Scape & Run: Parasites Mod Fully Explained | Minecraft Mod 1.12.2

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hello everyone welcome to the escape and run parasites mod so i wasn't sure whether to do one of these so many other people are covering this but it's been a while since i've been so captivated by mod that it actually pulled me back into minecraft so first of all i just want to say i'm absolutely loving this it's got a lot of similarities to the evolution system that i was quite fond of in the avp mod and i've been screwing around with it for about a few weeks now unfortunately the impregnation system in avp causes problems with parasites from this mod so i can't mix them in their entirety although i really want to anyway i just want to say thank you to the lead developer dan nantri probably saying that wrong i'm just going to call you dan from now on for responding to all the questions i had in regards to the mechanics of this mod and etc etc so anyway the scape and run parasite mod is speed dan uh dan does all the coding and a lot of other stuff uh you've also got moonlit laps and scarier who have textured some of the mobs we've also got sandwich horror and 216 aeron who helped on with the ideas 216 and carver also help with testing the mod so quite the team then there's literally thousands of us playing as well reporting bugs so world testers as well okay so with the formalities out of the way uh shall we just get straight into the nitty and gritty of the mod so first of all before we start explaining the mobs there is something called evolution phases that will be coming to a later update it's essentially going to balance the mod and have the parasites grow as a faction rather than randomly spawning as they are currently but there is still some semblance of an evolution tree going on at the moment that we can go over so to start off we've got the buglins they spawn in the dark and are at the bottom of the parasitic tree so they are the most weakest parasite only being able to nibble on your toes although if you let them live it can take from about 60 to 150 seconds for them to grow into a rupture so ruptures also have the luxury of spawning in the darkness therefore bypassing the buglen stage ruptures are the second step in the parasitic evolutionary ruptures are essentially conversion mobs their goal is to infect most of the vanilla mob variants in minecraft and turn them into the infected variants of themselves so far the only ones that have functioning conversions are sheep wolves pigs villagers humans and cows it's probably an important thing to mention right now the best way to kill parasites in this mod is to use fire there is a configuration option to allow you to do even more damage to them speaking of the configuration file it is extensive there is a lot you can mess with in here so um keep in mind if you are going to kill these parasites make sure you do it when they're buglings or ruptures otherwise you're gonna have a problem so any anything above that level of rupture anything that's infected and above will have chances to spawn other parasites upon death the types of creatures that pop out of the parasites that you kill can vary from uh ruptures to buglins to even their own heads on legs however sometimes you can get something called a beckon we'll get into that in a second but beckons are very very very bad they are so bad that you want to drop everything you're doing and kill it in instantly but as i said we'll talk about it after so from here onwards the next stage to move up the parasitic evolution tree is a little different it sort of changes into a merged system quite literally in the config file so it's called merge system so the merge system requires one infected mob to consume or kill or however you want to put it five other mobs then it requires another three other infected mobs to be near it so once both of those requirements are met they will all melt down into these mobs called living flesh and then they'll all merge together to form a random primitive parasite so the primitive parasites are the next stage in the evolutionary so there are currently six of them with their own variants and adapted versions variants meaning there's a chance it will spawn with a slightly different texture and attributes in either its adapted stage or primitive in order for these creatures to reach their adapted evolution stage they need to get 10 kills all of them have individual abilities unique to them and those abilities can get buffed if it can manage to evolve into its adapted version the adapted versions will also do increased base damage as well as some other stuff that i'm about to list so first off we have the primitive long arms they've got a normal melee attack but the lower its health the more damage it will deal to you you can tell it's going to do more damage by seeing this red particle effect appear around it if you don't have some sort of way to view its health its adapted version carries over the same qualities except it can spawn this infected block residue this residue can spawn beckons once again that's really bad and we'll talk about that after we'll also talk about the residue after as well there is also a chance that a variant or mutation if you will will spawn that trades 50 of its health for 50 more damage and you can spot these mutations on the adapted long arms just by looking at their teeth next up we have the primitive reeker it also has a normal melee attack but with the added twist of applying poison to each hit the primitive rika also has a variant of its own where it can spawn in with 50 less health and still 50 more damage also has a different texture as well its adapted version doesn't have any variance but it does carry over the same qualities from the normal primitive wreakers it also can spawn the infected block residue next up is the primitive magicator so the primitive magicater is meant to go invincible in short bursts but dan thinks he broke it aside from that it has a very fast melee attack and its adapted version carries over the same qualities and once again can also spawn the infected block residue next up we have the primitive yellow eye the primitive version can shoot projectiles but lacks a melee each projectile will apply poison to its target the adapted version however cannot spawn any infested block residue but it does shoot projectiles a lot faster and it does increase its poison damage and there are no variants at all for these two next one is the primitive bolster this guy has a simple melee attack but it can buff nearby parasites its adapted version can also spawn infected block residue just like all the others it has more range to buff nearby parasites and also has the ability to pull entities towards it by extending its little tentacles these two don't have any variants last of all we have the primitive summoner the summoners have a normal melee attack but their specialty is summoning ruptures to fight for them its adapted version carries over the same qualities except it can not only spawn ruptures but infected mobs as well it can also spawn the infected block residue just as most of the other ones can so now that i've explained the entirety of what there is to offer in regards to what can come out of those little buglins let's start explaining the beckons so any parasite at all has a chance to spawn a beckon on the off chance that it does you're going to want to kill it in its first stage of evolution as fast as you can they've got three stages the first stage will only spawn ruptures if something manages to trigger its defense mechanism it also has the ability to terraform a few blocks around it into infected blocks these blocks have a chance to damage entities if something is on top of them and as of currently these types of blocks can spawn two different unique parasites out of them the beckon itself can whack intruders if they get too close and we'll get to those unique parasites in a second so it takes 240 to 300 seconds approximately for the beckham to grow into its second stage it can now spawn ruptures infected mobs and one exclusive mob called a flying carrier the flying carriers will home in on their targets and explode spawning in ruptures and buglins its terraforming capabilities will accelerate and start spreading faster and the chance slash damage to entities getting damaged by the infested blocks will increase so after about 300 to 360 seconds the beckon will grow into its third and final stage the beckon will now be able to spawn everything that has been mentioned so far plus all primitive versions and three more exclusive mobs the first being the heavy carrier which is a slow moving ground version of the flying one it will home in on its target really slowly explode spawning rocters buglins and yellow eyes the second being warden the wardens have a normal melee attack they could also sprint and jump like the others but even faster and they can also charge at you they have a special charge attack the third being vigilante the vigilantes have a normal melee attack if you get too close but can also shoot poisonous projectiles they will try to maintain a distance from their target though so the level 3 beckon will be spreading its infection like mad now its infected blocks will have more chance to deal even more damage to entities and it will continue spawning special mobs exclusive to these infected blocks on the chance that you manage to kill a level 3 beckon there is a 50 50 chance that they will spawn an ancient parasite yes as if you thought it was bad enough there is also a mechanic that cleans up the infected blocks whenever you kill a beckon which is pretty neat so once you kill a beckham this residue will spread over the already infected blocks and turn them back into dirt anyway the two ancient parasites as of the moment are the dreadnor and the overlord the dreadnought is a giant flying ancient parasite that can shoot projectiles which inflict withering upon hit it also has an attack where it spawns in reinforcement pods from the sky and when they land they spawn even more parasites the ancient overlord as of currently just has a normal melee attack it's still being worked on still the size melee damage and the health amount is still going to make you [ __ ] yourself regardless when it pops up so last thing to mention in regards to the infection system in regards to the blocks themselves there's two types of infested blocks there is the residue which is like a layer of snow which usually comes off the adapted creatures and then there is the actual infested blocks that the beckons create through the terraforming process it's those blocks that can spawn two special mobs both of these exclusive mobs are immobile so as long as you use a ranged weapon or of some type you'll be fine the first one is the sentry which is a parachute that can shoot poisonous projectiles and melt any gear that you have equipped and the kyphosis which has a powerful melee swing so that one's completely harmless to you as long as you can use a ranged weapon and last of all there are two weapons you can craft by picking up chunks of parasites and mushing them together the living scythe and the living bow if you can manage to get the necessary ingredients for these guys they are insanely powerful and that about wraps up the entirety of the escape and run parasites mod if you enjoyed the video be sure to give me a thumbs up or a comment so i know you did that sounded cringe i never say that just just listen to me this took me about a week to make so if i find it wasn't useful to many people i won't bother with another one because there's already other people covering this mod there's plenty of people covering this mod however if this video does well i'll for sure do another spotlight when the next update comes out and if you enjoyed it yeah be sure to you know give the thumbs up thing um i find it cringe saying that but it literally lets me know that you enjoyed so i'm really happy i did the spotlight personally because i now know everything about the mod and i can stop re-watching other mod spotlights and asking my chat questions on what the [ __ ] i meant to do when things happen to me so that is a that is until at least the new version start coming out anyway thank you for watching so much hope you guys enjoyed and i'll see in the next one you
Channel: Ulandos
Views: 229,022
Rating: 4.9729862 out of 5
Keywords: Ulandos, SRP, Aliens Vs Predator, Scape & Run Parasites, Scape and Run Parasites, Infestation, Evolution, Minecraft Mods, Minecraft Java Edition, Horror, SARP, AVP, Aliens & Parasites Nibbling At Me Toes, Explanation
Id: EOTKK_1nguE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 33sec (693 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 05 2021
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