100 Days [Alien Planet]

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i combined a whole bunch of mods to make the ultimate alien survival planet check out some of the stuff here we got a super eerie forest pretty creepy uh we got some cool new structures look at this look at the fog on this that looks amazing i'm gonna live here and thrive for a hundred days this planet houses a series of alien creatures items challenges and so much more can i survive a hundred days on this alien planet in hardcore minecraft let's find out before we get into the hundred days this video is sponsored by honey no wait that's not honey this video is sponsored by rage shadow legends no not rich oh wait it actually is rage shadow legends alright everyone knows raid shadow legends by now but did you know it's raid's second anniversary that's right it's been two years since raid burst into the scene completely took over mobile gaming and since then raid's only gotten bigger and better raid shadow legends is the largest mobile game in the united states with over 70 million downloads but it's not limited to mobile you can play this incredible game on your pc as well over a million players log on each day if you want to get a huge head start in raid all you have to do is hit the link in the description or scan the qr code you're seeing right now and you'll get your free epic champion jotun who is amazing for doom tower 100k silver 50 gems and three ancient shards so you can summon amazing champions as soon as you get in game and you'll even get this champion completely for free you will find extra rewards here in your inbox for the next 30 days only raid wants to thank all of its amazing players and community for all the awesome songs competitions cosplay content creators and the good times because this month is raid's second anniversary the schedule is absolutely packed with amazing events they've got six straight weeks of anniversary events and tournaments running from march 1st all the way through the middle of april all of them with insane prizes to win they're even launching their first clan versus clan tournament to give their players each a chance to compete directly against another clan to see who comes out on top and if that's not enough they have also recently released an amazing looking shadowkin faction check them out i'll definitely try to get my hands on some of them raid's huge already and their whole anniversary event makes it an awesome time to join the raid community so don't wait around also real quick i just wanted to say this video took over 60 hours to make this is what i've been working on for the last month so if you would drop a like also subscribing would make me a very happy person you have nothing to lose and i really appreciate it thank you to everyone who liked and commented on the video and you know what thanks to everyone who's watching the video too you guys are amazing okay enough stalling let's survive all right here we are alien planet this place really gives me the creeps anyway i started off the first day breaking everything in sight because i needed something to eat i found something that had the word berry in it so that was good enough for me i then ran into this odd looking creature and boxed it to death i got something called silk fiber i don't know what that is but i might as well keep it i found something that somewhat resembled a dead tree so i started whacking it turns out it actually was a treat anyway i made the essentials and axe pickaxe suddenly i stumbled across a strange structure whoa what what is this wait a pic oh i can put items on it i started mining something that looked like stone and sure enough it was stoned so i made myself some stronger tools what the a giant snowman what is that i soon investigated on my way over i found what looked like an outhouse oh it goes down um aliens is this what zoos are like on this planet yep two little booger creatures were asleep in the glass cage after striking it it woke up and then two seconds later fainted again this booger had some serious energy issues i got up close to snowman and it was nothing interesting literally just a bunch of balls on top of each other i hate my last piece of food when i noticed something in the end stone endershard i mean i'll take it i started a farm because i was already out of food also these endermen must be pretty shy because i looked at him for a split second and he was not having it no no no no oh man this is not good i'm already gonna die to an enderman on the first day uh after farming for two days straight i realized i had enough food for the road and went on my journey on day three i found whatever this is i think it must be a fallen ship from an end city or something pretty cool though there were a bunch of bookshelves inside so naturally i swiped them when no one was looking after a few hundred blocks i found something i couldn't believe oh no way diamond door no idiot the end city that's not even diamond door that's something called felicium or something like that i made it to the end city and these shulkers were not happy i think they must be smokers because their voices were shot speaking of shot i got shot by a whole bunch of them just for destroying their home some people have no sense of humor once inside i found a bunch of shulker boxes which i mean i'm not complaining but where's my entity loot oh wait there it is eight chests in one room filled to the brim with op items this was the dream i made my way up even higher in the end city and four more chests appeared this was so great actually you know what i i take that back this wasn't great stuck at the top of a tower with no way of getting down this was anything but great at least that's what i was thinking suddenly i had a 900 iq moment okay fine it was more like a 95 iq moment but hey for me that's pretty good after that clutch i realized the only thing that can save me out here is the ender pearls so i gathered as many as i could before realizing i could insta mine all the stone in this biome and i got pretty distracted by that also i found this uh it's a uh a a tower when i went inside the floor started moving yeah moving i'm not really sure what's going on there there was no chance me going down there no chance at all anyway i went down there and uh yeah this was not my brightest idea i am definitely not the sharpest light bulb in the gallery not by a long shot i would not have survived this long if that inn city did not have so much food for me i found this blue bomb that apparently grew the very berries i was chomping down right now oh yeah i also did this i don't want to talk about it turns out you can mine these ore blocks as long as you have a good enough pick and the substance that i got from them looks kind of like coal i'm not going to say what it is because i'm not sure i know how to pronounce it but i think it's probably like coal it was early day 6 when i found my dream biome definitely going to build my base here also it wasn't actually early day 6 because technically there are no days here because there's no sun but for the video we'll just say every 20 minutes is a day like a normal minecraft deal with it i found a spot that i liked and settled in i really hated the way these weird plants looked so i decided to become a lawnmower for a few minutes and get rid of them i planned out my base to be in this tall spire tower thingy so i threaded it with a ladder threaded why did i write threaded anyway i put a ladder in it i also um i did this i'm not particularly proud of it either anyway i carved out a room and started planting berries these things grow crazy fast day seven yes a week complete today i added some fur night to my entry room and cooked my cacti and my furniture and got some white dye then i turned all my shulker boxes white and added them as storage the next thing i did was name my diamond pickaxe the coordinates to my base please don't come and stalk me i decided to explore a bit around my base and found these weird crystal things i also found whatever this is i'm thinking the mod developers forgot to name this item after running aways i found some sort of catacombs and instead of going in them i decided to go on top of them and look for the treasure rooms that way it's a lot safer on day 8 i had to choose either to take the ladder or build up i chose the latter anyway at the top i found myself some gems and a few tools on my way back i noticed this block looked a little different from the rest turns out it's redstone huh also check this out gunpowder did not see this coming i don't know what i can use it for but seems useful oh yeah also this happened oh man i did not mean to look at him all right i hope you won't follow me through here uh okay good it looks like he's not here yeah i don't see him at all i think that we're safe oh man oh okay i thought that was him down there for a second that would have been bad all right nobody behind me oh what wait wait wait wait wait wait how are there two of them now no uh what do i do what do i do what do i do i don't know how do i survive if i go under here suck it enderman basically the rest of the day i ran around and raided any structure i could find the next day i found another end city woohoo this one had four chests and the best prize of them all shulker spawners wait no elytra it was pre-enchanted with unbreaking and mending i didn't even know that was possible but i'll take it i stole the shulker's banner and used it on my shield nice apparently there's a phantom spawner somewhere because these guys would not leave me alone i flew around for a while and then found another dungeon catacombs made stronghold fortress structure i don't know what they're called so that's what i'm gonna call them until i find out oh there's a shulker in there i don't know if i can get him oh turns out i'm an idiot i mean that's no surprise but it was just a shulker box not a shulker on day 10 i listened to my new music disc while sorting my storage also turns out you can craft some sort of guidebook for this world i'll have to remember that i added some windows but it just makes my base look like a prison i like it if i was going to keep going out on long expeditions i was going to need a larger food storage so i built another farm i didn't like how full my base was with trees felt like i was living in a forest so i got my trusty axe and shears and started chopping as i was slicing away i noticed a pair of eyes looking directly at me uh what the heck uh hello hi sir um would you mind would you mind dying um thank you where was i oh yeah deforesting my base after cleaning out the area i could see my base was starting to take shape i waited on this vine for a very long time hoping it would decay and i would fall off never happened severely disappointed i noticed this nearby glowy biome so i flew over to it and started harvesting it i used the crystals that i mined to make a massive crystal at the center of my base i'm hoping it'll light it up better and keep the enderman out on day 13 i finished it and it's it's not great i'll say that but i made it so i'm proud of it i decided to finally enter the dungeon catacombs made stronghold fortress structure and found a treasure beyond my wildest dreams this treasure was unbelievably good i never thought i'd be able to obtain this item string with string you can make bows fishing rods bows and well fishing rods too i added two of my swords together to make this beaut i love it the next day i mined out all that nasty red moss around my base because i wanted to replace it with something a little nicer and what's nicer than lush green moss so i insta mined a shulker box full of stuff and headed back after two days of traveling i finally made it back to my base and decided to make a proper storage room on day 18 i started placing down all the green moss that i had gathered i think it looks a lot better than the red and pink moss day 19 i wanted to be able to enchant so i crafted up an enchantment table some bookshelves and scouted out an area where i can put it the next day i discovered redstone so i decided to put it to good use with a piston door after a very long time of not knowing how to craft a piston and being a general redstone genius this door was created i was flying out for reasons no one can be sure of and found this little caterpillar that farts sparkles and flies unfortunately they don't drop anything when they die i noticed an end city not far off and decided why not so not so funny story there was a particle that looked like an xp orb i told you it wasn't funny story anyway i went in the place killed the things took a flying lesson had an adrenaline rush and muted out of there on my way back i found a strange dark biome apparently mojing forgot to remove herobrine from this update these idiots creeped me out like really out so far out i was 30 blocks out of the biome and they still walk towards me i found a baby caterpillar and somehow it disappeared i don't know why check this out i found a sponge that duplicates every time you break it yo yo what is that well there's two of them like tree houses the entrance was all overgrown so my guess is no one has lived here for a very long time there wasn't much inside except this end stone smelter i never really figured out how these things worked i really wanted firework rockets now that i had an elytra but i was missing a key ingredient i traveled into a nearby set of catacombs and search for this ingredient found a few treasure rooms but that's not really what i'm here for i also found uh whatever this room is honestly i have no clue oh wait i just figured it out i think it's supposed to be some sort of potion room or like brewing thing like use these crystals in the water and like the brewing stand to make potions i don't know well too late now i guess suddenly i found the very thing i had been searching for after two minutes yes paper finally but then without any warning whatsoever completely unexpected i found something way better than paper yo is that grass no way i did not know you could get that it's grass no way on day 23 i made it out crafted up a few rockets and it was out of there then i discovered a new structure so yeah i alluded that one too i noticed this weird spiky obsidian tower spire turns out it's an entire field of them after a day of flying around i found yet another biome this one was full of crystal shards sticking out of the ground these crystals harness a very unique and powerful ability every time i break them my frame rate drops oh wow look another new biome yay as i was flying with excitement i noticed a tall thing not very descriptive i know but i couldn't really tell what the heck i was flying towards upon closer inspection i realized i still don't know what the heck it is surrounding the thing was a bunch of this end stone dust it looked and sounded like sand yet when i used a shovel it was no faster than my hand oh wow look again it's another tower with catacombs yay this time i found a new room it had two um things anyway one of them disappeared and left behind some stalker steak the rest of the dungeon was so foggy i couldn't even see two blocks in front of me i turned a corner and checked this out soul sand with skeleton skulls as you can see i was paralyzed for a few seconds this happens a lot throughout the video on day 28 i got back and named my bow gotta love beau shmoe i wasn't super happy with my automatic door so i started redesigning it and because my absolute redstone genius this only took an entire day to finish i planted a blue zoo tree over here hoping i can get some lapis from it for enchantments um i don't know though well i'll have to come back and see no no no no no what he does so much damage no they're two or four uh oh yes yes yes it is oh man i was so happy that i forgot to finish covering up my redstone otherwise this video would be a whole lot shorter i drew a map and it looks kind of weird not gonna lie i wanted to fill out my large map so i went to the crypto crypto whatever cryptocurrency or something biome and harvested a boatload of gunpowder and boom that's a lot of rockets the next day i wanted to spruce up my base with a little tendon new wooden the pink wood after a little bridge building i had a fully blown easy besides flying with elytra way to get to the island it had no purpose yay the bridge was a little dark so i crafted up a few lanterns and solved that problem easy peasy i was pretty tired of this absolute garbage way of getting up and down my base so i destroyed it and replaced it with a much better design water elevators this actually took me a couple days i noticed the block was out of place so like the mlg i am i fixed that bad boy up like something that gets fixed up these elevators are so much better than that doo doo ladder anyway i figured out a really good use for that empty island that i built my bridge to i used it for my enchanting space it's a lot better than where i had put it however i still didn't have any lapis so uh yeah i flew over to my blue la zoo tree and tried to make it into lapis turns out i can't day 34 rolled around and i was digging my base still had a lot of ugly pink moss everywhere and i like the green so much better so i filled up a few boxes with it and i was on my way it was at this point i realized how ugly the crystal in the middle of my base was so i tore it down replaced it with a beautiful pond i also set up a few smaller crystals around my base just to light it up a little bit on day 37 i added a small waterfall to the pond but the water is so clear on this planet that you can hardly even see it for the rest of day 37 i tidied up my base adding stones around the lake and green moss in every nook and cranny ah that's a lot better i really wanted some fish in my lake so i traveled a waves and found these jellyfish turns out when you try to capture them they just disappear good job mod team eventually i did capture some enfish though as i was flying back on day 38 i flew through a cloud of silk moths yes this is a massive amount of moths flying around i have no idea why i killed a hundred of them but it seems like they kept repopulating just as fast as i could kill them i honestly have no idea what they're doing i really wanted to craft that book that's supposed to be a guide for this planet because honestly i know nothing about the mods in this world i just downloaded a bunch so after trolling a few endermen i eventually figured out how to craft the book after two days of gathering materials i was able to make it it was at this point that i learned that it's actually possible to travel back to the earth the overworld this was my new goal now by the end of the hundred days i wanted to make it back later that day i wanted to see if it was possible for me to get bone mail and yes it was so i grabbed my dirt and my hoe and was ready to farm too bad the grass looks horrible in this biome anyway i kept growing and breaking grass in order to get seeds now that i had seeds i could plant a proper farm and grow wheat day 42 i made my sword even more opie i also added some vines that glow underneath my ridge hoping that they would grow down and light up the lake i decided to make a new floor on my amazing base this floor would have a balcony that i could look off into the distance on and like any good floor it has a bridge man i love bridges look at that view after looking off the balcony i realized how much pink moss there still is everywhere so i went out to replace as much as i possibly could oh yeah that's better day 44 i went fishing yep that's it just fishing pretty boring stuff except wait not boring because i actually didn't just go fishing i found an end city and i almost died these idiots mimic whatever armor and sword i have and fight with them underneath the end ship i found these weird looking purpur men they're super strong they do like two hearts each hit they hit you and i have the best armor in town i killed one of them and all he dropped was some lame old blocks for the next three days straight i explored i found absolutely nothing i did find this weird crystal thing it kind of reminds me of when you chew gum right after eating lunch and then there's food stuck in your gum oh yeah i also found a couple of mega trees on day 50 i flew into an amber brown because i needed amber in order to make eternal crystals which were needed to make the portal that takes me to the overworld i must say this stuff's pretty rare because it took me two entire days just to get enough i had to make eyes of ender with this amber and then craft nine pedestals with them whew that took a while i placed them in the correct places but i was short on materials i figured it was going to take me a long time to get enough materials so i quit while i was ahead the next day i flew to an end ship and stole a bunch of wool from the shulkers i made and named a banner to mark the spot where the portal ruin was on my map this way when i had enough supplies i wouldn't have to build my own portal just light it but according to the book lighting the portal is the hardest part i made a lead because i wanted to trap one of the sparkle farting caterpillars as a pet i captured two of them and hanged them above the pond i wanted to learn more about the creatures that i just captured so i looked it up in the book and there was just a ton of words anyway i learned that you can ride these creatures using saddles and coarse fruit on a stick oh no way it actually works this is so cool after writing it for the good part of day 53 i wanted to breed them so i planted some chorus fruit because according to the book they love to nibble on that stuff i wanted to capture more end fish for my pond because the current ones kept killing themselves i got distracted though because i was really curious as to what was inside the watery volcanoes turns out it's just a whole lot of nothing i got back bred my caterpillars and rode the baby i decided to finally fight the wither i'll just let you watch how this went [Music] down [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so heck yeah 360 no scope for a final shot that's what i'm talking about now that i had another star i could craft a beacon i needed glass though so i flew around till i found an end waste biome which houses a ton of end stone dust which you can smelt into class so i made it back smelt the stuff crafted the thing made the structure kaboom infinite effects one beacon just didn't seem like enough though i mean it's okay but think about it two beacons twice as much power so i flew back to my old spot and killed another wither i don't know if you guys can remember that far back but this is the same place that i killed my first wither i remember like it was yesterday using my incredible hawkeye powers i never missed a single shot with my bow hitting the wither over and over again i could feel i was winning the fight so i killed the wither craft another thing made the structure and kaboom two effects day 57 i wanted to get xp i did have a lame enderman farm but let's face it that thing's pretty trash i think we need to go big really big super massive okay actually still pretty small but it's progress so i found an island chopped the trees leveled the ground built a bridge lit up the surrounding area and killed some endermen [Music] the farm was good but i felt like it could be a little better so i expanded it even though i didn't need xp i kept farming them there's just something about seeing their little heads pop up every time i look at them oh yeah i almost died here too [Music] i honestly don't know how i survived that after a good day of farming xp i finally replaced the frost walker on my boots with depth strider now my pond won't freeze every time i go near it my farm was almost perfect there was just one problem i was getting way too many ender pearls from it so i gathered some redstone and using my genius redstone knowledge i solved that problem i call it the dumper or the flusher i haven't decided yet i also made sure to mark my farm on the map i didn't even want the xp i just wanted to keep getting tons of enderman triggered and then flushing them it's so great a day later i was still here grinding away making my gear the best it could be oh here we are day 62. this day is insane you guys just watch oh yeah that was close all right i'm going back in i need this mimic cream oh he's gone i guess he despawned all right then i guess i'll just get the elytra [Music] whoa whoa that is a lot we're out here that was way too close there's no way i'm going back there again except i really wanted that mimic cream so i went back there again oh no bad idea bad idea bad idea nope i'm jumping off oh no yes a64 a stack of days i spent this day down in the catacombs looking for more paper i realized on day 65 that i didn't have any furnaces so i made a furnace room underneath my enchanting room i noticed another island close by so i made a short bridge to it i just love having bridges connecting all of my islands it looks so cool in this one i put a farm i only had a little dirt so i made my farm in no particular shape just symmetrical oh uh did i come in at a bad time um okay i'm sorry little one goodbye day 67 i found a couple cool rooms i found this end portal room also an elytra but way more importantly i found villagers i i didn't even know this was possible i had no idea anyway i took them back to my base where i planned to make a village day 71 i scouted out an area to build the village for the two nerds i found eventually i got a good spot for it and started building i ran out of materials way too fast so i flew back to the end tower and gathered its blocks i wanted at least two houses for the nitwits i found so i constructed a second one after finishing it i realized how dangerous it was for a couple of idiots alone on this planet so i put a fence around the village i also added some tiki torches because i didn't really want enderman to spawn in the village the village was finally complete so i brought my two test subjects over to see how they liked it i gave them both jobs because i figured life can't be very good without a solid career day 74 i destroyed my farm that's in no particular shape and built it up in the village i also needed emeralds to trade with my two morons so i replaced the emeralds in the beacon with gold i wanted to flex my wealth from the villagers so i built a totally not hollow stack of emeralds i haggled with the librarian to get a good trade i didn't want anything in particular just looking until i find something i want the next day i found something i wanted so i tore down the totally not hollow stack of emerald blocks and bought some bread these geeks kept sleeping in beds even though on this planet if you sleep in beds it explodes so i don't know how i did it true mad lads i guess anyway i traded with this guy for a while and they gave me something i was not expecting lapis i was finally able to enchant i bought his entire stock headed up to the enchanting room and made my axe glowy the next day i had big plans so i started a pumpkin farm while waiting for the pumpkins to grow i modified the aesthetics around my base a little i wanted more bone meal so i turned all my cookies into bone meal i do not understand how this game works also this stupid nerd kept taking on my bone mail day 77 i exploded to bed that's it that that's all i did on day 77 day 78 i started digging out a room underground i also found some water and failed miserably to get rid of it i don't want to talk about it i decided it was finally time time to man up and kill another wither all by myself oh these iron gums they're um just for looks all right here we go let's see if this thing works here we go go go go go run run run all right please don't kill the iron goggles all right this is going well this is going really well look at his health drop he's already down half health he's going fast oh he's dead he's totally dead wow that was so fast that took like it took like 15 seconds for these iron man to kill the wither i should do this more often so i did it again using my last wither skulls many iron golems were hurt and even brutally killed in the making of this i added the two beacons and now i had a quad beacon i was basically the most powerful being on this planet now the villagers weren't repopulating so i decided to construct yet another house the whole village looked pretty good but i knew how to make it look even better i tore down all that nasty end stone and replaced it with this lush green moss it looks so much nicer this way i spent the next few days working on the village mostly trying to get these nitwits to repopulate but i never got it to work i went out exploring for a very long time seriously it took four days i found new structure it was some sort of creepy old witch's house or something it looked kind of cool but there was no loot or anything so kind of lame oh i also found this thing and it i don't i don't really know what it is after a few days i finally made it back i think i must have traveled like 50 000 blocks or something because it took forever for me to get back anyway i fixed up the gradient of the moss in the village with end stone around it and so i think it looks pretty nice now the next eight days i literally just spent gathering materials for the portal to get me back to the earth and that's one eternal crystal i need five more of them after a very very very very long time gathering all the materials i decided before i leave i should leave these villagers with protection so i built them in good old iron golem actually a bunch of iron golems i even tested them out okay day 99 it was finally time to light this portal i think i went a little crazy in the head when i did this because i'm not really sure what i'm doing here all right day 100 i knew it was time okay here goes oh yeah oh wait i forgot one of the mods i have turns the overworld into better terrain oh well this concludes 100 days survived on an alien planet thank you for watching
Channel: Beppo
Views: 1,446,666
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, 100 Days, 100 days hardcore minecraft, I survived 100 days survival island, I survived 100 days on a 1.17 survival island, minecraft survival island, I survived 100 days on a survival island 1.17, I Survived 100 days in 1.17 Minecraft hardcore, I survived 100 days 1.17, 100 days minecraft, I survived 100 days minecraft, 100 days minecraft 1.17, 100 days hardcore, minecraft hardcore, minecraft 100 days, #100days, minecraft 1.17, 1.17, 100 days in minecraft, beppo, mod
Id: o7nNWu3YCIM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 44sec (1784 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 27 2021
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