I Set Off The World's Biggest Firework Indoors - Fireworks Mania

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after a whole lot of soul searching and a little google searching i've been brought to the pawn shop which seems to be closed right now but that doesn't really mean much to a guy with a physics flashlight out of the way door i'm looking for somebody named him oh you're tim tim is a weather balloon uh nope tim seems to be a firework yeah i can ignite this all right then let's get you out of here no uh i meant to use the physics tool uh okay no there's no controls eating that we're just gonna run now oh that's not so bad [Music] what's up guys welcome back to fireworks mania or what i prefer to call tinnitus simulator as some of you guys might remember the last episode i blew up a gas station using bottle rockets and sent a pickup truck into space so that's gonna be a pretty tough act to follow but i think i've got just the thing to start us off that was a little bit more than i had expected no no no town i don't think so i'm only just getting started if anything my explosion math being way off because i underestimated these things should only help right i was thinking it'd be really cool if i could turn an entire building into splinters and then i realized the most rickety building in this town is a children's tree house so i filled it from floor to ceiling with something called fat bill which is what we just saw explode and i've realized nothing called fat bill should be allowed within a hundred yards of this place but then again nothing called amazing granny would ever set off an explosion here we are though branding means nothing i might need to use a fuse for this one granny has a hard time with ladders turns out granny isn't the only thing having a hard time getting back up into this treehouse like i may have also underestimated how thick fat bill is because i can't fuse anything together there's no room for me so i'm just gonna have to try setting off a doom boom and hoping that that chain reacts with all the bills maybe like i don't know man i'm thinking best case scenario splinters worst case scenario we turn this oak tree into a crisp mystery okay yeah i'm definitely feeling the holiday spirit i can't really see how much damage we're doing but i think it's safe to assume it's a lot oh we also have a late bloomer weird holy crap i mean it's not quite splinters but yeah i'm gonna consider that a huge success or at least success for me and i'm sure there's a couple of kids somewhere looking at a bedroom window with the only thing running through their heads being uh two by four jesus christ wow those bills really pack a punch they're throwing their weight around oh you gotta be kidding me right now the kids next door have an even better tree house well we're clearly gonna have to do something about that you know what i think this time we're gonna go for a little bit less of a light show and a little bit more of a boom i want my splinters damn it my gut reaction was to hide in something before i set this off and like yeah these bushes may be fireproof but i really doubt they're gonna act like a bomb shelter especially once i set off hank hill's childhood hangout this might be a huge mistake i just want my splinters hopefully we get ignition okay did i seriously back up into the bush again okay we didn't just take out the tree house i'm pretty sure the shed flew past me and the fence and the neighbor's house and their truck holy crap that is such a big boom there absolutely was a storage shed like right here and now i'm guessing it's somewhere over there and if they can move then it's got me wondering could we send a dog into space might be a whole lot easier than a pickup truck now for those of you who missed my last space program this is what a single slammer looks like it's very patriotic it's got a decent amount of propulsion it's a little bit wily when it comes to the steering and troubling that it explodes before hitting orbit but then again that's all stuff that we can work out with the canine trials i i'm sure this will go straight up right it's one small step for man or dog one giant leap for k9 oh my god that could have worked if we had enough propulsion that would have absolutely worked it was too heavy it just went limp and detonated where did it go oh there it is oh for secular i thought we just made it evaporate but we could try again i just need more rocket propulsion i need something bigger oh that reminds me i had a lot of people in the comments last episode saying why didn't you use tim how come you didn't set off tim the biggest explosion will come from tim what the christ is tim after a whole lot of soul searching and a little google searching i've been brought to the pawn shop which seems to be closed right now but that doesn't really mean much to a guy with a physics flashlight out of the way door i'm looking for somebody named him oh you're tim is a weather balloon uh nope tim seems to be a firework yeah i can ignite this all right then let's get you out of here no uh i meant to use the physics tool uh okay no there's no controls eating that we're just gonna run now oh that's not so bad okay we're gonna need to screw around with that is there only one oh no don't tell me i wasted my tim by fat fingering the button never mind tim comes from a different space time please physics tool work with me there we go oh yes please i think i just found your new home actually no you know what tim and i need to show a little bit of patience i should really test this out and see what it does in the sky before i set it off in a gas station how far back should i be for this thing it's got a lot of potion to it holy crap it lights up the entire neighborhood and the whole sky oh yeah we gotta combine that with a gas station come on tim 3.0 i know i could probably put him inside between the beer and the snickers but he just fits so well here between the gas that i can't resist giving him a try plus there's a roof over him so maybe he's gonna take off with that or just hang out yeah that works for me oh yeah that's the good stuff that was so freaking loud i think tim and the gas all went off at the exact same time i wasn't able to do that with the fireworks it didn't send the roof into space though so we'll chalk one up for the fireworks i suppose there's a part of me that can't help but wonder what happens if this does get set off in a confined space oh my god it's too big for a door no i refuse to accept that there has to be a way of getting it into this house and the garage isn't good enough maybe we can slip it through here there we go perfect so you just hang out here and i am gonna run out the front door real quick this should be interesting oh yeah the neighbors are having some kind of party i dare say we should call the fire departments i love the fact that it still fires up into the sky too even if there are multiple roves over it doesn't matter it'll find a way don't get me wrong this is easily the best thing in the game but it is a little disappointing that there can only be one tim like i want to try a dozen tims or a hundred tips or a thousand dimms like even if it completely kills the neighborhoods and my computer and my senses it's totally worth it but for now i'm kind of curious if we actually can send something up with it i don't suppose you would like to volunteer would you we just set you down there oh no this is gonna work i'm gonna make this work just you wait stop complaining i couldn't send myself to space i couldn't send a dog to space but maybe the unicorn is gone it is absolutely oh i think it fell off which is kind of what we want because then it will survive reentry yes successful space mission i'm not gonna lie i did not expect you to return in one piece this is a huge bonus wait wait wait wait i can stand on tim so who's to say that i can't do what you did can i light it from up here i think that actually worked oh my god oh that was perfect see we got to try the trial runs to work out the kinks using the test dummies and then we get successful reentry ourselves that's a good start next stop the moon how am i gonna get tim up there though laying things down flat in this game is nearly impossible oh my god tim weighs so much that he bottoms out the shocks on the truck that's fine we don't need them where we're going hopefully i can actually lift myself and tim into the sky perfect so i'll get us into orbit then i'll launch and that should reach the moon okay i think this might be far enough tim almost fell out a couple of times and he flipped himself over which is gonna make this extra suck come on please just work with me come on careful just just sit down sit down there we go all right i don't know if we're aimed at the moon but i mean like how can you freaking miss three two oh that was awesome that pretty much worked it's not going to get any better than that oh my god if i had managed to slam dunk i would have been a god something tells me we're not getting that pickup truck back anytime soon all right i know this might sound redundant but let's finish things off with the bang because i want to move on to the next map come on work with me tim i want to set you up in here to be worshipped something like this yeah okay so i know what some of you guys are probably thinking are you really just gonna set off tim in a church is that your grand finale and the answer to that is well no this is a room full of stuff that i do not comprehend 95 of it i have never set off before so this should be interesting to say the least it's all on you tim i'm gonna leave you in charge and scurry away as fast as i can try not to trip up over stuff all right so what have you got for me all right well that one was bright and this is all bright as well like it's just everything at once being really hard to discern what's happening other than sparkles so many atmospheric sparkles this is probably the most fun game i've ever played at two frames per second i kind of want to see what the rest of the neighborhood is to look like after this but there might not be a whole lot left did i just hear the gas station explode down the roads i'm pretty sure there was a propane tank somewhere that got set off are we good i think it's winding down is it over i mean the fireworks not space time clearly that's gonna be a big problem moving forward this stuff is gonna hang out in the air oh there goes my eyes i can still hear fireworks going off in the distance like tim launched some of them so far away that they're in just a different area code you know i'm gonna consider that a great finale now let's move on to something a little bit more rural as you can probably gather this place is called the branch and like don't get me wrong i don't want to hurt any animals like given the choice between blowing up apples peaches plums cherries cucumbers squashes or cows then i'm kind of hoping i could send some fat udders into orbit part of me wants to take a look around to see if i can find another big secret but this place is kind of spooky i think i'm going to deal with any potential haunted areas first let's take a look around see if there are any problem spots no no no no no i don't think so ring lady consider me not interested i'll give you seven days to suck a fart out my ass oh i definitely saw those moves so hopefully that got the job done uh this burn was on fire when i got here should i be concerned that the one thing in this world that i can't move using my physics flashlights is this terrifying crucified scarecrow i don't even like looking at it he just gives me the heebie-jeebies like he's gonna jump out at me at any second well the good news is my firework crops seem to be ready for harvest these are all called fear of the dark see how scary you are when it looks like it's the middle of the day on the sun yeah this should brighten things up just a little bit yeah oh i feel much better now no i don't i sure don't oh that's 10 times worse i hate it seriously why can't i destroy these things you know what screw it okay if i get mangled by a scarecrow then so be it i want to see if i can find my own tim around here there's gotta be something oh it's an automated light okay this is a fireworks game i shouldn't have to nearly poop myself in terror to figure things out come on there's gotta be a tim around here somewhere right there's an awful lot of empty wilderness out here far away from the farm which doesn't make a whole lot of sense do you think they would hide something out here maybe i'm just crazy i should probably just get back to blowing things up like a normal person well this isn't exactly a secret but it certainly looks fun oh yeah there's a match made in heaven i don't think i'm gonna be able to make it fit but you think no i can't put the outhouse on top of it so i'm gonna have to try to put this in the outhouse bite work possibly oh yeah we're gonna break this one way or another just you wait close enough this thing seems to be having a real hard time right now so we're gonna help it out with santa was here not sure what this is gonna do to be honest but i kind of oh really it's a roman candle i told you guys how disappointing roman candles are right it's got all of the lights of a firework but none of the boom i want the poop-filled boom well here's a real weird one it's called thick billy and it's got a smiley face on it what do you think it's gonna do other than potentially hit the windmill no we're good oh we are super goods one of those is fun but i'd be willing to bet that an outhouse full of them is even more fun i don't even have fuses set up i don't care we'll just go with one of them back up and then let the smile ignite all of the others okay it's kind of hard to pick out the faces but i'm amazed that oil tank didn't explode is it a water tank don't tell me it's a water tank that'd be so freaking disappointing tell you right now this will help us figure it out once and for all so water tank or oil tank oil tank maybe it's hard to tell because it's gone now i don't know if it exploded or just the propane along with everything else seriously where did it go now this has to be gasoline right it's got a warning symbol on it it's got to pump all the context clues point to it which makes me hope that these messengers messages will be read loud and clear hopefully i can like them all before bad things happen really you gotta be kidding me right now but i know they have to make these things to be pretty safe but you wouldn't think that these fireworks would bounce off like tennis balls guys you're singeing the cabbage okay yup that's not gonna do it wow all right i guess we'll step things up i'm gonna say best case scenario this thing gets swept up off his legs and carried into the sky worst case scenario we get popcorn i'm totally fine with either to be perfectly honest oh come on you guys popped out it should have been like that but with gasoline why is it so hard to blow up something that is so flammable i swear if stuff like this gets me put on a watch list i'm gonna be pissed i am just amazed that the doom boom worked that quickly we even leveled the windmill all right if you know what i think that's gonna be it for this episode of fireworks mania guys i was really happy to see that the first episode got so well received a lot of people were saying that it was just one of the funniest videos that i had made in a really long time and i agree this game is stupidly fun i just wish there was more of it we need more secrets more fireworks more levels like i could never get tired of this but if you guys want to see more as always be sure to leave a like in this video leave some comments with some ideas with stuff that i could do and maybe i'll return to blow stuff up again soon but thanks for watching this video i hope you enjoyed and i'll see you next [Music] time [Music] you
Channel: CaptainSauce
Views: 1,464,838
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fireworks mania, fireworks mania game, fireworks mania gameplay, fireworks mania funny, fireworks mania funny moments, fireworks mania let's play, fireworks mania gas station, fireworks mania house, fireworks mania update, fireworks mania all fireworks, fireworks simulator, firework sim, fireworks sandbox, fireworks sandbox sim, world's biggest firework, biggest firework, fireworks mania biggest firework, fireworks mania tim, captainsauce, captain sauce
Id: uE1Oj8rjjRo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 59sec (1259 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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