i speedrun mario, but i'm a golf ball (yes this is actually a thing)

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today we're speed running through super golf odyssey which as you can see is a mario game but you're a golf ball but of course with these kind of games we can't start out with just the speed run we also have to explore the game first of all so that's just what we're gonna do in this game you can see that i'm streaming it so yeah go check out my stream twitch.tv slash easy speezy but yeah it's just a regular mario game only for some reason we're a golf ball this is what we're doing right now it's actually pretty cool okay let's see about this goomba can i kill him oh god he's chasing me that is a pretty nicely rendered goomba though i'm not gonna lie let me just stomp on you can i not stomp on the goomba oh there there we go he's dead now now i don't really know the purpose of this game i mean other than being a golf ball okay look that that was probably painful i feel like that was not good for me and i mean hopefully there is some level progression i think there's probably something we can speedrun i mean this is too cool for game not to speed right look at these goombas oh yeah we can just run them over that is really sad for them okay so i think the point of this game is to get all the stars and then once you do that you're gonna be good can i just roll into these oh i can wow i'm like a force of nature i just destroy anything i touch like sorry goombas i'm just gonna kill you all really quick okay can i make that jump i can because my jumping is just insane hey look i got another life that's the thing i guess and is this the multiple cherries thing of my two no was that just a star that was just a star i thought that was the multiple cherry thing that you get in 3wd world and we'd become two golf balls but i'm just disappointed now dude oh i get a double jump out of that i just don't understand how these physics work i'm gonna be honest so i can double jump okay i can try to double jump also by the way youtube link to the person who made this game is going to be in the description so yeah check them out wait so we only got three stars out of five are we allowed to just finish the game or are we supposed to get all the start i am confused on this sense of level progression right now can i just finish this level do you only need three or is that the only one you need no i didn't unlock the other stick i guess we have to get all of them at least i'm hoping that'll make it work no you just need three but it didn't unlock the levels we need all the stars yeah i think we do but that shouldn't be so hard to get and it will also give us speed running practice so it's okay we have to determine the right way to go with this also this speed run is going to be really fun actually i think this is going to be a hype speed red just because of like how fast you can move with the jumps there we go that's three let's try to get all five and maybe it'll unlock the other stages i don't know where i'm going off to but we're just not gonna talk about that okay and last one is over there so we got all five coins and the hope is that we can actually play the next level i'm really hoping oh it did unlock the next level let's go oh this is sick oh my god there are golf carts what's going on who's driving these can i get in the golf cart that's the question come on let me in the golf cart dude oh oh i want to just drive the golf cart dude come on come on come on come on this might be impossible i don't know if i can do this i love how the goombas can't even attack you they're just trying okay that's the best we're gonna be able to do i have to go this way oh god this golf cart is really trying to kill me isn't it okay that's sick please excuse me sir sir do you have any care for anybody else i was just wrong oh now that looks like an interesting start now we have the platforming stuff that we need to use if i can actually get there let's go up this hill first though yep as i thought there'd be a star down here you know i just have that game sense i just know where developers are gonna put their stuff i'm just gonna kill myself you know what what's the point of life anymore oh you have unlimited lives let's go and they said they love me i don't know how i feel about like that was that was kind of weird you did it on purpose no i didn't do it on purpose i'm just bad at the game and then get over there please just let me live now we're negative three winnable please get up there dude [Laughter] so if you hit the side of a mountain too you can double jump off of that that's good to know we're learning speed run strats right now chat that's all that's happening it's not me messing up it's just some learning okay well excuses crazy drivers these people are insane do they not have common decency no no come on oh oh oh we learned the strats we've learned the strats oh let's go easy easy it killed me though oh i don't want to die i don't want to die please the platforms kept moving even during the cutscene i can't handle this you know what i'm just gonna relax by my goomba friends we're all just hanging out guys we're friends right you wouldn't mind if i just murdered you then right that's what friends do if i was the last star where would i be oh maybe around there no stop stop stop stop oh my life flashed before my eyes right there oh no not again not again just just let it end hooray mushrooms do i eat these they look like they're alive this is kind of awkward oh it's a super bounce okay what is going on in here okay what is this can i kill these spikeys i want a murder i i have the bloodlust in my eyes oh speedrun strats so you start out there go to this one can you make this jump come on oh that's some good speed run strats right there okay can i make it to this island now i don't think so this one looks really far away but we can we're amazing at the game i guess you get up here maybe no that brings me back to the original island i don't want to do that i want to go fast chat oh the jobs you can do in this game are absolutely insane yay we did it woohoo easy clap and now we kill ourselves and that's because we spawn back in the beginning so it's probably faster always got that speed runner mindset and yeah that's the end of the game did we like rescue a princess or did we just have a good time or now it's time to learn how to actually speedrun this game so i guess i'll be back when we have an actual run so we finally figured out the speed run we can start it with just one one the first thing we're going to want to do is actually go over in this direction if i can actually hit the star please but we're going to get all of these we're going to try to use jumping to the best of our abilities just because jumping is so much faster than rolling especially when you're on the grass and excuse me goombas please do not get in my way but that's gonna be two we can make our way to this one try to get right in there and then hope that i don't mess that up there we go i didn't mess it up wow i i don't know that really shouldn't be that much of an accomplishment for me anyway okay and the camera angle was just killed me but whatever we're just gonna keep going get that star go to the last one hopefully we can land right on it boom and then we can make it to the hole easy sub 45 second i'm pretty happy with that and we can go into one two with that which right away we're gonna want to use these bounce pads or that wasn't even bouncing at all i don't know how that got into my brain but i'm just not gonna talk about it we're gonna go right there jump over that make sure to get that one and here comes the coolest trick of the run in my opinion so what we're gonna do is if i can please get this star we're gonna do this jump here and then get this star right from there perfect 100 snipe oh that was beautiful and from there we just die and there we go now we're back at the beginning of the level so we can continue on with the last two stars we need to get the first one's gonna be right over here we can wait out this golf cart it's gonna be back here and i almost just died because of that okay please grab the star i'm definitely about to get hit by a golf cart if i don't hurry up we can take this one with our friends the goombas because they just have a starbuck sorry about that friend that's what you do with friends right you kill them anyway we can make it to the end hopefully and yeah we won for the second level we only have one more and we could get the sub three minute but this is also going to be really difficult so what we can do is make it up here first in my opinion this stage is 100 the hardest stage out of them and you'll see why in just a second or you'll see why right now because of this part okay oh how did i miss that you're kidding me we're gonna finish out this run it's been too good not to go and it has not reset there goes my sub three minute okay so what you're supposed to do is jump from there get that one come up here roll on this get that one and then you can roll on this final one boom sometimes what happened to me happens but we're just gonna continue on with the run so i can knock my way through these get that little animation sub 330 is still possible i just don't want to get hit by this golf cart because it is just zooming by just need to go in here get my star somehow jump out of there don't die okay that was so close now we can make it over here boom get our last star and then all we have to do is jump back to our island i'm not sure if it's faster to kill yourself or jump here but i'm just gonna go with the jumping strat and then boom we can make it to the end and that is going to be the run 317. okay but i have to actually get a good time so i'll be back when we're on a good run so now i think we figured it out hopefully please just let me get an actual speed red so what we're gonna do we're gonna wind it up here jump there hit this not have too much speed but not too little make our way over here and then one more that's all we need yes we were able to do it okay now i just have to not destroy my own run please just let me do this we're gonna knock through here get these let this cut seem plain we just gotta make our way over to this island hope that we get the right momentum we need oh no no no please i think we can still at least have an alright run but that hurts still sub three hooray it hurts so much and you know what i'm not dealing with that rng anymore that's our time we got sub three this is a really fun speedrun game though could have a couple things that would make it a bit better but i really enjoyed the game so i will definitely have the link to it in the description along with the youtuber who made it so definitely check those links out but i'd like to thank you all for watching if you enjoyed this video please leave a like on it it really helps with the youtube algorithm and i'd really appreciate it also i do plenty of these speedrunning types of videos both for weird games like this nostalgic games newer games all different kinds so definitely check those videos out on my channel and if you enjoy it subscribe but enough shilling thank you all for watching i'll catch you next time
Channel: EazySpeezy
Views: 689,451
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: EazySpeezy, super mario, super golf odyssey, mario, super mario odyssey, mario golf, speedrun, speedrunning, world record, speedrun world record, wr, mario speedrun, super mario speedrun, mario world record, mario speedrun world record, mario golf speedrun, golf speedrun, super mario odyssey speedrun, memeruns, memerun, meme speedrun, funny speedrun, speedruns, glitch, any%, meme, eazyspeezy speedrun, any% speedrun, mario any%, eazyspeezy mario, golf game, speedrun mario, mario wr
Id: 9_ftYpMGalU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 55sec (595 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 14 2021
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