Why I Replaced The Entire Nether With Water...

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what if I told you to remove all the lava in the nether now what if I said you had a time limit two hours ago my friend fell into love and disconnected a half a hall with no idea where he was I baim one thousand dollars I could save him before he next logs on and now I have two hours to remove all the lava or I'll be a thousand dollars down but where do I start because in the nether the love is infinite and I seriously have no item or book it rage rage quiff what's up buddy I need a war bucket I can borrow do you have a war bucket just a water bucket that's all you need that's all I need right now I'm doing something I got it for you right there thank you brother you're insane oh my God wait oh wow that was very big brain what I just did that's not funny bro I forgot to mention there's currently a bounty on top of my head and everyone's out to kill me meaning rescuing bionic just got a lot harder wow that was a big drop so anything else okay these chaps are empty and now that we're back in the nether the moment of truth will the war book in my hand cover all the lava and there we go well I already knew that it was one of a try after looking online I found a Minecraft version that lets you put water in the nether which is Minecraft 1.2.5 so I have ice right here which I can place and if this was somehow to melt there we go oh nice look at that water in the nether it's Loki kind of cursed but the surf is in 119 so am I able to use ice to make water in another I gotta test this but luckily I still have the this since finding a snowball will take me way too long I can trade the war bucket for one block of ice Ellie Ellie Ellie hello are you trying to buy this wobble kit um I feel good maybe this is gonna be hotter than I thought rule number one of business for people to buy your rubbish items you first need a cool looking shop and welcome to my budget shop but now people are more likely to buy my water bucket oh quick I'm only selling a war Boogie I I'm kind of poor right now War book it and I need one ice oh you're selling a water bucket I'll literally buy it I literally have ice on me bro okay wait boom there you go all right there you go have some have some snowballs too while you're at it oh perfect now that I've acquired ice it's time to see if I can put water inside the nether yeah there's no water spawning what is this this seems impossible since ice didn't work now I need War balls because I can use War balls to get rid of fire and if you swam enough War balls into lava it will turn into obsidian but I seriously don't have Wall buckets my house is kind of broke but I have diamonds another right I currently need 500 water bottles and while everyone was finding a way to kill me I went deep underground and secretly built this yeah this looks good all the items I could find in my chest I've pulled for grabs including my Netherland and yes this is all for war bowls I have 20 minutes to walk out here with 500 water bottles all the entire plant fails yo quick how's it going man I I got the war balls okay perfect that's exactly what I need you see this machine okay you're gonna click that button and once you click the button the lights will go off and if it lands on any of these items you can get them all for one water bottle and boom it's off now all right now how it works is you see the Cobblestone you can redeem it and you'll just walk away with one Cobblestone but you can click double or nothing and it'll go again yeah let's do double or nothing then we'll do it a few times and you've kind of lost which means oh the wall ball is not mine I'm a click door nothing you gotta go gold I'm gonna go for the diamonds let's do this okay oh my God my luck is insane after playing with sheep for three minutes he lost all his War balls which means I'm already halfway there wow we have so many War balls these are all perfect but it's not enough to put out the entire Nether and I need a lot more where do you have the war balls yeah it right here bro that is exactly what I need you can you can claim and you can walk away with an iron ingot right now I think I think I'm gonna double or nothing again bro uh you've kind of lost adding it to the collection and then we go double nothing you're going crazy oh I'm literally going for the nether right man yo let's go baby all right bro I'm out of here thank you this is what I've messed up with Skizzy taking the netherway I knew the chances of winning were too high so before my next customer came I rigged the entire machine Cliff I'm here okay uh wait let me let me put this away oh I just press it oh don't press it yeah and then the light ended up on this one so I win this yo no no whoa whoa whoa whoa buddy let's not get feisty here okay why and I brought these guys to help me yo yo wait take that let's not make this target I'll see you guys soon I barely escaped with my life but I left all my wall balls behind which means all my progress was for nothing but that's why I brought on this account who looks exactly like me with all my War balls now taken I need to find a way to get them back but if I go anywhere near them I'll be killed so what if I fake my death faking my death would be pretty simple I'd bait them to come kill me and once they do my Bowie should disappear and I'm watching their base because they're right there their house seems to be heavily guarded which is why I'm here I'm gonna attempt to come to spawn because I would have talked to them but only my old account in the middle of Spawn I now need those guys to leave perfect they're gonna make their way to spawn and instantly kill me but they'll be leaving the player behind and that's the player who has all my water balls they run off and like I thought there's a player inside sewing my water bottles out problem is look at me there's no way I'll win in a fair fight that's why I'm breaking this oh that was gave my position away but if she looks up at any moment she'll see me trying to kill her but good thing I have drip Stone perfect I need to time this kill with them killing my ALT that's them they're right there I heard them killing me perfect no way oh no way yeah no way you died so much Luke I know a full netherite my water bottles yes I have them with them now celebrating my death I quickly stole my War balls back and made my way into the nether I'm in the Nether and all my War balls are inside here time to test if it works first I need to make a giant platform of dispensers and I kinda gotta take all these out and fill this up yeah this might take a little bit but once they were filled I quickly did the Redstone and I was ready to Make It Rain okay done once I click this yes go go go drum dropping all of rain right now obsidian well I think that was always there which means this was useless too and with one hour left I was back to square one but luckily I got a silk touch pickaxe so let me take a few Leaves play some leaves here water go inside with all hope now lost barnik's challenge was getting harder and harder to accomplish but the worst just happened no stop stop my position's been ruined I need to get off here they realized I was still alive and they were now hunting me in the nether guarding every exit possible and I was stranded there's the pool and there's way too many people guarding it uh where else can I really go unless I turtle on the ground I end up at their portal this is gonna be very interesting to see if it actually works I don't even know where this is gonna lead me but they're right above me oh no no no no no no luckily I have a firework and a crossbow I load the soap there we go yeah I see you guys later with them distracted by the fireworks I quickly made my Escape but they won't stop chasing me so first I'm gonna break this nether ball and build it right here now if I go inside like I thought I'm now on the nether roof which is the perfect place to trap them once they're back in the Overworld I'm gonna bait them to the second pole and once inside trap them infinitely and I have all the items I now need check it out perfect perfect nope nope portal man oh yes I'm in wait what those right there you have nowhere to go man yeah well you guys are actually on another Roof oh my oh what how yeah see you guys later I was never gonna do that anyway come on run run run pull up there I mean lay it yeah see you guys later and that's now gone right now they're trapped in the nether roof but I don't know how long they'll stay there so while they're trapped I'm just gonna make a giant hole cam out cool there we go and once they come back to the Overworld I'm gonna shoot them so they fall into the hole and die oh my god oh yes spawn you oh my God this was the freest Farm ever if I just jump down okay I have to make sure I land in this cobweb I barely saw that I'm not gonna lie and I take all this loot I'm stacked after doing some research I found an update that lets you put water in the Nether and it's from Snapchat 2103 the glow lights and update all I need is a glow Legend and a lava bucket to show you how it works is simple the lava needs to be there and then you play the gold Legend and it turns into water it's really that simple and you can make an infant of our war sources like bang so many water sources easily Minecraft but there's a slight problem this serves him 119.2 so I don't know if it works let me break that come to me no there we go we now have it using the global iTune I can spread water in the nether which means I can save barnik first I need a lava bucket I found a good spot and time to test I put the lava bucket here and I place the glove light oh no why does it not work well that's been patched with no way to put water in the nether I lost all hope giving completely up on the challenge but that's when I realized the glow Legends in the snapshot are bugged and if I was to have those booked items on the server I could crave water first I need to empty out all these water balls and pick up a shulker I may need to get rid of my netherride well let me tell you about the plan I need to corrupt my server player data meaning I could no longer play in the server and you might be thinking that's stupid but the server owner will need to load a backup and since there currently isn't one I'm gonna send him a backup I already have which will be my player data from the snapshot do you get where I'm going with this if this works I'll have the illegal glow Legends in my inventory and I could cover the nether in water but how do I crop my player data one is crush the server oh my God and load into a glitch chunk bro what is going on I should be glitching right now I'm in a glitch chunk well that doesn't work on a second it's a bum book and that's why Skizzy yo what's up quick I need those books come at the table what do you want for all the book of calls you have I don't know Cliff that shovel looks pretty nice bro take the shovel the pickaxe yes I need all of it this is what I like to see after successfully getting all the books I need I could start corrupting my player time to start crypting this book go spam spam spam spam spam and boom signed book one of one done and with the last book now done and now all I do is break this and the moment of truth it should kick me perfect and if I try join it actually won't let me connect it's so stuck meaning the player corruption was a success I could no longer load the server and I had to message the owner I'm talking to him right now hey can I need your help he said what's up I can't log into server Play A Day of crypto and he's about to delete my data I'm gonna have a backup and I'll send it okay I'm on the glitch world I don't know how much I need I'm gonna spawn my entire inventory and complete the next time I log on I have infinite glitch lichen I'm back in on my inventory school election which means it did work there's only one way to test it if I put this here I quickly make this place that there Legend yes oh I've done it no way yo this is crazy on a 119 world I've made water possible in the nether I have another idea because if Barney spawns now he'll suffocate in the obsidian die so that's why I'm here I've got two shulkers one I'm gonna pull the globe icon and then all that I'm gonna put son and I'm off back to another um I didn't really think about how deep this actually is I may need more sun after filling the lava with sand it was almost time to make it water okay this is taking way too long come on please yo why does Loki look like the most cursed thing ever I don't think this was supposed to happen what what oh my God why is why oh you're so late I thought I killed you turns out Kipling never died she was secretly hiding the entire time waiting for the right moment to strike hello still got this platform what is that about me is that working all right please yes that was such a big brain thinking wow that could have gone really bad and I've only got 59 more sun let's make the rest of this water wasting no time I replaced the nether with water okay I don't know what else to do I filled up as much of the nether as were like seriously this is more curse than anything how are you supposed to explain this I just hope he spawned somewhere here because with a minute left he rejoined the server quiff the moment of truth did you save me bro please I tried my best Brian gonna lie I don't even know where you are God wait what are you alive hello are you away bro are you alive where are you what are you going how did you do this where are you called Selby well I guess yeah the Thousand is yours you actually did it
Channel: Quiff
Views: 1,463,966
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Quiff, minecraft, Why I Replaced The Entire Nether With Water..., water in nether, infinite hearts, 0.01% health, lifesteal hearts, dream smp, stealing hearts, most dangerous minecraft server, buried this smp alive, max hearts, minecraft infinite, lifesteal, minecraft smp, my friends trapped me, lifesteal smp, minecraft friends revenge, parrot lifesteal, minecraft trolling, doni bobes, bionic, minecraft hardcore, hardcore smp, minecraft survival, quiff trapped, socksfor1
Id: 2hD59-D-Q-k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 32sec (752 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 30 2022
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