100 Days On The Road - Project Zomboid Movie

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meet Margaret stump a Hardy lady who's had word of her stinky husband wandering the wastes of Kentucky go and watch his story if you haven't already armed with an axe and arride her gorgeous Steed a British made 1952 Vincent Black Lightning motorbike also known as Vincent or whispered Vince for those long bumpy Days on the Road marret stump is on an Epic Quest across the count to find her husband Leslie this is a heavily modded playthrough of project zomboid with around 15 map mods installed as well as a mod list you can find in the description here's a brief overview of the traits and stats of our Lady stumping toon underweight depressive panic attacks smoker slow reader lar amateur mechanic vehicle Nomad outdoor camping gear biker Nomad dextrous strong back and between the shadows and then we move onwards into this 100 day tale of Margaret and her motorbike 100 Days on the Road exploring a world unlike any you've seen before try and get that door open first time Margaret strong ah yes Margaret's stump she finds some butter drinks from the dirty bathroom sink then heads down the road on Vince stopping to stare into the Dead zombie face for a moment we actually just going to eat this entire stick of butter right now because Margaret is underweight she's been on the road along time and hasn't had much to eat butter Margaret loots a number of houses collecting all the necessary gear for survival bags food and other goodies while also slicing her way through the unfortunate zombies she does a bit of singing to herself under her breath margarine so eat that whole tub oh Margaret she loves margerine she uses my ah jarine everything is going swimmingly for Margaret until ah you bastard it's okay Margaret this crazy guy with his shower cap on knocked my hat clean off my head it's okay Margaret calm down she patches herself up goes inside to grab her beloved cowboy hat and then gets decked out in some new gear damn Margaret you're looking drippy already looking good all right let's go down the road she gets distracted by this zombie who she believes might have a backpack and remembers her hand is hurting so she can't swing the axe so well do you love zombies do you love Margaret do you love eggs if so please consider subscribing enjoy the video Margaret needs to take some evasive measures in case the zombies eat her while she's kicking Vincent to life and we'll get back to Vincent okay get on the motorbike get on the motorbike yep start the engine oh Jesus Margaret she grabs some cigarettes from the gas station before the door gets swamped with rotting corpses so she sneaks around the back and then hops on Vincent right under their dumbass noses let's make our getaway yeah we're out here let's go Margaret we're leaving Margaret returns to the small Shack on the outside of town to set up base for the first night she leans up against Vincent and eats a bag of scavenged chips and smokes a sweet cigarette it is hard on her throat she sets up the tent inside puts together a small campfire then forages in the nearby Woods as the sun sets Shadows twist in the trees and she feels a little scared margs prepares a meal on Vincent's seat the oils ooze into the leather she's just cooking on the back of Vincent using him as a little table she's going to have to sit on that it's going to be all stinky and greasy greasy motorbike seat she pulls out a doll she found in one of the houses and plays with it hair it makes her feel calmer the chili stir fry sizzles on the fire she sits for a while longer and tries breathing exercises Margaret is not used to being out here all on her own surrounded by nothing but the growling dead but for Leslie she'll Brave it just in case he's still alive somewhere out there did you hear something Margaret no what was that it's okay it's okay warm your hands even though it's a 90° out and you're wearing a puffer jacket you must be absolutely boiling okay drink all the white wine try and calm yourself down Margaret Downs a bottle of white wine in the hopes it helps her sleep but she's still woken in the middle of the night by a sudden fright oh the zombie at the window no there's nothing she is still alone I mean it's very understandable to be a bit scared but this is a pretty safe little room it's okay it's okay there's no one out here let's get this fire on get some light night one spent the night in a small cabin she's got an infected hand so we're just going to hold on for a moment after resting up after that stressful night Margaret heads out again the road is wide and open the sun is fierce on her red cheeks and the wind whips through her hair a stench of rotting crops fills the air hard to discern from the ordinary smell of Rotting Flesh she finds a small group of houses in the dead fields and decides to check them out her heart is still racing even at the sight of one of these z z zes climbing over a fence she tries to relax and bury the axe firmly in its skull belly burn ring let's get that in your belly button Margaret it's actually disgusting imagine putting a zombie belly button ring in your belly button belly buttons are disgusting anyway actually foul little holes foul little pits with mold and Gunk disgusting after stealing the zombie belly button ring Margaret walks the fields looking for old vegetables anything even slightly fresh no luck but she does find a fetching yellow hard hat she can't get rid of the cowboy hat because it belonged to Leslie Once Upon a Time and she hopes she can return it to him she hits the road again and searches for the next spot to explore the farmhous is up the road are peaceful and seemingly Untouched by the apocalypse she takes a bath upstairs careful to close the curtains because old habits die hard Margaret shoves some Jam in her throat careful not to look too closely at the moldy bread on the table crawling with maggots then she begins to set up the camp for the evening tomato and peanut butter stir fries at Margaret you've opened this tin of beans and now you're going to put it back to Vincent's little pocket beanie little pocket Margaret sets up the tent in the middle of the floor she would rather go upstairs to sleep in the double bed but something about all that dead Dusty skin the sense and touch of some old corpse makes her feel extremely uncomfortable she'd much rather stay inside her own comfortable meat pocket her cozy little tent she puts down her doll to watch over the room to bring her peace but [Music] unfortunately she woke up with night terrors again she can actually hear a zombie this time have a cigarette just one wandering outside Margaret it's okay Margaret sits on the toilet in the dark and waits for it all to blow over in the morning she smashes the zombie's head in that had so rudely awoken her and continues on her way hitchhikers may be escaping inmates check out this place first delicious orange soda on the other side of the road is a large drive-thru theater she investigates there are plenty of cars here to fiddle with and that's good because Vincent is in pretty dire shape Max needs to sharpen up her mechanics and electric skill before she can start tinkering with her little friend there'll be nothing on that screen ever again Again Margaret don't look at me like that you know it's the truth I can repair the suspension with duct tape that doesn't sound like an excellent idea ah yes sit on the floor and eat in front of the toilet delicious must smell amazing utterly scrumptious she's very tired okay Margaret let's get some sleep hopefully you sleep slightly better here nice she slept all the way till 7:40 slept at the drive-in theater peaceful night sleep for once he begins the day facing an astronomical issue Vincent's little pockets are already full of shite they can be repaired but Margaret doesn't even know how to use a needle yet or possess one either so there's no other option but to hit the road on the huntford more Adventure and her lost husband pickles Margaret is indeed in Rosewood an area she has read about on the news completely overrun with zombies of course but maybe there's someone out there maybe as she loots more houses she becomes more and more depressed until she spies something excellent in the Schoo yard the bus is in pretty awful shape but Margaret is already thinking of the future of course she has a few skills to level first before she consider moving into it full time but it's a start just as a smaller side here Margaret does indeed return to this beautiful bus but you'll have to keep watching Margaret finds this car which is in pretty good shape and one that can be used as a utility and storage vehicle at least temporarily it takes her a long while to hot wire though and she keeps getting little electric shocks on her fingers the inside of the car smells faintly of cat [ __ ] come on Margaret you can do it nice new pair of Wheels she sets up a temporary camp but doesn't feel great about it she's nervous wreck and severely depressed with the fire roaring Margaret smashes her way into the school bus to see what's inside it's dark but there's so so much room if she wanted to she could snuggle up on one of the musty seats but she prefers her meat pocket the trusty tent take off a bit of some of your clothes I mean she's covered in blood she looks crazy Margaret does make a mess like someone else you might remember just going to pop over this fence disgusting Margaret absolutely disgusting after turning that zombes head into spaghetti bolones she settles down to sleep only to get rudely awoken once again in the night who what's that noise what's that noise a helicopter cool no problems other than the helicopter that passed overhead and the fact that she got a little wet think it's time to go investigate the school quietly Margaret quietly hello I can see your butt Margaret wants to investigate the school to see if there's a library but except for the shambling teachers and students still left over in their Eternal prison there ain't any books in here what are you doing there sir oh Jesus it's okay stay [Music] calm yeah merges from the trees I think because it's raining we're going to take the car out Margaret doesn't want to get wet just going to do a little exploring see what go googies what goodies await us inside the fire station I hear them but I cannot see them ah fireman [Music] Margaret she grabs a shower in the ice cold mosquito infected water quers of the fire station then cleans her new fire gear and heads over the street to the police station absolutely nothing couple of boxes of shotgun ammo hardly anything at all wao Margaret what are you doing she's been driving a motorbike for too long back at the temporary Camp she decides that yes tonight she will sleep in the school bus the helicopter last night has spooking her spooked her the night is uneventful and she awakes for another day day on the road upon reflection Margaret decides that it's a little too early to begin settling in a school bus before she leaves Rosewood though she needs some books she hops back in the car and heads into middle of town she's just going to take out a little anger on the populace of Rosewood she pillages the Bookshop after the Bloodshed and gets some very important books like mechanics one electricity one and all that good stuff then returns to the camp oops sorry Vincent it did a little wobble Margaret decides that she's going to have to leave the bus behind she has no propane no mechanical skills whatsoever and plenty of nox County still to explore packing up a few bits and pieces and leaving other stuff in the back of the car she heads to the outskirts of Rosewood and comes across an auto shop there's hardly anything inside of any value there never is so she carries on out of the Town out in the field she comes across another Farmhouse she puts up a tent and carries the corpses outside ew disgusting squelchy flesh ew Margaret lights the fire Cooks some food then sits on the sofa in the living room to read her book unfortunately she enters a project zomboid alternate Dimension and has to make a bizarre Escape oh no she's stuck in the sofa she's going to have to climb out the window oh project zom I love you in the morning she heads out again and finds another gorgeous house in the countryside this time infested with football fans she mops them up nice an easy and continues on her way hidden a little in the bushes she sees a sign welcome to Blackwood curious she investigates but she wishes she hadn't caution quarantine area oh man what happened here look at all this trat tritus Margaret Frolic Frolic in the trash Margaret sneaks into the ruined town of Blackwood calling out quite quietly to see if anyone answers but there is only deathly silence or the clanging of a metal tin on the floor or the Deep low groan of a zombie behind a shutter she takes the barricades down off a door creeps through a Dusty clothes shop and stumbles across a horde of shambling monsters lingering in the buildings oh good stuff someone in the window this place is teeming with zombies you build so many barricades eventually it becomes like a prison oh boy there's a lot of zombies here oh that looks Grim down there Blackwood stinks of death Margaret feels on edge like she's being watched from the Shadows so much destruction she hates it and has to get out immediately this place is horrible I don't like it it's going to give myself a little wash got covered in Gore and disgusting stuff I think we can probably camp in here this evening as well on the edge of this cess pit oh look how Vincent glows my darling Vincent Margaret wakes in the night of course because the horrors of Blackwood are just on her doorstep she heads out in the morning feeling a bit blury then stops at a farmhouse just stop the road a snuffling gurgling sound comes from the building and she peeks in the window to see a female zombie hunched over a corpse eating its guts she doesn't want to get too distracted on her quest for propane so she continues on a little later she finds a small dirt path that leads into the trees towards a small group of abandoned Huts it appears to be some sort of military base but the cupboards are empty and Margaret jumps back on Vincent just a little bit further up the road she finds a couple of large food storage warehouses on the edge of a lake it looks like a decent place to set up camp and try to fish so she shouts a few times and clears out the surrounding area with the tent set up inside one of the warehouses which smells faintly of rotten vegetables but does protect her from the undead outside she reads how to craft a fishing rod and then falls asleep on the next morning she sets off on Vincent whilst it's still dark there's a gas station down the road which she pillages for pop and sugary snacks then jumps on her trusty Steed she finds a car park and siphons some gas very slowly with a plastic bottle from this car and pours it into Vincent's little guzzling mouth she really needs to find a gas can approach quietly Margaret there's quite a lot of zombies here there's a gigart in the next lot over which she explores but she just doesn't have room to carry any more tins or food Goods in Vincent's small saddle bags she needs to repair them soon for more room hello sir customer on aisle one the back of the mar has even more shells of tinned foods I won't become one of them looks like you did ma'am looks like you did just behind the Mart is a row of houses with garages and she hopes that she might find some propane or propane torches tucked away unfortunately none of them have any propane shows she packs it in and tries her luck elsewhere whoa sitick a Margaret are you okay I think she's okay she didn't even herself Vincent on the other hand probably did take a bit of damage there we need to find propane Stat or Vincent Margaret really needs to focus up otherwise she's going to die flying over the handle but bars she drives past The Distillery no use to her not yet then arrives at McCoy logging but the building is full of zombies and she's not interested in planks the warehouses nearby look more promising and while the bottom floor is just logs Margaret checks upstairs for good measure propane tank is a start just need a torch ah yes although she has propane now she still doesn't have a propane torch which is necessary to do repairs to Vincent what is that over there some kind of temporary Camp need to check that out for sure sure first though let's see if there's any propane anywhere maybe we can spend the night in that camp actually she pops open a few garages but doesn't find anything of really any use and is starting to feel a bit sleepy Margaret returns to the top floor of the warehouse because it feels fairly safe and puts up the tent and gets her doll out she rests through the night without any night terrors or nightmares her dreams are instead full of sunny days with Leslie sat on Rod the RV's step watching the sun on the lake Margaret drives past a hospital but decides that's the last possible possible place on Earth she wants to be well aware the dozens of robe wearing dead shamble along those sterile hallways and instead she finds something else much more interesting looks nice though oh a caravan now that is an intriguing proposal very intriguing proposal oh it's very cozy in here lovely color as well seems to be in very good condition a caravan could be an excellent upgrade for Vincent but she doesn't want to leave her beloved motorcycle ccle behind quite yet Margaret rummages through the cars in the lot and then sneaks into the motel to fill her water bottle she doesn't really have the patience to deal with any zombies right now so she just takes her time quietly then it's off to another gas station and a nearby Bait Shop fishing tackle could be useful and there's just a fishing rod here so we don't even have to make our own with fishing stuff in toe Margaret finds a delightful spot by a nearby lake to set up for a couple of days oh lovely this is the perfect spot to set up look at it nice little cabins there's even a bed in here Margaret oh Jesus just stand in the cupboard and have a cigarette Margaret breathe in those fumes breathe them in Margaret breathe them in okay you ready okay let's check out some of these other cabins then after Margaret has done making animal noises to herself she investigates a few of the other cabins and kills some more of the Woodland stagers nearby to make the area a little safer feeling a bit more secure with a circle of corpses around her she heads back to her little cabin this temporary island of peace all right it's pretty early but she's very tired so how you doing Vincent enjoying the fresh air on day number 10 Margaret decides that she should clear out a few more zombies before settling down to peacefully fish for the day so she wanders through a few more cabins things start to go a little poorly as you'll soon see hey there I reckon that was his car looks like a a guy who might drive a car like this W started some good Nick too under cougar tell you what I'm going to do I'm just going to get in this car well there's one and some more and some more okay so they are out there oh hope I didn't buy off more than I can chew here I don't think I did H maybe I did Margaret has indeed bitten off more than she can chew no one gave her the ultimate life lesson of never to use the Glorious Honker unless you are sure that it is 100% safe and proper to do so she performs some tactical evasive procedures runs away in the trees and eventually manages to thin the hord out one by one by Leading them through the tree line okay things were a little manic there just going to sit take some beta buckers pop some pills Margaret have a cigarette as well okay okay calm down stare at the lake stare at the gorgeous Lake eventually the Bloodshed is complete she lights a fire and warms her slightly numb fingers from where she's been grasping the Crowbar she prepares some food and puts it on the fire then sits on one of the plastic chairs and reads a few magazines and books after eating she wants to try and find some little bugs to use as bait but finds nothing in the woods bitless but with a decent rod she stands on the end of The Jetty and goes fishing it's ultimately peaceful and she is constantly reminded of the old world and her trips with Leslie did we catch any fish we did we cook we caught a medium crappy amazing slice it up on the back of Vincent rub the fish into his leather so now we got some fish filet fish filet with the first fish caught she reads more books by the Light of the fire as the sun goes down and then prepares for bed okay lie down with your doll get some sleep Margaret fish sve I with soy sauce no vegetables to go in it just fish but that should be okay after eating fish stir fry for dinner Margaret sits and reads for the entire day she's got a lot to learn about mechanics and electricity plus fishing cooking and more and this place is peaceful enough for her to do so without a zombie breathing down her neck the day passes in a quiet blur's rip apart all these digital watches try and level up our electricity skill first thing in the morning throw all the electronics on the floor have a look outside on this glorious Sunny morning on day 13 Margaret catches herself some breakfast and prepares it but it'ss just a massive plate of fish and it actually makes her kind of sad she tries to Jazz it up a bit with an extra ingredient fish and peanut butter M Margaret what a special concoction you've made eat that six fets of fish after eating she sits in her plastic chair and reads for the entire day tailoring fishing cooking carpentry mechanics she will be an expert at the allall for the zombies inevitably eat her intestines she heads to bed but it's windy outside and every scratching leaf or creaking tree sounds like an intruder Dead or Alive Terror it's okay smoke an emergency cigarette everything's going to be okay if you smoke an emergency cigarette Margaret again she fishes until she has 10 kg of fish which is too much fish she puts the fets Into the Dead fridge even though it smells like rotten milk a little bit it won't keep for long in this hot Kentucky summer but it's better than nothing the rest of the day is more of the same fishes in the morning breeds in the daytime smokes a cigarette on the jety and suffers from more terrors in the night she sits in the dark by torch light and waits for her breathing to calm down before fin falling asleep again just lie in the little cabin listen to the Rain enjoy your last little day of peace and quiet Margaret before we hit the road again he having a real bad time couple of panic attacks it's okay Margaret there's no one out there it's just the sound of the wind the rain you heard the lady it's time to move out the island of Peace fish and books by the Lakeside has come to an end the journey must go on a lovely couple of days of Peace come to an end Margaret must beat ceaselessly against the apocalypse like forgetful fish in a fish tank perfect peaceful few days by the lake it's this place it doesn't take Margaret long before she finds her next Target another gas station looks like there might be a garage nearby too definitely worth checking out oh that's quite a lot of police zombies there okay before we de that we're just going to have a cigarette in this heavy rain Margaret come on as you can see Margaret has become rather Adept with her crowbar and she remains somewhat calm as the police zombies swarm around her listen to their little chipmunk noises cute little bloodthirsty Chipmunks dressed as police officers yes Margaret okay no more foolish Behavior okay Margaret we go again [Music] H oh there's an ATV out there now that could be an interesting upgrade for Vincent let's go check it out lightweight viard she drives to the next lot over the rain is coming thick and fast it's going to be a mighty summer storm to hide from the rain she clears the lot horrible summer storm today maret seeks shelter inside then Ducks into the postal Services building she clears out the warehouse but there isn't much to find on the boxes and shelves horrible upstairs she finds a sofa that provides a comfy spot out of the rain so she collects some clothes from dead zombies to do some tailoring she repairs her clothes and adds some padding then reads a book Margaret sleeps on the sofa with the sound of the storm raging outside still raining nowhere near as heavy as it was last night though [Music] hello look like a little Survivor one got no gas in otherwise pretty good Nick though spent the night in the postal office terrible storm ATV here Margaret gets her bearings there is so much to see and do in Kentucky and she is just getting started before leaving the post office she undresses all the zombies in the r rain oh how lovely Margaret then heads on her way she drives until she finds a small town there aren't too many zombies so she Pils into a house on the outskirts the rain is still coming thick and heavy and she wants to learn more tailoring so she can finally repair Vincent's saggy saddle bags she spends some time patching up and repairing her clothes in the house and eventually levels up her tailoring nice she just eating little fingers little fingers worth of peanut butter I should also mention here that Margaret stump is currently on the little bit of the plump side so she's on a finger only diet of peanut butter until she loses some weight she heads outside to repair Vincent's bags but he has other plans wait no there he is are you rolling away Vincent are you trying to escape I think he is stay [Music] still then inent where are you going the wheels are not in the best condition Margaret repairs the bags but can't do much about the wheels without some fixer flat to or better mechanic skills so she heads just a short distance down the road there are zombies and the storm is picking up again so she bunkers down in a house she has a bath and listens to the rain outside it's almost like the old [Music] days what duh how did you get in here after that fright downstairs she puts an armchair to block the staircase in the hopes no zombie can clamber over while she sleeps H the rain stopped good morning Vincent it's time to rock and roll again keep her eyes open some garages absolutely nothing inside she's going to stop bothering soon I promise and then drives through the dead town it's as busy as hell slightly panic she just drives right on through until she reaches the trees on the other side like a scene out of The Truman Show The Truman Show released in 1998 4 years after the zombie apocalypse so it never happened Margaret is going mad weird visions of the future Jim Carri as a zombie in his La Mansion she turns back on herself checks out some barns no propane here just hay so she drives all the way back out of town although there is probably plenty of loot to be had she needs propane more than anything so away she goes at a gas station she stops in the car park and randomly checks the boot of a car inside is some fixer flat which is amazing because she can repair one of Vincent's Wheels now then she drives fast through the forest the wind whips around her the air smells fresh and fruity and sum it's pretty gorgeous she thinks eventually she comes across some ominous tower blocks on the edge of another town yeah those buildings are giving me the ejbs the apartment blocks I think not don't worry we're not going in there not in a million years Margaret you can hear it's like a tower of death Margaret absolutely refuses to step foot in the Tower of Doom and instead finds a smaller house to rest in for the evening I think finon should be okay out there yeah should be fine think we can spend the night here treat yourself to a beer Margaret you've earned it you've earned it in the morning she visits the church says a small prayer under her breath cursing the zombie gods then investigates a Food Warehouse Vincent literally can't carry anything else then she finds a largely empty firehouse and just when she does find a decent looking Warehouse that might have propane the world has other plans for Margaret's stump oh boy that's a lot of [ __ ] zombies oh good job Vincent don't really want to mess with that even though there could be propane in there it looked pretty scary like thankfully just down the road is another set of large warehouses unfortunately she finds a sad group of Survivor zombies cut down in their Prime they obviously all died at the same time turned together maybe and Margaret puts them out of their misery one by one it leaves her feeling a little torn up inside as she loots their bodies and takes all their delicious oh a machete one of my favorite weapons oh God sorry Holly pretty sad that oh God she's got no arms her arms have been eaten off my God there's so many of them it's a whole group she's been hungry for a couple of days now because she's um she's a little bit she's put on a little bit of weight alive inside yeah shouldn't have put a big sign on the door the zombies knew exactly that you were all in there alive and they came for their lunch [Applause] just have a couple of fingers of peanut butter Margaret her weight is still going down so that's good let's go put up the tent inside she puts up a tent in the dead survivor's old base and reads a book on a chair before falling asleep she thinks she can hear the voices of the survivors Whispering around the tent they're floating dead heads but there's nothing there's no one there not even a little zombie Mouse in the morning she heads out to again losing weight slowly with sticky peanut butter fingers and finds another Warehouse will this be the place the home of the propane the answer is propane torch nice two propane torches that's so good hooray with two propine torches ready to light the world on fire Margaret makes plans for the next adventure Hey look it's where we started we almost done a circle so much to explore I say we head back back to here looks like there's lots of stuff nearby industrial propane tank industrial industrial while she's looking at the map she hears a faint rumbling in the distance what the hell is that oh Jets a plane there's a plane Margaret you haven't seen a plane in a long time I'm a little bit scared I'm going to get in the car it's going to pull a lot of the zombies that way wow what a sound she thought she'd never see a plane ever again how bizarre with the sounds of the fighter jets trailing Margaret sets off the way she already came back to those dense warehouses somewhere safe to work on gorgeous little Vincent make him shine and purr again it's not without its problems on the road of course oops but eventually she makes it there in good time down Country Roads and through towns okay let take out the stragglers have a little snack of some cereal because she is starving but she is on a diet Margaret gets set up with Vincent inside the warehouse in this handy little garage once again the motorbike isn't behaving she explores some of the nearby area clearing out zombies as she goes then heads up to bed there we go Freddy you can just sit outside and keep watch for me okay she wakes up starving on a foggy morning there are a few ghouls to clear out in the fog she finds some hidden gold in a warehouse and wonders what she could buy with it if the world was still functioning a little further she listens to the moans of the zombies in the woods then makes her way into the temporary Camp the place is lited with fridges and cars and Tents but there are no survivors here after clearing out the shamblers around the Old Camp she sits on the floor and Ponders whether this might be a decent place to set up shop for a couple of days she can dismantle all the old fridges to Tinker with the cars and finally give Vincent a bit of TLC she goes and grabs her buddy from the warehouse it's a perfect spot Margaret begins work right away even though the Sun is setting the artificial light is still working here for some reason perhaps some far off emergency generator and she feels safe behind the fences with the material she salvaged from the fridges and ovens she makes the first repairs to Vincent she finds one working car in the lot and uses it to block the entrance then falls asleep under the Warm Glow of the flashlight she spends most of day 20 ripping things apart in the lot collecting sheets scrap metal and electronics salvaging is broken up with periodic panic attacks A's having a bad day today everything's all right there's no one here grab another smoke you hardworking Beauty Margaret she keeps working on her mechanic skill and here's a little overview of Margaret's various skills margs works all day and gets Vincent up to a handsome 60% healthiness but her food supplies are starting to run low s safe behind this fence doesn't it Margaret but we need to venture out there again you're running out of food she can't stay here forever and she reads before bed then hits the meat [Music] pocket on the morning of day 21 she has a cheeky finger or two of delicious marinara makes some notes on her map propane here drunkyard where I spent some nights then she hits the road heading north she thinks want to see what the world offers us Margaret out on the road again she's stops by an overgrown field humming and stinky with delicious wild fruits and vegetables she hopes the field is a veritable Gold Mine of goodies including some there we go bloody potatoes pretty spooky out here Margaret what's that then an onion M some lovely worms put those worms in your pocket Margaret slug so many bugs started a little Museum of bugs Margaret after collecting food and stuffing her Pockets with a worrying number of insects Margaret heads up on up the road when she stumbles across something very very exciting oh it appears they broke down I do believe that's the first RV we've come across well aware that this could have been her and her husband while the RV is in very good condition she decides that it isn't time to settle down quite yet not until she's found some REM Remnant a remnant of Leslie at least and she has grown quite fond of Vincent she can't abandon him quite yet but she is going to keep this RV in mind for the future let's not get ahead of ourselves and abandon Vincent I think for now we should just keep continuing so for now Margaret leaves the RV where it is and continues on she needs to find somewhere to spend the night and so she finds these Eerie abandoned Shacks that it might do the job doesn't appear to be many zombies around this will do just fine she thinks Margaret stops to take a cold very cold disgusting shower in the drgs of whatever water supply the building has then gets into a dead person's bed to read for sleep she's just getting used to life on the road and she doesn't mind sleeping in these beds anymore plus she's pretty sure she left her tent in the warehouse a few miles away anyway nice one Margaret there we go now we can see we're not really interested in looting these buildings so I think we'll probably just leave Margaret how about that spent the night a small cabin largely uneventful of course Margaret Ventures out on that dark morning riding Vincent with confidence she stumbles across several large empty warehouses in the rotten fields and decides to investigate the little shed at the end of the lot wood glue fantastic it was worth it Margaret it was worth it we can use that to repair our tires I believe she forages in the nearby field for food as she'll need it for the next leg of her Adventure M leak nail yes please broccoli after stuffing Vincent's Pockets with vegetables and bugs like a mad woman she kicks the bike to life and heads on yeah these are definitely the kind of places that I like to check out look at this enormous building Margaret let's go say hello to the mannequin hello Margaret's going crazy the mannequin is talking to her the house is massive and quite nice inside but Margaret isn't looking for a home she smokes a cigarette next to Vincent then starts up the bike to find the next next new place to explore you're back with Vincent now your sturdy Steed H what's this then Eon Elementary School they might have some nice books in here for us Margaret hi oh look at her feet oh I do not like those feet I do not like how they move I hear the this is horrible hello it's clear that some people had tried to haul up in the school blankets on the Windows turned over cabinets the place reeks of death Margaret goes slowly and steadily her breath coming hard and fast she takes out a few of the zombies that still linger inside and investigates the small school library well they're all beginner books which makes sense because it is an elementary school these kids aren't Geniuses they are just children but overall this place is giving me a really bad feeling so I'm going to leave yeah going to proceed on foot feel like Vincent's going to be a bit too noisy right now every time she sees a zombie she wonders if it's Leslie and this man looks nothing like Leslie so is quite reassuring Margaret checks out the little postal office to see if they have any magazines but it's just offices nothing else of use the evening light is beginning to fade and Margaret needs to find somewhere to sleep she returns to Vincent and rides a little further into the town of ekron she doesn't have to go far ah the ekron in well Margaret that sounds perfect for us doesn't it investigate Margaret investigates the erron Inn clearing out room by room and even though it's not the most welcoming place she settles down in room number one she gets her bugs out of her pockets and spreads them on the mattress then drinks an entire bottle of borbon Margaret loves bugs they are her only friends whoa she's getting funky with it in the room she's so drunk she's doing she's reading hanging off the bed she's losing her mind looking pretty good though Margaret as she do it very snazzy very snazzy indeed this is a little bit weird she's taking her clothes off now which is not really what my intention was but that is what she's doing I just want to see how long her hair is cuz her hair was very short I'm not making her get undressed for any sultry reasons she's gone mad basically wow you are wearing so many any clothes wow her hair is so long and so gray I guess it has been a fairly stressful few weeks the or is this gray I don't remember I think it's turned gray because of the zombies okay Margaret time to put everything back on put chicks back on Margaret and then you can go to bed okay good night Margaret good morning my little bug woman good morning Vincent Margaret takes Vincent a little further into erron stopping at this small Clinic collect some medical supplies a bottle of disinfectant and some antibiotics which might come in handy later then continues on a little further and she finds Bower's tools bazer the undead God it sounds like there's a lot of zombies somewhere the major issue is is that Vincent doesn't have much room left in his little pockets all these tools and useful items are just getting left behind haa it sounds like there are so many zombies upstairs I'm just going to close the door I don't want to deal with that Margaret finds a Library where folks have been playing board games as the world ended in the back she finds a basic mechanics book huzzah but quickly comes to the realization that she can't possibly keep all those books in Vincent's Pockets something has to change after looting The Parlor and finding so many good book she can't carry Margaret finally makes a difficult decision Vincent's little pockets just aren't big enough it's time to upgrade her Transportation so many books we need more space she could recover that RV from the field or she could return to that beautiful yellow school bus she makes her mind up school bus here it's quite a distance away but I think we can get there we can take a different route you know this way stop off with the sledgehammer actually cuz we're going to need the sledgehammer to clear the inside of the bus so that's what we're going to do cuz Vincent's pockets are just stuffed we just don't have enough room I'm sorry Vincent so with her mind made up she sets off towards the bus but immediately takes a wrong turn and things really start to hot up don't fall off Vincent whatever you do Margaret whoa don't fall off your bike now Margaret slow and steady a lot of ruined buildings here just Rod off into the countryside Margaret where are you going yeah I would be panicked too it's quite a lot of zombies is here where are you going Margaret there a little Camp here and one of the zombies is on fire it's going to cause a massive massive massive fire in the woods oh God oh my God we need to get out of here what are we even doing here Margaret we need to go get on the bike we need to get out of here this going to be a huge forest fire everything's going to burn to the ground get out of here Margaret you took a wrong turn somewhere and ended up in a crazy neighborhood Who even set that fire maybe this a Survivor Maybe it was Leslie she didn't really have time to think eventually after all that chaos she makes it back to one of her temporary bases she pauses for a moment to figure out her next steps the idea of that fire creeping through the forest is unsettling but there's nothing she can do about it now let's have a cigarette and think about what we're going to do think we should spend the night here you need to look for a watch on one of these zombies cuz I don't know where you've thrown yours to Margaret and then we're going to go and pick up the bus we're going to pick up the sledgehammer here we're going to work on the bus where is probably Margaret heads upstairs and finds her old meat pocket still there along with her plushy Freddy she sits on the cold hard ground and reads about mechanics she's going to need all the skill she can to get to repair the busted old school bus a zombie no she awakes in the night she swear she could hear a voice a distant calling voice Margaret Margaret but there is nothing but deathly silence in the warehouse she reads her book by torch light before she calms down enough to get back back to sleep she's just chain smoking cigarettes I mean it does make sense being out here in the wilderness surrounded by zombies with no hope or human contact for almost 3 weeks she's starting to lose it and so the Journey Back to the bus continues it's peaceful but not without its incidents it's time to leave drive through the quiet Woods oh that was a big bang sorry Margaret crash into the back of the trailer it's okay there's no major injuries there you got to be careful here it is all right so it doesn't look like much right now but this is where we're going to slowly do up our bus here this is what we're working with inside by the way she makes it back to the bus in one piece a little banked up but not too hurt she gets to work clearing out the inside out of the bus with the sledgehammer and in her manic state of Smashing stuff up she accidentally makes a pretty dumb [Music] mistake oh no I just destroyed the light switch oh no Margaret never fear she's been reading about electricity and stalls a new light she yinks from the school in the back of the bus no problem at all and it looks quite nice nice work Margaret we might need another one cuz it's still a little dark on this end but that's we can turn it on off too lovely okay what she can do though just quickly put down her bugs on her work table yes her little bug friends while Margaret is learning how to do DIY here and there she's still fairly forgetful she wants to get a bed but she can't get a bed without level two carpentry and she can't level carpentry without a hammer and somehow Margaret doesn't have a hammer she has seen hundreds of them thousands and there's not a single one in her possession so she begins looting the various buildings around the school to find one someone in the cboard someone in the [Music] cboard three pairs of jeans on the bed weird Hammer please wow I love it and an empty gas can he take some of her new loot back to the bus including these fancy shelves it'll take a while before the bus is truly cozy inside but we'll get there like you've just moved into the new into a new house sit on the floor and drink a whole bottle of wi wine to celebrate Margaret nice you christen this bus beatric beatric the bus and Margaret two old deers beatric definitely seems like an excellent name so the life of Margaret and beus begins he sits on the floor inside be's Garten drinks wine reads a book then falls asleep on the must sofa furiously read maret furiously read until 10:00 and then you can go to sleep I'm going to sleep on this musty old bus seat it's very feels very safe in here Margaret wakes up to the sounds of jets roaring overhead she Strokes all the bugs on her table to keep her sane and then prepares for the day the day of looting on Vincent she finds a fridge and a nice luggage chest she likes to look of as well as a bookcase and a l lamp betc is starting to look a bit more like home very cozy okay let's po this just had an idea for tonight's dinner also Margaret going to grab this barbecue we can cook up our leak and broccoli I think in this barbecue we're not going to put the barbecue inside the bus because you'll die ah lovely she attempts to grill the broccoli and leak on the barbecue but it is impossible she stares at the rockard vegetables on the grill why aren't they burning has she gone mad they taunt and tease her to distract herself from the Invincible V vegetables she decorates beess with some of the things she has found very cozy indeed I'd love to paint the inside of the bus I think would be a good decision it's pretty gray kind of stinks in here needs a good wash put down some nice carpet perhaps satisfied with how beus looks inside now she heads out to loot a few more houses someone out there oh my good God that made my oh God I jumped in my chair I'm sorry Margaret oh it's a lovely evening sunset colors gorgeous let's just get back to the bus let's get back to beis barbecue is still burning those impenetrable Invincible yeah they're still in there not cooking and then we need to we need a reading chair don't we really um let's grab mechanics Volume 2 and we'll read again before bed on Day 26 it's more of the same she starts with a smoke and then heads out to get her Loot on she stumbles across a birthday party of zombies in one of the gardens and takes her time cleaving their heads open with her trusty crowbar then it's time to take some of the strange rage she's been feeling out on the furniture in every godamn building she smashes Everything To Pieces Margaret is angry and alone the furniture fills her wrath destroy everything at a mad rage Margaret destroy it all without smashing things up she's unable to pick up this delightful single bed which she wants very much for her new spiritus she marks it down on the map so she forget where it is let's mark this on the map as a lovely single bed for me she's going crazy she calms down for a moment and tries to remember where she is and what she's doing oh yes the bed she must smash everything up so that she can have a bed oh yes when she returns to the bus after a long day of Smashing things she is dismayed to see that she can't place the curtains down inside beess she drinks a beer then tries to sleep on the musty sofa sh about the curtains hey Margaret but that's all right just drink your beer drink your nice cold beer M delicious po eight she is ridiculously tired so let's sleep on our lovely cushion turn the light off she wakes up with more night terrors but there is nothing in the bus with her she turns on the light and smokes a cigarette and eventually she can rest again on the next morning she fills up beus with a little bit of Vincent's lifeblood and then turns the engine on she Roars but it's a groggy sound like someone who has just woken up after a long nap the bus will need a little more love of course Margaret heads out to continue looting in the fog oh my god oh po it made me jump so much actually made my heart skip a beat all it's sick after that fright she just grabs this TV and goes right back to the bus she doesn't want to die in the fog Margaret puts the TV in the bus and it's starting to look real homey in there then it's back to the shed behind the TV house where she finds a generator which will be useful for a gas station at some point beatric is one Hungry Girl Marx reckons ah Margaret is now desensitized she's killed 589 zombies survive for 27 days and 2 hours Margaret is now a stone cold killer desensitized she's seen enough then she finds pot but it's full of Stew so she just pour the rotten stew over your feet Margaret gross gross Margaret completely gross she also collects this oven and carries it all the way back to the camp Margaret strong Margaret fits the oven in the back of beatress and admires the shiny metal she will cook many delicious meals here but not until she reads about how to make a basic soup she reads she smokes she sleeps on day 28 Margaret hops on for one of her last rides on her trusty motorbike Vincent and the bike grumbles in the cold morning air she heads out to loot more houses as this is all that Margaret can do to stifle the panic attacks she goes building to building destroying everything taking out her rage she can't find her husband and the world is going quiet with death Margaret stands in the ruin of one room and stares at a beige chair it is a beautiful chair isn't it Margaret she leaves it alone to rot for eternity back at the bus she drops off her loot Leslie used to play the guitar she never learned now there's no one left to teach her unless of course she can find her husband somewhere this whole tin of beans slurp them down Margaret loot deposited and refueled with beans sweet beans margs makes a plan to move the bus up to another temporary base so she can make repairs to Beatrice's smash windows and poly insides there are however a few things you can do now before they leave like replace the tires and pump them with the air nice okay Patric is already looking in better shape he pillages the Bender's Electronics Van for parts mostly tires brakes and suspension pads the r Gentleman on the side of the van looks down at her she feels like he is watching her intensely Margaret is not a very good mechanic and she practically destroys the parts as she tries to remove them but she is learning she sits on the floor of beis it is cold but still somehow cozy and reads about cooking before bed smoke a cigarette just performing the mundanity of life right now Margaret she is Margaret but she is and it's a lovely rainy morning it's a cold wet morning on day 29 check our surroundings if there's any zombies around there's one up there I will take care of that one because in the past I've almost died by one just sneaking up on me so I'm going to just go kill this guy I think hi she had a panic attack again so even though she's desensitized she still still feels anxious every now and then it's nothing a sweet little cigarette can't sort out the brakes and suspension is still pretty dodgy a lot of the windows are smashed the hood is in a bad shape now now is the question here she is the beauty she's on the Move beatric look at her gorgeous gorgeous lady hello beatric you're so pretty look at your eyes let's go see if she can whoa she turns like a beast let's see if we can hook her up to this trailer oh amazing now we're talking Margaret look at this incredible setup we got beatric in the trailer my God she moves like a slug Margaret decorates the inside of beatric and then tries to finally go and get that lovely single bed she found in a nearby building come on don't break it [ __ ] she only broke half of it as well sake she goes and collects the generator from that shed and with that it's almost time to move on ah yes the magical generator dance amazing let's go drop this off in the trailer I think all right then I think we're almost set to go aren't we Margaret beatric is ready is I mean she's still pretty smashed up but we can fix her on the Move still have to find Leslie as for Vincent we best keep him somewhere safe let's take him there now take him to a garage I think somewhere out of the rain somewhere he can keep safe so we'll be back for you boy don't worry let's leave him in this garage here we'll be back for you Vincent you've been a very sturdy reliable boy we'll be back we won't forget about you oh Vincent the Old Reliable her only friend in the Wasteland Margaret will not forget about you old boy Vincent Vincent in a garage here she's feeling healthy enough now and safe enough to do some exercise then she sits on the floor and Brees before bed her journey has only just begun it's day 29 and Margaret is already on the road goodbye Vincent we will not forget about you little boy whilst we're here we can probably get some more books from the Bookshop now see as we have more room Margaret stocks up on some books at the Bookshop then adds a new hat to her hat collection she is obsessed with Hats she must own them all little relics of the past smeared with Gore collected inside beit's belly she must have hundreds of hats need a wash don't you Margaret you're covered in blood what's this building down here let's have a look oh bunch of them hanging out by the bins what they all doing over there it's the gig it be good to stock up here I think before we leave town hello h he looks a little bit like Leslie but no it's not him Margaret's collection of knives on her little table she's crazy she stocks up on food at the Gart and then continues out of town excuse me folks beit is coming through they did indeed hear noisy beis here they come they're coming to get me [Music] Mars hooks up the generator fuels it with some of beerus's juice then fills the tank completely the battle bus is ready to roll it's been a busy day though so she will stay here for the night so she reads about cooking and goes to sleep on day 30 Margaret has her first cooked meal in the back of beatric a delicious ramen noodle stir fry with herbs excellent Chef Margaret all that reading has finally paid off after breakfast it's time to move and make some Noob B now let's think about what we're actually going to try and do don't want to go here we could go back here and there was a bunch of stuff where we could do some work but I feel like we need to explore new pastures so let's go this way oh beatric she's so slow she misses the wind in her hair a little bit but it is quite nice to be comfortable and she does not have to drive far until she finds a new place to explore another nameless Town littered with loot and the undead Margaret investigates Rosy's Diner finds a buzzl light to a toy aliens included and finds a few missing person posters on the next building over she decides to take a look is Leslie here no no sign of Leslie it appear to have been drawn to beites zombie numbers are growing day by day after clearing a few zombs she investigates this small building it looks curious very curious inside it's pretty nice a good setup for a base if Margaret was going to settle down but not for now she finds an industrial propane tank nice as well as this cabinet which he takes back to beatric a zombie does interrupt of course put that down quickly Margaret just in [Music] time let the drawers witness your destruction of these idiots she puts the new drawers in the car and then drives beus down to the house to collect the propane I suppose she has seen better day she's a little dirty and she's all smashed up we're going to make you great again beatric oh almost missed the Turning she'll also stay the night here because it feels relatively safe and peaceful on the enclosed driveway the inside of beatric is starting to look real snug just imagine it when it's full of delicious Loot and hats of course Margaret's hat collection she washes in the building sink and then heads out it's only 5:00 p.m. and she has a little bit of daylight to loot some more [Music] buildings oh my God that zombie made me jump whoa she just slamed right in there hello yeah hello okay well we looted one single building but that zombie made margar very scared so we're just going to go back drop off some of the goodies we found I think any hats no no hats Margaret loves hats oh yes lovely starting to look like a bit of a jungle in here now isn't it Margaret with your flowers where can I put this Cactus she returns to the bus a little shaken and puts everything away beatric is coming alive unfortunately oh well I guess we're just going to leave it on the floor then she's going to get Spike her feet every time she walks over it at the end end of day 30 Margaret feels cozy in beatric and she reads before bed surrounded by plants and hats starting to look a lot more cozy in here I'd have to say she wakes up nice and early on day 31 and Cooks some breakfast she gets a little too engrossed in her book and Q cooking panic in three 2 1 oh oh she almost burned it in a panic it's okay beat half of it now right how are we going to get bit South here then just a casual two or three six 7 eight nine point turn yeah there we go yeah yeah yeah yeah and then round like this um yeah yeah and then round like this okay maret's really glad there is anyone watching okay nice you did it nice one Margaret excellent driving little bit stuck on the trees yeah just a little bit stuck okay yep and then just Mar drives beites through town and stops on the other side she spotted a hunting shop she wants to check out but who knows what other Treasures the town might be hiding parking up thec she grabs her crowbar and starts cleaving some heads another crazy summerstorm it's a hello sir dead immediately you also have a hat so I'm going to just grab that quickly yep here's the spiky boy coming in don't get too close after the Bloodshed She searches the bodies for hats of course and then walks slowly into town it's clear this little town has lasted for a while after the apocalypse there were many posters barricades and general signs of life but anyone who was alive here is now long gone and she hopes that doesn't include Leslie putting off more with thought she goes into boring books it's almost untouched inside and it smells lovely of old books of old leather she stands for a while in the peaceful quiet I want to stay in here just a bit longer soak in the piece of this building okay Margaret then pops back to beis for lunch I leave the oven on oh good God I did careful Margaret you're going to blow up beatric but if you leave the oven on W we have so many books you're going to get so smart Margaret add to our hat collection lovely refueled restocked ready to Take On The World Margaret heads out again and find some truly bizarre little places in this strange town whoa hello gang okay then XX cies sensual antiques oh goodness me okay uh oh okay then this is giving Margaret some strange feelings um no who she almost got distracted snuck up on it's making Margaret feel kind of funny inside the thought of that kind of stuff in the apocalypse has slightly waned might be something to do with all of the walking fleshy monsters wandering around oh [ __ ] talking of fleshy monsters here they are arget feels a little strange but it's nothing if you smash zombies skulls and some pretty hats can't sort out anybody got any hats for me anybody got any hats come on you pathetic little weasles slightly more a British flag yes I saw this then on the table is that rubber ducky can I pick that up those the swords from Halo I think they are cookies on the pool table that is and the mug and the kettle that is it I guess they had other thoughts the hell's that murder ride see if there's a back way in oh Jesus uh okay that one did actually make me jump she's going through right now have a cigarette have a cigarette have a cigarette rather garish inside isn't it was spotted here take care of these guys in the rain my hands are slipping on the Crowbar God save [Music] us that post to for Kill Bill on the outside of the church what kind of weird cult set up here oh okay it's rather horrible isn't it this crazy little guy overseeing the ceremony who are you dark man this is making Margaret feel rather unsettled let's keep moving obviously some people set up in here after the apocalypse survived here for a little bit come on Margaret you got this let's have a delicious chocolate chip cookie in the rain alive inside hello hello they were alive once but they seem pretty dead now oh God sorry Lads after a long day of looting Margaret is exhausted the town has made her feel odd feels alive like there are remnants of her past lives here behind every door some of it untouched she goes back to beatric where she feels safe and comfortable your new home Margaret look how lovely it is inside gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous she falls asleep but wakes up very early in the morning with another night terror sweaty Palms Goring fear the sound of zombies not filling around outside in the rain she can't quite see them through the condensated windows after resting away the fear she heads out on the soggy morning of day 32 she admires some guitars through a window then walks over to the hunting shop everything else is superus super superus superus superus okay Margaret stop mumbling to yourself kill these zombies let's have a look oh my God first time that is horrible Margaret prizes open the door with her trusty crowbar and then finds the lost city of gold so much ammo gear everything she needs to turn up the heat on her zombie killing escapades she puts all the gear from the hunting shop into the trailer then heads out again she investigates the police station first which is mostly empty except for this sad zombie in a prison cell turned into a zombie in his prison cell I suppose there are worst places to be at least you can never hurt anyone Margaret can't break into the Armory because she doesn't have her Sledgehammer across the lot are a few more buildings and a lot more zombies take care of few of these guys I reckon oh my God I was distracted oh God Focus up Margaret of course she's having a panic attack I almost had a bloody panic attack and breathe she stand still over the dead bodies shaking it's the most she's ever killed in one go is she exhausted tired angry no Margaret just wants to find some lovely hats any hats anybody got any hats still not quite done with the day and pushing it just a a little further she checks out the fire station it is teaming with zombies the building seems to shake with their guttural growling oh okay oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God okay oh my God that is the most dangerous situation Margaret has found herself in so far she decides to just take a rest and check out these small Shacks with a truck outside both of the Shacks are absolutely full of tools and useful gear and the car out front is in amazing condition after looting and resting in the process she goes back to the fire station but it's still teaming with the undead oh Jesus you know what Margaret's had enough for today she's not quitting she's just calling it a day she's going to go home she's going to make some noodles she's going to sit in her lovely bus and she's not going to die today she hot wires the car drives it back to beatric and settles down for the evening after a stressful day good night Margaret on day 33 Margaret takes the truck out to check if she's missed anything in this small strange town there isn't much left just a few shambling zombies no other shops or anything else she wants to check out she makes a small note on the map about the town and then gets ready to hit the road again looted most of the Town few buildings leftover car in good condition see what the world has to offer Us in this direction she finds a small dirt track a bit far up the road but this is a nogo for beatric better with Vincent probably no that's going to be a nightmare to drive down in beess I think lots of little trees and things she drives for an awfully long time along this deserted Highway it is eerily quiet eventually she reaches a rest area she clears the area of zombies one skull at a time and then checks out the various buildings including a handy auto shop with some propane inside they are really going to town on that guy eating his guts any hats on you little boys no rotten pizza everywhere stinks in here wow stocked auto shop with a propane tank and a propane torch well I think we've just found where we're going to work on beites for the next couple of days there are a few zombies she needs to clear out before she can begin working on beatric that includes this Motel she checks every single door she does of course search for hats as well collect all the hats Margaret keep your eyes peeled for hats on the corpses of the Dead Margaret hats hats anybody got any hats it's been a busy day and Margaret reads before bed and falls asleep home sweet bus let's read the rest of our book until about 10:00 I think she does waken the night from another Terror don't worry though she eats a candy cane and smokes a cigarette just like little 8-year-old me on Christmas Eve after resting she cooks breakfast noodles and takes beis up to the auto shop first she checks out brc's insides the engine and gas tank need work in particular and begins dismantling metal furniture to get sheets and bars she spends most of the day doing this it's peaceful honest work she also takes a few parts from this fan as it's in pretty good Nick she PS everything onto the the floor and smokes a Sig nice one Margaret let's put in this new windshield Try Again Margaret nice new windshield in there I heard some rustling be back here yeah there is hi disgusting all this metal working is thirsty work so Margaret goes and gets some water from the motel don't drink from the toilet might be able to wash in the toilet though she also washes herself and some clothes and her crowbar her crusty trusty crowbar she's underweight again time to eat all of this mac and cheese and we read before bed very relaxing few days with Margaret here oh lovely night terror what's that to be afraid of you're perfectly safe in your cozy little Nest Margaret look at it so cozy lovely little Nest day 34 is much like the last of Margaret she disassembles these large bins these fridges and takes all the metal back to make repairs to beus she is really coming along nicely after a long day's work we're finally ready to hit the road again I think our job work here is done so let's get a move on whilst it's still a little bit lighted small rest area Workshop here mostly loses Safe Haven though before they leave though Margaret refills beus with more gas because she's just repaired the gas tank with a full tank they Venture on and beus is looking gorgeous oh she's looking fantastic all she needs now is us to fix our engine look at her gorgeous beus she drives and drives along the empty Highway until she sees a sign Raven Creek okay oh okay then right Margaret has found a checkpoint on the edge of Raven Creek one of the largest cities in Knox County the area is teaming with zombies military zombies doctors and ordinary very dead citizens it reeks of death the sound of flies is like an orchestra she sneaks in she does not want to awake The Horde further up the road these army tents are full of weapons and ammo leftovers from the old world she can stock up here with everything she needs including a new backpack and boots oh my God got a ghilly sue on it's early evening though and Margaret wants to take it slowly the next few days will be dedicated to clearing the Outpost looting it and then making their way deeper into Raven Creek maybe this is where Leslie is holding out we'll have to wait and see eat this butter try and get you fat tomorrow we get out the shotgun and we blast these fools I think is the plan on Day 36 Margaret prepares for the day by placing some underwear on her doll what else should one do before blasting zombies to death lovely yes dress up okay okay then heading out with her shotgun in the foggy morning walking slowly towards the checkpoint it's not the optimal morning for doing this kind of work but let's take it easy then I think for now actually rather than rush into her death Margaret takes it very slowly sneaking into the compound with her machete she investigates a few of the dents and then they hear her it's time to start shooting Margaret kill them all oh [ __ ] okay they saw me oh my God that's a lot of zombies okay [Music] oh [ __ ] still quite a lot of them left m nice walk through the destruction smoking a cigarette excellent work Margaret excellent work I see a hat Margaret walks through the path of decimated zombies collecting their hats she goes back to beer TRC and sinks 4 counts of Fizzy Pop then Walks Into the Now mostly cleared military checkpoint there are a few stragglers but Margaret has killed the majority of the undead in the area this leaves her free to loot the remaining tents and the loot is good very good any good loot oh my goodness it's enough to stock her weapon Arsenal for some time to come she raids the military kitchen for some food which she needs desperately and Dodges zombies while she goes eventually she returns to beus with her Newfound military loot that looks so silly but I kind of like it and the hats don't forget about the hats trophies of the zombies we've killed Margaret wow what a day you've earned yourself a beer most definitely have a swig of that my darling Margaret how are your bugs doing yeah they seem to be just fine enjoying their time on your little desk she reads in her cozy hat filled beatric stood over her collection of bugs and then falls asleep peacefully first things first on day 37 margar drives beatric into the checkpoint although she still needs to figure out how to get her through the other side while she figures this out she rages through some nearby tents to pick up the remaining Loot and finds a journal in one of the desks they're coming there are hundreds of them we will all die here okay very cheery stuff look at this truck although the truck is a beauty she doesn't start so Margaret leaves it where it is she investigates the Eerie medical tents pick with the stench of old chemicals and rotting bodies and checks out the gates on the other side of the compound they are blocked and won't open there are also dozen of zombies shambling around the fence she'll need to clear them before they progress so she grabs her rifle with the eight times scope on and goes to town from the safety of the walls Boardwalk the rifle bullets echo down the dead Highway Margaret spends the next few hours on that sunny day blasting zombies heads from a distance it's a lot of fun and she feels powerful up there on the wall unreachable Invincible we have to hope that this power doesn't go to her head lovely stuff [Music] Margaret oh my God Margaret so satisfying after a long day of hunting she returns to the bus stroking her new favorite toy all the way back she drives beus up to the closed gate and gets out the sledgehammer to smash Down the Walls and so the entrance to Raven Creek is opened what will the city hold for her Leslie other survivors who might have news about her missing husband Margaret really has no idea maybe some lovely hats she's a little sleepy been a long day her eyes and arms are sore from shooting so many zombies so let's just relax for the evening again you probably deserve a beer I don't actually know if you have any left though you got half a bow of just drink that whole bow of red wine actually I think Margaret delicious killed a lot of things today Margaret and drink to forget she's inated can you read to drunk course she can okay good night Margaret she is woken up with a slight pain in her neck because she's sleeping on this uh musty old sofa on day 38 Margaret takes beus up the ruined road stopping to investigate a couple of worthless Vehicles a little further up the road and the dead gather shambling citizens of Raven Creek she takes care of them and continues progressing she does examine the bodies for hats even if she might miss one now and then any hats a hat you almost missed it didn't you maret all right let's keep [Music] [Applause] on Margaret clears out the zombies on the road and looks ahead there appears to be a large looming tunnel and tunnels are not a pleasant place to be in a zombie apocalypse as we're about to find out H looks a little spooky yeah this does not bod well keep out can hear zombies the tunnel Echoes with the sounds of the Dead a chilly Wind Blows through the death smells different here less pungent more preserved but Margaret can't see any of the zombies where are they I think they broke down the door on this side yeah they did it's only three of them she can still hear zombies and she enters the surface tunnel slowly it is very very cold she PR open another door and goes a little deeper this is very spooky sounds like there might be a few few zombies behind that door I don't fancy that the tunnel is mostly empty she returns to the main area more banging comes from the other side but she ignores it for now Margaret knocks down the fence and barricades with the sledgehammer to clear a path for beatric as she does so she hears the door collapse behind her oh [ __ ] okay got a lot of them okay after killing the zombies that try to Ambush her she continues making light work of the barricades to squeeze beites through reckon I can squeeze beites through that hole make it a bit bigger shouldn't we probably hello I can Sledgehammer you to death oh my God that's very slow but quite satisfy she does indeed squeeze the bus through the Gap but then encounters another roadblock ahead the tunnel is packed with debris old tents fences and of course the undead oh my God there's just more pouring out of the side tunnels I'm assuming they tried to hide in there perhaps seems quiet enough they can they can hear me through the walls they keep coming up behind me must have been packed in there AR's feeling a bit sleepy and the situation is fairly tense horrible out there isn't it oh look at all of her hats all to be added soon it's very very dark in here with no light from outside Margaret sleeps with the sound of echoing footsteps and gurgling zombies outside side but doesn't wake up from a night terror this time raining apparently even though we are in a tunnel but what are you going to do perhaps the ceiling is leaking oh that seems kind of unlikely she Ventures out once again Into the Dead tunnel slowly creeping into the checkpoint there is no cure don't trust that someone Jim don't trust Jim what did Jim do poor Jim there's another military area and it's stocked with more guns and ammo but Margaret can hear so many zombies growling some where where are they it's very unnerving Mar also finds this sweet helmet mask thing in one of the cabinets and then heads back to the bus quick to grab her Sledge to clear the road for beatric okay should be a little bit clearer and now to take beatric just further up the oh Jesus where did they come from oh my God what is that thing what is that what is that Silent Hill still closer set maybe someone was uh at ComiCon when the uh outbreak broke out okay let's take beit further in Margaret and beus head towards the other end of the tunnel and reach yet another barricade more zombies pour from the side tunnels dozens of them oh God oh God oh my God there's a lot of them in there okay let's fight them out in the boring rain fight them in the storm Margaret oh God look at the rabbit head in the rain horrible um okay clear out this tunnel then let's get their attention Y come on come join me in the rain gang come on gang come with me after the blood shed maret returns to the warm insides of beatric has a scrumptious peanut stir fry and puts a hat in her [Music] plant put that hat in the tree nice lovely before leaving the tunnel towards Raven Creek she's curious about where all the zombies are coming from so she Ventures into one of the side tunnels I don't what are they all doing in there just so curious well not that curious curiosity literally killed the cat SL Margaret so she destroys the remaining barricades and drives into the rain the roadhead is cluttered with cars it poses a problem to beatric and her big bus butt appear to be a fair amount of traffic on either side of the road yeah it's going to be a real pain in the ass to get bees through here times like this that really wish we had Vincent still let's just proceed on foot for now we had another vehicle we could probably use it to tow some of these scraps out of the way see if any of these cars work Margaret checks if any of the cars are in a usable state but they're mostly ruined it's going to be a nightmare getting beites through the rexs she doesn't have enough propane to scrap the cars with her welding tools and no other vehicle to move the Rex out of the way she still wants to investigate Raven Creek though because what if there are survivors there what if Leslie is just waiting for her around the corner with a cup of tea and a lovely pair of Underpants I think we might have to proceed on foot just on the outskirts of the town I think there's no way that we get [ __ ] through all of those blockades there's no way there's no way unfortunately so it is decided on day 40 Margaret enters Raven Creek on foot as a fierce summer storm rages overhead we'll see you soon beus we're just going to have a little look into this city to this town and see if there's any survivors here we won't go too far without you don't worry just going to have a little look she walked slowly into the city crowbar raised above her head step by step between the guard towers wa proceed with extreme abortion there's four of them there if we walk past and there's more down here which obviously there is but we surrounded so we're literally going to play at 1 mph Margaret takes her time it's the only way to survive see always worth waiting after clearing the zombie she PR open a door and climbs one of the towers to get a better view over the city oh Jesus that guy has an axe buried in his head tire iron [Music] ax okay there's a food market down there another large buildings H again she moves silently through the dead City inside this building she finds another military cash with guns and ammo when she Ventures back outside the Deads smell her and she has to duck and weave between the buildings eventually she kills the last one and can inch further towards her first Target the food market yeah brutal brutal battle have a little drink some sugar me think it's pretty clear from all the evidence that there are no survivors here more zombies pile towards her okay once again she needs to lead them through the barricades watching as they flop over the sandbags after cleaving through them with her crowbar she sits on the floor and Pops some pills and reconsiders her situation just sit on the ground here and really consider whether this is worth venturing any further we do have have a quest after all it doesn't seem like this is the kind of place where Leslie is going to be holding out what you reckon go a little further just go just a little further she does want to go further Food Supplies are a little low in beatric and this food market is too good an opportunity to pass up Margaret sneaks down the street and through the front door she can hear so many zombies but she can't see them the whole city is groaning she clears out the food market and then watches as a zombie makes a manic move she just jumped out of a second floor window third floor window to try and kill me then it's time to retreat slowness and Patience are key to survival on the way back to betric Margaret once again considers her options we have a lot more Food Supplies now so what's my reasoning I want to explore it it looks cool but there's going to be a lot of zombie killing and I would love to have the safety of beatric behind my back alternatively we somehow wait we can salvage these we just need a bunch of propane to clear the path H could be worth it it would give us lots of building materials too hard to say really rather than make any big rash decisions Margaret goes home and puts some new carpet down in beess instead making the floor look lovely lovely Margaret lovely look snails on the book silly boy stay where you are do not move not slime on my book on day 41 she checks her propane supplies she hardly has any left nowhere near what she needs to salvage all the wrecks that essentially makes her mind up for her I think we wait for Raven Creek until we have more propane to clear the tracks because we literally can't get through I mean we could unhook the trailer from beess pull all of the wrecks out of the way and then drive in I mean we could continue on foot no we shall continue our journey on the hunt for Leslie it is very very very unlikely he is uh he's in Raven Creek so let's just keep moving keep exploring the world is our oyster why would we stay in this horrible place so Margaret and beus hit the road again on another adventure she has a panic attack behind the wheel but needs a handful of sugar and smokes a cigarette to calm her nerves then she's filled with more Resolve we came so far for so little Margaret that's okay quite obvious there no survivors here the entire place is overrun so let's just keep moving on the hunt for Leslie he's got to be out there somewhere surely not a single soul out here Margaret you are entirely alone the fog is closing around you she stops before she goes any further and makes a couple of notes on her map just to keep things straight in her mind road to Ravens Creek blocks with wreckages need more propane seal vehicle might be good could take Vincent in there for example that seems like a place we should revisit with Vincent really once again it doesn't take her too long to find somewhere else to explore like this small half bured rural Church on the outskirts of another town she investigates but the place is empty and ruined and it fills her with sadness she takes beus into the town but there are a fair few zombies gathering around her maret gets out her crowbar its head smashing time again once it's clear she gets to looting and has this pretty severe near Miss outside garage it was worth it though because she does find a propane tank and heads back to the bush bush really good find really good find even makes me consider going back to Ravens Creek but I'm not quite yet oh lovely we can put that up oh and it does cover the window okay now that's what we have to keep in mind more Church curtains and we can make it very cozy in here it's only lunchtime though so Margaret heads out again to see what else she can find in the town it's relatively peaceful so she closes the door and takes a bath and washes her clothes she's also pretty stinky it's been a long time since she's had the safety of a nice freezing cold mosquito infected bath so I believe I can yeah thank you for that kind commenter that said I can take propane out returning home with propane she settles down in the back of the bus to read some magazines it grows dark outside and she grows sleepy so she falls asleep on her little musty bus sofa I'll just break the fourth wall here briefly to let you know that there is no game sound for the next 4 to 5 days that's okay they're pretty intense days with without sound as you'll see I swapped headsets and forgot to change the recording output on OBS classic oh and if you're enjoying it so far Please Subscribe thank you eggs Margaret heads out on day 42 to search for goodies in the Woodies she finds what you might expect like more bugs and slugs poisonous berries no thank you more bugs she assumes she's figured out which are the poisonous berries and which ones aren't and takes the plunge by shoving a fistful into her mouth yeah so these are fine right right Margaret well let's hope so she just ate them please don't be poisonous please don't till have just killed her if she's dead cuz I ate those berries I'm going to be mad a termite that actually might be quite delicious a delicacy in some regions tastes like marshmallow or sugar or something I can't remember exactly never had the myself what's that ginger root and we have to put the bugs on the table of course Margaret plays with with her bugs a bit scoffs down some sardines then heads back out to explore a little more don't trust Jim again everyone hates Jim in this town po Jim of the town is dead and useless hair shops La drats that kind of thing but she does spot something useful just a little further ahead Ah that's a garage over there good stuff there are a few zombies here but you can't hear me squishing their heads so let's just pretend Margaret has put some earplugs in because she was having a bit of a headache yeah that's what's going on poor Margaret little Whispers Margaret little Whispers hello zombies my name is Margaret hello come and eat me my name is Margaret pancakes pancakes pancakes pancakes pancakes pancakes I want pancakes pancakes pancakes give me pancakes sorry sir you are the pancake yes as you can tell Margaret is going a little bit loopy her head aches her ears ache her body aches and now she's going crazy she investigates some of the buildings including the garage of course there is nothing useful in the auto shop but she'll still stop here for the night have a tuner and mushroom stir fry that already sounds really good but we can make it a bit more fun with some olive oil little bit of soy sauce some wild garlic and just Chuck some more random stuff in there as well I think while the stir fry Cooks she decorates the bus we'll put all the hats in the tree like it's Christmas decoration it's our Christmas tree Christmas tree of hats 62 hunger this is going to make you super full Margaret you're going to pop you're going to burst 32 I P 9 and go to sleep good night Margaret your bugs are going to crawl over you whilst you're sleeping on your stomach in your ears in your mouth good night Margaret Ventures out on day 43 to investigate the food market for more supplies and ends up impersonating the zombies inside shut up sure you're a lovely Man Mint Candy piece of candy oh my goodness so much stuff instant popcorn the food market is absolutely stocked with goodies and Mars can't resist stuffing her face with candy she feels like a child a Gore splattered zombie killing hat collecting slightly insane child in the back room of the food market which is some kind of office she finds a note on a desk little note here found in the desk Susan isn't in the office today said she'd come down with a bad cold everything's so slow here today where is everyone H well I assume they're all dead Margaret spend some time working on the two military trucks to improve her mechanic skill they're both in good condition but Margaret has beit and she doesn't need either of them she rips them apart for sweet sweet experience she's also looking for the mechanics book which she promptly finds and then Ventures a little further into town towards this huge police station wonder if there's a book shop in this town I would really like the mechanics book to improve our oh my God there's a book shop literally right there that is crazy okay well let's go check out that then can't believe that so silly have a little lollipop Margaret Crouch walking your way to the Bookshop there she is has to be a hardware shop here somewhere police station huge police station could be worth checking out the station is totally trashed inside and the moans of zombies Echo around but Margaret can't hear of course because she's still got her earplugs in Margaret searches throughout the building for the Armory but when she finds it she can't get into it because she doesn't have her Sledgehammer with her defeated by the metal bar she checks out some of the desks for spare cigarettes and finds another note another note it's over 40 officers killed in action seven more missing in action no news from headquarters or the feds it's over we're all doomed just looking for cigarettes not that cheery news thank you it's 7:00 p.m. so Margaret leaves the station she might be back for the Armory another time and heads back to beatric for a late dinner and chili mushroom and Cat card canned C cat cat canned sardines stir fry does that sound delicious or does it sound disgusting it's honestly it's kind of hard to tell oh Margaret is feeling a little depressed this food will cheer you up Cann chili mushroom and can can sardine stir fry that you can't pronounce or say properly this is going to make you feel like a million dollars you just wait oh she still of feeling a little sad you know what that means Margaret it means you can get drunk very very drunk to celebrate how many days is it now 1 month and 14 days a month and a half incredible stuff 44 days I think this won't actually be the 44th day because I'm awful absolutely atrocious at keeping count but let's get yourself a lovely bottle of white wine cold straight from be's fridge and drink the entire bottle H and then you're going to drunkenly read about mechanics after that peacefully read my little my little Margaret she's still feeling a little sad even though she just drank theti bottle of white wine white wine always makes me feel very good oh my God it's 10:00 I wonder you're tired I didn't realize that's how late it was got to bed put your book on top of the bugs they seem to just slime straight through it more hats of course I really like this one so this one's going to get pride of place I think hanging on the edge of the television on day 44 Margaret sets off again on the hunt for more propane primarily and she doesn't go far until she finds the next intriguing Target some sort of military compound oh well we got instantly distracted but this looks like a military checkpoint she Parks up the G gas station just north of the Target and picks up some goodies from inside as well as checks out the garages out back oh my God don't trust that don't trust that Jim come on everyone really hates Jim Margaret is clearly losing her mind a little bit as she's dealing with some inv visible walls and missing doors rather than give in to her hallucinations she just walks away let me in yes it's an old military compound likely set up to house soldiers during the outbreak it's teeming with the undead and there's random Furniture dotted around most of the rooms are empty she stands in the courtyard and shouts hey it's me Margaret stump come eat my crowbar and the undead stumble out she deals with them promptly and she is quite tuckered out after all that lovely sit in the car park drink cold soup rest your weary bones Margaret in a back room she finds a note which gives a hint of what the building once was another notebook another note here dear Frank if you find this letter we hid here for a while the Army station on the bottom floor of the hotel of left only one truck is left we're running out of food I don't want to die in this cupboard H keeping these collecting these Margaret start Museum one day then she explores a little further hopeful that she might find some evidence of Leslie somewhere inside unfortunately the building is ruined any survivors here are long gone or long dead she hits the road again seems like something pretty bad happened in this building they must have been held out here and then some of the army was stationed nearby and they all died horribly seems what's this so they trying to blow the place up is he trying to protect himself didn't work whatever the case was oh it's a little busy massive Hospital Margaret does not trust help us could be survivors here though but there's a hell of a lot of zombies oh my God whatever this town is it's full of zombies but she has to check that building just in case it's a Survivor there who might know about Leslie Margaret however makes a terrible mistake she drives right into the middle of danger she hates driving down these small deadend tracks because they are indeed usually dead ends oh man you fight them off Margaret hold your ground beitr might be a beautiful bus but she does not do well in dead ends Margaret is quick Qui ly surrounded by zombies and she needs to make a quick Escape down the side of a building the zombies flop over the fences and Margaret is getting tired from with it's ducking and weaving even worse all her firearms in the trailer attached to beis that French that frence tactic always scares me she does eventually weave her way back to the bus losing some of the Zeds in the woods Margaret grabs her shotgun please Margaret that's not a good idea not a at all no don't do it oh God she fired the gun zombies pour in from every direction it gets real hot oh boy okay oh my God okay okay okay okay okay oh my God okay okay stay calm Margaret stay calm stay calm oh my God okay I think we honestly just try and get out of here oh first time start from bites first time start from bites carefully navigate the trailer up the road carefully carefully reverse that's it [ __ ] that's it that's it nice and calm calmly does it no not like that Margaret and beatric are not having fun oh my God okay okay okay vitress oh okay stay calm girl stay calm just need to get you turned around that's it okay okay get you turn around nice and slow oh boy okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay right we're getting out here get me the hell out of here it's okay Margaret calm calm calm Calm cal cal cal cal calm calm calm calm calm Calm okay oh okay all right then if Leslie was on that Survivor building and he almost must got me killed like that then wow okay first of all a godamn cigarette that was so intense such an intense situation you okay I think she's okay am I okay God I don't know she sits for a little while and waits for the shakes to go down that was too close beus almost got chewed up and spat out by a zombie horde one break down there and she was done for good job Berris good godamn job you're the best bus in Kentucky Margaret drinks a beer then gives the wall of bitrus a little kiss without her Margaret would be dead she falls asleep on day 45 it's a day of rest and relaxation not only did she almost die yesterday she's also underweight she needs to do nothing and eat lots a perfect day really first she makes an absolutely massive stew and sinks it all in one big gulp after eating she wanders out into the peaceful woods and searches for berries and other goodies fresh food like mushrooms should get her nice and plump Again Margaret [Music] plump carrots that's going to be great for your stew later Margaret delicious carrot stew another slug to add your collection of course it starts to rain so she leaves the shoe pot outside to collect some water then she plays with her bugs even if she doesn't want to she must put our lovely jockey helmet down we simply have to make you fat uh let's put some more bugs on our table as well another slug well Margaret doesn't seem to be enjoying the the bug play very much but Margaret you're not in charge are you I am you're crazy God I am in charge and you will play with those bugs if I make you and then she eats a TV dinner it's packed full of calories exactly what she needs Margaret it looks delectable look it comes in tray and everything tell me you haven't missed eating her okay so now that was a calorific meal I see so we need stuff that was got more calories like Margaret reads for most of the day then gets the pot from outside to make some delicious rainwater pasta a stumped delicacy enjoyed by her and husband many many times on their Adventures she repairs the pasta and feels a sudden overwhelming feeling of loss where is her husband where is he a tear trickles down her cheek and falls into the p pasta water M delicious now she's putting on weight again after eating literally 10 kg of pasta uh we're just going to chill out in here actually I need to check Margaret's uh be's battery and also see how beaten up she got in that escape ah she's okay loads of battery left tires uh wheels are not bad but we've got fixer flat that we can repair it with so all good all d actually okay let's read your cozy little ho Margaret cool half 9 seems like a very reasonable time to go to bed on day 46 she grabs more scrumptious rainwater from outside and prepares another massive stew wow we really are just sort of having a very peaceful existence which I think is uh good after all the chaos that we just went through just watching a cooking show with Margaret now zombie apoc zombie apocalypse zombie apocalypse popping with Margaret is how she would say probably the question is now actually one second let grab the cooking pot again it's not every day that we get so much delicious rain water to drink and eat the question is now do we go back into that cursed Town let's have a look at the map see if we went past any industrial [Music] buildings not really and it was pretty busy wasn't it note some stuff down on our map here busy town lots of dead lots of action here used my shotgun almost died well you okay but yeah I suppose you did yeah which case I think we probably take one more day chilling out finish our mechanics book I think I'm just going to spend all day reading it's raining she had a rough time sit on the floor just here right here and just read your book all day listen to the rain after making some plans she continues reading for most of the day that mechanics book will be a massive boost to her experience so she can finally repair bis's end the rest of the day passes peacefully with rainwater pasta and books in the back of beatric read until about midnight you should be okay yeah day 47 is all about progress she jumps behind the wheel while it's still slightly dark out and Begins the long journey to her next destination where that is exactly she's not entirely sure but she must keep moving she continues on until she spots more and more zombies There's a rest area here and she just passes what looked like a gun shop Margaret stops and instantly regrets it well there's stuff here why is it so busy why are there's so many zombies here I would like to stop here because I'm fairly certain there's a uh there's a gun shop here but I remember correctly margar remembers from her past life it's quite a lot of zombies um H yeah just a few then h seems to be oh my God Margaret careful Focus woman this seems to be a slight running issue everywhere we go just seems to be slowly filling up with more and more zombies she Ducks weaves fires her shotgun dum dum and decides that actually whatever is here is definitely not worth getting eaten alive by a thousand zombies she hops back in beatric and gets the hell out of there it's your unlucky day mister let's get out of here first time start from beus again that's my goal not worth it whatever's there is not worth dealing with that many zombies I'll come back with a Molotov I think let's keep going Margaret once again she doesn't need to drive that much further to find the next interesting location okay then SOS hello anybody here hello Leslie hello there were people here once but they are all gone dead zombified or moved on to somewhere else and definitely no Leslie what's this big blue building ah the bank the bank is enormous Margaret's footsteps Echo eerily through the empty Halls she finds a note on the reception desk that's another note here Morin told us to close the bank that there's some kind of illness going around but I've got to work Lucy's bir Day is coming up and I need the cash I'm sure it'll be fine awful quiet here today though only one single checkout all morning some guy came to collect a big duffel bag guns from one of the lockers very quiet in here what a weird place get an uncanny feeling yeah I don't like it that corridor's giv me the heebie jeebies look at it she leaves the bank because it's giving big back rooms Vibes and then checks out the bar down the road she stocks uple more booze and sigs some peanuts pretend you're in an oldtime bar Margaret then she goes a little further into town looking for factories gun shops workshops anything with anything useful really unfortunately there's not much here just a few Zeds and a rans sack spios she heads back to betris and reads before bed tomorrow is another day going to sit in this car have a little cigarette get some of our exertion up we're a little bit sleepy it's just another gigar just drink a drink a beer again not so much of a stressful day compared to the other day but still fairly full on you relax with the beer nice we'll put the rest in the fridge I'll poate it's fine good night Margaret good night good morning Margaret ah she's taken she's finally taken her earplugs out and we can hear the world again that's nice let's have some uh jelly beans for breakfast M yummy all right then so there's no industrial buildings here that we can see oh oh oh my God where did you all come from what on Earth just waiting for me the entire time there's a there's a person there that I'd love to kill that amazoni worry see her with a spear but that's a bit too many to take on right now Margaret decides that in fact there isn't too many to kill she wants that sweet loot from the amazona warrior she's not sure where they come from perhaps some weird cult but she has seen their zombie bodies wandering before it's just so foggy I can't see very far in front of me yeah got some makeup a little feather that I can wear frying pan Juice Box water bottle some fish as well and eggs nice she also wants to check these garages but they are unfortunately empty she doesn't bother with the rest and hits the Road Again Margaret takes bitrus up the road and runs into a massive obstacle basically impossible in fact military military little Outpost there oh no that is not good nope the way is blocked we really can't get through there there's far too many cars once again it's demonstrated here why betc is sometimes a bit of a problem she is big and makes turning around in these circumstances extremely difficult the zombies slowly gather around the bus not like this again whoa let's try and turn around this way bites this is a nightmare she's moving crazy oh my god really it turns out though that beautiful beatric makes up for it by just squishing all of the zombies doing a number on them nice one you big mama Margaret investigates the military tent after clearing out those zombies finds more military Loot and then goes back outside the fog has cleared and it really demonstrates just how screwed they are they are never getting through that yeah the way is very blocked let's just pop back and get some food road is blocked too many wrecks yeah way way way way too many we're never getting through that we have to go back the way we came then Margaret seems like the only option unfortunately there's no industrial buildings here either so I'm not even going to bother exploring we know what we want we know what we need so there's nothing for it they need to turn back and try to find another way towards the river Margaret's reasoning is that any survivors are most likely to be close to the river food and water are plenty as well as potentially fewer zombie hordes if Leslie is anywhere she thinks he might be there her and beatric go back the way they came it's a long afternoon of driving in the rain and beatric doesn't even get up above 40 mph which Margaret is actually grateful for because she doesn't want to wrap her beautiful face around a tree okay I think we're approaching that town where we almost had that disaster a couple of days ago seems busy again horrible horrible place maybe try and go this way see if that leads out fire department there would be nice to check out I really am just looking for factories though honestly Margaret really has a on track mind propane metal working tools propane torches anything she can use to repair and upgrade beatric she really wants to give the old girl some armor especially after recent run-ins with zombie hordes she stops at this small farmhouse because it's getting late okay old farmhouse down here blockage up ahead let's try down here could be somewhere where we can spend the night I think Margaret clears the house and finds a diary on the Shelf H there's a diary here some odd folk coming through down the road these days couple cars crashed on the bend up there I just stick to my animals and my barn my daughter tells me I should pay more attention to what what's going on in the world but I'm just a simple guy cows cow [ __ ] that's more my Tempo wonder if he's still here the diary entry obviously Spooks her as she has a mild panic attack in the kitchen what's wrong what can you hear have a cigarette windy hot wet evening 9 is perfect I think good night Margaret see if there's any remnants of those cows he was talking about maybe he's got some propane in here on day 49 Margaret wakes up earlyish and the weather is still atrocious outside she investigates the dead Farmer's barn but there isn't much here definitely not any cows Margaret and beus continue on that wet morning around wrecked cars until they stumble across a post van surrounded by its unfortunate uniformed employees and a promising looking field that might have more crops in time to stop and get a little wet Margaret which means we want to forage for some crops I think even though we've got plenty of food oh dear seems like the whole kuy's entire police force police force post postal boys postal people were in this van trying to escape probably maybe all that work hey come to put you out your misery I'll collect all your hats bring any supplies with you yeah you did looks like they were stocked up trying to escape yeah and they had a map of Louisville maybe that's where they were trying to go as Margaret wanders the fields in the rain looking for crops she thinks about those poor posties all five of them tucked in a small van Meer supplies at the ready trying to escape to Louisville of all places one of them might have turned in the back of the van ripped another's throat out until it all screeched to a stop and their dead bodies came back to life and stumbled into the woods horrific it is no surprise that Margaret starts to feel uneasy in the wet field oh she's having a rough time of it having a lot of panic attacks is the Spy I think it's the spy from Team Fortress [Music] 2 ah yes a pill bug oh I have a story to tell you about pill bugs oh three wild lemons we could make something tasty with that fish and lemon that we have fish and lemon stir fry H Margaret they drive a little further and Margaret hops out of the bus she kills a few of the zombies in the area and proceeds on foot towards the gas station one of the zombies is kitted out so she probably caves his head in with the Crowbar he's got some goodies on him that's for [Music] sure more fun stuff here first aid kit Shell's Bandelier yeah careful Mar you almost forgot your hat over here can't leave your hat behind bucket hat yeah you haven't got one of those yet something unique for your [Music] collection she's a little worn out so she goes back to the bus to have a nice chilled lunch [Music] [Music] fish wild egg and mushroom stir fry with a dash of lemon a new bug for our collection a tiny little pill bug nice and cautious Margaret no need to get yourself into any scrapes car repair come on got to be some goodies regardless I think we can probably do some work on Margaret here uh not Margaret [Music] [ __ ] so it was a fairly productive day in terms of zombie slaying but the auto repair shop was another dud one day if she'll find one with some actual decent loot inside bucket have it's ghostly gibbers wear hat on hat wow wow Margaret that's a stunning look for you I think we'll uh we'll keep that for now Margaret reads her book wearing her lovely new hat it was a slow rhythmic kind of day and she feels pretty warm and fuzzy inside of beatric it's days like today cleaving zombies to pieces with her reliable crowbar that keep Margaret going maybe just maybe she'll find her darling stinky Leslie one day you look so silly Margaret I love it good night 10 5 is a little early have this stir fry for breakfast the fish and the eggs and the mushrooms and all those goodies we'll read One More Magazine before we head [Music] out nice she drives beatric towards the auto repair shop takes care of a few zombies and decides to finally take some clothes off this hot summer sun and zombie slang are making her extremely sweaty [Music] okay we're going to start getting tired so let's just sit on the floor here have a smoke our silly new hat you look ridiculous cool Cal and collected Margaret he's unpleasant ly hot she's got to be so stinky in all those clothes she's just got so many clothes on look at them all tank top bulletproof jacket a crop talk she's just wearing so many clothes good stuff okay let's go back to pis where did I put her she's up here isn't she yeah and it's back to beis for some lunch on this Jazzy afternoon too very h Herby Herby spicy carrots to be enjoyed Margaret I don't think they're going to quench that peckish hunger you have because it is literally just two carrots but and she needs a little rest as well your hat is so silly Margaret oh we can see her face Bain now too I think yeah you can she put on some camo this area is somewhat clear but I think I want to take her up this way to the food market she's feeling fresh ready to kick some butt [Applause] and they just keep coming don't [Music] they she checks out the food market and gets even more food she's set for weeks at this point Margaret stares lovingly at all the rotten fruit and cakes and then finds the holy grail for any budding Nomad Survivor on the road the one the only Army Surplus Store yeah that's what I was looking for let's push our way quietly towards that then shall we H maybe tomorrow she's moderately exerted it's taking it so easy Margaret is just relaxing she's got all the Time in the World to read a couple more magazines before bed get our reading in basically already read already read already read unre noise maker sure why not let's read how to make some dough and batter and stuff Wicked nice just read all of these all these get yourself a little beer I think it's a little treat you killed a lot of zombies today with your silly hat on 1,494 zombies killed Wow Let's have a little puff puff let's kill some zombies have a little look shall we oh baby I love this place Margaret pillages pretty much everything she can carry from the Surplus Store ammo guns clothing you name it Margaret Pockets it she also pauses for a moment in the toilet wash yourself in the toilet Margaret lovely rub that toilet water on your face hear someone snuffling around outside yes really rub it in Margaret really rub it in overall then not even really that useful I mean we got loads of ammo and all kinds of good bits and pieces but no propane propane propane torches is what we need more than anything right now everything else means nothing e really quiet here now after we killed all the zombies is it's almost something quite comforting about their shambling presents you know so I say we head this way cuz I still think this might be one of our best options for finding more propane this area is very built up wasn't it seems to be doing circles though sort of yeah I say we go down so off they Venture for about 30 seconds before Margaret gets distracted again I might want to check out what's down here though actually okay let's get moving don't going to take beites cuz he does seem to kind of run into some problems when it's that tight any barbecues she's looking for barbecues for more propane tanks but apparently this neighborhood aren't the barbecuing type or at least they aren't anymore never used to be Mar gets a little confused doesn't look like it just more zombies anybody home you know what that means perfectly barricaded window it's time to have a bath take your 80 layers of clothing off Margaret ah yes have a bath with your hat on and your banders perfect just going to check out that truck over there cuz I think I can probably just get the last bit of this mechanic skill done just fixated on some key things canic Rane killing [Music] zombies out there there we go there's the mechanics level we needed now we can take all these engine parts nice we can go and fix up be's little face something about this hat that Margaret's put on has just turned her into an absolute zombie killing machine she has no reason to even kill these zombies she's just doing it because the hat is commanding her to do so any barbecues yo anybody got any barbecues all I can see just not that kind of neighborhood he let's get out of here we need someone with more cars more propane torches etc etc we're on a mission Margaret you know we're on a mission keep going on they go Margaret stops to forage a little then spies some more interesting things around the next bent all Kentucky you are a veritable basket of delicious aties get your hands off my bus you filthy little rat what do you think you're doing draw hands off my bus I didn't even see you you blending in with the foliage Survivor here I'll take care of sometimes they have cheese he's got cheese and [Music] bread Bounty Hunter do you know what that means we can have a cheese sandwich yes Margaret we can have a cheese sandwich for dinner we're just going to pay our respects to the church first and then we'll uh we'll move on very quiet not any church hangings we can pick up take with us let's have for yourself a delicious cheese sandwich for dinner Margaret she ran back to the bus so excited to eat her cheese sandwich oh delicious cheese sandwich cheese and tomato cheese and wild garlic M cheese and ketchup yes that sounds like right up marage street again Leslie's favorite meals cheese and ketchup sandwich enjoy it Margaret think of your sinky husband and we'll have a cigarette as well actually before bed to try and cheer herself up after that miserably nostalgic cheese and ketchup sandwich she watches a VHS even though she can't really see because there's quite a lot of hats in the way and also a plant but uh let's see what's on heard a guy passed through town the other day big mustache name of Kelly funny name for a mustache next one might be passing through your spatoon all right all right Kelly pass through town said he'd be back in three nights little reminder of the old world isn't it humans used to just shoot at each other but they wouldn't do it now all dead not really sure what was going on but it seemed like Margaret enjoyed it it cheers her up sort of and she practices reloading her shotgun for an hour before bed next time she meets one of those hordes she's going to be godamn ready okay time for bed you little Nutter on day 52 Margaret starts the day with some tailoring really hardly any at all because most of her clothes all 100 pieces of them are in okay condition then it's time to set out on another long journey through Fields past zombies and around police blockades she passes the Acron in where she spent a night a few days ago and then drives into town ah finally the fabled industrial building she's been looking for Margaret hops out to start securing her sweet loot hopefully just need to pull them out don't want to go in that dark hole uh looks like there's quite a few in there this guy's just stuck on the door like an idiot makes me like not want to walk in there in case he just changes his mind last second and just grabs me from behind I'm going in I knew [Music] it to be honest there's not much inside mostly tools she already has but she does find two massive propane tanks which is a massive get that's plenty to get started on some big upgrades for beatric now she just needs more sheets pipes bars and other bits and pieces to really get underway another note here to Sandy if you come in today I've gone home my head was hurting real bad don't worry about closing up just lock the doors and I'll see you in the next couple of days yeah that's unlikely look at them all she loots two more buildings and just finds more old tools plenty of good stuff to disassemble here which so that's what she'll do very quiet here though could be a nice place to work on beis so let's give it a go Margaret takes apart every shelf cabinet encounter leveling up metal working while she's at it and getting plenty of materials for bitc and her upgrades this continues on day 53 nice be is going to look so good with these upgrades I can't wait to see her let's not smoke a cigarette right next to the propane how about that Margaret seems like a terrible idea she disassembles even more metal stuff brings it back to the bus and then attempts be's very first upgrade oh baby a spiked [Music] plow we won't know until we turn her around we're going to save the plow for a little surprise when she turns around and Margaret spends the rest of the day actually fixing up various other bits of beit's inside she's looking better than ever nice long hard day of work Margaret go in and get yourself a nice easy little snack actually we're going to grab Bott of red wine you've been toiling you've been toiling over the front of beatric so have a little celebratory gug of red wine I think marks it's more the same on day 54 but she's looking for bars and pipes specifically which come from uh so it's all toilets and sinks and stuff give pipes which makes sense doesn't it Margaret so we'll pop back in here so peaceful really it's lovely manual toil with those materials she can start adding more upgrades like these wheel protectors nice get some protection on her nice and the door of course she's going to look so good this is hard bloody work though a't it you also need to make yourself a big fat stew Margaret oh can't wait to see what my beatress looks like she's going to look crazy she fills her pot with water from the dispenser inside and makes a bean and bread stew Margaret is losing weight again and she must eat M this is is going to be delicious hopefully it makes you very full Margaret beans and Bread soup delectable listen to it bubble okay just slurp it down oh she had a bit of a panic attack while it's reading something in the Met working book must have spooked her it's okay it's just nuts bolts and pipes don't worry about it Margaret they can't hurt you maybe maybe they can maybe they're evil pipes okay time for bed on day 5 five she makes yet another stew she must eat this is an enormous stew like it dance dance spin around whilst you eat it Margaret then she heads out to hunt for more toilets and sinks in some nearby [Applause] buildings she loots this sink M tasty [Music] pipes then it's back to beess for more stew lovely another soup on the go living the life Margaret nice and easy bet you plump Again Margaret plump basically created a bomb bus it this is so dangerous actually if it exploded so we need more metal bars for the window protection we need more metal bars for the roof and that's it actually then we're ready all right let's see what she looks like shall we [Music] oh boy boy he looks crazy oh berc h mean killing machine all right then I say we go this way continue on our adventure let's go upgraded look at that armor door as well no one's getting in my bus okay so beatric has now truly evolved into a battle bus watch this oh yeah oh yeah there's a petrol station here and everything it's a little busy uh nothing Margaret can't handle especially with this baseball bat my [Music] goodness [Music] ah a delicious dehydrated meat stick Margaret's favorite these trailers might be good cuz there might be just a high concentration of toilets and sinks in each one so I think we should check them [Music] out I have to be tomorrow drop though she's already a little bit exerted she just needed a tiny [Music] [Music] rest marmalade and peanut butter all right let's head back she's sleepy she got some bits and pieces just pop back play it nice and easy I think excellent few days work Margaret we've progressed a lot she reads before bed and says good night to eggs good night Margaret and good morning my darling darling Margaret 6: a.m. and we shall continue on where we left off yesterday clear out some of these zombies down here I think ah yes we rejoined Margaret on day 56 she has a few more zombies to kill for fun really she fills up Margaret at the pump what a beautiful bus she is she looks mean nice you look totally bizarre Margaret but I love it then I say we try and go up this way first of all though says this might be an industrial building so just going to have a look W this car is in really good condition like really good all right we're just going to R this around I think and see what we can find nearby do a little bit of scouting big food market here don't really need any more food bunch of houses again don't really need them little restaurant here Jenny shakes oh some lovely green houses look at them there isn't really much here in town that said used to Margaret but it was nice to have a little look around she does get around checking out the building and it's stacked with tools but it's here that Mar realizes that she's got pretty much everything she needs anyway goodbye Margaret has a little wander through the fields looking for goodies mushrooms nice and now we're going to strip down this little car I'm sorry my darling you must be sacrificed to go to the god beatress the goddess full tank of gas engine still needs more repairs so we need to find some with a bunch of cars we can uh use look at uh the battle bus what a beauty all right let's go so off they set with a new goal in mind the town by the river formerly known as Riverside Margaret's suspicions about survivors being close to the river are still strong so she makes her way through the dead Countryside with bit of course ah [Music] crap [Music] got to clear the path Margaret sorry folks [ __ ] just just push these out of the way no well [Music] maybe nice she can good work good work [ __ ] good work right let's keep going on they go until they find a lovely spot to take a small break she needs to read metal workking anyway so she takes her time then heads to bed good night Margaret Margaret oh it's okay it's okay the cigarette calm down you didn't hear anything there's no one here nothing here after that night spook she continues on in the early morning to make good progress towards the river after a couple hours they reach the town we'll park up here and get our bearings it's a few Undead around it's no problem for Margaret just clear out the area hello you little [Music] worm nice it's in good condition just need gas there are zombies in the bar she'll leave them to break down the barricades and come back later and she loots the gas station shop then explores a little bit of the nearby area oh junkyard that could be excellent yeah definitely going to check that out lot of zombies around here though a [Music] [Applause] bunch what's wrong with your head Mister after a while though she becomes exhausted so it's time to return to beatric she'll be back here tomorrow time for her classic bedtime routine stir fry a book and a lovely musty sofa it's only 600 p.m. but we can finish our book I think and then go to bed she's tired already ridiculously tired actually she's had a busy day I suppose nice 9:00 p.m again and we shall sleep right then let's go check out this bar before we go and check out the uh the junkyard up there need to fill up our bottle anyway so let's go have a look she loots the bar for booze and cigarettes then drives beus up to the junk y Margaret takes care of some zombies then stops for a smoke and a snack what you what you fancy Margaret Juju bees jjsjs after the snack she peers through the trees and spots something odd h [Music] to whoever finds this here lies a great man his name was Leslie stump he established Fort Margaret here in the junkyard and helped many others survive he also managed to kill thousands of zombies in the town Leslie named the for after Margaret his wife Leslie was a stinky man that's for sure and explaining to other survivors when they arrived why there were no why there were so many pairs of underpants everywhere was not easy but he left a big hole in my heart and it was even harder to leave his body here in this tiny grave hardly worthy of a man of his stature he wasn't killed by a zombie he was killed by another Survivor someone who didn't understand how beautiful he was we're heading to Louisville there might be hope for you there reader farewell Leslie your good friend Paul oh Margaret I'm sorry I'm so sorry she is angry very very angry [Music] absolutely Furious the world must burn Margaret walks silently towards the town Molotov cocktail in hand her head is numb she can hardly see everything must [Music] burn she throws the cocktail at the first building she sees she doesn't know what it will achieve but she wants to see the Flames Margaret stands in the car park and watches the bar go up in Flames any semblance of the old world her old life is totally ruined her husband The Lovable Leslie is dead it's you and me against the world I love you I love you everything's going to be okay Margaret everything's going to be okay we will get revenge on the world for what they did to Leslie stump your darling stinky husband we will get revenge Margaret gets blackout drunk the drunkest she has ever been it makes her erratic she crawls around on the floor crying don't go towards the fire Margaret don't Let It Burn she stands up in a fuzzy Haze this isn't what Leslie would have wanted Margaret are you there Margaret okay okay everything's going to be okay Margaret exhausted and drunk she Stomps this Zombie's head to a pulp it's now the time stamped him out of existence come on Margaret let's go back to petus you still have so long ahead of you so much to live for kind of she sits in the dark and reads the note again here lies a great man his name was lesie stump tired drunk shattered she falls asleep okay Margaret today is another day no she starting to get messy he's starting to leave stuff everywhere it's raining out there you know what that means it means that Margaret will sit in the back of [ __ ] for the entire day drinking her stockpile of alcohol and watching tapes waiting for tears to come Margaret's a little bit drunk again she throws the bottles on the floor she is so tired ridiculously tired the mental extion and alcohol in the soft dulet tones of the tape drive her back to the musty sofa bed but she awakes a couple of hours later from another [Music] spook it's okay Margaret it's okay have a cigarette calm down just go back to sleep turn the lights off maybe she can't sleep so she just stares at the dead television waiting for her breathing to calm flat line eventually she can sleep again oh no had another one she's having a rough time have a cigarette it's okay it's okay you're not hungry Margaret no she's not particularly hungry what can we do take some sleeping pills the effects of the booze have worn off so she takes some sleeping pills and then quite bizarrely decides that now is the time to do some burpees I do not recommend taking sleeping pills and then trying to do burpees but this might tire her out it does tire her out and she can sleep again but it is not an easy [Music] sleep it's okay it's okay maybe reading about metalworking will cheer you up it is the metal workking that BS her to sleep and she sleeps through until 5: in the morning she feels slightly better the feeling of sadness has now begun to be replaced with a feeling of irrepressible rage okay we managed to sort of save ourselves some time there when're in doubt anyone sad in your life just give them a lollipop we must go on Margaret we must go on we pour all your love and love and soul into beus the only person only thing you have left eat this whole jar of peanut butter today we kick some butt we have business to attend to Margaret un hitches the trailer from beatric really sets her free they drive into middle of town vitus's glorious Honker roaring loudly for the entire swarm of Undead to hear slowly they drive amassing a sizable horde behind them what is she actually going to do a small feeling of panic starts to build in Margaret's throat she didn't think this far ahead you see Leslie's hard work undone the place is teaming with the undead compute complete futility of Life margar drives this way and that way through the town blindly taking turns eventually she gets out of the bus lights a Molotov cocktail and Chucks it into the horde she doesn't care if the whole town burns the [Music] dust Margaret also realized that she probably should have made more Molotov she drives back towards the junkyard and hops out to take care of the stragglers she prepares more Molotov and drives into town again this time she hops out with a shotgun to really see the zombes splatter to Pieces then she throws another Molotov Into The Horde cutting it a little close she loops around and kills more with her shotgun Margaret is starting to have fun which is always a [Music] concern okay okay okay okay little bit [Music] sketchy oh my God Margaret your [Music] aim okay who knows if that was an effective way Margaret of doing anything really but we'll have to see won't we you've let off three Molotov cocktails I wonder if anything's on fire I hope it is good work today bece you mean killing machine you one more for good luck see you oh Margaret how are you feeling rough yeah yeah fair enough another smoke you're really chewing through those cigarettes Market we can need to find some more I feel like this town is not going to look in fantastic shape though so we'll probably have to go elsewhere he's also a bit sad which you know justifies one last bottle of wine I think a nice cold one from the fridge actually let's just go to sleep good morning Margaret how are you doing today after all that chaos H let's do a crossw calm you down after all of that uh chaos she just went through Margaret wakes up early so she reads and does some crosswords she's going to take it understandably easy for the next couple of days once the Sun is up a little she hops out and takes a look at all the busted cars in the junkyard ah yes Louisville it's where the note said Paul had gone whoever Paul is they will be very useful completing bit's final upgrades and repairing her after the bus stops with the zombies yesterday in the small junkyard Shack she finds more information about Paul ah Paul's stary God damn they got Leslie mad lady with a shotgun nothing I could do there was nothing I could do it's all right Paul Margaret has come to terms with it slightly she just hopes that you're still alive somewhere so that she can hear more about Leslie Leslie's last days then she fills up her propane torches to prepare for the grand dismantling of the many cars in the yard however just as she starts it starts to rain heavily and she is already soak wet we don't want Margaret to get a cold not after the past couple of days she's had so we just relax and be atress read some Comics cook some mushrooms and do some burpees just fry up the last of your mushrooms then it's raining even harder outside now Margaret I'm not going to make you go outside you've just dried off for goodness sake don't worry we can work tomorrow whoa what the hell did you just do whoa that scared the hell out of me but that's a nice look Margaret yeah I like it eventually she just runs out of things to do in beatric she's watched all the tapes and read most of the books so she heads out in the rain to grab some headlights from this truck as beuses were damaged during the fighting she makes other repairs to her beloved bus and she might as well make the most of the rain so she fills up her pot again more delicious rain water stew for you Margaret I think ah perfect drink it sideways out of the pot her metal working skill has gone up so she reads the next book before bed a 62 is much of the same she goes around dismantling Vehicles refilling her propane when necessary and stock quiling all the resources in front of beatric the seats in the bus are pretty old and ruined so Margaret fixed them up duct tape ah yes of course everything just stitched together with duct tape and she also pumps all the tires then works all day dismantling and Gathering resources until she can finally add a new upgrade to the bus [Music] oh hell yeah okay okay okay Margaret's got a new hair do she's sporting a [Music] beehive oh hell yeah roof rack a roof to Tool Box wow how exciting nice fit is looking good what else can we actually add look metal pipes Metal Sheets left window metal pipes metal bars metal bars metal pipes just basically just bring everything over here but we'll do that tomorrow because she's knackered just read an hour before bed Margaret my darling even though you are knackered till 9:00 and now you can [Music] sleep oh W man it sounded like [ __ ] was speaking to her then really odd okay you know what to do in this situation have a cigarette it solves all problems cigarette in a juice box just what my parents used to give to me when I used to wake up in nightmares sort me R out and it shall sort you out also Margaret day 63 same as the last picking up materials dismantling cars and saying hello to the locals o on Earth are you po BL hello Bally pull BL the m cop hi buddy come on you got it slowly haul it over look at all the stuff that You' just thrown on top of bches including all of the screws nice W she's looking so good nice I think that's pretty much all we can add he looks beautiful have a cigarette and relax Margaret [ __ ] this looks positively formidable oh yeah [ __ ] again just saying hello appears the bus seems to be just talking to her now which is slightly concerning it appears that Margaret and beus now have some kind of telekinetic connection beus will fill the hole that Leslie has left in her life with beus fully upgraded their time here is coming to an end that's us done I think here at Fort Margaret we should go and see Leslie's grave one more time shouldn't we really before we leave I know what he would have wanted he would have wanted some Underpants and Margaret's going to take her socks off and leave them there for him [Music] also the tree moved Leslie Soul saying thank you for your pants and thank you for your socks Margaret goodbye Leslie going to go and find your friends now AET has gone completely loopy of course in this situation wouldn't you viewer oh well lesie got what he wanted one more pair of pants one more pair of dirty socks straight from Margaret's feet amazing just amazing right then we're not going to hit the road quite yet but we are going to hook up the trailer again and a little Mark here for Leslie's grave and so it's time for one last sleep at Fort Margaret a place now all but forgotten she rests and on the next day she will start out through the town and onwards to whatever the road might hold for her okay good night Margaret see you [Music] soon good morning Margaret morning cigarette of course to start the day I would expect nothing less from you Margaret you need more cigarettes though you're running low you're also a little peckish so let's eat some canned carrots just to tide you over on day 64 Margaret heads into town half hoping that it isn't actually all on fire she wants to grab some tapes from the tape shop for the next rainy day it's a simple goal but her life has to be simple now Leslie is long gone she has to keep going for just the little things hello gang quite a lot of zombies here there are a lot of zombies here which is a running theme for the next few days so I suppose it's time for another little musical number to tide us over just imagine this is all clanging around in maret's head she's hung over and going mad poor [Music] lady you are quite the nutter Margaret just wipe them all out stop for a lollipop she loots a hell of a lot of tapes from the tape shop she'll never have a boring rainy day again and restock on booze from the liquor store then leaves a parting message for this horrible little town and just for good measure we'll burn it all to the ground yes we shall Burn It To The Ground oh hello all right then leave that blazing Inferno behind us and let's keep moving down the river anything here I want to look at not really nothing I need here excuse me coming through excuse me guys excuse me excuse me nice to see them still on fire on the way out of town she finds this weather service station it's a little confusing but she thinks it might be important for the future so she marks it off on her map she stops a little further down the river because she wants to do some fishing but she needs to take care of the locals first here however Margaret overlooks the large expanse of water and breathes in the cool air she goes back to the bus to have dinner and read before bed her arms are sore after a long day of slicing zombies to Pieces it feels good to be in the countryside again on the next day she continues on very early on having spotted a better fishing spot down the road it's still dark out but it's relatively peaceful so she grabs her rod and tackle and goes fishing going to use a couple of our caterpillars sorry my little friends you must be sacrificed for the greater [Music] good right what did we catch wao a lot of food okay after a while she returns with a big fish and a couple of little ones just enough to keep her going for a few [Music] days oh yeah I know I'm going to fix the bus beess goodness I'm fixing the trailer right now she does indeed fix the trailer just with some Metal Sheets then fixes herself a delicious fish stir fry in the back of the bus going to smell real fishy in this bus Margaret real fishy then it's time to hit the road once more they pretty much immediately run into the first of many roadblocks on this segment of the trip but after clearing some bushes beus is just about able to squeeze past nice so close push push bit push push girl push yes you can do it you can do it yes yes push around yes beatress strongest girl in town Legend it is quite a gorgeous day in Kentucky Margaret appreciates the trees and their russet tones she is all alone in the world and the trees are putting on a show for her it's always good to put these people out of their misery wa we're living in some kind of time loop on Earth didn't we just just see this if I remember correctly which I always do there's some beautiful houses up here these isolated Mansions will provide a safe spot for Margaret to relax after the long drive she clears out the first building Lady of the house outside if you don't mind and on her way out back she has a little spook oh it's okay it Whispers of the past she can hear she has a feeling Leslie was here once he probably sat on this very bench maybe he stood on on the end of this dock maybe he also had a cold can of potato eat those potatoes in his memory marget Margaret Margaret and also have a cigarette just for good measure the clothes are filthy you know what would be really nice Margaret we could set up the generator behind this house and use the uh tumble try wouldn't that be good I think we give it a go before she sets up the generator she takes a look at the other houses really not much to see here at all then heads back to sleep before a day of relaxation by the river smother the doll with the pillow let's read the rest of our book till 9:00 p.m. nice and we'll hit the sack it's chilly today first cold day of the first cold day of the year it's the first slightly chilly morning of the year the sign of the changing seasons and even more reason for Margaret to get the generator going in this house maybe she can finally get some hot water it's a distant hope but a hope nonetheless who light the artificial light is slightly blinding on the dark morning and when Margaret tries the washer she's faced with disappointment only requires a source of water H that's a shame water turned off obviously isn't it to cheer herself up she puts some hair curlers in she looks fantastic of course oh Margaret you look fantastic Turn All the Lights On in this house Margaret goes from room to room turning on every light in the house wow the fake light is so nostalgic wow the bathroom in particular is very dazzling it makes her feel brand new so it's time for a new look as well cers be damned she's going to cut her hair whoa Margaret you look like a new woman good luck let's give you a watch get some of that blood off your face after washing the blood from her new face she unplugs the generator it was nice while it lasted small but Marge to the old world Margaret ah yes just a lovely Bud blood curdling scream to remind us of what's really going on here in the morning of day 65 she completes a 17-point turn to get beatric out of the compound and hits the road again on the foggy morning beatric begins whispering to her as they drive and it scares the hell out of her oh my God that made me jump here TR oh crap we appeared to hit a small dead end here reverse very slowly back up The Path very slowly oh you getting wibbly what a nightmare beus does not like dead ends but eventually she figures it out a little further down the road Margaret stops and cracks open a can of sardines wow sorry beess I won't eat sardines in the cab anymore I know it stinks but they're delicious excellent source of Nutri ntion [ __ ] as goodness me we need to get you more cigarettes Margaret that's our next Epic Quest she goes crazy if she doesn't have her cigarettes Yes you heard the egg Margaret is running out of cigarettes and in a world where everyone is dead including her husband it's a simple task like grabbing some Sig that keeps you going in the end there are more blockages down the line and this time Margaret decides to salvage the Rex for parts as she goes it's not an easy job and in the end it makes her fairly depressed oh Mar just depressed fine I guess you have been doing you've made very little progress today so I understand why she might be depressed oh and of course she's just found out that her husband had died of course as well of course of course Margaret of course fine let's get you some enjoyment time shall we we slice this fet cut up this small trout grab your frying pan ah yes the universal key to happiness a single fried trout scrumptious Margaret she also listens to music and sings along like no one is listening which of of course they aren't because the world is dead and no one can hear you sing Funky guitar intro see you sitting alone at the Disco Club oh yeah your friends are all coupled but you look troubled oh yeah Margaret loves this one dance your problems away you hear her Margaret wipe those tears away and get funky yeah get funky real funky get on the Dance Floor wow Margaret you have a beautiful voice she drinks a bottle of white wine reads a little bit before bed and settles down for a nice peaceful sleep nice okay you got a pillow with two dolls Oh about to happen wasn't it bit just whispering to her again goodness me we need to find you some more cigarette stats basically the only thing keeping you going oh there such a den in here look at all the hats so many hats she Paces up and down the bin side of the bus it's okay Margaret it's okay okay Cal calm Cal calm cal cal 1030 Margaret you lazy duck I guess she did have a fairly rough night's sleep on day 66 she drives until she finds something peculiar something very peculiar indeed H what's this then looks intriguing looks very intriguing indeed I want to slurp burp H Bridge it's where have a look yeah let's have a little wander up I'm very intrigued she walks along the bridge slicing zombies as she goes where does the bridge go nobody knows where are we the small island which is where the bridge goes is crawling with zombies so Margaret does something Brave something Brave and foolish she turns on the ambulance siren okay that might be a bad idea we'll see won't we we'll have to see how many are there tomorrow oh boy yeah there could be a [Music] few oh boy it's not that many one Molotov I think would do the job we'll come back tomorrow and see what's happened is that a terrible idea potentially potentially G makes plans to return tomorrow but she wakes up too early in the morning and then beus starts Whispering again and she slept till [Music] 3 oh I know berc I know you don't like me cooking fish in here I know it makes your inside smell but we have to eat we have to eat after a delectable fish breakfast she heads back over the bridge to see what sort of chaos the ambulance has caused on the little cursed Island H quite fusing but some of them been pulled away the alarm must have stopped working let's take out these stragglers then that's a rather unpleasant number of zombies isn't it Margaret lets loose with the molotov cocktail it's time to burn [Applause] [Music] again W they are burning a good one over there they are really really on fire over there that's pretty good pretty good almost perfect outcome to be [Music] honest the bridge is a little bit on fire but it should be [Music] okay I mean they're certainly on fire they've just formed this giant smoldering mass of zombies I mean it's brilliant H they haven't wandered into any of the buildings yet which is pretty good they are moving as one homogeneous lump towards that building though however and so we have SIMPLE zombie slowly pushing their way towards the building more and more join them maybe they're drawn by the heat the light the sound of the crackling smoldering zombies rather hard to tell but they are all slowly burning yes very interesting never observed this behavior before very interesting indeed do not go over to the Ws the wooden fence drawing more and more of them in apparently uhoh that one's going inside ah yes well say goodbye to that building then that was always going to that was always going to happen well that was rather fascinating wasn't it Margaret should we go get some lunch yeah and we'll bring beus in as well I am curious about this place she drives the bus over to the island to get a closer look at what might be here honestly there's hardly anything there worth Margaret's time some crates a few buildings a bunch of zombies no cigarettes which is what she really needs she sleeps that night in the bus on the island and beis has more words for her on the next morning we get the hell out of here yes I know beatress it stinks of fish got to stop smok stop me smoking so many cigarettes beatric I'm running low only got 20 left he keeps scaring me in the middle of the night your nonsense whispering to me oh well gives us a chance to read a little bit more read till half to he just slaughtered So Many Zombies what's your zombie count up to now 292 Goodness Me Okay on day 68 maret drives into the next town it's full of zombies again of course the whole world is full of the rotting bastards and she's hunting for a gas station for cigarettes mostly it's a little busy in town so she keeps driving to the outskirts until she finds this American Tire and More Zombies of course American Tire better get to it then [Music] [Music] God damn [Music] Margaret anybody got any cigarettes for me there are no cigarettes on the bodies and none in the shop there are a few tools and snacks indoors but Margaret is pretty stocked already she is in desperate need of sigs so she continues on more zombies to kill come on cigarettes please please please please please please please let there be some cigarettes come on please please please that looks like cigarettes to me come on please please please please please please please yes pH okay we got 20 more still not that many but better than none Margaret finally has some smokes and can loot some of the nearby buildings which basically just means killing zombies she kills a lot of zombies to many zombies to make into another Montage dear oh dear it's a lot of zombies to kill isn't there Margaret just goes on and on and on just an endless wave of zombies this all you've done today it's 5:00 p.m. and you've just killed God knows how many what you want now yeah over 200 zombies 200 zombies in one day basically killing machine marget killing machine gra a smoke as well and read your book The Cycle continues covered in Gore splattered she needs to wash wash through all right 9:00 good night Margaret good night good night you mad crazy lady [Music] you oh good the other light went out now it is Pitch Black in here fantastic that'll also be something we have to deal with then good morning Margaret how are we today um it appears that it's very dark we rejoined Little Miss stump on day 69 on the road driving without purpose after the shocking discovery of her poor departed husband ideally she wants someone to relax for a couple of days restock on fish and other goodies then head towards louisvi to hunt down this mysterious man who had left a note by Leslie's grave I don't know where we're going we're just rambling we don't have much purpose our only purpose is to go along the road she finds a small camp infested with Undead Hunters which she quickly dispatches in the hopes she might find a gun or two these are useless Hunters however and they have nothing traps I haven't even caught anything a little further down the road Margaret finds another town there is always another town just on the horizon she hops out to take a little look she checks out the cars then heads into the clothes shop like a mad woman she frantically rips the clothes off the railings for thread and fabric excuse me sir what do you think you doing by my bus this is beus she is my friend he also puts up a new clothing rail on top of all the propane tanks in the back of beess she has saw nothing bad can happen surely and of course the red trunks will go on my bed they lovely in Blood Stained H delectable down the road is a gas station which she checks for sigs whoa Margaret what are you doing wow what a move but there's nothing but Dusty old notes in the counter she raids bios for ketchup of course Margaret wants nothing but to cover herself in ketchup like a thick slime I spy a lot of ketchup on the tables oh oh baby I'm going to have a ketchup party lovely lovely ketchup bath M Mar and proceeds towards the used car lot where she finds a note in the desk this is my last Testament they're smashing the damn windows in couple folks just swung into the lot all frothing at the mouth they didn't see me I put sheets up but they are smashing I Love You Lord Save Me Lord oh boy you w Garner hean Garner wonder where he is you in here sir hello are you in here no after a long day of not very much at all she reads her little book about mechanics and falls asleep nice and peaceful in the back of the pitch black beess will try to find a light in the next couple of days Margaret wait wakes up in the pitch black on day 17 is promptly scared to death um and uh who she clears out the small horde in the light of beit's eyeballs then investigates the nearby cozy buildings for lamps both lights in the back of beis are busted and she must have light it is the simple tasks like this that distract Margaret just keep plooding on one task at a time unfortunately it appears these houses all of them have no lights at all great any lamps anybody got any lamps lamps anybody got any lamps I'd love a lovely lamp please she slices her way through the small town searching for lamps and sigs margarine Marine it's been a long time since we found any oh my God two tubs double margarine and L woo Mama we're going to get fat no cigarettes in that shop just margarine she investigates a large Warehouse instead hello what's this then whoa that's a lot of shelves to disassemble cabbage seeds we will take I don't think Margaret's anywhere near settling down she's still got rather a lot of exploration to be doing but uh you never know you just never know marks takes beit just down the road and spies a large gas station but she needs to clear the area of IES [Music] first the machete makes extremely light work of these Falls lovely hat ma'am well that was a little Brazen but honestly could could have gone a lot worse summer hat don't mind if I do unfortunately even in this enormous gigaplex of a gas station there are no cigarettes Margaret leaves empty-handed she checks out the Sports Hall teaming with zombies and a small cozy little garage which she finds a note in the back of I don't mind it I don't mind it at all always wanted to be on my own anyway I got enough supplies the last couple of weeks it will blow over by then yeah outside she finds a car which she presumes once belong to the person holding out in the garage she uses it to investigate the town man this town is pretty cute police station there wa big school I think that's a school yeah there isn't much in the town that Margaret is interested in investigating she has almost everything she needs so why whisk why whisk why whisk why risk a zombie bite she returns to the bus which is still dark because she hasn't found a light she reads squinting in the murky Gloom of beit's stomach and falls asleep on Day 72 she hits the road in the dark and is promptly met with another big problem a [ __ ] I really hope this isn't a dead end up here I really really hope the road ahead is cluttered with ruined cars so she pulls into a busy Car Lot full with shambling ghouls their shadowy figures caught in the halflight of be's eyes Margaret has no interest in fighting this many zombies in the dark so she pulls around and checks to see if the road ahead is also blocked it is she is stuck she drives all the way back to the small town to consider her options and on foot seems like the best idea as betus does make a hell of a grunting sound when she's moving she just needs to kill a few zombies on the way she finds a road in the fog and decides to follow it perhaps there's another route around the blocked highway looks like some kind of uh trailer park welcome welcome to Dixie mobile park hello there you got any lamps I Love Lamp why don't the citizens of Kentucky have lamps and so lampless market returns to the road the trailer park was a dud she slowly sneaks up the road in the direction of the blocked highway to see if she can find another route on foot it's a slow battle through the hordes and she needs to take little breaks here and there for an orange soda and to plan her attack using the map so here's the trailer park here's whatever that is here's this town and this road here into moldraw is blocked but there might be a different way we come down one of these tracks she walks into the large lot and spies a gas station on the other side a need for cigarettes drives her forwards slicing through the undead those guys are just laying there silly guys all right let's take care of them uh Group by group now the fox clear once again the useless store is empty of cigarettes Margaret is getting a little desperate this leads to more battles with the zombies as she hunts for an alternative path through the trailer park there has to be another way to moldraw searches each path but can't find a clear route eventually tired exhausted covered in Gore she scrambles her way back to beites through the trees trying to avoid more fighting Margaret makes it in the end shattered okay get me back to the bus oh you back to the dark bus a she's knackered you deserve a beer after that I tell you that she's going to eat it boiling hot straight from the pan Margaret and she's going to go to sleep even though it's only halfast 7 she's knacked big day big day good night Margaret good night and she wakes up of course with the night terror ah you know what that means Lely cigarette 31 cigarettes left this is going to be a real issue I think in the future it's so dark in here no wonder she's scared don't know if she loves me if only she could see me laughing and dancing in the sun don't tell me she's not worth trying for you're smile you're kid okay good night Margaret attempt number two it appears that on day 73 Margaret has once again put her headphones in you can just imagine she's listening to lovely classical music while slicing zombies and exploring in beatric she takes them out on day 74 the task for the next couple of days is something Margaret is calling operation moldraw she found an annotated map that suggested there might be survivors in the town and she's curious to see what's on offer over there friends of pools perhaps but the way to town is blocked so she needs to find another path don't mind me I'm just going to squish some on my way through she drives in circles around the ruined trailer park and ultimately gets a little lost that's a running theme for the next few days it appears Margaret is trying to escape the destiny that awaits her in Louisville by pointlessly driving beatric around you must face Your Fate In the End Margaret that is the way of projects Ono marget drives back the way she came and heads East up another road hoping she might find an alternative route to moldraw it's a long long drive through nothingness and Wasteland she gets a little drowsy at the wheel the soft har of bitrus is like a lull are we then middle of nowhere yeah it looks like we should be able to circle around though here's Louisville over here we completely mapped it out that's the path we need to take first we're just going to say hello to mold I think then maybe down to here and then we'll go look for Paul we're mapping out Kentucky as the last human being alive want to go down every road and see every nook and cranny of this fine State Some Farms here still no zombies to be seen she drives for most of the afternoon until she finds a small abandoned Market stall in the fields she finds some mushrooms and carrots to temporarily fill her stomach and she stops for a smoke on the gravel outside the stool then it's time to keep driving onwards wherever the hell she's going Margaret is looking for somewhere quiet to spend just a couple of days before she gets her bearings again it's been a rough week for our little margs and she does deserve a little bit of fishing relaxing and peace don't you think down the road she finds a very quiet Farmhouse where she decides to spend the evening she takes a bath upstairs and the water is cold and only slightly green the water tank on the roof seems to be working still she gets ready for bed slug on the bed with us sleeping companion for this evening I'm going to have some berries for dinner I'm going to read a comic book before bed Margaret sits and reads the comic about defunct superheroes where are they now and wonders what is in store for her over the coming days friends death or inevitable loneliness she falls asleep H she woke up at midnight the pitch black with nothing but a slug on her bed it's pitch black outside on day 74 and Margaret stares out of the window over the quiet Midnight Hour she has no torch of course and isn't feeling particularly sleepy slowly she walks down the stairs aware that any zombie might make her die of a heart attack halfway out of the door she remembers that she needs a lamp for beatric she goes back into the house to grab one ah we have light again we can see all of our bugs in their True Glory fantastic it appears to carrying the lamp from the bus has tuck at her out so she falls asleep immediately and wakes up at a more respectable daytime hour if I was in the apocalypse I would never go out at night then it's more adventuring until she finds a gas station Margaret gets a whiff of a sweet Sig on the air and stops to [Music] investigate unfortunately like every other gas station in Kentucky this one doesn't have any cigarettes in the building next door has no Sig either but it does have a few bullets behind the counter which Margaret will gladly stuff in into her Pockets she also finds a silly new hat I look like a I look like a viking some description with her hat on she wanders a little into the small town but there isn't much here either just small zombies of which she has me interest in right now have hope Margaret is not full of hope it's time to keep moving in beatric towards mold draw she drives then realizes she's probably driving the wrong way because she has lost confused disorientated so she turns beus around and heads back the other way she finds a turning and decides to follow it because why not she kills a clown for its balloon but then also decides this isn't the right way just doesn't feel proper they travel until they find somewhere to stay but there is more lking at this random Farmhouse than she first expects yeah could stay up here oh zombie on the roof what is your story oh zombie on the roof Ruth Ruth zombie on the Ruth can you tell me your great wisdom I can only imagine that he was bitten and he climbed on top of the roof escape the uh Horrors I mean he's literally middle of nowhere no car no idea how he got here there's another zombie there though oh dear quite a lot of zombies in there also the police officers oh god what happened here some kind of Bandit oh my God what happened in [Music] here so many dead bodies now I understand why that other zombie was on the roof clearly trying to hide from what the hell was happening in that garage Margaret returns to the bus and decides she'd rather stay in beerus in the ruined Farmhouse given the spooky circumstances she reads before bed and time for bed good night Margaret all right then check the map so this is where we are we're going to come here we're going to drive all all the way down here this way I'm going to go check out this annotated map which I think was somewhere over there oh I want this place fortified Like Hell by the time I get back there might be some survivors there they set off in the dark with rain lashing against the winds screen Margaret can hardly see the road and as she turns a darken Corner full of stumbling Undead Okay well this is moldraw then oh God there's a tree there careful careful careful careful careful oh man maybe this wasn't such a good idea the roads around M are infested with zombies it's still very dark early in the morning and Margaret doesn't want to stop the bus why risk it she keeps driving through the ruined Town that's quite a lot of zombies she drives until it's a slightly lighter temper outside then jumps out to get her bearings against the undead her axe snaps immediately in her hands and the night stick is ineffective more zombies shamble up the road behind her she'll need to drive on a bit further and change your weapon out need to get another weapon out of the back do we have anything in here no [ __ ] ah okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay Margaret has not been brilliantly prepared for this unprepared is an understatement Margaret has been useless her mind is still frazzled and maybe she has a week's worth of Hangover circling her brain thankfully as ever beus provides a safe respite from the dead in a weird panic she takes a random turn down a very small path bitrus does not do well on small paths thankfully there's a spot to turn around at the end she can also read the map in peace but where on Earth Earth did we drive to oh interesting we go down this dirt path past the Old Railway perhaps there's a little secret way in through the back where it's less busy ah yeah maybe not it's going to be a real pain in the ass to get bit just down there with all those trees in the way I mean if there's survivors there then yeah it's it's worth it but do we know that there's survivors there Margaret I mean probably unlikely look how many zombies there are maybe we just call operation moldraw a complete and utter failure Margaret these things do happen you have to accept your losses is it better just to head towards Louisville possibly I mean if there's this many zombies here and this is just a whole town how many are going to be in Louisville man hello my little worm CRA to me you pathetic subhuman slime disgusting little foul smelling be a I missed my swing ah it's was very embarrassing Once Again Margaret has hit a dead end she feels like she's going insane there's only one thing for it a long long drive the way they came oh jeez yeah that is too many zombies oh my God drive drive drive drive drive the Smashing the windows go [ __ ] go oh sorry beit W is dead she can't distract herself from Louisville any longer she needs to better understand Leslie's fate and only Paul has the answers and perhaps there are other survivors there that could need her help she drives until she finds a small lake house which is the perfect place to prepare her soul for the horrors of Louisville oh it's gorgeous yeah let's take care of these Falls let's give a beit's glorious Honker just one more little honk I think rest on the floor for a moment have a canop poop oh [ __ ] oh god oh where did that guy come with his shovel let's go take care of this guy then who almost ambushed me with his shovel crazy looking guy come out here into the light so I can see you who are you going to sleep sleep in the bus I was going to sleep in this house but it seems fairly cursed it's been a busy day so Margaret sticks a VHS in one of be's magic slots and watches something about school driving lessons which he likely needs to be honest then falls asleep okay think it's time to sleep good night Margaret hello Margaret 3:00 in the morning you've woken up it's day 76 and Margaret wakes up very early in the morning her sleeping pattern has gone completely out the window since she learned of Leslie's death the inside of beatric is also starting to look truly insane and so begins Margaret's journey to Louisville which is quite a long one because of the blocked roads around moldraw she leaves in the dark and the roads are eerily quiet we don't rejoin Margaret until it's light outside where she needs to do some quick lumberjacking to clear a path around this truck she also finds a sad note in the glove box of the ruined car nearby H there's a note in this car I'm coming Susan I've got the car we're going to make it I don't know what the hell is going on out here just got to get to Louisville there's a checkpoint there they said on the TV I'm coming Susan what did you bring on with you on your trip a single screwdriver well I'm I'm I'm sure Susan would have been thrilled to see you the road is long Margaret loses concentration for a moment and well oh another crash not the best place to crash sorry beess we're definitely going to have to do some repairs to her before uh yep no worries you got a little bit scared there marar I would also have a quick emergency cigarette everything's okay she cruises through town and then turns on the road to Louisville there is another problem up ahead of course because the world of Zid is just full of problems ah yes one of the police guards has a key and some gas so she uses it to check whether the Railway Bridge is clear it is that's a much easier route so she takes beis across she checks to see if beus needs any repairs after the past couple of days of crashing into trees and squishing zombies but everything is still in tiptop condition surprisingly inter so strong to avoid further congestion on the way to Louisville Margaret heads down the railway hoping that it's clear of debris as she gets closer to the city the number of zombies begins to grow is there really any hope of survivors here it's a good idea to stick closer to the river away from the main road so she takes this dirt path she drives through a rural suburb of Louisville then further along until she finds a junkyard the stump family does have an affinity with junkyards he stops for the night checking a few nearby buildings and clearing up any stragglers nearby little note here in the scrap office my old man always said that scrapping metal was like a box of chocolates you never know what kind of ship box you're going to get next not sure that makes much sense not actually even anywhere near Louisville yet we have a little more ways to go let's get yourself some little carrots we need to get you nice and healthy for your invasion of Louisville Margaret that carrot looks like a banana she does a little exercise before bed to prepare the body for Louisville then falls asleep on the morning of day 77 she spies a fishing bait shop Margaret does love fishing so she hops out takes out the nearby zombies but is ultimately disappointed when there is absolutely zilch in the shop she also realizes she's gone the wrong way and in this tricky predicament she just about manages to get beus turned the right way the zombies squelch and scrape against the side of the bus eventually she does make it to the main road but there is more ruined Traffic Ahead the military checkpoint is just beyond the row of burned out vehicles she has to get out to clear the path the entire military have been zombified and Margaret collects their dog tags out of respect she'll make some sort of shrine or cover them in bucks or something M some lovely beef jerky fresh from a corpse yes she will eated just up the road she spies something interesting very interesting indeed should be able to oh my god oh look at the size of that bus oh it's enormous it's twice the size oh I'm telling you guys look at that bus imagine imagine all the room for activities in there after killing a few more zombies she hotwives this truck which has gas and uses it to begin moving the Rex out of the way it has been a long day and she's tired from all the skulls smashing so she gets back into beus and goes to bed her work will continue tomorrow she wakes up early again so she does some more exercise before before she heads out Margaret doesn't really want to go outside when it's so dark she's warm and safe inside beatric once it's light she jumps back in the truck and continues moving recks she also checks out this rather large rather handsome bus or beef jerky Don't Mind If I Do I Love dead person beef jerky baby he's twice as big as beus hello there the bigger bus is in terrible condition but it could be a fun project for the future inside of the bus she finds a little friend what the who are you it's ambiguous amphibian she clears the path of Rex and then uses the truck to scout ahead it's relatively clear in terms of the road but there are many many zombies Margaret does something typically foolish she drives the truck into the checkpoint and then toots the Glorious Honker chaos ensues and relax Margaret is pretty tired after all of that so she rests on the sofa in beatric after a little shuty she drives the bus up the road but yes a few more zombies have arrived just a couple in another moment of Madness she decides to use the shotgun oh Lord Margaret what are you doing the zombes Swarm in from all angles and Margaret being Margaret stump has hardly brought in any ammo at all it's time for more evasive procedures oh [ __ ] we my bit enough more than we can Cheo here oky cie into the woods we go she Sprints into the woods and manages to lose them we just sneak around them that was fun safely back at the bus wow you know what that calls for godamn bottle of cold red wine she's ridiculously tired though so let's get some sleep good night Margaret you mean killer oh another gunshot in the distance woke her up wonder if that's Paul we're coming Paul I don't know what use I am well I just killed quite a few zombies and I survived this long but maybe I can help you somehow all right then should we leave all that chaos behind us and see what lies ahead instead I think that seems like a good idea come on beatress good girl let's go on they go deeper into Louisville there are more zombies ahead so she takes them out nice and clean after clear out a couple dozen more zombies she goes back to the bus to have a snack and rest for a moment then it's back out again to loot the military tents she finds a fancy new gas mask and a new backpack but not much else she's already wearing 40 items of clothing she doesn't need any more in one of the tents however she does find something pretty interesting a groundbreaking note there's a note here in this tent Paul dtz lesie stump Rebecca O'Neal Frank boo Samuel Taylor and Susan Reed Leslie was here with Paul I mean Leslie still alive no must have been in the past but that does give us an idea maybe Paul is here and maybe he is alive let's keep investigating the note is a good omen Paul and Leslie were here once maybe Paul is still here somewhere in this ruined city of Louisville She searches a little longer but she saw from all the exercise she was en forced to do by the great egg in the sky so she returns to bitrus to rest for the evening on the foggy morning of day 80 she makes the decision to push on she could loot these tents for the next week but she decides there are more important rewards along the road friends other survivors or at least a bit of closure she bushes on through the ruined camp on the outskirts of the checkpoint and then towards the river there's a bridge here which has a gas station on the other side she refuels the bus then she explores a little further but but it's a Barren Wasteland on this side of the river Keen to not get distracted from her goal she turns and crosses the bridge again then finds a mansion with a tennis court that will provide a little temporary respite she just needs to clear the lawn of monsters first the house itself is relatively peaceful and she uses some water to create a delectable beer and Bread soup in the back of beatric she does a crossword before bed all dead words like television and radio then falls asleep on the morning of day 81 she's up very early to fill her cooking pot with water from the toilet upstairs she's going to make a delicious soup with it just a bloody scrumptious Margaret needs to get a bit of meat on her bones before Waging War against the dead City fill the pot with delicious toilet water for a morning soup you this time with a bunch of beans in we do some fishing today as well she wants to go fishing out the back along the river but she just needs to clear out the area so she doesn't get munched on while clearing out the neighboring Mansion she stops to wash her clothes as they're covered in Gore then at last after killing a few more dozen zombies she feels safe enough to go fishing she fishes for the entire day in the early evening a fierce summer storm rolls in battering the trees with wind and rain she seeks cover in beatric Margaret slices up a fish then stands in the middle of the bus listening to the thunder outside the sky Roars absentmindedly she begins shifting through her utility belt here's what she has in her belt oh Margaret you are quite special this is her utility belt she's got some antibiotics lemongrass paint gillers some flowers some cell tapes some six screws and a hat Margaret you are crazy she just sits in the front of the bus and listens to the rain and thunder thinks of what's next will she find any survivors it seems less and less likely she is probably all alone day 82 begins with us Force feeding Margaret an entire block of butter then it's out to investigate the nearby buildings Margaret is considering settling down in Louisville after all as the Mansions along the river seem like a good base to venture further into the city from she uses the map to pinpoint some potential targets where there might be life in the city but they are far from where she is it will be a battle to clear the path she goes Mansion to Mansion slowly pushing beus up the road the weather is awful she has to take frequent breaks as swinging the Crowbar exhausts her quickly who okay speard and in a puddle Market clears more buildings kills more zombies and then returns to the bus at the end of a slow day get yourself one bottle of wine Margaret you really need to consider what your plan here is girl at the moment you're just sort of stumbling blindly into Louisville let's get some more rest it's a cold and wet morning on day 83 there's even a wind chill the first signs of an approaching winter goes into different mansions and then stands in the garden and imagines her future life a fishing dock a farm a place to collect all her hats and other trinkets up the road is an even nicer one with a triple garage the last mansion on the road turns out to be a Survivor house and she stores the weapon she finds on Beatrice's roof rack she kills more zombies and once again gets tired after the day's work of clearing just two or three Mansions it's going to be a long long journey she's drowsy she's moderately moderately exhausted just time to go back to the bus mansion by Mansion building by building we will claim Louisville or at least find some evidence of our friends good night Margaret day 84 is much the same she explores kills zombies clears buildings and generally gets a feel for Louisville it's a very slow day and she gets tired around 2 p.m. because she slept so poorly the night before she reads does exercise and then simply stands in the back of beatric and stares into the void spends the rest the day just sat back of beatric contemplating her immense loneliness and then she goes to bed on day 85 Margaret meets a citizen of Louisville who put you there what do you want from me who are you hello anyone in here who put this gnome here what do you want from me Mr gnome who are you like some kind of Guardian she kills more zombies and then finds a working truck which he uses to explore the road ahead there are quite a few zombies in her path oh my goodness gas station here she does however find a gas station this will important as Margaret is currently down to just 20 cigarettes in her pouch she returns to beus and Cooks a fish in the oven it is delicious Margaret needs more fish and this Mansion has a lovely little fishing boat house out the back it's perfect so she casts her rod and fills her bag with some more fresh fish it's the perfect house and as she eats another fish in the back of the bus she thinks about what her life might be like as she decided to settle down here for a while she falls asleep dreaming about her life in the house on day eight 6 she wakes up far too early again so we force her to do so much exercise that she starts to feel immense discomfort then it's back to the fishing house at half 4 for more fish which she does until she runs out of bait so she spends most of the day scurrying around in the dirt looking for insects to feed to the fish the David again hello David don't mind me I'm just searching for bugs in your garden mister I love the idea that she's meant to be looking for survivors and instead she's scouring the woods for bugs she sits by the pool and smokes a cigarette pretending she's in Cancun after her bug hunt it's back to the bus and she finds a pair of wet socks in her backpack so naturally she puts them on her bed full of fish she honks beas's glorious Honker to draw some zombies Out of the Woods she kills some zombies quite a few turn up in the end and then retreats to the bus to eat this absolutely enormous fish with her bare hands Margaret is sore all over from the exercise so she really shouldn't have gotten out of the bus to fight as soon as she can and she Retreats inside again though she is certain that when she next steps foot outside beess the undead will have swarmed around her she is tired and fatigued so she spends the rest of the day reading tomorrow we kill zombies yeah as expected they are swarming the bus summon the zombies Margaret strips the clothes from the zombies she'll need them later for tailoring and she doesn't want them to BR she spends the rest of the day tooting the horn and killing the zombies that swarm if she is to live here she wants them all gone Zombie by zombie Margaret will retake Louisville a little corner of Peace in the dead City [Music] w wow absolute Slaughter Margaret absolute Slaughter killing zombies and eating sandwiches common mow sandwich m delicious mow sandwich all right then and we shall read for the rest of the evening get our foraging up so we can find bugs more easily my darling Margaret and let's go until let's say 8:00 p.m. and then tomorrow we just continue on slaughtering all of the zombies in Louisville let's go H State good night [Music] Margaret Mark dreams of the Crowbar firm in her hands and prepare herself for another day of Slaughter and exploration morning Margaret you've woken up rather early again let have an orange soda for breakfast shall we on day 88 Margaret is up early so she does some exercise and then reads a book then it's out into the destruction the Sea of zombies she toots the horn to draw in more zombies and seiz them off she takes a break afterwards to rest her weary arms up the road she finds an ATV on a driveway the perfect little vehicle for Louisville nice it's in decent condition as well it's even got a little tiny bit of gasoline Margaret clears out the zombies around the gas station and checks for cigarettes unfortunately there are none here she does however find this useful van outside also in pretty good condition she can use it to Ferry resources around in the future it's back to the bus after that short and uneventful day because her arms are sore and she's a little sleepy leave this sea of bodies behind us what yeah crunch him Squatch him down beatress on day 89 she drives the bus up the roads towards the Distillery it's a potential base site and she wants to clear the area area first she checks the small buildings down the road mostly this office for cigarettes but there are none in the desks she does however find 40 cigarettes in this shop cigarettes 4y cigarettes phew we're saved Margaret we're saved Margaret also investigates the nearby streets some of the buildings have been burned and she wonders what happened here when the apocalypse struck then it's on to The Distillery to see what's happening it's teaming with zombies goodness me really sounds like it's steaming in there they're going to rip the doors off I need those doors guys it's dark and Eerie inside but relatively clear in the evening she returns to the bus and falls asleep dreaming of the future good night on day 90 she wakes up early again so the egg in the sky forces her to do exercise she must get fitter if she wants to conquer Louisville fueled up with exercise adrenaline she tootes patric's horn a lot it's time to draw in the undead again the zombies stumble out of the fog Margaret has swapped to a spiked baseball bat and it is extremely satisfying the zombes heads simply pop like ripe Tomatoes oh I love you your hat ma'am the slaughter is long and tiring she needs to rest in the bus as her arms are sore slurp on some Sloop Sloop slurp on some Sloop and then we're going to rest once the zombie stops shambling in she turns on the siren in this ambulance to try and draw in more stragglers while the siren blares she goes fishing when she goes back to check only two zombies have come to the beacon of the ambulance which means the area directly around her must be relatively safe it's a lovely feeling her manual toil with the baseball bat has paid off she has a celebratory giant fish and watches a VHS in beatric to relax the VHS is all about a woman dreaming that she lives in the world of project zomboid lollipops shotguns and zombies Margaret does not enjoy the VHS she is living in the Nightmare and she does not need reminding of this she falls asleep a little uneasy but there are no groaning zombies at the window because she has killed them all on day 91 she heads out while it's still dark outside and checks on the ambulance there are only three zombies it's peaceful to crush their skulls in the Morning Light she leaves the siren on again then heads up to The Distillery such a harrowing sound in such a silent World Margaret The Distillery is lovely inside with arches walkways and giant tanks it would make an excellent home one day she thinks outside she smashes the window of this Distillery van and the alarm shocks her she hasn't heard that sound for a long time it's not too bad though as they Shad draan zombies from the nearby area and oh boy a bunch of them arrive then Margaret makes a foolish foolish almost fatal mistake please watch oh my God Margaret oh my God that was so close it's okay she kept it together but my God was that close here they come then yes Margaret was almost eaten she clears out the rest of the zombies by The Distillery their bodies pile high in the parking lot to then return to the bus for a breather and another huge fish then it's back to kill more zombies a pattern establishes itself in her life Slaughter fish Slaughter she is numb to the zombies Margaret just needs to be careful no more corridors and closed doors only fight outside unless it is absolutely necessary to calm her nerves she goes foraging and finds a rare item in the woods what is that I don't even know a mango a wild mango do they grow in Kentucky but even in the woods her favorite place Margaret is not safe you my God lunged out at me from behind a tree oh God been a rough couple of days Margaret after like relative peace for a long time you've had some horrible run-ins Margaret decides it's time to do a little scouting she hot wires the ATV and fills it with gas then takes it on a quick whip around the nearby area there are lots of large buildings smaller neighborhoods and a whole lot of zombies Louisville will be an endless struggle so this little friend we'll call him Allan Allan the ATV is is going to be our how we get around town she gets back to the bus Cooks up a mushroom stir fry and reads before bed she's almost level 10 in foraging which can only mean more bugs and mushrooms she falls asleep ready for the next few days 900 p.m. on the dot and we shall rest good night Margaret my little Hero on day 92 she heads out on the ATV to start clearing the nearby area she loots she returns to the ATV she loots some more this is classic surviving clearing out the Block House by house she keeps plenty of notes on the map as she goes and Margaret is many things and organized is one of them sort of at the end of the day with a whole block clear she returns to the bus and eats plenty of peanut butter and a whole tub of peanut butter stuff your face Margaret stump that's standing good night Margaret day 93 is extremely similar to the previous one she heads out again on the chilly morning the first properly cold morning of the year and begins slaughtering her way up another block she she marks off her map over and over again kills more zombies and then returns at the end of another relatively straightforward day Margaret also begins moving her things into the Mansion beatric is already overflowing and this Humble Home will be all hers for the next 100 days if the zombie gods are willing Margaret just needs to survive the next few days which is easier said than done as you will soon see good night Margaret on Day 94 Margaret hooks up the generator and runs from room to room in the Mansion flicking on the lights it's a home Margaret a home is your office go pick a bedroom H yes this one I think Margaret begins decorating immediately if you think beatric is messy you just wait and see what Margaret does to her new mansion we simply need to put our bugs on the table actually let's put bugs on each of the chairs so it just looks like they're having a little chat ah bug tea party Splendid Margaret just Chuck a couple of maets on the table well right then um let let's get boogieing onwards for more looting with the bug Council in place having very important bug chats at the kitchen table Margaret Ventures out again her axe firm in her hand she feels good like she has a purpose Leslie is a ghost and yet she is alive she will reclaim Louisville in his stinky honor hello my little worm friend goodbye the slaughter continues throughout the day broken up with periods of contemplative rest in the sea of rotten corpses she investigates two buildings and a couple more but not too many because it is growing dark and she is sleepy then she jumps back on the Allen the ATV to return to beis and her new house she must say hello to the bug Council of course to see whether they've come up with any interesting not much has been decided on Unfortunately they all speak different languages Margaret reads before bed and once again settles in for a very peaceful night's sleep she hasn't had a night's Terror for days it's much the same on day 95 she heads out on Allen the ATV and begins clearing another neighborhood she finds a katana on one zombie which is an excellent Trophy and emergency weapon Margaret uses the horn to lure the zombies in from all directions she is bloodthirsty during one of her rest breaks it almost goes completely wrong oh my God oh my God they got a bite out of me all right no more sitting outside margar and passing time you stood up so slowly got a bite out of me but something saved me I think he tried to bite through my trousers no more resting on the floor Margaret in the open lesson learned that could have been it could have been it lesson well and truly learned Jesus yes just like that the zombo gods shine upon her the zombie tried to munch her trousers which protected her Margaret was almost nibbled on she kills more zombies and then Having learned her lesson she rests on the floor inside a cupboard Margaret just loves cupboards so cozy so nice Margaret toots the horn loots some more buildings and then returns to the bus on the ATV in the bus she thinks about the zombie bite that sound the could have been it could have been all over simply losing concentration for a mere moment poor thing Margaret I won't let anything like that happen to you again I will be focused 100% no more resting in the middle of the street foolish foolish foolish foolish on day 96 it is strangely dark in the bus when she wakes up the battery is dead oh God beus I'm so sorry I let you die hello bugs I've got a hogy mask he's going to oversee the table Mr Hockey Mr Hockey himself he is the new mayor of this house I hope that you respond well to him oh myet the poor thing right we need to be on the lookout for a heavy duty battery then when she checks the ATV its battery is also dead has there been some kind of mad EMP attack she heads down the road to jump into the truck she recalled is outside a mansion she's got a little bit of gas in her just enough I think to go and collect more batteries watch out there's a mad woman on the road oh God oh God you okay Margaret Jesus okay slowly over dead bodies slowly over dead bodies Margaret oh she grabs a couple of heavyduty batteries from The Distillery Vans but then needs to venture deeper into Louisville to search for a standed battery for the ATV it takes her further into the city than she has gone before the things you do for your imaginary vehicle friends in the apocalypse mark PS up in the radio station parking lot because there are cars there and she decides to investigate a little further on this [ __ ] morning she kills more zombies and then needs to find a safe place to rest away from the exhaustion of swinging the axe let's find someone to rest let's just chill in here with Mr skeleton over there lovely chilling by the skeleton did make her anxious which kind of makes sense she's sure she saw it move but perhaps not have some sardines don't look directly at the skeleton yeah we shall uh give it a gift farewell poor thing back outside she finds a lovely car that is in good working condition she'll be back for this one Margaret kills the entire newsreader cast from the Kentucky radio station in the parking lot and then needs to return to the skeleton resting area to relax again killing zombies is tiring work a home sweet skeleton hello my little skeleton friend just going to take a little video of the uh the skeleton I think save it for later well this looks crazy when she goes back outside the fog has cleared and she kills zombies until she is drowsy and hungry she jumps back in the truck and heads back to the mansion Margaret replaces the dead battery and beess with a shiny new one and jumps inside to bathe in her bustly light there we go we have light again beatric lives she is alive I have once again come to smoke a cigarette inside of your warm belly beatric good night Margaret say good morning to the bugs we have more maggots we can put on the table we need to give uh Mr hogy the microphone pH so that he can properly address the bug Council on day 97 Margaret says good morning to the bug Council and then swaps out the ATV's battery for a new one then it's up the road to check out the industrial buildings including this large Factory she is hit by a wave of severe depression as she investigates something about the looming Factory has really got her down the warehouse is full of tools and seeds she'll need for her future in Louisville when she heads outside she turns on a siren in this police car to draw in the zombies they flock over to her like maggots to a CT she clears out that small horde with ease then heads back to base we cook her up some scrumptious roast to cure her depression roasted vegetables are indeed the answer to all of life's ailments and then begin our next project a Tranquility Garden full of worms a home from our carrots cabbages and potatoes Margaret is embracing her sticky green thumbs nice we have the beginnings of a little farm after a short but busy day she is ridiculously tired so she falls asleep in the back of the bus moving ever closer to that out standing 100 day number she might just sleep all the way through she did she slept till 10 5 takes 27 grow days to grow the potatoes um let's have half a box of cereal for breakfast on day 98 she goes fishing as she wants to prepare some delicious fish for her 100 Day celebration and Beyond we caught one small perge and then the fishing B broke she fixes up the rod and returns to the dock a couple of fishing net traps under her arm with her new repaired Rod she catches plenty more fish that she sticks in the mansion's fridge a home is only a home if your fridge is full of fish Margaret spends the rest of the morning beginning to organize her new home she picks out rooms that will have a purpose in the future then does some work on Allan to fix up his engine then she hops on the ATV and goes back to the industrial district to see what's happening but there's not much to actually loot here but I just want the area to be [Music] clear [Music] okay then absolute Slaughter yeah like there's not much here it's just a massive oil plant I think wow there's a lot of them in there listen to them throb throbbing zombies the battle in the industrial district goes on for most of the afternoon after the fighting Margaret almost makes a very very terrible mistake I'm going to grab some of this toilet water though M Balo toilet water it's even finer even more delicious vintage please don't forget about this toilet water it makes her oddly philosophical for a moment but as she waffles on please don't forget that she is drinking this toilet water as she speaks strangely peaceful in this industrial Wasteland the past folies of the human race it now has absolutely no purpose whatsoever people used to fight and die over this stuff now it is entirely pointless and then the discovery of her error oh she's drinking tainted water oh God I really hope that hasn't made her sick she was drinking the tainted toilet water oh no how much did you drink I pulled it out now oh no hopefully that doesn't kill her can you imagine that was Margaret's downfall drinking tainted toilet water it would seem very fitting let's see if she gets sick over the next couple of days oh no she drives back to the mansion her stomach feels funny I really hope she's not sick we'll find out in the morning won't we jeez Margaret sits on her new armchair and reads in the Dying Light her belly is still gurgling but she doesn't feel too sick maybe she's okay maybe it won't be a problem maybe everything will be just fine grab a cigarette for breakfast right what's the Target today on day 99 as we make our progress through Louisville I think it's going to be clearing out more of these neighborhoods isn't it ah yes day 99 theultimate day she's back in the suburbs looting through various houses and making very satisfying little crosses on her map as she goes peanut butter and marmalade little snack in our cupboard with some chips I think I love sitting in cupboards how about you Margaret uh we'll give it like a 30 minute rest we'll mark off the buildings that we've cleared these first two here on the Block ah copy of hotties yes that's what Margaret need on the next sad afternoon maret ticks off a couple more houses then jumps on the ATV it's dark out and she's getting sleepy grab a smoke it's almost day 100 Margaret we've almost done it you've made it Margaret stump you made it 100 days fall asleep wake up on day 100 we did it Margaret day 100 you were still here alive and thriving aviators on long flowing gray hair a butcher a hero the last survivor in KNX County Today is a day of celebration Margaret because you have made it to 100 days the bugs are giving you a little clap Margaret and it is very well deserved and I think you can treat yourself to a fish also a big catfish for breakfast on your 100th day today is a day of pure joy she will eat a massive catfish she will change into delectable vintage fur coat and she will get blackout drunk and lie around on the floor like a dying starfish our hero drunk in front of a dead TV she is alive but at what cost this is Margaret godamn stump and she's made it to 100 days think just before we fall asleep day 100 looks like she's going to fall asleep at 300 p.m. in the afternoon because she just got absolutely blackout drunk we are going to eat a TV dinner do not fall asleep with a TV dinner in the oven Margaret please going to eat it in the kitchen like a true drunk person it's only 300 p.m. but she's knackered 100 days of surviving will take it out of a person she returns to the beautiful beatress her Solace her home on Wheels her best friend in the apocalypse she snuggles down on the musty old sofa and dreams dreams of the future 100 days in Louisville taming the wild dead City and making it her own are there survivors out there deep down Margaret doubts it but you always have to hope thank you to everyone who stuck it out to the end of this part of Margaret's life I appreciate all your likes and comments so much and it's amazing to see how much Margaret story has resounded with some people we recently hit 15,000 subscribers so I'd also like to say thanks for that too we'll be back with more projects on board and more Margaret when the time is right thank you sweet eggs see you later
Channel: Mr Egg Hat
Views: 192,167
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: project zomboid, pz, nomad, 100 days
Id: 0n6ajfBYPi0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 238min 24sec (14304 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2024
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