PALWORLD HARDMODE is getting intense

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now something real nice though if you do die um any of the key items that are like abilities like Rush Saddles lift monk SMG if you die you keep them in your inventory see key items so if I had another Rush orb I could literally just kind of bride it up to get my stuff which is really really nice only is I only have one goddamn rush over so that doesn't apply at all look at those [ __ ] Vixie over there huh running around no care in the world and then one day some trainer goes up to and puts their balls in their mouth you know who that was that was me and I died I suffered for it at the end of this bridge there should be a Syndicate settlement so there might be a Pokémon inside if it's a Vixie I will be very happy is that a Vixie oh my God I think it's a Vixie also something really nice about rush or is its first ability The Reckless charge it is a yeah don't shoot me you guys are stupid can't aim nice we got a Vixie now please don't shoot me anymore I'm sensitive to bullets ah what's nice about rusher is that the a default ability of Reckless charge it only belongs to rusher if I'm not mistaken and it doesn't use stamina so if you run out of stamina like how I am right now you can use re charge it can it uses a little bit and then you just kind of fly away and then you recharge your stamina because it doesn't use stamina it's so convenient y win I got hella balls I might might as well right did I just get a tany from that no way that tany is going to M some wood for me okay my my goal right now is we need to get to this little island this island is where the uh the the the AR soxes spawn and also on top of that univolt spawn univolt is electric type horse which is real nice for water types and I do not have a copper key to open this chest God damn it there's a waypoint there man there's a waypoint over here there's also van worms van worms are nice van worms fly you can fly on them too and they have fire problem is I don't think we can kill one right now what what level are we like also it's night time I can't see sh you're not playing easy mode Adrian if you die you lose all your [ __ ] here's the thing there's some things that spawn at night called lopon which are basically like zor Zoro archs that will literally Eat You Alive oh my God I almost flew off the cliff of it oh my God oh my God it's a loot Manon maybe if I get behind it nope nope oh my my God where am I that Cognito is a boss 2% catch rate why the [ __ ] not I'm a gambler at heart I'm a gambler at heart camps are kind of good at night oh my God they're level 20 what the hell oh wait there's a thingy in there though NOP no no no no we're not doing it we were literally about to die he started rattling his [ __ ] oh no oh no he's SL there's some loton here shoot the loot Manon not me back shot back shot I'm out I just give back shots and I'm out [ __ ] I thought it would work right I I don't I don't even think I can find an r sox right now I just got to get home if I can find a wave point if I drown I lose my stuff and if I lose my stuff then I have to walk back here without anything I think it's not a steep whatever cuz if it was steep we would have drowned right then and there and I would have cried my balls off anyway like my mom always told me aim higher or was that page that was page where the hell am I it's dark spooky I'm hearing crickets this is why I hate camping there's probably bugs all over me that's another goddamn loot onon dude my God oh my God oh my God there's another one there too what the [ __ ] what are y'all doing why are yall congregating here dude there's a chest here gig what I'm not leaving here until I get a [ __ ] r sox I will say that we've also been out for so long that the sun came up oh my God they're shooting a loton wait let me scoop that up let me scoop that up let me scoop that up let me scoop that up this is my Strat if there's something shoot if they're fighting something and if you can you do your best to scoop around and you get that little come on walk over Adrian no they're going to kill it oh 73 come on 8 eight come on we got a loon baby what is that that's like level 19 or something let's leave let's get the hell out of here we successfully stole one of their kills CAU that Pokemon got the XP and it's a high level and it has I think a two uh mining or two crafting speed all right as I thought we are near the relaxasaurus spawn area which is kind of annoying cuz they kind of like instakill you but they're really good for megasphere spawns I can't believe we got a loot Manon I'm actually kind of bewildered at that fact cuz not only do they SP spawn at night but oh God I heard them [ __ ] all their guns at me all right now we need to get to that checkpoint but here's the thing usually a relaxasaurus will spawn around these parts and one shot you got a meas sphere that's real nice guess the coast is clear I can't believe we caught a loot Manon granted we had a gigas spear but oh my God all right let's head on home dude yes oh my God level 15 to 8 two whatever speed it's dark type so darks are really good against um normal type I believe and they're weak to Dragon which is perfectly fine with me all right yes dude he's so tall oh my God you're such a big handsome strong man loton what is claws glistening in the dark what is that when activated attacks targeted enemy with a powerful jumping claw okay it also has 20% increased movement to my speed which is real nice if only I had any fruit I could give it to him cuz I kind of give all the fruit to tany and tan is kind of a baller now all right let's make ourselves a common shield look at it look loton is going to craft this thing so fast look at that look at this would take me a minute or two boom 10 seconds bam common Shield you're going to head to your little base you're going to head over to the Rain syate Tower you're going to have a rush or with you right obviously it's early game right and you need Paladium right the only way they can get Paladium is to mine stuff and this is hard mode so it's real hard go into a dungeon obviously there's going to be S A thugs so you want to take care of them I give out my loton all right loton show them what you got bws glistening in the dark oh my God it does so much damage too easy for loton all right boom you see all this palum all you do is you're going to tackle into it and you'll just get a ton of Paladium now obviously this will be more depending on what difficulty you're playing so probably casual you get like what like 80 or something but for Hard Mode boom easy you just got yourself 40 palum fragments from like 5 Seconds of work honestly I'm not really a big fan of these dungeons they're like they're super long I get lost in them all the time I prefer the ones where you just drop in the boss is right there boom you kill it you die whatever right these ones you like have to walk all the way through you got to fight the right room you know ooh Some pums Over Here boom 11 it's insane how much you get and how fast you get it also this works with ore too you can get ore mad fast with this Boe how much do we have we're not even like we're only not even halfway through my space and we have 80 palum like dude you got to be tickling my left nut or something back bonus 10% I'm not going to get it I don't want it anyway oh oh I got it I'm okay I will take that free XP o a fuddler ooh wait wait I kind of want it fers are real good for mining boom 59 that's a too easy let's bounce buers are nice cuz they mine a lot if it's a normal type like if it's a Gil claw usually when I go in here it's a dud but if it's if it's a normal type O It's a kativa oh we can totally do this I think cuz we have a loton all right well there's a 12% back let me try that out let me um drive by all right put this on take out that one oh my God oh my God loton is insane I just got to not die I just got to get loton handle it let me level up my HP loton wait what what am I doing why am I leveling not my [ __ ] stats mid Game Dude wait I have tany what am I doing tany tany knows hella stuff like that move that one that what am I doing bro what am I doing why did I let it touch me like that sounds so wrong out of context oh it's fine at least our stuff is here oh man now we got to heal loton and we got to heal our armor damn it that sucks fat F fat we got a fuder though fuddler is real nice fuder can uh mine stuff it's only a statue of power but we can make it now we can God dang make it folks we can make it even though I don't really use the statue of power so I guess I'll put it in my house cuz it's useless boom capture power up enhance Pals I don't ooh look at all of these ooh instant 12 pal Spears I can you go wrong with that seriously all right now uh let's see we can level up our base I think they're going to make us make a Crusher yep that's what I thought Crushers are real nice Crushers help you make palum fragments like passively so it's real good so let's make a a Crusher uh let's make it I usually make it somewhat close cuz you make it too close when you're like throwing your thing your a pal at specific things it might not assign properly because everything is just so tight together all right we need a few we need a little need some Fiber going so I'll throw a penet cuz we do need some farming going on that nice that's nice that's nice we're making our base work out boom level it up now we got to make a hot spring a furnace and a plantation or Berry another Berry Plantation which easy problem is I need to level up so I can do that cuz the furnace is level 10 everything else is L level yep well I'm going to M me some chickp chick chick let's use a rush or to get this easier K kamachi catchy watchi ug Bachi Boop catchi how did that kativa escape where where are you going where the [ __ ] you think you're going oh yeah you died I'm sorry Lambo in my balls you go where do you think you're going dude oh we need an an ither deer ither are real nice cuz you can get them to mine a lot of wood real fast let's keep going uh we kind of need do we need a fox Park kind of do I mean doesn't hurt this is awkward much better flip a coin flip it again nice all right we got some chickas out here we got a chicki out here wait why is there ik deer here what is going on why are they jumping my homies what are y'all doing dude get off of my territory dude what are y'all doing get out of here my Vixie died why are you guys pissed I don't have arrows so I got to Club it yep all right well these Vixie got to damn it just it's okay just heal up heal up we'll put out the deer the deer will go to work I got three deer we're never going to run out of wood folks we are never going to run out of wood ever in our entire lives I wonder how much wood they're getting right now let's see oh my God we need pow fluid to make a hotring if we get that our our Pals won't want to hang themselves from a noose cuz of the working conditions we're they're already about to get 50 wood I didn't even leave them for like 20 seconds yet all right so let me see we're level 10 I'm going to make some arrows and then go off on a killing spree sui is so good all ra you got be kidding me they're just here to jump my Pokémon dude all right T's kicking ass all right I think they're all dead so we're going to need to get some fire organs and we're also going to get some water organs so we got to kill like a fox Park we're here to get business done folks here we go let's go rush or so we need to get some po fluids to get that hot spring we got to kill these T fans or ideally we don't kill them we catch them if you can make the shot which I'm not making some no way what he's Crossing me up it's a freaking elephant oh I didn't mean to do that I'm sorry honey bun well now you're going to get my nuts all right well workaholic tee fan I like that I like the I like that type of work quality boom boom boom these guys aren't caught this is the dedication that these mother freers have dude level two escaped how if this was casual they'd be in my nuts right now that's just crazy this is like trying to live in real life at you're 4 fo9 nothing wrong with being 4 fo9 by the way I'm 4 fo9 myself I'm getting crossed up by elephants it's insane well there's some celer here they're not bad I need a better attack maybe something like lightning Rel do I have anything in my inventory no I don't bam in my nuts how do you not get caught it's a 76% catch rate honey that's insane you're practically disabled what it's crazy I don't even know what limbs are you using to pry out of the ball there we go I was about to say I was going to lose my freaking mind 80% watch this if he escapes I will strangle a child in blind daylight that's what I thought that's what I thought ooh it's the black marketeer ooh hold on hold on hey baby hey baby what are you selling what are you selling you're selling a incin knock ooh selling an i Alpha bro I'm broke even if I sell everything that I have I doubt I'll have enough money I got $4,000 I got 4K buddy O A Mor dark type do I have any cool dark types in my party I don't I kind of want it I'm going to buy it uh Mor cool oh it's a fruit wait wait wait Electric Ball give me me give me that to rush War now I can use electric ball with this guy come on boom electric ball let's see how this works I missed it's real slow huh all right all right cool we're going to release this jolt hog Cris and we're going to walk away baby do I have a parachute yet oh yeah I do wait watch this guys it's a really simple glitch it takes it t it's really nice you catch a pal hop on here didn't work all right do it again catch a pal hop on I'm losing my goddamn mind catch a pal 86 come on should work yep fly all the way up boom super simple glitch baby woohoo all right now we have this point we're supposed to be here I'm just going to spend a little bit of time just kind of leveling up while I can before I head on home all right watch this look I have a gigos spere right a sphere that you're not even supposed to get at this point and I only have a 68% capture rate 80% with a gigas spere that's like using an Ultra Ball on a Pidgey and it escapes at least we caught it I'm not upset we at least we caught it ooh look at all these pow balls pal spheres all right let's make a hotring here and let's add my Rafe so dark type can fight against normal types which is real nice oh wait we we also have a loot Manon I forgot o we can get Tan's assault rifle and ier iker's saddle oh we also got the three shot bow recipe hold on I want that so Waffle Time told me of a little glitch that he found in his private game apparently you can equip multiple armors at once I think if you do this it'll equip it oh my god it works if you drag and drop oh my god it works you get more HP and more defense all right feathered headband so we put this on no way this is going to work this gives us 15 HP and 60 Health if we drag and drop oh it doesn't work oh my god it works we what well I guess wa time was right now we look like we might die soon let's go get some pum we need some more Spears cuz we got to level up we're level 12 it's nothing but I think we can actually kill a boss sometime soon maybe this one we have a three shot bow we have a few strong guys a fire type I mean I have tan level 12 okay we'll try it out we'll try it out oh my God tan is kicking ass tant is actually kick ass oh my God all right I can't get hit a single time if I get hit once I'm going to heaven Actually I don't even think I'm going to heaven wait why is there a ball stuck on my arm I should have saved the gigas spere for this guy kill that Ruby kill the Ruby go loton kill it kill it all right loots kicking ass I do want to catch it but I might not let's see how much 17% Capt I mean oh all right that wor shot right okay come on 25% gate that's not it's not bad at all come on 50 all right dude 21 I'm come on I I I I need some leeway here all right I give you 21 you give me 100% come on baby oh that's what I'm talking about baby that's our first dungeon first dungeon on hard mode it wasn't that bad all right let's see we got a cold resistant Pelt armor schematic thermal undershirt slightly raises cold resistance I like that I've never gotten that before I've only had heat resistant underwear let's go to sleep now baby I think we're on day four now we're doing we'll doing real good progress I'll say that I think I'll be a little dictator sometime soon right now we're making our way to desolate church cuz we kind of need a uh little ore area you know folks also it's next to the black uh black marketeer so it's real nice oh there's an inceram up here I forgot okay I don't really want to [ __ ] with it I also tend to have too many fire types on my teams and they also G iard wait is insaner uh kindling level two if it's kindling level two I might get it Aqua gun lightning streak wait Aqua gun hold on Aqua gun give that to um give that to rush or uh rush or I want you to have Aqua gun wait well oh we're going to fight that incin now it killed the incin um we got to go over there I think okay let's hold up our little I wonder how much capture power really gets improved by this cuz I feel like it's not really helping me out let's get all this ore baby all right cool we got a decent amount of ore let's head on home we got to make an or Farm sometime soon but right now ain't the time wait I hear a lucky a flack huh all right tany come on whoa what is that this [ __ ] no Shadow Spirit Bomb all right it's taking hella damage all right all right good good good good good all right go loton show much you're made of claws glistening in the dark attack please do a lot of damage oh my God how are you getting [ __ ] up by a duck oh my God it's a spirit bomb attack no it killed it no I got to stop using this guy man there has to be they should make a setting where you don't kill things like that um do we have all the in we need what are you what are you doing work what am I paying you for Pelt armor Pelt armor baby wait let's make two of these cuz then we can stack it on our body and our head this is the bald percent run folks oh we can also level up our base hold on Boom we need a cooler box and a spear workbench yeah yeah yeah all right let's put on this Pelt armor we got an increase of 20 defense and 70 HP it's not bad but now we're going to add a little B more to that put that in there right let's see if it works um we drag and drop it works 880 HP oh bald percent run how could I go wrong all right let's go fight this chillet I think I can catch him I think I can catch him I make any more Spears before I go I need more stone m how many y'all got in here W 169 yes wait what another raid why what the hell folks dire house nothing crazy oh my my God I felt out through the screen why are you here chick you're not even part of the raid oh catch it wo this morfe looks sick by the way all right we got him we got him we got him we got him bab we have 100 pal Spears I'm not going to lie that's pretty [ __ ] tasty all right we got a metal spear we got a bow we got all of the things I'd like to say to get a chillet now let's [ __ ] do it baby let's go to the tower o wait there's a [ __ ] ton of ore up here I'll write this down all right let's do do this so ice and dragon loton is a dark which is I'll swap out lopon for some lightning abilities and then all right we need a fire oh [ __ ] why didn't I bring my Ruby [ __ ] it let's try it oh my God tany got obliterated but tany holy tany damage come on tany [ __ ] kicking ass oh my God tany is crazy let me get this fruit electric skill for electric ball wait no that might kill him all right I think we're good now I think we just got to will our the HP down on ourselves that's a lot of [ __ ] damage oh that's a lot of damage okay come on 20 26 we got we have 100 Balls 50% come on [ __ ] all right keep going keep it going keep it going we got it we can keep rolling the dice here folks we can keep rolling the dice come on come on give me a heads give me a all good all good if we can get a chillet that is a fast mount and a boost to to damage by the way because a really cool ability of chillet is that if you are on the mount why even tell you about it when I could show you about it it has a coward ability God damn it well I guess we can go on home and I'll show you folks what I'm talking about oh my God there's like eight [ __ ] penet after me what the [ __ ] oh no no no no no oh my God I'm going to [ __ ] die oh my God I'm getting my ass handed to me okay we got one we got two no no no that's what I deserved for trying to kill and enslave a bunch of penguins well here's my stuff the stuff of a fallen broken man oh wait I got to do that little glitch again boom boom triple back shots baby and none of them more all right let's see I forgot I got to make a cooler work box and a spere I just want to catch [ __ ] dude I just want to be the very best set there ever was hold on Tan's assault rifle oh oh yeah let's try it out oh
Channel: ayejae
Views: 2,831
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, palworld hard mode, PALWORLD HARD MODE is actually HARD, palworld hardmode, is palworld hard, palworld hard mode playthrough, palworld guide, ayejae palworld, ayejae, ayejae palwolrd playthrough
Id: 8qa3-SEeh_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 7sec (1207 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 31 2024
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