I Destroyed The Entire City... (oops...)

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can you destroy an entire city with the power of balloons let's find out [Music] hello everybody I'm kindly Kian and welcome back to City smash it's been a while since we've played City smash but the nice part about that is that there's a whole lot of new things to smash cities with so let's explore our options shall we what's in the missile section well of course there's a nuke I oh you can oh you can adjust the settings of the nuke so like can we make like a a kind of little tiny nuke is there such thing as a tiny nuke is that is that even I don't even think that's physically possible although I will say the explosion very impressive the destruction not so much we'll just ignore the fact that that entire region is now fully irradiated okay little baby nuke kind of lame let's make big daddy nuke oh gosh [Music] that's the chance that gotta survive oh my gosh yeah okay I mean it vaporized an entire lake so um safe to say that bridge has had better days what about a city how do they handle mega nuke probably not afraid yeah okay pretty strong so noose yeah that's a great way of destroying a city but what about fireworks um cow that's some powerful fireworks oh my gosh gosh yo you need to be careful with those things okay that was the most beautiful and destructive fireworks show I've ever seen and check this out now we can blow up a nuclear power plant with nukes that seems like just a terrible idea I mean foreign okay stop using the nuke it's too powerful but there are other ways to destroy a nuclear power plant like with the power of chemicals oh it's acid rain oh no look at the cars they're just melting oh okay yeah so you know it acid rain seems pretty bad but then stack on top of that an acid rain flood that's extra bad sorry nuclear power plant what about tornadoes on the moon they're still pretty destructive apparently I don't think tornadoes on the moon are are a thing that can actually happen but that's okay because it's still kind of awesome for us not for the moon colony and then of course you gotta watch out for you know Moon volcanoes pretty common occurrence I would say out there on the moon it's just it just grew out of the ground and started spitting up fire it's like the moon had Taco Bell last night what is this thing is this a black hole yeah okay that's Black Hole uh we can also we can change the force of the black hole goodness gracious okay so they blow up at the end that's uh that's nice how about just like a little baby black hole no one's scared of a baby black hole right are we scared of baby black holes okay yeah we're we're still scared of baby black holes apparently it's a is a portal it is it's a portal oh my gosh that is awesome okay I we need to try this at the Naval Base sure they'll appreciate this technology I love it it's just sucking everything up and then spitting it right back out what's this thing oh you're right yeah it's an orbital Cannon uh that we can launch with our fingertips powerful finger what about some of these monsters Okay so we've definitely seen uh the octopus monster I love this thing so much it's so good dude you can hear it there's a grumpy octopus monster and then we have uh knock off Godzilla this is the Godzilla that you pick up on the bottom shelf at the the market you know in in a bag does anybody understand that reference the generic cereal you know the the regular cereal comes in a box but then you can get the generic stuff in a bag on the bottom shelf do they still do even do that I don't know and then of course we have uh you know Earth eating worms can I spawn more than one I I can I I yep yep I definitely can but I'm pretty sure that this thing is new oh my gosh I can control it oh my goodness this is terrifying look at this he's so scary what is this blue button I don't know what the blue button does I mean the red button shoots a laser beam of Doom this this guy is like climbing on stuff the blue butt oh the blue button changes the height okay I understand sort of it's not every day you get to drive an Alien Spider monster so I'm just kind of learning the the controls it seems appropriate that this kind of creature would destroy our moon base it's really good you gotta get down there you got you gotta get down you gotta Crouch a little bit to take out those those lower buildings you're a little too tall spider monster there you go good job great great work I'd give Alien Spider Take 5 out of 5 stars on Yelp I don't know why it would be on Yelp oh remember this so we can actually oh okay yeah well I was gonna say we can change the uh the terrain holy cow okay don't you hate it when you build a perfectly good city and then mountains just show up one day blow up your city rude that that is awesome honestly this has to be one of the coolest things that they've added to the game just look at that we could turn the whole city into a lake check this out and then we fill it up with water let's go oh man we need this lake to go deeper look at that you can also low elevation in an instant which is kind of amazing all right we'll just drain all that water there you go there you go all the way down to the core of the earth it's a beautiful city I just wanted to see the skyline behind the city that's all I wanted a great Instagram Picture People are gonna go crazy about this it was all worth it what about bridges versus mountains yep safe to say mountains win it's awesome oh man I have way too much power right now hey we haven't blown up future night City let's do it are any of these things new what is this what is this thing oh yeah okay it's just like a bunch of cluster bombs um oh you can actually increase the amount of oh my gosh a hundred bombs in one go to Overkill never stopped me before [Laughter] oh man that was Majestic let's do that to another city it's like exploding dust I just go and then that happens how about the moon base what do you think of that seems like they're big fans all right what's going on with the airplane section we oh okay so so first of all we've got like the the bomber jet it just crashes into a building great job pilot guy and then this is like a carpet bomb right yeah yep yep okay yep didn't like those buildings anyways then we got UFOs what do they do like Independence Day Style yep and we can also adjust the the damage that that does let's change the blast radius to 100 shall we get them for for them to be clear goodness gracious that like jolted me but I'm pretty sure these two bottom ones are new we got abduction oh we can fly it oh we can abduct buildings you're coming with me building I don't know what we're gonna do with you but come with me to my home planet absorb that's right my plan is called Zorb so what oh and we can also uh shoot a thermal beam of Destruction you know in case the ability to pick things up and then just drop them on a whim wasn't enough why not microwave them in an instant let's see how the nuclear power plants feel about microwave beams honestly I think they love them [Music] it's too much power man oh my goodness you know what they should do in this game is Just combine all of the Cities so that you can just go from one end all the way to the other end just fly across and decimate everything in your path that would be pretty sweet right oh maybe the devs are looking at the comment section so if you agree with me just just leave a little comment they might see that and be like oh okay okay okay and then the last thing on this list just appears to be a balloon what do you do with them [Music] do with a balloon wait wait a second oh my gosh it's real life up that is incredible okay I wanna pick up an entire building let's make that happen which building is the question how about this one this is this one right dead center I like you you're going places so we need to pick it up from the base [Laughter] we're way too powerful look at that look at this I'm just I'm spawning balloons left and right can I pick up the cars no look at that car yo the balloons are insane this is amazing it's it's too powerful balloons of Destruction and as if it's not enough for the balloons to just rip these buildings from their structures and bring them into the sky then they just pop at the top like nah I don't want to do this anymore drop them hundreds of feet up in the air oh man I like balloons a lot this is very good addition let's go to the Moon let's see how the moon feels about balloons hey guys it's party time what are we doing what's happening they're like we don't want to party we don't like this party anymore I need I need more on the satellite please we gotta get okay the satellite just got vaporized we got some some rocket silos yep okay when when your Rockets don't work just just attach some balloons look at this thing we're gonna keep it up there I'm gonna try to keep it up there for as long as I can let's let's see if we can keep it keep going bud you got this you're flying you thought because they turned the thrusters off that you could never fly again well think again we've got the technology balloons I would say to the moon but we're already on the moon so to to Mars nuclear power plants feeling kind of down let's get give him a lift oh man oh dad jokes I'm allowed I'm a dad goodbye nuclear Silo that is so insane that was awesome the fact that it picked it all up in one piece oh it's beautiful let's do another one and you know what while we're at it let's do the other one get up there we need more balloons we need more there you go oh okay oh too many balloons my bad sorry hey what about that bridge how insane would it be if we could just pick up the whole Bridge we have to try so start from one side and then just make your way across yep that worked exactly how I drew it up let's try that again maybe we pick it up from like the the main supports and get one there one there maybe pick up some from there can we we need more we need more more balloons come on we can do this we can do this we have power we have the balloons okay okay is it moving I don't know if it's actually moving this would be awesome to see in real life though I don't necessarily think I would want to be driving on this bridge because it's probably about to blow up but seeing like a full-size Bridge just covered in balloons that would be so awesome all right we're gonna have to give this thing some some extra lift I think we have to start lifting the actual Bridge itself which is a little scary yeah yeah okay we've got we've got movement we've got explosions we need to be careful about the cars the cars are what's kind of messing this up let's see let's see maybe maybe just rip that guy up just just rip it out of the ground come on you could do it balloons bridges are strong all right fair enough the bridge is proven that they're balloon proof that's that's good to know so if you do ever see a bridge covered in balloons you're probably okay probably unless they're filled with hydrogen because that's extremely flammable how flammable you ask well let's find out pretty flammable although I will say the bridge is probably the strongest structure in this entire game would you look at that is it Godzilla proof I know that when Bridge Engineers are coming up with the design of a bridge they're thinking is this thing going to survive an attack from Godzilla that's one of the first things they use as a as a benchmark looks like these Engineers failed their job
Channel: Kindly Keyin
Views: 427,062
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kindly keyin, keyin, city smash, city smash gameplay, city teardown, teardown, city destruction, destroying a city game, city simulator, new game, new mobile game, mobile game, weird mobile game, funny mobile game
Id: xS0TBBYR3f8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 40sec (940 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 06 2022
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