PALWORLD HARDMODE is getting serious

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Hello everybody welcome back to the channel today we're back at some more power world anyway I did do a few things off camera so I got to update you guys a little bit on what's going on right now but first let's go ahead and go on the base first so in the last episode I went over to like the desert and I got myself a dig toys and I was kind of working on the second base and the second base is going pretty well we have some do muds we got some we got a dig toys work in here sometimes got ourselves a ton of delicious [ __ ] ore dude boom 35 more bars now let's go ahead and go back home there's also a new update that dropped so a few things change for example if you have completely encumbered full weight past you can still walk they made it where you can walk so now you no longer have to use a grappling gun to move over to like certain distances you can just walk over still really slow but way better than nothing I did a lot of things that I don't think I covered specifically but let's just kind of go over thing so I made some metal armor grafted myself a crossbow I also caught a few nice little things I got a patalia for farming she does like level three farming I also got the Marae saddle so obviously we had Mar on on our team this entire time but now we can ride it and it's actually pretty nice for example there's a dinam here uh we can kind of just like try it out on dinum IGN I missed ignis blast flare Arrow it does a decent amount of damage I also call myself a relaxasaurus and I also if you guys don't know I built a breeding Farm one of the best Pals you can get is Anubis it spawns in the desert all the way up here it's level 47 but it's the only pal in the game that has a level for handiwork but if you get a incin and if you get a serpent you can breed them and get the egg for it and that's exactly what I did the only problem is that the egg when you play on hard mode will take 72 hours yeah so even if if I speed this up with like a campfire it will still take 47 hours 48 hours so by the time I'm done by the way we're at day 20ish day 100 my egg will finally hatch after 80 days so like what's the point by that time I'll be like level 50 but it's something to look forward to and by the way to get this incinium oh my God it took forever basically if you want to get like an early game inceram it's really hard cuz they only kind of spawn in the volcano region over here but if you want to get them early on if you don't know if you go over to this area on the map there's going to be a bunch of syndicates when they attack you they'll actually summon out a least Punk and an incin and if you're lucky enough you can catch it and you can breed with it I also caught myself a gory rat which is honestly like really strong he's the strongest one on my team in terms of like damage output and whatnot so yeah right now it's like day 20 oh I also put a mpaka here cuz I kind of need wool all my wool keeps kind of Disappearing so I don't really have any specific goals in this play through I really want to get this Anubis but I doubt I'm going to get anytime soon what I was thinking is maybe I get some armor oh I wanted to get the makeshift handgun actually that's what I wanted I'll probably let me craft H should I make a musket actually no I think I can make that makeshift handgun so I need five quality high quality po oil which is like a little bit of a higher end material they drop from like things like mames but you can actually get them from relaxasaurus is that spawn relaxasaurus is a water and dragon I believe water and dragon so lightning and Ice would do good so I can use a univolt so we're going to farm about five relaxasaurus so we can get a a [ __ ] pistol I think that'll be our first gun this play through some re bunnies oh it's upset at me got to kill you now these things are really hard to catch by the way I never catch these uh and I caught one oh my God I'm dying already oh I caught another one look at all these cynica tugs yeah not my cup of tea all right let's snipe this relaxasaurus with a laser these can one shot you in a little fat minutes I catch it like that I missed okay you didn't drop anything oh there we go high quality P Oil that's what we needed we need about five of those so we have four more left to go shouldn't be too hard to get just relaxasaurus is they're real nice okayo close close it dropped the Ruby wa wait why are they all flying up no way these lamb balls are killing these Syndicate Thugs That's crazy I killed all of them anyway wor a shot so right now we're kind of lacking behind like I'm level 26 but all of my pals are like level 23 27 I don't know I feel like they could be higher level I also got a lot of uh shorts kind of talking about how dig toys actually isn't the best pal for like mining ore which kind of makes sense like dig toys only does like one damage if I'm not mistaken a lot of people are recommending rep Tyro from like the volcano region and I've never caught him before so I don't know how to feel about that we also have five high quality P Oil let's go ahead and head on home what are you doing in cam go home I don't need y'all to work anymore you guys are done breeding I don't need any more things to be bread actually no inceram is pretty good I think inceram has two two two crafting that's I'll use that oh I also crafted gloves so you can actually get these items that can turn your Gil claw into a glider like why would you do that though well when you do it you actually fly really fast you Glide super fast so I was think about kind of using it but I don't think the speed boost is worth having a pal spot taken up on your team all how long is this egg going to take seems just a little cold yeah sure it does buddy it's a little cold where do you want me to put it in a microwave all right makeshift hand gun oh oh put on a loot mod and make this that's going to take a while all right well we need to get some charcoal we can make a decent amount let's make about like 70 no one is working here where is everyone with like handiwork where is inceram stop cooking dude oh they also changed the key to pick up your pals from uh four to V I believe or F to V so you don't accidentally pick up your pals whenever they're doing like something important we have a lot of crap in our inventory oh my god oh yeah we also got a crossbow schematic I wonder what I can use that for oh my God ammo Mak takes so long to make you know what I think we can probably get a vixen I'm sorry a wixen wixen spawn in a volcano region but we kind of have one here I might kind of try to get one for this oh we got our hand uh handgun hold up hold up stay strapped [ __ ] all right I think I'm going to try and get a Wix in first of all let me try and get any ammo that I have lying around course ammo all right I got about sixish bullets let's make some more balls how many of these can I make I can make a decent amount actually 20 is the max all right maybe I'll make 10 10 gigas spheres I'll make 10 gig and my goal right now we're going to fly all the way up we're going to walk here to this volcano region and try to get a wixen which is like a fire wizard looking creature that'll give us three handiwork speed and then after that we're going to make our way up to the desert area and try to get a waypoint in a village there's going to be a lot of level 50 enemies but if we can secure it we'll have access to a merchant that will sell us ammo oh that's going to be a [ __ ] Lifesaver dude maybe I should make a metal Helm dude consider why are you resting you already don't pay rent can you at least help me craft stuff please and also so now we got a metal Helm so now we got look at that drip baby we got 11 gigas Furs we got a helmet we got a makeshift handgun let's get ourselves a wixon so they spawn I think here let's try to pop up here hopefully these folks are just crusing around oh M and there's no want to [ __ ] with them guys all right here we are wixen wixon oh here's one right now use the lock on laser boom Oh my God wa 59% capture it that's pretty good 80% and we caught ourselves a wixen baby that was easy that was actually easier than I thought oh there's another one here why not get both of them oh [ __ ] it's hot oh [ __ ] it's hot oh [ __ ] it's hot what do I do what do I do what do I do what do I do eat eat eat eat I'm burning what am I to do I guess if you stand in lava you just kind of burn for a little bit that does make sense I will say that all right lock on laser this baby stand still don't get the ruby in the way ah you got to be kidding me ah I killed it by accident good think there's another one over here wow there's so many here oh my God I keep burning I missed oh no oh no not like this not like this I can't jump I'm [ __ ] ah you left me no choice I got to pull out the Glock in My Rari this thing sucks ass oh my God we got it well I think two wixon are enough let's go ahead and go to the desert or will we burn in the desert we're so going to burn in the desert maybe not unless I have like heat resistance armor but I I don't I think they're all back at home I guess I got to go back home now well at least I got a wixon I will say this steep terrain is kind of annoying just trying to get up here man I'm just an honest man making a living baby capturing Pokémon selling it to the black market oh there's our Sox here a dinos luux what is it doing out here I guess it swam over from the desert wait is that a little Waypoint there oh I can totally go there what if I go to the Waypoint and then teleport back home before I die from burning that might actually work hold on just a little closer please do not combust into flames this place looks not that hot I could take it personally oh yeah oh yeah level 30 Ray hounds yep I'm going to walk away now actually we're not burning which is very surprising well we can fast travel here now I hear a lucky what is that level 50 it's over it's over we got to get the hell out of here oh it's fast oh it's fast oh it's fast it's a suzaku see I want to catch all these things can I like I'm out it was worth a try right hey man you never know 0.07 chance you never know I can afford this right I can afford this run worth a try level 30 I'm like well you don't know maybe they maybe they might submit maybe they're into that I heard a weird noise I heard a scary noise I heard a scary noise I heard a scary noise what's that noise what's that noise I I don't oh oh too toos too too too too pick someone that could [ __ ] go go go all right I'm I'm going to be real with you guys I don't really know where this Merchant is I'm assuming we fly up here what is that thing over there you see that is that little with that little like orange thing maybe that's hold on I think it might be that I think it might be that folks let's head on over I think it is oh it's that oh we're so close to it we got some Robin Quil teras 3% back bonus can't go wrong with that right uh-oh uh-oh they can't hit me from here right all right they can't we a shot oh those are some bad odds medium palle I'll take that wow we made it here I'm not going to lie I have very little hopes PF bonfire lover you gave me baked shrooms all right baby all right fast travel um warm-blooded desert inhabitant here they are here they are first of all let me get this meas spere wandering Merchant is this the one yes you sell ammo $120 that's actually not bad that's pretty bad that's pretty expensive all right I bought 40 rounds can I sell you my stuff how much will you take my uh I don't have anything you can sell never mind which one are you are you like the regular one M Earth skill fruit grass skill you sell megas speres oo I'm buying four of those I I hate crafting those I didn't think you could buy megas speres oh we're about to have a field day with this one folks all right let's see if we can try to try to catch something here I know that sounds a little little wriggly diggly but I think it's possible we have a gun we are next to a waypoint we have gigos feres we got hyperspheres just don't die Adrian don't be weird a lavander all right let's try this out a lavander we have dark types two dark types this is go horribly wrong or really well loton attack or the [ __ ] not just ignore me oh never mind there's more leanders I'm going to get the hell out of here ideally we want to try and single out a pal that's not in a group that way we can kind of just jump him and him alone Cognito no a dinos l no we're not going to live a dazzy m the thing right if we get a dazzy we can get the dazzy like necklace thing that lets you kind of have it out permanently oh but a robin Quil Tera sounds cooler I never caught one of these before what why did they wake up is it daytime or something what are you doing you freak what about these guys ooh yeah let's do these guys let's do one of these guys a dazzy no oh no all we got to commit oh we got to commit oh no why'd you wake up all of them you could have just woken up one one is enough it [ __ ] died it escaped wait what which I didn't know they killed me in one shot you know it was worth a shot though I I'll say that oh I'm [ __ ] burning am I going to make it I don't know it's so far why is there so many Toco toos near y please don't blow it up please don't blow up my stuff please just don't blow me up nope let's get out of here but I want to catch something so [ __ ] bad there's got to be something I can catch I don't want all my my I don't even have like a level 20 something yet 26 I don't want to I don't want a too to go than awesome oh level that thing's level 37 dude like one touch and I'm literally dead there has to be something around these parts oh there's a little cave oh it's another dazzy o do I want to take the risk I don't learn my lesson do I uh-oh wait they're both Electric types are like they're like evenly matched come on it's a 16% chance don't tell me I got to use a hypers sphere on this one oh damn it worth a shot right 38 38 baby give it to me bring it home bring it home we just got ourselves a dazzy all right I'm satisfied with that I'm going to go home with a dazy what is electric type good against again water we could Farm pen Kings more efficiently now I've never used a dazzy I wonder if it's good well everyone's at home uh all right first things first we got two wixon they got three they got two fire and three handling which is all nice and dandy you guys will be good workers good folk good folk and then we have a level four dazzy and a level 29 dazzy oh I know there a water type all right let's put it on our team so we can we should be able to craft something called like dazzy like gloves or something like that DA's necklace if dazzy is on your team it will stay by your side and attack enemies you just need some Paladium fragments which I should have yes I do oh my God we need 16 palum fragments cuz I'm freaking stupid I literally use them to craft something all right hold on wait I know exactly how we can get a quick quick little palum Buck let's go to our lucky little spot right here folks Hillside Cavern please nothing jump me all right cool that's 23 and that's 40 all right let's fight the boss while we're here why not it's like level 13 nothing too crazy something easy something a little fun you know oh this Glock is making it really easy to catch him Boom Boom Like An M1911 I guess huh how are you guys escaping all right what's the uh what's the boss we could roll this boss if we don't like it but I don't really oh it's a t Fant that's not bad we're electric type of too so we're going to kick its ass um let's do this let's shock wave it that killed everything I am so sorry a what I didn't think it would kill it all right we got a lot of rubies that's real nice we can sell that for some good money all right dazzy necklace oh my God these freaking these Vixens are nice W Wix wixen we got the uh Mega grappling hook if I can put it on there we go how does this help again oh they're way farther I guess I can put the regular in here old bow in here where did my course ammo go there's no way I used all of it right wait what oh it's in this chest I forgot I had a chest over here right right right yeah yeah yeah okayo oh my God I was losing my mind oh yeah the best way to make money is to make nails I don't know if you guys know that but they sell for a lot one Metal Ingot makes two Nails which sell for about $320 which is kind of crazy all all right dazzy necklace oh yeah look now we have a dazzy it pops just just pops out how strong is it like if I just kind of let attack oh and then also because it's a necklace we can have oh my God wait this actually kind of goes crazy it's like having a level 26 out permanently wait no way that's the d That's DA's attack oh my God 748 damage I guess I kind of just kills everything though which is kind of a bummer that's a cool item though all right I guess we're going to go to the shop and sell a lot of things after I uh pick up these nails and make a fluffy pal bed why we need nails for a fluffy pal bed the world may never know uh sell sell look precious ints and Ruby they both sell for 1,800 my nails sell for about the same price that's crazy all right we can level up our base finally dude okay sphere assembly line and power generator it's finally time to get it to the Industrial Age we need a lot of ingots yep sounds about right um where's our second here it is is everyone happy here I can't really tell got 35 ingots in here they got us about 50 something more not bad the house food guys H could be better right yeah I guess I should this is the time where we start catching like high how is my gory rat still not alive ooh let's try to kill that catris cat is going to be a real nice addition to the base we need dragon types ooh maybe I'll bring relaxasaurus over relaxasaurus level 20 um metalia relaxasaurus has super effective oh my God another raid buff buff like seriously dude I can't get a goddamn break every single ban girls who can't contain their love oh [ __ ] wait wait this could be good wait wait wait wait wait wait this could be good it's going to be good I think lavander have level three like what I just wasted all my gigas speres please catch this one we just got a lavander wait lavander have three never mind I thought they had three crafting I lied they're useless level two transporting level two crafting though real nice all right let's go fight that CIS I can't believe I wasted like three gigas speres on that all right let's go capture every single boss in existence throw a dragon on you baby ooh yeah super effective oh yep that [ __ ] hurt it's all right I'm strapped oh my God it does so much damage what
Channel: ayejae
Views: 1,113
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, palworld hard mode, PALWORLD HARD MODE is actually HARD, palworld hardmode, is palworld hard, palworld hard mode playthrough, palworld guide, ayejae palworld, ayejae, ayejae palwolrd playthrough, PALWORLD HARDMODE is getting serious
Id: nQLyxtxsFjQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 11sec (971 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2024
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