Can I Survive with Animals ONLY in Rimworld?

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hello welcome to More Rim world so we're going to try to survive here with animals only so how this is going to work is I'm playing on the hardest difficulty here so I'm just going to change here you can see Randy random 500% losing is fun and the goal is to only have the animals steal damage or spike traps for example we are not allowed to deal damage ourselves so we are simply going to start right off let's see here get some music in and uh yeah let's just start this off welcome on board everyone so welcome to rim world I'm just going to show you the ideology the Rancher ideology here this means that well eating plants is not the greatest you want to eat animals uh but you get a bunch of Buffs to ranching and then we have silver here our Rancher nine animals double passion quite all right welcome everyone you could count Mex as Mechanical Animals that would be quite dope animals and mexs so yeah we're just going to start right off I think the plan is to get some berry bushes and try to tame an animal with the berries so what can we get here a CO cougar cougar would be quite good um I have a mod so you can draft the animals you don't have to micromanage them 30% chance of Revenge if we do not tame it maybe a horse oh the stallion do the stallions need a pen I have no idea but horses seem gred welcome aboard everyone how you doing I'm doing very well okay let's get some berry bushes here here here we go one 2 we only have three plants because well I don't think plants will be that important we have a bunch of food growing here for the animals who are in a temperate zone here all year growing period all I will need is probably some hay which I can grow in this rich soil let me pick this up and see if we can tame this thing is it uh 15 food per animal hello hello everyone thank you for your content makes me super happy unlike all the current events I'm happy to hear that and yeah this is working taming stallion so we can just go forth back and forth until we get one of these things come on Silver come on oh there we go that's how you do it so these things are pen animals I think or that's unfortunate the thing is that we can only use spike traps until we get a draftable animal like a cougar maybe a wolf but I think we're going to go right here in the middle of the map set up camp so let's take this thing back we will need a fence and such uh we can leave it be for now how does this challenge work so uh the colonist cannot deal damage so only outside sources and the main focus will of course be animals um so I wanted to try this by excluding spike traps but I think we might need spike traps just in the beginning maybe we will see we will need to tame a cougar here but we might die taming it we will see anyways get down this uh tree get some fences up and start uh yeah constructing our Zoo horses are op yeah I do not like uh or I mean it's not that bad but in the 1.2 update they removed a feature where uh um while regular animals they now need to be in a pen you cannot control them so there's no way to control this stallion all you can do is rope it in in an area here and let it breed uh before you could have them go through all kinds of area you could set them to go wherever uh but now only a few animals can do that do you have a mod that lets you ride animals gy up I do not have that I probably should have but uh well it's quite all right I can add it later on let's see here we are not in the greatest mood eight without a table that's good get a pen marker up then we want to get a door want to get a bed um preferably get just a small shack here just for the night did we tame a female or male horse where are you um there it is a male stallion uh welcome aboard St we will haul you in yep there we go leading stallion how many animals to people are you planning to have probably 10 so if we have five colonists we will have 50 animals we cannot have too much because then we lag out the game but we need enough to deal with raids okay now we need some food now the thing is that we have the Rancher meme so we cannot really eat plants I think we get a moody buff from eating plants uh soed human food plants minus 4 so I think we might have to butcher this stallion up it's the easiest way VQ I'm curious does the Dual streaming setup combine twitch and YouTube into one chat yeah exactly I can see twitch and YouTube chat at the same time but welcome aboard everyone to a very good stream this going to be a great stream of course we are not going to die like we have in the previous streams 3 hours in we're totally going to survive 100 [Music] days okay so far so good I'm never used to round I mean I've always wanted to do a playr with this I mean it's not so bad quite peaceful hypothermia 2° C uh-oh uhoh um okay we need to slaughter this thing up maybe but we need to sleep now okay should get warmer during the day that that is so bad how did I land in a 3 Celsius tempered Forest okay butcher that thing up I prefer YouTube because I can watch parts that I miss yeah that's true cannot do that on Twitch not during the stream at least [Music] um but yeah you should watch me over on Twitch though if you're here on YouTube uh my second stream ever on Twitch so switch over I'm streaming on both platforms right now still getting hypo F me up although it's not so bad now 13 Celsius but damn we are sad eat that thing make a roof and be happy be happy is Twitch name the same it's uh it's VQ instead of the two e in the beginning of the name it's an I so it's the same pronunciation but I've pinned it in the YouTube chat and in the description if you want to check out the stream here okay is there a way to make music always play it's quite silent oh there we go turn it up to 15 20 cat or dog personally I'm a dog person yeah I said it I like dogs I have had uh four or five dogs and never had a cat so that's probably why why what are we doing butcher this thing up make a butcher's table any advice how to make Rim world not lag in the mid too late game H any mod to fix it I would recommend Rocket Man and performance Optimizer and uh if you want to really improve the FPS or the TPS and you need to get a better CPU yeah the Computing PO is what really improves the game so if you have a bad CPU your game will lag this is something that I've always wanted the reason I never go up to 30 colonists in my playthrough is because of the lag I wish Rim world would be more optimized here we go tons of meat baby we're going to be ranching so now would like to take over this whole Shack here we have five constructions so deconstruct this still getting hypothermia stop complaining I have a question do you have 300 days on zombie apocalypse well 200 days yes came out an hour ago uh so every 5 days I try to upload so 5 days from now is when part three will come out wonderful get a a campfire so you can stop freezing it's only 12 Celsius you're weak what's your specs uh I have a ryzen 7 CPU 2070 super Nvidia graphics card 16 GB of RAM so it's uh on the higher side here we go still so [Music] cold go back to sleep maybe eat some food no chickens we're getting some chickens we have to we have to so here's the Strat to get food we're not going to grow any rice because that gives us a minus for Moody buff so we will just get some berry bushes and then go up to a random animal tame it and then cut off its neck then we get free meat and free lever that we can sell yeah close off the roof here we can sell the lever for silver and more animals it will be like a Compound Effect you butcher animals you get more silver more animals it's all going to go well imagine making a FBO Farm getting a fromo would be the ultimate goal yeah I learn English with you and that's funny cuz I'm not English myself an English man or uh I don't come for from an English speaking country so it's uh more of a second language but I speak it so much now I've spoken it so much that I've just learned it that's not perfect though by any means this run would have been fun with Alpha animals yeah that is true some mods I believe they have special abilities so that is true um we're going to get some more wood and then the shack should be up the farmer Shack perfect and I'll get a table and chair maybe get a torch lamp I'm from Sweden Yuki ukil is that how I pronounce it I'm terrible at Rim world how do I stop being terrible at Rim World honestly I would say in the beginning play on a slightly harder difficulty then just try to reload and save every time you make a mistake cuz just learning from mistakes is the easiest way to improve are you going to do animal racism or buy animal slaves animal slaves I've never heard of wait can you buy animal slaves you mean furries Eakin what why the hell did they I I forgot to claim the Limestone door a cougar just entered my house and ate my meat H interesting well this thing is trapped now so do we try do we try to tame it that's the question here we go now I want this thing out of here would be too risky to tame it no open that door there we go a cougar entered your house and ate my meat exactly okay why is your first Pawn always called Silver she was a patreon yeah and I like the name so one of my first ever patrons and I've just been going with it okay now I want to tame even more animals we have a bunch of horse meat we like to cook down the food though how much cooking do we have zero skill in cooking ah oh that would take forever which animal is the best the fro yeah the FBO is just the best animal in vanilla room world but of course it will be almost impossible B to tame one unless you get a taming inspiration food poisoning no interesting so what should we tame next a bear or a cougar 30% chance I love gambling so let's try it let's try it everyone this might be over if we fail please no please 15% chance so I did all of that for nothing okay what's a safer animal to tame um I think I'm going to take some muffalo muffalo are [Music] nice okay I click on the F on the stream and the first thing I see is no animals and a lot of horse meat um so we're going to raise animals and kill the excess ones so we're a Rancher we only like eating meat as you can see let's get some more berry bushes and tame the mufs we have ancient danger yeah I don't see I use for the ancient dangers um at least not now but we will see get some more berry bushes maybe around here one two three welcome to the Midwest exactly you yes wait for the animals to grow up and tame there we go a male muffalo and we want a female one so then we will have these muffalo get a lot of kids oh you know what was there a turtle here what tortoise yeah that's me and you can control tortoise toroes so VQ here a female tortoise is there a male one oh guys if I could get the uh the toroes that's the way to go that is the way to go but here we go mufo silver be a monkey farmer I see what you mean but we're not on a jungle we're not in a jungle so unfortunately no monkeys here okay taming fos is complicatedly easy you got to box them in and start a fire and then rescue them once they're down interesting hopefully we can uh get a rare fumo event but I think for now getting a tortoise Army is the way to go think about it they uh their shells deflect bullets do they eat meat do they eat my [Music] meat let's see here raw meat yeah they do eat raw meat okay it's good to hear 19% chance what the hell with almost 10 animals [Music] no okay we just want to tame everything they don't have train ability though do you have a train mod uh no I don't think so uh these things the pen animals cannot be trained to uh guard attack rescue or Hall they changed that in 1.2 why didn't you start as an edin I did actually to start um but they do have a few downsides uh I mean the good animals better animals is of course uh all right and their animal ability which allows them to get animals to attack any threat is also right but they do have slow wound healing and no mining they're bad at mining so we're just going to go for a baseliner oh there we go we actually got the male tortoise you already know what we're naming him VQ the tortoise and this thing will hang around here yes defending the base so whenever we get a raid we will just have it by the door and it should take care of any raid okay we need more food though want to get a female mufo um you right there you right there you need some Eakin slave or colonist yeah I should get more pawns but I think also getting bomal opes would be good you can get bomal Lopes and then harvest the chem fuel for chem fuel generators free Power I didn't know Turtles for Zone able yeah uh it's weird some animals are zable now and some aren't some are just pen animals I wish you could toggle it but I guess it's balanced there we go female muffalo so now we will get a bunch of wool and milk want to ideally expand the pen the animals can uh if they're cold they can stand up on upon the steam gazer and get warm just let the 300 Celsius water warm them up so get some more wood and then expand the Army must grow hey man love your content hope your colonist can escape thank you CRI we will of course manage that this a food from animals only and a defense from animals only thing now I don't want to eat plants because I I picked this Rancher meme so this means that if you seow animal uh no seow human food plant you get a minus for Moody buff uh so eating meat is preferred but as you can see at at the stats there plant work speed uh 30% less tame animal chance 20% more animal gather yield 20% more animals learning factor is doubled so that's why Rancher meme from the ideology DLC level 10 animals we are leveling up you mean boiled alive oh you know what I could have a pen here oh wait I have a genius idea thank you if I want to kill an animal you just overheat it in here now that's unnecessary when you can just slaughter them this Rancher good yeah the good thing is you have an auto Slaughter here so what you can do is set the max for how many animals you want so it will automatically Bucher when it exceeds the limit let's say you have uh set it to four fros or four Buffalo Max once it reaches five uh it's automatically slaughtering and you get free meat and so you can live off of your own animals that way never have to plant any food would you ever do a run where you have to accept every Quest yeah to be honest most quests are not ideal but I think it wouldn't be too bad now [Music] okay okay open this [Music] up and of course the pen has been expanded so more food a this music is great though so I think the next animals we want to tame are horses or are bucks good these things um food consumption is slow you know what we're going to get one of each animal that's the plan oh there we go they just uh M it so now we will get some animal FBO muffalo kids why do I mix those up [Music] okay need more food um get these berry bushes oh we need our rat we need a rat come on get this yes 41% okay we will need a male and female rats they can eat the corpses of human Raiders uh how do you defend yourself so you just get this animal here you put it in a Zone and just like that you keep this door open and then the animals can fight so I think that will work but we will [Music] see you need a bow or some traps so I cannot deal any damage with um anything other than the animals so yeah no colous combat I have to rely on the animals to take care of frats [Music] um get this perfect will you get more colonists yeah I think so but for now one Rancher should be enough um okay let's see here let's get a oh a timber wolf how high of a chance do we have to tame this thing cuz a timber wolf would carry us um H I also got a donation here $5 uh I need to read this up soon but let me see here um Timber wolf let's try it let us try [Music] it this is a great song very good [Music] song okay W and silver taming the rat and and success come on 41% what is this luck tame this rat oh no we got one rat a female rat um ratty ratty the rat so these things are also um o now these things uh can also be zoned so what we do with this is we get a bunch of rats get all the rats and I'm I'm telling you rats can kill mechanoids if you have enough of them we want to tame you everything tame a wild animal here we go tame all the rats I forgot to read this tip here from twitch but thank you L thanks for the fun you give to us no problem I yeah hope you enjoy it more to come if you have enough of something you can kill anything really exactly if you're playing non- combat extend dream world it's all about the numbers okay we have two rats a male rat and a female rat so the rats will be our defensive systems um yeah you can become rat one uh we need more food though so we need to tame something we will tame this alpaka and kill it and ideally would like to get some hay just a little bit or maybe it's not necessary cuz you have all this grass growing on the fields while our animal Empire is building up okay there we go rat six under way it's what we do not like to see but it will be what it is and second alpaca nope Slaughter and become food why are you using silver as your first colonist she was one of my first ever patreons so that's [Music] why zamu silver it's a nice name don't you think and then IAS that I've been going with it silver a bulk Goods Trader they have uh they have Goose a female and male goose guys I have to get this they also have pigs we can we can get some bacon we can get some bacon let me see here we like to plan out the base now I think this should be enough for now but want to get a big base this question gets asked like every stream you know what I have to make a command exclamation mark silver let's see here get the goose they're so expensive uh okay sell off some wood still short okay sell off some meat there we go so now we have goose eggs coming in see they're now Goose EG Wonder Goose SE might need to expand upon the pen doesn't seem big enough hope silver enjoys a good old rat and bacon in the morning yeah we will race these things and eat them there we go alpaca to be slaughtered expand upon the pen need more wood support a crator when the Monopoly and become the hero of every it's it's only silver though it's only silver uh but yeah if you become a patreon or YouTube member then you have a chance of being in my videos as a colonist so it's also great although silver is a guarantee o what is this oh no okay uh we tried to tame the timber wolf and it got revenge we would probably be dead if um this car wasn't here oh Jesus come on we are not taming those things ever again I'm telling you uh do not tame the timber wolf tame the toroes Warg 40% get all the rats and toroes I think that's the plan okay I need some herbal medicine now if we get infection then we're screwed watching Rim roll was whilst playing Rim roll isn't a bad idea that's correct that is correct if you have a second monitor you slap me down there okay another Trader oh my goodness they have Ducks um what I think I'll do is sell off a male muffalo I can always get new ones uh buy some ducks I'm still short okay let's do this and then you know what we do um we get a muffalo here butcher it down or you sell it and that that should be good enough Did we tell T to the wound we did need more berry bushes I need to get these uh ducks ducks and geese I'm saying it isn't a good idea I hear your in-game warnings yeah don't worry would it be fun if you forget which modder you was playing rald on and try to control the video if you have me on full screen yeah I could see that if you would have me on full [Music] screen there we go so that is essentially free silver whenever there's a caravin just tame a random animal for like 15 berry bushes or 15 berries and then just trade it away so here we go trade it and get this duck and now we will have some duck sex so need some egg baskets I forgot about that uh do I want an animal flap maybe I want the animals to sleep with us doesn't sound like a bad idea uh animal flap I don't have enough I don't have enough claw for it you know what get some of these egg boxes one two what made you like Rim world and how did you discover it I think I discovered it through you YouTube uh but I got it in 2018 so almost 5 years so I don't really remember but I remember seeing the trailer and I was very very intrigued should I say and also because of the 98% positive reviews I was like how can this game that looks like it was made in 2000 of such a high review count ever since then I never cared about Graphics they gave us some stuff though let me see here we want to we need a freezer if we we're going to do this because we're only going to eat meat eat my meat get some corpses there we go ah Wonder already what is it 9 days in and we're already stacked with animals we have the geese we have the Ducks we have the rats we have the toroes we have VQ the tortoise it's all going good and there we go those goo have m so we will get some eggs yeah actually eating eggs in Rim world isn't too bad they have a lot of nutrition and you can also cook with them all around a good product I had three eggs for breakfast do animals raise your Colony worth yeah exactly uh here we go so wealth creatures as you can see it's been going up and down but we have 2,145 silver worth of creatures or animals and to be fair Homo sapiens are also animals humans so I'm not sure why or no I think they are included here yeah we are included here never mind never mind does soet exist in Rim World unfortunately no but as you can see there our first duck egg unfertilized spoils in 15 days so you will be able to eat it in time that's why I want my egg box Rim World Graphics are good for their style yeah it's uh it's wonderful I just wish the uh CPU would carry it cuz even if you have the best CPU in the world it still cannot run Rim world at uh 30 colonists efficiently okay any new animals to tame um [Music] no taming R okay I need a fruit freezer as I said but do I really want to get into power now seems like such a [Music] hassle my GPU is worth four times my CPU I chose to have a fat GPU but a mid CPU if you're playing Rim roll then that is bad but for literally everything else like uh FPS games it's quite good CPU is not as important okay I need some recreational stuff what oh no I should have butchered up that iic stone I want to build a base now um I would like to have it at the center of the map so let me plan this out losing is fun yeah this is uh on the hardest difficulty So Randy Randy random losing is fun 5% always playing on the worst difficulty cuz I love making things hard for myself is it possible to tame a fromo it is but uh it's almost impossible if you do not have a taming inspiration animals doing good Yep they're all fed and happy there we go more eggs okay I think we should um okay I think we're done with the rats now we do not need any more rats we have four rats so yes untick that and go for toroes I highly believe toroes to be one of the best animals for combat simply because of their defense do you have P music I forgot to add it on this stream so unfortunately not I think when I was new I one time tried to kill a frbo all I had was trashy guns I mean you can kill a FBO with oh no what is this fire this is why you need uh Stone fences guys not good and where's the rain Randy where's the rain and now my animals are going to walk into the fire oh my goodness these stupid animals there we go see get the hell inside fences are literally so weak or wooden on at least food poisoning no that makes things much worse what will happen if you claim the whole map as your base uh nothing will happen but it is a strategy to get Raiders to attack the buildings here on the map for the first few raids so you can uh essentially just hide out but I don't think it does much okay I need to get back my animals when uh when sheia slept how long do you need to be used with losing his fun difficulty if you mean how long you need to play I mean at least a couple hundred hours I would say or you can just play on reload anytime and just reload every time something goes wrong longer than you learn from the mistakes that is a much faster [Music] way okay let's see here more food poisoning so you're useless for now silver running on four time speed with a midsize Colony my GPU uh my CPU usage is like 60% but GPU is at 9 let me see mine actually CPU at 30% memory at 55% but it's also because I'm streaming a wargus hunting rat 2 for food okay that thing is just dead oh never mind oh my goodness rat you need to get inside uh get the hell inside a that was oh it can walk over defenses of course yep not much we can do about that there's like nothing we can do about that this modded no this is uh Manilla with Quality of Life mods what map size do you usually use for your V videos 275 by 275 anything more and I mean the bigger the more it lags so I just prefer it not too big not too [Music] small wait am I the only one if it's someone I do not understand that um okay be sure to eat all of this food all the meat is spoiling I need a I need a freezer urgently 132 want to build this at the middle of the map up 142 137 that should be accurate so now we have the middle point of the map right here wonderful let's get the done so the middle point of the map is right here so we will plan out the base I'm thinking a 13x13 shack should be good um 13x 13 yeah messing this up how are you able to resist urge to play heavily modded playthroughs uh for my videos I play modded but for the live streams uh more people watch if it's Manila because if you play modded not everyone is going to be able to follow with you um so I usually play vanilla when it comes to live streams and uh well vanilla rim world is uh it's not bad it's very good actually it's very good [Music] wonderful so then more animals to tame we need more food okay we got some [Music] here okay so let's make some or expand upon the house we will get some power now so I think getting wind turbine maybe we should go for toxify no we go for wind turbines and solar panels that is the plan this playr would be cool with an avatar mod Avatar that sounds [Music] interesting okay forbid that we will have you mine some components even though you have no mining skill and get some steel you can think of deconstruct all of this do you have any plan for scheduled live stream it's more fun to watch live I usually don't schedule it because uh what if I accidentally have to cancel it because I don't show up I just like to stream whenever if I get a schedule then that would have to be when I have an editor maybe because I have to make regular videos as well I have to make regular videos along with live streams but we will see maybe something like uh I don't know two or three times a week would be [Music] ideal okay this should be at the very middle point of the map 137 137 137 and 137 okay I am a perfectionist oh no I accidentally opened this up uh is YouTube your main occupation right now it is yep can't AI just edit for you I can tell you AI can do a lot of things it can uh add sub time and such but for gam playay type videos like I'm doing uh you you still need to edit it yourself but who knows in 10 uh in 5 years that I'm pretty sure AI can Video Edit wonderful so for now our wealth is at oh what did I do our wealth is at 6 barely 7,000 so if we get a raid all of our animals here will be able to kill the Raider I'm pretty sure so don't have to worry about taming more animals for now just need to get a good base down and have to worry about Silver's smood so she doesn't get depressed some animals plus one let's see here okay lots of animals tons of animals plus three do you have plans on uploading more shorts uh unfortunately not if I'm honest I don't really enjoy making shorts as much as regular videos why is there no raids or colonist join I have no idea Randy random is just being yeah who knows what his planning I have gone 30 days without an event from him so uh to be honest I'm not that surprised I am not surprised at [Music] all I get too many animals in here get the hell out sadly your shorts are informative and funny thank you I have like almost 200 now though so there is a bunch to watch how many hours do you have I can't remember you stop uploading videos and I watch you for long enough do you ever feel burn up out I have 3,200 hours I think let me see here 3,221 and uh to be honest I still am not burnt out so no I'm never going to burn out if I'm honest this is my favorite game of all time I've always wanted to look for new games to play but nothing come comes close to rim world it is what it is tinan has truly made the best the most wonderful game of all [Music] time okay I always sleep through 500 Days vids they're perfect for that hey they're nice and long and you can relax to the music okay continue building up the shack we have our random grizly bear um why is there a grizzly bear in here uh I cannot kill it though because we cannot deal damage as the colonist the plan is to only have the animals deal damage when did your Rim World addiction start I bought it in 2018 so I think it started then why do people use chickens if given the choice of cows cows can eat neutrient paste I don't know I think the I think they think the eggs and the meat is good but cows are pretty good as well cuz uh more chickens means more lag and you usually well I'm not really so sure I think you need to manage them more as well more chickens you need to manage so cows I think might be better no chickens uh I think I found a chicken but I decided to get two ducks and two Goose or geese wonderful [Music] here yeah right now we're just living off of the eggs we're just eating eggs and that's how we're surviving interesting what mod is the material you why on the top left now this is vanilla uh you can toggle it with this button right here if you see that is vanilla uh let's see here we want to move our base in here so get the bed get the table Yeah there has been no raid so far from Randy I have no idea what it's up to you know what this room right here could become an animal sleeping area so when it's winter or something they can just chill in here [Music] yeah how does the Randy AI work I think it is truly random uh but I'm not sure I like the unpredictive or un unpredictability because with Cassandra you always know when she's going to send you something okay we are idle now so we have some steel just need some components then start mining oh no where is our mufo okay we need oh know I sold it back then I need one more male muffalo you make the hardest difficulty look like a children's tea party I mean I've played this game for 3,200 hours so I should be able to uh have that effect uh uh if you play something for that long eventually you will learn it I'm just used to it I just have the experience I just want to see um an animal kill a human Raider but Randy is very very silent it's quite calming okay okay and go tame this guy right here all the way down here but yeah if you're here on YouTube be sure to check out my twitch I'm almost affiliate so and uh plus you have ads here on YouTube no ads on Twitch but it's up to you uh let's see here okay you keep eating the berries I want to tame with oh Jesus silver I know you're hungry but the animals are the priority what is the worst popular mod in your opinion ah I'm not so sure most popular mod it's probably some Quality of Life mod now that is the biggest let me think about this one some people think combat extended I can see why cuz uh well it does make combat more fun but realistic it's not always fun when your colonist die from a single shot when your whole Colony dies from a single centipede I think it's the worst and the best smart combat [Music] extended yeah I'm not sure my chomecast fails to cast your stream on my YouTube interesting I don't think that's can't be my fault right can you stream a live stream on TV maybe you can actually but I think just opening up YouTube on the TV and then clicking on the stream should work I don't think you should Chrome uh excuse me chomecast that right but I'm not too uh I'm not too experienc with TVs hello V in chat welcome lart I remember you you're a patreon or YouTube member I have had you on one one of my colonists if you're are feel filiated with twitch soon you'll switch streaming to them uh no so twitch recently changed that you can stream on both YouTube and twitch at the same time so I'm currently streaming on Twitch and YouTube as you're watching this so watch on whatever platform you prefer patreon I see thank you for being a patreon lart okay this is horrible zero mining one mining skill how many raids so far nothing Randy has been completely silent completely silent how long does it take to create a single video 100 days I'm interested because I'm starting a 100 days Channel and the first video has already taken 30 hours my good why why does why do I have so much gas I drank so much milk today I think uh it takes about 6 hours to record one video maybe about 12 hours to edit so 18 hours in total um if you want to speed up the recording process you want to get smart speed so you can speed up the game like this but yeah I would say 18 hours maybe faster but I used to take way longer way way longer like a year ago I've just become more experienced at editing but you will pick it up aren't you going to build a killbox right now when you only have 8,000 wealth I do not need a killbox no do you think that the not my fault mod is cheating I mean Rim world is a Sandbox game I mean I think you should play how you want to play technically everything that isn't vanilla is cheating uh in some way maybe if you make that point I mean it's yeah I mean it's if it's fun to play with then I don't think it's cheating Xander sukal with the member thank you it should pop up as an alert soon the alerts are a bit delayed thank you for becoming a member you should probably get a chest table yep finally Randy so he was preparing a 17-year-old teenage furry so she is a miss andrist so she hates men ah to be fair maybe I should get her look at that learning speed or we have the same but yeah if we can down her maybe we should recruit her okay what do we do now uh what is she going for milia attacking okay I think we're going to go right here we're going to stack up all the animals in this area here and you will see exactly how fast she gets down okay let's see here look at this here she will get absolutely destroyed um okay that me a bit unexpected with the insta kill not to worry uh the animals are sleeping on top of the furry uh this is not going so well uh that's e Ain has too much damage uh please help why is the rat sleeping on top okay this is uh this is not going so well ah VQ the tortoise is carrying look at this VQ the Toro come on come on uhoh uh to be fair uh we have probably won the raid because she's going to bleed out but these cins and the rats are just sleeping on top of it look at the rat though come on there we go this male rat killed rat to lacerated bin with the with his left claw injuring her left shoulder and torso it's working I mean uh it wasn't Flawless but we we were just testing the waters finally caught alive started watching your videos a while ago love the abuse you take to put put your videos out thank you I'm always honored VQ the tortoise has died but now there's some food for the rats to eat uh but now I need to T more rats I need a Mel rat okay a mad muffalo there's absolutely nothing we can do about that absolutely nothing okay I should get a chest table down and then we will get some power up someone to get a freezer maybe oh maybe right here and then get the freezer about here I would say okay what is the Man Hunter chance for silver taming a wolf the Manhunter chance is there are no Predators on the map except for a grizzly bear but I think it was 30% but yeah I could really use a wolf h okay muffalo is now tame get one more tortoise of course not cuz you suck silver the rats how are you doing okay heal up rats for the next for the next raid you will need to make your animals for night raids the ones that follow you when drafted may be good yeah that is true unfortunately don't have one of those animals that can draft uh or that can follow you and drafted I need I think I need to buy one to be honest we will see yeah I'm going to try to tame a frbo but that will be nearly impossible without a taming inspiration Panthers are my personal favorite combat animal yeah I can imagine instead of having animals like rats that die to one hit but look at that the rats are consuming the edin how are you going to deal with high armor FES uh to be honest if if you have enough numbers no armor can yeah no armor can save you 50 rats will definitely kill a catract Empire people or an Empire guy or at least I think so is corner punch allowed I know I think that's an exploit so unfortunately not oh hey I didn't know you streamed well I started streaming on Twitch uh what is it like a few days ago this is my second stream on Twitch or while I'm streaming on Twitch and YouTube at the same time since they allowed Samuel cast so yeah it's good to be here they seem to down quicker than others but exotic oral Traders have them often yeah Panthers but uh bears imagine bears like 5050 Bears on top of a guy or 50 Mega sloths try using only the worst colonist possible as a challenge could be interesting yeah I think I did one with the worst xenotype the worst xenotype colonist and that was hell I think losing is fun but that was very bad when you're playing as one of the worst guys on the planet you streaming on Twitch right now yep I'm streaming on YouTube and twitch so pick the platform you want to watch on I have linked the twitch on the YouTube chat how long will it take for multiplayer Rim world to become an official feature yeah I haven't uh I do not know uh they do not talk to me I'm just a content creator so I uh I do not know but I hope they're working on it cuz imagine having a server with all of you and uh you of course will not be able to kill me because I'm a God gamer in Rim world I will have the best settlement and all of you can try to kill me but I will have 50 catract people guarding the base imagine but we can only only wait until then we can only wait until multiplayer is official hey VQ what's your favorite animal to domesticate I think the Toro I think believe that they're uh extremely good for what they are see we got one it's their uh their defense and they're also breedable they breed a lot and they lay a lot of eggs hey VQ what's oh no I already read [Music] that multiplayer is really difficult for this game you'd be able to raid others while players are offline it would be hard to implement but I'd imagine like uh an offline raid would be like when you raid a settlement or something oh we got some milk silver is milking the mufo uh this is this is how the first human was when they milked the first cow who knows what they were doing oh no she was shearing it but have you ever thought what the first human to milk a cow did maybe he wanted or she wanted to do something else with the cow you never know what's your take if the rim World Dev overhaul the textures to be honest I think the textures the graphics are fine I mean how much more could you improve it it's a 2d game so I'm not sure how they would improve it but I wouldn't mind it I was talking to tyan yesterday he said he's working on it it's good to hear when will you get the second colonist we've only had one raid and that Raider died I please don't get lung rot Jesus there's also an ancient danger here I could open up for recruits but um I will need more animals if I want to take on that ancient danger just got into this game three days ago got 28 hours what is that 10 hours 9 hours on average yeah 9.33 hours on average yeah Scot here what's going on so we're playing on the hardest difficulty and we're going to try to make a zoo and the only way to deal damage is with the animals so that's the challenge H tame the bugs that's actually 200 IQ cuz you can get oh what is this stallion self tame very nice getting an insect Army imagine that wait did you say a zoo yep going to try to make a zoo look how many animals we already have it's wonderful we have that cute little duckling we have a cute little mufo calf although mufo they really look like they have a human face that doesn't look like a child but oh well we love animals okay what's now what's next next is to get a fridge yep and how do I do [Music] this okay need to do it like this need to get a freezer as I said yes so we can preserve the meat since the only only thing we eat is meat how to tame bugs without being attacked I think the best way is to down them and then tame them while they're down or when you rescue them your videos taught me a lot now I am trying naked start has got all the dlc's hey welcome to rim world you will not be seeing uh your family ever again you will be too addicted you will be too [Music] addicted okay okay need more wood rescuing them doesn't make them peaceful that's a shame I don't actually know how to tame insects yeah do you buy fumo plush no I saw it uh Rim World they made their own FBO plushy but I did not buy it maybe I should but it did look quite cool very cool heat stroke 37 Celsius oh my okay extend the power and we should be good I'm going to visit oh I'm going to Sweden in a few weeks any place I should visit uh where exactly are you going cuz Sweden is huge I live in the most southern part which is SCA but if you're going to the capital which is Stockholm uh that is a 5H hour drive from where I am at I think 5 hours 6 hours if you're going to Stockholm well everywhere in Stockholm is a sight a nice sight to see but I don't know where you're going exactly okay need even more [Music] food have you tried a vehicle mod by the way yeah vanilla Vehicles expanded I have that in my current zombie playthrough so um okay need batteries I'll have to research that oh we can make animal flap now I want to do that still getting heat stroke 30 Celsius and you're getting heat stroke I'm pretty sure if I was naked I could handle 30 Celsius but maybe that's just uh the way she was born I'm a stock calmer and now slen is just constant construction and everywhere is just ambulance sirens really yeah I mean um I do not live in Stockholm so I'm not sure but [Music] yeah are you rocking a lot of Ikea furniture I have an uh an ik Ika drawer in my room I think I have an Ikea desk or side desk Ikea is in everybody's home here I can tell you that much 45 Celsius what there's not even a heat wave what is this 32 oh my goodness 45 celi this is a temperate forest not an extreme desert okay need two passive coolers global warming comes to the rim yeah this is insane we're going to die of heat stroke and uh when we started off it was 2° C we're getting hypothermia this is bad very bad come on Silver there we go the sun is dangerous even in the cold you can get heat stroke interesting yeah you can have heat stroke and hypothermia at the same time in Rim world it's quite interesting [Music] okay how is the pen doing I need to expand upon it one two like this have you ever heard of battle brothers one of my favorite games ever yeah right now I'm just focusing on rim world but maybe in the future I'll will do that yeah we have a lot of rats now which is good to see very good to see I do not need that stallion though so get the hell out of here free food look how much meat those things are packing and to be fair if you were to kill a horse you could if you froze in the meat you could eat that for a very long time very very long time I guess that's why some people like to hunt cuz they don't have to buy food for what is it 12 days 14 days let goat hunting in the wilderness you have infinite food no need for groceries here we go another tortoise we have a male and a female tortoise this this will be the new VQ you can you can look at him he's uh he's smiling he's very happy ah 45 Celsius is like 110 Fahrenheit yeah I have the Celsius and Fahrenheit mod there some 105 Fahrenheit VQ I feel like this would be a great time to run Alpha animals yeah that is true it's a great mod but I yeah I decided to go for Manilla it's kind of similar to the games you play which is why I mentioned battle brothers let me look into it then does seem interesting cargo pods with corn from Randy what is he planning yeah I'm in Michigan not not not much nice full curious meth Jesus a lot of drugs I also like uh I also like sniffing drugs in Game of course let's get some yo get some flake who doesn't love drugs they make you happy what's there to complain about am I right why are drugs bad I hope it snows this year yeah here in Sweden uh I I believe there was like no snow last winter somebody said global warming who knows who knows yeah as long as you don't live in the city small town people are always very nice that is true I live live in the forest it's always more relaxing silver has gotten food poisoning from horse meat ah who would have thought that eating raw meat would give you food poisoning need more steel oh there's some steel here I can deconstruct tear apart that structure VQ you got a patron or just trying to blast up the twitch stuff I do have a patreon yeah if you look on my uh this I should have linked my patreon to my twitch uh yeah I mean it's uh it's VQ on patreon [Music] so you will find [Music] it very good expanding upon the pen tantrum on Silver interesting please do not destroy the lever that's free silver okay this is yeah you let out all of that [Music] anger I've seen snow like 10 times yeah some people have never seen snow and I bet there's a lot of people that I've never seen snow in here it is uh well snow is quite interesting I love snow fights I love building snowmen it's very nice okay I need to get this cooler up now though another tortoise a female okay get the hell back in look how many animals we have now I mean this should be enough right should be more than not than enough animals for now yes deconstruct all of this and now nutrition growth is above nutrition consumption hearing no snow in Sweden is crazy now it's only in the southern part where I live in scona SCA it's uh I literally live in the most southern part of Sweden so that's why but there is snow right now in Northern Sweden a lot of snow right now in October speaking of which tomorrow is daylight savings here so you turn back the clock 1 hour to uh save daylight time yeah it's soon November in 2 days feels like time has just passed by so quickly a quest here so three archers in the first group I look at the animals following silver around huh when she is doing her work that is quite cute the animals love silver what are you Swedish I am Swedish y okay so enough steel for a cooler soon what's up not much yes relaxing the deserter Quest okay basilia AAR guys I cannot accept thear because they need go juice and there's no way for us to make go juice so I will have to decline on that we out here boiling boiling in Sweden or Y [Music] Sweden every country has its advantages and disadvantages I suppose oh me now we're doing an animal only playthrough well hello from France Swedish friend I've never been to France surpris or wait I think I have actually when I was a very little boy like 2 years old but uh I do not REM remember that if you're ever in the area you should check out ormund they have the best ribs in scner he I love ribs I love how the animals wander around silver when she's doing work it's great to see waiting till you get verified on Twitch to sub yeah I'm not affiliated on Twitch yet so if you're here on YouTube be sure to switch over to Twitch we're almost there almost there bro you had no nudity warning on this video come on man this is PE Peak nudity yeah it's true surprisingly I have no age restrictions not on a single video on YouTube so I guess organ harvesting and uh all of that that's all fine cuz it's just a game I suppose yeah it's uh it's quite good YouTube loves Rim world found the patreon thank you thank you wish that stream elements isn't just p pal I see yeah that's true paying with the card is sometimes [Music] easier it's fine as long as it's not graphic yeah would anyone age restrict that maybe [Music] maybe I did talk about streaming rim job world on uh on my patreon or making a video about it so that could be an idea because that will 100% get age restricted YouTube is actually Pro organ harvesting exactly they love it okay why is there oh we're missing components need more miners to mine miners will mine rim job World 100 a only on patreon it's coming I will try to not get hard while playing that I suppose we will see we will see but that is truly an 18 plus only kind of thing so if you're younger than 18 then you are not allowed to watch that VQ only fans it's coming it's coming have you used the Beautiful Bodies mod no but uh you will 100% get age restricted if I use that on YouTube wait what is rim job world search it up search it up uh on a private tab uh in private browsing if you're curious you will find out for yourself look how many rats we have my goodness yes posted under educational if it's educational then YouTube will allow anything do not search up naked news on YouTube do not search up naked yoga on YouTube I'm warning you why don't you use the wall lights mod to be honest I'm just doing vanilla uh quality of life only uh for the live streams but I guess I should have Wall light it's the most useful mod make a raid happen if you get hard we will see it will be quite interesting a rim job World playthrough okay now we have the freezer up though so move everything in [Music] here okay look how many animals we have 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 okay I'm pretty sure I counted wrong this looks like 20 animal almost to me more than [Music] enough okay what the hell did I see yeah I told you do not look it up or I did tell you to look it up it is what it is look up VQ rim job yeah you would be surprised the lengths that Rim world modders go to make the game better in all aspects Eric s with the 25 Canadian dollars favorite Rim roll player Oh wa I forgot God I'm streaming on the there we go I'm streaming on my uh on my I'm streaming on the wrong tab here we go now we should get the alerts thank you for the $25 I'm happy that you're calling me your favorite Rim World Player refug oh she can make sculptures but she's a pyromaniac animal animal I don't know animal Empire this will be good enough very good very [Music] good okay so the refugee well we have no food to eat with need more food but you will be making sculptures so harv favorite world player thank you thank you for the 25 and a shaman Merchant let's see here what can you sell me a turkey let's how we make some sculptures out of [Music] wood still so warm outside or 28 is not too bad but one cooler is not enough okay now it's enough have the animals just wander around in here there still has only been one raid from Randy what is he up to too sorry it's Canadian I don't think the currency matters though when you're donating has to be converted but I don't think that's an issue they have a male rooster otherwise known as a cockerell I do love so let's buy some um should be good enough I swear every time I watch you play Rim world I want to play as well well then why don't you if you have a second monitor that is you can watch and play at the same time yeah if you have a steam deck you can actually play uh Rim World on that it's like playing on a Nintendo switch and you can play Anywhere and everywhere anywhere and everywhere okay you are idle not enough wood to make sculptures okay we will do this and now we will research some batteries here we go get some batteries and I think we need to get a bit more food so I will have to start butchering up some of these animals soon we have nine ducklings now mine some more steel need some more wood then we should be good what else can you do can you help me mine you can do plants go ahead uh okay there we [Music] go we have a lot of muffalo wool we can sell now they do not want our muffalo wool okay I guess I can make a nice couch out of that hello hello Marine dwarf I'm playing Rim world and watching stream on the phone hey that's very good you learn and you play I'm playing a mechanical run where my mechanical has died twice to meteors I've never had them die that way before yeah that's true they get squashed under the meteors or the meteorites and then there Gone Forever what's the ideal size in food to grow animals for manufacturing a lot of goods I think um I think the boomalope is good you get Cam Fuel and a bunch of meat and then getting taoes is good as well get a lot of eggs and meat and then you maybe have some muffalo which you get wool and milk from uh there is a video I believe on the best animal to uh to uh breed I'm not sure which one it was let's see here on the underfall this will go well I'm sure this will go very well [Music] we will keep this door open then just have the animals mold the thing mold in the underf okay let's see how this goes a bul Goods Trader oh yeah we can buy some sheep now this are Ram sheeps an eve and a ram those are sheep right ah sheep yeah I guess it's just these life stage that they're at the younger the younger sheep have a different name or something here we go oh Jesus of course the insta kill again like neander Falls and eakins are just too op look at that ah that NE underfall I mean look he doesn't stand us what he's one shotting us rats come on I mean he's just getting destroyed yeah doesn't even stand a chance oh no a rat eating another rat guys this reminds me of a video where a chicken ate a chicken nugget that was not very nice but uh to be fair I've also eaten human meat uh in Game of course it's it's very nice human meat so I'm also a cannibal how many animals do I have in game I don't even know how much this is is this 30 I I remember having none and now we have all of these animals there's only silver to take care of all of them okay I need to get need to get a better room or a better sleeping area need to get one more bed for our desperate Refugee and let's see what we can trade we can trade away all the lever um maybe get some clothing components o I wanted to get the sheep that is a lot of silver that is can we even afford it ah we cannot afford the Sheep okay I just buy some components then there we go what story tell uh teller would you recommend for someone new uh fobby chillax is the easiest one so probably her fobby chillx is um very relaxing she's very nice she has a rat so you already know she's calm uh but yeah I like to play on Randy random truly the best one why did you stop making YouTube shorts simply because uh I don't think they're worth it I also like making videos more regular videos yeah and uh shorts make no money uh or almost no money it's very [Music] little yes came over from YouTube awesome to catch you live thank you Freddy yeah check out my twitch almost affiliate so switch over if you want to okay need to get a bit more food oh we have a mega sloth here I wish I could lure it here but that's not going to be the case we can only deal damage with the animals may I ask the origins of Silver's name so silver was one of my first patrons Samu silver yep she is uh I really like the name silver it rolls off the tongue quite nicely and silver is uh just one of the best I can't watch it on Twitch it was on 1080 it's on 1080 on uh oh wait I'm I'm currently streaming at on yeah I have a I have a 2K monitor I'm streaming on 2,560 by 1,440 what is that I have a bigger monitor I have quite a quite a large monitor okay nice rain saved us from the fire and with with this corpse here we can just leave it in the freezer and uh and the Rats will just Maul the corpse you will see how quickly it will become devoured laying egg tortoise let's see here three tortoise eggs okay we will let those hatch done wonderful tortoise eggs what's your favorite DLC biotech by far we only have oh we have one intellectual that's actually horrible will take forever to research oh no we're starving um what can we do we have a muffalo here that we can kill um oh actually I need the female muff let's get some ber bushes oh there's a dead cougar here look at all of this food [Music] yeah okay this is what Peta wishes they were yeah I mean just having a nice big animal Colony very relaxing would like it if you could haul all of this in okay keep on researching we got a sculpture which is wonderful less animals will die in this play through I hope so I mean uh so far we've only gotten one human raid but now with our wealth so high we might get bit uh bigger raids I'm not sure usually the the first two raids are quite small and then on the third ra uh raid then they get quite big I just hope we don't get like three neand false or something cuz I think they might win okay got more taoes coming in I would like to tame what is there to T we need we need a squirrel we need squirrels of course what else should we get boom rats oh no I don't I don't want the boom rats dying and then spreading fire on the base we will just get some squirrels oh why did this bear die it was fighting a cougar that is some free meat okay would like to get some neutrient paste cuz this is not the healthiest just eating raw meat going to have to get some more [Music] steel I would like it if you could clean Buffy just clean the base since it's so dirty very very dirty [Music] okay animals are nice and fed up uh we need to expand the pen even more now they're simply consuming so much yo what's up VQ I'm doing well MX how about you how is everyone else doing it is uh Halloween soon no isn't it tomorrow when is Halloween actually when is Halloween Tuesday the 31st of October hey what are you doing on Halloween that's the real question okay Tuesday found out while showering at work yeah I thought it was Sunday tomorrow but looks like I'm mistaking mistaken Tuesday huh yeah it's almost Christmas again I cannot believe it it's almost the end of the year VQ how you make your videos you record while talking then edit or you make a script yeah my uh almost all my videos I live record like I'm doing now with the stream then I cut out the parts that are unnecessary so yeah um yes record live talk over it I usually find making voiceovers more work a lot more work hello hello Eddie defer I am back from my Exile talking to a woman interesting I haven't talked to one in ages tattooing all day work don't stop for a spooky time and then when you come home there will be kids there will be tons of kids ringing on the doorbell then they're going to scream trick or treat and then you have to give them some candy and if you don't have candy they will be disappointed so make sure to buy some candy have them ready at the door yes so you don't disappoint the kids capture them and harvest your organs in Game of course we will never do that to real life kids of course okay very nice and very calm so far nothing extraordinary happening yes two raids from Randy in a 35 day day period I'm surprised he hasn't sent us more stuff as I said I wanted squirrels do we have those yet I guess I need some berry bushes for that um in game when begger kids come knocking you make them cut bricks to earn the money exactly yes capture them I mean anything is possible in R world and that's what I love about it like taming a squirrel that's something you cannot do in real life taming a wild Squirrel 28% chance wow are squirrels or rats better that's the real question we have a lot of rats but no squirrels there we go our first one oh new recruit I need that two man hunting snow hairs please be good my goodness mining double passion tough and construction you are decked out my guy this is a great OST soundtrack turning that up um we're going to have you do construction let's see here let me pick out a patron then lart welcome aboard and two man hunting snow hairs I mean lart is tough he could easily kill them but we have to deal damage with the animal so you will quickly see watch this we're going to do this get all the animals on there on that one singular tile and where are they hey look look at this hair he will get destroyed um where are you going no get the hell inside Oh no you're not supposed to be here yep come on mold they're both dead yeah look what is this squirrel one nod the snow here so a squirrel wins over a hair I mean these animals are vicious as you can see if you have 5050 squirrels they can take out a centipede I'm just saying now a mad boom rat um okay same Strat oh now that door is open uh come back here you're not supposed to attack the tortoise oh my goodness yes kill the damn boom rat there is no shot all my newborn toroes just died to the explosion not a boom rat uh free meat free meat that's unfortunate that is very [Music] unfortunate okay but we have lart now to mine so he will do some m mining maybe make one more wind turbine hello mini how are you welcome to the stream it's a very wonderful and peaceful stream where we're not doing anything unethical we're just racing animals and having them Maul any Raiders that pass by feeding a dead rat to a tortoise it's also on the agenda here feeding a rat to another rat cannibalism everybody get to a taste of this rat actually don't want any fertilized eggs in the in the freezer wait a second is this challenge just Pokemon exactly exactly I'm not using Alpha animals now this is just pure [Music] vanilla okay expand upon the perimeter just like this chop all the wood in [Music] here visitors to trade welcome well that's nice hi hi I wish I could play like you I have 200 100 hours but I'm not even close to have a successful Colony or beat the game I don't think I beat the game until I had like 1,000 hours or something I just kept resetting I kept resetting until I had uh or because I discovered new mods or something so would never progress but uh why would you leave the planet that's the real question why would you leave your wonderful base let's see here trade get some food and pkin first message here I think welcome professional or Professor Dr hamster that's quite the name I like it I quite like it um okay we need to patch all of this up get the hell inside just yeah I love this concept just have a bunch of of animals it's quite calming why would you leave room World exactly hold on let me count 30 things that try to kill you I mean if you have a kill box and all of that it's actually quite nice Long Rod ah that squirrel is sniffing in that that's human corpse m [Music] [Music] okay when my body first started he didn't know about Autos Slaughter and Randy kept sending him like eight chickens and sheep at a time had hundreds I can't imagine the lag but I mean that sounds quite nice though infinite eggs infinite eggs imagine that speaking of which I should also probably manage Auto Slaughter now we have enough for it now oh you've just been mining out here lart um okay let's do this we're going to go into the animal tab here we have so many animals oh no what the hell let's see here we have 14 Ducks 10 Goose six muff um okay I think what we do is we get like we have five of each we have two here for the goose we do the same so if it exceeds two female young here then we will butcher them up as you can see with the red uh how many muffalo do we want maybe three each oh wait uh yeah I think that's good enough for now so now those animals will be slaughtered I love how peaceful this run is it's quite relaxing even though we're playing on the hardest difficulty Randy is treating it like a uh very piece of Colony that's true put this on four time speed there we go as you can see all butchered up it was very peaceful until neander fall okay we will have to take care of that should I buy Rim world or download it cracked I haven't downloaded anything cracked but yeah you should try it out cracked and if you like the crack then you can buy the main thing if you do not like it then you would have saved money so yeah I should probably not be saying that since it's uh illegal I think but who cares let's see this now okay gabella I want you to absolutely destroy absolutely D okay yeah she's what she's one shotting all my animals what this is why you need toroes all the rats died but the toroes they survive oh that's funny see no more rats we literally have no more rats yeah I think we're going to focus on poro most definitely I thought I always thought it was the main objective so I'm doing exactly right by not wanting to get out of the planet yeah you should uh I mean it's a way to complete the game if you launch the ship but to be honest who wants to leave okay can you show the combat log what just happened to that guy let's see here so she was destroyed VQ chomped gabella in left leg leaving a horrific wound VQ bits gabella in the Torso savagely I mean the Tor uh the toroes They Carried you will notice that their armor is literally so good crack knife here so their shell is very dur very very good okay I need to get a neutrient past dispenser uh loar you have Min too much steel love you my man I love you too no homo did you you have a an ideology now yeah this is the ideology I have every single DLC it's quite expensive but I bought them when they came out so I bought Rim world for $30 when it came out and then one or two hours later when royalty came out I bought that so but if you're new to rim world and you have to buy a $100 worth of uh content Al together which can be very expensive or you can just install mods why do you always name your first colner silver yeah she was one of my patrons one of my first patrons and I really like the name I should really make a silver command because everyone seems to ask [Music] that okay I need a bed for lart he's just sleeping on the floor another wind turbine right there anyways I'm going to go into lurker mode if you're lurking and you do not chat that is yes that's good sit back and relax and enjoy the the very nice show we have animals here we just relaxing among the among the animals we're butchering the excess ones we're just cutting their throat like it's nothing thing it's quite peaceful here at least got one more wind turbine what the hell did I just do okay visitor to trade bum bum love your videos bro awesome to watch and listen to while playing alongside you thank you so much Yoshua I love you I love you also newbie tip boys make someone a vampire removes pyromaniac making someone a vampire removes pyromaniac I did not know that I had no idea no idea [Music] okay so for so good a very impressive Barracks but maybe I should get some uh some flooring not looking too good I think it's about damn time yes join it looks like the mad man has finally gone and done it and become a zookeeper perhaps he will tame and release a tortoise horde we already have the tortoise horde here A bunch of toroes tortoise eggs coming in we want as many as possible I guess I should have it in their diet to not eat fertilized eggs there we go another bulk good ster let's see here buy some medicine do we might be some of that I think it's OD that PO royes are so resistant to damage like sure the shell is tough but a bullet would still penetrate yeah that's true bullets some revolver shots will deflect off of the tortoise's shells but uh well I guess it's not 100% realistic okay okay I would like to improve upon this room right here for the animals [Music] I I love the sccs expanded mod using bursters yeah uh I have a 100 days in Rim World pcast expanded it's very nice I I really enjoy it one of my favorites so vanilla is more than enough for the good part I think vanilla rim world is fine but of course mods are free so once you're done with attention all Rim World Gamers Randy random he's in great danger he needs your help to wipe out thank you for the $1 some dude I will never get tired of voice over repat and his Rim world uh voice over we don't know what that video is from uh his name is voiceover Pete I use him in every single one of my videos when I say Rim world so love it we love [Music] it okay so far so good fix up the base make it more beautiful make some flooring I will probably need a colonist to just do cleaning since these animals they produce so much filth vanilla without wall light is fear inducing it is what it is H it is what it is I think wall light is the most popular mod no I can see why it's so simple it's so Innovative Innovative should I say why does this game look like it's controlled by tons of settings you mean uh this game here or you mean Rim world Randy Randy random use hay yeah I should hay flooring and another raid could become a good good Chef I'm going to keep this door open and as always we only have four taoes to help us now uh okay I need to tame some more animals then maybe get some more squirrels more rats I mean the system to interact with your Rim roll game yeah I have a have a few Quality of Life mods I think that's about it [Music] okay let's see this I mean that's impetus that wasn't even a challenge how do you know where to click to do something I'm not sure what exactly you mean but I've been uh playing this game for uh for 3,000 hours I think so I know everything about this game absolutely everything which is um concerning but oh well look at that base now doesn't it look much better than when we started looks much better [Music] okay I think we need to expand even more now no we need more land for the animals but this little base here should be enough for now more than enough how should you dispose of Mech trash I mean I would just just dump it on the outskirts of the map as long as your colonist don't walk over it should be fine I am late could you explain your rules please so I am only allowed to deal damage with the animals and I'm going to try to breed as many as I can so yeah that's the that's the challenge try to survive without any combats of our own we just rely on the animals and so far so good good the to Roes are working wonderfully okay I need to tame more animals so should I get hay probably get some hay uh do you eat hay you eat kibble how do you make kibble that seems very nice though let's make some kibble we will need some berry bushes can you make kibble out of hay you can okay let's grow some some hay right over here got a much possible maybe up to here the biggest shock for me is you can still Q orders even when drafted for some reason I didn't even think about it I think that is with akong a mod wa let me see here I cannot Q orders now when drafted but if you hold in shift in Q orders then you can so quite useful Master work wooden sculpture B Beam now this room will become extremely impressive you can shoot them to empty Tils and no one cares well that's true got one more squirrel Refugee sleeving well then Buffy you've done a whole lot to improve the impressiveness of the base so thank you and now the base looks very nice we're going to get some batteries as I said halfway done halfway done Quest completed and this is my favorite song My favorite Rim World song oh no you just absolutely butcher that duck it's sad to see but if we want to be a Rancher here we have to live off of our own animals yep okay what to do now lart you can do some research maybe get one more research bench about [Music] here oh okay can you you sell waste packs I don't think so at least not in unmodded Rim world I think the best way to get rid of waste packs is to get a waste pack atomizer atomizer yeah this thing will delete waste packs automatically or you can just send them in drop pods to some other location on the world map then you don't have to worry about pollution but if you do send it somewhere else then you will get trads so shearing muffalo I think the muffalo are really good they bring milk and they bring wool even the male ones are useful because they breed and they acquire you some wool so I think we will have some more muff maybe like uh yeah Max it out max out the Muff max out the Ducks bum bum bum here we go they don't give milk for a long time we too strong got a no milk you don't give milk why do you not you don't bring milk this female muffalo interesting I do not know that so it's only C that give milk then have you named your animals yet I get so many animals I haven't named them except for VQ the tortoise male one give you milk ah that is a different kind of milk uh and you do not want to know what it is it's a bit salty I can tell you that yeah no new animals to T let's see here what do we need more muffalo maybe one two turkeys no VQ the Toro is a legend let's see here so this guy killed gabella I think it was this girl VQ the tortoise M thisne underfall we need as many toroes as possible but are they laying any eggs okay yeah they are egg progress is coming in stack up those animals how long does hate take to grow seven days that's quite interesting okay I would like to tame a mega sloth because that thing would carry us but if it were to attack us we would die we're not allowed to attack back we're only allowed to have the animals attack for us and anyways we're soon at day 46 can you believe it Randy random has tried his hardest to attack us but to no avail the animals were nerfed in royalty I think yeah that's [Music] true day on Silver hypothermia 5 Celsius okay do we have any Crafters craft some clothing okay lo I need you to make a campfire so we don't freeze to [Music] death but you will notice if you get too many animals that the TPS or the FPS of the game will go down so if you have a 100 animals uh your Colony will start to lag a lot so that's why I want to keep it not too high not too high oh look at that cute thing this tortoise was just born so cute so cute we have our random turkey in here this one is not tamed it's just living among us you should still be able to milk most cattle yeah we haven't gotten any milk I've been playing this game for so long I didn't realize that muffalo don't give milk H yeah it's been 5 years since I started so AO colony is the best in this instance y if you get AO you win can you use the dry it that's actually a good idea yeah I technically could didn't I get a Garland pod sprout a while back Gamers random look he's in great danger he needs your help being a legend and build a t thank you Safi for the $5 we will continue to span upon the tortoise Army what was I going to say didn't we get our Garland pod Sprout uh I have to look for it um let's see here Garland pod Sprouts oh we have uh bopes okay I need all of these bomal opes 10% chance guys surely we will not die to a muff a 10% boomalope fail tame chance and knowing my luck I will probably die okay let's uh try to tame those [Music] then 1.1 or earlier they can no longer produce milk prior to this tamed females could be milked once every two days for 6 milk yeah milk here we go so I guess I need to get some cows I drank cow milk today and I will continue to drink cow milk until I die it's the best but yeah if you're doing a playr consider getting some animals they are really useful no more food okay stash of valuables no thank you let's see here neutrient paste I said I was going to get that 20 days ago but I been delaying it yet I need batteries finally I can see a stream flamer Dasher welcome to the stream I love you heading out always happy to catch the streams thank you more streams to Come Goodbye MX Relic Quest why not H silver is happy though that's nice to see yeah this is definitely one of my more relaxing playthrough I have to say cuz even though we've been getting raids the animals just destroy them at least early game I'm not sure how you can take care of a 50 Pirate Man raid with only animals I think that's impossible I have absolutely no idea how you would take out 50 centipedes with like 100 taoes it wouldn't work so this is more of a an early game challenge I would say T those spal opes is silver noest no I just haven't gotten some clothing for her I I probably should I probably should there we go a female boomo and if you see here these things where I think all the bomal opes will produce milk I'm not sure cuz they all have uh those those sacks filled with chem Fuel and then I can start getting some chem fuel generators instead of this unreliable wind [Music] turbines damn guys we have uh we're almost at day 50 there we go day 50 survived on the hardest difficulty but I think Randy has been uh too nice to us oh metal pack up uh where is that thing that thing let's see here an alpaca versus a tortoise guys who are you betting on a giant ass horse oh no this is not looking too good the Alpac is uh it has Alzheimer's the alpaca will will forget what it's fighting come on [Music] please Jesus was that our only male tortoise okay thankfully not we cannot have have the female toroes die but that thing will bleed out so uh yeah rip tortoise but uh it's dead now round two yeah it's dead it's dead see it had to sacrifice itself for the greater Goods this is like a politician why go out into battle when you can just send your uh your minions out yourself don't have to do any work just let your minions do all the combat for you well you will be honored in our stomachs okay I need more bomal opes more more bopes milking boomalope one it's already filled with milk look so is it 20 cam fuel 11 cam fuel so early game I think getting boomop is 100% necessary cuz with this cam fuel you can get chain shotguns or do you need do you need I don't think you need cam fuel for chain shotguns but that's free Power Place one of these bad boys down hi VQ big fan happy to be catching a stream thank you love that loot welcome aboard all the new YouTube people I'm streaming here on YouTube and on Twitch so if you prefer to watch on either platform then you're free to choose okay this is what I mean I think we're dead here the last raade was one guy an imped and now we get four Eakin uh yes this is this is horrible I think we're dead I think we're dead uh yeah I need everyone here and we're going to prepare for a while um okay uh what's the point of a barn I think it's more in the winter and uh it's also nice that they don't have to sleep out in the rain but I think it's more for temperature management yeah especially for the eggs okay I think this is the end actually how do we deal with this oh no this is not good at all or maybe maybe maybe maybe this will be a tough one this will be a very tough one I should have gotten more toroes oh no not silver and why are you so slow silver okay okay get inside get inside no no okay toroes help me please tortoise please kill it kill them come on oh no [Music] guys um yeah I think it's over because our other animals cannot fight they are just Idol I can't we will have to hide in here oh no they're breaking in ah we have to hide in the freezer the base and now we're getting heat stroke or oh no h yeah we uh we should have gotten more toroes I suppose this looks like a GG yeah there there's nothing we can do we aren't even supposed to deal damage now because we're only supposed to have animals deal damage so I think we' I think we've lost a man in Black a man in Black to save the day but yet again I have to repeat myself it's uh it's impossible because we cannot shoot all we can do is run yeah maybe the plan was to just go for toroes that's true maybe too much wealth with these muff and all the other animals that cannot [Music] fight they have given up and are leaving there's a chance come on come on come on yeah somehow survived although only with a man in Black he has four medical okay oh Jesus looks like we're saved sh crash Quest 100% taking that guy mhm okay we are safe except we lost basically everything or did we I mean all of our animals are alive except for the toroes um VQ died right here VQ the tortoise what is this okay you're kidding me oh no it's minus 2 Celsius I'm going to fail that Quest if I don't do something oh no oh no I need to make a campfire right now okay we have enough for it silver so you went out into Min -2° C wether and died and how are neander Falls with clubs destroying cataract people I mean look at this this is why I need combat extended okay rescue silver we failed the quest yeah it is what it is should probably get all the animals back on track silver I can't need silver to get some clothing uh you can take the duster and the pants okay you should be fine I need you to get all the animals back um pen pen pen destroy the door replace the door do you have the ideology that you have to help by quests yeah that was very strange I've never seen a quest here that gives you development points but I guess it makes sense if you take care of a grizzly bear and get development points interesting never seen this in ideology who would win two yoked out super soldiers or two Bas boys the guy was wearing a Burk I think which provides no protection at all oh look at this so This Persona mono sword its owner was killed so this thing is an absolute Decked Out weapon but the problem is we can only deal damage with animals we cannot use weapons okay silver why can't you just now we are starving now the whole base is a mess everything is a mess or attention all Rim World gamers look he's in great danger he needs your help to wipe out thank youy thank you Anonymous for the $5 I mean uh unlucky or it wasn't unlucky everything that happens to you is your fault and your fault only in that case I should have gotten more protection always use protection kids cargo pods with more corn more food so I guess we will not starve silver please put on the clothing how is slart doing starving rope that in we'll never do hauling what is this guy useful in he can do mining so does have the fast learner trait not too shabby okay I mean now we're screwed if we get another raid so that's a problem big problem okay silver you are depressed but you'll be fine they destroyed our wind turbines as well oh my and they destroyed my cooler they destroyed everything tantrum of course but I think all the animals are saved I think so uh what's happened to all my muff H let's get some more squirrels get some more rats uh I think that's good enough for now need a bit more wood to rebuild everything though that's for [Music] sure here we go come on rat become [Music] ours okay silver you are very very weak your neck is about to fall [Music] off muffalo to are started to roll my away okay we're fine we're stabilizing slowly but surely if we didn't get a man in Black yeah who knows would have what would have happened but we do have enough resources to rebuild and clean up the base all I need is a little bit more wood doc one started to roam away is like uh oh my goodness it's open here uh okay patch that up now it should be closed there we go get all the animals in thank you sad wander no problem no problemo [Music] okay the winter is quite yeah quite bad though for Celsius not too good for the eggs but I think we're fine it's soon going to be spring again [Music] I had the worst Man in Black ever he had a bad back and when he was moving to rescue one of my colonists he died of a heart attack I once had a heart attack I think when someone a doctor our doctor was tending to someone and the doctor died of a heart attack reminds me of a doctor who is smoking yeah but I mean I guess it's some planned you cannot plan a heart attack unless you're really stressed out haul all of the rotten corpses out patch up the base T you just destroyed 11 components okay yep now we cannot make wind turbines so yeah I hate Tantrums I've been I saw a video where a tantrum uh led to a girl destroying an anti-rain Warhead of course sad wander there we go power is up um yeah construct please what are you waiting for there we go perfect perfect see everyone is happy now we're getting boobes we're getting more stuff uh what's up everyone welcome y the YouTuber to the stream can't believe that man in Black saved this whole run yeah that was a lifesaver if you can say so a true Lifesaver but all of our items got destroyed look at that wealth [Music] drop still no toroes on the map so as I said if we get another raid how will we deal with that how will we deal with that okay tame some squirrels that's the plan tame some rat [Music] I've had a tantrum destroy a Persona weapon I I made him eat a grenade yeah there are some things that the colonists are just I mean their mental health is important but you don't go destroying anti-rain warheads and kill everyone you know why not train a mega sloth because if you see here Mega sloths have a 30% chance of attacking you if you do not tame them and it's a very low chance you have a very low chance of taming it so yeah when I get a taming inspiration though could I ask why you're not using and ikin yeah the good thing is they have some abilities to help you like increased animals and the ability to get animals to attack Raiders but they also have weak Mining and weak wound healing and they also have low sleep or is it high sleep they have to sleep longer so I mean it's a it's a tradeoff you know I don't know I like to go for the baseliner since well they are normal no bad things just neutral uh but yeah an Eakin would be quite all right but let me know what you think a boom [Music] rat [Music] hello meme extremist welcome to the stream to the wonderful stream where we'll where we will quite clearly survive nothing wrong will happen and yeah the problem is we only have a rat and a boom rat to defend the colony all these other animals cannot fight or Raiders will not attack them Raiders will not attack pen animals I've been here for an hour wow well can you shoot your own animals no I can uh slaughter them though with the slaughter button we have no more food now what is going on we're eating goose for dinner how long will you stream today yeah I think it's almost 1 a.m. here so probably for a few more minutes I think then we should be good feel like these 3 hours have gone by so fast though it's really been 3 hours that's it's like a Avengers Infinity War length could have watched Infinity war or I could have watched end game but look at that the base is rebuilt look at that we've survived for almost a whole year we're almost there hey the base is back to normal who can complain nobody would rather watch this to be honest always great content I'm happy to hear that more streams to come I'm thinking uh two or three times a week can we get more muff yes [Music] please okay how good is animal farming I think it's very good but you will need to grow hay for it but other than that I think animal farming is very fun and relaxing you get wool you get meat you get eggs so compared to regular rice farming it's more interesting yeah and more interactive it means more labor though but can't complain with animal farming if you have the ideology DLC you should go for the Rancher meme if you want to grow animals live off of animals okay get all the berry bushes oh losar destroying the fences have to rebuild those also animals will snuggle you if they like you for good mood yeah tiny animals like dogs will oh no they destroyed all of our sculptures that's why we have awful Barracks ah that is awful truly awful is there any Jade we can is there any Jade we can mine are no resources here I would like to see what's in this ancient danger I'll crack it open when we have a bulk Goods Trader oh no please rebuild defenses please please I need you Ambrosia sprout in front of our eyes never had that happen before on screen Ambrosia How do I get more colonist eastle Rim world if you want to get good colonist then you want to Caravan out of your map and find as many ancient dangers as possible crack them open and usually they have no resistance or almost none then you just captur them and recruit them or you can just I mean there are like a bunch of ways to get colonists you can you can breed them can make people uh yeah get kids or get them from raids or you can buy them from Human Trafficking there all sorts of things starvation I need more food um yeah I'm not sure uh I need to eat more animals than I suppose what can you eat you can eat this egg hair self tame great how much does one egg feed you 25 that's not too [Music] bad okay where are the mual all the way up here think I'm going to get some berry bushes and try to to tame them and then slaughter them do you think the transhumanist m is a bit overpowered I mean they do get uh get a few structures that benefit them greatly like the neural supercharger here which is great increases Consciousness and uh learning rate bio sculpting I mean I'm not I'm not a game developer so I don't know how good they've balanced it but I think it's all right I think it's all [Music] right oh now we're starving now we are starving how many ducks do we have okay kill off all the male ducks I think that's the plan cuz we only need females we only need one male have his own harm can fertilize all the femal so eat the Ducks oh great you're going to destroy the uh Persona sword that I was going to sell for a lot of money desperate Refugee ooh 12 in animals okay okay quite interesting we're going to have you get this mufo here we'll test you out we do have hay though so there should be no problem taming animals now should be no problemo okay you can do some more mining Burger get some more Steel [Music] yo what's good welcome ducky to the stream happy to have you here Colin is getting ready to a to break a Persona weapon because they didn't eat on a table mental breaks are a bit uh interesting to say the least but there are mods to fix everything of course so cannot complain okay you're Bing all of our Harvest not good VY what performance mods do you use if you do exclamation mark mods you will get all the mods but I have rocket m here there's also performance Optimizer uh yeah performance Optimizer there's Rim Fred so that also works but Rocket Man is by goto so there's also run time GC I think it's all sorts of mods I hope you read this message but this game has Graphics very REM reminiscent of Prison Architect yeah I was actually watching videos of that before playing Rim world but I've never played it I've only played Ram World Rim [Music] world need more food this is not good we have to feed four pawns off of animal food and we cannot hunt so this is uh really bad going to starve we need to get more hay tame animals with it and then butcher them up so we will have we will have the new desperate refugees get as many animals as possible and silver you need to you need to work how does this run work so we can only deal damage with the animals so yeah we're going to try to make a zoo the challenge is to try to survive without dealing damage of of our own only animals cannot tame mufo no food okay hauling the hay no problem need more berry bushes how long will you stream today yeah it's uh it's 1:00 a.m. here so probably for a few more minutes but I said that a few minutes ago so too addicted VQ question I'm playing on a crappy device so what would happen if I disabled tiny animals like hairs I don't think uh anything much would happen we can actually disable things with rocket man here I think I mean nothing should happen if you stream for another hour it will be 1:00 a.m. again that is funny cuz today is Daylight Savings it's true oh wait that is true that is so true I can stream for an hour I can stream for one more hour because daylight savings will turn off today anyway mad muffalo oh free meat buter that thing up instantaneously I need someone to research need someone to research but yeah so far so good as I said we are going to probably die if we get another raid though still only have three combat animals and they're not even good not too shabby cooking up some kibble should be enough for now humans can also eat kibble so if we're in a desperate situation just eat the kibble but if you're doing a ranching Colony you will need some hay hay is the Pinnacle of ranching you see it everywhere I see it when driving past Farms here you see it everywhere I have to say your content is great and I hope you will continue have a great night good night kmw it is weird to know I sleep through videos every night I don't think it's weird is it if something is relaxing if it's weird to sleep to my videos but not weird to sleep to ASMR then then how does this Society work or is it weird to sleep to ASMR I do not know I used to sleep to ASMR but it was only in the beginning eventually I I couldn't the tingles I would get were reduced okay everyone is going to starve but you can just eat some kibble no you'll be fine you'll be fine let's see here so summertime here starts on a second daylight savings starts in an hour great I'm literally going to go back 1 hour in time 8 kibble minus 12 I had to eat animal kibble it's like I don't get to be human anymore [Music] this is a classic this soundtrack I'm kind of confused by this video and what do you mean by animals only I should have specified it but I can only use animals to deal damage so the colonists are pacifists so yeah try to build a zoo and have the animals deal with all the threats that that occur so that is the plan speaking of which okay I think this time we are dead two people in a days uh we only have a hair a rat and a boom rat let's see how they Fair let's see how they [Music] fair oh yeah uh VQ send the Boom opes in here the pen animals cannot do anything yeah it's it is it is over all we can do is wait oh no betrayal no way so the death desperate Refugee in the middle of the raid has betrayed us and we cannot attack him because we're doing an animal only play through okay this is yeah I probably should have done this on a on an easier difficulty silver will die of heat stroke quite a sight to see it was a good try what if you try this but with the vanilla expanded mod genetics expanded yeah but that is it that is it that is officially it another man in Black perhaps but uh I think it's over everyone instead of are gone the story is over perhaps someone else will find a use for the ruins of this place well well well well uh yeah it's currently 1:06 a.m. here so it has been a good stream I've enjoyed talking to you and I love you but unfortunately I will have to go I think I will stream tomorrow or on Monday so be on the lookout for that uh not sure what I'm going to stream yet but more challenges to come uh thank you for watching the stream and I will see you in the next one I love you no homo or actually yeah homo I am homo
Channel: veequeue
Views: 108,836
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2CADdO6litg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 199min 35sec (11975 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 28 2023
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