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I need these deer I need them in my nuts Hello everybody welcome back to the channel my name is Agent we're back with some more power world hard mode series now last episode we beat Lily and lyen as you can see over here we have it defeated and we also were capturing some rep tyos in like the fire area regions of the map in order to improve our or Excavating my focus right now is to level up our character we're right now about level 31 and oh my God we also got to repair our armor we're level 31 and we need to get to level 32 before we can upgrade our base and doing so will allow us to have will let us have three bases instead of two and that's going to be really helpful cuz right now we're strling to get ore I've kind of been trying to get ore just like manually cuz it's just so hard oh wait look it's a merchant so right now my focus is to get to level 32 so I can level up my base to make an ore base and then hopefully just capture a bunch of things also I kind of got a decent amount of money so I guess I'll buy these guys now some of the things I did off camera I played for like a little bit I played for like maybe 20 minutes I was able to get the Brun Cherry Aqua Boss I like captured it and I also got a uh and I also killed mamores and I also built back at home a high quality pal spring I really need ore like we are being held back by the amount of ore we can get I just need the experience from these guys I crafted a bunch of meas speres cuz I am tired of using regular pal Spears and just failing to catch it Al where the hell are we Marsh Island I don't know where the [ __ ] I went so basically our goals for this episode is we're going to spend some time leveling up hopefully getting to level 32 and then from there get a little bit more get a little bit more ore to get the I think we need to make the weapon assembly line and then from there we can build another base and then get a bunch of more ore and then hopefully by then we can get like assault rifles or something I've never gotten this far it's kind of hard diverting your attention on one series when you have a hard mode Series going on and you have a lamb ball only run but if you guys are new to this channel my name is Adan hope you guys are enjoying the channel I'm going to be uploading a lot of pal World Terraria some other games like that with like cut commentary content come here [ __ ] oh wait I think I need more lift monks for some reason I don't have enough what get in my balls goomas let's get this fast travel point if you guys have any suggestions on what type of content you guys want me to do any more like power world like if you want me to do a power world randomizer run which sounds [ __ ] sick by the way just let me know if you guys want me to play other games like undertale which I've never played before and you just let me know I think I actually have all the ik 3ers I'm debating on making a stun baton cuz apparently stun batons when you stun an enemy or stun a pal it makes it easier to catch them which I did not know so I was actually at a um a little dinner last night with some friends and we were talking about power world and wait I hear a lucky a dire hell again you guys are so ass like genuinely I do not like dire how so I was actually talking to my friend about my lall only run and I was talking to him about how you know we we had the uh metal problem where we couldn't get metal cuz we didn't want to do kindling but we found out that bushy drops them so we were grinding bushy but then he brought up another interesting really good point he said what are you going to do about electricity and I'm like oh [ __ ] you're right what am I going to do about electricity and if you guys don't know electricity is super important because that's what functions the weapon assembly line the pal spere assembly line and if we can't get those and we can't make things like an assault right we can't make a shotgun we can't make some of the endgame weapons and by the time we're at end game we're going to need everything we we can get o there's a grin tail here I never killed that one yet we're almost level 32 holy crap so yeah I'm not really sure sure how I'm actually going to do it please don't kill that okay cool it might kill me though I'll say that yes 55% captur it come on dude just get it over with get it done and uh done and then done done oh yeah let's get out of here I think actually after we kill some dire house we might level up or catch them I should say we leveled up I guess with that being said let's head on over to the uh the main island over here and then let's just teleport back home and then uh make this what is it called weapon assembly line o we can make a giga grappling hook O A Storage container so the storage container is basically like a really big chest that like takes the span of 36 yard I do want to make a uh ooh a a tomato Plantation I've never made one before a shock grenade I do want to make a shock grenade I heard the grenades in this game are really cool you just throw them into like a school of children and they just all die I meant Pals sorry I wonder how much lift monk fies actually change your capture rate like from a flat zero to like all the way up I wonder if it changes it like by a drastic amount or just a minuscule yo the the these little ass hats dude these Goins why the [ __ ] are they so strong look how are you alive you should be dead all right let's see what we caught I forgot what we caught grin tail we got a legendary dire H with lucky uh we could probably make a really cool dire how then if we just breed it all dude what ooh incin AMS there's an inceram knocked I kind of want that hold on wait wait I don't want it to die though wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait I don't want it to die I can't see it's going on in cinam knock right here he's like a special guest wait where where the 5% capture rate oh no don't kill it no holy [ __ ] what is going on yo I need to get myself a goddamn Lantern it is a pitch black I feel like I'm playing Slender Man right now oh yeah something I also did I made a lot of incubators it'll be a nice surprise later on the series when we can just hatch an egg and you know get like a kelpsy ignis oh yeah something that they made I think in the new um update is that if your pal is like dead other Pals can drag them over to a bed and revive them wait why why are yall stuck here before that raid rudely interrupted us guys let's check out what we can craft a production assembly line to make a giga shield and we need to make the weapon assembly line so we need 60 is ingots which is a [ __ ] ton let me repair my armor first before I forget I feel like I I forgotten like 10 million God dang times we need cloth suck my [ __ ] nuts dude oh we can make a hip Lantern I'm going to make a hip Lantern well now we need like a million more uh ingots let's head on over to our base how much ore you got for me here guys oh you guys did cleaning up holy [ __ ] all right how much ore we got I'm expecting great things guys I have great expect W 70 bars I did not know y'all got 70 [ __ ] bars I'm not going to lie I was expecting like 25 that's usually the uh the amount they get me is this good enough I think it looks good yeah it looks pretty good to me maybe we'll move this viewing cage over I don't really like how it's over here maybe I'll like put it in the middle of the map instead I'm not sure here it is industrial era we got the weapon handy bench I mean assembly line sorry you also need to make the what is it called the production assembly line oh my God all right well anyway now what we can do is we can level up our base and now we are on the basically max level base for at least like this all right let's see now we can make the we can make another base but I also wanted to get more ore so what I'm thinking is we'll build another Base by the desolate church cuz there's a lot of ore there unless we build it here hold on let me check out this area after I get a lamp nice kind of want to try out this base I always make it at desolate church so I kind of want to try something I want to try something new you know okay so it's over here yo I'm surprised I haven't gotten a flying Mount yet check this out look at all this ore only problem is it's like kind of an ass area like we have this little thing up here let me see we got ore in the middle what else I guess we you know what [ __ ] it we'll just make it here it's an interesting spot finally we have a third base and this is the one that's going to get us the most ingots in my opinion all right let's bring out repti oh no rep Tyra has a fracture oh my god dude I need to make like a medicine bench does anyone actually use medicine do I even have a medicine bench here can someone else do this [ __ ] who who got like level three medicine [ __ ] bro level two come on someone got to have level level three medicine dude fbat I didn't think you'd have to be I didn't think you'd be useful but I guess you are it's okay catas I got one F that can you do it you lazy son of a come on there we go work this is for the future of our clan this is for the Empire we need medicine how do I use it on him oh nice so over to the new base and then we just got to start building a [ __ ] ton of stuff so let's get rep Tyro out uh mamus can do mining as well all right well you guys get to work I'm going to go start Base building actually I need some guys to chop down some trees and [ __ ] cuz they're kind of in the way so I want to kind of take the entire area outside of the ore so everything that's Stone I'm going to kind of connect together oh my God we don't have any stone oh son of a [ __ ] I'm going to make a little chest at the beginning of our little base so right here behind it cuz that's where you spawn I'm going to make a little wooden chest I hear a Lucky by the way hold on I think it's coming from over over here it's a lucky lift monk sure dude and we got it let's leave so to make this more efficient we're going to need to make a feed box which I'm going to place in the middle of everything that way they can kind of just eat immediately and since all of the ore is evenly spaced around it they don't have to like walk 10 million miles and then we will get the kilari cuz kilari have level two transport and then that can move around everything we'll also do a little CER as well why not nice cool we can get ore from here now I guess we should start making a weapon assembly line now I guess this is a lot of more crafting per se actually no let's go [ __ ] catch some things what am I talking about do I have any palum oh my God no palum I'm going to go to the desert and just capture a bunch of um rep tyos and dig toes and whatnot I want some dig toes I'm going to spice it up a little bit let's head on over to the deserts where Anubis is at level 47 Anubis get some dig toes actually while we're here let's go kill this quiv all right uh this is a a [ __ ] we need ice I don't got ice I got fire though no holy [ __ ] [ __ ] come on nice we just got ourselves a quiv baby let's get out of here has some good experience quiv is also really cool I've never used the saddle for it but I kind of want to damn dude to get the ragnok saddle is level 37 oh all right you know what kind of sucks about the Anubis desert there's no uh way points near it the only one is the uh the desert one I'm sorry the quiv one everything else is like 10 million miles away from it I really like that we take no fall damage one day they're going to add it and I'm going to I'm just going to cry all right we need this uh dick toys we got one dick toys look at his dick toys drowning in the water all right let's catch it you've got to be eating my [ __ ] make me do this cool cool cool all right we got another dick toys I think we're good on Dick toes now wonder how much damage we do to a level 47 and actually that's a very that's some bad decisions that I'm thinking about right now let me check though let me see how much damage my ragnok does on him not enough yeah let's get the [ __ ] out of here sorry Anubis it was just joke I'm hatching a baby version of you anyway I think we should just head on home now let's head on home get that uh metal make the second uh assembly line and then get the Giga Shield maybe get a new weapon dude I want the ragn hawk uh saddle soon I want to fly I can't fly it sucks I want to use the move where I just stom and just kill everything oh that's so fun all I'm leaving guys I just wanted to do that oh we can make a shot grenade I want to try that all right let's try this out on like something stupid how's everyone doing we got some friends we got you guys like a lot of dig toes I kind of want to dig toys on my team right now hold on I want to get the uh I'm just going to use the ore skill good [ __ ] I feel real good about an ore now dude cuz that second base wasn't really cutting it all right 50 [ __ ] bars dude holy crap let's go back to our other base with the coal and whatnot what's going on over here guys 20 bars like I don't know this area is just not that good for ore what do we use this shot Grenade on H maybe we'll try it on alphad there's an alphagan right here that I haven't killed yet oh what if I try it on German tide what if I throw like 10 [ __ ] shot do grenades at him he'll be like we'll give him a [ __ ] labotomy bro let's check out this grenade Alo does he know it did 25 damage a man I thought it would do like 10 million you after me go after the person that's shooting [ __ ] Fireballs at you what is this Gail claw doing dude holy son of a [ __ ] I'm going to get clapped by a [ __ ] Gail claw and oh my God F [ __ ] off wait I actually want I want to catch the aladan don't kill it ragnok but then again I guess Beggars can't be choosers in this situation right now huh I got a 10% capture rate oh my God this guy's still trying to kill me it's not worth the 1% capture rate oh my God I'm going to [ __ ] die I'm on fire no way I'm going to die are you Ser why this fire last that long you know what's crazy you can't even jump into a river to heal yourself from the fire you just burn to death it's like you get [ __ ] slapped with [ __ ] Sasuke susano bro oh [ __ ] I got a oh this really is is the Industrial Age episode oh my God you hear that that's the sound of good workers damn what is in our inventory dude oh 97 bars that makes sense I'm like why am I so slow it actually blows my mind how we have 2,710 wood but only like 200 Stone all right where is it the production assembly line I'm not sure where to put this bad boy guess I'll put it like right here yeah and then I can probably move this uh viewing cage back a little bit actually I'll just build it later nice we have the freaking we have all the the lines so then with this we can make the Giga Shield just make a bunch of stuff all right I think I'll end the episode off here today thank you guys so much for watching if you guys are enjoying the series make sure to leave a like and a comment just let me know if you guys want more of this type of content and um yeah thank you guys so much for the love and support man it's been Adrian guys
Channel: ayejae
Views: 347
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, palworld hard mode, PALWORLD HARD MODE is actually HARD, palworld hardmode, is palworld hard, palworld hard mode playthrough, palworld guide, ayejae palworld, ayejae, ayejae palwolrd playthrough, PALWORLD HARDMODE is getting serious, adrian palworld, adrian palworld playthrough
Id: NYyuqFP3oOs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 40sec (760 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2024
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