Making a SECRET BASE in Insane Craft (Minecraft)

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so of course you guys remember last episode we got the time stone just look look at this guy we got the time stone and look at look at the sun look at the sun [Music] i can control time which means i can use this pet and just spawn in endless amounts of items dudes listen i have been standing here forever doing this spamming items and you guys know i have unlimited uh emeralds because i have the the the reality stone right dudes listen before i show you what's in my inventory i have some items that i can troll some people listen if you guys want me to start trolling some people on this server hit the like button down below the video if this video gets over 100 000 likes in one day i'll start trolling some people we're going to start off with a small troll today guys this illuminati pet can drop a lot of different items check this out look at what i got i have bedrock oh no there's drone okay don't look josh i gotta go invisible i gotta go i gotta go and build okay i'm invisible i'm invisible i don't want people to see me okay let's go up here there's piffle [Music] there's trump okay google i i have a plan this episode we have a secret base i want to show you biffle told me some stuff just stick around hold on let's do this before afk oh no let's put this right right gotta go okay okay i got before that let's hit jerome let's hit jerome what's the drone is this jerome's face does he even live here anymore i don't even know if jerome lives here anymore i'm gonna save one i'm gonna save a few of these all right here's the admin space this is so mean okay here's your elevator oh no oh crap okay let's go up here um wait where's a good spot for this let's find their oh look at this dude the admins are lit oh let's find some good stuff hold on let me find some good stuff you know what i'm just gonna be a jerk we're gonna put the bedrock on their elevator oh no okay so i got the admins i got biffle i don't know where jerome and sigils lives i i'll have to find out but i know henry still lives over here his house is right up here um let's put bedrock right there okay all right that's enough trouble that's not true we'll wait till to find out about sigil syndrome in a minute we have two bedrock left over and i can always get more anyways like i was saying biffle said he had something for me today that is very important and if he if he gives me this information he needs something very strong in return i suspect it has to do with one of the infinity stones so i went ahead and made him some fully maxed out draconic armor already right i made that for him because you know he's my little minion i want him to be strong now what i'm going to be doing before i go talk to biffle and seeing what in from oh yeah we also have that new base that we want to show you before was working on a secret hiding base yeah we'll look at that okay let me make a wyvern bow because next episode i have a plan if i can get this to work next episode our armor is gonna be wait i'm still invisible crap our armor is gonna be even stronger okay hold on so we have this now what i need to do i've been dudes i've been busy i upgraded my thing i have three netherstar generators on this thing i just got a crap ton of stuff in here we're gonna be upgrading okay let me upgrade this wyvern bow to a draconic bow all right so let's do that ah that that and that and then put the bow there and damn dude look how fast that charges because we have more of these uh generators oh this is good okay so this is gonna upgrade this to the draconic bow and there we go dude look at this bow that looks so good okay okay so now we got that let's charge this up ah crap need more charge so i need to fully upgrade this there are a bunch of different upgrades that i can give that but i'll do that later we're setting up for next episode ah dudes i need i need to be stronger for this to work for next episode but for now let's get a call with biffle i want to look at our new base and he has some information for me i need to give him this armor all right let's put all this in here no not that let's put all this back all right so i changed some of the the uh configurat oh look at this bow look at what this bow does yeah you better run flee don't flee oh no this bow is broken but that's the i can upgrade this thing a ton which i'll do later but for now let's get in a call with biffle let's see what he has for us all right biffle what's the info you got listen listen i have the i know i have the know how i know where one of the stones is one of them i knew it i knew it i knew it i knew it okay my little minion my little my little plant my little spy what do you got ah no put me down valuable information right right i give up this information i'm literally the only one that knows this on the entire you're giving up your identity everyone's gonna know i'm working for you okay this is fine this is fine in return in return for you losing uh out on a lot here i made this for you there what fully upgraded draconic armor dude fully integrated fully fully upgrade well it's not it's not the tier four it's the highest i can do right now i mean it has it it's this is trash this yeah oh yeah that purple the barney crap is trash barney crap is strapped absolutely disgusting literally you don't work but please yeah if anything happens to me you can literally tank sort of the cosmos you are tanking sort of the cosmos oh my god i feel like okay you know what i'm not wearing anymore i was worried their little adventures are gonna come after me killing me okay but i don't think what info do you have i know where sigils is secret infinity vault is it's in space it's it's face on the side where you got the coordinates oh wait can i type it into the stone i think you can i have the coordinates we also want to look at our secret base right that you made okay okay here's here's the sequence you give me the coordinates i'll go steal the stone then we'll meet up to look at this new base and i'll hide the stones in there oh good idea i'll take the portal okay i'm gonna make it down here in this cave okay dimension what's the dimension uh dimension number five five dose trace quattro cinco five okay x uh x is minus 62. oh gosh that's nowhere okay why 67 67 g minus five minus five is there any information i need to know this dimension does not exist oh um is it is it five or minus five i think it's five oh no it's five oh no uh oh no the other way the other way you're going to get there is by um one of these bad boys back out come back you're gonna be one of these bad boys oh i need a rocket you're gonna be one of these bad boys if you're if your portal doesn't take you there this is the only oh no else you're gonna get there okay okay okay okay okay i can use that i can use that before i can use that hand hand hand it over here oh this is gonna cost you obviously do you have any uh uh here i have i have an emerald nugget there you go that's about fair here let me just go ahead and just uh i'm gonna go ahead and take this outside for you let me just let me just let me uh let me just set this bad boy up for you real quick uh okay okay we're gonna go okay here you go oh god i gotta i gotta there you go um oh gosh oh gosh i'm gonna have to fuel this bad boy up okay okay let me know what you got it tier three rocket got it i'm going to sigil's house all right before i'm going in listen make sure to look for satellite you're going seven days 16 worlds okay looking for a satellite okay i've done galactic craft before i kind of forgot it though so i click okay okay i got to get up here i gotta get there i gotta get there oh god you're about to watch you're gonna go find a satellite it's in the over world it's it's our world it's not that far you got this i got the police he had he was going to check out his armor and stuff okay so let's hit launch i just saw sigils wait there's signals wait is this a satellite wait no what is he doing here no no no no stop looking at me no stop it dude i can't control anything i'm literally flying in the middle of nowhere so it looks like there's an opening in the top let me see if i can see oh no we're signals where is he is he still in there he's right there oh there's the stone wait let me get close let me get close there it is they're an adhesive no he put another one of those barriers no remember that barry here he put around his house where i couldn't get near it russell russell showing us a replay of that hey it's my turn to hit you get over here woke up for us wait i have built a thanos proof magic base yeah what's up idiot yeah no what is happening wait i'm doing it i see the stone i'm gonna kill him come back up here come back up here i'll kill you i'll kill you i'll kill you i'll kill you don't you fly he has so much control how how does he have so much control i am literally floating i'm like a pinata oh you know what i'm gonna go reconvene with biffle i'm going back to earth no i'm coming for you okay i'm back on the earth now oh god okay okay let me go talk to biffle maybe he can think of something listen you did not tell me vital information he had one of those barrier thingies i couldn't get through beautiful about that because i i'm able to just bypass that that's how you're able to buy fat okay yeah i made a blood pack with him we shared blood what go invisible go back there steal the stone but before that can you show me the base can you show me that can you show me the base yeah uh hold on let me pick you up let me pick you up i gotta get you know i got it get out of here okay okay you want a portal to oh yeah to our secret base we gotta put a secret a secret portal to our secret base all right barefoot we're in your basement okay what are the coordinates what are the coordinates let me give you the coordinates let me pull up then we pull up the corner let me go to the corner oh i lit something on fire in my opinion okay that's your base your house okay what's the dimension i need the dimension minus 30. 30. oh gosh okay i'm opening the portal portal let's oh dude you're gonna get you're gonna be you're gonna hit that like button when you see it okay i'm going to download it okay this is the face that you made oh this is why you needed a bunch of gold yeah i needed a bunch of gold come on fly up here sunday come on flying come look at it we're on an asteroid brought an asteroid in space before you do it did you make it an infinity gauntlet oh yeah because i just wanted to flex on all the haters yeah look at that thing look at this you are the best minion sidekick ever that's not all come on inside real quick i got you just a little bit on the inside i love you okay okay oh no why why did you put it in how do we control ourselves better i don't like those not very good come on up sit down at your thrones did you make it through like there's a spot for me look there's a spot for me right here this is my spot i made this spot right here for me did you make a secret [Applause] oh this is sick yeah this is sick isn't it there's so many like dude awesome yeah this is epic we could do so many cool activities in here okay i want to add something i want to add something to this i want to ask this oh oh yeah oh yeah okay people come back to my advice come back to my house i got something to add ignore that bedrock right there what bedrock i don't know what you're talking about nothing so biffle i may have had created create creative like four episodes ago and i may have spawned in the biggest storage cells in the game [Laughter] and um oh let me dig down here let me do it here let me do that break your blocks go ahead and break the blocks go ahead go ahead come on look down here look that look down right here down here i may have a creative energy cell go ahead and go ahead and grab that go ahead and grab that real quick i may have went to creative while i'm fan off standy so okay grab some of these blocks we will have infinite power for an infinite emmy system to store all of our infinite items before let's pop your lane over here secret base secret base let's go make it better this secret base is litty the secret base is so litty that my liddy is a city you know what i'm saying yeah it's city it's literally did you grab stuff did you grab stuff did you grab all this i forgot i got so excited i forgot to grab stuff people that's my bad dude this face is so easy we need to figure out how to not lose oxygen because this is annoying oh yeah we could get like ostrich oxygen okay so we have our creative energy cell which we have to hide down here right yeah down in the basement yeah there we go there we go we have to make a basement within a bit okay okay we're gonna make this base awesome dudes what do you think what do you think about a little anything on a little base dude i think it's leaking we can make like a a boat there we can put like a boat in there that flies it's a flying boat a space boat okay okay bible we need to go get this stone you have access to his basement i'm ready to go oh dude i know exactly how to get in there come check this out come check us out okay checking who i might be are you low-key yes and i could go invisible wait you can and to starve the traps okay so you're gonna go invisible enter his base disarm the trap and then i'm gonna walk in steal the stone and this base will be ours we will be the most powerful beings on this server again okay beautiful i see you down there okay i'm ready i have thanos fly and i have so much better control now you're so sick okay i need to go invisible go visit i think he's in here oh you're invisible be very good you might hear me you might hear me not visible i'm not i can't get close piffle you need to break the system so i can go did you break it i broke it i'm coming in i don't think he sees me he doesn't i think i think i think i think i pay boozled before i'm here i'm going to visit i'm going to visit i'm going invisible i'm going to visit my when invisible i'm invisible i'm invisible i'm invisible i'm also small i'm also small he's tidy i'm hiding behind and think about i'm hiding behind something like my low-key people run therefore what did the bats do people do nothing the bats do nothing i'm invisible i'm invisible again okay yeah i don't see you i don't see you i don't see you are you good he's hitting me he's trying to go help help what are you doing in my basement i need to get out of here i have a floating target yeah somebody else think of this helmet yeah oh [Music] come with me beefy no you're not gonna get away with this ian we know who the traitor is now we know who it is you're dead you can't kill me you're dead you're so dead say nothing say nothing to no one they will not trust sigils i'll tell sizzles he was the mole yeah he's the bull he's got bulls boys we have the soul stone and i set this up look i set all this up look we have all of our stuff here look at this we are oh i just need to figure out how to get my oxygen up so i stopped dying we have the soul stone so if i open this up guys you remember what the soul stone does if you don't this is one of the broken stones besides the purple stone here's what the soul stone does whatever i put this back in my off hand look at my hearts we have unlimited health again not only do we have draconic armor we have unlimited health the only stone we are missing is the power stone this is my throne barefoot is my minion and he will forever be loyal to me this is our base now this is our asteroid guys hit the like button if you have enjoyed this video hit the subscribe button for new rounds here click this next video to watch the next video next episode we are gonna become even stronger
Channel: SSundee
Views: 2,885,631
Rating: 4.9694862 out of 5
Id: XVuRmLGckb0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 31sec (1111 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 01 2021
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