I Spent 100 Days in Max Security Minecraft Prison... Here's What Happened

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so today in minecraft we are going to spend 100 days in a maximum security prison now as you can see from the footage in front of you yeah it looks as if i have committed a pretty terrible crime but let me tell you that is not me that is some sort of imposter dressed as me but the next day the police didn't think so and yeah i got arrested i think i was wanted for murder this was not good so after the police station i went i got booked in and i got questioned my attorney could not do anything i didn't have a good alibi so that night i spent the night in the police station jail it was not good so the next day came and it was time to go to my local courthouse i was about to be sentenced would i be found guilty yes yes i would all the evidence was against me so i was sentenced by the judge to life in prison oh my god and this is where my hundred days starts so just like that this was going to be my new home this was alcatraz this is a famous prison on an island which no one has ever escaped from well we think no one has ever escaped from but yeah my day one started by getting off the ship and being greeted by two guards oh hello there this place looked like the real deal they escorted me all the way up into the facility and i stepped foot into my new home which i was going to be for the rest of my life or hopefully 100 days anyway i talked to this nice lady and got booked in she brought me straight down this corridor and into the room with all of these guards they were going to get me settled and basically take all my details i did notice that there was a lot of key cards and the wardens offense was right here too i may need to know about that later on anyway i grabbed my supplies some toilet paper a tail and a toothbrush that's all i own now oh yeah and my beautiful new orange outfit oh dude this is absolutely tragic anyway after all that check-in business was done i headed straight back outside and the next thing i knew i was in general population this was pretty scary i mean look at all these guys they look insane and they're all staring at me oh dude this is not going to be good anyway this was my room not really a great view um yeah i've got to be honest i was pretty depressed at this stage but that was my day one and i had to get to terms with my new life okay so wow this was actually happening it was day two and i woke up to this token on the floor i've gotta be honest i had absolutely no idea what it was but it was shiny and i liked it so it took it anyway i headed back outside to just get familiar with the place i mean i was going to be spending a lot of time here but the more i walked around the more i realized that all these guys were staring at me i was a newbie so i had to be careful [Laughter] especially this guy he was really weird anyway i saw that there was a pool table area which was kind of nice i was going to be able to keep myself occupied the shower room and stuff seemed pretty safe because there was guards around and there was also a little gym this prison is actually not too bad the library was pretty good too so maybe i could do some study and find a way to actually get out of here i also noticed some sort of security room but i had no idea what that was anyway i then found some sort of a shop nice and this is where you could spend your tokens okay so i realized that the prison kind of had some sort of uh currency situation where you got one token every day and you could use it to buy treats and stuff that was probably gonna be important anyway ah that night i went and i got my dinner it was fish soup you kidding me fish soup day three began with me picking up my token once more this was definitely the currency of the prison and it was going to be important i did notice i had a neighbor that looked kind of nice so went in and i said hello he said hey bro you're ropo right i'm mason you need anything just ask we are neighbors after all okay so this kid seemed pretty nice which i was happy about i then walked around for a bit and realized this guy with the blue eyes was always staring me down it was kind of creepy but anyway i went ahead and spent my token for today got myself a nice strawberry cupcake that thing was good but i decided i need to actually get down to business i need to start studying i was studying law all sorts of different things to see if i could find a loophole or some way to prove my innocence i mean it was going to be pretty hard because there is cctv of me shooting a guy but here all right so it was day four and again i picked up my token this time i decided to save this thing i thought having more of them could be a good thing in the future so i wasn't gonna waste it on treats anymore anyway i headed back downstairs and again the guy with the blue eyes was staring me down he was starting to freak me out i didn't kind of start noticing things around there was key card doors apart from this one and there was also key cards just sitting there if i was ever going to escape i was gonna need to know more about that room anyway i spent the rest of the day just working out and uh yeah looking at the windows and realizing that i was lu how are you i'm under the water please help me probably going to have to spend the rest of my life in this place ugh i checked every single block in this room to see if there was any weak points but nothing day five came and it just started off as it always did i found a token on the ground and i went ahead and put it in my locker i was gonna save these things up maybe i could buy something and book i mean it was a good plan and i didn't really care that i wasn't going to have any more donuts and cupcakes anyway it was nasty outside so i decided i wanted to just chill out so i had a bat seems like a kind of weird thing to do in a prison but that's just what i did anyway when i was finished i had company it was blue eyes and his goons i didn't know what was happening yo loser hand over the tokens and you won't die right here right now okay this was a bit of a disaster there was three of them and i was cornered i had to just tell them that my tokens were in my room and that was it they left me alone but later that day i went back up to my room to check if my tokens were still there and of course everything was gone blue eyes and his goons just robbed me so on day six i mean it started off as it always did i got a token again my other ones were stolen but i didn't want to just put this one back into my locker because those guys would just come and take it again so i decided i was going to spend the day looking for a good hiding place for all my stuff i was thinking in the gym because there's always guards in here but then i decided against it because they were literally just looking at me so um yeah i didn't check the library and there was nowhere really i could put my stuff without being seen then i realized that the third floor of this prison was unoccupied i mean there was no one ever up here so possibly i could find somewhere to hide it up here i then saw a bin and it was empty of course it was there was no one ever up here so that was my place i was gonna hide my stuff there so for the next few days i kind of just made it my mission to save up as many of these tokens as i could well one a day that's that's all you get anyway i knew they were going to be pretty important in my survival in this place because i mean it's the only form of currency and people love money so if i could save more and more of these things i would be able to buy something good or maybe bribe someone or get some information something i don't know i don't really know how prisons work but all i knew that i wanted to get it out of here i needed to escape so this was my plan it wasn't really a plan it was i was just saving money so the next day on day 11 it started off the same again i grabbed my coin and went straight upstairs to my bin and saved my token i had six of them now it was going pretty good later that day i went out to the courts and realized that blue eyes and his goons were standing there so yeah that was a quick high tail out of there i did not want to mess with those guys i then went down to the soccer field and realized there was a lot of guys here that i didn't know i didn't really want to interfere so i kind of just left it i went into the gym the outdoor gym and decided i'm just going to get my workout done in here but i didn't notice that there was a keycard door in the corner i had to remember that for the future if i was gonna plan to escape i need to know everything but then after my gym session i had turned around and the boys were there they wanted my tokens but this time i didn't tell them we got into a brawl okay so i don't know what you guys expected there was three of them and only one of me um at least 10 days went by where i don't remember anything because i was here i was in the infirmary basically these guys bet me to an inch of my life and i was pretty much unconscious for those 10 days it was not good but then i kind of started to come too i was waking up i kind of put two and two together and realized that yeah i must have been beaten up by those guys i must have been beaten up pretty bad and this is where i was i was in the hospital in the prison the nurse didn't see me so i decided to grab the knife that was on this shelf it was a pretty kind of dangerous move but i mean i needed some protection against blue eyes so i got back into bed and pretended i was still asleep so the next day i woke up and they just discharged me straight away the doctor gave me a regeneration pill which was nice and might come in handy in the future i said thank you to the nurses and decided to just head out i think i got away with it i don't think they realized that i stole the knife that was a good move ropo anyway i went straight up to my hiding place to check if my car yeah the tokens were gone i knew that was gonna happen i mean i was in there for 10 or 12 days i swore revenge on blue eyes i knew it was him that took my tokens i had the knife so it was time that i start thinking about how i was going to get my revenge so on day 27 i decided that this day was going to be the day that i did in fact go ahead and get my revenge i put my stuff straight into my locker because to be honest i didn't really care anymore i just wanted to get out there and find blue eyes and i did pretty much straight away he was hanging in his normal spot he was with his goon and there was also guards around this was going to be difficult if i took a knife out here i'd end up in top security max security i'd never even be able to dream of escaping so i had to pick my time at lunch i got my fish soup i sat down and there he was blue eyes was right in front of me i stared him down i wanted him to know that i wasn't afraid i wanted him to know that i was planning something i was coming for him anyway later that day him and his gum were playing pool there was still nothing i could do because there was guards around and other inmates i had to just wait it out so i sat down and just stared at those guys waiting for one of them to make a move and then it happened blue eyes left i think he was heading for the toilet so i jumped up and followed him i spotted him talking to a different guy but then he went to the toilet so i thought this was my chance i entered into the room he was alone closed the door behind me and it was just me and him i took out the knife and i told him that i would shear his face off if he ever came near me again if he touched my tokens i'd pluck out his lovely blue eyes and make him eat them well that was a bit dark but anyway yeah i'm pretty sure that guy wasn't gonna come near me again so on day 28 i was feeling pretty good about myself because of that win i knew he wasn't gonna come near me again plus i still had the knife on me so i was pretty much protected no one could mess with me i decided to go talk to mason and see what was down i needed to get out of here bro you have to have something for me please tell me something so he said well in fact i do know something about someone that may know something about getting out of here if you know what i mean mason i have no idea what you mean you know how this works bro i need something in return okay so if he was gonna tell me what he was talking about i had to give him something i was thinking i've got two coins saved up i also have this knife i mean that could be a good trade so that's what i offered i said i had the knife and i had the coins i'd give it to him if he told me what was up so he said nice we got a deal my guy will meet you tomorrow in the library okay so i was getting somewhere i was gonna meet someone who knew something about getting out of here this is pretty good i put the knife and the coins into mason's drawer and that was that i was happy i was getting ready for my big meeting tomorrow all right so it was day 29 and i was excited today was the day that i was gonna meet mason's guy maybe he had some information on how to get out of here some sort of an escape plan some tools something it was gonna be big i knew it was gonna be a good day i looked around but i couldn't actually see him and then there was only one guy down the end and this guy looked kind of um he looked like he had a big belly anyway but uh yeah i asked him what was up his name was chunks he said yo i hear you need help you have me five donuts five cupcakes and five cookies then we can talk what are you serious ah bro it was gonna take me 15 days to get five cupcakes five cookies and five donuts but i had to do it so for the next 14 days that's what i did each day went by and i used my tokens to get more and more food for chunks the chunkiest prisoner that there ever was i saved up my tokens i saved up the food i just kept on going for the 14 days and got all these treats i mean it was the only option i had chunks said he had the information i need so i had to trust him plus i did trust mason for after the end of 14 days i actually did it i had everything i had five cupcakes five cookies and five donuts it was time to go meet chunks and get what i needed all right so it was day 45 and let's be honest this is a big day for me look how hard i have worked five donuts five cookies five cupcakes i mean this chunks guy seriously this is a lot of food for one person anyway i headed straight down to the library took a look around and made sure that the coast was clear it was there was chunks and i had everything that he wanted all the cupcakes all the cookies and all the donuts you guys get it anyway now i need to know what's up chunks tell me he said yum ha ha i didn't think you would pull through go to my cell first floor near the max security what you need is in my locker what that's that's all the information he just has something in the locker what's it going to be a bomb that i could like blow a hole in the room for the wall or something oh i was kind of freaked out but i got down towards the max security area and went into chunks room i checked if the coast was clear i went in and i found a mask what this was really weird why do i need a mask this is ridiculous did this guy just do me and then i put it on it was a disguise a ward in disguise i couldn't believe it it was actually perfect it made me look exactly like the warden this was unbelievable i have no idea where chunks got this thing but all i knew was it was amazing and i had to come up with something pretty brilliant to use this thing i mean look how good it is i look exactly like the warden so on day 46 let's be honest i was super excited i could not wait to get my surveillance on i needed to scope this place out i needed a plan i needed to make sure that i could get through these doors so i took a look around and i noticed that that blonde guard was standing right in front of the main door he might get suspicious if he saw the warden walking through here and going in the door so i waited it out at 1pm he went on his lunch break and the coast was clear there was one regard though and i talked this weird guy into well causing a distraction tomorrow it was on and just like that it was day 47 and i was getting ready for the biggest heist that this prison had ever seen so at 1pm i saw that the blonde guard was gone and that my guy was distracting the other guard it was perfect it was time so i went up the stairs so i could just hide and put on my disguise and next thing you know i was the warden just aimlessly walking around general population i headed straight into these doors and just like that i was in the check-in area these guards didn't notice a thing they just thought it was the warden i noticed there was a blue lock on the keycard room which was not good i had to find the blue key somewhere in the warden's office um yeah i was looking around and honestly i couldn't find it anywhere there was no chests or safes or secret things but i did find this button it was doing something but i had no idea what it was doing some sort of a latch was opening but i but i didn't know what it was and then i saw over in the corner there was a safe a secret safe i found it yes i got the blue key absolutely sick i closed up the secret door again and went back outside these guards did think i was the warden so they probably didn't suspect anything i took off the lock and i went inside i went and i grabbed a level 5 key card straight away closed the doors and put the lock back on i then went back into the warden's office opened up the secret hatch to the secret safe and put the blue key back in this was going perfectly i couldn't believe it i had a level five key card in my pocket and these guys thought i was the warden it was too easy bro so i decided to walk out the front way i could have just made a run for it now but i wasn't sure i didn't know if they'd know so i went back into general population using the key card and just blended back in as the warden i got back up to my room took off the disguise and i was back in my room with a level five keycard i couldn't believe what i just done all right so over the next few days i basically had to be patient i knew that i had the level 5 keycard and i could go wherever i wanted but i had to pick my right moments i had to make sure that the guards weren't seeing me using the key card if they did well yeah i would be in big big trouble anyway one of the days i went down by the soccer field and noticed there was some sort of an outhouse shed with a key card lock on it so i headed in to take a look there was some good stuff in here i mean there was fuel and there was also some stone tools that was pretty good i was happy with that little find anyway the same day i actually went into the area where the gym is and the key card door i knew that this was significant i mean i could just get out this door and make a run for it so i decided to open it up and have a look but there was a guards tower right there with a guard with a sniper that was not good this guy could take me out in one shot so i headed back inside and like i said i had to pick my moments i had to wait a couple of days and one in the evenings i saw that the guard had actually fallen asleep so this was my chance i went out and decided to go for it i got out the door i knew the guard was sleeping so the coast was clear i was pretty sure there were other sniper towers around the place so traveling above ground was probably not a good idea i did notice this secret button with a secret door so i decided to go in it led me down into some sort of electric room or something i wasn't quite sure i got down to a room and i noticed these steel girders this was not good i knew the only thing that could break these blocks was an enchanted diamond pickaxe so it was a bit of a dead end a bit of a bust but that did lead somewhere why would they put special steel girders there like that i didn't know what to do when i decided it was time to just go back inside i couldn't get caught out at night i couldn't get caught using that key card all right so it was now day 56 as per usual i picked up my coin and put it into my chest i did have 10 tokens now which was pretty good i had also heard sure the grapevine that there was a dirty cop somewhere in this facility that could potentially get you some stuff that you needed i wasn't quite sure about this and who can trust a dirty cop but i had no choice but to try so i went ahead and just asked this guy for an enchanted diamond pickaxe and yeah he said 30 tokens and the enchanted diamond pickaxe is yours don't come near me again unless you've got the tokens i mean come on i knew this would be expensive but 30 30 seriously i've only got 10. i'm gonna have to save up for the next 20 days so of course that's what i did i just started saving but on day 69 something weird kind of happened i mean the saving was going good i had 23 tokens but it was a pretty significant day because out of nowhere the alarm started going off someone had escaped i was the one that was trying to escape how did someone else escape i was kind of fuming it wasn't me but it was actually from the max security facility how on earth could someone escape from there it was really strange so anyway on day 76 20 days after i met with that crooked cup i now had 30 tokens finally i mean i had what i needed it was time to go and meet this guy again and see if he holds up his end of the bargain i needed this diamond pickaxe so i went to him i said i got the tokens let's see what he said he said 30 tokens good job put them in the security chest and take the axe nice doing business with you the code is 1986. okay this guy seems like he actually is trustworthy so i took a look around and entered in the code and popped open the chest it actually was there an enchanted diamond pickaxe so i put the coins in and the deal was done that was actually pretty good it took a lot of work but i now had the diamond pickaxe that i needed i was seriously feeling good about this i went back up to the room and realized that i had efficiency five and on breaking three this thing was absolutely sick i was going to be able to escape if i picked my right moment and on day 80 i think that moment was here the weather was bad and the coast was clear so i decided to use my key card and get out into the yard i knew that there was a door right over by the gym if i can get out that way again when the guard isn't looking i had a chance so that's what i did i opened up the door realized that the sniper was not there and i headed straight down this is where i need to be my pickaxe was going to be able to break this stuff whatever it was the reinforced steel it didn't stand a chance and as you can see my pickaxe tore straight through it and then i was here i had no idea what this place was but i knew it was underground and there was no people down here so if i was going to escape this was the place that i needed to be there were spiders around the place but thankfully they were pretty weak and i was able to take them out with one shot of this pickaxe i ended up going further down this tunnel went down really really deep again i didn't really know what this was was it sewerage was it some sort of a facility for the prison i didn't know but then i came across an underground railway system again i didn't really have a clue what this was but i got a minecart and jumped in it seemed to take me pretty far all i could think that this is getting me away from the prison so this is a good thing the further i go the further away i am from the prison but eventually the track did stop and the tunnel ended there was a ladder could this be it am i out is this freedom i went up one ladder and it led me to a next i then got out to a secret hatch but i was still in the building i could see the water terror that i just came from so i mean i was getting out of here this was going great i was gonna get out and then hey freeze oh no i walked straight into a guard and he knocked me out so on day 81 the guards ransacked my room and found everything oh and i was back in the infirmary this wasn't good so on day 85 after i had made my recovery i got led here i was now a max security inmate in a max security facility the chances of me escaping here were pretty much zero because i was caught trying to escape i was in pretty much the most secure facility in the whole entire world i was never ever getting out of here day 85 was soon gonna be day forever yeah so the next 10 days or so i pretty much just sat on this toilet cried myself to sleep woke back up sat in the toilet again it was pretty grim all right so on day 98 something pretty big happened as i was just doing my usual pacing back and forth in this tiny little cube i was thinking about previously on day 69 when someone actually escaped this facility and then i noticed that one of the tiles on the floor was a little bit darker shade it kind of felt different as well and okay are you kidding me there's a secret trap door in the most secure facility on the planet this is how the other guy escaped i just went for it i just jumped down next thing i knew i was in some sort of old shower room or something it must have been an old part of this facility there was no one around no guards no nothing i opened up a hatch and it led straight down into a drain oh my days am i actually escaping this is how the other guy did it this is how anyone has ever done it oh my goodness there was an actual tunnel that led straight out of here this is the most epic thing of all time i was actually escaping but then i realized it just brought me back into the same area that i was in before last time i was here i got caught i have to do something differently okay so it was day 99 and i was doing something differently i was looking around this place a little better to see if i could find anything and next thing i know i did i found a little gap that led somewhere there was a lot of iron doors that were locked but i thought this was new and i could use it i found some sort of a boiler system but that's a lot of fire and i do not want to burn myself alive i don't think i could get through there i ended up hitting a button and it did something to the machine it made all the fire stop and these blocks were bouncing up and down i had to be careful because i didn't want to get crushed but before you knew it they stopped and i got straight through i got past the iron doors this was leading somewhere new i was getting excited i did see a big tank of water wasn't sure what it was but i just jumped in and then i saw a gap it looks as if this was some sort of water treatment system that went back out into the sea and before you knew it i was there i was out into the sea nearly drowning but i was out i was at the edge of the facility and i could see some boats it was raining it was dark and i could also see some guards so i had to just get back into the water and that's where i spent my last night okay it was a rough night but it was day 100 and i didn't care the sun was out and the guards had left the pier this was it this was my chance to actually escape i couldn't believe it was about to happen i saw a speedboat i got so excited i jumped straight in but it was out of fuel but don't worry there was fuel cans right behind me this was all working out so perfectly i grabbed the fuel got into the boat and fueled that thing up i was actually going to escape the most secure prison in minecraft there was a guard on the steps behind me but i didn't care i just went full on the throttle and got out of there guys i did it i escaped max security minecraft prison in 100 days smash the like rating and until next time i'm outta here
Channel: RoPo
Views: 852,647
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft mods, ropo, little ropo, Forge Labs, 100 Days, luke thenotable, minecraft hardcore, hardcore survival minecraft, i survived hardcore minecraft for 100 days and this is what happened, and this is what happened, 100 days, 100 days hardcore, ropo 100 days, 100 days in minecraft, ropo 100 days in minecraft, minecraft challenge, beating minecraft, 100 days roleplay, 100 days in minecraft prison
Id: WBNXhAG1p1g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 12sec (1812 seconds)
Published: Sat May 22 2021
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