Exploring The Island: ARK Survival Ascended

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all right kids welcome back had to go and do the school run but we're here we're back on our raft and uh well I want to see what this game is all about right I had a little play about with the graphic settings I think it's running a bit smoother than it was before and um yeah timing what's what's going on there how we doing people in the chat by the way good to see you back good to see you back let's change it to live chat there we go job done where am I at the at the East Coast never no on the west coast right by Red up there he is look at look at the colors look at this Reds and blues and greens dude this honestly absolutely stunning mate right so first things first I think we need to learn how to tame right oh in fact we can gamma I've just uh no we can't gamma gamma three oh we can gammer okay good to know good to know don't want to gammer too much it is dark right now right so how do we tame right that's step one step in fact that isn't even step one the light there dude step one make a bed that's what we need to do make a bed people uh bit of Health bit of weight bit of fortitude bit of melee why not oh my God there's a raptor can I use the water as cover no I can howy can I play this version anyone can play it right now issue owie owie again have I seen the mods we did we looked at the mods at the end of the last one going to move away from this Raptor if I can please oh quick quick quick quick quick quick quick quick quick quick quick quick quick quick going to just knock him out the way there we go LOL console release date I'm hearing the 1st of November is when we're able to play able to play this on Console people need to change my underpads you can make secret doors out the walls yeah I know yeah we looked at that in the last stream um I I want to know to tell him something that's what I want to know I could do with putting a bed on this ra I think in case we die so let's do that right you can't level up movement speed no it's unable to be done stay at this dude uh bed bed bed hey can we make a beds do we make a bed we do make a bed except thank you very much watch the other live stream for mods is are there some people already jumping on it then okay I need a bit more more uh a bit more of this a bit more of that parasaur should be the first time should it though come on we all know what the first time should be right fail gotcha all right nice kind of want to go for that M CH up my bit oh you bum just stop behind well luckily Mups attack you since since when was that I think there we go there we go he's dead he's dead he's dead he's dead oh that was a b d danger okay I can't even repair that Flint holy hell damage numbers yeah we can have damage numbers there's the thing well there we go let's get the crafting let's get a bed on this boat mops attack what's going on there right what's that all about where does that MH UPS go yes dude lots of hid what's the minimum specs um pretty low but recommended a 30s a 30 series mate um I don't know man mashups do hate short people they hate these short [Laughter] people glad F and kns won't be as dark anymore right yeah it's it's man look at the look at look at this glow I love this this is beautiful that's a beautiful night sky right there yeah I put everything at Epic uh just for the thumbnail and good grief epic is epic to say the least it really is I'm hearing the the servers There's issues connecting to them so I'm not even bothering with the servers right now wait until a doo attacks Me Be Yourself as Game Pass there was no mention of it was there in that trailer on trailer on Xbox's uh showcase last night so maybe not possibly not right come on let's push this back let's get a bed going on uh oh I can't make it it's a bit weird it looks like I can't make it but I can make it right there we go bomb uh wait um bit more fortitude weird like we haven't got speed that's I think stamina's going to be our requirement right need to eat uh can I make a new a new uh one of these campfires there we go 360 might be slow looks hella pale do you think it is dark right now love your cut I thinkk you're very much love you yeah I've I've been hearing the network keeps going up and down uh we'll see what happens there right let's get some cooking going on cooking perfect get the bed down there we go lovely lovely I can respawn in safety at that night you fill with the settings a bit and you're running a high Epic on 108p smooth on on a 2080 wow well you go then it can be done it can be done here's the optimization certainly not as optimized as I was hoping won't lie um I think yeah there's you've got to have a little play about your settings I still think I need to have a little playout to get the right settings going on at the moment um but we'll see $40 this is check out the exactly the Aurora oh the aora what FPS am I on I haven't because I I literally got this PC up yesterday I haven't even set up the whole the FPS sort of things I'm definitely seeing a bit of drop like it this isn't a smooth 60 FPS right now no way no way but um it's not bad it's not bad right so we've got our bed we got that we need to know how to knock something out how it's time something I assume we just have to knock him out with a club where is Club there right imagine Rockwell and ascended right damn d uh club club club in fact let's make a box for this boat there we go as every Bob starts on a boat right sometimes maybe not thatching Woods are hit boxes any bad I'm not sure yet I'm not I'm not seen much of a difference not going to lie much love much love back uh console release as far as we know is going to be the first of November I'm hearing but um yeah yeah make sure to like this video people it really does help it benefits me a lot you you wouldn't believe so bar doesn't that look that good it's it's all right how's the popping not a lot if you look at the thumbnail you'll notice creatures like being rendered in from far that wasn't epic though and like it certainly wasn't running well for me um with everything on Epic no way yeah uh right uh I'm going to go a bit more fortude I think let's do it and we need to make a box we need to make a box I'm going SL this box in here I got more wood think you je py upgrade now have they updated the quest model so far the creature models don't look too different I've got to say they don't look they don't look that that different at all visible status bar for hot bar is visible now all right there we go there we go we got our box hello Mr PT I I can't wait to tell you I'm interested on the progression uh of this what's interesting is with having a small character I've noticed look I float I'm the boat I float on the boat I don't know if that was taken into account n servers seem to be a bit finicky at the moment so we're keeping away from servers right now and um we'll we'll cross that bridge when we come into we Magen Berry whatever that is right let's put all this in here for now we want to now make a club let's make a club [Music] um with wood and fiber not enough not enough uh not enough there hey it's good though I think if you know Arc you kind of really know how to play it already jrg ogut orot became a Roy member thank you very much mate please um message me on Discord and I'll get you in the secret special R Club the magical dwarf hello the new berries that all just for Dy okay okay but you can eat them right these new berries a ver Berry so many different berries what so is the whole D system changed now are you know it who was that the local Ewok you know it mate please make some pads I I'd like to you know put it all out there uh come on let's make some punts let's get clued up clued up clued up let's go uh perfect and some gloves where is gloves don't see Gloves did I not unlock gloves I did unlock gloves where is gloves am I over there need more hide finally green D without crystals without crystals oh right cuz that was in the recipe yeah game's out mate the game is out the game is out right okay we're going to get a full full set on um there we go we're cled up there baby yeah new berries a bit interested on what is what's in the berry Department right now but okay we're geared up uh I was going to make some make some Club that's what I was going to do Club wood fiber there we go right and I think do you know what let's go let's go and check out that the uh the terminal the terminal not the the note just a bit further that way have a look at the sky look at the sky dude it's gorgeous what's the in game time right now 3:00 a.m. okay Daylight's coming is that a synac berry do you think it's a synac berry that one cyan Berry Canan Berry maybe right maybe Godzilla become a Ras thank you very much mate right let's let's go down this way along the Seas along the Seven Seas as I float above my boat ARL can you show us the mods i' showed them in the previous stream you got go to the end you will see them mate there's only a couple right now not many yeah I can't get over mods for console there's only a few available right now spart Al I'm and the additional creatures right now can we explore underwater I tell you what hang on WE we'll go find there we go there we go right let's see let's see how this works come on let's get some time on monkey funu with a tener thank you very much just found out we got the same birthday just going to start a channel but I thought a PS5 is going to run run it like this excited for the content thank you very much monkey much appreciate mate much appreciate it dude thank thank you very much okay here we go is this how you say still in ASA knocked out level 18 put food in inventory to tame me berries in your bum bum and uh a bar unconscious timing zero timing Effectiveness damn that all the stats are there on the right that's wild Raptor uh Rapture become Russell we got achievement our first Dino all right well people in the chat come on let's see what's the first name for the first Dino let's see it man what we got best name wins can't wait in the bar and G gem one oh I hear seagulls no no like I would tying seems to be timing I'm interested if um babies are tamed in any other form or or what or not no idea ah there we go there we go got we're done it's going to be done it's Dave Dave the doo Come On Dave you come on my boat beautiful you stay there I love the whistles all still in the same place uh should we time the other one as well that was actually relatively straightforward I don't think my I haven't like checked any turned any uh settings I wonder whether it's it's replicated anything from my um my as ASE one daddy Dave new update dropped what do you mean new update as in Steam update on this oh hello Burger beads NR kick you can snatch baby if you kill oh hello hello hello yeah here we go so there's imprint icons on the baby Raptor Raptor Rapture with t again thank you so much mate I didn't get into the partner program but I was given a key a it's wicked dudes I'm very pleased you mate crazy coming in with the tenner thank you so much hey Ras hope you're doing well love your content thank you for helping me through things you appreciated well I appreciate you crazy thank you so much thank you thank you to the pair of you very kind a patch just dropped yeah there there's a giant titana over there man what's a patch for really okay for us at the moment all right well let's give this a all then yeah so do we kill the parents to tame the babies yeah I just scared the babies they they I don't know if that works howy do I tame you baby doos how do I time you any sneaky plans for monarchy I can't divulge that yet no I'm back man I'm back I we want to learn things so what do we do get a level in ass bir there we go how do we tame you they will calm down okay right let's let's chill out let's go away from them for a minute let's go and get the the uh skin the hide off these dodos where was that where where did the parents die somewhere here I lost them it's dark let's get some light going on oh that looks good oh look at that the B the lighting effects food in last SL hot bar okay yeah why didn't I think of that uh mijos need some mijos I'm assuming I need some mijos I don't know right where's that baby's gun what you people are saying an updates what what updates I'm collecting wood I need berries there's no option to to Tain these right click with the torch there's a belts oh it's on my Bel oh oh oh that's not scary oh the the torches on my belts oh that's [Music] nice what you need to time the parent first oh man well I killed I killed a parent They're All Dead oh look at that you need to T the mother to get the babies okay right well that ain't happening then is it when daylight comes we're getting it on where's my club so you need to T the parents what to T the babies who's this then this is the this is a this is a male the PVP is like old Arc what I don't know we're not on PVP server right now we're we're on single player mate leave area and come back I love this look at that the light reflecting off the or being blocked by the dodo that's super cool all right next name let's see what you got saw someone kill a tri and T the b the baby rampy did that well that's interesting I wonder I wonder what it's all about D just taking new Doo SS are nice they are nice um I've lost it is it oh dkey dkey oh that's it light's coming in now AR torch and the Bel brings a new meaning to fire crutch do you know I'm kind of liking the jump uh now I am Stumpy Bera Pizza bluma bu turkey horis horis Grog why are these names why are these names um options change name uh dingbat that's it there we go dingbat perfect so yeah there's a tracking uh option there with all of these tracking info toggle tracking oh oh oh that's nice froo froo so if we go to the tracking menu now here we go so you can find all your tames here and track them from anywhere on the map that's pretty cool bro that's pretty cool I like that let's um let's see what happens there let's get some meat on us now now we're living a dream uh we're back to these baby dodos don't know if we can con them was the torch burning underwater that's a a great idea uh suggestion was it I don't even know where was my torch there's my torch oh yeah my torch went out cuz I went in the in the sea yeah he wasn't burn underwater ding B Dave go for a lovely swim yeah I said I'd do that once I T some dodos I just want to see these baby Doos first just to see if um we can still tame them but I I don't know where they are right now lots of icons I can hear that baby dodo where is he there I have no timing options it's another M dodo I don't know how to T this baby all right we're going for a dip in the seat we're we're going to just swim down see how far we can get in fact not yet we're going to go take the boat a bit north game is stunning right I assume there's baby rexes I don't know the babies give Prime the early game is going to be even easier should we should we just kill it should we just kill one [Laughter] that do give Prime you get Prime from baby dodos damn that's interesting that's super interesting holy hell quck gaming coming in with a giant $200 donation I love your video live streams keep being you and keep up the awesome work well thank you so much dude that's that's what dude that's insane man everybody can we have a big round of applause for quit going that's that's phenomenal mate I I hope um you were able to do that that's that's I'm I'm yeah overwhelmed dude thank you so much I feel guilty killing a Dodo in your name I hope that that was your moment you got a dead baby too that was dark that was super dark um all right right let's find this let's find this baby uh dodo again where was it it was over here somewhere see if we can knock it out that's the male where did the baby go quick quick gaming MVP that's that is a lot of money mate um just very very kind of you dude thank you so much wow no need to kill the parents but we just tried to kill the parents and we tried to knock out the parents and that did nothing I to be honest I've lost this baby Doo I don't know where it's going all right all right sack it off we we're we're going to take the boat North and we go to the sea is my hair going green or am I tripping oh I'm no that's my Doos I couldn't hear all right let's go we going north and then we're going to go in the sea mate this looks incredible and we're checking out an artifact cave people we are totally checking out an AR artifact cave chaotic rasa thank you very much mate much appreciated look at the shadow along long the seea oh [Laughter] floaty good grief this does look look good you can't deny that the light peering in over the sea there look at that oh the Shadows all just silhouetted crusted what the hell C12 hello M gifting memberships thank you very much quick gaming it's never and David Britain gifted a very cool I'm loving it mate I um I I think this looks lovely the water's stunning what was what's that where did that wave come from was that the Sharks which I really shouldn't get too close to right hang on all circling an area are they going for me what's a physics SP you bust is V here hello V I never SE voo type I swear he ghosting me like or something he's he what's Shadow band I see people talk to him though hey do I buy a rasshole um I mean don't have to mate don't feel like you need to but I think you just picked the up up what's up sharks got babies too we should have checked maybe but we're going north we're going north along the see here look at the the smug just like the hell was that noise wow I'm going out to see there could be leads I'm always missing your messages video though oh dudes look at it just look at it right I mean don't right I I think it's a bit choppy and it doesn't feel as optimized as I I guess I'd hoped but even so dude it looks good man you are being black and Sor you know can you turn the babies yes oh that another wave coming in hitting the shore I want to go surfing bro I want to surfing that yeah we're going to go for a dive in a minute we're going to go a bit further up this way prehistoric G him coming with a 499 thank you so much I apologize to Advanced people if my speech is a bit poor I've not slept a lot and the less I sleep the worst I speak water doesn't look fire right yeah I I slapped everything on Epic uh earlier and it looks nice but yeah not even this 4080 could handle it uh so I had a little player about with a few things dropped a few things and feels like it's running pretty well um doesn't feel like 60 FPS so um but you know we we'll Overlook that for now yeah we had two crashes earlier in the in our first stream tab sub think bum we have we got two dodos D and DP here he is do cave I do you cave yeah we're going to we're going north and then we're going to go for a a dive into the sea I'm going I'm going to a certain location look M the rain what it rains the atmosphere oh cun hello mate super excited by the way this looks just super disappointed yeah man I it does it super sucks for uh console players mate it really does it really does um but you know not long 1 November fingers crossed that's as long as you need to wait right I think is this the spot is this the spot or is it further on let's keep going this way look at the snow R of Lights fck to her can't wait to get a loan out for a 49 I think this is where we're diving about here yeah yeah yeah about here I mean how far we get you know no idea but let's give it a well right about here bit further out let's see if our memory serves me well find a raptor man we found a raptor at the start of the stream we almost died to Raptor at the start of the stream right what do just let let a little right there we go let's see how far we get what's my did I have any Oxygen 150 Dove Dove Dove a I need to go further that way never mind the underwater looks good this is a vast improvement over as big fun how big of a fun where's Mark oygen I'm half oxygen we might make it to the cave we're not going to get into the cave I don't think okay somewhere here the water is incredible dude it really is you really are shock yeah I'm looking I was looking for oh that's me dead that's me dead most definitely oh oh the death thing kind of sucks like respawn at simple beds it just feels more brutal for some reason well there you go there's your swimming the sea now you know right now we need a cave I was hoping we was going to get into that cave but we we wasn't even close um don't whistle that stop all no that's the same deep that that it feels like it is um closest cave to us probably the hunter in it we got to go like a bit of a bit of a journey for it there's like it's going to be far too cold that way for a cave so I'm going to have to go back this way bacon for the 10 10id thank you very much mate ASA hype ASA hyping dude oh yes does the mini map work yeah there's your mini map I like it tell where your deaths are tracks all your deaths how many deaths one to know I don't know what the settings would be like with Xbox mate um graphics card 4080 dude can't see if back stack UK swamp k for sure be be it's so and it it is so beautiful can you test if light from torches or forges yeah yeah I'll show you on check this out this is super cool torch and then put it on me me belt in me little pouch I love that that's great looky I a little bit of Illumination there you can just see it just glistening there if I turn onto the dodo that's lighting the dodo [Applause] up there you go dudes I'm going to just like just do this for a minute without the Huds and just admire the scenery as we make our way to the next cave that was a seagull go away you should set op camp on the island is there a te distance don't know don't know yet kill the crabs have you checked out a cave yet we're making our way to it cave that's what we're doing right now we're making our way towards the cave dude the Clay's moving you can you see that like the top of the the Dome is that what that is did you all see that like a part of the the Dome of the the the ark world like was like like visually shown then just for a second was that a mistake or was that on purpose interesting T sunnd 499 thank you very much mate uh hey there everyone I'm joining a little late has it been performing okay yeah no um it's certainly not like 60 frames per seconds uh for me um but I mean it looks bloody lovely it really does Daniel with a five thank you very much mate so about to play ASA on the steam deck let's see on the on the steam deck good luck with that one dude I'm interested to see how he plays the steam deck I don't know what the FPS is I didn't I haven't set up the FPS things um to know what my FPS is right now but there's no way this is 60 you can tell looking at it there's no way this is 60 what set settings am I on a range of epic how is the glare from the Sun not too bad actually there you go it's not as blinded it's certainly not as blinding Doo feet pcks looks like you are talking to the [Laughter] Toto just this alone right this is lovely it's a little journey your around you could startat FPS I don't know what that means man 700 likes let's go can we hit the big 700 people I'd like to see we haven't been to the swamp yet oh it's up oh it's up we're making our way downtown walking fast lowest graphics for the LW dude I'm it took me ages to get this setting and feel like okay this is this is running okay like this I ain't I ain't budging on this man I don't know what my FPS is I don't know where to show it I'm meant to be running at 60 but it's not 6 this isn't 60 no way no way occasionally it is but there right now maybe hello there when is it coming out for consoles apparently first and November November mate should call it dodo Rass this is Lov do you know I'm realizing perhaps I've got a full sense of uh confidence right now how large as the gaming GB 70 NRI coming in with the five thank you very much mate if you'd pick a third party creature what would you pick when you say third party what do you mean as in a third to join a Duo I would pick a milkers but I can't pick a milkers cuz they don't exist just remembered there's a spineo there all right we're going to try and navigate past it look at the waterfall to the left look you just just appreciate this for a moment people that's stunning right let's go to the right avoid this there's two spinos oh no okay um slight issue and that SP over over there's busy decimating trees um prob we avoided that one oh no oh we're good we're good we're good we're good we're good I keep moving yeah I haven't seen so much in waves the hell was that haven't seen so so much in waves send it ra send what mate What GPU 380 mate 3080 I I shortly I'll have all the specs in my description but I don't remember K thank you very much for the cor it's very kind of you mate the the love of the chat is massive today people I hope you're enjoying this talk oh what the hell was roaring at me then I don't even want to know something in the sea was it a shark we don't know let's keep on moving we're going to go to Hunter cave um if you are enjoying this slap that like button with your nose bsh like that you know press it hard against the like button so you get on do that FPS it's a command I I I give it that's not that isn't there's like a thing that pops up on on the top corner right I can't remember how how to do that can you look at the teeken grams I can but we can't we can't see them at the moment look um I I don't have them unlocked the TP that's the tech TP which is a different icon definitely um or it could be that one actually no idea um but yeah no cryopods you should just pin like a message of your specs I'm waiting for the list of specs from Buck they were meant to send it me but they haven't sent it me yet missed opportunity manam typing console startat FPS okay okay okay okay okay startat f PS no that's going to that did nothing sacrifice my too come on we're going to a cave there's no cros we're making our way to the cave we're not far it's just over here we need to see what caves look like how is RF building I wonder I wonder indeed too I want to get some building done as well is this a new map this is the island on ASA lead incoming I know it feels like it's only a matter of time mate yeah right we're nearly there we're at Stone enged now aren't we more or less pretty much pretty close I love this map I quite like this new map it's very nice feels a bit weird yeah the steam overlay that's the thing I don't I I can't yeah it's not it's not something I'm going to do now though mate I I I will do but not [Laughter] now uh rag waterfalls yeah they will be crazy sumon gigans I don't know about you using cheats I'm trying to avoid them um I I I I still can't decide what I want to do like content wise at the moment I just right now just explore the island right enjoy it for what it is in fact the cave entrance is up here well there's two ways to it yeah let's go let's go the the the easy way in I'm not sure about the other way is this a whole new game it is it's a brand new game Arc survival ascended the unreal five remastered version of Arc you can't play it do you know do I know if it runs with proton I don't seriously 10 months time passes so fast damn it does youve been a member for 10 months Dragon song well thank you very much mate much appreciated oh yeah scorched Earth it does make me think yeah like the weather on on this alone phenomenal and it's really cool to be witnessing unreal 5 for the first time in game and seeing its technology in progress nanite that renders in stuff close to you at super duper resolution but stuff very far away still pretty good it Con the information correctly Stone Henge doesn't feel like Stone Henge anymore [Laughter] wow yeah we want to T some more stuff right now the plan is we're going to the cave we're going to go to the hunter cave which we're not too far away once we've got there we'll see what else is around best looking Survival Game I think I'm inclined to agree right it do be looking crisp it do be lucking crisp indeed your PC is probably going to explode God looks nice I I for some reason I love that the OBS are bigger why I don't know yeah you can report bugs to the devs I don't I have like a direct line to them mate to report bugs not really yeah yeah we're going to the hunter we're not far time to order food oh God man Daniel with another five D so update on ASA and the steam deck it froze no ah sorry to yeah ma'am I am I'm looking forward to seeing what the Xbox and PS5 versions are like first November first November Marsh or M um you came at the right time lepold coming in with a 10 thank you very much mate looking amazing I actually updated my GPU to a 7900 um I'm super excited to play myself once my 3 megabyte download is finished yeah uh I had slow download too we're going to wait for this drop you got people check out these drops they're amazing we we're going to wait for this we're going to get this oh look at the the glow it makes where it's Landing war war okay oh got level uh let's go a bit more for I like my fortitude I'm a I'm a dude who likes his fortitude dude baby Doos right let's let's let's see so no I killed the baby too we're going to S we're clubbing them all all right here he comes here he comes here he [Music] comes so good I need to gamma down just to touch um gamma 2.25 there we go what do we get oh oh hello Tran arrows tree sap tap fireplace uad done that was a a good bit of drops indeed we're going to B watch walk I am man with Club watch out I take out baby Doos with my club say at this man yeah the drops are insane right absolutely insane dude right hang on sort this out put all this away I must have took everything out like a donkey we got a sap tap we got a fireplace we got everything bro it does look good right um right is that baby so we we go for The Knockout I think I don't think you knock out babies to tter coming in with a five I think content wise we could all just enjoy that old school Primal art feels again right I'm right there with you dude yeah four times the size of um a 8-year old game though right I should I should it's a female I need a female than God are you a female you're a male no crack on they launch the game they did murderer murderer I I need to cook this Prime dude I need more wood or thatch I don't like the sound of a Dodo disable autographs what does that do what does that do oh so it just wouldn't craft C turn the the meat into cook meat maybe Ross hello oh the drops amazing I love them there is new music I've turned it off for the purpose of possibly recording stuff um so I didn't want to hint of that but we we played it in the the first stream earlier on um how are you playing the game I downloaded it make die but we need cooking pots right can we make cooking pots we can make cooking pots so much to do so little time um let's keep moving let's keep moving right forget all that I'm I'm not going to lie I'm feeling quite overwhelmed right now I just want to I just want to see him do everything at once yeah we checked out photo mode got a bit overwhelmed by that as well right the cave is get my bearings a bit here so we're at stonee that's the is land so the entrance to the cave should be just about there on the left we're on Discord that you said console releases November the 1st I was simply told that don't take it as gospel about November the 1st there's the cave right there right Doos survive the hell was that we're going to go we know gear first let's see how long we last uh Mar what' she say uh I will just have to watch you play for seven days yeah sorry dude um hopefully they do do first of November yeah somebody just simply told me that I I don't want to like say that as gospel I don't know do you know what for the Cinematic feel let's let's let's do it without the [Laughter] hood oh so good have you had breakfast I did I had breakfast and a coffee look at this I think yeah this is where the cave is morning show the map there's there's your map dudes BOS the hell was that noise so some something snoring or something so the cave should be where we haven't gone past the entrance have we it's about is it there damn you YouTube bit rate what's what's up with the YouTube bit rate map looks so zesty have us in a beehive we heard a be here we go here we go oh oh frame me oh that's dark all the sounds let's just gammer up a little [Music] bit what oh this is stunning YouTube compression going crazy with the foliage right it is scary it's not free it's $40 uh un launch mate I'm sorry I'm a bit overwhelmed um by this at the moment the cave SS are phenomenal yeah right the atmosphere my the hairs on the back of my neck are standing up like little hairy soldiers right now oh this is incredible gamma back it looked it looked better with the the the original gamma gun then I'm a bit worried about it being too dark for YouTube but there you go the sounds all I see a spider there so we're going to avoid that it was way too bright my bad I YouTube normally is like much darker um for you guys so I'm I'm always mindful of that but if it's good for you it's good for me I'm not seeing look at this look at that that light peering through over the trees bro the sound it it it feels like a a brand new cave like I know this cave like I know this cave well but I don't feel like I've been in this cave before because I haven't because it's this version of the cave but it just feels very different it you know it it's oh my god it feels a bit reminiscent of the caves in uh the forest [Applause] oh that is scary oh my God yep let's go over the top screw it we'll fall down the bottom we'll see how far we get wow wow okay we're running oh my God ah no I'm stuck I'm stuck I'm going to die I'm stuck I'm [Applause] stuck wow um yeah that that that's quite quite incredible quite incredible it's a rat bag run it's a rat bag go go go go all right we've got a saddle for an iguana done we've got TRS why not right why not let's let's get on a steed where we can actually move a B on so we got to find ourselves uh a way out away away around um let just turn off this hat which is a way of like keeping that at all times so you never see your hat I feel like we're missing a Dodo we are missing a Dodo what happened to what happened to our other it was killed by a seagull ding bug what no no the Seagle killed it what what I feel I feel rubbed I feel rubbed man them stupid seagulls fire and fatch right three Bowlers I hate how that character looks that's why I made it leveling is pretty fat but to be fair it's on a single player and I picked the medium setting I assume it it cust gave me settings based on that I don't know I haven't changed any other the settings so I am surprised how quick I'm leveling actually it it feels perhaps a bit too fast um right we're going to find an iguana done we've got everything we need to tame one we got Bower we got TRS we got a saddle we just got to find an iguan where be iguan usually on the beaches right so we just going to keep our eyes peeled for one of them sounds would you say it's worth it dude look at it look at it man no this isn't even Max um I ran everything on Epic and I and to be and to be honest yeah I couldn't run epic well with a very poor frame rate but I posted some pictures on on Twitter can I not get the boat across there but I posted some pictures on Twitter so you can check those out to see how good he actually can look which is pretty pretty good I don't think I can cross here okay that's new I'm sure you could before with boats but you can't now wait you can bow iguana done what do you mean you can't is that is that one there is that a parasol that's a parasol right yeah do you know what is Max Level I'm assuming it's 150 on servers like yeah when we loaded up this we got the choices of easy medium or hard um so I'm guessing I picked medium so it gave me some random random settings as a result the dino levels are are is definitely not Max 150 on this the fact you can't run It On full settings with a 480 yeah yeah I turned everything on to Max and it was it was choppy um I mean this it still looks pretty damn good like this right how was he playing it already cuz the game's out all right here's my graphic settings at the moment a lot of people have been asking there you go that that's what I've done at the moment there you go that's what we we got epic high high epic high high high high high high high and that seemed to get the frame rate down to a reasonable uh amount um yeah is the hitbox fixed don't know car I'm not not sure yet um can't offer an opinion yet haven't engaged with enough stuff this ain't playable what you mean it's playable I'm playing it right now 5% left to watch how fast 30 actually explodes is it that bad for you Dave well it's coming out PS5 and Xbox series X I I I love this view man looks so good well we're looking for an aigan this is what we're doing get your eyes peel people we need to find one Juan iguan bro yeah something I think the devs O overlooked is that small model with small feet means floaty man looks like Atlas what do you think I think it looks better than Atlas that when you get into the dense forest you'll see you'll see what I mean it's it's pretty uh pretty good I have 5% left until you finish downloading H fair enough will it be playable on MacBook uh probably the same time it's playable on Microsoft Paint uh Amish McKenzie two Tas you can have secret walls in this game I'm in love when you say secret walls what do you mean secret walls what are these secret walls do you suggest 360 graphics card 40s um the devs have said what the recommended was a 30 AC graphics card um seems a bit insane but yeah I haven't found an iguana done yet parasaur there let's go in towards G why what shes is that just a shark what is that I don't know oh we're going to die I spy no in normal Arc there's usually Some maguana Ds up here I'm I'm a bit I'm a bit scared n forget that man I ain't going there I'm going to die I'm going to die look at what I've got try to F man try to find a g Giger we're going to get this Guana done see if you just T it as you do normally in Ark and uh and a move from there wa not not 380 minimum there's like super dup this the minimum is like really low but I'd be surprised interested to see what it runs like on the minimum requirements but recommended is 380 so 370 TI yeah should be good go to Herb I'm going to have a look at herb got a herb do you find a do you find a Guan at herb you can go there you telling me you can't bowler an iguana done no you right oh there's her there wow do you know I'm normally used to not seeing herb at all until you get super like in this area and um you can start crossing the water and then herb finally renders in no you can see it from all the way over here no iguana Dan but easy life well that's no good to us we're looking for an igon people so then we can get we can move about on fo but damn just that render distance that's amazing please send full Graphics I did we did the screenshot your download is currently on minus the sounds bro come on auana Dan auana Dan loading something know what that was a for the legs hello B you're right right we're looking for a guad you think an RX 6600 how much is the game $40 mate do I SAR you can bow iguana we just got to find one maybe we've got a saddle for one stos parasaur I hav I haven't seen standard Arc rules apply right whenever you're looking for the one do one seagull you never find it fronos let's go up here a little bit Mikey go swamp no I know what you want to see we're working our way around there any anyway [Laughter] parasaurs that sound of the uh the bronos uh stomping was was very nice I heard the echo from Miles Away would it be playable on MC at some points I don't know mate oh yeah that is a baby St go is it oh is here look next to a dead thing that I'm about to harvest what's this Caro CH bit hard in my life thank you please very nice there we go in done uh get it cooking get it cooking at thisy Liv in the dream on the boat school's coming new crafting feature right click on an item to BP it on screen and it will show you which resources needed and what you have have a look right click to BP it it don't let me BP it man track the hell is that what does track mean I have no idea uh away my with hundred Yen either thank you very much mate uh either pricing got messed up or something for you but you got it for $20 no very nice very nice thank you very much mate for the donation 1080ti I don't know don't I don't want to advise man in the crafting menu my bad yeah you can track your times ah there we go and then what so then now I've got a pop-up bar which says I need all these bits and bubs so then what and then I go ah and then it green lights me to tell me I've got everything ready to to make that oh that's pretty cool oh I like that m f Ras I missed itting on massive from mul massive fan thank you very much mate hopefully we can get an iguana in thank you for thank you very much mate Delta uh boat Bob new meta confirmed boat Bob is always the way ah baby brto that's so cool um I'm kind of tempted to go over there night Dre good day mate thank you very much I just wanted to say you have been a common face on my TV well thank you very much i' I've I'm very happy to be the face of your TV dude hope youve had much entertainment and thank you very much for your donation mate it's appreciated yeah that don't that don't not I I see the icon it does it doesn't tell you anything how do you do this well if it's by killing the parents no way no how not happening not yet who spoke them was that me we about available at launch yes Baha there only a couple though there's literally spart Al F uh and some of the AR Edition creatures which even surprising like you know we got some mods at launch that's wicked can you yeah somehow you can claim the babies we are trying to figure that out but first we need we need a [Laughter] guon do you think this will be on Xbox game pass yeah I was pretty sure it was going to um but then it was mentioned in the trailer that was shown at the Xbox thing last night so I don't know I don't know man I don't know we're going to keep going up here we're going to find an iguana D imminently living on a boat living on that boat life do trucks and do trees and rocks respawn I believe so Doo just went straight through the mesh there good times this is wild should we have a little pop in the lava Cove whilst we're going past see how far we can get down there he crashed on launch yeah we tried we I swear we tried that kidding parents but we'll give it another go all right let's have a little pop in this cave we've been on the the water for a bit a long enough time now let's put here on the dodos so I know what's what what was that are you sure are you sure about that all right let's go yeah the models do seem to nod towards the atlas models a bit there's definitely been some influence there Ginger Doo have a little pop in this cave look on top of lava cave yeah tear that not sure not sure my friend atmosphere bit of loading lag there where's dingbat died seagull killed dingbat we are not going to last in here I am overheating okay well that was to be expected let's see how far we go oh yeah we're going to get see lava for the first time I got the dust ooh drops as well ooh look at the Shadows being casted from all the lava light oh we're doing okay for now we're not actually losing much water we're doing right oh my right here we go run run C off for you oh we come on we're doing this we're doing this we're doing this I'm still being chased oh my God mate this looks incredible can we make it all the way to to the uh to the artifact I think it's going to be a no I got to get past all that somehow no wait no way no way who what really go go go go go go go oh my God oh my God jump what uh uh we try we try we try try I'm being I'm being chased oh my what are we doing I'm going to die now no way no way no no what wow that was amazing yeah we're getting R to it we're getting right into the whole building there game we got to find an iguana though first that's that's that's the task at hand tame and aana done that's what we're doing right now let's go this is a big rip that was a big rip indeed wasn't a bad attempt right yeah the sound honestly the sound sounds so much better in in these ear phones dude yeah map charts uh super different as well auana duns auana duns we're going to find one it's at the 2.0 it's beautiful right so beautiful man just look good did the teaming skill change what you mean taming cave two Ras nil damn it in the jungle when you say jungle it's got to be along here somewhere can't time PT is that a little wall poool there we like surely a done is like normally 10 a penny like we're going to find one right yeah I I'm surprised I thought the water would be would have more waves but I guess you know with that becomes more challenges with processing power I guess and I was like nah bad idea to make the waves be wavy how will it run on PS5 how will it run question questions without answers I'm afraid mate um also questions without answers how do you time iguana done when there's no iguana done in the bay I I could have swore okay right let's go this way where are we right now no no no let's go past the swamp just north of it right and then we'll go to that Inland bit there we'll run up there we'll have a look we're miles away from Jungle safe now we we've come too far we're too far and the and if anybody knows what the swamp's like there is no way I am going in there looks nice there right that looks lovely never thought the swamp would look so [Laughter] inviting looks beautiful man plenty around red up hurry up my playing I downloaded the game use the spy glass I'd like to we need Crystal 380 medium settings no good no I'm Baja between a lack of sleep I'm still in like a sense of surrealism in a world of it I just swear I just heard a CAO then far too close to the swamp then there's Racers is that a Barry Oh my God they fixed dinos slide enough raft yeah I I think they definitely did the uh the dodo feels well and truly firm AR it Oh you mean like meshing through uh rocks correct they have this is the is and I in love but reimagined an ASA format beautiful man look at that it's like something lost right okay aana DS I'm thinking through these trees in here we're going to we're going to run through there and see if we can find [Laughter] one and also keep tabs on the right there but I think we're going to run up through here yeah still looking like bar Ross oh yeah man Legend games your ASA keep keeps crashing on a 260 to all right let's go we're going in let's let's see how my stamina I'm used to playing the hunted so I I forgot I can use stamina for a quite a while I love look how small I am like my head just about gets over the the grass is that normal for all art players I'm I'm very curious if it is let's go up here AR reking behave come on let's go up here oh my god look that's how small I am I'm at one with the bushes dude yeah it does look hella scary right dingo Doo Dingle cop dude can't wait to do Dingle cop on this man it's going to be fun it it certainly is uh we have come far and wide too far in fact that I am now last as to where we need to go where are we now admiring the scenery looks bloody gorgeous look at that shot there St go and if we if that's green up then we want to go to the right I think through here let's go any time so far yeah we got times we're looking for a particular time the thing is if I own my bit rate there's a small chance uh that um that you it'll just won't it'll stop I haven't got like the greatest upload speed mate that's my problem my my uploads my bit rate's on 8,000 at the moment which ain't bad where the hell is the aqu done the one thing I get a saddle for all right well we know there's a nose here there we go oh a Nera not with no new voices honestly we've come so far now I'm um I'm a bit lust as to where we where we need to go 42 saw that 4 shoot out mate dude it looks so good right yeah um we're lost previously unlost that is the mountain wow that we saw in the trailer that's Giga Mountain up there well one of them is this Arc look at it there's no there's no movement speed St would you do a story mode with Vino me and vo talking about some ideas mate bear with uh okay I mean we're going to die we we we've come way too far now I don't like yeah there's one Dude Looks stunning in places it really does yeah we're going to we're about to get our face ripped off by this Raptor you ready run oh there's a Rex I got Kiton boots and soap and soap and a jerky what are these traps I'm playing with fire here baby Raptor what's going on run amazing right how far am I right now and I'm I'm so naked just chilling in my kite and Boots uh let's go for bit fortitude again I think once you've got it down to a nice good stat then you know you don't have to worry about dehydrating or freezing what what what's going on now is it hinting that you smell it could be right um atph that's a say but that's I must smell that sa's running away from me I got the prehistoric Nikes what the okay okay it's a bit too dark now quick just going to run for the trees pop out the other side is that a Rex there we're running right towards it whatever it is that light beam where is that no you stupid brto wow wow bro D go very much with the $2 mate my favorite oh no no no no no no no I hear a pgo move damn God race right so we're still on a h to time something in a guadan just it's because that pgo needs to do one because we got a cool saddle for one I should have dodged new ref game looks epic death count four I think yeah but they've been like like defs like we we knew we knew our days were numbered that's beautiful it really is I could just explore this all day what what's the bottom start XP Mak sense how's the performance yeah it's running well enough for me mate [Music] um that's a trike where where do you Quon I know we got we've gone the wrong way right we've been for a swim it's right now it's the island and zv as a modded map you can download um so you know there's there's things this is yeah this is lovely no anybody can play this right now mate it's available to anyone if you're exploring all then I'm watching all day well let's try and get a iguana D and go in land that's that's the plan that's step one step two feel something I'm homeless yeah he's in like I bet I bet just look nice right I bet it does I bet it does you know little story this is exactly what I did when I first played Ark right here I got a raft S2 I went all the way around here in fact I didn't go this way I went the opposite way and I was dying to the cold and then I went Inland at the river down here memories is that rude I just saw a kangaroo man yeah there's lots of babies lots of baby dinos BR coming in with 149 thank you very much mate thank you very much dude are there platform Saddles no idea don't know don't know oh jez oh God looks good Les I know you think don't forget I am in single player and normally uh in in as anyway it takes a hot minute for like all your dinos to spawn so um I don't know be mindful of that the lighting is so impressive look at that dead ahead right there look at that that's so good we've been in the water dude we're looking for a done now is that is thatan oh my God no no no no hell what the hell what the hell what farewell Dave it's been emotional Prett emotional wasn't even an a hyena Dans didn't F wasn't faced at all just go straight in b boom dead Dave Dave Dave Dave that's it rip Dave and chat we are now down to no dinos we had to we Down To None we are going to find niguana done though watch watch watch the first of many deaths have many come what Graphics 480 mate Die For Nothing exactly you were the chosen one feels a bit gloomy hang on let's get me get me torch on I can see perfectly now Pat you Rhino Pat you Rhino Pat you Rhino I I I feel like death I could be en roaching feel like this is a bad idea how do I get rid of that that's death ion I mean it's useful but I don't need it right now I go for can't go through there okay um no no thank you very much such a mive massive difference mive W can you please check out the hidden Oasis um now is not the right time mate if I'm being perfectly honest with you it's pit black so even if we were to go there right now you'd see nothing it's super dark oh look at the light look at that lights coming in from Green up I'm tempted to go gammer up a little bit should I is it super dark for you guys kenet just become Rosie big love thank you very much mate make sure to message me on Discord can I get you a roll there dude yeah you can put torch about there we go if you right click what but I can't do that right now cuz I'm uh I'm I'm moving in a boat that I can't oh can you not go any further here on a raft anymore no baby ctle oh what aing it I see Daddy turtle or Mama Turtle there looking bloody uh oh no oh he's dead he's dead he's dead he dead go oh my God whoa oh wow look at the light that's working get back oh my God okay it's all going a bit wrong uh I need I need some going Stone and flint and wood there we go there we go can you increase the gamma I got I did I got T of St down owie owie owie oh oh yeah we we're we're we're trying to find out what the taming system is what what's this other Turtle where did you come from is there weather yes I'm not setting it a light come on it's probably going to kill me before I kill it crap crap crap I'm B my B I'm okay I think we've lost the baby it'san Becky I can't even get past character creation a I'm sorry to hear that um what's your specs I think we lost the baby at this point AR we ac gaming C with the two people should have been allowed to choose ASA or ASC why what I'd like to know why' you think because of what specific because of specifications well that that all didn't go to pled taking a photo of that St of me I can't even access it what's going on that's my death icon there we go and then we'll put that on our belt there we go whistling nothing what processor uh some AMD I'm going to have the details on what they are on my vid soon uh in my description I'm waiting for a box. code at you guys to tell me what it is ah damn it I love that you can put the torch on your belt that's super handy that I'm not in a good way here right now oh it says belt at the bottom that's wicked can you pick up W baby do know do know I we need to know going to get this carot in and uh hide up this for now was going to T that Turtle baby but I think we've lost it I'm pretty sure we've lost it looks like you're cooking a sausage totally gone it's all it's all gone right moving on right back where where was we going towards green h now we've taken out that that um yeah to totally worth a wait right now we've taken out that tree maybe we can get down there now I don't think we can you could definitely get Dan here before n that's a dead end all right I have 480 in my friend um let's I need nigan but I can't leave the boat but I get a feeling there could might be some just down there right let's make some arrows we're going to do it we going commando yeah um we'll make some arrows it's going to work it's going to work it's going to work uh arrows Arrow fiber flint and thatch okay River Rocks look like they stopping do you reckon it's just the Rocks River Rocks imagine if it is Stone and woods imagine if it is if it's just this rock here let's give it a wall let's find out it's for science right oh we did we just moved a little bit maybe I can hear something hang on that's my thing thank you oh looks great right all right let's see if we can move down here now I don't know there's a raptor super close over there that I'm worried about right that tree's gone let's just get rid of these rocks a bit more these rocks here you're a thumin that's scaring the CAC out of me it's a bronzo right so one times probably unofficial yet I I wouldn't be surprised I don't I don't I don't think we can get down here I don't feel like breaking those rocks made any difference oh maybe he did we're taking a quadon that's what we're doing the way ASA is truly breathtaking thank you very much dingo it really is right it looks it looks bloody because it definitely does we're not building a base yet we're taming in uan to travel Inland that's what's happening right now people we're looking for an iguan to T nah no way there's nothing left there now right run for run for Flink fiber thch no baby carbo did you see the baby carbo where where's baby carbo trying to get l in where's baby turt if if you see the baby turtle I'm down to timeing it where where are you seeing it I don't see it all arrows arrows arrows I just need a bunch of arrows perfect back uh ice 9700 oh 2070 damn not even if you drop your all your settings down thank you again for the donation didn't need to do that just to reply for your specs thank you it's by the raft oh there it is right okay here we go oh hello imprints oh we got the baby turtle that's maturing at an insane rate right this isn't right no way I think it's took the settings uh from ASC that was doing in single player cuzz no way there's no way medium settings is this fast look at the speed of it look at the speed of it come on then get out the get out the thing that was easy that's that's so it's done obviously it's going to take a few more feeds in normal it's going to be stuck in the raft now a it get on the raft dude what if I what if I stand on the raft and then just get close to it not uping oh oh maybe do we need a another the turt people we t a baby they grow up so fast stay it wherever it lives is another question entirely but uh yeah there you go some berries for the road have all the berries why not we need to venture onwards towards this land here green like bloody H man the night Lighting on this game it's incredible right it's fantastic that that green our backet there a didn't go damn man you're coming in with loads mate thank you so much dude everybody here that's chew cheting right now and watching much appreciated I hope you're all enjoying this it it'll be all right I ain't worried it'll be okay we got to we got to move Inland we got to find ourselves in aanan the green and pink ones ah what are they indeed all to find out Michelangelo that's a good name maybe I'll spell that wrong oh few people say Michelangelo all right noed does that is it me or does that stego look wet maybe he didn't I don't know right come know I'm I'm too used to playing the hunties that I'm walking everywhere yeah everyone saying Michelangelo I hear your your cries and agree with you where is this where am I right now potential death J Jamber claim come rasa thank you very much mate ah are we are we Alpha pill we're close to Alpha pillar parasaur all right keep moving keep moving keep moving rex that run ATT the talk ATT the talk that's that Rex that's this is where we died over here we got we we got launched here somewhere is my can we track our death Beam still or what yeah we can death six was like here I can get them kite and Boots hey is there any way of like tracking that or what oh there we go oh that's nice dude and then found there a bodyy I hear something quick quick weirdly can't access it though yeah no I didn't touch you all right well path finding certainly oh no where's that where's that where's that you chilled out you're not chilled out the rock is still your enemy oh there I can I can I can hold in it now oh oh my God go green up green up green up oh what the goly goly T rex un a quick bow when did the game drop uh earlier in the very early hours of today mate oh we got the CL and Boots let's go are we go the right way no no no oh oh oh my God no no no K boot save me save me K boots ah ah no I switched block a fool oh no Tri SC scared scared scared panicked I was panick but Bion no that's a problem now man time Caro someone says we got to go back then there as well that Caro look bloody yeah dude we so close to killing it we can get back there you can get back there I just needed that one more shot and it would' have been sweet oh this is Handy though like rather than a beam just you know exactly where to go which direction which is pretty good right I like that I was wor with that theena was going to go off when monarchy five going to start I ain't got Scoopy too mate I don't know I don't know yet we're all just learning what is AR of ascended right now mate are there oras in the night sky yeah got another level we got another level uh stamina if we got no speed we're going to need stamina especially when there's Raptors right there use the Rocks use the Rocks use the Rocks as cover I think it worked I think it works I think it works I think it worked right cons serve Sam right by a [Music] bag go go go D go cup the thing's coming I broke all my gear right quick quick thing F I need to I need to repair me me bow I need some Fiber and woods I need bow fiber and woods quick quick quick quick quick I bet you that's that Caro's just healed up over what what it's uh eatting what he just killed over there yeah looks sweet as a nut mate all right sack it off repair bow we repair bow we need to now repair uh cloth by getting fiber uh I originally got AR PS4 I wonder if my RTX 3050 TI I think TI you probably be okay right I'm no like PC expert so like I probably don't know what the hell I'm talking about oh am I from the UK I am dingo a lot of people think I'm from Australia too run away run away all right we're going to keep going this way then uh towards green up looking for the fabled Iguana done we've not seen yet do you know I can't remember if the uh oh my God if the the fiber Gathering sucks um if the the turtle still Al can you delete ASC now that's totally up to you mate no green throw bear with we got to figure out how to make a green throw we haven't figured that one out yet Come On Son Americans be like Ras are you from Italy bun right here we go right let's get our gear repaired now lovely lovely living the dream need some hide to repair that dream though that's fine okay okay as if you can't bring boats up here anymore that um that kind of sucks and also I am uh lost as to where I'm going right now I have somehow veered off the path that's not where I intended where is this this is a brand new location right isn't it nice I can't zoom on that map can I zoom on that map de is no yeah what so the this is redwood's right ahead of me so I should have just passed Alpha pillar Alpha pillar isn't here no that's Alpha pillar and that's the plateau there God looks so different dingo I I made so players know I'm Australian dingo is a giveaway it's a it's a dead dingo D away yeah that one that was awful sorry suck the DJ what are you g g did a poop me where is aguano where is aano beavers Beaver reliever us you kid screw it let's make this ambiance I don't I have I've been awake for getting on it's got to be at least 48 hours now no I've I've had a few pairing apps man don't like don't lie not a lot though I'm super confused where am I okay we're going back to the boat we're going back to the boat because we've come too far now there's also is that oh no what is FTI it's the mod map that you can download and play today look at the lights look at that oh that's so nice Australian I thought it was British the the the sound and the lighting Alone um yeah makes it so more immersive Stone what perfect opportunity for your mon renal thank you very much mate hope you're doing well dude he he is British people get confused a lot of people get confused I don't know why I don't know why I have a guess desap can't pronounce your name yeah all right all right we we'll do Hidden Lake we'll do Hidden Lake like for looking for the fabled the Guana done I think I'm going the right way wordless right I'm to be honest I'm pretty stunned like even like knowing what I want to do with Arc ASA and like a video guides or whatever I don't I really don't know I've just been sitting in just all at this game right now and just enjoying it um yeah I don't know what what what do you want to see from me like do you want guides do you want um Let's Plays or what I don't know I don't I don't know what to do that Raptors on me that Raptor on me oh my God that raptor is on me is that an alpha bro bro stressing oh who's B jobs no kids oh my God another one no clever girl clever girl who are you calling pathfinding what pathf finding what PA yes there he is damn where did that even go where's my reward for my for my kill for my win is that the there he is yeah it's it's certainly not 60 frames per second I tell you that for free tame it I don't have a saddle for it right now use Bower I should use Bower but come on that was more fun right that was that was more fun you know it was my turtle okay it's looking okay good man good man is this Max detailed no look on my Twitter for epic settings I I set everything to epic and it looks stush guys and all the new items for definite and all the new items what's new the berries the sound of that bronzo yeah I got bonus man but that was more fun right that was totally more fun no mini map yeah press M you get mini map right put all this away Texan you deserve this $5 thank you very much you can't play because of school and at least you get to watch me play thank you very much man yeah epic's insane epic's disgusting but the frames oh it just it gets battered where have I got all these Tran arrows where the where what I'm complaining shouldn't complain right uh let's go for more fortitude at the state of me I I love that fortitude game I'm a big fan of it a bit of everything bit of this bit of that let's now go to the hidden Oasis let's go we're right B I think it's like here ain't it it's right here oh yeah got name Turtle which means it's going to die just bear that in mind people my Ando spell say it says right n Dre have they remove the Raptor jump and pin I yes I didn't get jumped and pinned then did I yeah this is this is the way in right here okay uh I might I might put this out on the water a little bit right we got Stone arrows okay we're good let's go Mike uh M I know whatever man stupid name I can't make can I make a a sdle carbon MERS no I need paste which you might get now that's one Turtle three to go what what do only three Turtles oh Master Splinter why am I overheating look at this look at this oh this this this feels like magic this is that bit right in the original start of the original Arc trailer running down this but there used to be a path now there is not so much it is all overgrown scared me oh this is going to look nice right yeah hopefully we'll find a beaver D down here don't what the hell that was this is going to look nice 1080 TI yeah my kite and boots are overheating me but it's a bit of armor right what the hell is this the hidden Oasis we're in the spot I'm sure yeah we are it's like right here I'm dying 100% that's see your bets man Raptor pin there's not taken out I got jump done all right pulls out torch here we are he's an oasis looks nice oh a guadan though where like how have we not found an iguan yet that looks like a beaver dam right there yeah right we're getting that we're going to get that paste and then we've got a rideable [Applause] turtle is any is anyone enjoying the new human models me I love it I don't what's your going what's your going chice what's she [Applause] going I swear we saw a beaver dam here oh no what's that oh more Raptors [Applause] no uh bugs yeah one he's riding a raft as a small player that's that's a definite one whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa yeah I know yeah I know okay well there's no Beav dams here that's great is that one over there I going have to kill these Raptors to get there though no that's not one there yeah we got to figure out where where to hold them how come I do so much damage I don't know head shots on Raptors you do a lot more damage mate FPS ropey um I'm certainly not doing 60 but it I'm kind of happy to sacrifice it at the moment for this stunning really good looking game sound okay there's no beaver dams here bad idea bad idea we've not SE no gig no we're trying to get an aanon to to go in land to see stuff like giggers cuz it's fast and it's got unlimited Sprints all right well we're going we're heading back out there you go there's your last there's the uh hidden Oasis for you water physics lovely um not as oceany uh as I thought that's a true on I I thought there might be like you know some bouncy waves like you find in Atlas but um it's cool though I how it interacts with terrain and creatures and players very nice very nice this is Asa yeah I'm surprised by the optimization little yeah yeah to be honest um but I mean still looks good though Now commands are still running commands are in fact uh easy to do now cuz all you've got to do is press a button and High Press though jum done like that one there we go there you go uh do dropped items have meshes oh no what what when he rains it paws going to die going to die going to die we got some issues now mate cuz I ain't got nothing I ain't got nothing for this thing a bit too much for your PC oh no no be be behave behave right I'm getting away from the bed pathf finding work that time it did definitely uh yeah had a little chuckle at my expense now I'm waiting for the bedtime so yeah Happy Days send to battle nether Raptor family have a food yeah was that the baby Raptor that was hitting me as well what ah dudz how do we get uh an iguana done how do we get an iguana done people no I need to I need to spoil out that bed mad how do we get niguana done yeah all the commands are still working mate and they're much easier now it's prompted as soon as you start typing stuff can you spawn WN no oh well okay I've not tried I'm not expecting to though dodos attack you in as it's great do you think a GTX 1060 would run this I've got no idea mate I'm afraid I don't know sorry just get 47 you are fine yeah D cheap T PT and scope for one but then once I've got a PT that's it then how like no man don't say Herby has them we was going to Herby then Mo lots of people said no there's none on Herby the anik have a oh I have a landing animation that's cool that's that's super cool I like that how do I exit third person into first person just how a raptor seems to like you maybe right maybe we need to S Raptor maybe yeah L just big appre of everybody tuned in watching this 5 and a half thousand of you very cool of you hope you're enjoying it if you are make sure to smash the like button that those words I repeat again because I feel like I am uh speaking with tired talk don't forget to smash that like button with your nose bash it helps do I own a for Focus no when when do I get bed when do I get bed back I might even just try and um re respawn I need to go for that one there I love that that's amazing if I do there I might spawn nearby where did my bed just go oh what's all right let's spawn up here and see what happens I love I love yeah I like that I like the interface there W hello mate you want to get Union play all day it's a good game dudes it looks nice why why didn't I just do this I don't I don't know honestly people um if you have questions about what runs it I don't know that they've given specifications but I think there's some optimization certainly with it all it's difficult to answer man I i' like I wouldn't want to advise and for you to be confident you could run it fine say find out you couldn't you know are we really going to go all the way to start a beach after all this 2568 leave me alone leave me alone right give me a raft 2568 oh my God 25 68 right I'm rough let's go Michelangelo where is that 25 25 68 it's just a man we're right there was that an aana done we got TRS I need to repair repair my gear though first we got trunks what the hell just what just took that tree out what the hell why is taking those trees out do you see that uh I don't think the ocean's bigger oh it's a bronzo flipping out right you're saying iguana D that way then don't you don't you dare head shot enjoy right let's get this sorted fiber fiber what's the fiber F let's get us re I really need to make the Improvement to hide go we're R from North Coast my character is f yes more fiber needed yeah but then we could go around North Coast uh don't know we haven't been over to the set cave yet we we don't know we don't no hide there we go that yeah we should really make hide armor at this at this rate we've got the hide um I'm kind of curious like you just said though iguana are over there well we're right we're like right here so why don't we just go and run their own foot right oh that's an alpha no I'm killing that am I all right well okay I'm moving frames are better in the rain than it is with clear skies yeah they are right yeah R clock what is the delay timer what you mean just like done liking it liking it a lot man it's very nice I'm uh um I got a bit tired now not going to lie all right let's let's roam around here see if we can find iguana done see if we can find one round here mate can it be done 3385 33 no 33 85 we went there mate we tried we ran there on foot through there and we saw nothing should we run into carbo no would carbo you me Carno Carno is death no we can't we can't fo po bab you gu on on my left I don't I don't think it's been scaled up where are you seeing The Quon I don't see one nope know around here looking for a bloody the might what's going on BR thank you for coming to R mate thank you very much appreciate it to my left you are you tripping blood what what there's nothing there oh there's just Raptors and dialos dude can you have FPS on screen I can't mate there is new cave no as far as we I don't know we don't know yet hello Scott you're right mate map Creator Dev said they added a bunch of new caves to find really yeah they're messing oh know man yeah can't get any of the Redwoods right now we know any of the red WS what happened to the Doos they all died they all died all right we're going to follow this round we're going to die to the snow and uh and see what happens next n no it's not server I've been hearing the servers aren't uh performing too well um at the moment so yeah yeah no this is the lion chat it's it was done on purpose uh for stream sniping which can't do like in this it wasn't done on purpose at all that's just it is what it is I didn't set it up like that way I have Bas Herby and Carno are still here yes all right well we're going to have a little nose at the snow freeze in the process oh this looks wonderful would you look at this would you look at this sky room right there baby damn Oscar thank you very much the 4 y are there any baby ocean creatures not that we've seen yet mate we've not seen any yet I'm afraid um keep looking I guess and know I mean I'd expect so right why would they why wouldn't they that looks a m look at that we're going to die I ain't got the fortitude for the snow no way all right screw it we're going to go past the snow so get an iguana done reto hello mate t a PT no right PT K and carot in fiber High [Music] no no no oh my God uh uh XP mate buttom right get down to that what still [Music] coming I got too confident man I I completely forgot about leads like a donkey holy crap what the leads are back the leads are definitely back is he going to get on there go on go on son Michelangelo lives I IAD right uh okay so we're going to time a PT then screwy that's going to be much easier um p p I wish we could just okay so if you right click track there we go we go so we need keratin and kitan none of that we have uh I thought I had some oh we do we have we have 12 need a bit more bait to make a PT sdle but hang on that's a good idea though great I I don't know what to like we okay we T we killed we killed s for for more cartin which is going to take a hot mini or we go down south and um find an iguana oh kill some oranos My Stream over your law leure damn man yeah whistle selection's changed yeah I quite like it it's still everything's still in the same places that they were before yeah that's not I love that animation see this is the thing right I'm thinking what I'm streaming here I might edit um I might edit burito might edit into some Let's Plays or I don't I don't I really don't know I'm so torn on what to do um in content with you guys at the moment I just I wanted to just check out the game right now and see what it's all about it's very cool uh this the Island's amazing mate all I want to do is go a bit more in land but to do that I need either kite or cartin or um a guadan I missed your Super Chat Leo well I don't I will make sure I don't miss your Super Chat there you are hey do you like ASA so far love the vids thank you very much mate um I think I just explain that it's looks lovely mate it looks very nice harvest my turtle he says yeah maybe thing is I I know I look shut to like death right now like it's not M it's not making the most entertaining entertaining for form of content can't even speak I need sleep uh do you know if PVE servers are okay I don't mate I know the servers have been having some issues and going up and down uh lately so yeah is it worth the money I mean let yourself be a judge of what you're witnessing right here right I think the whole cross Arc system and cross modding that's going to be great uh as we see more mods come through yeah if that's a flipping what is that what is that what is that what is that just a shark Alana gifting members thank you so much gifted five of them making the r Soul army ever stronger much appreciated thank you so much Alana Legend Alana Ledge in the chat please I like this I like this uh system with the with the blueprints that's really cool lets you keep track of what you need I like that good move was that an alpha shark are we really going to go all the way around to Blue up looks like RTX Minecraft did I I don't know hit reg I don't know man um so far I've I've not seen anything glaringly obviously as bad as the hit regge uh for ASC there are Explorer notes we've seen some I we I've already shared them Mary word the explor lights are all weather I haven't moved they're all still there mate N I don't think there is any new new uh dinos but it's a lovely map just a little further I can't we can't get near the Redwoods right now my friend plck coming in with a 19 THB I don't know what that is but thank you very much have you got anything you'd like to share with a group um but thank you for the the the donation mate much appreciated reloading bug not noticed it though haven't got a grapple yet to to test it with I mean just the view alone right oh maybe not all that the view alone is not I'm going I'm going to just um get rid of that for a minute there we go me and Michelangelo hitting the road came up with two Doos went home with a turtle they're looking for an Iguanodon that shark looks super stuck is it stuck it's not stuck no can you start a new save file don't know I haven't Checkmate any info about console release thank you very much donation kuu um I've heard rumors people have said in the chat first of November but don't take that as gospel um I'm going to be doing a fullblown news like summary on the usual day I think um C there so much that's been going on um and I I like at some point I've got to sleep hard I really have we' we've Joe we've been in two caves we went in the hunter cave earlier and the lava cave and it both were scary super super scary I my bum twitched a bit you getting in the lag not really since I Chang the the graphics settings a bit it seems to be okay mate T my fly and find some phos what it's not as easy as that man I want to T PT right screw it this there's not even any pts here time anyway Target Inland are there mods uh there are mods there's there's just SP Alim and um uh the Dinos from Arch editions mate graphics card using the 480 mate no neck gun arent no the sabler no the sabler like there is no there's just cool weather effects the island horrible Island weather effects we used to get oh no more where am I I ain't got a clue I I think I'm asleep right now am I am I dreaming is this real life can you turn the babies you can this Turtle right here was a baby Michelangelo we Ed it as a baby what is that roaring guys um it is the dragon from the dragon arena make a community server ah just sweet I'll do that is the game laggy not right now are you using frame genen I don't know what frame is sup man how you doing I'm good man how you doing I'm I'm I'm I'm I think I'm getting super tired dude yeah no I intend I'd like to be live later um issues issues oh no oh no what do we do what what do we do cut com raate we're done it yes oh that was danger you can see reason is peing honest thoughts that honestly I I'm interested to see what it's like when we start stressing it a bit with uh building and tames and that um like we're going around on a raft at the moment but what we've seen fantastic frame wise uh FPS wise yeah not hitting that 60 but it looks bloody awesome it looks really nice the the drops in particular oh what do baby din do they they're tamed for you to grow this as simple as that mate thank you very much for the donation all right all right I swear for some reason Asa has Atlas Vibes yeah a lot of people are saying that the the the the characters remind them of Atlas interesting interesting have I had look lunch no do you have new building pieces yeah um not a lot though we need to look we do need to have a look at them I'm I'm tall lot I want to do guys but I don't want to spoil it as well dude okay what what is the number one guide you want us to do what it put put in the chat let's see and we'll do it today maybe all the dinos you know in ASC mate they they're all in here it's not changed trash carbo bro hey stop dissing my my Michelangelo man have you slept at all I've not slept at wink mate what the what is going on here what was that we found a bug it's still happen is it still happening I think we're good I think we're good we're good we're good oh no we're still oh no I think we're like on another plane or something what's going on [Laughter] here get this SP some sleep how to build ni green house stop it yeah man might need to get a bed I don't know why aren you on land because boat life is is is the life right I just want to what it's happening again here we go what what is going on will you make a raft base like the the objective for the last hour has been to t a done it's not been going well I'm I'm amused through the window through the wall can't sing that song I'll get demonetized but yeah Tokyo Drift s give me your there we go imagine it's just a SI imagine it was just a size right what does the G look like I ain't got a clue my patience is that forade yeah man what's the point in having no patience right the raft has problems was that was that a was that a the Le no man we're good we're good let's keep going R drifting RVE returned a baby dino this Michelangelo was a baby dino we Weare the giant fish this raft has issues seriously removal mod the raft going Tokyo Drift Doo under the raft no I don't think there is one oh oh the dolphin spoke to me sleep he says the thing is I need to really but hell was that I tell you what that the noise sharks makes horrible sounds like a leads we are near H oh my God we we're trying to get to to redub which we've been told iguan iguan iguan are there interactions no you simply sail around the I'm sorry we've been sailing for so long we just want to get nigana done oh AES gaming YouTube Welcome to raso thank you very much for hitting that button sir oh a scolar a Legends and a gentleman if you're not of course then you're something else special thank you very much for hitting that button it means a lot it means a lot I wonder if the raft has the same issue as before when you have a Dino on the raft Eclipse while you're driving it brait maybe n we didn't go Caro cuz um Carno is just it's called that for a reason right we will die on raft we will die we're going back round to Red to find an iguan cuz we have a lovely saddle foruan the DLCs I think personally we won't see one until next year I know yeah that's that's what I got contextual content I got I got concerned then man don't tase me bro please don't um I'm sleep drunk I am sleep drunk yeah they I think they originally did say scorched Earth in December right boat content oh but we're living up so what the video was titled right exploring the island you have seen every Beach that the island provides apart from the snow so in that respect I believe I succeeded the inner part there a whole other cattle of fish in a nutshell is Asa worth it no I'm going to be completely non shill as many people believe I am um yeah right like it looks the nuts like give me another game that looks like this another Survival game anyway it looks like this not doing it it looks really good fair enough the optimization is a bit off um you know I think there's definitely some improvement needed there uh maybe we'll find that over time um but it looks great but yeah but again I can't really vote on it too much I haven't done much like I've been r a boat R an island for hours sorry I missed that um cat no you're a trooper thank you thank you very much for the donation oh crap I keep forgetting about the bloody leads move move move oh my God is it gun is it gone thank you very much cat there's uh Valley has anyone figured out how to lower foundations on a raft oh no we should do that right and I've got to now get this bloody this Turtle back on the boat now yeah there there how is this R looking one more hit and it's done done man timer Giger what are these trolls timer gigger he says oh yeah yeah yeah sweet no problem mate no problem don't stop believe it D welcome to the be let's go street light that's a plat man come on we're going to Reds oh good that was very scary scared me it all squeezed and tweezed it's out for everyone on Steam if you are not on Steam I'm I'm afraid there is a little bit of a wait uh it's been touted as November some people said the first but oh man oh man Aris have we got sideways pillars yet apparently apparently we have we need to look at all that I can't find a bloody yeah 48 hours noow sleep bad bad bad bad bad what's my specs um bigman thing specs bro I don't I'm I'm going to get a list of it soon watch this face one fish one more ass need to go on land how much flips do I have this much why aren't you repairing your damn raft live on the edge right let's just live on the edge man we're here now there we go like red OBS there we're in aiguan land now please no more ra gameplay check redwoods for aiguan we're not going redwoods did the say steam can't do crossplay I thought I heard that somewhere so initially their their plan is that Windows 10 PlayStation and Xbox will all have crossplay uh but steam won't but steam will get updates regularly and the others won't so steam's going to be the guinea pig but also at the same time steams might benefit as a result um I don't think we'll ever see crossplay personally I don't want to you know put that one out but maybe maybe can you do a building tutorial and stream I don't feel I feel like I'm the guy for building I think I feel like there's much better people for building vids than me mate but however I I want to look for the building of course she's s a cheeky frog I just want to T A Quon that freaked me out all I want is nigana done dud can you jump down or get to the island get to the island what do you mean get to the island D your hair can't die my hair right now aanan uh get a PT can't get a PT right now aiguan there's first person so yes there it is we need area view yes there it is please use flyer we need area of view I in order to do that I need kitin in order to get Kon I need Turtles and I need a lot of arrows for said turtles or Kiton don't also need past past remember graphic settings good most high in Epic pretty much only a couple of Epic though not a lot because we've spent over an hour trying to tame an aanan trying to find an aanan like we can't come this far and not tame one now right yeah you can remove your death Beacon um so stupid to be doing this but whil I'm made in the Open Water click on it B gun there we go I got a level up graphic settings done how many FPS am I getting done right we're going to be getting there the reviews and steam are terrible are they I've enjoying it and like seriously I keep thinking am I like sub consciously just trying to Fanboy or or shill or whatever that every that you know the negatives people call me but I'm not I looks good right like you see what I I see right like I'm not making this up it looks good but you know fair fair enough I'm not judging it on so many things yet uh I'm not judging it on um servers PVP uh all that mods and how that's that's all working I'm I'm judging it on a raft going around an island and um looking for aanan raft BB being raft Bob okay we're going to go round Craigs Island it's happening use PT to find aiguan aiguan I'm going to just that's what I'm going to write as my steam review Igan where where are the iguans come on why where are they yeah baby truck I could have timed it should have timed it didn't time it turn left yeah yeah this island yeah yeah oh that's my I built that right here right up here yeah I'm going up there right up here I I know where you're saying I agree with you inlands yeah yeah yeah I built this uh earlier today I to a room my thatc looks nice yeah that's that's as much as we've done build wise ra Clark hey Land Clark now not on beach no more as Cory just pointed out see I don't there let's get that b oh I was ever so glad to see this walk again clever in their own right but Helena is still the only person that I feel comfortable diving into my deeper theories with I fear that I may have kept her from getting a word in edgewise though once I got going on the obelisks why I just couldn't contain my enthusiasm my word I really have become quite enamored with the subject haven't I well that settles it after this next set of Trials I shall go check on the iron Brotherhood progress goby perhaps I can convince Miss Walker to join me we could make a real scientific Expedition minimum thank you very much for the donation we have to find an iguana dude get off the raft I'm not on the raft can I still play Old Arc okay you can M yeah David Tenant now is it man um when's When's the Doctor Who coming oh my the when's the Doctor Who coming out that's like a special right I want to watch that I I need to get uh I've got points here I got points oh no where's the aquadon aquadon he's not a hobit he's bar Ras Clark done where where been tappy that you never see on on the map found that still no uana done should sa that b chops come on come on I just we're going to find it right what is this oh exploring it H lead SI this convivium brosia is probably the largest fish in the waters around I couldn't even pronounce that if I tried also extremely succul a surprise given its size it is often traded with the same value as prime meat and colloquially called Prime fish not all lead sick this meat is this high quality we can not SP it most of it is I want to play legit bro the fish is viously difficult to track and Hunt between its large size powerful attacks incredible speed when it turns to flee and humankind's general ineptitude on Open Water actually killing a lead syus is one of the islands more difficult tasks the hunt for an extremely elusive breed of the fish the fabled great albino lead syus has been to otherwise sensible men and women mad with Obsession as it all evil were visibly personified and made practically assailable in this one creature despite its large size and the fact that it may well be strong enough to carry heavy loads lead sius does not appear to be intelligent enough to tame we tribes keep an enormous pen with a few lead SI this trapped inside for cultivating purposes as bits of prime fish can scraped off the gargantuan Beast without killing it oh oh that's a true done a flipping true done done Taylor advice for starting YouTube channel doing ASA FS just do them learn by doing videos and doing better with the next one that's all you that is that's that's the game plan man yeah it's super close I'm on the verge of death the PA finding is good it does seem like it's improved right are we oh no that theory needs to come in clutch please come in clutch the flipping X son I love how I'm buried in all the grass I wonder if that's the same for like all survivors where where the heck are the iguanodons right guon how much fps not 60 it it it's certainly hitting 60 but not fixed on 60 especially when I do that oh was all right then actually it wasn't too bad uh Pro Clark how's your timing doing my timing doing aana done which see CPU you said again iguana done right we're moving we're moving further towards red D don't go into the Tall Grass I can't spawn it with commands man it doesn't feel right because we've spent far too long trying to S Guan Quon I'll be a GU done oh EnV I like that coming in coming in I don't care forget forget the raft I we're not taking it far we're just taking it around around the uh corner and know and um yeah also he has a saddle there are aons around the rivers that go around the Redwoods we can't we can't get there oh right screw it screw it we'll go there we'll go there we'll go R past this titanosaur down the beach be left through the digo and pass the B bank and we'll be there any it I think iguana Dans were removed at this rate aana gun I'm I'm still quite enjoying the scenery though not going to lie what map is this the island is shoot Titan one of them's got hit right wasn't meant to be it wasn't meant to be I intended it to be but it wasn't meant to be drop was it too low that that 1 a.m. High though seems pretty [Laughter] high would have been a bit interesting what graphics card do you have iguan a the drop just went Dam it no if I get closer to it I'll die it's like we're doing it to run away from it all right we going this way uh is there a new dino a Guan the drops look honestly wait till you see one the animation of it um hitting the floor nice too low too far here we go here we go we you all need to witness this people honestly this is probably so far the best thing I've seen with Asa I kid you not you you all need to witness this if you haven't seen this yet you need to I'm going to I'm going to turn off the HUD so you can bask in this Glory of a drop I promise you it's worth the wait yeah qu DS are coming right one done uh I think it's probably a little bit empty though because of um it being single play mate like single player in ASC is usually a bit deader than servers right Glory go what what what where did that come from man why is it getting delayed we don't know I I don't know if the devs have um said anything yet tacos make a forge Stevie Wonder could have made [Laughter] that yeah nice probably here we go it's worth the wa people I promise you done you want a gun right watch this you're going to like this worth the wait worth the wait get ready people this is I'm not joking this is this is the best thing I have seen in ASA so [Music] far [Music] what did you say Colby hope I didn't wish oh c a cannon a flipping Cannon something's a bit wrong with my game I think a flipping Cannon oh I've got mushrooms as well oh that means we can turn mus Chups actually you know got levels fortitude weight uh Health there we go right we're getting it come on am I wearing am and cuton Boots uh G Transformers got watching 5.7k here watching what what oh I really appreciate you all tuning in and watching this I hope you're enjoying it I apologize perhaps not the most engaging content um but I'm sure you're all just observing the island like I am and enjoying the island for its graphical uh detail wonderness that it is I I wanted to do more timing I still want to I am here to tame iguanodons and I want to tame iguanodons right fine we're going to go to Redwoods man never stopped chips man has not slept waiting on the yeah what happened to the spino oh I ain't going to complain certainly benefited to me that's for sure all right we're doing it we're doing it ly pick with a rle thank you very much what did I miss kabu qu done we're going to do it am I going to do giveaway gu done I can't get this boat you're joking me no uh they've stopped you can't go in land with the rats anymore no ah it's a fair move if only I could pick the raft up right what we go bum bum I'm taking the iguan on Saddle we're going to t one this is the one we're going to we're going to to do this we're going out there and we ain't coming back I'm going to take some jerky with me for the road ahead I'm kitted out we should make some make some high gear first Hang on we're going out there Chris becoming a roie thank you very much thank you very much mate much appreciated quon's only full story run that's that's that's right man that's right right we've got so much Stam now I put way way too many points into Stam don't even care what that is out there that's trying to have a pop at me do one do one son uh any fiber I do need fiber also I had that [Applause] blueprint here we go hit detection this just felt cruel what if I do a donation aan hide height and storage yes it's BP someone deliver this man some coffee a man does need coffee would you recommend this game totally I totally would I really would do people already own the game get a free upgrade uh no you have to pay for this dropped nice toot nice to what what is to Dino paath finding a bit wonky yeah it has its moments right sometimes it looks good sometimes not poo poo pee pee as as unlucky said qu a done right here we go there's me let's throw that on Lovely hat on wax on uh bomb and bum there we go right that's that then we're going to make we're going to repair this there we go and make a bunch more arrows six is not enough and we are going to do uh Health yeah SC right set the clo off we we're moved on now what what is with this hide some weird looking hide is it my dude man oh it's great I love it it's the best right we just need to make some arrows and then we're well away mate how do I make arrows with what thatch and Flint okay why is he playing nothing right now I'm playing at guadan that's what I'm playing mate that's what I'm playing iguana done iguana done iguana done uh fiber thatch and Flint fiber DCH and uh Flint there we go we going to take that take the rest with us I think we're going to need more right go going north to the Redwoods aigan my personal look it's the best right I love this character B this is this is the new the new Ras Bob that's synthetic lever I can hear it squeaking what's the new berries for oh where you get that cannon from a drop but don't judge the drops I'm I've got I've got a feeling somehow my ASC settings have carried over to ASA I think they have cuz the way that turtle raay that we tamed no way no way in no chance would that ever happen have I got everything here no a done merch when I got a trun arrows I forgot the trunks I you know yeah I quite like the jump now I I thought it was a bit uh gimmicky to begin with but I quite like it now that's all right man all right all right I feel like I'm getting into the the rhythm of it now uh Rhythm right KN mijo berries okay that's all I need right let's go I I also don't need that uh let's go with um white yes right let's go is the K system the same I have no idea mate we're not even close to that has Wild Card cut the rates up uh I don't know not official server no when do it release for PS5 iguan please time a PT Iguanodon know what they used for Iguanodon why not and wait and see if one responds because iguan done it's fine we got this man watch this you like this bsh that's uh that's bad news oh that's a Cao crappy crap crap frog crappy crap crap probably not the right time to be doing this is it screw it we're going for it let's go let's go let's show off these lovely lighting features as we delve towards the Redwoods careful with rinos oh yeah oh no I forgot about those they're a thing aren't they all right run in run in what is that sound you know I quite like the um the running speed I do I think it's it's it feels like almost the perfect amount I'm not sure whether it needs to be a little bit no I think it it does feel pretty spot on oh no anyone sensing danger about to happen what what is going on here what what's going on E I think we might have we might the Redwoods might be sure dude flipping X son it's dark we're at the red ons okay right so we're going to go go around to the beach Ary coming to R off thank you very much mate much appreciate dudes snake snake what what s is knocked out there I can't I got time stop for that GG's mates n oh no run Son run Son run Son run son that light I've got no sleeping bags we're going to get it we're going to time it's going to happen doesn't help that I can't see nothing right now yeah it's going wonderful moose uh snake egg no snakes all right quite done we're on redwood's beach brood H has jiggle physics what my character is doesn't necessarily me every character is vit my friend it's a snack what's my first impressions I like it I do I like them that's lovely bear there still no aana done snowberry R thank you very much hope you having a nice day first depressions they're good sometimes you just got to live on a wing in a prayer and see how you got on right Hunter gather a dude dear no aanan where is aanan a that looks nice Cy where where is aanan go get the bear hug Jan is he on the saddle aanan what's that over there there is Xeno there is Zeno blood qu man have I gained I've never gained 2K Subs in the last few hours really way too bright that's Alo is there there's also a Carno right here somewhere there it is I'm just waiting for my moment I might yeah I'm taking the plunge scw have to watch those allows what do I think about a delay for console yeah super sucks bro it it really does it really does um yeah oh it was mixed emotions when they announced the uh when made the announcement um obviously you know hyped to play this but it sucks for you guys man but I can't I've got B losing the wrong slot man still going strong still going strong where's aiguan it's not that's not one you go I can't even say the word anymore you did hear a raptor I'm going to keep my bers out I think just in case where Rex having a little munch on a a Diplo there dude redwood's Beach my ass is is what I'm going to say to you to those who said iguan aan at redwoods Beach well look well look how tired am I I I genu ly believe I might be asleep right now St go stru come on there a myth how have I not found one can you please tell me what implant that it's XP mate like it's not just me right like we're all seeing this we're all seeing this right like it it it's really not just me green I've I told you everyone beir people were saying red oh no I'm not dying I'm I'm come all this way to die to [Applause] piranhas just's keep going then keep going k i you know what I quite like this this jumping um the jumping animation I've yeah initially I thought it was funny now it feels quite fluid if only that was parkour that's that's a me theum with the buff run no no oh my god oh oh okay that was so maneuvering right there let's go auana Clark will prevail look how far I am what what what what what what what fing X on this is a bit [Music] much leave me alone leave me alone leave me alone leave leave me alone leave me alone I'm good run someone got creative mode un official no saw that Alpha Raptor man Dam it did they really thank you very much Connor I see members have been giving out apologies I'm I'm catching up on the the chat now um got a bit Focus there sorry about that bit Focus mode will you be playing spart from Chris uh maybe yeah I mean I I feel like I've played a lot of it but I'd like to and gaming witch gave out five members thank you so much really appreciate it thank you so much it's very kind of you um yeah I think oh bull suing no keep moving uh or or we should put a sleeping bag down now what's that noise D sounds like it's from Rick and Morty yeah totally a sleeping bag in fact I've been meaning to see these sleeping bags anyway uh let's have a look right those hearts going off you you guys uh hide ever seriously I don't have enough hide for it from a raptor a crap all well I guess that's that then unless this strap here presents us how that is miles away I'm not waiting for that anymore we're we're we're on it every time you look away yeah I get jumped Clark for the ark where a quadon where aana done can't T Giga stop asking me there's no it's impossible for me to do right now I'm not waiting for that I'm not waiting for that come on screw I get the feeling like this is where it's going to all end wet leather shiny leather squeaky leather you could kill a PT for hid I could but you know what's the fun in that right if we don't see an iguana done it like look how far we've come man not sure about the Game Pass thing mate oh de Bronto what the hell what happened to that Bronto what what did you see that oh thanks for the push I think that benefit me I see a spawn on my right need to avoid that my God Quon is is a said dud t a car cut a it I might as well t a car cut at this point flipping NE I've just ran I've sprinted the entire length of spino river on foot what gaming witch imagine like an aura Borealis with those Graphics oh ah well um oh no no not not like this not like this no torch is to torch is to keep him back get back I have a torch I've got a torch lies oh back away back away I'm going to have to run I'm going to pass out oh my God where where is this does torch not work on truda no more oh no I'm totally going to pass out here mate God modes farewell tappy I'm surprised how am I not asleep yeah I I don't know where I am um look at the map he so hang on how am I so there's the Redwoods there's that bit so I need to go come on what what since the the true not you yes I have God mod aanad is at the grasslands north and east of the volcano br yeah to be fair I've been pumping 42 look at my 4es I got a 64 for2 that's why they for you did come in clutch well when you got no points to point in speed right okay so we're going we're going that way I think no I was informed we're going to go this this way I'm really confused as to where I am right now that's the Redwoods there so we're going to go this way but I've got oh my God I don't know how do I avoid these true Duds they fighting each other how Comey fighting him right sweet let's go that was our trudon issue resolved it's like a if we don't get it that's another trudon parasaur there's no speed yeah there's no speed can't see can't see nothing I love that I love the torch uh equipped to about I think that that's such a lovely touch bravo bravo walk card I'm hearing horrible noises and I still I I don't know where I am how have I ended up here a juvenile gy hello me I feel like chat wants to see me die yeah of course they do thank you very much for the donation let's make sure I haven't missed anything else man the I've been really engaged at the moment okay cool cool cool cool cool um right we're going this way ah I know where we are there we go that's the log that takes you to Redwoods right that's a good sign okay I kind of want to stand in here and just see if anything happens just looks cool looks spooky no way am I going there though it it feels like another game right yeah good Bridge good Bridge cuz this is apparently meant to be experimenting with some things for art two as well page a whole new world thank you very much it's very kind of you just have a de dud done how are we not okay we're going to go up here towards Alpha pillar keep an eye on the left I don't know if it's bigger mate I'm not sure about that the size that salmon that's what she said g g dude I don't think there's no iguans on this map man the can't be right we've come too far to not t aana done should have changed it to that that that was hard right there right can I T an aanan really oh sleeping back right go go go go bull sling oh my God B we son B weav need the de to do something it's not working run I could bowler it I'm probably going to have to Bower it ah all f oh my God that's bad news no rer come through come through come through come through racer no run that's a leech sleeping back sleeping back sleeping back sleeping back what the put put the put the back down put the back down why I'm going towards the Raptors go this bit puff uh oh no I I don't I don't know where I am this is this is awful qu qu What's following me now oh my God this is awful can you human I I know human I don't I where am I where am I holy hell we got we there okay I think I know where this is there like a like a little ramp up here right that Raptor definitely called all its bodies over okay just just be careful there we go can I repair anything I can repair my chest definitely repair my chest can I make a new another sleeping bag no nik totally naked and afraid right let's go can I make a just need some Fiber I need to I need to I need another bow bait totally John is hoping that brings back the classic survivor's hat skin oh that'd be amazing right okay right we got we got one Bower that'll do let's go let's hug a ther right we just need to get to Green OB um for aiguan safe of dirty Lake what what is dirty Lake ain't going to lie I've never heard anyone call anything dirty Lake oh I know what dirty lake is I've never heard that that was an alpha Raptor that was an alpha Raptor po parkour parkour parkour can I parkour up here it's sort of working superum yeah you can you can now assign your torch to your belt look yeah you'll see it it's like there on the front of my belt which is pretty cool gab Witch Is there a photo mode there is um I honestly I tried to use it earlier didn't quite understand it I need to spend some time with it to understand it more mate but it's at the end of my first stream if you really want to watch it dude um I'm again I'm I'm still trying to figure out what the hell how's the game so far I'm living in fear right now mate living in Foria I'm trying to figure out how to get up here right now um how I'm not dead right now is is a question most are wondering answer to what the hell is that noise it's a dim off where am I right now what is this place this is vanilla oh right it sounds so going to run into something soon it's going to happen right I I'm just in dense jungle and I don't know where I'm going cuz it's pitch black and there's just Cliff faces everywhere trudan totally going to be incoming right and done where has the day on gone right like I I I was hoping I was going to get loads done on the stream today but all we've been left with is aanan right here we go here we go here we go here we go here we go finally finally you found the path to get up the mountain and get to Green up oh no what what was that what what's what what is this do one if I die to a mic ruptor what the what what is what the what is up with there oh that was horrible that's that something out of a horror movie a what the hell and know I'm not even anywhere closer to where I want to be I want to done what the hell happened there man how am not dead oh there it is there it is we finally found green up it's sounds like there's something big below me there though can I make a parachute why have I been living this long without them right sweet um I don't know what to put in anymore how health right here we go then we're going to parachute straight towards green up fromia are you ready a l gift today membership thank you very much I'm completely in Madness right now here we go that's a cracker below me don't come for me and there's a raptor how to grow I hit a tree going to die now can I run away please no fck off no a got a done a got a done a a I'm going to die no way there's no way there's no way if I no way no way in no world in no world a what what is going no didn't didn't done done a I'm still alive what what how am my alive that doesn't make sense what I don't even want to move dude oh look at my life look at my life I got nothing I got eight no no not like this don't you do it not like this yes I out of arrows I out of arrows crap crap crap crap crap please I can make some more I need Flint I need Flint uh uh uh I'm going to heat crap I am my name is Clark don't forget to like share and subscribe and as always Guana done I got to go I got to go and pick the kids up from school more videos afterwards or streams I need to maybe have a sleep that's a good way to end it thank you for tuning in much love so many of you here make sure to hit that like button
Channel: Raasclark
Views: 167,880
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ark, ark survival evolved, ark raasclark, raasclark vs veno, ark survival, raasclark, ark taming, ARK Survival Ascended DAY 1 LIVE First Impressions, xbox, evolved, ps5, pc, survival, gameplay, creatures, news, switch, raasclark news, ark news, ark raasclark news, ark switch, ark ue5, ark survival ascended, ark new map, ark mods, ark ascended maps, ark survival ascended details, ark ascended trailer, ark survival ascended gameplay, Exploring The Island: ARK Survival Ascended
Id: qsrfBNmHc-I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 234min 12sec (14052 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 26 2023
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