I Spent 100 Days in Minecraft VR And This Is What Happened

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Starts at around 0:12. It kinda reminds me of something along the lines of Harry Potter, very whimsical and important (city-based? The horns are very London-ish). I thought it was from Overwatch, but upon a rewatch of their shorts it turned out no.

In before it turns out to be from a crummy insurance ad or something :P

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/KumoRocks 📅︎︎ Sep 24 2020 🗫︎ replies
okay yeah about a month ago Luke the notable gave me permission to put a twist on his 100 days in hardcore minecraft series and I tried to do it in VR it did not go well it was a total failure [Music] but you know what I said I was gonna try again they're breaking in there's those are breaking at the door so here it is 100 days in hardcore VR minecraft my man's here we are back in VR baby hundred days ahead of us and look just look at me now alright and here it is first thing I did and I would I would tell you that I went to Italy I found nice Lake it near a village and stuff which I did in all but to be honest the very first thing I did when I got into VR yeah slapped a chicken's ass okay psychopath who is let's be honest here who wouldn't I in this chicken a 3d chicken and VR minecraft of course I'm slapping that thing's ass but I need your meat I once I was all done with that that then then I built my dirt house on the second day I explored the surrounding area I got some coal and I did some mining and can you believe it I thought enough iron to make a pickaxe and a sword pretty good for day two of you yeah if you ask me hey day three well day three I just did some more mining but you know what it was pretty good because I found a ton of iron enough to make nearly a full set of armor and that's really good yeah just gonna interrupt the video real quick right here to beg for some subscribers yeah I I don't care anymore I'm just I need them and you know what I'm not gonna stop there I want some I want I want likes to okay I want as many likes as I can get on this video and you know what comments to I'm not stopping who I'm gonna go even further how about I got some t-shirts for sale yeah I know I don't care anymore okay you know what okay there it is after taking slightly more than the recommended dose of motion sickness pills I was back on track with day for mining and killing skeletons and zombies day five I was I was a man on a mission to see what was in that village also you know to explore a little cuz it hadn't really been doing that and wow I'm glad I did because look look what I found whoa holy crap a sea turtle I I didn't even know there was sea turtles in Minecraft and then yeah yeah of course I decided to build my house there are you kidding me a house amongst sea turtles I love these guys I loved him so much Oh day six yeah normal day I was you know just doing stuff I went to the village I locked an armored guy into a house with a chicken and you know what else you know what else I found goddamn diamonds baby diamonds two of them hell yeah I was feeling good that day okay enough with that back to the island on day seven I needed to I needed to name this island I needed to come up with something good and yeah you know what you know what I think I got it turtle Park on day eight I still had not used my diamonds and I decided that we you know what I'm building with those things you know what I'm using those for yeah a sword what else would I pick axe god no not a pickaxe no one's killing me with a diamond sword okay not a single person so that's what I made day nine it was time to start building on turtle Park and I didn't want to disturb the turtles you know and kind of defeat the whole point of the park so I decided to build my house on stilts does it make the house any safer yeah you know someone told me that it does but I just don't understand how but I'm more interested in the fact that it doesn't disturb the natural habitat of the Turtles anything can still be there I can be there it's good day ten more building in the hot hot Sun at least I had a friend with me Alfonso the turtle I love this man yeah I built a bow because I'm not just the creepers were scaring me okay the idea of one of these things sneaking up on me I would I would feel better if I had a bow so I could take care of them from a distance and that's what I did on day 11 after 12 days the the frame of my house was done and you know what it looked it looked pretty bad yeah it sure it kept he kept the turtles natural habitat in check so the Peto wouldn't come out but he just yeah this is not how I'm gonna I'm not spending a hundred days in this thing so time to start building another house something more safe because this this is this thing isn't safe either creeper could just walk right up the stairs blow me to bits a challenge done immediately just like that but the only problem was building a new house meant no more elfonzo you know they say if you love something let it let it free let it go that's what I did with Alfonso and to say bye to him go get out of here all Fonzo go get can't you see I don't want you anymore you sweet ass turtle you shall go just go uh it was time to start getting resources again you know what yeah I love doing this I loved it okay you know what was really hard about this whole thing keeping track of what happened every single day do you know you can't write notes while you're wearing that big dumb headset I can't just grab a piece of paper at a pencil so you know what I did I saw I tried to use Siri on my phone to log everything that happened and yeah wow that just that worked out real well hey Siri make a note day 25 I tamed a dog yeah good job that's exactly what I said like on day 14 my notes just say quote I found a designer light I don't even know what that means what does that mean designer light it looks like I just worked on making walls you know what's better than walls for keeping creepers away cats okay and it is not easy to get a cat in Minecraft these things they wanted absolutely nothing to do with me every time I try to grab one of these guys just run away doesn't matter what I tried they hated me so it was back to building walls for me hey but you know what by day 16 the compound was it was starting to look pretty good my man's pretty good the compound it needed a lot of cobblestone and needed a lot of cobblestone so on day 17 I went back down into the mines to get some and I was just hoping to god me that I would not run into any creepers down there since I didn't have a cat after spending some time in the mines it's dark down there it was it wasn't good dad after getting that all done in building and they by the end of day 18 the walls of the compound were finally up hey you know what that doesn't matter much because there's still so much work to be done so during day 19 I worked on the compound too even more between day 20 and 24 I worked on building my house within the compound it wasn't anything fancy just a little room in the corner but no house is complete without a dog so you know what on day 25 I tamed a dog and named him what would I even name the dog III don't even know well the history of coming up with names like Matta tutu and laminate who knows who knows what I need this guy let me just see what I did I would have named when we check the footage get you your name is what you call him Sonya mr. mr. spikes was the dog mister spikes there he is I wish I could have more than just him but he'll do for now so I spent day 26 looking for more resources yeah it was it was boring but whoa my good old friend motion sickness [Music] so I'm taking a break right now because I am quite motion sick I only got to play for about 30 minutes that time and who I do not feel good but look clinically shown to help prevent nausea and vomiting associated with motion sickness and/or seasickness that's what I got motion sickness it says one every four hours what about one every hour is that okay Wow it's day 27 and I'm finally feeling safe in my compound the walls are up so I can completely drop my guard and not have to worry about anything that was really close holy crap oh my god I almost just died alright hey yeah I should be dead but no I'm not so you know what I'm gonna do yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna put on some torches then there won't be any more bad boys all right there not a goddamn chance anything is getting in here not a single person by the end of day 29 I had a roof on my house and it's bad it is bad I spent day 30 mining and you know what Yahoo I found some more diamonds my man's hell yeah day 31 was spent working on my ugly ugly dirty house trying just hoping to god I can make it look better I had like 70 days to go and you know what I wasn't gonna live in some ugly dump like this day 32 was the same I just worked and worked my pans down to the bones trying to get this house to look nice but by day 33 yeah things were getting close to being done I wanted to make this porch roof out of camp fires like I saw some other people doing online you third their houses looks so good with these things but wouldn't you guess what happens when I try to when I try to make the campfire porch roof yeah it just looked it looked terrible it looked horrible and whoo whoa whoa look this guy also came to my what is this thing even so I'm like King zombie yeah I wasn't gonna have that guy walking around my house that was spooky zombie made me realize that I need us I need some more defenses for the compound I need to keep this a display scene to be safe so you know what I did I realized I was gonna build an iron golem these guys are great you get these things up and running wolf they're good they're gonna defend you forever the problem is that you need a lot of iron to make one so you know what I did yeah back down into the mines gotta get some iron and the very next day I just I guess I completely forgot that that was my plan because I just I just didn't do that I went and I looks like I went exploring and I ended up in a desert oh yeah it's a although I remember yeah it had a village and yeah I almost died here I complete I went into a cave to try to get another cat and it collapsed on me oh no day 36 you know you know what I did I explored the nearby area and then I went into a dungeon for chests yeah if there was four of them down there and they were totally unguarded is what I would say if I wasn't a massive I didn't have a big brain like I do yeah I knew there was tnt underneath this thing I saw that pressure plate right there in the middle so what I did was I just dug down beside the chest got all the loot and got out without a problem me from a few months ago would have stepped right on that not right on that pressure plate and been blown to bits not didn't happen I got out of there no problem I also got a saddle which was pretty good on my way home on day 37 I stopped by a sunken ship had suspicious stew yeah not a goddamn chance in hell I'm eating that throw that right into the ocean I'm not eating suspicious stew who would eat that who who's a big enough idiot to eat suspicious - not me not me when I got home I tried to use the saddle I found on a horse and you know what the horse refused me oh I don't know how to use any animals in this game I tried it on another not none of the horses wanted my saddle and it honestly made me sad I swear to God if I have to use it on the donkey I swear to God not even you so for the 37th night in a row I went to bed feeling so very alone hey day 38 was great okay let me tell you about day 38 I found six okay six diamonds six I was a rich rich rich rich rich rich lonely a rich man very rich and very lonely so the next day I built a diamond pickaxe and you know what I still couldn't stop thinking about all the rejection I had faced the loneliness it was unbearable you know what I did I came up with a plan okay a foolproof plan to cure loneliness and by day 40 I was ready Alphonso which one is on your Alphonso this might seem inhumane right now but trust me better home than where you are right now it's better only goes I love you that I need you okay no no no don't go that way go that way that way don't go that way don't go though I don't go that way don't go that way you don't go in the water you do not wanna go in the water you don't go in the water you want to go to my house perfect perfect I'm in here we go look on land I am king through the doors perfect rotate yourself yep all the water you could ever imagine and guess what to get bigger because I'm gonna make it an underground aquarium facility the state-of-the-art bingo you're here you are here Alfonso in the water you love it in the water you love it you love it you love it you love it good now I just this is gonna look a little bit shocking for a few minutes oh oh Alfonso no no Sonia said this is cruel I say it's good there we go how do you love it you love it don't you the state of the air pool and guess what I'm gonna try to cram a dolphin in here too soon it's me SeaWorld but I wanted more so I took another turtle on day 41 and I I have no idea what I need this guy let's let's just see what I named him hey Alfonso I got you a friend this guy's name is uh lapa dugu what is with these names who remember that iron golem I wanted to make on day 34 well on day 42 its multiple days later I remember that that was my goal and boom he was alive okay my man's I need this guy Igor I remember that I remember Igor but even still my loneliness remained and my desire to fill my compound grew stronger so during day 43 I went out and I tamed multiple dogs okay at this point I had like a pack of dogs and I've brought them all back to my compound then I did some farming and you know what that was nice day 44 I went to the village and turned this armor making guy into an ATM machine so I could use him whenever I needed then he wanted some coal so you know when I said hey man yeah my man I'm gonna go get you some coal come back and this is gonna be good you're an ATM I'm a guy it's gonna be good so in the next day I traded him all the coal he wanted and he gave me a bunch of iron helmets no idea what I was gonna do it though it was completely useless so I just I put them in a chest and that was that that's where they stayed for the entire rest of this enchanting it scared me okay I I did not understand how it worked or how you did it I didn't know what you needed how you I knew nothing about it but that all changed on day 46 when I used Google and learned that I needed to make an enchanting table which required books and that meant I needed sure yeah I learned all about it on day 46 with Google should have done that a long time ago so on day 46 I built a boat and I headed out to sea okay I feel like I'm gonna feel a lot this is getting so motion sick I gotta stop hey if you're thinking about doing something like this don't do it just don't do it it's it's not a good idea I was gonna I was gonna make a joke about this but I'm just suffering I'm suffering at this point I don't even know what day I'm on my eyes are burning the thought of the headset itself makes me nauseous I'm dreaming about minecraft at this point I'm dreaming in VR I keep seeing villagers they're they're they're quite literally haunting my dreams at this point hello yeah day 47 a wizard showed up in my house and you know what I let loose on the sky I was not having any of this I released the hounds my dogs didn't get him there we go good boy fantastic boy after that ordeal I went to the village and I made some deals with the armored guy also one of my dogs walked into the fireplace he'd what an idiot he didn't die don't worry idiot dog just got out of the fire day 48 the ATM was asking for iron now so that meant that I was doing some more mining so I did that and I got am iron and boom we it was good we made the transaction and that was enough to get him to max level which is great because now I could buy diamond stuff remember if I had enough I'm rolled so that yeah I hey and I also made the enchanting table on day 49 I started trading with the farmer that meant I was gonna need some crops so I made my farm bigger Raider showed up in my house on day 50 but I decided not to let them in I mean who who would let these guys into their house they gave up pretty quickly they just walked off into the force and I never saw him again thank God the next day I returned back to the village with all of my crops to trade with these guys and I built a slightly more ethical cage for the the farmer than I did for the armored guy it made me feel a little bit better about myself about what I was doing but then the guy wanted carrots so it looks like I started I had to start growing carrots then it's carrot time baby it is carrot time can you believe this look at all these spiders that showed up by my compound they're just they were just hanging around what what is it with these guys they were like trying to make spider city around my compound you've no idea of course I did not accept that do you have any idea how horrible it would be to live in spider city what what type of city is that so I put up a bunch of torches all around around my compound and I got shut that down I shut that down right away on day 53 I started digging this big tunnel I have no idea why I was just a man digging a tunnel on day 54 I brought weed to my prisoner farm and I planted some more sugar cane oats on my house so I could start mass producing paper I'll be honest on day 55 I was lazy I didn't do much besides some mining what's the deal with Enderman okay what this guy just teleported into my compound and I didn't know what to do I don't know whether these things are hostile if what they want with their after with their goal I didn't know anything about it so I just hid in my house and Igor took care of the guy it was good on day 57 in my notes I just wrote quote I built this monstrosity and I forget what it looks so Galle yeah yeah that's bad the next day I lured to unsuspecting cows back to my compound who then I would force to mate and then I could turn their offspring into books that's kind of dark the next day I did this well is it that dark cuz the next day I did the same thing with chickens which I would plan to turn into arrows to shoot at creepers I wasted a sixty making a compass okay the compasses pointless to make in VR it does nothing it does absolutely nothing but to be honest I didn't really need it though because motion sickness prevented me from sailing too far anyways day 61 I just completely disregarded that I guess because I sailed out and I found a sunken ship problem was was that it was guarded by water zombies and I'm not screwing around with these guys in VR is what I would have loved to say just remember this moment just remember this moment right here it's going to be it's going to be matter later on in the video my brush with those zombie made me realize that I should probably get some training in so on day 62 I practiced with the bow I also upped the security in the compound by planting berry bushes around the walls and you know what why didn't Rick Grimes do this in the walking dead problem solved season one show over hey day 63 was peaceful I just just did some farming and took care of my peaceful animal I can't even think the I can't I cared so little for these things I I knew it I looked at them and I saw a book an arrow I can't say I cared for them why did I write that in the script and then the next day I did the same thing and then I found that you could get leather from horses so I went on a horse murdering spree and I got a bunch of leather from them don't really regret that either because he it helped me so on day 65 I finally enchanted some of my stuff wahoo I took way too long day sixty-five before I'm enchanted what is that from day 66 to 70 I just I just farmed in mind it was kind of boring well at least it was boring until I found two diamonds yeah - I also started working on this expansion of my compound which was totally a waste of time because I never finished it so it was the point of this on day 70 I realized that was a total idiot because remember when I turned the villagers into ATM machines yeah that was a bad idea these guys were not giving me any emeralds they were not happy with how I was treating them so I released them from their prisons temporarily mind you and moved them to slightly larger prisons that had their source block and some beds and stuff like that in the EH it's salt solve the problem I'm gonna be a rich man soon hear that horse riches can be from day 71 to 75 all I did was farm make books trade with villagers and mind and work on the compound nothing really interesting happened until day 75 that's when I finally found out how to ride a horse and let me tell you I loved riding that bad boy in fact I loved it so much that I rode it until they got totally lost and had to spend the night in a dirty hole again when daylight came I got out of the hole and rode my horse back home using compounds for the compound using coordinates learned to read Shawn learned to read and then I got back to my house but I returned with enough leather to finally finish making all the bookcases I need with my fancy new enchanting table I want it to be well 30 before enchanting my new diamond pickaxe so I figured the best way to level up would be to go mine and I'm an idiot look at this I mined right over diamonds I had no idea I did so unobservant I'm it just just completed yet I walked over diamonds I'm an idiot then that got me closer to level 30 but not quite there yet so when night fell I left the compound with the intention to battle what horrors waited for me in the dark Plains Oh Oh domdom you guys need to go after him Oh that's a problem okay I'm gonna be honest I had a lot of fun doing that I had a lot of fun doing that so I scrapped the plans to enchant my pickaxe and decided to enchant my bow instead and I'm glad I did because I got this I got this fire in chant that when you shoot an arrow and whatever it hits catches on fire and do you have any idea how powerful that made a man like me feel I wasted a good chunk of day 79 working on the compound expansion I didn't need it and then I wouldn't finished it so it was a waste of a day on day 80 I sold all of my stuff to the villagers and finally had enough emeralds to buy not just diamond legs but enchanted diamond legs take a look at these hell yeah these were these were good these are some of the best legs you can get I also decided that I wanted to move my enchanting table somewhere cooler like underwater so much for avoiding that okay okay let me tell you about day 81 it started out normal alright I collected some sand I got it cooking and yeah I decided you know what I want to do a bit of exploring today I found a distant island and I decided to check it out big mistake VR glitched and my boat just pulled a Criss Angel and I was gone so there I was at night stranded on a foreign Shore no idea how to get home no idea what's what awaits me just darkness and the enemies of the night and yeah you know what I'm gonna be honest I was scared I panicked I ran and I found another shipwreck so I climbed on top of it and I activated Survivorman mode you know what I did I built a raft well it was a boat but I like to pretend it was a raft and that wasn't some survival situation and yeah it was good actually in retrospect it wasn't that big of a deal but before I left I domed this idiot skeleton from like a million miles away look at this I actually considered uploading this clip to YouTube as an application to Facebook I'm not even joking I was so proud of this kill then I just sailed away I think that's it oh hell no because when I got home when I got home my house was under seized by zombies it was like that episode of The Walking Dead no way out when all those zombies charged in to Alexandria and they got to fight them off all night long yeah that was me that was me okay what's the damn house done okay they're showing up here Oh who's that okay okay where's Igor yegor yegor they're in here before they broke down my door [Music] before they're not okay okay egor did nothing this guy just sat at the back and he did not give a that the compound was under attack he did not care at all so I knew how to do something about that the next day I had a meeting with Igor and I formally issued him a warning I told the guy that if he if he pulled something like that again that was it Igor we got to have a chat man that should not be happening on your watch okay let's go come on yeah I'm pushing you've spent like a week walking around this crop field you need to get out of here you need to go into the rut because this this is that was unacceptable you are borderline being fired my man you got to be frigging watching out for me what if a creeper came into that what if it was a creeper raid no no you're almost just get out of the farm-in I would like walk somewhere else however my problems didn't stop there because that evening when I went to the village to sell some carrots I caught this creep staring into my window at night get out it get the hell out of here what what the hell who the hell do you think you are my man this is absolutely unacceptable for you to be trying to get a little peep on me you've spent the night out there okay no unacceptable so the next morning I put this guy Tom into a hole and I enclosed it in glass so now everyone in the town can look down at him with shame for being a weirdo there's an weird villager guy a weird weird guy then I went home and continued working on my soon to be underwater library the next day I headed out yet again on my boat and I returned to the shipwreck where I built my raft I found a treasure map and you know what I had absolutely no idea how to use it so why I gave up almost immediately but I still wanted some loot so I paddled over to the other sunken ship I knew about you know the one I told you to remember that one the one that I I made a decision not to mess around with yeah well I paddled back over there you know what happened just take a guess what happened okay take a guess I'm floating by it I see a shiny object in the water and I'd dive right in I go for it and holy yeah things got bad they got they got bad this it was okay I was okay I was taking down his arm he took down another one I'm going up for it and then all of a sudden yeah actually you know what I'm just gonna show you what happened oh okay I don't know that is okay there's a guy there's a guy shooting stuff at me yeah shooting her Poon's at me I didn't know that harpoon guns he broke my PO okay no it's not worth it I just blocked it didn't block that one holy crap oh oh oh my god oh my god I'm shaking I'm shaking right now like I'm I'm trembling holy crap Oh oh my god oh yeah I almost died there I was so close to hearts one more harpoon and that would have been it it would have been over day 84 right at the finish line done because some guy with a harpoon I got lucky I got so lucky not messing with zombies not messing with water anymore that's what I should have thought that's that's that's what should have gone through my brain because the very next day on day 85 I I just jumped right back in the water did a cannonball in fact into the bay to continue work on my underwater library filled it up with sand so that I could remove the water from the knee you know what it worked it worked because on day 86 I removed all the sanded boom the room was done next I needed to connect the tunnel in my base to that classroom on day 87 I worked on the tunnel and I realized it was a much bigger job than I thought it was going to be on day 88 I continued working on it for several days I was clearing clearing stuff out and putting things up and making it slowly making progress it was a lot of work it's really boring too but by day 94 yeah that's pretty big jump I had finally connected the tunnel to the glass room but there was still something I was avoiding that I needed to do something that I had been running from and scared of since I started going to the nether I need a glowstone to light up the ocean floor so on day 95 I decided it was finally time to face my fears and start building another portal by the end of day 96 I had enough obsidian and the portal was built I stocked up on arrows and made a golden apple then then it was time it was day 96 and I was terrified of dying I had played so much BR minecraft in the past week it felt like my brain was a caterpillar what a cat why did I write that what does that even mean a caterpillar I entered the portal and my man's icky I was scared okay I was scared nope no no that was I don't know what the that is right here oh my god what is that okay that was there my trip to the other was good I was good there was a lot of work for that but uh I went to the nether and I made it out let's go baby I was out of the nether and my man's I was feeling alive let me tell you I was feeling truly free like a man who had just God he's feeling good after I got out a portal I mean I got my glow test I'm it I made some glowstone than that I brought it out to the ocean I swam down what's your audition I've done here's a little whole water thing I placed the glowstone blocks and it lit up the ocean so nice so that it when I go to my library looked good and you know what it just looked great that's truly something by day 98 I was feeling like I did it I was feeling like I accomplished my task and I didn't really know what else to do so I just I said I was so happy I started a forest fire by my house but you know what oh it was a false sense of happiness cuz I don't even know what to say about day 99 I I guess at some point I accidentally installed some some mods onto my er version of Minecraft and so III okay night okay since when is there velociraptors in the game okay okay okay oh okay take the cow okay okay what do you this is not part of the game these are not in the game before there was not velociraptors in Minecraft they just kill that cow okay okay okay [Music] back okay hey hey okay that's the t-rex let the t-rex another scalping that I don't get this okay that wasn't here before day 99 day 99 and I died as I cut are you kidding me there should not be a velociraptor in the game I'm going I'm just screwing it I finished it I've got day 100 I just walked around I walked around and watching the sunset did some fishing it was a good day this now this is IP I did it it's done it is done it is over it is over I told you I'd be walking away from this as a champion and that is exactly that's what I'm doing baby it's done it is done that's 100 well you know what I did it okay sure my compound is unfinished and my underwater library doesn't yeah it doesn't really look that great and my house is kind of bland and I killed it but you know what I'm happy with all of it I know other people could have probably made much better use of their time and gotten further into the game but I'm still kind of new to Minecraft and you know what I'm proud I'm proud of what I achieved here and Bill yeah I'm I had I did this in VR this was my own hands it was good I want to thank Luke the notable once again for giving me permission to try this out and it was held you know what thank you my man also big thanks to my man wise fish for editing this video couldn't have done it without him I'm another link to his channel down below too he's a really good guy make some great video so when I shout him out but thank you and then you won't thank all you guys for watching this video this took a lot out of me to make this took a lot out of me to do and but you know what I'm glad I did I did have fun with it yeah it was a good time it was a good time I'm working on another big project like this involves a Nintendo 64 so be on the lookout for that don't forget to subscribe like the video leave a cop you don't do all the stuff to get every youtuber I see to do thank you guys for watching I'm Shawn I'll see you guys soon [Music] [Applause] you [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Forge Labs
Views: 11,548,448
Rating: 4.9439983 out of 5
Keywords: Forge Labs, ForgeLabs, RLCraft, RLCraft Forge Labs, Minecraft, VR Minecraft, 100 Days, luke thenotable, minecraft hardcore, hardcore mode, minecraft hardcore mode, hardcore mode minecraft, hardcore minecraft survival, hardcore survival minecraft, minecraft hardcore survival mode, i survived hardcore minecraft for 100 days and this is what happened, and this is what happened, and this happened, 100, 100 games, 100 days, 100 days hardcore, minecraft
Id: -vSBIIJih-w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 44sec (2264 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 11 2020
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