I Trapped 100 Strangers In Complete Darkness

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you know that 64 of people are scared of the dark well today I'm going to be trapping 100 people in complete darkness sounds pretty scary huh I'm gonna go back to my room okay all right guys let's bring him in oh my gosh let's go there's so many of them boys and girls how are we feeling this fine evening yeah they have absolutely no clue what's about to happen now the reason that all these people are dressed up like this is because I actually have a job opening at Eric but a job at arak requires character there's a quote that says the true test of a person's character is what they do when no one's watching but I'll be watching that was creepy the way you said that hey um do you guys like dark by chance today I have a series of challenges dedicated to helping me find the one person in this room worthy of the Jaws for the first challenge I have my friend Mack inside the room night vision goggles on and the first 50 people to hand him a resume we'll move on to the next phase of the interview for the first challenge you guys must hand deliver your resume to one of my henchmen all right Spotlight on where's Mac do we have eyes on him he's sneaking hey pal [Music] dude they're right next to Mac all right here's your hint oh my God oh my God who is it yes she's so happy got it you got it good job brother stuffing the resumes in his shirt we're getting to see these rare celebration dances that people would not do in the daytime that's like what goes on in there yeah this guy was holding up a w I was doing the chicken dance that God is frozen they all think they're in privacy right now because they're in the dark but unfortunately I have 4K infrared cameras filming from every direction I think going here it's closed guys I'm sorry I'm sorry I survived that was crazy this is all your resumes right here bro people are still looking for you in this room that guy is backing on his knees again all right guys and girls how we feeling I do have the top 50 resumes in my hand right now the names that I'm calling could either be eliminated or be moving on to the next round Jason a step into the spotlight Dylan caracos Teddy Moore Martin Matthews Jessica for everybody who's still in the circle [Music] you guys are officially moving on congratulations let's go we are halfway to finding our perfect applicant this is the interview process where we get to learn a little bit more about each of you guys I have to eliminate half of you right now complete silence in the room they are not happy about that the reason these guys seem a little bit quiet is because we literally shot this video at two o'clock in the morning just to make sure it was pitch dark contestant number one hi my name is Maria Henry Martin daddy Nico Catherine Daniel yo I'm Tamiko what's up your resume said you were God tier at picking up girls I am not joking that's actually what this says what does a picture of you and you have in common what I want to pin you both up against my wall oh this guy's eliminated get him out of here I'm Jessica Shea Jessica yes sir every man's face in this room right now is beat red give me your favorite dance move real quick PG dance move or you do whatever you want to do you know [Music] [Applause] [Music] POV I open my trunk and there's a dead body in it I ask you to help me cover up a murder what do you do uh we're dumping him in the forest I'm the sheriff and I see you holding a dead body in the forest what are you doing that was not me that was Mr Decker we're sending that body to Mr Beast and framing him sell it on the black market I know people Eric pulls up with 150 bodies in his trunk Eric walks you into a Walmart Supercenter the shelves are stocked with 100 000 dead bodies he pulled to the Grand Canyon filled with a brim with five million bodies there are trillions why you keep asking about dead bodies oh my gosh please no I don't care what he has to say did you forget to wear pants I'm not allergic to pants you're moving on say the silliest thing you can possibly think of oh yeah send him to the ranch hi my name is Austin I'm just gonna not say anything on this one and see what happens all right you're going through to the 25 of you congratulations slowly but surely there's all these gifts coming in here from them you've been trying to bribe us we've got a pizza blanket right here some of them packed us lunch enjoy this lunch from the depths of Seattle I don't ask for much but help John win this battle John already got eliminated really he's been out for hours oh no all right boys and girls you ready it is time for the next challenge this stage of the interview is going to test your tactility it's not a word that's a word you made that up 100 another word could be strategy we're gonna be playing a little game called Murder in the dark in this room right now there's one knife the person who finds this knife first can kill off 10 opponents with said Knight this is a test of your strategy you can fight or you can flight bro I'm so nervous right now here we go Spotlight on Spotlight off it's on the ground it's on the ground it's on the ground so right now we're seeing who's gonna fight and who's gonna hide oh my God bro they don't work he's got it he's got it Superman is about to end lives instead of saying look at him creeping around oh he is so tactile you made that word up it's a word absolutely not oh he's gonna get him he's gonna go oh you're dead what is this crab walk tactic he's walking towards a night the first kill has been initiated oh no oh no oh you're done though dude he's so dramatic he's actually killing them oh he's gonna get the guy behind that oh no no way if he gets him wow he was right there dude it's crazy because he's literally looking right at people that he could get out that was kill three he's so obsessed oh he hears the footsteps he's posing in oh no oh here we go oh no oh no kill six oh no oh no oh no oh we just jammed that in his rear end he put that somewhere he was not supposed to oh no oh he's got prank yo yo yo three two one oh oh there's someone right there is there someone there is oh there's someone literally right there oh my gosh dude he was so close oh my gosh why would you do brought that up a pump no no he's like Spider-Man yes yes yes Cody get out of there Cody dang it Cody that's so much hope for him murderer you have a decision to make right now you can either let everyone know your identity or keep it a secret secret all right give your weapon to the camera man I'm gonna give you 10 seconds to go wherever you want to go three two one lights on there are 15 of you left congratulations if you're still here who's the killer who's the Killer is that you no I hid in the bathroom boy someone kept chasing me the whole time are you saying that he didn't do it oh my gosh what are you hiding oh I kept going around the whole time he didn't have a cape I saw the guy's figure 100 who's the most calm out of all of us right now dude they're all trying to find out who the killer was this entire game we're gonna be playing try not to scream Max's gonna be walking around the warehouse with night vision goggles and if he makes you scream one of you will be eliminated so the next part of this interview is going to test for nerves of Steel so I'm looking for somebody who can really take a lot of stress so max out there trying to make people scream because we made a video called if you scream you lose and in that video he was very successful at making people scream so we put him back out there to do the job that he does best oh my gosh oh my gosh oh she didn't scream damn she's tough I would have screamed for sure oh he's got the siren oh here it goes Lily is going crazy over there oh holy is trying to kick back she got someone rip Henry man oh no a man that can show up with no pants on doesn't scream yeah oh he's going for Alan he's going for Allen us oh no no Alex oh holy I hates man oh my God it's done oh no that was a screen that was the worst one he's curling up on the ground the bag is so proud of himself boys and girls we're gonna go ahead and turn the main light back on so far in this game he's made three people scream and one of them is about to be eliminated right now what's the elimination process the other applicants get to decide who leaves right now that's going to be interesting guys how we doing good Henry Allen and Teddy only one of you is going to leave right now all right it's not up to you it's not up to you it's not up to you fight for it come on I hope that you guys have made friends I hope you guys have made alliances I hope you guys have been nice to each other because the people who are going to decide who stays right now are your fellow interviewees this is your opportunity to talk to your peers and say why you should stay in to get this job I would love to stay in y'all because I'm just so happy that I've been able to come as far as I have with you two as well as everybody else I just hope that I've made enough of an impact for y'all to pick me to stay in I just I love you all that's all I had to say Alan why should you stay and have an opportunity the job excited to shout out to my fans my supporters [Music] I think he's extremely nervous I'm there for you guys I'll be the biggest supporter Choose Wisely and yeah that's all I gotta say you know if you guys were to tell me that I would be in the top 15 this thing at the beginning of the day I don't know if I would believe you I genuinely thought I was gonna get out first round this guy my God she's so humble after this whole night with you guys I'm I'm glad I did it I'm glad I did everything and if I go out it's for Noble Gods because one of these guys is going to do a way better job than me if you guys think that uh I deserve another shot since I uh screamed like I will not scream like again this is what's gonna happen guys I'm about to turn the lights off when the lights turn off everyone is going to point at who they want to eliminate so bad lights are going off in three two one Spotlight off this is where evil comes out in the dark the people five feet in front of them who just told them they loved them are now pointing at them to eliminate them and they don't even know I think it's the middle guy Alan it's looking like Alan's done lights on oh we just exposed them that's dirty man Alan you are eliminated that they all didn't just vote him out five seconds yeah like I said true characters show when the lights turn off seriously you made it this far not to walk away okay boys and girls yes sir here's what's gonna happen how do you guys have handcuffs half of you guys have keys each key only works with one set of handcuffs and the first four teams to match the correct key to the correct pair of handcuffs moves on to the next round based on the competition so far these teams are made up of people who should not technically get along with each other this is why this round is going to test teamwork are you guys ready they're all so tired are you guys ready yeah lights off in three two one oh my gosh they're desperately trying to find each other Sam you're here give it to me oh my God you got it no no I don't think it's working okay I'll see you later nobody has gotten it yet yeah yeah who is this it's steady we're good we're good wow wow chemistry right off the bat let's go it's interesting seeing people that are self-reliant versus people that naturally work in teams except people are just walking around mindlessly I feel I swear we got another two what we got what we got right there here we go here we go beautiful teamwork with those two we got one more team who's gonna make it through one more one more I can't get it oh my god oh this is the right one Sam and Olio we paired them together [Music] okay the team is done yeah it's over it's over yeah those of you who did not find a partner you have failed to show teamwork and you were therefore eliminated oh it's brutal it's brutal oh man all right guys we're gonna go on like a 10 minute break we're gonna turn the house lights on so they think right now that they're just on a casual break and they're just walking around in the light the first time I've been able to see in a while but in reality a competitor is going to come in and test their loyalty competitor being Tyler you're a YouTuber right yeah I'm a YouTuber the plan for this bit is to have you go out there and offer the job and pay twice as much as me and see if they'll take the job I'm offering them an opportunity that's fake and then I'm getting them fired for it here we go here we go Tyler is loose bro real quick oh here it goes Grant up to this point I felt so loyal I want you to become the best at YouTube and so anything that I can do to help you reach that goal that makes me happy he is actually motivated to become my assistant but his real loyalties have not been put to the test if you watch your videos a lot yeah I watch a lot of Eric videos and I started watching yours I'm hiring as well on my team yeah Eric probably isn't going to pay that good one to be honest I'll pay you a lot better you can tell he's nervous about it I can get your contact bro if I'd be sick uh oh man yeah oh no Grant you can see the guilt in his eyes bro I was just telling them I'm also ironing I'm probably paying way more than Eric I'm down for New Opportunities so no Henry man what the frick bro would you be Dustin I mean Eric kind of tastes like anyway good for producer Loki producer I'm in can I get your number no bro I did not expect him to give him his number thank you so much man I hope you're serious about this man I'm dead serious I actually am super serious what is up what's up or between you and me I'm also higher and I'm paying a lot more than Eric okay well let's see if I can get this job with Eric and then we can talk if I don't okay sure I mean I can take your number now I'm going to pay a lot more than him but what's gonna happen um find me after how about because I'm here for this you know okay okay oh let's go Jessica I'm I'm really hoping on this so okay well that's awesome so I hope you win I'm hoping for it too I can't believe that Jessica is loyal are you devoted to winning this yeah I hope Tyler like actually wants to hire me I love Tyler I feel awful dude I feel I think I just got four people done oh my gosh I'm so nervous to tell them what just happened how are you guys feeling feeling great live let's go you may not have realized it but we actually just finished the next level of the interview I'm gonna ask for the following people to step into the spotlight Adam thinks that was a good thing Kyle Grant this is not good Henry Jessica we just finished the level of the interview to test for loyalty do you guys have any thoughts around that no mods the only person to pass the Loyalty test was Jessica Jessica you can step out of the spotlight I hate you Tyler I'm so sorry because you accepted the job you are all eliminated guys I don't want you guys to think this changes anything I love each of you dearly you are eliminated though I'm so terribly sorry oh this hurts terribly Jessica step into the spotlight Jessica Jessica Jessica Eric Eric Eric the only person to withstand the Loyalty test tell me about it I was a fan of yours before him so I know I came here and I didn't go through all of that for nothing not only is Jessica a phenomenal dancer she also has loyalty we want to see it all right we're moving into the next phase of the interview let's go this has been a crazy Journey this is insane I feel like I understand their perspective so well because that literally two years ago that was me the way that I actually started popping on YouTube was by applying for a job with Logan Paul I think I had 1500 subscribers when I did that video and now we're at like 9 million which is insane so I have so much empathy for these guys I'm so proud of them for making it this far and I'm so excited to like actually give one of them a job All Right contestants step into the circle Austin Jessica teddy Christmas how does it feel to be in the top floor didn't think I would be here I expected it okay here we go I've hidden a King near you guys and I'm going to give you one box of matches to create light of your own to go find that key the key is close to you guys I made sure of that okay yes sir we're gonna be gaining three two one lights off oh they're going they're going they're going they're going I can't see none all right wouldn't be in here why don't any of my notches work so there's actually no key in this room at all there's no key in the room all these matches their lighting are just useless like they're looking for nothing right now that makes them look way Dumber that guy's dragging a match across the floor so what they don't realize is what I'm saying is close to them I literally taped the key to the bottom of their Matchbox each of them have a key in their Matchbox right now it's literally in their hand and the first two people to find their key move on to the next round this is a test of wit who can think most creatively who can think outside the box by Thinking Inside the Box no no no no no no no don't die oh I'm not winning this seats please please mine aren't working for some reason wait no way [Music] oh my gosh wait where was it you guys gotta figure it out oh no way she's not gonna tell them oh my gosh I love watching this girl outsmart all these guys it's beautiful does anybody need any more matches oh my gosh she's literally backstabbing them right now Jesus Savage she really is no way is it oh he's looking hold on oh no Christmas is gonna get it who's gonna get it first top two Jessica versus Austin oh my gosh it is Jessica versus Austin for the job let's turn spotlights on those who did not find the key step into the spotlight I was so close like by seconds out of 100 people you made it to the top four I'm very proud of you guys for coming this far Christmas and Teddy give us the red light let's go you are eliminated oh good game these people these two that we have right here are the most creative the most well spoken most loyal people out of this entire competition and right now only one of them is going to get the job Jessica has proven time and time again fair and square that she should be here we can't count on Austin though I'm not gonna lie I didn't even realize this guy was here until right now the reason Tyler didn't know that Austin was here was because we literally didn't ask him any questions during the interview as a joke I'm just gonna not say anything on this one and see what happens and after multiple miraculous Strokes of luck he had flown under the radar and progressed all the way to the finals awesome I'm gonna be honest with you buddy I know nothing about you if you have any questions I'll answer any of them POV I pull up with a dead body in my trunk what do you do yeah it's actually a situation that happens more often that we think she's called the cleanup crew man they know what to do with it that was the first legit answer I've gotten what's your favorite dance move just uh go in the club and just kind of vibe to the DJ foreign so for the last round on the left hand side is ten thousand dollars in cash and on the right is gonna be me standing there and these two contestants get to choose either me or the money and we're doing this as a test of greed are they here because they're passionate about the job and the opportunity or are they here because of the money after 24 hours of being trapped in darkness 100 applicants had been whittled down to reveal the two with the best qualities greatest loyalty and the most dedication who would cave into greed and who would come to the light and join the era team Austin and Jessica welcome to the final round of the interview you can take your blindfolds off let's turn spotlights on hey it's me how are you good breaking the fourth wall in a moment you guys are going to be given a choice in front of you you have me and job opportunity or ten thousand dollars in cash and count to three you'll have to make a decision quickly oh my God you're gonna run to the choice that you make in three two one oh how do you feel right now I'm excited I didn't think I was gonna make it this far but I'm glad I did really and it's an honor of being in your presence congratulations on the job this is the official handshake we did it thank you Austin ten thousand dollars in cash what are you gonna do with it I do not know [Music] I love you [Music]
Channel: Airrack
Views: 7,064,243
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: lg2cdA2BglE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 46sec (1426 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 12 2022
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