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so i got a little pile over here if you want to give me a price to to complete my set break it you buy it hey sorry man i was getting that stuff mind if i look around okay cool [Applause] you guys got more stuff this week huh nice [Applause] [Music] um so oh oh hey sorry man i was getting that stuff it's all good yeah yeah it's all good thanks it's all good so i got a little pile over here if you want to give me a [Music] price [Applause] i think the bottom's just all closed how much 45 45. keep it twice there you go thanks man thank you do you know if it still works my sister gave it to me oh okay i don't know anything about fashion yeah the plants uh the plants vary you selling any more baseball cards or anything like that what's that you selling any more cards no that's it that's it uh for everything okay i'm actually gonna put this one back okay seven just make it eight eight bucks for this stuff here so no charge or anything for this you don't have any chargers or anything i don't know i know you made that what's the jacket going for uh two two and how about this quarter core yeah i think i might pass on this one okay three dollars three bucks okay thank you one two and three thank you sir hello hi there how you doing oh this one right here the bench outside oh thank you oh do you know how much the shoes they're going for four bucks got a bunch of videos they said 50 cents so one two three four five fifty make it easy thank you so much cookie jar okay that's pretty cool [Music] what are you asking on it i'm hard-hearing so i got to come over there how much is it you wouldn't believe it but there's one on the internet i took a picture of it last night yeah the blue ones are 249 dollars but i'm selling this one for 25. that's it huh dang it and i had it on here this has a couple a couple little tiny chips no big deal all right i'll pick that up everything's cheap because i bring things to sell right you can just set it there yeah i'll put it here for now because this is already sold yesterday yeah that's cheap for that that's not bad if i could get this back up but yeah last night i took a picture and it was 249 for the blue crazy huh yeah they're free they've got a couple of things yeah that's character 25 bucks i'm not complaining what are you asking on this big guy right here you know day before yesterday i started polishing that thing up yeah but it's too much work and so i said heck with i'll take 15 bucks for it and it's american that's a big crush diamond alloy yep is that the brand yeah diamond brands made in usa yeah 15 on that that works i started publishing i said no man i'll take my career yeah exactly no that thing cost him yeah did you look that one up did you look it up no no but i know it's worth a whole lot more than 15 bucks yep there it is found it it just goes away though i'm trying to stretch it because the price is at the bottom oh yeah there it is that's huge i see it down there 225 no 249 wow 1992. right there harley davidson crazy cookie jar stands right on the bottom of it yep and i don't know how to sell things i mean how to work my phone right i mean 81 years old but i thought 25 bucks somebody's gonna buy that oh yeah i'm gonna buy it it's not a bad deal okay so i'll get this and then and that cabinet's gotta go deal with this deal you might have a little mark on it for the price yeah it's too cool to let to not pick up i know well thank you sir good luck today okay save your money see if i can't break it how's it going good good how much is this clock here um what if i tell you is it really signed or is it does that believe it are these boxes for sale um okay old time old-time all-time boots oh the books are definitely beneficial since um they've all been outdated by the web yeah there's probably some funny pictures in there this one's just got tools and tools and stuff here's the rest of that library yeah what uh was it southeast asia illustrated library of the world it's got everywhere and i'm sure for collector antique value because i have sold at the antiques fair for my old company yeah i'm sure it has value that's more than i'm gonna say i'm gonna say if you want to haul it away it's ten bucks for the set we'll give you the boxes and these are the goddamn tiles from my mother's other home which she's not living in anymore oh really and she stored these priceless items for five and a half years at two hundred dollars a month wow so that's i think sixty five hundred dollars oh sixty something sixty something hundred it adds up yes it does and she never looked in her storage locker yeah so the book's for 10 bucks yeah there's two boxes worth there's more of these over there uh the other box was this one which is full of the red ones okay i'll stack that over there you can carry it oh yeah i think it's worth probably at least if you go to an antique shop it will be worth more and you got more of the blue ones over here yeah they're stacked up are the blue ones included uh the blue ones would be fine to to complete my set break it you buy it again these are the same ones that are in the box yeah yeah my parents were very into um my dad was a teacher oh cool we had all kinds of books and i'm 65 those were in my childhood yeah some of them were my mother and my father's childhood wow audubon came later i can tell you that one okay cool thank you do you know anything about it you know if it's a real autograph or i picked it up at a spot oh yeah yeah it looks like they put something over at a pretty cool all right i owe you 22 bucks and you have 10 years of 25. oh actually that much i have changed oh you're lucky yeah uh you're coming out at 25 2 30. yep yay thank you so much pleasure doing business there are you taking the clock to or yeah he said he'd take five for it oh how much are your clothes okay come on i'll get to them thank you thank you sir have a wonderful day you too thanks hello good morning what you guys asking on your clothing um dollar piece okay got some new stuff and old stuff huh the new stuff from the 70s yeah that's kind of cool you guys have any more stuff like that or that was the only one we found oh yeah clearing out the attic or something yeah nice all right i don't know how many i picked up there is it five three four five yeah all righty thank you so much thank you what are you asking on the box some models two apiece do you have a price for the whole box that you would want 45 40 for the whole thing you guys open next week yeah taking a break all right nice knowing you [Music] [Music] this is [Music] yeah the blue ones are is that the brand [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] huh [Music] [Music] i'm gonna show your clothes [Music] all right so i found a bunch of great stuff today thank you all so much for watching really do appreciate it and we'll see you soon with another [Applause] [Music] video [Music] you
Channel: Part Time Pickers
Views: 281,396
Rating: 4.7245789 out of 5
Keywords: garage sale, Garage sale
Id: DGYQ8wYT2w0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 0sec (1200 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 02 2020
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