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I don't care how incredibly catchy your theme song is I'm not afraid of me no giant ice man what's up guys and welcome back took up a day and potentially my last episode of cuphead because I just realized that all we have left is the Phantom Express and then one or both of King Dyson the devil which means we might actually get to see the ending of the game today like I did not think I was ever gonna get this far I didn't think I was gonna see the ending of this game when I went into this series I figured I would play it enjoy it and get to show it to you guys and eventually when I got stuck I would just give up like people were saying that this game is really difficult but so far so good so today we're gonna start off with Phantom Express in railroad rat we did try this boss the last episode but it did not go well but I've had time to review the footage so now I think I have a general idea of what I need to do you spread to blow away all the eyeballs got it make sure to get all the pumpkin bricks and then that should be the first form under control I kind of regret not finishing this before Halloween it would have been much more seasonal now everybody's kind of ready for Christmas okay that one can hit me that's fine it'll bring me over here right and then you are gonna drop that brick somewhere else okay no right there right there that's fine and then you're coming over here okay I'm gonna hit with an alt have at them apples okay and I can land between the hands so are you gonna go over here now you were I'm in a good position okay this is a good start for the second forum middle got um got Eve okay that was great so now for this one oh no no I don't I don't want you going way these things are a pain in the butt I still don't know what they are they confuse the crap out of me last time oh okay that's that's bad that's definitely okay ah crap I jumped off that's that's not what you want to do you don't want to jump off but I didn't think that I could actually blink through it so that was impressive to me okay no we're good we're good and then I get over here underneath you oh those ghosts ghostess without ghosts just with the mostess nope nope mm efforts that's about as far as I got last time which is pretty far I I still look - sorry this train is only for the Dead but we can help you with that if you guys have any idea what the hell they are other than demented looking lollipops please let me know let's try that again shall we it is dumb I think I'm gonna save my ultimate for the third form because the first two forms aren't particularly difficult right all I really need to worry about is missing these parries and then that's not the bosses fault that there's my fault hey if I miss them it's my own inability not difficulty so I'm just gonna focus on hitting you and that you know that one's fine I don't mind not hearing that one you need to go away though no no no new that's bad ass bet oh no we're good we are a-okay I'm doing a ton of damage with spread here right and I'm fine with going over here um oh we changed up it doesn't go to the right all the time okay are you gonna be over here this time yeah you are no pumpkin no pumpkin okay I'm okay easy that should take him down okay so now I can start all the way over here and when they both pop up no don't don't stupid pumpkin I don't want to move I could do this right hey you guys like them apples that work pretty well uh don't hit me I'm good okay we're good we're good we're good we're good I'll be able to kill this guy he's dead and then I'm gonna go over here and oh crap don't go back go back go back go back go back take it back take of it take it back roll it back there we go that's what I'm talking about that's the stuff that's the plan no no No all the goats the freaking goats are just ruining me right now here we go okay man they're just a heat-seeking ghost oh it's the Train okay or maybe not oh no it's the Train he's just gonna run after me where do I want to be right now what is what oh okay I got it I got it he shoot at his heart as you would trains heart he shoots bone hula-hoops at me that's not very nice havin every one of them I take damage just then I don't think so him doin lots of damage no no not the bone hula-hoop stop it stop at supper with the hoops stop it with the hoops okay oooh that was cool that was a neat little boss I like that I'd say best-case scenario C plus B Jakobi this whole contract of Phantom Express so was it the train itself that we got this hole from very interesting but I think that's everything right we're moving on try your luck welcome to the casino entrance Inc well hell okay looky here the cries of the Damned so I can't go down to this little jiggly Tower we can go up to the casino King dice and all bets are off okay so I wasn't sure if we had to face off against King dice or not but it looks like we need to get through him before we can get to the devil fair enough well lookie here you actually pulled it off but you've made me lose a bet and for that you ain't seeing the boss just yet we're gonna play a little game first I don't care how incredibly catchy your theme song is I'm not afraid of me no giant eyes man okay you know what there we go hang it like name apples I got a Robert what do you mean health up I was about to say that was quick but apparently not what is happening right now we're now in hell I'm assuming you're not the devil ray oh oh come on over here are you oh it's a giant cigar with little little devil cigarettes this is really weird this is very different to what I expected so does he eat us and send us to a bunch of mini bosses I'm down with that I could take on many bosses you don't look like a particularly tough but gentlemen are you gonna get stomped out can you put all these I haven't even taken a oh I have an extra hit point there you go it was easy enough yeah get stomped down so I got an extra hit point for getting a 3 on the dice I guess that was Oh oh you're very different I'm not actually hurting you right now it looks like I'm hurting him but they just burst when they reach their limit I'm not actually hitting you so I got a three and it brought me to the three and I cleared it okay so do I want to get safe okay so the heart must be an extra hit point 34 118 for 112 for one six for one it's like the difficulty okay let's try to get a two so if I wanted to I probably do yeah there we go health up I never had five hit points and now we have to face off against another boss hey this is so I need to face off against like a dozen mini bosses like a giant Domino why o Domino with spikes why are the dominoes aren't a thing in casinos are they I'm incredibly confused he's got a duck Domino as well a little weird but really cool and kind of confusing oh I can I can parry that I I don't really want to parry that actually I don't okay I don't want to die didn't even have any uses my ultimate their mini bosses don't seem particularly difficult okay so that's good I now have five hit points in my ultimate so now we need three right because three is safe and safe is probably good so if I want to three I was one a time like this oh no no no no no this is tricky it's just blur oh there we go got it are you like them apples do I fight you now don't okay so now one two three so I can't get a four I can't go to the next safe spot I need a Q so I would want a time that like that I'm getting good at this I was six hit points this is good depending on what we face off against a giant 8-ball okay I could take down a giant 8-ball what do you got you have Technicolor's you you look like you're straight off of a VHS tape I okay we've got to chalk little chalk cubes no wait guys you know here I'm not wasting my ultimate if this is all they're gonna do and then I can I can dodge that that was my own mistake I think I'm perfectly fine here right they're just bouncing around this is not too bad at all oh no no okay no we're good we're good we're good we're a okay the end has to be fighting King dice right he's not just gonna let me play a game and face off against the devil that doesn't seem like it makes a lot of sense so I don't want a one I would face another boss I don't want a three because I would start over I wanted to so if I wanted to if we would want it jump like this yeah baby there we go now I definitely don't want a one I don't know if a three works so we needed to you would be jumping right rounded nail okay now we want a piece um right what what what okay you know what I think you need no I missed that is not what I need right now okay that really hurts how do i dodge this I'm so confused did get you stupid little hmm I had it I had it I had it I freaking had it that was close don't don't do it oh my god I hate your I can't get there I can't no okay I do get parries for that though no yes yes let's go first Roy oh we have one hit point light oh my god that was that was that was cool I really liked the fact that you face off against a bunch of mini bosses but the parrying there if I didn't have the extra hip points I would have been completely boned if you don't get the dice rolling down just right game over it's just that easy that was awesome I kind of want to try it again let's see what he has to say if anything at all did I get a soul contract for him no no soul contract I kind of want to see what the other mini bosses are like and I get the feeling I'm gonna need more than like ten minutes to beat the devil so we've beaten bosses three four and eight so here we want to get a 1 or a 2 preferably at 2 because then I can get that extra hit point so a 2 I wish cuphead was as good at rolling dice as I am because then we wouldn't have gotten into this trouble in the first place I'm flawless so far I'm pretty sure besides my instant reflect parry at the beginning there okay facing off against some Texas Hold'em chips I won't okay I like the little cowboy hat this is cool oh man the background is freakin awesome uh-oh no okay that's my bad bet that shouldn't be standing up into the bosses like that I think we're doing all right though no new you stop that I am so happy I have smoke bomb buzzes like this would be a million times more difficult without it yeah thank you I'm also happy that I've managed to put charge on before we started this because he shooter would have been useless as tits on a bull feel like we're doing a lot more damage with this I can't get over the background I just want to be staring at it I like that they give us just a quick second so that I can look around it looks like a painting like the kind of thing that I would actually want a painting on we got that I wasted my extra hit point what can you do so we've also beaten we already beat four so I don't want to get that extra hit point so I want to get a two here and go to the safe zone like that yeah we're good right and then I want to get oh I don't know five or six doesn't really matter let's get a five the help out that so we want to get a two here which would be two okay there we go what have you got for us I'm curious if the number is above indicate anything they look like they're just the kind of thing that you would have to decorate maybe what which Teeuwen again if I didn't have smoke bomb this would be out no idea I meant to Perry they're not using stupid ability alright well there's another hit point loss that I'm not gonna get back I don't really care if I beat King dice I just want to see all of his mini-games this rabbit is just so eccentric I really like it uh that's not fair oh oh I killed him before that hit me I was gonna say I can't really like Perry up how would I have dodged that hey I was gonna use my ultimate okay got another one down can I get seven yes I can get seven okay so we need a one two three so four three oh that was close hit point all right there we go when you got for me seven I'm gonna try to look at all of them this episode that'd make for a good video I feel like these are definitely worth not missing like just the backgrounds alone are amazing it's just out of Wharton stop jumping at me you crazy broad oh my god this is really annoying oh she's raining eggs oh no wait they're roulette ball house such an idiot okay mrs. craps table please stop I really don't appreciate this good no no no no I did dodge dodge wrong got her we got her oh and he did not look at the backgrounds and look at the balls just a little bit more did I take any damn I did take damage there damn okay so now we want and go to nine yeah let's go to nine so I wanted to - calling forward to it got it okay and then after this we could start over I guess I wonder do a clean sweep that must be some kind of all yes playing level some kind of achievement right what am I doing here what am I supposed to be shooting here I'm confused it doesn't look like he's taking damage oh I need to carry the cards that is really cool it's one of those memory games okay am i I'm like screwing myself by missing things here at that no those that's that's wrong you and you oh there we go oh and if I get a match then I can hit him that is an awesome idea for a boss I was like why is there a match all in the background that doesn't make a lot of sense but it's a part of the game I'm not wasting my ultimate on you you seem like a really easy boss now nope don't corn to me it's not that we got that and dad yep there we go oh he doesn't like that do I need to match all of these this is gonna be really difficult if that's the case it must only be three right it's rules of three maybe even two because you're a man you boss wouldn't get to end here in the corner oh I haven't seen that one yet you nope okay so we know that one is over here held it so is that gonna be it or do we need to get all of them freaking plane levels man I love it looks just barely squeezing by okay oh yeah look at I didn't even realize he's one of little monkeys in a claw machine right like a little gambling claw machine so what do we have here right maybe that one nope okay so it's this one and this one no that so wait what no that was oh oh they're different that one in that wouldn't know if they're different ah crap it's this one and this one there we go so it is gonna be matching all of them you better not have some kind of crazy final form you're already difficult than some of the main level bosses even though you haven't actually hit me yet now you're not difficult you're just really cool so which of you that one and that one okay one more left after this this always reminds me of Super Mario 3 where you'd have to do that randomly to get extra health when your blade oh my god please die you stupid monkey there yeah you're done it's it's done you're dead right no no you still you still want to take another beating you were apply far the longest boss hands down oh yeah we're now I looked at the background I was gonna say we're in a clogging machine damn it one of the cards shuffle or if you can memorize it that would definitely make things easier um I kind of want to just start over rather than beat him again do we want to do that I need to get to one yeah let's just start over let's go 1 2 3 so that'd be yeah we go Oh what oh no I I needed a three but I can't count I mean I called a three but I actually did one two three because I can't count because I'm an idiot yeah so let's let's just die that works too so this time around we want a one right I technically still haven't screwed up on the dice I just I screwed myself because I can't count okay well you got drinks oh my god you guys are so cool I love the styles whoa whoa whoa okay you like 200 you just like to vomit drinks at me that's perfectly fine oh and the martini eyeballs we need to watch out for the martini eyeballs in except that hey go away stop it I want to look at the background but you guys are making it difficult because there's so freaking many of you oh oh whoa oh I only killed one interesting so you can kill multiples okay so we need to get rid of man his attack is really quick there we go there we go now it's just you you're the easy one all right I can just jump up and down and stop that this is again really cool boss not particularly difficult except for the little glass he definitely Chuck's things pretty quickly wonder if I can get everything done in one run that that might be for another episode maybe I could just do ones every time and clear the board so we've already done two and three so we need to get a three here three that and now what did we face up against I think we've done four and five so I probably want a six here I should check the record yeah I'm gonna check the recording I don't wanna screw this up okay I was right so the good news is all we have left is six but the bad news is things look a little bit different right now because I had to restart game closed out when I closed down my recording program so we need a three here and three we will get there we go oh it had a health up on it too great so now I have three hit points to face off against the final mini-boss for a full sweep okay we got another plane Bowl oh it's horse right now it's horse racing I see I was gonna say how is this related to gambling or a casino I am very confused right now okay we need to watch out there's a lot of stuff in the foreground and there's also a little tiny sheet men jumping at me stop it sheep men yeah there we go okay you know what if I'm not gonna be using this all for anything else you can go right on your horsey pace that's probably for the best money oh that is so freakin cool I think that's gonna be it for this episode of cuphead you guys and next episode will for sure be the finale I really did want to face off against the devil this time but I feel like if he's gonna be the hardest boss in the game which he should be I really don't want to wedge it in at the end of a video I would rather take my time with it things weren't watching this video I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: CaptainSauce
Views: 1,631,013
Rating: 4.867075 out of 5
Keywords: cuphead, cuphead king dice, cuphead phantom express, cuphead king dice all bosses, cuphead king dice all battles, cuphead king dice all minions, cuphead gameplay, cuphead funny moments, cuphead strategy, cuphead walkthrough, cuphead playthrough, cuphead let's play, cuphead king dice reaction, cuphead king dice boss, cuphead king dice battle, captainsauce, captain sauce
Id: Mf6fDjQ5EUI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 24sec (1344 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 02 2017
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