Testing Viral Minecraft Tricks That 100% Work

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today i'm testing viral minecraft hacks and tricks to see if they 100 work or actually 100 fake clickbait watch until the end to see how many creators we expose all right what's our first trick we're going to get bad omen to start the raid i'm assuming this is some trick to beat the raid but what exactly we're doing now destroying all the beds in the village excuse me the villagers are already traumatized now we're taking their bets too and then we're killing the first wave of pillagers excuse me why did you take the bands that's what i want to tell you guys wait for it what are we waiting for the next wave wait the next wave never came what and we need bad omen to do that and to get that we're going to have to go annoy some of pillagers so let's do this all right we got the bad over effect now it's time to curse this poor village all right the raid counter is beginning now i'm going to switch into creative mode we need to find every single bed of this village and make sure not a single villager sleep tonight we need to kill the first wave of pillagers so um yeah goodbye all right take him out we got one over here all right one raider remaining all right where is this where's the scumbag guys there he is look at him all right we've taken them out now let's see guys will this raid continue or will it end any moment now okay fingers crossed pillages villagers i'm hoping with you that this ends today at any moment now oh my gosh guys look it actually works i got a victory on the raid and now i have the hero of the village effect this is inside i can't i'm speechless i can't believe this actually works things you didn't know about 1.17 well we'll see about that cultures will fill with snow when it's snowing wait really and then you can put them into buckets and get pound snow okay wearing leather armor stops you from freezing wait really how does that keep you warm though oh snow dance come to me snow and break down the story let's see whether these bad boys are fill up with some powdered snow how long does this take does this take a while can i go get lunch while this is happening anybody in the meantime guys let's go ahead grab ourselves some powdered snow buckets i'm gonna chuck these down now normally guys if i'm in survival and i walk into these well i'm going to start freezing getting myself some hypothermia which we do not want whatsoever so let's go ahead chuck on this leather armor and see whether or not this will stop me from freezing all right i'm jumping into the padded snow nothing's happening what okay so if you want to avoid hypothermia leather arm is the way to go what if i'm only just wearing a leather chest plate will that still stop it yes it will now that we're talking about that let's check the snow still no update on the snow guys it does not seem good on the snow front guys it's a christmas miracle look at that we have some snow it is very very slow but it does eventually work we've got this cauldron here filling up with some powdered snow the other ones have still had absolutely no success but it does work you just have to have more patience than i do hanging roots how do you get it and why why is it so much bigger than any other item getting really dirty simple you just place an azalea bone meal it you got a tree and the block underneath will be rooted dirt you can just use a normal shovel to get this i've never even had dirt place it anywhere and blow it and it'll create these hanging roots i have no idea if this is clickbait or not but i got myself an azalea bush we're gonna chuck it here on the dirt now you need to use bone meal to turn it into an azalea tree and yo guys look that dirt actually legit looks different to the dirt around it okay we're gonna switch into survival mode all right let's dig it up and grab there we go we've got ourselves some rooted and dirt it is in fact a real item in the game you can get it in survival just with a regular shovel we put it down above and now we just need to use bone meal on it apparently all right moment of truth yo what okay there it is the rooted dirt or whatever these things have roots hanging roots i think they were called and we need to use shears to dig them up let's see if this works all right and bang holy moly that item is why is it so big what nobody knows that knows what exactly okay we're putting down a crafting table we're getting some iron some oak planks okay we're making a smithing table that's what we use to turn diamond items into netherride items but he doesn't have any diamonds on him okay we're getting some netherride scraps why are you putting that at the table man wait what near the right ingot excuse no no no no it is not that easy no way you normally need four netherride scraps and four gold to make another ride in get and then he's upgrading a wooden sword today no you can only use diamond items this is not real no way that has to be clickbait i've never tried this but i refuse to believe that this actually works either that i'm just going to cry myself to sleep let's chuck it out down the right scrubs and then in go our gold diggers and yeah nah big x not happening today guys it does not work this is clickbait and i am exposing this clickbaiter now you can't use commands to change crafting recipes however we can change the code to change crafting recipes which is exactly what they did by using a data pack so we're going to type in data pack enabled file slash data pack hit enter now we open up the smoothing table and it's as easy as this we chuck in our nether right scrubs are golden and boom another right anger too easy guys come on now of course guys you want to stand up against clickbait you hate clickbait like i do make sure to subscribe but let's go ahead and move on to the next track okay we're creating a new world on bedrock edition and what is he doing turning on education edition why exactly i'm a little confused okay we're getting a compound creator oh that's one of the blocks you can only get an educational edition then we need chlorine and then mercury these are the elements of the periodic table you can only get these in education edition but what are we going to use them for cerium tungsten we're going to chuck these inside the compound created to make what okay potassium chlorine that's giving a potassium chloride then mercury and two chlorine to get mercuric chloride and then we're gonna using three to get sodium chloride and then tungsten and then how many chlorine for this one guys okay six flooring to get tungsten chloride and then why are we combining them with torches i'm a little confused you guys wait i can't see it's too small are those different colored torches no way what green torch red torch what bluetooth we can get different color george without bubbles that is so dope all right we're creating a new world and yes its name is subscribe please because that is what you guys should do we're gonna scroll down here on the game settings and we're looking under cheats and here we go education edition let's go ahead and turn this on and launch into the world guys that way we can get our compound creator and all those elements we saw in the video all right let's go ahead open this up we need our compound creator there it is now here are the things that are going to be a little bit uh confusing we need a chlorine i think it is yes we're going to need ourselves some potassium that's got the little k there we're going to need mercury that's got the hg symbol and then we're also going to need a cerium and osama tugsin all right right i feel like i'm going to school again guys it's a science class okay we need chlorine we're gonna need one of those we're gonna need one potassium okay we got ourselves some potassium chloride boom shakalaka now we're going to need okay we need uh two chlorine and one mercury i think it was yep mercuric chloride and then next up we're going to need three chlorine okay i'm this is really hard to do this by memory three chlorine and i think it was one is cerium yep there we go serum chloride and the final one was our tuxedo chloride which had one tungsten and then six chlorine haha got it all right we got all the four different colors there it's annoying that you can't just do this with regular old dyes you actually have to use chemicals here guys let's go ahead chuck it out torches we'll go ahead put them one toxin chloride there we go we got ourselves a greener torch with our uh with our serum chloride we get a blue torch with our mercuric chloride we get a red torch and finally with a potassium chloride we get ourselves a purple torch yeah what look at this that is so dope this is so much more interesting than the boring old yellow torches these also work at night i mean i would assume so but we better go ahead and check yes they do they actually work like normal torches you just get a bunch of extra color you can back an awesome disco body with all these different colors of lights oh simple lamp post design using the new frames and an empty map we've got a lens in the center and then glow item frames around the sides but how do they connect yo what that looks so cool using empty maps how does that work we're gonna put down one spruce slab then it's three spruce fences it lands it on top and we just need to surround this in glow atom frames chuck one on top now to connect them we're just gonna put in some empty maps why didn't that work what maybe we need to open up the map first and then chuck it in okay that expanded the item frame there guys but uh there's a ton of green which we don't want even if i chuck in too much see that connects them but we want these to be empty how we gonna do that oh great it looks like this is a lot harder than it seemed wait i think i have an idea if we use a crafting table okay and then some paper to expand it what if okay we're gonna need to go really far away first guys i'll see you in a few 200 300 blocks i don't know so uh i'm in a totally different vibe so i'm pretty sure i've gone far enough what we're gonna do is open up a new empty map in this area and now we want to head all the way back to our land post now what we want to do chuck down a crafting table do not reopen the new map guys and we're just going to coat this in paper over and over again until we expand it to the maximum size of map that we can possibly go all right here we go boom bang we're just going to keep going and going and going here guys bang all right i think we're gonna be close now this is gonna be the last one all right we're good we can no longer make it any bigger and now hopefully guys moment of truth open it up yes empty map boy this is the most definite i've ever put it for a lamppost we can chuck these into the glow item frames oh i missed the top that looks so cool that looks legit does it actually work as well all right times at midnight nine uh what exactly is going on here is he trying to throw an ed bell into the squid's butt wait is that his mouth i honestly guys how does squid anatomy work i don't know but is he does he really think that he can teleport inside the squid because that's just a joke that that is no way that's happened huh he just got no no that has to be clickbait you can't do that i've never seen that actually work before oh yeah no this doesn't work let's put down our glow squid all right and then we'll just throw some end poles at it yep this this is not working all right i can literally try every single angle like he did guys i could try as many times as they did but there's no way i am going inside this glow squid bang nope nope nope nope all right how many times do i have to try this before you believe me it is clickbait but i am not letting these guys get away with it so let's expose this guy somebody needs to ban these clickbaits from command blocks because it's literally all they used to scare poor children guys basically it's a simple command block trick and a little bit of a build they didn't even bother building the full glove squad they literally just built its head combine this though with a repeating always active command block here guys that's got a scoreboard on it we'll go ahead and set that to needs redstone then we need three chains on top like so but we're gonna change all of these chains to conditional here guys just like that and we've got those commands in there basically you guys can see it executes if it matches a pearl it's gonna teleport us into the squishy up that's gonna reset that scoreboard and kill all of the ender pearls and teleport us into that squid's head now to make this all work let's go ahead and turn the bottom command block onto always active let's go ahead and throw some pearls at this guy now he's doing exactly four so we're gonna do the same thing one the first one isn't gonna work two not gonna work three not gonna work but we're chucking the fourth one and oh we're inside the glow squid and basically he just pre-built this before he started filming chucked a villager in here and called it a day why do these guys why do these people guys get viewed stand up against clickbait subscribe leave a like and for our next hack today you're actually gonna have to watch the next video because that's all the time we've got for today i'll see you next time till then anyway stream out
Channel: EYstreem
Views: 2,357,967
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Eystreem, eyestream, eystream, minecraft, minecraft pe, family friendly, roleplay, funny, trolling, prank, secret, hidden, tutorial, minecraft phone, minecraft bedrock edition, testing viral minecraft hacks that are real, real minecraft hacks, viral minecraft, trying viral minecraft hacks, testing minecraft tiktoks, testing minecraft tricks that defy logic, minecraft hacks, minecraft viral, minecraft glitches, minecraft tik toks, testing viral minecraft tricks that 100% work
Id: 3CLlhdX2v_Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 55sec (715 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 01 2021
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