and it had like 100,000 HP or something okay apparently there are more bosses in the desert here so let's explore ah speaking of which why haven't I tried out this Tower right here it's a shame it doesn't say the level of the Tower and the level of the Tower or the recommended level so I'm just going to have to go in there and see for myself who is this guy a the final boss okay pay to win or what ah okay we will we will do this ha Marcus and feris this one is even harder no no no no no take my life I don't care take my life yeah so the desert biome is harder than the volcano biome that's that's good to know H new boss level 45 susak yeah we deal no damage with our [Music] muskets [Music] yeah come on we're almost there okay it's time to uh try to capture it but 2% goes up to 11% not bad first try baby oh never mind we're using Ultra spheres here so quite expensive yes okay there we go there we go we got it 25,000 XP ah I think it's uh maybe time to go home well then heat resistant refined metal armor found this great schematic out on my travels so I was doing a bit of research on what is it the breeding Farm here I think I misunderstood it a bit so let me try to construct it again okay breeding farms you need cake here here yeah cake here I need milk and eggs so I was looking at a male pen King and what is it a female bushy or the other way around will work in the ranch this should produce an Anubis so there we go the Anubis apparently is the only pal that has level four hand workk which is really important for crafting we got breeding Farm not enough cake but it's uh it's breeding now you can see the egg I'm going to have to buy some milk and egg uh I'm going for the milk my pals you will hopefully see me back soon let's see here you should have some eggs here we go by like 50 of those and a bunch of milk don't worry kids I'm coming back with this so how much cake can I make six I like how the bushy and the pening have the current task of busy as if they're not mating so I got the cake here and there we go the huge Rocky egg I will be stealing that and uh yeah this will take quite some some time well since we're going to get an Anubis why not kill the Anubis boss so it should be right over here there it is wa I forgot about my fire armor I'm taking damage let's see here there it is heat resistant refined armor even better than my cold resistant refined armor but I guess you have to switch when you're in the Heat or in the cold another huge Rocky egg we're going to get a lot of these huh well done guardian of the Dark Sun [Music] honestly this shouldn't be a problem come on or zerk I summon you oh I guess lightning is not too strong against this what the hell that's a new attack what was she doing oh really rip my orz [Music] zerk why is she walking like that that is the best bug ever uh-oh oh my almost dead I mean I love this one I love this bug it's almost time to capture it zero point oh no this is the wrong sphere and there we go not 7% not bad a she dodged it I'm not sure about this one I will just have to kill it unless yeah no actual way Earth Emperor oh my we are killing absolutely everything on the map I think I found a trick here so when your pals get down they will usually have to recover for 10 10 minutes but if you assign them to a pal at base and carry them into one of these sleeping spots then they can recover and then you can instantly bring them back here to recover anyways Anubis how good are you oh my 730 attack this thing is insane for hand work let's see here yeah this thing is extremely strong I'm sorry bushy but I feel like you aren't as good as you were while this thing has 20% increase to Earth attack down damage and hul again so more attack but less work speed we're getting a lot of these Rocky eggs this is insane yeah breeding farms are the way to go I have a lot of items that I need to sell so I'm going to go to a merchant and do that yeah yes getting rid of a bunch of garbage here 33k we can also upgrade the base now because we need to construct two pal large beds but the thing is that nothing changes at level 16 or is it 177 I mean look how com that is better than my bed in Game of course oh now I see how this pal condensation works so you select the main pal that you want to level up and then you select the um the excess that will be sacrificed go in here I need you to breed level 16 so for level 17 we need a refined metal chest that's at level 39 yeah a lot of the pals do get stuck sometimes which is a bit annoying but what can you do with the an is working on everything it goes so much faster let's see here assigned to cement how fast will this take yeah cement usually takes forever but with Anubis everything is possible well it's almost night and I looked into the pal deck here if we take the tigon here its habitat is where we were where we got the shadow beak so I'm thinking we go there during the night and try to find one the aagon would be insane so what do we have here we actually don't have a lene I think think so we need to capture one Aus we can shoot the damn thing look how much damage it's [Music] taking 23% there we go this time we got it New Pal Spirit Emperor I also see another ozerk there level 44 but we do not need that let's despawn these mobs and hope for an tigon H another sh Shadow beak we do not need that there it is the atigun well big guy let's do this oh my goodness you killed it well if we killed it then it must not be so strong uh yeah that was unexpected yeah know let's just go home we can always get it from the volcano biome level 48 tigon so then Lin uh yeah wow she's actually a very good pwn for the base and look looks like we have the incubator for the anabis incubation complete so this should work there we go anubus I would like to have one of these working on the base come on Anubis I need you to work on handworking there we go work on the balls I'm going to craft a lot of hyperspheres here and go around catching a bunch of Pals so I think around this area here maybe some in the snow mountains because they're way cheaper and what is it the old reres are so expensive so incredibly grindy to get but don't want to spend my whole days just grinding anyways so Anubis here welcome I just need two more and then I can upgrade this Anubis well then 48 hypersphere so let's go what does this cold place have to offer have Pokémon here can you shoot them they're so weak when the pal ball shakes for the third time that's when you know you've gotten it h bunch of cake caves here there's one right there there's something in here level 46 Ice King Paka big guy let's do [Music] this it's not even attacking what is going on here you're you're sniffing his butthole I mean this has been very easy even though it's 10 levels above us okay it's time to stop you're almost going to kill it 11% not bad yeah this might be uh might be too hard actually we only have one more Ultra sphere yep we have zero left so it's over unless 3% let's just kill it 360 boom 360 no scope boom one HP what is that goodbye yeah we got 26,000 XP for just killing it so I think we should just kill everything thing don't capture them what is this future technical manual use it to obtain lots of Technology points and we have 45 of them but I'm only getting the useful stuff oh my goodness I'm going to die why the hell is it so cold I'm also wearing um cold resistant armor so what the hell is going on it's because it's night yeah this is quite bad because now I have to wait I should get to the teleporter here I cannot see okay yeah I think I see the exit oh no I'm [Music] dead oh my goodness guys I'm climbing on air where the hell is this teleporter come on oh I'm I'm dead that is very very awkward uh it should be right here H okay we're we're fine right oh no my armor o 8 HP Jesus I'm not coming back here during the night then well it is day once again so we're going to head back now I know I need to return the hell home once it's dark so there was a cave opposite to the boss so I think I'll take it out mamor rest Cris oh it's just dead the shadow beak is too good level 45 boss I mean we took out the level was it 48 King Paka the good thing with these caves is that they usually have palum like this so very cheap and easy to get oh these people are quite strong the hell is going on here there we are smelting everyone my goodness these guys are strong okay they're all soon gone jeez these guys are really strong one of them are in the walls in the back rooms okay the boss room is here and what is that thing called quiver level 42 so it's not level 48 yeah I don't think there's a chance to catch it I mean 5% we will just kill it and gone there we go level 37 do we unlock now refined metal armor I do not need refined metal Helm I do need let's explore this area once more a wom bow I'm pretty sure I don't have this [Music] right only 8% I will have to come back with ultra spheres although I do have 32 hypers spheres come on one of them at least yes oh we got one of them I'm happy with that oh another dungeon we can check out although it will be night soon which is a huge problem luckily it's warm inside there lunaris we do not have that what the hell is that Maria what is this thing oh I got the lunar still we can kill these guys this thing is going to kill us come on I accidentally killed it so we have registered 110 out of 111 but I'm I'm definitely seeing more than one if we only need one more there's like one two three there's a lot all right into the boss room we have a m chist now sh the damn [Applause] things and this one is also dead oh well summon the German tide okay it is um it is daytime now and I found another Maria here so I guess they spawn in the ice biome during the night 10% is um quite bad on this yeah first try what is this level 50 Frost alion boss we are not taking that thing out well let's go home because I think we can take out these bosses here especially the aagon I would like to try I think now that I'm level 37 I will make a refined metal Helm we have a lot of ubis now let's see here this is our seventh one this is the main pal here so one and then 2 3 four so it's Max HP will go up attack as well and defense condensation complete the pal has become stronger thanks to the noble sacrifices of its companions well then the nbis yeah you're pretty good have you ever mined or with a rifle wow now you can just like this these pals are working so lazily I'm going to to demand brutal work for them come on my slaves work harder well I have 25 Ultra spheres so I'm going to go for tigon W where the hell is this tigon I think I found it must be this one right here destroyed M shaft okay here it is Aon quite strong but not an issue oh no yeah the AI is a bit bugged [Music] uhoh oh that could be deadly uh-oh ah that was so close yes chilling all of us are just relaxing halfway there soon I think the anabis and the shadow beak are the best for this so damn dark that it's [Music] night we're almost there 0.5% I only have 20 five Ultra spheres prepared well then I think it's time o 1.57 now H 6% honestly not too bad let's get it down a bit [Music] lower 2% with a hypers sphere or no way no no no way I didn't even use the ultra sphere it was a a hypers sphere okay game 2% chance that is uh yeah okay um let's get the hell back home and summon this damn thing yeah that was quite nice very very good fight I also need a rep Tyro for my pal deck so get one of those yeah there we go nice so then what is it Aon only 533 attack but look at it defense the shadow beak has a defense of 469 and this one has 722 a female Aon I wonder what would happen if I bred the aagon and the shadow beak but the aagon is so massive we will need some more cake or we have one cake let's see what baby they get so let's see here just a large Frozen egg no that's not useful you two are coming back in the party the Aon and who do I replace I think the German tide will we'll have to go well then we have one of the best parties in the game so now what do we do we need to capture more Pals I'm going to bring my thermal underwear here so we don't freeze to death during the night okay my um my pals here are getting depressed so we can go back to Humane War well I think I'll explore the rest of the desert first and then the snow biome have a cave here so let's just quickly take care of it level 38 boss that's sour level a blaze Hall no Turnal first try baby there we go well here is the damn boss room this was hard to find well then flame Bell it's time absolutely demolishing this [Music] boss [Music] 37% and almost level 38 ooh pump action shot gun schematic that's this thing right here I can afford it now the problem is I still need to reach 39 for the shotgun ammo but imagine me pumping up these Pals oh well time to capture a lot of Pals and explore for XP what the hell is this level 44 minting he's supposed to be right here H there must be a cave somewhere could be yeah this must be it so what do we have here a giant scorpion [Music] oh my what the hell was that I'm blinded this one is just so fast so it seems harder than the tigon its attacks are fast it's mov so fast well it's time to try to cap capture it so this one has 3% so slightly higher than the aagon we only have seven ball Stone oh we got it thank you Game level 38 okay what the hell do I spend my skill points on maybe attack this time level 38 I get a lettuce Plantation and a refrigerator thank you just one more level and then I get shotgun shells I haven't explored these two islands here completely ly so I will head over there oh there's a boss here level 38 wo okay ah do not kill it please do not kill it yep yes try to 31% I mean surely there we go another one in Our Deck we have registered 116 PS yeah I'm not sure how the system works but I love it new boss here level 31 Manda looks oh shiny Lambo hello you want to go into my ball yeah there should be a walk in the park where the where the hell where is he going ah just like in Mario when you take out the bad guys they fly to the Stars where the hell is that Manda going and you're not escaping me though he literally just disappeared and despawned there he is once again oh no I'm starving I need some eggs we have no more food so I really need to get back home okay I think I see a Teleport right there or is that a dungeon never mind a Teleport so finally go home after this long journey so the Scorpion that we captured here we go 487 attack it's actually quite good it has the passive skill Swift yeah probably explains why it's so damn fast but I might actually take this into our party yeah I'm not sure though all of our Pals here are much better H got this skill fruit here solar blast um who do we use this on I think the aagon Here We Go Solar blast Yep this will be great I would like to make that shotgun that we got the schematic for so pump action shotgun I'll need a lot of metal for it I'm going to buy a lot of shotgun ammo here how much can I get let's just get a 150 so a green uncomon pump shotgun yeah so this Colony here is now extremely bad weaken depressed sprain over full I want you to mine and not complain well let's test this damn thing out so we're going to shoot at something we have nine ammo Let's test the range okay this is real gun this is finally a real real gun come back here do not run away oh my we can just kill everything instantly ah what now we need to explore the rest of the tundra I suppose here the loot in the chests are the best I think in this winter biome I need more P fluids so let's just pump them up 1 2 three don't need a Berry Farm anymore I want a lettuce Farm now I highly believe we can take out the tower here now at the tower of the brothers of the Eternal p with the DPS of the pump shotgun it shouldn't be a problem yes sir I've already seen you before it's time to [Music] go look how much damage this thing deals not even 202 and it's down to 118,000 now Earth is supposed to be very powerful against electricity there we go 2,500 damage in one attack yeah they Anubis here is demolishing it what the hell is this [Music] attack damage on the Anubis is way too strong in this case she is the strongest pal yes because it's an electric Pokémon oh so now I know the reason why we deal red damaged with our shotgun when we had the Anubis because she applies ground damage to any attack that I do so that's why she's so strong oh well he should be dead yeah it's over it's actually over we did it okay let me finish him off there we go and there we go boss eliminated how much xp did we get from that a lot huh but yeah what the hell is next so I have another plan here I think we can take out this boss right there I might be too overconfident but I think it has like 160,000 HP I'm going to buy all the ammo that I can with the loss of my money that should be enough so shotgun ammo I can get 95 that's um it's not enough okay never mind I'm going to level up to level 39 so I can craft more ammo and my shotgun is almost broken as well have you ever Min metal with a shotgun well now you can yeah this is also a funny bug when they try to haul a lot of the same item and this will happen you have to manually come and pick it up there 60 wood yeah you better work on my spheres here you know what happens if you don't but now we're ready to head into the rest of the mountain to explore what is this new boss ly nocturnal I think I see the entrance right there level 49 should be an issue and we barely deal any damage with the shotgun oh no don't tell me I'm [Music] [Music] dead oh no let's see here 4% uh 6% maybe could work so on average one every 20 balls will work I mean not too bad we have 18 left never mind we got it no how are we this lucky this must be bugged rigged well I'm not not complaining anyways it will soon be night so let's get the hell back home okay lilene you are actually not too good H she does provide healing I think if you have her um out then you can press F and then activate healing I mean could be useful but I don't know who to replace so the next boss that I would like to take out is the Blaser so we're going to get some more shotgun ammo I think I'll buy some and then we will head out going to make a lot of ultra spheres for this I can buy 100 ammo exactly the blossom it entrance should be right here here it is level 49 basut so you can challenge your brother the aagon I already took him out I barely deal any damage with my shotgun it's so damn dark in [Music] here oh my hell spere died I guess I'll have to walk [Music] home well even though he is 11 levels higher than us first try oh I don't think so well we have 17 Ultra spheres so ah halfway there we might not be able to make it but considering my luck shouldn't be an [Music] issue as I said I predict myself 38k XP the flame Emperor well that was fun uh all the bosses here have almost been defeated level 50 jetr gon yeah we will see about that one I will have to walk to this teleportation right here because well my heal of died as I said so I'm almost about to level up to 39 but I'm going to sell off a few items here and then catch some Pals almost 4 4K gold for all of this and how is the blossam flame Emperor So 20% increase to fire damage and waterproof my he seems extremely strong he has better defense and attack than the tigon I think uh or maybe not the orer can work on the base and the aagon comes in the team so this is our party and there we go Blaze hole got us to level 39 so let's go back and make some more shotgun ammo think I level up health so I would like to take out the boss at the desert Tower which is right over here I'm going to need at least what is it 250 ammo because that's the durability on the pump action shotgun a raid here take care of all of them they won't even make it to the base at this rate this is how you take care of things in America you know this is how you take care of things when they step on your property after farming for this battle we have 315 ammo I believe we've seen this cinematic before so I'm just going to skip it yeah this guy again we can do it yeah I don't want to waste my time we are clearly underleveled I'm just dead to AO behind me well let's try this again I'm not sure if we are highly enough leveled that seems like a level 45 type of battle maybe if I get my German tide and try again maybe that could work while the German tide is the only good water type we have so we can try again if the DPS is high enough then um H I'm not sure about that though I'm not so sure about that yeah I'm not going to waste my time on this this does not seem winnable at all get all my loot back and we shall head out of here well level 40 is so far away I'm going to have to grind a lot of Pals but I would like to explore the remaining part of the ice map right here oh my goodness assault rifle schematic uh out of a random chest right here not sure if that's every chest but what the hell an uncommon assault rifle we're supposed to unlock that at level 45 yeah oh my Let's uh let's craft this thing we might have a chance against the boss we cannot craft the ammo as well but we should have a lot stock piled and we can buy some so we can finally afford it The Uncommon assault rifle yeah let the anabis work on that we do have 138 assault rifle ammo from our adventures but it's very expensive to buy because well assault rifle uses up 30 ammo in a few seconds so finally the real gun an assault rifle H I think my character is a bit bugged with the T pose oh well uh let's see this assault rifle 24 in a MAG yes four shots okay is that enough for the boss battle let me try if it's not enough plus with the shotgun then I don't know what to do let's go okay okay decent [Music] DPS damn it feels so good but oh we're taking damage feels so good to fire this thing I also need to use my shotgun but this thing has such high DPS I'm not sure if this is still enough but we can try [Music] and am out of assault rifle ammo already and yeah I think we haven't dealt enough [Music] DPS if we can kill him while we're in the air maybe that will work oh never mind a my shotgun is damaged now there's nothing we can do right yep it was a good attempt but we don't have any more [Music] DPS I simply think we need to just level up I mean I think that's all there is to it because when we level up then we can get assault rifle ammo and our Pals also level up which means more DPS to get our loot back and go home we need to level up but anyways it has been a 100 days in pal world so we leveled up to 39 we got 120 PS registered if you want to look through here we're just missing the legendaries and some small ones here and there but yeah quite the game one of the best survival games I've played so that's something that's a lot of bugs but overall I enjoyed it but I guess we'll have to say goodbye to our Pals here they will just relax in this beautiful base but yeah thank you for watching and if you're bored then watch this video next
Channel: veequeue
Views: 420,520
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gIEg2LXBhew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 175min 51sec (10551 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2024
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