I Secretly Added the Parasite Mod to Minecraft...

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in today's video my friend's world was infected with the parasite mod okay here we go whoa oh my gosh parasites ladies and gentlemen okay we have to take these out these keep spawning in more will we be able to survive the parasite attack be sure to watch until the end to find out also the majority of people watching today's video are not subscribed so if you're one of those people please subscribe or else your world will get infected with parasites heyo messi what's up okay bessie i definitely want the cookie there's a book in here called dr panic my old friend dr panic needs some extra help today he didn't say exactly what he needs help with but he said he'll pay you a lot of cookies jump through the portal to travel to his laboratory love bessie messi you had me at cookies okay so we're looking for a portal i think this is it and it is definitely activated all right ladies and gentlemen here we go in three two one whoa doctor panic doctor panic i'm here hello dr panic [Music] dr panic seriously uh open the door open sesame doctor panic are you inside i have cookies yo yo wait uh little little kid hey hey what's up little dude hey can you go get dr panic is he inside do you have a dad maybe a mom or an old grandpa somewhere inside little kid hello little kid no no don't be scared i'm not a real zombie i'm just i'm just a human oh god oh no no no no no no huh hello what's up ray junior what he said come what is happening i'm trying to sleep here rich junior yeah where's dr panic hey you're not doctor panic back bro jack wait rage wait what are you what aren't you the master of minecraft wait no that's dr panic did you just say dr panic yeah wait wait is dr panic in there with you are you guys sleeping no no no no first of all i'm just wondering why you're here in block city i was sent here by bessie i was okay so bessie and dr panic are long time friends and dr panic needs my help he needs my help asap asap okay okay i don't know what's going on right now but come on in dude come on welcome to block city man do you know doctor panic yeah yeah i do i do i'm actually a real he's my employer basically so sweet right raise junior he's a good guy he's not a kid i think i'm scared is this your son i think i actually is that scared of oh he's a friend back backproject is a friend hello to my friend jack he's not actually a zombie are you are you a zombie uh like half zombie it was an experiment called wrong long story yeah he's not scary okay he's not scary everything's all right all right so so uh ray junior just stay at home okay today you don't get to see science man because i i have to take my friend there okay but yeah there's gonna be a lot of things happening dr panic supposedly said it was really important that i come really hey i was not informed of this to be honest i was just trying to sleep but i don't know yet wait if you can take me to him maybe we'll be able to finish it all together we'll be able to do it faster with you if you say so all right come on over i wish you guys will drive us to the lab dude thank you so much it costed me a few million but winning the lottery you know does a lot for you so wait you won the lottery dude i did a few million a few million and also get on your level gave me like five million dollars for free but welcome dude welcome to block city and block labs wait this is where doctor panic is this this is actually where he lives sweet all right we should go inside yeah oh oh guess what guess what i'm scared he always sits up there and he's always doing something monkey no he i don't know what he is but he's married to science that's all i know hey dr panic i have a friend with me today oh what do you have oh oh yes you finally oh he was expected yeah you were expecting them i know bessie was telling me all about dr panic i thought he was gonna be scared oh bessie sent oh you know bessie i thought he was lying for a second no no he was pranking me no no no no i'm not liar i swear i swear what is happening i was not expecting any of this today old friends see i knew it i told you hey so so something happened oh no um what happened doctor paddock i feel like every no way wait a second i think we need to leave i think we need to leave what happened last time with parasites he said rage stay um yeah we're going to need you long story short parasites infected the minecraft world so and now they're back oh that's our payment that's our name okay i i call the cookies on the left okay okay okay okay sounds good we we gotta do it okay okay okay so what's up though why do you need what let's go no explanation dr panic is panicking all right well there's a base we need to go are you thinking what i'm thinking wait where's that portal go to where does it go no idea okay here we go whoa dude where are we dude he always does this every single time where the heck are we this looks like some like army military base rage where is doctor panic wait did you not come to it now that you mentioned it i didn't see him walk through the portal no no no no no no no no no no no he he he should come right he should come right no i'm going to panic without doctor panicking man trust me he's made me panic way more times dr panic i think it's just me and you well i trust his judgment i i feel like you know what to do right he hired me for a reason but i'm not really sure why i think we should look around it looks like there's some chest over here um there's some campgrounds some tents some sleeping bags let's take a look inside rage why is there pistols in here he mentioned something about parasites didn't he wait like oh no i found a couple parasites but i don't remember them being like that difficult do we actually need the pistols just to be safe i'm gonna grab them and why are there jet packs you know i will gladly take a job i'm gonna take everything i'm gonna take all the bullets i'm gonna take the fuel whoa sick wait wait how how do you use that wait wait i want to put that on um if you go into your inventory at the top there's like a ammo button like that and then shift click on your jetpack and you should be able to put it on yes oh my gosh dude that is sick that is so sick i've never used jeff hacks of minecraft before what don't worry i guess this is insane okay this one does fly away yeah you can break your kneecaps so be careful i don't want to break my ankles now we have pistols and jet packs let's just yeah let's get some target practice in goodness all right they are functional can i all right let me uh let me use my target practice that's my kneecap bro okay okay okay okay no more no more what is this right here what is this bunker right here there seems to be like yeah wait is there like nuclear codes in there i'm gonna put in the secret password i'm kind of scared all right put it and put it in i'm sure you know what it is it works it was just three times one of all mods you already know what is this uh now we're like oh wait there's a map over here okay so oh this is where we are right now that little bunker area yeah what are those three like white dots yeah those like are those like huh are those don't don't say that at least they're not talking about parasites uh i i don't know to be smart like like i think we should just go back into the portal um but what about the parasites what about doctor panic i came here and i'm getting paid cookies oh true i want my diamonds after all let's grab let's grab uh some of this just fancy this should help a little bit especially if they bite us okay we're looking for we're both looking swaggy are you running fast they're like exoskeleton suits we're super fast super powerful and super handsome upgraded upgraded guns upgraded a weapon they have hot dogs in here let's go baby i i got cheeseburgers uh yeah just a couple of hot dogs what else do we have we have more ammo oh a living scythe i feel like we are gearing up for a mega battle and i'm not sure how i feel about it it feels like i'm i'm gearing up for for for for war what kind of war are we getting ourselves into wouldn't dr panic hire me to do rage hey i wasn't expecting you today and i i was trying to sleep in today i don't know what's going on eat cookies by the way because that thing was really helpful last time look look at yourself look how you're giant i've never seen this before this is epic hey uh you you're the you're the only one with the code so uh can you open this up three two one hey let's go all right so on the map it showed those three dots right yeah i'm gonna look at them with my bolt rifle what i don't see anything out there right now it looks like they might be sandbags to hide behind but what are we hiding from like little barricades right yeah exactly there's a pair of parasites should we go up to the watchtower maybe we can see what's out there we should we should i mean we do have jet packs we have jet packs i don't see anything right now but it looks like the sun's going down and i know parasites thrive at night oh no oh no this is this is bad um dr panic was here with us because he knows exactly what to do in this situation wait i i think i see something floating oh gosh oh gosh zoom into it yeah my sniper is not telling me anything i don't know it looks like a just a particle floating around i lost it oh man i thought i saw like a disc or something hold on i might see something in the forest do i do i shoot it do i have to go ahead and shoot it i don't know what it is exactly shoot it i don't know what it is it doesn't look like a tree it it kind of i don't know wait wait whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what is happening what oh my oh stay back stay back stay back i think i'm going to try to snipe some from here wait those are the parasites right yeah yeah so so the parasites are basically infecting other mobs like the villager he's infected okay i'm going to try to get a head shot right now okay i'm going for another one hit it i hit it i got him too much it was exploding it just exploded there's more there's more coming out so we know where they're coming from i have no clue they're just what a bunch of sheep just want oh oh dude okay i have a weird feeling that the parasites are coming out of the ground oh my gosh okay uh should we should we go forward oh are they are they they're infecting each other [Music] i'll get it i'm gonna use my pistol on them watch your back watch your back dude there are so many water nobody okay i'm using the barricades so we got to be really careful yeah i don't want to get infected careful careful careful one other time and they do not go down easy i'm gonna use my pistol i have lots of bullets on my pistol oh no i need a reload oh come on reload rage i just found like a tree and it's spawning in more really it's like a miniature parasite i'm not sure there was there was only a little one over here there has to be some source though hold on i need to reload i'm gonna die dude i want to test out this living scythe you said that it's really good right yeah it's super strong it's super strong okay sick gosh um okay what is this in the ground i picked up an infested block do you think i should eat it uh i i think we should cook it first the answer was supposed to be no way back up each other i think they're fighting each other outside there's a bigger people they're just moving together do you see that giant spider what is that okay okay okay okay it's coming directly for us i don't think i saw that in the last the last time the parasites infected the world hold up guys they're getting bigger did you notice that aren't they yeah wait there's another bigger one out there i think they might be forming together that's probably why doctor panic needed us it's getting it's getting closer they're revolving oh my gosh do everything maybe we should stop killing it or something because every single oh oh hell were you saying rage about stop and killing them oh never mind never mind never mind i i feel like the more we kill them though the stronger they get uh i don't know for sure though um there's a couple wait are they flying are they climbing i don't know i have a grenade we have to keep taking out yeah i've completely forgotten about our sticker i'm gonna i'm gonna fly over there and throw out this grenade okay careful you only have like limited jet pack abilities okay i threw the grenade three two one dude look at that three two one yeah they can't even see me from now he's nice guys get him get him get wait there's a giant one right there a giant spider parasite back here giant hold on i'm throwing every grenade that i have right now i feel like my my jetpack fuel is about to about to run out soon wait hold up is this the spider that you're talking about yeah i think it died oh yeah no no there's two i just watch them they're all forming together with the other parasites oh no dude this is so scary i was not expecting any of this today oh my gosh you're shooting a whistle at me poison i'm poisonous i just hit you in the face with a grenade i got way too close ow i got way too close um okay i'm flying directly above parasite cows acidic cows oh gosh okay okay we're actually doing a pretty good job i think we are we are oh they exploded on each other dude thank you so much for the new gun my pistol was not working anymore i just keep using the sniper yeah yeah it doesn't look like any more spawning in there's a lot more in the woods though but i haven't seen any are you sure look look underneath what's what's happening underneath me is it okay is it safe to jump down no no no let me help you out real quick with this brand new gun that you hooked me up with dude this thing is insane i got you dude i got you i got you please oh my gosh you just mowed them down dude i got you i got you oh my goodness okay there's only a few to take out the little tiny ones i think they're going to spawn in more are you sure oh yeah they like explode and sometimes spawn in more oh gosh what's up shape oh there's these little ones too what yeah exactly tiny parasites these make sure they don't they don't touch you i think they're going to infiltrate them yeah kill them kill them we don't want them infecting more oh giant spider giants oh no what is it shooting at me together it's like a poisonous rupture get these ruptures that's what infection as well okay yeah i'm gonna kill these little warm creatures over here come here okay okay okay i think whatever is left let's just leave them okay yeah as long as they're not coming towards the bunker they can just run away yeah leave us alone you parasites leave us alone and i'm going to take out this final zombie there we go there we go it looks like they're on the run oh my gosh all right all right all right so uh what did you still want to work for do you still want to work for dr panic um i'm not gonna lie i'm gonna need a raise do you know what i have to deal with every single day now dude one time you have to come check out bessie you don't understand the half of it okay okay okay let's see who's the worst they're friends for a reason oh wait there's someone in the basement one of the bases oh how'd you get here who don't don't you dare in fact stay away you parasites i'm gonna do it just a little sweet but it seems like we we took them all out does that mean we can go back now to the wait wait wait there's one parasite right there in front of our base what is it just right outside yeah it's just sitting what's he doing why is he being so weird what's he thinking about why is he climbing what are you doing should we should we burn him uh wait there's more wait wait wait before we get there there's another one there's another one right out there to the right i'm looking for him he's right outside to the right hold on i'm gonna use my jetpack what was that one i just saw like i just saw the wall wait just there's more there's another wave coming from this one looks so scary careful careful i think that one has poison i think that one has poisons the ones we didn't kill are evolving why okay we have to make sure to defeat them all yeah yeah i learned my lesson i learned my lesson let's not let any of these live i'm going out there full speed i guess i'll follow you there's a little bit ahead try that wait why is this one so fast oh my gosh parasites ladies and gentlemen parasites if you ever see a parasite just uninstall minecraft it's easy yeah delete minecraft run away fast you already know just do something just do something wait okay so we have brand new types we have wolves that are spawning in i've never seen those before uh were the flying ones like bees or something are they yeah they're infected i guess these giant ones right here i did not sign up for this i mean low-key i kind of signed up for it but i didn't really know what was happening i'm scared i need to take some of these cheeseburgers i don't think the big ones can climb walls okay okay let me just enjoy these cheeseburgers stressful situation oh what is this one it's flying wait that looks like a little tiny like almost like a sprite what oh it's exploding a sprite it's weird oh my gosh there's so many ways oh they're multiplying i'm poison i'm poison i'm going inside of the uh the watchtower i feel like i'll be safe in here i feel like i'll be able to just go i'm gonna go inside and eat some cheeseburgers i just gotta think about my life decisions yeah yeah i might need some fries too oh my gosh they're right outside we've been taking it over we've been taking okay i'll try to help you i'll try to help you okay all right careful uh keep distracting them keep distracting okay i'm gonna toss some grenades out there we go all my years of cod zombies are paying off dang i got i got one so far okay are you going i'll cover you i need you to close the door for me use the code let's go it's closing it's closing okay okay okay i'm gonna see how many i can say now they're shooting slime poison balls at me yeah i i i i'm scared back up oh my gosh bro they just don't stop coming okay you okay totally yeah my mental health is going down the drain but other than that we're doing fantastic it's all that and you should thank uh you should probably thank doctor panic when we get back i'm gonna give him destroying our mental health a big goody basket of poop in a bag don't worry i'm all over it giant spider i'm going to get you oh dude that one just exploded in blue okay okay okay they're invading they're invading i need to reload range rage rage i'm out of ammo i think i'm out of ammo dude i'm reloading i'm just gonna run on the walls until i can't run anymore okay i think i'm gonna start using my scythe now i got you man i got you i'm gonna get this one 12 sticker nades i'm just gonna start lining them up i did not see all of these behind me shoot are way too many uh there's big spiders gonna dude our armor is too good we can do this okay okay i i believe in you if we don't survive this we don't get our pay so you know i'm trying to get my diamonds today i need the cookies i want my i want these diamonds come on okay you guys are is it cool you guys aren't strong enough come on now come on bro just looking at these things is going to give me nightmares tonight come on heads up i'm coming with a flamethrower oh how did you get a flamethrower i want a flamethrower are you on fire dude i know i should be good the armor is good enough for so so that i'm not getting on fire i need to sweep i need to eat some more cheeseburgers okay i think i took out all of the flying ones it looks like these are the last of the big ones at least inside all right i got them ew i think i got him i should get him come on living side come on please help oh it's exposed away stay away okay i think we cleared out the base my heart wait did you just hear that i did whoa wait what was that it sounds like a gong is that doctor panic there's more there's more there's more there's more i don't think i don't think dr panic is here with us to be honest i think he ran away there's more out here there's more out here let me wait a second real quickly last time i did you hear that again yeah i think it's the trees or whatever those things are it's those plant-looking things yeah wait there's so many so many um i i think i think that's when you're uh take them out take them out dude do not die i'm running hopefully they can't climb walls i have an idea i have an idea so oh what what are these okay okay hold on hold on hold on back back dude right i do use them on those plants right there okay that might be gonna go west i'm gonna do a strafe you gotta cover me i'm so close to dying i'm so close to dying right now i'm lighting them up oh no oh gosh i think i'm burning light them up yes just like that light them up light them up if i run out of jet pack fuel i am so dead is it working are they dying are they just burning i i think so they're just burning they're just burning they're not dead yet these things are strong they're infecting the entire area too i'm not sure if you notice that oh god okay they just don't care they just do not care about the fire oh they're dying they're dying they're starting to die they're starting to die nice nice nice keep burning them keep burning them i gotta kill the ones in the air poison bombs dude that is the coolest weapon i've seen so seen yet the flamethrower i want a flamethrower oh we could turn it off yeah i want your oh my god i'm out of ammo on my og if you want it you can oh no dude if you really oh wait i might have no bullets i have more bullets on my og okay we have to take these out these keep spawning in more okay this has to be the last time i got him oh my jet pack he's running out of fuel okay i think it shows your fuel in the bottom right of the screen i'm at like fifty percent oh yeah i'm good i'm good oh man why are these gongs still going wait does that mean there's more spawning in or are they evolving i think we should be fine now let's just take out these ones and we should be safe they have like eggs on the top of them i feel like they're trying to mutate into bigger parasites well uh if we kill all of them would we would we be fine i think so i think that's what dr panic wants us to do just evaporate and obliterate every single parasite we see okay i'll leave that to you with the flamethrower i'm gonna i'm gonna try to kill the the the small fry you said you have friends my age is trying um okay okay i'm gonna try to snipe them it seems like these ones aren't affected by the fire as much see this gun is going crazy do you see what i'm talking about though the bigger ones have eggs on their heads oh i see that egg green egg right the green egg the egg i'm not sure what it is you die uh well oh what is that wait whoa wait i'm about to die i'm actually about to die rage get back to the base now go okay we need to plan things out right now rage rage rage rage we need a game plan now i i i'm kind of stuck to be honest i don't have a single clue here's some food for thought oh thank you thank you thank you i don't think i'll be thinking wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait i have an idea i have an idea okay hold on careful careful do you see out the window right now you keep an eye on that i think i have an idea i've used this computer before hold on i'm gonna type in some codes hold on you can code oh it's coming check the chest check the chest okay okay what get them okay put in the nuclear coating grab all the nuclear power cells did you do this just get them there's no time to talk about it we need to go nuclear power cell just be really careful with it it's dangerous okay let me let me replace it with this holy guacamole dude whatever you do don't don't don't hit me with it okay okay okay okay okay you see that thing right okay rage with your weapon you can left-click to shoot it or you can hold right-click to charge it up okay i'm gonna i'm definitely gonna charge it up this thing needs some charging up all right open it up three two one go and go this is charging i'm gonna charge it up that was a little too much charge there that was sick i think i just blew up the base whoa it was worth it it was worth it holy crap talk about nuclear there's only a couple more left yeah let's take them out real quickly this is going to be a breeze this is definitely going to be a breeze now dude you are the mvp what is that over there do you see that other people oh my gosh it's another all right i'm boss up again dude the charge is so okay watch out wolf these are more okay little wolf just evaporated one more plant there's one more plant and let's go why is it why are these that's the real question just make sure you don't run out of fuel just to make sure the parasites don't spawn in it again i think you should use your flamethrower on this forest oh there's more that's a good idea you blow everything up okay okay i'm gonna charge up time to charge up everyone i'm gonna line it up let's go sorry porkers turning into bacon today okay i'm i'm heading back i'm heading back yeah i think it worked there's one more enough damage for now that's it i don't see any more rage yeah let's go let's go back i feel like uh we should probably leave no no let's just go let's just go okay no no time for thinking let's go let's go let's go let's go we gotta get out of here oh dr panna you are about to get it why did you not come with us no look what you did doctor look what you did to the new guy you made him you made him scared of your eyes you don't point oh we we are gonna point these guns at you headshot on dr dr panic no no no escaping no escaping yeah so i mean we we took it out got whatever you wanted us to the parasites are gone dr panic i am expecting at least 1 000 cookies minimum i'm guessing well [Laughter] man his mental health is now you see my face i used to be a human now i'm a zombie see now you know what i have to deal with on a daily basis bro this is this you look the same this man is insane look at this inside he's dead okay on the inside he's dying yeah all you care about i was like about to care about uh i don't need them yeah take all of these i don't want this no more i don't want this no more i want to go back home to my family dude all right we got a couple stacks of cookies it's worth it honestly it was worth it take my arm or two take my armor too okay okay he's blowing up his own bit he is crazy he is crazy i think he's looking in the car right now okay right now he's going a little coco right now oh my [Applause] this was insane [Music]
Channel: BeckBroJack
Views: 3,456,098
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, parasite, parasite mod, minecraft parasites mod, minecraft parasites, parasites in minecraft, virus in minecraft, minecraft virus mod, minecraft parasite mod, beckbrojack, scape and run parasites mod
Id: vIT_lEOPM34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 42sec (1722 seconds)
Published: Fri May 07 2021
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