If you guess my Password, 10 Pizza Faces kill me

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now hear me out I gave my live chat the ability to spawn 10 Pizza pces to kill me at any point during my pizza tar playthrough uh yeah that sounds kind of dumb yes it is but in order to give myself a fighting chance I locked this power behind eight secret passwords each containing three bits of information that only I know these ranged from anything about me to my favorite video games for example to my preference and fictional women once a viewer types an answer within that list into my live chat a group of 10 enemies or objects will spawn into my game to indicate that they're getting warmer and once I can put all three pieces of the puzzle together 10 Pizza faces chase me down to devour me and in the process slightly decrease the currency of my bank account can I beat the doise before I run out of money oh yeah that's right this is the the noise DLC by the way I should probably specify that insert noise transition the first one might be pretty easy for you guys what are my three favorite Pokémon there's one that I know is very easy to figure out if you guys have watched any of my videos before also well yeah I you guys figured one out very quickly I'm not surprised in the slightest you guys got two more to go once you figure out the other two then pizza face will spawn I wonder how many freaking drones you guys have following by the end of this by the way oh yeah um just for fun I made it so that chat can also spawn 10 drums that follow me around I just like giving chat stupid Powers wait wait I think that means you guys have a second one uh-oh uh-oh I'm worried I'm slightly worried now what Generations H I wonder if I'm allowed to be that specific it'll be third and uh eth yeah sword and shield is eighth gen oh God I feel I can feel it's getting closer I think I know what wait oh oh sh somebody typed the last one they have all the pieces they just need to figure out what what are your three favorite Pokemon they like that I'm not answering that one at the very least okay okay I'm out I'm out I'm out I'm out I get the first level up done at least this keeps on going until you guys get the code by the way oh well you spawn pizza face I'm going into the pizza skap before I die though I don't think there's a cool down the spawning pizza face though so if somebody types it right again well there they are yep yep yep there they are there they are I'm dead so yes this is the gimmick for today good work guys you successfully managed to find out my three favorite Pokémon they were Aggron hatterne and salamance by order it would be first Agron of course I am an Agron Stan then salamance I freaking love that Dragon I know there's more meta dragons out there but salamance is my boy and then hat I've been kind of like debating like what like my third favorite would be back in the day I probably would have said gavar but like the internet has ruined gavar so freaking hard that I don't know if I could say gavor would be my third favorite and then I replace it with Hain which I guess would be equally sus but like I just really like haing dude also sure while you're here why not why don't you do me a Sol and press subscribe according to this graph right here Mr Beast is over 700 times my subscribers but I can feel the Gap narrowing with every sub press soon we'll beat him what are your favorite credit card informations that's a great question I know I said I couldn't lie that's a little bit too broad honestly if you ask like is one of the numbers of your credit card three for example I'd say oh yeah of course three what is the next question what are my favorite ice cream flavors can I get like two levels before you spawn pizza face this time surely you can right the Cod is running by the way how did you guys already get one of them already what the we just started you already okay maybe it's not that maybe it's not that hard just the order matter the order does not matter as long as they're all separated by commas it doesn't matter at all I'm having I I literally can't get this bomb over here simply because you guys are just spawning freaking priests on me oh wait wait it's cuz the start taking the bomb or something wait no okay there are other things I can spawn with this mod by the way though okay I'm pulling it out I'm pulling out a gun wait does the gun not work here have you heard about that guy whose whole left side was cut off he is all right now that's pretty good honestly at least you guys are just providing me with comedy while I cannot possibly get through this I might have to reset this level honestly doesn't count as a death but I might have to you guys did it you guys got it God damn it no well I still have to beat this level by the way yeah it was Rey's cookie dough strawberry cheesecake you guys get more of my money how's that make you feel no more easy money for you guys what are my least favorite foods all right have fun guys you guys are not going to get this one honestly you guys got the drumes but like the drums don't matter I just like seeing a just a sh ton of drumes on my screen is one of them a pasta what was the question I didn't hear what he said if he said something about I heard something about pasta if you're asking if it's a pasta is not a pasta I might be able to finish a level before I get the actual password God I still can't get over the freaking priest just like swarming over that entire freaking area making so that I could not progress at all oh oh somebody got it somebody got one at least I think I have a feeling I know which one you guys got based off of the hints I I gave there one of them Seafood no no no no no no none of them Seafood good question though that I think that helps you guys narrow things down a bit get me out scattle all right I'm out of there that's one level done for me without you guys spawning pizza face I'm good I'm good I'm good hold up if I can just buy the boss no I need 100 more damn it I need to do one more level I got the freaking Congo line of drones going let's go guys keep on spawning I'm pretty sure the cool is supposed to be longer but whatever that's fine oh you guys got another one oh you guys got two it also doesn't help that I don't know what the last one you guys are on is are any of them veggies in technicality all of them are vegetables I'm I'm pretty sure I can't wait for the other just like um to fact check on me on this did they like lower the amount of time I have in this level or something or what cuz I feel like I got less time I feel like there's no way or or maybe I'm just going slowly wait wait wait I think that might be the last one get me out that that might be the last one I think somebody found the last one editor tell Eevee to pay you extra maybe the other might be paid extra who knows depends on how much work they put in if they put in a lot of work if they make me very happy with the final product then I consider extra money remember if I die to the boss it doesn't matter what matters is if I die to pizza face what the sh that's a little bit excessive of a smooch but might be honest somebody censor that please wait fake Torpedoes hurt me oh wait this might be difficult if if the fake Torpedoes deal damage to me oh God okay yeah somebody got the third one so all they have to do is just put all them together and considering that I Christ oh Christ okay so like like I said earlier it doesn't matter if I die it matters if I get killed by pizza face specifically I don't think I'll be able to finish this fight before um uh before pizza face spawns honestly yeah yeah this part I think I can spawn pizza face before I can do anything if I can kill Pepperman before another um fake aino spawns in that would be so freaking hype wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait okay okay as long as you don't keep spawning in what is the noise doing it's so difficult what I can't see anything with fake tedo there skill issue just caring yeah yeah look at my screen and tell me it's the straight face skill issue I'm sure you can editor help us we do I'm completely fine like the the less you guys get it the more money for me yeah you guys got two of them Sauer CR and Co saw just don't figure out what the last one is please actually you know what I'm kind of honestly hoping praying you guys get the last one and manage to put them in order so I can give you guys a new rule set eventually I'm just be begging you guys to get the last freaking thing is it PE say is it beats uh-oh that's worrisome I mean uh well I I I can't say no of course yeah somebody wrote that a long while ago and then chat apparently they collectively forgot well here comes pizza face come on oh there he is there we go there's the freaking golden arch you guys figure it out it is those three beat sourkraut and colaw are my least favorite food yeah I need to get a more difficult one okay this one this one might yeah yeah yeah this one this one's it this one's it for sure the question now is what are the games that I have the most Play Time on on steams specifically some of the games I have a decent amount of hours on are like over like 4 500 hours one is over 1,000 hours so good luck guys it seems you guys got one of them at least it's just bananas I can work with bananas is it League of Legends it's crazy it probably would be if it was on Steam oh yeah he goes high oh yeah there we go just freaking kicked the baby get out of here literally all of you guys currently lining up to watch a sofa's video like the moment the video comes out what genre of game are they I'll say the genre of one of them I don't want to make it too easy Dark Fantasy we'll say Dark Fantasy is one of them uh oh you guys got a second one is it mm o RPG one of them is that's a very good question and based on that you guys might have the last one if I'm being honest is it a game that contains 100 players that fight in a Battle Royale with Peter griin and Zeus that's very specific and no it is not that one specifically however if you guys want a better clue it do be a battle royale remember any order counts oh God grease balls leave me alone oh oh I'm out I'm out okay okay okay I'll freaking take it I'll take getting two levels out of the way in exchange for freaking for this well let's just see how far we can get in this level before you guys inevitably spawn pizza face is it balers Gate 3 it's not balers Gate 3 unironically if I was in freaking college and I had a computer that could run balers Gate 3 I guarantee your ask like balers Gate 3 would be one of my most played games like for example Skyrim would definitely like be one of my 1,000 hours games played but like I played that game on Xbox so I don't have 1,000 hours of it on Steam oh go oh oh oh you guys hadn't follow does the Creator forgot this game exist um not really it's still being updated it seems like you guys found it though I like how inste just spawning drums for me you guys are oh yep there they are there they are pizza face no run I can't I can't I can't I can't from that many Elder Scrolls Online was the last one you guys needed we get to run sest Pockets yes you do I don't see a downside to this there is none you play the game you can potentially get some freaking Nintendo switch money what are my top three favorite childhood cartoons all right here we go ooh SpongeBob is a good guess like what wait wait wait hold up that might be wrong wait hold up don't go anywhere we'll be right back with some more sophisticated Society we won except the AL we'll say that one doesn't count because like that no you didn't get it already no you didn't get it already yeah it seems like you guys already got one I was wholeheartedly expecting you guys to get one very quickly when I was like coming up with these I was thinking to myself what is one show that I really liked as a kid that could be like a curveball for you guys this is just what I was banking on I was banking on you guys not like getting the last one instantly what station did it come on I actually have to do some research hold up hold up hold up cuz I don't remember the the first one that came on on yeah you guys get more time to get guess it I don't know if this narrows it down for you but it was on Cartoon Network and Disney Channel he an avatar avatars are very good one like I wanted to put Avatar on there so badly but I wanted to make it a little bit more of an obscure one on is the last one so we'll see the one that's list is like maybe my like fourth favorite or something okay how much money do I need 150 oh I need 10 more dollars damn it I have to do an entire level simply because they won't accept a little bit of Charity well time to get off here before pretty figure it out actually it was a very good thing I made this last one more obscure if they get the answer like right before I can get the end okay it's literally right there it's it's just right there okay there we go there we go you guys are starting to fall off with your questions honestly I thought you guys had like some very solid ones well I have enough money now I have enough money oh baby oh baby we might actually be able to beat the noise here stop leave me alone women that's probably something noise would say honestly I can't see anything going on there's too many drums on my screen I can't see the Vigilante genuinely surprised not one single soul has like said the actual phrase yet nobody's even possibly guessing is it is the show that obscure oh god oh Christ I didn't even think about this wait do they just keep on spawning though what do I do I can't fight the boss with all these dudes here I'm going to have to like turn off the code and turn off the drums for a little bit just so I can beat this level yeah this is impossible right now yeah this is so much more doable without all the drums just following me around just breathing down my neck yeah see look look I can see I have vision of what's going on isn't that crazy I never thought I'd see the day all right one more HP one more HP now he just starts yeah there we go there we go there we go now I wait for the draw okay wait do I have to do I have to draw what uh-oh okay there we go I managed to beat him without you guys figuring it out so I think one more hit is in order somebody genuinely has it but I don't think it got picked up by TTS so I'm just going to say that right there somebody has it literally right there wait so you guys got the Obscure one earlier have I been leading guys the wrong way the entire time wait you guys got the forever ago I've been gaslighting the out of you I'm sorry holy sh yeah there you go enjoy enjoy seeing my death go back to the Vigilante for lying to us no I am not going to all right Gamers what are my top three cereals okay mini golf sure sure sure mini golf I I think somebody found one of them already oh there there got two I swear to God if you guys get this like instantly man you guys already got two right off the bat it doesn't really surprise me at all but crazy what are the two that we have just in case you are not trolling just in case not I'm going say Captain Crunch is one of them for sure I'll give you that at the very least does it have chocolate none of them actually have chocolate that actually helps narrow it down a little bit wait there's three Gustavo wait wait I think you guys actually have it hold up hold up hold up hold up hold up oh my God there's too many there's too many jomes I can't see anything going on either yeah maybe if I bit him over here nope now the cows are here weit I'm stuck in hell h no the cows there's too many yeah yeah oh wait no you guys spawn More Cows let's go uh well I I think I'm trapped here I think he actually trapped me here I'm trapped here until pizza face inevitably spawns on me I mean like you guys basically have it already now what is going on help help me hold up hold up hold up hold up hold up I'm free I'm free I'm free okay now hear me out guys well if you summon More Cows right here imagine having to edit this no the other's going to have a great time I assure you okay I'm pretty sure I should just leave also other's oh wait no somebody got it somebody got it thank you I'm free the r christas was one you were missing okay you guys get your freaking eShop cards all righty Gamers what are my top three favorite not most played video games this is more so a list that I made back in like I don't know 2015 or so like I never really updated it because like I'm so freaking biased of what like my favorite games of all time are are any of them in a series all of them are in a series genuinely surprised you get this instantly if you guys were real video game fans you would have figured this out like literally 5 minutes ago literally like the frame I started this run right here does this mean you guys go outside that could be the case honestly well you guys got one surely you guys can't trap me again like you did last time I mean I think as long as nope you guys got two oh crap you guys got two already that's worrisome oh this way this way hey Pop It John okay come on noise come on noise my boy come on boy my noise makes some noise for the noise wait exit this this way good thing that the good thing that giant sign was in my face otherwise it would not have noticed scrolling around there there where is he end no I didn't me La two here he is oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no no no no I didn't mean to lap two damn it I went the wrong way well that technically counts cuz I died the pizza face I should not have walked in there all right the answers were BioShock Infinite Mass Effect 2 and Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask there's only one more left and you guys know I'm a freaking weave who are my top three best girls it's morbin time it's not morbius I was just going to say it right here right now one of my best girls is not morbius although that's very close I'm actually curious how long it takes for people to get one of them at least okay what oh wait somebody already got one huh well maybe this video ends very quickly huh this is the last one I have by the way so if I don't get to the Noise by the end of this then I just lose it's Nick Bri my favorite girls in video gaming and Anime and whatnot have nothing to do with the party crashers no it's just a controversial topic that could have billions trillions of answers apparently none of you have seem to have figured out at least a lot of people are thinking it's Daisy it's really not actually is it from a game after the 2000s uh yes the one parenthesis s is from games that are after 2000 okay how much do I need 200 yeah guys who Am I who am I the biggest oh wait they got another one it's getting close to the end it's getting very close to the end we're in the freaking End Game now huh oh wait hold up oh wait no no I need to throw this way this way surprised it took you this long to summon more drums honestly too distracted with wives to bring in jro yeah honestly true say all right let me just get the hell out here before I say anything else that's the level complete there we go cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool there goes the noise see you later buddy yeah I'm fine with you guys losing object permanence the moment like it leaves you guys' frame you guys completely forget it as soon as you guys like don't say it is she smashable um I plead the fifth on that one honestly a on six if you're asking if it's Pon no it's not Pimon no but I do like spamming Pon s in chat if you're a current member by the way make sure spam Pon 6 in my chat right at this very moment come on we got like what I think we just got to do one more level and then we can fight the noise wait wait wait wait up up up up up up up up was it up was it up I think it was up no that's a secret uh I don't need this is she older than you two of them are that's a good that's actually a good question actually but yeah two of them are I should be out in just a second right just got to go over here right okay this is the end this is the end here's the end we're out okay level done okay I just see get like a couple more freaking toppings and then I'm good to fight the noise where's the noise where's the noise where you at buddy where you at I need 10 more I need one more topic this one should be too hard as if I just get one more topic we're good we're golden I might win because you guys can't guess the last one let's go I'm in the freaking home stretch baby considering that I haven't seen the last one even typed up yet I'm clearly in such a huge Advantage now I thought you guys were beating the crap out me for a bit but no as you can see I'm clearly winning now cuz all I got to do is finish this level and beat the noise so I'll give you one hint the last one that I'm pretty sure you guys don't have is from a video game I'm sure my chat's going to go down fighting I'm sure they're still trying their hardest you guys guys just like discuss amongst yourselves in chat as to what two you know for sure are the right ones down down buddy down to the rocket to the rocket ship we have liftoff okay we're out okay cool we're in the home stretch now yeah we're basically just almost done we only have one more fight to do then I win then I've defeated my chat for sure you guys have't until I defeat what's definitely the noise right there that's yeah that's the noise for sure does she use a weapon and if yes what is it that's could be the clue that you need she does use a weapon is a PO arm if I get to second phase without you guys getting it then I am going to give you guys the final hint I guess we just shake on it also yeah he do be nois at home huh I already gave you the first two they were Melia and fan so there's one more and once I hit this thing right here I'll give you the last one all right the last hint gotcha game that's the last one oh my God as soon as I say that you guys are going to get instantly I'm pretty sure wait does he not hit don't oh no oh no he doesn't hit I think that hit I I really think that hit is going to get me the loss yep there we go yep yep no no ah yeah as soon as I say the word Goa game you guys catch it my three favorite female characters are Hut for Andia from Xenoblade it seems I've broken my game just a little bit this is what happens you guys have all of my money now I'm going to start [Music]
Channel: Sophist
Views: 200,413
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sophisticated eevee, pizza tower all bosses, pizza tower noise dlc, pizza tower peppino, pizza tower lap 2, pizza tower p ranks
Id: iqrBSqePzK4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 28sec (1168 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2024
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