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it is saturday morning you know what that means it is time for our weekend treasure hunting extravaganza you look like big words this morning so where are we going today we are going to a bunch of blue markets and then some community yard sales after that and hopefully finding some good treasures to bring you guys for the live auction and just having a good old time let's get on the road let's go get it [Music] the first place we're heading is on an actual farm and it's like a farmer's market slash flea market slash antique booth place so no idea what we're gonna get into [Music] here we are you can even see the silos and a whole bunch of tents and booths set up let's go see what we can get into good good see um i mean they're interesting looking he really is replacing but before he can do that they want to do a whole what are these like big white things come here it's like to help with taxidermy [Music] there's just like random old stuff that's creepy looking oh my gosh that's great it's hilarious i made my day just walked out of that flea market not much stuff that we'd be able to ship but however it is very interesting stuff and if you're interested in like antique museum like blast from the past type stuff that place is for you now we're heading back out of the whole farmer area we passed a little sign that said garage sale or yard sale on the way off one of these random roads so we're gonna hopefully be able to find that again and see what kind of stuff they have before we head to the rest of our list look what i see well i saw green signs that means the yard sales down here somewhere we finally found the yard sale it's right in my mirror right there it's just kind of creepy spying let's go see what they have this table one dollar remember we look for movies too yeah now i can go up here upside down see maybe we'll find me what do you think so what do you think and they're like cake topper type things i think another place has more more disney [Music] see anything else no hi i'm just gonna get this for one dollar three and nine thank thank you have a good day so as you guys seen i picked up this bag of disney princesses for dollar so i figured it's easy to ship and if we go to different yard sales or flea market or anything like that we find more disney stuff we can put it all together in a lot for you guys for a live auction but i wanted to show you what these pieces were all right so this girl i'm not sure who that is so you guys will probably tell me all about her uh this one i want to say sleeping beauty but i could be wrong or cinderella this one obviously ariel this one right here snow white now they look like they could be like a collectible set or they could be cake toppers i'm not sure or both yeah or both that is very possible and then this one right here i think is belle don't look at me i don't know yeah you guys will definitely tell me who these princesses are but let's find another yard too so literally we went down to the cul-de-sac to turn around to go to the next one there's literally a yard sale right here on the same street so let's see what they have i like you guys videos oh thank you um i've been trying to learn from you guys like pricing everything for a buck yeah i was like treasure hunting with jeebus so where you guys from well it'll be on you too so you want to say hi man it was a very memorable voice so nothing at that yard sale that we were looking for however we found a few fans there and the kid was like super excited to be on youtube so hopefully if you're watching this you saw yourself and you're happy um but we'll just go around and we have one another yard sale we're going to 13 minutes so let's get on the road okay found another yard sale over here on the main road so i'm kind of in an awkward spot right now but let's go check it out [Music] what's in here a king hat what a king's hat there's a lot of making off behind me yeah these hold this nothing i can see how much they are is this your yard too yeah okay how much are these and then those two okay so it's one two three four five um how about six dollars yeah all right so we got a couple things there we got these two little disney things for our buck total just you know i figured we add them to the other disney stuff we already got this looks like an actual cake topper and that's like a little mini lunch box so those and these i haven't decided how to sell online or auction these i got these in a unit a long time ago and we ended up selling them ebay for like 11 to 13 bucks a piece depending on the state and we only paid a dollar a piece for each of them we have alaska north carolina ohio texas and kentucky some of these are sterling i don't know if these are sterling they're not mark sterling so i figure for a buck a piece the worst that can happen is i can make ten times that money so that's always a good deal so we saw another sign on the side of the road that's yar tail is over there still has haven't made it to our original location but let's go check this one out good morning everyone good morning now what's that great it went to ten yeah there's a couple back here ten dollars for sale and three dollars this guy carlos pena we have the entire beatles collection right here cool anybody won nothing there for us but you guys saw some of those sports cards if you think we missed out on something let us know because this guy's not far from us at all but now let's see if we can actually finally make it to our original destination without seeing another sign how much for the hello kitty plushies 50 cents okay there you go thank you thank you so that yard sale was literally 25 cents 50 cents and i think like up to a dollar only so that was the cheapest yard sale by far and as you saw i only picked up two hello kitty plushes for um jeevus's little cousin riley so hopefully i can get those to her and she enjoys it so we finally found the community we've been looking for what the community yard sale moving sales things like that so we're gonna drive around be snooty you know creep by and look at the air chills like you don't look worthy of our stopping and decide which ones we want to stop at let's go see what we can find no whole trash bag in bag full oh here's the lids oh i'll tell her you found them we found the lids hey good good i knew they were around somewhere somebody should have let the rest of the community hit on the day that today was a community aren't you there's like five total people but that's what happens now we're heading to the next community our tail listed this community took the effort and posted it all over facebook so hopefully that means they actually have stuff that's gonna be worth looking for fingers crossed so we noticed on the way to the next one let's see what they got um okay thank you so the reason i grabbed these is because i didn't even know they made bootlegged version of like random cards these are very very fake i used to play yu-gi-oh a lot in elementary school the first thing you do look at the name up here if there's any lowercase letters there you know it's fake plus the logo is off everything's off about these so they're definitely bootlegs but i just thought they were interesting for nostalgic purposes i didn't even know they made these i knew they made bootlegs of the rare ones but bootlegs of common cards that i just don't understand why i figured maybe there's some type of weird collector out there that might want these i don't know i guess everything for sale right price [Music] she was rescued [Music] yeah it's not even people hi hi doggies um sorry oh thank you oh thank you very much we finally found our next destination there it is let's go see what we can get into hi not much laughing you have a busy morning yeah we did good how are you this morning good how are you thank you here from nine months you know different than last year i'm like i hope not last year that's right my fourth of july last year so talk to a few people at these yard sales in this neighborhood and the theme seems to be the same they got hit hard this morning so basically whatever's left is what the horde of people that already came by didn't want so you know what we're just gonna go ahead and leave this neighborhood and now ahead to the first flea market we might hit another flea market today not sure yet and see what we can find there [Music] i'll let you know thank you these are 15 each which would be better we've never had either one i just don't know who would collect as a storm but there's 36 packs in here and 36 in here yeah i'll take these two i guess thank you so we got home from that flea market around two in the afternoon we have been up for 31 hours we were like you know what let's just lay down for a few minutes just a little tire let's take a rest next thing we know we're waking up and it's about three in the morning we're like okay there we just did that so it's the next morning now and i didn't even need to show you something i've got that was super cool this thing is deadly look at this i've never seen a knife like this in my life it's like once in a lifetime it's got a scorpion tail as the handle and then you can see it come down here as the stinger and it's got on the blade you can see the scorpion and this design right here so you literally hold it like this and it almost looks like a scimitar it's huge and we picked that up with the same flea market i was psyched about this the only bad thing is it didn't have a case or like a sheath or anything like that but that is super super cool and let me show you the cards up close so i grabbed these because they were full boxes so these desert storms i usually a lot of the collectible stores we go in around here have these going for like two bucks three dollars a pack and we got the whole box look at that it's sealed i don't know what's sealed you know what i mean you know what i mean the card you seal don't judge me there's 36 packs in here so whoa and i just opened it so that was a good deal and we got the batman one same thing sealed and i think this must have around the same thing in it as well 36 packs i'm guessing i don't know but this one all the cards in there are steel so close to 100 packs of cards plus the deadly night at that flea market don't forget guys this wednesday we're going to be having another live auction here on youtube all the stuff you saw us by today will be there plus we're going out picking again today there's at least one other flea market that we meant to hit yesterday and ended up falling asleep that's open today too so we're going to hit there maybe we'll see some other yard sales maybe we'll find another sale and we still have boxes in our garage we haven't even gone through for the crazy ladies unit so this wednesday we'll have a video up sometime before that on facebook so you can see everything that's going to be for sale thank you for watching if you enjoyed it once again leave it a thumbs up subscribe if you're new until next time peace out
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 38,147
Rating: 4.9408545 out of 5
Keywords: yard sale, yard sale finds, yard sale finds 2020, yard sale finds for ebay, yard sale finds worth money, yard sale finds youtube, yard sale flipping, yard sale money, yard sale pokemon cards, yard sale profit, yard sale selling tips, yard sale selling tricks, yard sale tips and tricks for sellers, best yard sale finds ever, how to make money at a yard sale, selling yard sale items on ebay, things to sell at a yard sale, yard sales near me, treasure hunting with jebus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 39sec (1479 seconds)
Published: Sun May 16 2021
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