Extreme Try Not To Laugh Challenge!

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- Chris just won $10,000! - Yay, I'm rich. - But every time he laughs in this video, I spin this wheel. - No, I'm poor. - And he could lose $100, $500 - No. - Or $10,000. - Wait, what if I lose $10,000 and then I lose $500? - Then you owe me money. - Uh-oh. - I recommend you don't laugh. - Oh, nice. - Some pants. Oh shoot! - Oh, we just started. - No! - Spinning. Okay, so- - I wasn't expect that. - Whatever it lands on, he loses that from his $10,000. Oh snap, okay. - $500. - Chris just lost $500. - Ow, it hurt. - $9,500 remaining. - I'll take those $9,500. I forgot this was a try not to laugh. - What if you re-laughed at that clip when I started playing it again? - I almost did. I keep forgetting this is a try not to laugh. He went serious fast - Bro. Did you hear something? - I just got a crank in my neck. - Oh, a crank in your neck? - Yeah. - After you laughed? - No, I didn't laugh, I didn't laugh. - You did. - I didn't laugh! - Play it back! - He hit triangle and hit reverse. It was funny. - I agree, it was funny. You know what else is funny? You losing... - $100. Yeah! Whoo! - All right, $9,400 remain. - I've never been happier to lose a $100. - So close to a $2,500. - That's a big bomb. - And you know what's right beside that? - What's that? - The $10,000. - I don't know if right besides the right word. - Oh! Hell yes, yes, yes, yes, we got him! We made him laugh. Another spin. - Jimmy's stupidity shouldn't count. - I'm putting in overtime. $10,000? Oh! Oh no! - Yeah! Whoo! - That was so close. Chris would've owed me money. - Oh, thank you. - All right, $9,300. - I don't know what a laugh is. I've been seeing this all over Charlie's TikTok lately. - That was funny. - It didn't have enough Charlie. Dang. - Bro, come on. That's some truck. - Come on, truck humor. Bubbles for the bubble god. Wow. That was insane. - Rat, rat, rat. - Hey, where's the money? - It looks like a Lego head. - Where's the money bro? He's not talking, flip him over Them cheeks. Ooh! Nice - Bro, I kinda wanna do some blind sword fighting. - I'm down. - But not with pool noodles. - What else would you use other than- - Next clip. We made friends with the seal and fell asleep. - You're doing great buddy. - You are literally chilling with a seal. - That's so cool. - Aww. Daisy with her little sleeping spot. - That's pretty impressive. She's got that down to a science. - Let me see your little coat. - Are you ready? - Yeah. - That's so funny. I wish I could laugh. - What are you doing with your life currently? Because you're just watching a man butter bread on the internet. - I want some toast. - I hope somebody walks in right now and questions your life choices. - Oh God. Someone walked in and questioned our life choices like he said. - It's Dwayne the Rock Johnson. No, Dwayne, we don't wanna buy your energy drink. - Okay, we'll stop reacting to bread. - Oh! Fun fact! I saw this on TikTok and then I commented on it and asked them to do chocolate pudding next and they did it. - Really? I'm proud of you. Psych. Can I have my headphones back? - No. That was so rude. It was a good clip. Ooh, I want some of these. I like that noise. That was a chuckle. - Walt, verdict? Walt said there was a pretty significant exhale, play the clip. - I don't like Walt. - Walt, I need a yes or no. Walt has spoken. - Can I spin it though this time? - You wanna spin the wheel that's already spinning? - My armpits are sweaty. I didn't realize it until I reached my arm up. - I was about to add a lil- - This is, this is a good zone for me. This is a bad zone. - I still owe you $8,800. - All right. - Do you wanna spin it again? - No. Good point. That milk looked chunky. That looked like yogurt. - Holy cow! - Holy cow! - Holy cow. - You guys have a body part that I don't have, so I don't, but like, can you lay on your stomach? - Are you? - I put this on my, I put this on my head and then I forgot I was on a box. - Why were you on a box? - I don't stand on a box 'cause I'm short. My box is turned! It's supposed to be rectangular. - And you know what else is turned? - What? - This wheel. - Why!? You laughed, I didn't laugh. - You did laugh. - I did not. - Bro, you literally. - I hope I get $100,000. - Oh. $8,300. - I fell. I didn't laugh it. It's try not to laugh, try not to fall, but I'll take it. My neck hurts. - Bro, you definitely laugh. You pulled your thing up and you were giggling. - I was hurting. Those were pain faces. - I'm not who you're expecting but your driver got arrested for some things he had to take care of. - No way. - Complete the door dash for you. - Thank you so much. - Take care. - Thanks! - No way. - That's funny - Mr. Incredible, oh Mr. Incredible. - Not the "Ice Age" baby. Rockefeller Street. Who cares? The Metaverse is cooler. "Charizard off a perc". - Does he do any tricks? - I guess he can. - Yay. All right. Whoa. That's pretty cool. - Whoa. - Do you do any tricks? - Laugh, laugh, laugh. - Why he look like that dog. Why was it a crocodile? - That's a laugh. - Why the heck was it a crocodile? - The spin. - Can I get a jackpot? Oh, thank God the $10,000. Oh, you guys saw that! He cheated, it was going on jackpot! - I didn't cheat. - No, you're not getting, you cheated. - Here, I'll let you spin. - We're giving it a good spin. - Okay. - I wanna see those hands by your side. It was gonna land on jackpot. - Yeah, questionable. - All right. Wow. Okay. - $8,200. I think they weighted this thing, it's landing on jackpot a disproportionate amount. - You can ask Walt, I spun it 1000 times and couldn't get it to land on jackpot once. - All I gotta do is challenge them to a thumb war, they say yes and then... - What? - Holy crap. Extendo thumb!! I've seen this, he misses everything. Is he gone yet? - Oh hell nah. - All right, bro, good night. - I love these. Oh shoot, I forgot my phone, or a water bottle, whatever he says. - Oh shoot, I forgot to get my water. - Yeah. You just spit, oh my God, Jimmy, I just saw so much liquid fly outta your mouth. - Where? Prove it. - Well, there's some right there. - That's from the water bottle. - Whatever helps you sleep at night. - Play it in slow-mo. You be the judge. - Oh, it's a valve thing. - Wait, what? - It's the Rock! Can he do the bottle flips? Can he do it? - All this setup- - You got it. - You gotta do it. - Yeah! God, that's beautiful. - Honestly, that is peak masculinity. - This is why America was founded. - I don't even know if he's American, but I agree. - He is now. - "Teach him how to stand like a real gentleman." Doggo? - Doggo, your turn - Dog? Hey! - Hey. Good job. Oh, he's got "Heelys" on! Look how cool he is. - I mean... Wait, what? All right. And with that, looks like I owe Chris $8,200 and you owe me a subscribe. - Do it.
Channel: Beast Reacts
Views: 52,567,370
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: life hacks, crafts, slime, do it yourself, diy, lifehacks, dily projects, useful things, how to, experiment, experiments, diy activities, handcraft, prank, funny, challenge, pranks, secret, diy slime, laugh, new, skills, tricks, tips, fun
Id: L4KWhKY85cY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 40sec (520 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 14 2022
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