I Ruined Evolution Again

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okay pretty simple concept today we need to evolve this into some kind of disaster but also because we have that constantly chasing us we're kind of gonna have to do this on the fly but apparently as long as i have at least two legs i can outrun the giant crusher we're actually a vacuum on two legs i can hoover stuff up i feel like that's pretty important for evolving the different things i put in my mouth are probably gonna have an impact then once they're in my inventory i can use them to further evolve oh i've got super jump now that's far too useful i need to make this thing about 80 less useful so what happens if a this seemingly nothing what happens if i eat this guy i'm a little concerned i'm about to spend the next four hours just eating different creatures to see what happens but i'm also pretty okay with that what about you have i eaten one of you before eating the shellfish made me fat anyways i'm not particularly interested in the things that i can't eat i only want things that i can eat i mean i'm not gonna lie to you this is off to a pretty good start and the cylinder has for whatever reason stopped for a second so that's going to give me time to put some things in my mouth and if i'm understanding this correctly a lot of the items i'm hoovering up are simply for food and water i do need to feed and water this creature to some degree i think it's when i managed to eat other creatures that potentially gives me upgrade points like whatever these things are it looks like something's happening it looks like it's in distress i can now make a sound that will frighten predators press c to activate yeah that's great don't think i'm gonna be able to deal with this creature but i can't honk my horn at it but it looks like a pretty big world with lots of good stuff to put in my mouth i just ate a fish and i can swim more quickly i can't jump as high anymore look at my little legs but i can swim better so i don't know what use that's gonna be so i can't hurt the snails but this thing probably can so if i lure him over to the snails who are very slow moving i'm pretty sure he's gonna get a free meal and we're gonna see what happens when the snail gets devoured well we made this nail float for a second come on clamp down on the snail not me not me we're all the way back here do you know many things i had to eat so i can either eat the creatures or make the creatures drop something that can evolve me that's what i'm understanding so far we're back in business i think for now i'm going to stick with the ability to jump high because i'm probably going to be able to jump onto things and that's going to get me either into or out of trouble and the cylinder is moving again so we're encouraged to keep moving but i'm pretty sure there's going to be some fun stuff to eat along the way so i need to be paying attention because while this thing may look like it's suffering now it's going to get a lot worse you look kind of like me but dead come here oh gems oh there's so many things i need to put in my mouth but so little time i don't know what that is i think the smartest way to do this might be to just get way ahead of the cylinder and then we can stop and take a little breather to eat what we want along the way oh honestly that didn't get crushed though revenge yeah there we go i might have picked a poor root because i'm not a particularly strong swimmer if you want content where people make good decisions you're on the wrong channel so i'm told that if i can get to these and step on a button it will actually stop the cylinder for a second and that should give me some time to put some things in my mouth so until that tower is ready to break we should be good we found some snow so we could maybe find some kind of fur well we're actually going to need some fur because my thing is pretty cold and as much as i want it to suffer i don't want it to die entirely because that's really inconvenient for me maybe i need one of these things yeah it looks like that'll actually do it we're going to get furry now we're going to be a furry fat bulgy eyeball you know i didn't think it could get any worse but i think we've actually done it we have third skin now hello would you like to be eaten there you go oh i thought it would get consumed all right well we'll put it in the oven then because i assume that incubates it and now i have a twin it's a little bit leaner and less furry first chance i get i'm going to sacrifice it probably to the cylinder but maybe just to a creature that wants to eat it maybe even this pawn it off to the highest bitter i don't know yet what do we think's on top of the cliffs i'm a pretty good jumper these days and despite its hefty appearance this is actually the off-road model there doesn't seem to be anything super interesting yet but we do get a nice view of the world and that looks important and i'm gonna go push my friend here into the blue light to see if it evaporates okay this might not actually be a rock after all why can't i be that big i have to be a furry orb the size of a volleyball two out of three i assume we need one more of me i just realized i can control the other creature so i'm gonna need to start eating some things that are gonna make it a little bit of a different variety from my original creature like it's gonna have fins and i found a pink one okay so this one just needed some of the sparkly rocks i found on the ground so now we have the three creatures we need to push the weight down and i'll find some stupid evolutions for those pretty quickly but i feel like we should explore just a little more there's got to be something out there right they wouldn't make an island here without having something there which one of these idiots can swim all right well the rest of them are on their own we're going out and hopping started to think that maybe i wasn't supposed to go to the island being that i've fallen inside of it now okay this could be a problem okay so maybe for a minute i'm gonna stop going places that i'm not supposed to go although i didn't see this egg last time so this is something new and i think i could probably find my way to it and then it's just a matter of finding a home for this egg and just like that we have another weirdo okay now i've got four in total and that should be more than enough to weigh this down provided my idiots can figure out how to get on i'm not really sure what the sparkly is for but i'm probably going to hoover it up for now because it seems to have some kind of value i don't know what to make of this is it a shapes game a square creature can go through a square hole because that makes sense to me it gave me an organic cube which is great but i found one of the cubes so i'm going to feed it to one of my other people because i kind of like my furry ball this little weirdo however is going to be a square yeah this is the pinnacle of evolution clearly things should have evolved to be squares and there's definitely a few squares around so i don't know how many squares we need so one block guy into one block area that seems to have opened the door so we only needed this money and we got a pink weirdo not really sure where to go now but i kind of want to go see what that thing is it was hiding eggs from us yeah i'm borrowing some eggs by the way so no big deal um if you want you i'll trade you for one of my followers but i do want some of your eggs regardless did you actually kill one of them that's okay i got an egg that's all i want and the cylinder's coming back so i need to find a home for this egg like right now well it says i should be in a hurry but i can't really hurry when i've got an egg so i'll probably be fine just to wander like this i do see the next tower already so as long as i can put my little feet on to there the cylinder will stop probably probably gonna have to roll okay i think even rolling it's probably faster than i am and my friends might have just been crushed no regrets though yeah goatee has died what you get for being a square in a circle's world a sacrifice worthy of oh you did make it well we have like a 40 casualty rate and that's acceptable i just hoovered up some kind of spiky little creature in the ground so that's gonna have some kind of effect on my furry ball okay that means i look like an accordion but that also means that any food i have in my inventory is slowly getting turned into water that i need to hydrate so i think that's actually a pretty good benefit well i'm pretty sure there's gonna be something good down here so let's just dive in without thinking about it so far i feel like i'm not wrong don't know what those are but i'm gonna take them allows them to see light frequencies that cannot be perceived which may reveal secrets okay this guy's gonna be my new favorite he's gonna see secrets i don't know if this is considered a secret or not i don't know what these things are but they look like they're gonna be some benefits so we're also gonna feed my square idiot one of these there's so many different things to be eating in this like i don't know what this power is gonna be now either but i'm gonna feed it to this guy because i feel like he needs some kind of a boost he's been very lonely this is a plain elephant on two legs mineral processor so i guess he's the one that we are going to feed rocks to and now he looks like this and yep he'll just slowly break down rocks until something happens and that's about as useful as he's gonna get anyways let's go find something else to eat i just need to find the right thing that's gonna bone evolution up real bad or is that the infrared light that's telling me there's stuff down there nope it's poison for now we're maybe going to ignore the poison because i feel like over here there's probably going to be something that's also quite good for me and luckily for me i made this idiot very while ago my friends however might freeze to death but that's their problem there is a nice little cave full of all that stuff not really sure what it does but i'll take it okay whatever this is has to be important it'll put something like this up here if it's not good so i'm gonna spit out whatever that was and then we're gonna put this in our mouth oh this looks like it's gonna be good uh skin to grow a patch of grass i can't attract sac flies okay we now attract flies there's so many things to absorb and so little what are these hello can i eat you i don't know what those are i can't put them in my mouth so i don't really care right now the widow we're gonna settle for entering the trebum shrine which uh looks just fine okay i found my way up to whatever this thing is and i definitely can't eat it so what's gonna happen to this monstrosity now it's eyes are going different directions now that's fun can look for specific ingredients okay so now it's got three eyes there's seven butterfly symbols all connecting to this so because the butterflies are following me are they following the hair thing on my head is that what it is okay i might finally be onto something they're gonna very slowly follow where i go so if i lure them all over it should light up the thing and then we'll get to do whatever's next hopefully more ridiculous evolutions there we go that seems to have worked i didn't need to murder these nine but i sure did and to pay respect to them i'm gonna spit them back out on the floor well they'll be remembered forever basically that cave gave us objectives and a map so now we kind of know where we're going i'm saying that i think i've done enough damage to evolution for one day
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 531,139
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: hLO0Kadhnnc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 50sec (590 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 13 2021
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