Mario Odyssey but every Moon makes Mario STRONGER...

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hello everyone today we play through Mario Odyssey but every Moon makes Mario stronger alright so here we are we're starting off extremely skinny he's literally a stick man here but once we collect some moons we're gonna become an absolute unit with a ton of unique abilities oh oh that looked like it hurt wait wait I guess what I was starting off in the lost kingdom maybe I'm so light that Bowser hit me literally to the other side of the world at least we have Cappy at the start of the game now can I even move I'm going so slowly I can't jump either look at my rolling what oh okay it's letting us move now but we only have one HP and we're moving so slowly this is painful look this will be interesting to see how the game plays out now that we're starting in the lost kingdom we still have Cappy though so like maybe we can do like a Cappy jump yes by doing something like that okay oh that's so helpful that we have oh oh no I forgot about Clapton I spoke too soon about having Kathy oh this was actually so stupid he looks like Greg Heffley from Diary of a Wimpy Kid but he's got a mustache you can't backflip wait can I do like the twirl jump oh yo okay okay we can do 12 jumps I guess he's so light that he Twirls up like an airplane way way I actually know where a moon is but I don't know if I'll be able to get it without Cappy oh normally is one behind here yes okay there is one behind there I need to be super careful around these enemies as well because I've only got one HP let's see if I can grab it okay hopefully this makes me stronger below the Cliff's Edge it's healed us up to 2 Hp I guess maybe my Max HP is now two instead of one and we're looking still pretty skinny but maybe a little bit less skinny I still look like a gust of wind could blow me away this is like the slowest Chase in the world I'm probably slow and so is that Beetle all right let's see if I can spin jump up yeah okay nice this might be a tricky jump oh oh I forgot how little speed I get okay I'm gonna have to do a dive oh oh my gosh we need to get Cappy back this silly klepto thing you need to get out of here you're causing me a headache yo I need Cappy so I can get stronger and once we get Cappy we'll be able to get so many moons and get so much stronger just by the amount of Mobility that Cappy unlocks nice There's a Moon up there it might be able to just do something like this oh hey hey okay that was actually a pretty cool jump I'm fan of myself that one there we go okay it's healed us up to 3 HP as well and we are looking a bit stronger now are there any other wait actually there's another really quick mood that we can get as well just oh you saw nothing oh this is making everything so much easier and we can capture stuff and like we're still pretty strong in the captures there we go noise oh are we looking any bigger go yeah wait I can't grout I didn't realize I couldn't ground pound that guy I guess I'm too late we are looking a bit bigger let's see our jump it's still pretty small but it's more workable I guess I can work with it a bit more there we go I guess I want to get to the top of the mound oh oh my goodness at least I think from these flower things I can get out of the heart so I'm not on one HP come on don't maybe there there we go I almost failed it but I got a heart very epic Maybe oh my gosh wait I can long jump now I guess I've got enough speed where I can long jump and I think there's another Moon underneath let me do a ground pound there we go just like this and there's another Boon on the Mountain Road you know what that Moon made us look a little bit healthier now we don't look like we're gonna get blown away or one shot just by a normal enemy hopefully we can watch them yeah yeah okay okay we can move them and there should be some moons up this mountain for us I know there's one that we can get by catching that butterfly up here which I just need to do some Parkour up to you can't actually grab this Butterfly by running into it what you have to do is stand back a bit and get Cappy to get it going Cappy okay I need that mood thank you Cappy I'm surprised we're not running a bit faster it looks like Mario would be really fast now he almost looks like a long distance Runner yeah like Mario's looking really strong now I'm surprised we haven't unlocked our full moveset hey wait the captain is missing where is the captain missing I don't know is there anything in here I think that might be if I activate all the flowers I think that spawns a bit if it doesn't I'll be disappointed don't disappoint me flowers oh oh it does spawn the moon and that's the last one we need oh thank you Mr flowers I honestly honestly expected it to spawn a heart or something but it hasn't oh let's go that means we can fix up the Odyssey and move on to the next Kingdom I don't know whether it will take us to the Cascade Kingdom or the Metro Kingdom it's strange because I've never spawned here before I don't know what to expect we need six more I've got six there we go we're looking actually very healthy in this cutscenes hey we fixed up the Odyssey all right well that's just gonna take us oh it has taken us to the Metro Kingdom okay okay that's epic and what we have to do in the Metro kingdom is go up and defeat this Mecca wiggler to save the city and to fight it I reckon I need to get a bit stronger but thankfully for me I believe there's a moon in this good normally there's a moon in there I'm maybe I'm done maybe I'm done what you're meant to do is take that electricity pylon all the way down to the city but what I can do because I'm sometimes decent at the game is it big parkour jump like this where I stroke happy L and then Vector a bit which is like moving diagonally because the game oh oh okay I only just made that let's go wait what what is this fella that does not look right that looks so Boogie uh I don't know I don't know what that is all right so I just collected another moon but I forgot to record it because I'm a professional YouTuber but it doesn't matter it's made us a little bit stronger it was this Moon by the way just in the good day you didn't really miss much but I think we're at the point where we're back as normal Mario which means everything's gonna get crazier and crazier as we go on I reckon after the next moon we'll be able to start picking stuff up oh my gosh the cars just exploded I wasn't expecting that I think the tanks just blew it up I don't know if that's of the game normally or if it's just in that mod oh my goodness but we can go up these stairs I think at the top of this building here there's another moon for us to collect which would be very epic to see Mario get a Little Bit Stronger so open this electricity pylon there it is nice let's see if I can do a quick park or jump up to it using Cappy I might just be able to Oh Oh I thought I missed it for a second but there you go that should make us stronger once again right okay I fell down how am I gonna get back up oh yeah okay I think I can jump of this like little pillars these purple pillars wait wait now that I'm a bit stronger now he's looking a bit stronger at least can I pick up anything oh but it looks like we can pick stuff up now let's see if we can pick up this water jug all right let's have a look oh oh my gosh this looks crazy how are we this strong ready yeah imagine if we could pick up whole buildings and stuff later on let's see if we can throw it at this Goomba thing I reckon I could have if I didn't miss I'll just try never mind I kicked it off the I kicked it off the building rest in peace water tank can we get a rest in peace water tank in the comments at least inside here there's gonna be more moons and then we're also gonna be able to beat the boss and the boss will give us a multi-moon I'm not sure what multi-moons will do actually but I can't wait to become more powerful oh I reckon as it goes on we'll be able to jump like pretty much across buildings as well but if I leap up this way up this like hella thing I believe there's another mood if my memory is correct oh oh yeah there is in this Moon okay in this chest There's a Moon And Then There we go this is gonna make us stronger once again oh wait wait wait I gave her six hearts that oh my gosh okay it's updated our health and I'm running a lot faster oh my goodness all right let's get out of here and finally beat that boss that will give us a multi-moon as well I want to get multi-mute we're still not high enough yeah wait I might pick up one of these wait Brad it's not let me pick up the box okay okay I guess I might be able to pick up some of them later but what we want to do is go up this electricity pylon and at the very tippy top of the building there's a Mecca did I just fall off I fell off even with the strength upgrade I'm still bad at the game all right all right let's climb up activate the cutscene let's speed run this boss as well Spider-Man that took way longer than I thought but when he explodes we're gonna be able to unlock this multi-moon wait is this gonna like let's see let's see let's find out and see how much stronger this is gonna make me and this is also going to make the city turn to daytime so it's gonna be less dark it's gonna look a lot nicer nice one we've got rid of mudon City's best problem and it's daytime now let's go oh oh our arms are looking a bit bigger you know it looks proper strong now I'm super excited as well to find out what we can pick up maybe we can no no I guess that big metal block is too heavy but we can go get this spoon it wasn't there before but that was just appeared now that we got into the book and we only need one more moon to move on as well look how fast I am though I should be able to do something like let's see if I can just jump all the way down without doing it bro bro this is sick this is sick wait I want to see if I can pick up this tree I'll buy this that's strong yeah oh apparently I am oh my goodness Mario's just stood there with a whole Tree in his hand can I hit people with it can I hit people with like the top of my tree I can spin around with it oh my goodness my tree you know what I'm gonna prank this guy just walking down the street my throat got a whole tree at him oh now the tree's going into the ground that is so strange do you know what a treat you're getting choked off the edge right oh I just pranked myself oh can I pick up these things oh it looks like a cat what's inside of that what there's a floating pipe I can pick up the pipe what if I don't think you ever see like the backside of a pipe in normal Mario games that's so strange now you look so strong when he's holding it as well what can I do with it maybe I could enter it somehow oh actually this room's open and this room has a dinosaur in I want to see if I've now got enough speed from just being like this where I can run straight and not have to use the scooter I might actually be faster than the scooter let's give it a try oh okay I thought the dinosaur wasn't gonna spawn for a second I can't really see much because the camera Arlo apparently I still need the scooter that dinosaur's 20p oh look at my long jump oh man that is crazy it's crazy how high my long jump is can I pick up this box what get pranked oh I knocked over the water tank by throwing an electricity pylon at it this is crazy I love this too much get out of here and this is just gonna get crazier and crazier as stuff goes on yeah I think I can get the last Moon here let's see how strong this makes me am I gonna become bigger as well wait wait wait I think this is scaled us up actually it well I look a lot bigger and I'm moving a lot lot faster whoa whoa I'm gonna try to pick oh wait what what if it's like it's it's morphing its size now get out of here I don't want that I don't want that thing about me I don't understand what's happening with the box it's shape-shifting we've got a shape-shifting box I'm almost the size of one of these guys as well I look way wider get out of here I could beat you in an arm wrestling match bro anyway let's go up here and move on to the next Kingdom which I believe is a Seaside Kingdom which I'm really looking forward to it's gonna be a ton of cool things we can do with it oh what why am I floating he's just disappearing that was about where you're gone Mario is missing the odyssey's powered up but is Mario gonna even be on it oh wait it's actually split class so we can either go to the seaside Kingdom or the snow King there but I want to go Seaside seaside's way better I prefer summer over winter what's happened to Mario I guess you can just levitate now that's his new ability he could levitate how is he floating that ah that makes no sense to me but the glass is half empty we can go and beat that boss I reckon I could just one shot him I could just give him a straight back to their face what's at the top of the fancy goblet it's just a squid guy it's squid squid man all right anyway there's an easy Moon that we can get from just going into this pipe wait what wait what oh it looks like we've unlocked the ability to climb up walls that's proper cool that's probably cool all right anyway let's go into this pipe right I'm sticking onto the wall instead of what oh oh yeah I forgot I can pick up pipes I want to go into it though I don't want to pick it up am I still going to be able to go into it at the end let me in bruh oh I guess I can't go into that pipe but there is a moon up there that we can grab quickly oh what am I too strong for everything now am I too strong to use anything I'm too strong to use this like bouncy trampoline I guess I can still climb up at least I'm not too strong to stomp on this Goomba I don't think yeah there we go yeah get out of here I don't need it anyway I can just climb up the walls like Spider-Man and there we go this should make me stronger once again it looks like I've gotten bigger again oh oh I wouldn't mess with Mario now wait wait wait wait wait there's the Sphinx here I didn't think the Sphinx was meant to be in this Kingdom oh I think the Sphinx in this Kingdom's actually over in the sea somewhere yeah what's this thing's doing here and also yeah maybe we can pick it up actually it might sound like a stupid idea but it's definitely worth a try oh no way look how strong I am I can pick up a host of things do you know what I think I'm gonna put you in the water where you belong let's go into this Alcove that we've just unlocked I probably can just climb up it you know wait wait I can climb up I thought it wasn't gonna let me climb up but there's another mood here which is gonna make us stronger once again Epic [Music] oh oh my gosh look how massive I'm getting what the heck wait wait I want to try something wait did I what I just clipped out of there okay that's strange I just want to climb up see how high I can climb just by using my climbing ability and whilst I'm doing this I want to give a huge shout out to everyone who subscribed to the last video subscribe if you also want to shout out I really appreciate anyone who subscribes as well it honestly means the world to me all right let's climb up oh the music stopped what I'm climbing on nothing now how on Earth bro this is so Boogie what okay I just went over an invisible wall and now I'm clipping out of bounds what wait what are the two pipes one has a back and one doesn't and I'm changing in size so anything I can do early with this there's a door up there that's normally blocked off let's see if I can get into that early up here you see how we can see the back of the oh let's see is this early I don't even know if this is early or not oh wait why are we what we just shrunk down and we grew up I don't think I even need any gushings because of how high about long jump is let's try to beat this area though good idea good easy way to get Two Moons by doing a bit of parkour oh I don't think I'm gonna be able to do this next part without the question I've been trying not to use the capture as much as possible but I think we have to use it here because it'd be impossible especially this poison section that's coming up that first section was just normal impossible this would be Mega impossible oh am I gonna make this in time oh no I don't think I'm gonna make it to the secret chest moon at least I get one down here as well it also looks like I've shrunk down a bit that's strange oh my hops out the water as well I've got very glops out of the water there we go this should make us stronger once again we're halfway done with this Kingdom and next up is the snow Kingdom and we'll be Mega strong there whoa okay Bobby is looking massive now look look at his arms bruh okay okay there's a moon just here wait is this fella not moving it's just I'm so fast out I can't even commentate what's happening but we've got another Moon very epic that's made us bigger once again I think we can get another one just by running at these notes we're pretty fast so it's getting pretty hard to control oh I didn't even it didn't even give me it yeah I think I'm too big to go into like that super speed mode oh this is so sad whoa look at this rock thing maybe I can pick it up I look like I'm the size where I could pick it up what what what is this I picked up the whole landscape what's on Earth man what is this okay it's corrupted a little bit I just want to Chuck this get out of here get out of here oh and it's for the grand heart what on Earth this is getting crazier and crazier I just want to try a long jump let's see if I can make it to all the way to the top to that Moon there it doesn't look like it but I might be able to climb on it or am I too big to climb up stuff now bro this game is getting too too easy there we go we've got another Moon oh this is a story Moon so we get to see Mario in this epic cutscene animation but it doesn't even appear because he's so tall that he's going off the screen bro he is massive now I would not mess with him I would not mess with Mario right now and we only need one more moon to leave I'm trying to think of a good Moon that we can get I don't have every single moon in the game memorized whoa oh my goodness I guess I can just run up this cabin to get another one and after this we're just gonna be massive also also I forgot to mention this but I've actually teamed up with Nintendo to launch my very own e-shop where you can get eShop cards games vouchers that sort of stuff if you want to pick up Mario Odyssey or Mario Wonder or something like that it's a great way to support the channel just click the link in the description wait is there two moons here it looks like there's two moons here there's this gonna count as Two Moons I don't know what's happening but anyway foreign we can now move on to the next Kingdom which I believe is a snow Kingdom which I'm really looking forward to there's gonna be a ton of cool things I want to try I want to try out snow drum see if that's possible that'd be cool if it is where even is Mario I bet he's just standing way above the Odyssey he's not even appearing here wait I think I see a shadow I might see him maybe see his foot or something no Maui has just disappeared and I couldn't see that's so strange he's just completely blocking of The View snow Kingdom you can't really see much right now but I want to try a really difficult speedrunning trick but with my massive jumps and everything it should be easy all right let's give it a go I think it's this direction a big long jump should make it though oh I sort of went in the wrong direction no okay let's try that wait wait wait wait wait apparently I can run on walls now can I just run so fast I could run up walls since when what okay okay that Jump's meant to be super super difficult to get up but I managed to do it easily somehow I don't know I don't know this mod is complete Madness anyway anyway I want to get into a sheltered place so we can properly examine on how Mario looks am I even gonna be able to fit in this hole here yeah I don't want to go with the cold water but underneath the snow layer there's a hole oh he wants to grab onto the side we can barely squeeze in I reckon if we got one or two moons out in the main area we would not have been able to squeeze into that hole what he he shrunk down and then grew up but look how big he is compared to these NPCs he just looks massive doesn't he but I know where another boot is behind me it's right here hey we're straight up clipping into stuff now I don't know how this is Possible Oh there's also another one just up on this balcony which I might not be able to even squeeze into anymore oh oh oh oh oh what this makes absolutely zero sense oh it's forced me into a Crouch here what what I'm I'm just clipping into stuff now this is getting super super Boogie oh what what what's happened to his legs what the heck as Barry Marion skipped lag day it looks like what he's got a little noodle chicken legs what oh that's so strange oh I think the game's becoming a little bit buggy now but look how big his arms are he's like he's got massive arms and stuff but tiny little legs sometimes and whatever I touch just seems to break instantly oh wow let's see if we can squeeze into one of these Turtles see oh I saw about managed to squeeze in let's see if I can one shot any of these Goombas oh I could just I can just get rid of them by just running into them look at this Bonk Bonk this is too op I might just be able to skip this whole room by doing there long jump oh wait apparently my long jumps too long what okay okay okay okay I was about ready to get it that's all that really matters oh man too crazy this is too crazy you know what now I just want to see how big I can get I just want to collect every single moon in my way but I'm just gonna speedrun a bunch of moons and see how massive I get it's kind of getting really difficult to control now wait wait watch this I should just be able to oh my gosh my jump is massive I might just be able to jump up all the way to the top of here and open up this chest the Bonk sort of helped me there I wasn't expecting that wait why is that such a funny oh it was such a funny color because his shadow was going into it that's cool though all right we only need one more in this area to leave wait look how massive he is what the heck what the Nerf oh this is so cursed I can only really see his feet out but I want to collect all these Moon shards because once I collect all these Moon shards I'll unlock another multi-moon ah I got bit by this boaty guy I'm I guess I'm not invulnerable to them any other enemy I can just knock out instantly but not those guys like the Goombas before I just stumbled on them and they were disappearing immediately okay we only need this one more here this is getting so difficult to control honestly there we go there should yeah that one's look how massive we are though this is so crazy oh I want to just run around the lunch and think about this it will be so cool to explore it you know what that's my new goal I'm gonna just try and make the game unplayable I'm gonna try to get as big as possible we should just be able to walk back to the Odyssey though epic all right get back to the Odyssey oh let's see if I go can I even get him on oh my gosh oh my gosh do you see him in that cutscene he's taking up the whole room he's breaking the Odyssey this is meant to be the inside of the Odyssey this is crazy this is getting absolutely crazy oh I do see quite a few minutes I want to see if I can skip the whole brutal fight though he's not even on the other season nowhere near it what do you see it on water left okay we should just be able to jump up and then grab this one there we go bro I can literally just only see his feet now almost got burnt by lava oh there's a like a scarecrow guy that I might be able to get into the world off quickly I should just be able to put Cappy on it and then just jump up through it immediately if I just copy come from Cappy comes from supposed to haven't collated it already jump up there we go nice one bro this is getting so difficult I'll be just going to snapshot mode and just can we appreciate how massive he is I'm surprised I can't pick up like whole map Parts the camera's bugging out a bit oh I reckon one or two beans and this is gonna be unplayable no I'm gonna see if I can get past this boss actually because the boss that you see on that platform there normally when you touch that platform that boss spawns you see it as Airship I want to see if I can do a long jump past it oh it looks like that's easy yep too easy it's too easy it's best to pull the music though oh never mind there is music here and I think there's another Moon inside one of these crates look at that noise what I'm literally the size of an entire town all right how big is this one gonna make me what on Earth what the name this is actually Madness oh I think there's one here if we can make it how on Earth did I collect now I was just pressing buttons and somehow I collected it I'm literally the size of the mountain maybe I can get something from in this door this is what I want to try this is what I really want to try just do it there big jump big hop all the way up oh just some big bugs all the way up like bruh okay okay foreign so I think we've got to the point where it's pretty much unplayable look at this oh just look at the size I want to go stand next to the mountain or just look at that okay that explains enough so if you enjoyed this video you might also enjoy how you want to see but there's custom planets it's a really cool video where Mario goes into outer space and explores a load of different things including Mars space stations and a load of other stuff also go to for any Nintendo games it really supports the channel and allows me to keep on making videos like this I'm ending it here because it is pretty much unplayable anyway I hope you enjoyed bye
Channel: Manx Ninja Pig
Views: 1,452,105
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mario, challenge, funny, manx ninja pig, odyssey, smo, mods, modded, moon, power moon, mod, lost kingdoms, manx, mario ost, mario series, super mario, funny mario videos, mario memes, animated mario, mario videos, nintendo switch, jumping, new mario game, mario youtube, mario challenge, mario mod, mario challenge runs, mario mods, bowser's fury, morio, fury, modding, Shine, speedrun, mario speedrun, strong, stronger, ninja, pig, mario moon, funny mario, strong mario, big mario
Id: 6lV431qFx9k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 17sec (1457 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 16 2023
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