I played all tasty planet games so you don't have to

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all right we're checking out the only game where you can feed your pet so much that it eventually eats all of humanity it's tasty Planet forever say hello to our greay goo it's 162 nanom large wa okay I was going to say with its big googly eyes it doesn't look that violent but what in the world are these demonic jelly beans please tell me those are eyes they kind of look adorable I almost want to hug them they're probably like the strep virus or something right now we're just eating bacterium we haven't even gotten to the units of measurement that I understand like you know centimet or anything else that's not these kind of meters I will say though we are growing up very very quickly to the point where I may be eating these very very like emotion driven jelly beans of death all right come here you little algae beans let me see what you taste like oh they're bacterium as well I love how it shows a little picture of their dead body in the bottom left after you eat them it's like yeah that's what you just ate it has a pair of expressive eyes don't you feel like a monster so yeah we were developed by science so I don't know if we're starting on in a Petri dish or what it makes sense because everything around us is just bacteria that we're eating it's like there's nothing here that's of of any usefulness well I guess bacteria can be useful depending on what kind it is you got like wormy bacteria over here see this bacteria down here is like dancing I assume it's bacteria it could also just be a really small representation of My Hope For Humanity and I am just oh here we go hold on all right what was that oh it was another bacterium it was just bigger I'm eating all the bacteria maybe I'm cleaning up the planet maybe I'm actually helpful for once and I won't devour all life on Earth well actually I I think that's probably a lie I'll be devouring all life on Earth and probably all life in all of the different multiverses as well what is that I would say it's like a robot or a it looks like a it looks like a danger Will Robinson robot from the 1970s but at this size I don't think it would be that is that a nano machine is this like a metal gear insurgence thing going on when I eat one of those will I too finally get to say Nano machine son not big enough to eat them yet I've got to scarf down more of the things that should be murdering my digestive tract can I eat them now I'm much larger no I still can't eat them oh never mind you can totally eat them oh it's a anobot it is a nanobot oh yeah oh all the Nano machines are coming with me does this mean I get to evolve my gray goo to like an Android gray goo like the T1000 of gray Goos actually I guess that's what T1000 was technically he was gray and sometimes he was very gooey I mean wow I was going to say I was starting to get pretty big until I noticed something that was like 80 times my size going past the screen looks like Honeycombs over here you guys taste T like breakfast cereal what even are you and you have a giant dandelion just passing by up top oh here we go I get to eat it it's pollen all these Nanobots are so small now they they they're not fulfilling at all to eat instead I have to chew on pollen which I'm highly allergic too so this is giving me some sort of repressed trauma right now oh yeah all the pollen I can't wait I'm going to be taking allergy injections for the rest of my life there we go still not even a centimeter get your micrometers out or whatever they are because that's where we are at the moment when do I get sized by planetary means I want my volume to be counted in Stars oh hold on oh I can eat whatever this is It's larger pollen the pollen is evolving and there's plenty of it this is great I'm taking everyone's allergies so you don't have what is this how come all the creatures are so Derpy oh it's an amoeba it's weird though because it's kind of like an amoeba that I would I would give to to my my kid cousin or something like that as a plush doll it looks so happy except for the part where it was being eaten alive by me look at it it's like yay that could also be the face of fear now that I think about it it might not be happy it may be screaming and begging for its life that's the great part about this game you never know is everything happy or is everything sad because you're going to be removing the place that it calls home what is this is that a rock oh oh it is a pebble and water I'm drinking all the water in the planet too also I was totally wrong about the petri dish I'm chilling out on a leaf what was that what's shooting what are those ants with googly eyes and laser beams attached to their back why it doesn't make any sense first off who had the bright idea to strap a bunch of lasers to a bunch of ants in the first place everyone's like yeah they keep missing yeah because they're ants what do you expect can I eat the Rocks too oh you absolutely can you can hear that my my gray goo is having the time of his life I don't know what that is it looks maybe something like a uh like a neutron cell or something some sort of crazy power device of some sort we have what must be solar panels all right drinking all the water I just got shot in the butt oh I'm I'm eating big water now well drinking I guess I call it eating because I kind of just devoured it can I eat these ants yet because they're annoying me yep can what wait what was that called hold on a second it's literally called a laser ant is this a new species of ant got to watch out that's uh one of those Australian species of ants very common in Australia laser ants also we're at a centimeter how about that all right I've drank all the water I have murdered all the ants and now I'm bigger now I can eat bigger rocks and probably whatever the power cells are I still don't really know more rocks oh that is where I'm getting all my fiber from these delicious rocks I'm sure I'll have a good time passing all of these I love how the ants just line up for me delicious I don't get kidney stones I eat kidney stones oh it's a credit CH it is a fusion cell I was going to say I don't think that batteries glow that unnatural green color I'm eating credits I'm eating Fusion cells I'm eating leaves that's a normal thing for once there's different things like you know laser ants and is that a laser rat why does everything have lasers attached to it it's like they just attach lasers to everything around here what is that is that a Roomba is that an evil Roomba I have to murder that Roomba I have no idea I'm going to keep eating all of these Fusion cells until I can eventually eat the laser rats oh I can eat the laser rats they really are laser rats you guys couldn't call any of these laser animals something different this laser rat am I going to go through the entire food chain of animals with laser strapped to them I feel like I am we're going to deal with a laser cat soon is that a brain just a brain on a tray are you are you evil brains ow did the brain eat me the brain doesn't have a mouth I don't know how that brain is taking a bite out of me but I'm going to remember that I'm going to go Hannibal Lector on you in a minute oh I'm eating a a ray gun what is this like a it's like a tablet from I don't know it's like it's like one of those tablets where they try and look like it's futuristic but it's really just looks even older than it should be just eating non-stop ray guns that's a solar panel another ray gun all right can I eat the brain yet no I eat all these different brats and this pad computer they call it oh I can eat a human ah it's not even a human it's just called a humanoid oh God I'm murdering everything where's the brain here it scientist brain jar did that scientist want to be in that brain jar or did he did he score the lowest on the science test what happened I love how no one has any survival Instinct this guy's like I'm going to walk away really slowly from being devoured by a 69 cm gry goo thing they're not even trying it's like the Jason bores of survival instincts just walk everywhere oh I'm just chewing on people just oh it's a tank waa all right now people are getting serious I didn't think they would try and defend themselves if I can get the tank to fire on a human will it blow them up hold on let me see yeah the tank totally just blasts people uh eating all of the hoverboards and the hoverboard s that's what you get for walking in the road pay attention to road signs oh was just a whole mess of hover boards over here why it's weird I have eaten so many people at this point I'm going to eat your foliage now there we go bir tree that's very specific welcome to deforestation 2.0 I'm your host Ray still plays Do You Like Oxygen I hope not because it's all going into my stomach you just ran over that car I didn't kill him you did oh I can eat the cars now hover cars just part of a balanced breakfast yes I am 3 m now now we're starting to gain size very quickly I can see that we're going to be leaving this planet in Fairly short order because I I don't know what these are these shuttles or some sort of vehicle I just don't know what kind oh here we go here we go maple trees all right oh God I did I think I just ate a house it's an entire house come here hover tank I don't have time for you anymore yeah shuttle craft all right I think I just ate a school or something now no one has to study wow at this point I'm just devouring entire neighborhoods in one go look at this there's a city block right there it is gone you don't have to fight with your neighbor about property lines anymore there are no property lines I ate them all what is this like a stadium what is this it's a building oh thought there was more to it than that I can't even tell you how many people I've murdered at this point it's a lot though hold on this is the biggest building there we go is that the biggest building on the whole map so far that I've eaten oh now we're in space now I'm literally eating asteroids I'm saving the planet see this is just like Deep Impact except instead of blowing up the asteroids before they hit Earth I'm eating them I'm absorbing their Mass so that later I can be the one to destroy Earth we are already at 150 M I'm sorry I spoke too soon 178 m point is we're gaining size very very quickly now 200 M and we're out out of orbit at this point so now I have to eat slightly what is that what is that kind of looks like a hub cap in space I think it's supposed to be a space station maybe I'm also over 500 M now we're going to be going past a kilometer very quickly I have cleaned space so well at this point no one has to worry about all these anymore getting in the way when they go to Mars or whatnot because I've eaten everything yep we're over a kilometer now I am now bigger than the largest asteroid I can eat all of them and I can also eat this what was that was that space station I didn't get to see it before I ate it pretty sure it's a space station is that an alien that's funny the the humans have screwed up so bad that now aliens have taken note and they're like oh God we need to do something about this because the humans really messed up they had every opportunity to save their own planet and they can't they couldn't be trusted with it so now we have to do something about it I hate to tell you aliens but I'm 16 km at this point I might be able to eat you I absolutely can I'm eating flying saucers now I'm chewing on the literal asteroid belt that is surrounding Earth that's great the flying saucers have gotten bigger now they are I guess the mother ship of flying saucers 55 km in size 80 km 100 kilm where those saucers at can I eat them yet almost I'm all I'm like right there okay there's a couple more down here still can't eat them can I eat the atmosphere no oh never mind there's a whole another asteroid belt up here that I didn't even know about come here oh it's like eating a bunch of chicken nuggets all right where's The Flying SA saucers at you're not you're not getting out of this I remember you shooting at me here we go come here yeah there we go 187 km more chicken nuggets okay so now we can literally see the rotation of the earth also we can see the moon can I like hit the moon out of orbit or anything I was curious because you can start to move things if you notice like I can kind of hit this asteroid and stop it from crashing into Earth by the same token toe I can also make asteroids crash into Earth like that right there I kind of feel bad about it but maybe I'm not supposed to because I'm going to be murdering everyone on Earth anyway so showing remorse with the people that are going to die by my hand seem self-defeating also by the way I'm a Megam meter now megameter megameter I don't know this is a this is like a a level of size that I don't normally use need to get a car this size where's the moon at right oh I can absolutely hit the moon now that's awesome I could just hip check the moon can I shove the moon into the Earth hold on I'm going to try this it does but they don't really do they don't really injure one another just kind of bounces off don't worry Earth you won't have to worry about the moon crashing into you anymore okay so now I have to murder Earth so fortunately there's just happens to be another asteroid belt just chilling out over here for me to to get way bigger on what is he what are you oh you're Mars well you were Mars now you're just a a chunk of meat in between my teeth all right Earth I think that we're ready to meet again where are you that looks like Mercury yep that was Mercury are you fenus yep I'm so much larger than the earth right now like the Earth is V is is valiantly trying to escape it's like I'm going to be eaten by something that looks like it should be purchased inside of a mall store yep oh yeah what other the planets are left where's Jupiter at I know Jupiter's around here somewhere okay I need to get much much bigger because there's some more planets but they're fairly large see that right there see it trying to get away I can't eat it yet oh I can eat you though you Neptune yep where's Uranus at what about you are you Uranus absolutely are well Jupiter's done where did Saturn go off to Saturn figured out what was going on a while ago it's like everyone knows me for my rings so there's like no way to hide so I need to get out of here ASAP you can't run for me de at this point I'm pretty sure I have uh I've swallowed every single planet at this point when there's no more solar system left oh I get burned by the sun I mean it makes sense but I'm going to need to find other solar systems to Sate my my Hunger my Hunger for flesh and rocks it's like eating your vegetables I don't want to have to do it oh oh yeah oh what are you oh it's a full it's a star of full-fledged star oh they're different flavors too this like a banana star you have your cherry stars then you have it can I eat this blue raspberry star not yet but it's coming now I can probably eat it yeah blue raspberry star that is an astrological terminology you understand where's the Sun at I've got some payback I need to give to the sun there it is oh just destroying galaxies no big deal stars are not pausing much of a threat anymore I need like bigger objects can I start eating galaxies yet like the entire gal oh oh a red giant oh yeah all the red giants delicious I hope you're ready Marvel I'm coming into the Multiverse and I'm not leaving anything undigested I am now 1.95 astronomical units boom okay so now we're we're like zooming further out at this this point more stars super Giants at this point by the way it's like a pallet cleanser oh is that a black hole oh the black hole is trying to out eat me which means I get to eat the black hole this is exciting hold on see everyone was going to die anyway I just kind of uh I sped up the process all right see everyone's getting drawn into the black hole wouldn't you rather be drawn into me there you go okay I might be I might be big enough now to chew on the black hole what is the black hole tastes like tastes like grapes black holes nebulas I'm eating the literal nebula I like how some of the nebulas are just spinning randomly they're just like Take the Wheel cuz I got no idea what I'm doing kilo Astro unit okay all of your nebulas are coming with me there's bigger nebulas now want to start eating some wormholes or something some hyperdrives I'm now a parse in size I love it what do you see Star cluster the star cluster is like the inside of your stomach not really a gray goo I'm just kind of a goo the color of whatever I eat at the time some kind of like a maybe like an eggshell goo no star cluster is Left Behind oo ah now you do get to eat the tips of the Galaxy delicious Galactic matter as a matter of fact they call it is this the cotton candy the Galaxy kilop parex okay what is at the center of the Galaxy well right now it's gray still plays a galactic core I'm eating Galactic cores we're hosting Galactic keggers at this point spiral galaxies elliptical galaxies all of the different geometrical galaxies are coming with me there is no Galaxy big enough to stop the gray goo the screen isn't completely black though so I have to keep there's still other signs of life I need to end that Galaxy groups gone Galaxy clusters dinner okay now things are starting to get legitimately darker because it's running out of things I'm eating super clusters now Mega par sex oh yeah oh it does I was hoping eventually there would be less and less stuff on the screen like if you notice there's no more stars or anything there's just the super clusters oh yeah oh what is happening here oh I am tripping on acid whoa the fabric of the universe literal fabric what tortoises uh I'm going to feel really bad eating those oh Turtle of time sorry turtle of time oh my God the turtles of time were peaceful enemies with no way of Defending themselves against the coming C apocalypse it was a tasty feast all the way down that means we have a winner shark levels I was once a simple shark just basking in the glory of my sad shark did my Shark just talk it kind of sounded like my Shark just talked now as you can imagine our job here is to slowly eat every living creature and probably most unliving things in the entire ocean until we're big enough to eventually eat a planet right now we're eating various unmoving kind of sea life at the bottom of the ocean floor along with a bunch of delicious French fries that's like the only thing I can think of when I see this name oh yeah throw some ketchup on those you can already see our shark is uh kind of wide you know like his mouth is literally bigger than his entire body I love that I eat eat fries in the game the same way I eat fries in real life you just eat them by the handful oh I don't know if that tastes like strawberry or not it really doesn't matter I think that these fish originally were probably supposed to scare me although in the beginning I guess I was only like a 1 cm shark I was the smallest most malnourished shark in all of the universe now I'm well pretty obese but you would think with all the cardio I do it means something 12. 1 cm you know I used to sting myself on oh my God it's an entire otter just playing around right the oh I can jump out of here I can kind of give the otter a massage too don't worry otter I'll be ruining your entire existence in just a moment and yeus see as we jump over to the other side of the ocean there is more stuff to eat over here why do I feel like I'm eventually going to be coming off the ground to attack a bunch of ducks just chilling out all right eat some more fries start eating some jellyfish you may ask yourself great what did jellyfish taste like mostly just sadness oh come here duck yeah no oh my God I turned the I turned the otter over he's drowning I've got to fix him hold on I think I just moved him off the entire board I feel kind of bad about that well I guess I technically saved his life because I think I'm eventually supposed to eat him now I can't eat him because he doesn't exist on the board anymore okay well we started off pretty strong there I guess it makes sense because we started so small that we start to at least kick up some of the side so now we're killing the Puget Sound king crabs which are delicious already at 34 CM we're still kind of sad shark size though although I would put us at birde eating shark at this point it's kind of weird trying to eat all these crab because I kind of have to move through the bowels of all of this rocky area over here but we're at almost 50 there's 50 cm at this point just have to Tetris my way through here so I can continue to completely destroy the entire ecosystem that has built up on this planet I can't even tell you how long it's going to be before humans just can't even survive anymore like you may think to yourself what do jellyfish really do I have a feeling they're probably important that's why I'm going to eat them all like these moon jellyfish aren't even hurting anyone they're just kind of chilling out looking awesome meanwhile I'm picking them up like spoonfuls of icing over here hey any more Birds I want to get retribution for all the stuff the seagulls have done to me in my life right now there's only a few jellyfish that I can even eat cuz I'm not big enough I have to find the the sad unkempt jellyfish to eat like this one or this one that was hiding behind his parent or something feel kind of bad I don't really know what the lifespan of a moon jelly is I don't know like when you're a juvenile moon jelly like a teenage moon jelly I don't know if they don't listen to their parents and cross the street even though they're not supposed to I have no idea rebellious moon jelly stages okay I'm starting to get to the point where I'm going to be eating almost all ages of moon jellies fear me your moon jelly species won't exist on this planet much longer run I don't think any of them know how to run they're like we're jellyfish we're just kind of like you know caught in the current we don't have a lot of choices here I feel extra bad for you because you can't even flee it's kind of like eating an ear of corn like an ear of corn never tried to escape from the person trying to consume it maybe it wanted to but we'll really never know okay there there is at this point I'm I'm getting to the point where there are very few moon jellies that I cannot eat if I want to in fact I am just eating all of the moon jellies now this is awful oh there's no survivors oh even the Kingpin moon jelly just got eaten that was like the god moon jelly it's like a Super Saiyan moon jelly and it died okay I'm I'm starting in a very large area as a very small shark so there should be some there should be some decent growth here yeah you think you can escape There's No Escape I love it so when the fish come out to go you know take a walk that's when I basically eat them they're going for a jog and they just get assaulted by a 9 cm shark painted greenlings now stand no chance either that's right other fish just because I got smaller doesn't mean any of you got any stronger no your place yink am I the king of the coral yet oh I'm killing Rockfish now there is no one left in this entire area that is larger than my Shark but there still isn't large enough by any stretch of the imagination I cannot consume even one single planet at this size I'd even take a continent I don't think that's asking for too much okay now my world has opened up greatly I am no longer oh okay well that was that was basically like just complete fish Annihilation there's none left there was a whole family of fish over here now they're all gone now I'm going to eat all this sponge too 1.3 M I am finally getting to be shark sized okay so at this point we're starting at moon jellies so that's good we still have our Rockfish that we can eat as well we're at 25 cm so we should be getting into a full meter fairly soon oh I can already eat ducks oh there's spear fisherman around here oh they're trying to murder me I'll remember this spear fisherman also don't kill the otter they're they're adorable I mean if I have to kill them that's one thing that's that's just because it's Evolution all right it's not because I dislike the otter it's because oh wow there's like entire seals down here and stuff that's just because that's what needs to happen for me to continue with the game ooh I can get geese now full geese oh god oh not the geese I like to think that geese are kind of adorable but every time I've said hi to a goose it's tried to kill me oh no oh the otter oh no all right now I'm eating salmon more otter full geese there's another otter these fishermen are not going to last long in this world it it is not long until I am big enough to easily eat a fisherman well they're not really fishing they're just kind of spearing and they're not exactly just spearing fish they're just spearing anything at this point I'm 91 CM oh I'm killing people did I say a fighting scuba diver as in like fighting for their life or fighting because they're trying to like scuba dive and kill things or what I like to think that they're fighting for their lives I need more where you guys at you guys are worth a lot of points that's an entire sea lion one I didn't even bite I was going to say one bite but all I really did was swallow oh no oh did I hear airplanes am I oh there's it's entire boat all right thought I heard maybe an airplane or something that I would be eating which is probably fairly realistic and there goes to the Sea liines these like other lesser sharks down here sharks that cannot get to my size I think I saw a whale as well you think that you can pollute my water just wait although I I guess it really won't matter because like they're polluting the water which could be killing all the fish that's a six Gill shark I'm killing everything so there really won't be anything left to PO so I'm not sure who's doing the worst thing I feel like it's probably me because there's someone that can probably unpollute the water whereas you know I'm just nonchalantly murdering everything I'm at 3 m at this point I feel really bad about this it's just a log it's just an entire log I told you living unliving it really doesn't matter if you can fit in my mouth you're going to get eaten and to end up eating all of the greenery surrounding the sea as well yeah you you're untouchable for right now whale just you wait though I'm closing on on 5 m oh yeah oh there are planes okay more sharks and now I can finally eat entire humpback whales small humpback whales not the humpback whales that don't skip leg day okay now I'm now I'm eating the humpback whales whether they do leg day or not it really doesn't matter you can hear their sad little whale sounds that's whale for F you I'm eating fighter jets like dunked the one fighter jet I brought him into my lands just so I could kill him 10 m full ships eating the ships come here fighter jet how are you able to turn on a dime that is not what fighter jets do I can't even say it's turning on a dime it's just doing like entire 180s randomly oh I'm eating the trees I'm eating the trees and the houses that the people live in oh my God someone bought like Beachside property over there and they are really regretting it now well unless they're home then they're not regretting anything because they're dead 17 M I never thought that I would get this big right off the bat you usually have to go through a lot of different boards to get like this all right about 20 M to start there I was wondering where the seans were falling from on this board they're like raining down because of the otter I don't know if they're trying to if they're trying to like poison me or something like that he you little otter you're looking pretty smug right now just you wait you're feeding me so that one day I might murder you all how the turns have tabled otter come here look at this boats dropping crude oil in the sea there's only one way to fix this by shoving it into my stomach it's the same way I fix everything actually you guys better enjoy this while you can I'm only 7 m at the well only 7 m I got those 7 m really fast I'm not really sure how good it would be to be a shark whose only meals throughout his entire existence has been oil it's not even like processed oil all right I'm already at 10 m even if I get run over a boat it really doesn't bother me it just increases my blood lust okay this shark can jump probably like 50 ft in the air now I want to pull you making boats fly I can jump now like 100 ft in the air cuz uh it is about 100 ft cuz I'm about 13 M long I find it interesting that any one of these boats can survive underwater for an extended period of time until I eat them this board is called Timber and I'm starting at 7 m and I'm already eating entire logs just chilling out like why am I even eating the logs this isn't pollution it's just part of the world I can under okay 12 M I can understand why I'm eating the people oh my God a 26 M shark just walking on the water like it's no big deal just opening his mouth every once in a while is there anything else for me to eat now did I just eat the entire planet out of like all of its nutrition hold on there's still more hold on hold on let me let me flip to the Moon over here and then kind of shark walk down the Ed of this the edge of this 36 M okay at this point point we are starting with sea lions this is what I eat for breakfast now and you can see there's some whales they're they're doing like whale gymnastics I really have no clue what they're doing they're probably just watching me eat all of the food in the entire ocean and wondering how long it will be before it's their turn are you going to like breach the surface whale hey yay he did that whale can do a trick I'm going to eat him first cuz he's the smartest whale I wouldn't want him warning all of his friends hello trick whale I see you I've got a present for you I was going to say I'm about to give you a metal if metal rhymed with death now time has come where we will start from the bottom and then go beyond anything we have done before first at you know like five mm to start with we are eating fries double fisting fries oh I love calories but now fry is no longer sadus so I must eat these hermit crabs as well come here get in my belly all right now we're almost at there we go 7 cm okay 9 cm I love that every once in a while my Shark talks he's like sorry man this is evolution for you Gray's at the helm not me oh the greenlings rep populated just long enough for me to eat them all it's kind of sad all right now we're eating jellyfish can I eat a duck yet no but I can make a duck drown hopelessly I want to see if I can follow this duck oh I might I might be I might be big enough to eat him in a second where are you duck oh here he is he got stuck yes I was saving that duck for later all right 32 CM so far not bad not bad we can get way bigger obviously to here duck not just any duck it's a Mard how you doing there salmon used to be pretty high on the food chain you're just on the food chain but the food chain is mine did they just Spearfish a a goose I'm pretty sure they just murdered a goose that is not what y'all are going for you know that right I can murder the geese you cannot I think I just de teed some random spear fisherman we're about to have words spear fisherman I am not kidding I'm getting real big in a hurry the time of redemption is almost at hand come here yeah this is what you get for screwing up my ocean and it is my ocean I'm the king of it y'all just live here well momentarily you live here now most of you are going to be feo material in here that's right scream for your life fisherman oh oh it's it's awful oh oh the unbridled death we're already at 1 meter eating sea lions now I got a lot faster when I get big like this kind of curious how any of these spear fishermen lived this long cuz their survival senses are garbage they're like man I came down here with 30 other fishermen where did they all go well I got good news and I got bad news they're all still together that's the good news the bad news is they're all still together getting slowly digested in my stomach all right 3 m now I can eat entire trees because why not kind of f that's fiber basically how I stay regular as a shark cuz most of the time I'm just eating protein and metal yeah I'm almost whale size now and there are planes for me to eat eventually I can eat small whales now oh I can eat planes come here can I eat houses yet I can eat the one-bedroom houses this plane is going after me man okay now I can eat teenage whales well now I can pretty much eat all the whales and the boats the whales and the boats 10 m yeah I don't know what kind of what kind of language you whales are speak in but you're clearly not warning any of your friends about what I'm doing because y all just went to the same spot and died come here Housing Development you're getting in the way all right 16 M that's not too bad we have to go at least past 37 obviously all right 18 M 19 M can I get some bigger planes oh boy 22 M oh we're moving fast now I want to get I want to get every single house I don't want to leave anyone I would hate I would hate for them to feel oh my God it's like atire Battle Ship oh it's submarines with the actual nukes coming at me that's fantastic ftic can I eat a boat yet yep it's a destroyer it's an entire Destroyer okay I just shot that sub like 20 ft out of the water too oh it's a shark ramming ship more destroyers 65 67 7 now I can eat this sub and that means that there's nothing on the planet that can go against me you pollute my sea I'm going to eat your entire planet seems fair you can see right here you start as a sad octopus whose job is to clean up the ocean by eating things such as cigarette butts and bottle caps however the more junk you eat the bigger you get with the idea that eventually you get to just eat the planet this way no one gets to pollute the ocean anymore I love how my octopus talks every once in a while he's like hey gray I'm like hey octopus what's your favorite pastime he's like murder you can see here we have some bottle caps can I oh yep octopus absolutely fly in this world that is fantastic there's a couple of fish too I don't really think that the fish did anything wrong they're not really to blame for any of this so I don't know if I'm really going to have to eat them now we're grabbing the different candy wrappers over here at 3.75 CM do I eventually just get to eat the fish again they didn't really do anything wrong but I feel kind of bad just let letting them live oh yeah hold on we're starting to turn into the largest thing in the sea in fact we just leveled up our entire size oh Starbucks one of the biggest offenders of our time biodegradable a yeah your straws aren't biodegrading fast enough it's been 17 years still down here in the bottom of the ocean oh now I can just eat entire forks and knives and spoons I feel like digesting this oh this poor fish he had nothing to do with this I think I'm undoing all of my previous work because all of the other animals in the sea that could enjoy a nice clean water are now getting murdered by me and there's like $250 in change down here at the bottom of the ocean well there was I'm eating most of it am I eventually going to eat that fish because it looks very angry like I'm not really sure exactly how tasty it's going to be going down oh now we're just eating entire cans M aluminum part of every octopus's diet I love Starbucks let's go ahead and grab all that there we go oh and and the plastic soda can tops as well and glass just solid glass by the way we're now 15 M that's a pretty decent size for you know an octopus that oh God we have oh there's entire Birds am I going to eat the full bird there's a toilet down here and somebody's beanie cap all right there's some plastic bags oh yeah oh I think that these fish may be poisonous but it really doesn't matter when you're this hungry you know how some dogs drink toilet water when well we're going to literally eat the entire toilet how's that that is a barrel of oil an entire barrel of oil sitting at the bottom of the ocean what have you people been doing down here now if I if I jump into these birds oh you get like headbutt them I'm to drown in this bird you're in my world now bird oh I ate the bird oh my God oh God oh I feel so I don't really feel bad because seagulls are just kind of the the Rats of the beach oh this is awful got the Florida Keys over there I hope you guys are enjoying your vacation because you're not going to be there for very long at the rate I'm growing okay entire plastic bags now as well we are 41 CM 42 CM there are no fish in this sea that can deal with me now I am the most powerful fish redf footed booby that's what I'm eating oh I love this diet oh it's just eating all the coral now it's probably protected I'm eating full tires and the toilet bowl I ate the toilet bowl I almost can't fit in the water anymore okay so that was the very first level and we got to the point where we were eating tires oh now it's just starting Us big wa oh there's oh there's entire Dolphins and the dolphin is trying to eat me so I have to get big enough and eat him huh okay I hate to tell you this dolphin there can only be one king of the sea oh yeah oh we're growing quick we're already at 33 cm when can I eat toilet bowls I know they're very very nutritious we are already at 53 cm I want that delicious Tire oh yeah oh that's the stuff you know how uh bodybuilders eat raw eggs I eat raw tires for breakfast baby oh now just entire jugs of oil oh oil drops M yeah oh that's good oh it's going to hurt passing that later on tonight it's like Taco Bell but my Taco Bell is made out of aluminum oh I can I can eat the Dophin oh my God the dolphin made a sad little dolphin sound as I got eaten too I feel so bad although to be fair they were chasing me they would have done the same clean up the garbage but don't eat the fish you got it is that a pair of underwear all right we got spoons uh-huh the great thing is in the end you have to put all of your training together and you get to just f finally eat the entire planet that's what I'm waiting for that's what all this effort is going toward I have upgraded to eating underwear I well I say upgraded this doesn't really feel like an upgrade but it's something I can do okay now you can see we are currently 34 CM however those are rookie numbers oh there's an island just filled with underwear they call them swimsuits but this really looks like underwear so I can now just fly out of the wall and walk on land that is so concerning are you ready hold on hold on it is where's all your clothes at it's it's part of a balanced breakfast for any octopus there we go yes where all these red Tes from like a bunch of Canadians staying over here or something all right so I've cleaned up the ocean of all the clothing okay so now we're already starting at 49.6 CM oh there's spear Fishers they're killing all of my Fish Friends in order to help my fish friends I have to eat them I love how these these spear fishermen have no concept of friendly fire all right I'm 67 cm so far I had to save one of those groupers by throwing it into my stomach mean while the spear fishermen are just absolutely murdering one another down here this is the most dangerous sport in the entire universe 75 cm oh yeah oh yeah oh this is happening this is happening right now I have gotten my first taste of human flesh and it is delicious how dare you shoot me I will remember this for all time come here oh yeah I got your wife just a minute ago I'm I'm going to end up eating your entire extended family scuba divver No One Is Safe my my octopus is now over a meter long who's left I know there's at least one or two of you left alive around here wow I am starting at 14 cm and I'm eating beverage cans right off the bat hold on I need to I need a little bit more speed to pop out of the water here imagine seeing this coming at you while you're trying to chill out on the beach ye oh I don't want to leave any cans behind we're cleaning up the environment violently like we're not talking a little bit we're cleaning up the environment until there's no more environment left to clean up big oh I can't I cannot eat the barrels yet okay so I wonder if I have to oh I can knock them over though that's for sure just the sheer weight of my octopus body where's all the other octopus in this world you ever notice that like there's literally no other octopus around what are those there's mattresses I'm eating whole mattresses also I am almost four me oh my God I'm eating cars I had just gotten done eating cars what is next at this point am I eventually going to have to eat like shipping ships like the giant ships that uh move all your Amazon Goods around and stuff oh here we go we got some hats down here okay some big fish some more oh those are really big car those are full cars down oh there shark down here I'll bet that shark feels like he's uh the apex predator oh yeah I can jump out of the water and eat seagulls okay I'm coming for you next no oh there's spear fisherman here too oh yeah we're we're slowly putting it all together oh they're not spear fisherman they're just trying to be one with nature and they're getting murdered by the shark down here I need to eat more boobies God that sounds Terri terrible oh yeah oh I have given into the hatred and at this point if you don't look like an octopus you're getting eaten honestly even if you look like an octopus I might still eat you hey fishermen you guys aren't violent are you oh no they're not they're actually quite nice we'll see how nice you are when you see an octopus that's eating cars and stuff circling around you I hate to tell you I cannot be saded by wo I want to see if can I push you into the shark here shark come back hold on I got an offering for you more toilets oh can I eat the big grouper now hold on come here oh yeah oh there's so many it's just like going to it oh you can eat buffet oddly this Buffet though the food tries to run away like valiantly tries to run away I feel kind of bad I can probably jump out of the water like 60 ft now look at this oh my God I'm so sorry I did not realize I would be eating you guys yet but to be fair if you want me to save you I technically have to eat you just trust me on this okay this this is how life works for real oh yeah it's a lot safer to die via me than it is to the shark actually that's a terrible way to try and build this it's a lot less painful how about that we'll we'll say that oh there's a whole new slew of divers down here well there was they're all gone now oh yeah oh we're going deep sea dive in for food now oh there's a lot of sharks in here what do that sound oh it's an entire boat tell me I get to eat the boat please tell me I get to eat the boat hold on mattress is oh there's a lot of boats I don't know if that's the safest thing to be doing with your boat man there's helicopters I don't know if they're trying to do search and rescue there ain't no one left to rescue man oh there's entire whales down here I can eat the Sharks yes oh my God oh my God oh this is this is so traumatic right now I can't even tell you on the plus side look at how clean the ocean is ever since I got here all right I can't eat the helicopter quite yet don't worry I'm working on it the sharks have regenerated oh here it is get out of the way boat come here come here yes you can land on the boats I'm riding the boats I was surfing them like a pair of water skis unbelievable come here oh this is the way you get so much size eating helicopters I'm going on a helicopter only diet oh I can eat the bats oh my God yes we're 5 m big right now I can jump out of the water like a 100 ft out of the way boat it's a giant shipping container I can eat whales oh my god oh no all of Nature's creatures are simply food to make me get bigger I can eat the palm trees hold on yes oh this is this is true magic I can't tell you at this point how many millions of dollars of property I have eaten it's it it may be in the hundreds of Mill I'm going for a billion dollars in damage eventually here okay I eventually going to eat like a Megalodon because I keep going lower in the ocean I don't know what else could be down here these whales are barely big enough to pick my teeth at this point okay what's next my day started out like any other eating garbage garbage from the bottom of the ocean and by garbage I meant entire Canadian tokes into tires into toilet balls into oil cans into entire old mattresses into car bodies okay so I've eaten so many car bodies I have found what is polluting my ocean it is these right now I'm 16 M long pretty soon I imagine I will finally be able to eat these boats and put an end to this pollution Well for now then eventually I'll have to eat something else well eventually I'll just have to eat the whole planet that's the best way to ensure that pollution is completely taken care of it's just to oh here we go oh my oh yeah I love that in this board people fall off the edges of this boat to go scuba diving and there's literally just a school of man eating sharks waiting for them I mean there's meat too but you'd figure that maybe people would learn that any time someone books this this boating Excursion over on trip advisor or whatever no one ever comes back like at all there's literally nothing left no corpses no bones no explanation about what happened come here sharks I'm the only one that gets to have dinner today see in this instance the divers are getting to live a little bit longer but it's only because before there was an entire School of sharks and there's just one of me also I can launch a boat about 70 ft in the air kind of weird but if I if I do eat these boats then there's not going to be any more scuba divers so I feel kind of bad about what I'm about to do I'm basically ruining my own food source some of the scuba divers got down pretty far I'm very impressed with their tenacity their willingness to oh my God to sacrifice everything the time has come to occupy the entire ocean now we must put together everything that we've learned and eat even bigger than before you remember it's simple can Lids now it's cigarette butts then it's soda bottle caps then aluminum Bottle Caps candy wrappers then golf balls I didn't realize that these are just entire golf balls I'm eating and then the first evolution that I get is my ability to leave the water I do not fear the air any longer as as a matter of fact as far as I can tell I can just live on the surface of the Earth and it's like no big deal for some reason now I have my first taste of eating other undersea life big enough yet though not big enough by a long shot only 8 cm ah the days is a young octopus when I used to you know just eat the Toppers I don't drink my Starbucks I eat it and glass too I like to wash down my Starbucks with glass not even broken glass or shards of glass just the entire fire glass at the moment I live in fear of the mighty seagull for now how quickly I'm growing already 30 cm I was just born like 20 minutes ago already eating entire seagull's whole parrot fish you think you're better than me uh almost made that PA of fish go upside down oh I did he did a full 360 I'm still waiting to be able to eat one of my absolute favorite Delicacies which is uh raw toilet bowl uncooked toilet bowl big fan lots of fun oh yeah now the parrot fish are getting eaten oh boy now the tires are getting eaten a there we go oh I love toilet bowls got some scuba divers over here huh you want to learn more about undersea life I'm not sure you'd really want to learn about UND sea life after you see it eating all of the seagulls I just devoured four seagulls in one jump just then that seems like something if if I saw that as a diver I'd be like you know what I'm going to go be a pilot instead oh yeah and entire groupers just getting eaten come here seigles I'm not done with you yet all right can I can I eat the scuba divers yet that's the that's the real question of the hour oh yeah yep sure Canen to be fair most of the scuba divers are ow most of the scuba divers are actually probably still bigger than me I'm only 1.3 M at the moment that shark got a taste of my octopus body and I'm not going to forget that I've been calling them seagulls but the fact that they're red-footed boobies make me wonder or at least hope if a red-footed booby is indeed a seagull I have a tendency to hate seagulls because I love pizza and hamburgers but the problem is seagulls also love pizza and hamburgers but they have a tendency to eat my pizza and hamburgers like out of my hand while I'm trying to enjoy it on the beach I love how no one's fighting back at all I am just murdering everything and Mankind is like you know what maybe it's better this way maybe our octopus cthulu God needs to Ru the entire planet I mean to be fair what else were you going to do with all these car husks you guys can't figure out how to get rid of them so I might as well be the one to do it boom right there all right we're at 3 m still not even close to being big enough the moment you can start eating helicopters that's when you know come here I mean tiger sharks are good and all kind of fatty if you ask me but the real main dish is helicopters right there come here come back there we go oh man they they are serving up these helicopters to me on a silver platter so now we are just absolutely devouring helicopters and full ships are those shipping containers down here you dare drop shipping containers on the bottom of my ocean there's a couple of helicopters oh there we are perfect just just skating along the top of that this trash ship over here all right eating the whale sharks we are now almost 8 m we are 8 m we are past 8 m meters I think that the meters in this game is going to get really out of hand really quickly look at how tiny the boats are compared to us at this point they don't even feel very filling what else is going to be left after the gigantic trash ships is it going to be uh aircraft carriers I don't know do I hear like a subm it's a submarine it's shooting a nuke at me there's hot air balloons yes oh my God I'm so sorry oh there's like skyscrapers over here hold on let me grab your uh let me grab your palm trees and I can eat the shipping contats yes y y y y Yum Yum Yum y y y I'm 22 M oh wow that oh I can eat the trash ships how are there even more hot air balloons now garbage ships that's what they're called they're just a food source for me yay oh my God I can eat the submarines yes oh can I eat the B you getting the building oh no oh no oh my god oh there's really big ships over here okay so I need to I need to get even bigger so I can eat those come here come here I need all you submarines look at all this garbage don't worry though we can clean it well we can murder everyone involved with it all right more submarines look I love how submarines in this game just do full no scope 3 360s these submarines are driving like this is this is some Miami traffic down here this is incredible I am 85 M long oh my God I think I can eat them oh yeah oh yes oh how I oh perfect oh wow 184 M yes and the octopus world is complete here we are tiny little penguin sad depressed well actually maybe we're not because somehow we can fly now as you can see right here Penguins don't have any problems eating things such as other living creatures and apparently sunflower seeds so the idea is is that pollution and Technology have basically ruined your entire life and have thrown you out of you know your your Arctic Circle or whatever at this point and the only thing that's left to do is to get revenge what am I eating now is like a tiny meatball oh it is it's a little meat chunk I love how it doesn't specify what kind of meat it is oh that uh that fly just ran right into my mouth so technically I didn't murder him he kind of murdered himself I like how this fly over here is just like I'm going to mind my own business and maybe he won't see me oh I see you grain of rice that's very healthy little meat chop oh some teriyaki sauce M love teriyaki sauce what can I eat up here oh my God whoa I didn't see that coming I'm not going to lie as a Floridian if I could just have a a pet penguin that would eat all of the mosquitoes that would be fantastic to be fair I think that eating all of these like living creatures is pretty realistic because don't penguins eat fish or whatever I'm not sure if the penguin actually cares how how much life is left in the fish at the time I don't know I really don't know any Penguins personally I met a penguin once and I I gave him a hug it was a SeaWorld though but see if the penguin was like this penguin and was constantly growing to the point where it would become as big as a planet I'd probably not have hugged him because I'd be afraid that he would murder me we're eating black flies now so we're at 1 cm in size oh is that a bigger meat chunk it looks like a bigger meat chunk wao not going to lie like butterflies from this close up look very very evil all right so what is this like an M&M y oh it's a tapioca pearl where am I like what is in here that I'm eating what was it what that oh I thought I could eat these gigantic chunks over here those like french fries or something give me your meat now if I if I don't get to be like you know ow if I don't get to at least eat several buildings you know what actually I want to eat like a mountain side that' be fantastic I like it when the things I'm eating are ooh it's a big meat trunk I've upgraded I like what was that oh it is a french fry also did you hear the sound that the penguin made that is like really concerning that may be an actual Penguin Sound but I'm oh I'm going to need you to calm down Mr Penguin what I was trying to say is I love eating things that really should not be edible at all oh it's a butterfly oh animal I just I just I eat I eat the Beautiful Things the less beautiful things at this point I thought I was going to get my revenge on Humanity but I don't know maybe just because moths and butterflies get along with human beings so well I guess I'll take out my hatred on them too ooh like entire Teriyaki sticks that's what I'm talking about as I go in there butterfly the butterfly is like well I'm mining my own business could you not too bad look man it's for the purposes of the game I need to get to unreasonable sizes and right now I'm at a totally reasonable size I don't like it love that there's little I don't know like fruit bats or whatever too not going to lie Mr Bat you look delicious am I going to eat the stuff oo oh meat on a stick oh yeah oh I love meat on sticks all your extra fries also like does no one take care of this area like no one's picked up the trash and who knows how long I should be getting paid for this as I eat every living being around me something else I thought about if I can eventually just eat the atmosphere of the whole universe then I will be flighted as a bird because there won't be anything to hold me back I've decided I know what this penguin sounds like it sounds like if you took a normal bird and then you possessed it like with the Exorcist that's what this voice sounds like here you don't believe me hold on let me let me hold let me find something here right right there hear that Exorcist right there I am literally eating styrofoam containers I'm going to have a great oh oh it's it's Hy Vengeance I was going to say I'm going to have a fantastic time trying to pass those styrofoam containers out the out the digestive system later on where's your styrofoam at I'm here to clean up this city like literally clean up this city did I just eat a brick bubble teac cup I'm pretty sure I ate a brick though I did I ate an entire brick I going to eat the cinder blocks eventually oh it's it's owls I love owls kind of makes me feel bad that I'm eventually going to be devouring them mercilessly seriously you guys do not take care of your city at all I'm starting to not feel bad that I'm going to destroy all of humanity well all humanity and every other living creature on this entire planet apparently someone's going to have their parakeet chilling out outside and they're going to come come home from work and the only thing that's going to be left is I don't know whatever the feathers are that a penguin has ow think I just gave that owl brain damage I don't know what a penguin would leave to let them know that a penguin was there like penguin droppings or something oh I could just eat the cinder blocks now why [Music] not packs full packs full of vitamins oh no I eat the owls real like owls too for breakfast I mean what in the what am I dealing with here what what am I going to have to take on like bionic soldiers what is that a hoverboard it's like a hover motorcycle give me your cinder blocks I need them to grow don't ask me why I don't know either listen this is how ecology works all right ow you're going to pay for that guy's probably just heading home from work not for long don't mind me just doing some Building Maintenance around your apartment complex and by maintenance I mean all of these various other creatures that live here they're not going to live here anymore am I going to get to eat all of the air conditioning systems I won't actually have to murder the people if we're in Florida because you can't survive without an air conditioning system well it's possible that you could survive but you don't really want to oh I'm eating cardboard boxes now look at how much cleaner this neighborhood looks because I ate everything look at it looks so much better all of you are responsible for all this trash and I'm the one taking care of it look at that bam right there Bo boom oh oh you caned air conditioning systems yay oh man the mean the like the average temperature is going to go up by about 20° inside of this place also I will say it doesn't really look like anyone up oh you get the people oh oh it's a cyborg those are cyborgs and humans living in harmony well they were living in harmony now they've not Liv living at all no no come back come back look I'm going to turn around you won't know I'm here look I'm not looking at you I have no idea what's going on just kidding oh is ah it's the police you can't you can't do this to me I'm an endangered species all right apparently the police do not care sorry everyone because of the police I need to eat all of you so I have the strength to get back at them oh you can eat the motorcyclist now come here you look delicious oh meating the dumpsters oh my God it is a hover bike I love how no one can be bothered to even run the police cars through a car wash ow oh my God I just ate an entire car I can't even tell you how much like Freon or whatever is inside of my body right now oh boy I'll tell you if there's one thing I love eating it's tetus when I violently poop out all of these air conditioning units can you imagine how many people that would murder on the ground just from the weight I need a lot more than a than a compressor fix to fix everything I've done to these air conditioning units all right think I've eaten absolutely everything on the ground floor I'm now eating police humans hover cars I don't know what that is over there but I can't wait to dine on it anything didn't cool up here oh it's an entire sign now that oh oh my God it's a hover car garbage truck you guys weren't doing any work anyway there's garbage everywhere what garbage were you picking up you weren't you weren't doing it the waste of taxpayer dollars you're better off feeding the8 and2 M long penguin I am almost 10 m oh oh yes hover bus what is this shooting at me is this like the military after me now you guys better watch out you're going to end up murdering your own populace you know hey epic Dodge oh they killed one another a hover tank just like blew up another hover tank I assume that's what that is I'm going to keep eating these buses until I'm big enough to to have my Vengeance to finally get back at those who destroyed my family my ecosystem my the food sources yeah you know who can't live off of microwave meals me you did this oh here we go oh yeah oh my god oh the hover tanks oh yeah 22 M what's left what what else can I eat am I going to eat like uh space shuttles or something eventually all right so we can eat all of the tanks with absolutely oh my God I hate an entire apartment building I am 30 MERS 31 meters 30 okay we are G we are gaining meters real fast I love how how out of control the penguin gets we're at 46 M already eat this we're eating entire buildings oh boy 59 M hey oh 64 M eating hover tanks it's basically like a pallet cleanser that's all it really is see that's like a snack it's like having a pistachio nut or something I like to I like to eat full-sized skyscrapers when I can this right here you see it this is what's causing all the pollution I'll be back I got to eat more of your friends first oh here we go oh there we go yep factories look at that look at look at how much I'm helping out the atmosphere is this what are what are people living on is this like a floating island oh oh okay 347 M of penguin oh there's more City up here yay imagine you live in like the high priced Island and you're watching all these other Islands get devoured by this derp of a penguin and you're like obviously that can't possibly happen to us oh really 510 M of Angry Bird what do I eat now hold on I just got to grabb a drink by eating your oceans oh I just eat the entire oh it's a floating island I'm just eating the entire Island now I love it 682 M 771 87 we're almost 900 M there it is 900 a kilometer this bird is now a kilometer oh my god oh 1.4 km 1.64 are we going to be a mile [Laughter] no 3.69 K all right we may been starting out as like a sad molecule of a cat but we're going to be moving through a lot of animals real fast and of course we're going to have to end up with the most ridiculous one I'm not stopping until I can eat the entire planet for real we're starting off at right around 2 cm and there is more life on this floor than in like a science experiment pet Tre dish also I do love how the cat's eyes kind of ooal whatever he's about to consume which is now finally meet otherwise known as these cockroaches here whoever owns this area should be happy that someone is cleaning up it's just that someone is a cat that's eventually going to murder them we both know that there's no way that all of humanity is not going to get eaten by this cat as a matter of fact I think that's the purpose of this cat being grown in the first first place now his eyes are big enough to the point where you can watch them look at them I love how they kind of scurry back and forth you saw the mouse coming he's like oh no you don't I'm not going to lie I love croissant and the fact that I cannot yet eat this croissant pains me greatly I don't like peas even though they're very high in fiber as a matter of oh God I'll remember that no seriously I'm going to remember that I'm already 5 cm long it's not going to be too much further from now at the point when I'm devou ing your entire rodent family which I guess is something normal that a cat would do anyway so it's not really unusual or anything but considering oh here we go hold on oh now who's running yeah now who's running yeah I don't think so 6 cm if we're not a mile long it's not big enough yet oh I can finally get drunk as a cat that is fantastic there is a whole bottle of wine right here with my name on it I'm a French cat you see I don't even drink the liquid in the bottle I just consume the entire bottle and my stomach juices break down the glass and then I get drunk on whatever's left I still can't eat these these croissants it's killing me I want carbs not peas there's no peas anymore I ate them all I'm curious if knives are high in fiber also why do these mice sound like Blue Jays how come you can eat the knives before you can eat the croissant I don't want a diet that consists of sharp death inst actually you know what maybe I do that's what we're going for anyway chef's knife oh now I now I can have the croissant yeah sure I love how no one's even running anymore they're like this is inevitable we're just going to let it happen imagine this cat just starts projectile vomiting the 10,000 blades he's been devouring it's like scarier than some kind of DnD D creature ah look at that you see that right there human beings you know what they're not doing cleaning the floor me eating you does nothing negative for this entire restaurant I assume this is a restaurant yeah I can see him serving nothing to anyone see this lady look at her she's sitting here do you know what she's eating nothing because all the food is on the floor she doesn't even have to paint anything she could literally just crawl around and pick up 35 bottles of wine chilling out on the floor now she's not going to have anything because I'm the one eating all of the wine I said well eating drinking well partly drinking I'm eating the glass and drinking the wine I am going to literally be a Godzilla cat like it's going to be scary I'm going to be a mecha Godzilla cat because effectively I'm going to have so much metal in my body it's going to change the very fabric of the creature I am what are your what are your job description oh my god well I guess I can ask him now I was going to say what is your job description because I haven't seen any of you do anything if I just stand here will you walk into my mouth and then I don't have to do anything here we go yep look at that don't have to do it oh it's a conveyor belt it's a conveyor belt of human meat that's what this is I don't need to work at all I just have to wait for them to not do their job and then come up here by the burners that they're not using to cook anything and then die I think I've killed everyone on this side where's your manager at I want to speak to your manager not because I have something good to tell him cuz I'm hungry and I want to eat him that's how we deal with problems in Cat Land we just eat them can I eat this lady yet it's not like she's getting served anything right hold on I have to kill all the waiters first apparently oh I have to eat the chairs first oh yeah oh that is simply delectable see when you when you eat the customer you get a free chair as well to devour all right I can't eat the tables yet unfortunately oh man these chairs what is this is this a is this you is this a uh is this is this Pine tastes kind of like Pine there are so many human beings to eat oh I just ate a Street Lamp I mean was it not plugged in oh hold on that guy right there was helping the environment so I had to go ahead and end him cuz this environment is not going to last much longer with me around like there's literally not going to be anything in the environment I should say like these trees here bam oh it's a bush thought it was a tree I'm sure I'll be eating full trees in no time give me that light too you guys don't need light to see anymore you're going to be sitting in the bottom of my stomach I love how some people scream more convincingly than others like some people are just like ah ooh Some people make it sound like this is really a travesty that they're getting eaten by you know a 2 m long cat can't eat a car yet that's unfortunate yeah all the street lights belong to me I'm going to be like the Electro cat and I have special X-Man powers from all the electricity I've got coursing through my body I think I'm getting close to eating a car maybe if it was a compact car I could have eaten it by now all these cars are going to crash in oh here we go yeah oh yeah so now can I just stand in the middle of the road hold on does it hit me oh no I just eat it with my rib cage look this just goes to the side of the ribs oh that oh that's a DB right there two look at this double fisting cars how about that two for one baby yep trees are going now all right we are now 6 m in size again not not close to a mile yet so it's not good enough you know I'll take a kilometer how about a kilometer since we're in Paris or whatever I am now many many times larger than cars I am 10 m long what are these what are these things over here is this just like the like the commercial District are these buildings they just look so plain I can't really tell I've been on a vegetarian kick for so never mind there we go I was going to say I've been on a vegetarian kick for so long eating trees so when I when I eat an entire building do I get all the people inside too like is that where I'm getting my protein from how hard is it to pass concrete I feel like that's something that I should tell my doctor that I've consuming is literally concrete oh wow we are uh we are just we are eating entire blocks at this point I am 26 M long 29 M long the meters of length are growing much faster than I had pre 37 much faster than I had previously anticipated there's some buildings I can't eat yet never mind I can eat all the buildings now I'm eating entire chunks of of buildings look at that that was like that was like eight buildings all together 60 M oh God yep just just go ahead just clean up the entire city we're not going to have to worry about any kind of taxes for M for like beautification because there's not going to be anything what did I just eat what was that was that a bridge yep that is a full Bridge connecting the two sides of of Paris together I'm not going to lie I kind of wish there was like a death counter like I assume we could just say it's this score you know you've murdered like 30,000 people so far actually hold on one building how many people 81 so that was only seven people for instance in that building I don't know maybe it's like a maybe it's early on a Sunday or something and there's just not that many people let me get rid of all the bridges no one gets to leave was that a oh that was the Eiffel Tower I didn't realize how unreasonably large I had become and that that was the Eiffel to now we're eating literal city blocks they're just called C city blocks I thought that was a gazebo Eiffel Tower eiel Tower is looking at me sideways it's like a gazebo gray really look man I don't even have to jump across the water I just weighed through it this is how my cat gets a bath now he bathes inside of the canals of Paris we are 400 m 500 M 500 600 M neighborhood we're eating full neighborhoods now it's not even called City Block like right over here you might have a good friend that lives in that neighborhood gone right there how many points is that worth 54 points in the neighborhood that actually sounds kind of realistic like if you figure there's three two or three people to a house or something there's like 20 houses there oh yeah 30 and 29 points per neighborhood there's no more neighborhoods left evolution in this game is 10 out of 10 so we've evolved from a cat into a dingo and we're small again sad dingo 1.74 CM now fortunately he's already begun eating living beings so it's kind of like training right because you figure they they always end up eating people no matter no matter where you go no matter what animal you pick you will inevitably eat humans why because this game has taught me that human beings are delicious it's the one thing I've learned from this now we are gaining size fairly quickly here I'm already on beetles and I'm almost 4 cm in size which is good I really want to change in scenery because the ground is so boring it's just very very Floridian it could use some additional colors it's kind of like I'm just walking across a piece of old meatloaf sorry gecko that's an angry frog that frog is not letting me go he really wants a piece of me okay I can now eat mice just entire mice even though they're basically larger than I am it doesn't matter they get instantly digested my colon must be the strongest muscle in my body no joke okay now I'm getting tag teamed by frogs don't like that hey you guys can't work together stop that it's illegal it's against the rules if this city had a rat problem they don't really have it anymore there's not many left I guess it's not really a rat it's a lil or something I don't know it's that word I would ask Google what it means but I'm getting murdered by frogs you oh here we go yeah or am I you know what you cane toads tastes like Revenge come here all you cane toads grew up bullying me and my people now you're all going to go extinct well technically everything on this planet is going to go extinct but y'all in particular as well as that rabbit are not long for this world listen I didn't really have anything against the rabbit it kind of got in the way but now that I've had a taste for rabbit I want to keep eating them very addictive very spicy rabbits they're like the Chipotle of uh of animals oh wow what the I don't that was an amazing sound hold on what did I just eat it's like a yak or something a feral goat oh I've decided to finally get some vegetables into my system like Mo oh all right well vegetables and this fence can't wait to pass this out my rectum and these sheep listen lamb can be very expensive as can the sweet flesh of kangaroo oh walking hamburgers can't wait until I can eat you let's get going to be a minute I've got to eat a few more kangaroos is that the sound that kangaroos make that is the most uncute sound I think I've ever heard whenever I've seen a kangaroo I want to hug it and now I want to run in fear of it all right all the fences got to make sure to uh wash down the sad Wildlife I've been eating with fencing there we go perfect fencing sheep all of the cows and this tree and this tree and this tractor I can't believe I have not eaten one single human yet what is going on oh I just ate a shack now there may have been a human inside of that Shack I really don't know I mean obviously there's someone inside of the truck well I believe there would be I guess we'll never know the tank is shooting at me hey stop defending yourself I don't like that come here yeah y you want to keep shooting at me you think because you have armor on that means anything and to keep eating all of your defenseless friends too all the we don't even know what these crops are of it doesn't matter though they taste delicious they're all high in fiber I'm also 12 m in size right now I'm just I'm not even eating like a crop I'm double fisting the crops at this point like five crops at a time oh now the entire crop bu oh it's the house like a family of four chilling out inside the house they're gone like I could maybe say that the uh tanks could be remote controlled possibly or something almost like drone tanks but probably not the house probably not the residential house there just like a normal person in there well there was what am I missing here there's there's no place left to live I've evolved from a Dingo directly into a bee you see they are of course related you can see my happy bee over here eating pin even though it kind of looks like delicious chicken nuggets this is why you should never feed your bees McDonald's now right now my bee is not carnivorous okay actually I don't know if any bees are really carnivorous they they may just go after stuff for protective sake I don't really know if they go after everything to murder it and then eat its flesh now we are going to obviously all wildlife in this game exists to eat other Wildlife like that oh come here yeah Nat we're almost at 5 mm 5 mm right there and once your be gets large enough that it begins to take up most of the screen that means it's time to pull on back which I'm surprised is it really happening yet oh there it is I was going to say when you start out it's a whole hummingbird the thing that's particularly funny to me is it's a hummingbird but it sounds like a nuclear engine kind of powering up it's like some sort of spaceship flying around they're probably not really hummingbirds they're just aliens vaguely shaped like hummingbirds that's why I'm going to have to murder all of them if I didn't do it they'd end up taking over the planet somehow just like Invincible Dad tried to do you're just a multicolored Vite aren't you like the omn man of Aven creatures come here bees you're doing a you're doing your civic duty over here dying to make me slightly larger so that I can eat these things there we go oh yeah several cenm long now I'm always curious to see exactly how stupid the creatures can get okay now I'm just eating the entire plant why eat the the pollen when you could just chew on the whole flower there we go yes very floral tasting now at some point obviously dining on birds and flowers isn't enough you have to begin eating people but first I guess I'll chew on this Cardinal I hear something else is that a drone I hear like a drone or something oh I'm oh apples all right well those are healthy there's a there's like 30 drones in this area know some sort of like drone laws where you're not supposed to fly a drone you know within 12 in of another drone these drones are right on top of one another look at all this ow God drones are trying to murder all these birds I need to eat these birds stop trying to run all the birds over I feel like drones aren't necessarily packed full of vitamins but I'm going to eat those anyway if it can fit in my mouth it's getting eaten there we go oh yeah that can't be healthy I'm going to be defecating blades and circuit boards that sounds terrible on the plus side I am really cleaning up the sky surprised there's any birds left that want to fly around here they've been watching all their Brethren get gobbled up by like a giant mutated floppy eyed bee my bee looks drunk that's why I think you're beekeeping Huts you know how you kept me around and made money off of me yeah you're going to be regretting that in a minute oh was an entire Eagle that has got to be a felony if I eat the eagle oh there it is yeah they're probably they're probably endangered or protected or something but the bee does not care ah give me them drumsticks oh now it's time to eat all these and the bushes and probably the people yay yay humankind is not long for this world get over here I just pulled someone off of their balcony oh wow there's going to be a lot of people going missing inside of this neighborhood I want to be able to eat a helicopter I can't wait well and I'd like to eat an entire Subaru Outback or something as well just someone's to a camera gets shoved down my B throat like I was like a no B ah there we are that's right you'll pollute the atmosphere no longer you can't pollute anything when you're dead yeah oh there's a an Tire like fighter plane Old World War II aircraft or something got to eat all the ultralight aircrafts I'm surprised they're not shooting at me considering I think I've been like responsible for 300 deaths at this point I am now 4 M I am a four oh there we go World War II fighter plane it is legitimately a fighter plane I'm eating entire trees the deciduous trees all belong to me all the cars all the ultral light aircrafts the World War II where's where's bigger planes it's like a shinook there we go that's exactly what I was looking for planes helicopters like get like a large boat or something oh the there's the coniferous trees we're going through all the different species of plant there's the tandem rotor helicopters we are now TW 12 m in size it is very concerning I'm surprised that everyone is still driving so PL idly you notice no one's breaking the speed limit or anything they just get eaten by the giant bee and they just let this happen all right larger trees all those are gone now pretty soon I'm going to be eating the buildings no joke I can hear like an airliner or something there it is yes airliners hold on we've got things to do eating so many tandem rotor helicopters at this point these buildings got to be edible at some point oh here we go there we go all the rest of the trees oh you can headbutt the planes I made it go hold on almost made the plane go upside down oh can you make a dive bomb the ground hold on come on keep going keep going yeah try and land it where you going where you going you trying to get home yeah the flight's been delayed because a maniac be oh a maniac B decided to make sure that the plane crashed into the earth that is hot 34 M oh hold on yeah can eat the jumbo Jets Now 37 M I can't eat the skyscrapers yet but I feel like we're definitely getting there never mind I can eat the skyscrapers now sweet all right 63 67 68 6 93 that was a quick jump 98 112 oh my God I just ate a hill it's not even called anything particular amazing it's just an entire Hill pretty soon I'm going to be eating countrysides it's going to be called Countryside no big deal 17 oh I'm sorry 196 M all the hills 243 me we're almost at a kilometer which is pretty good do I eventually get to eat the crust of the Earth because I can see it sitting there and it is very very appetizing I would love nothing more than to just suddenly begin dining on the crust of the earth it's called the crust after all should be edible Oh I thought that was background buildings nope it's just edible that just entire city escapes no problem totally edible uh I'm running out of stuff to eat oh never mind there's more stuff to eat now there got like Mount Fuji over here that is fantastic keep eating uhhuh that was a mountain just stay at a mountain okay oh I'm running out of mountains now I'm over 5 km in size now I'm eating is that an island yep whole island might as well suck up the Seas while I'm doing I can't believe I could just like you know fly right on the water I don't know how well bees swim cuz bee does a great job though 15 km in size uh I'm I'm running out of humanity I think I've eaten most of it I'm pretty sure I may have just picked up Japan or something into my mouth that's gone now 51 km oh my God 5 kilm in size 133 this is getting out of hand I didn't actually think it would get quite this big this is amazing 233 km yes three 400 kilom oh my God I'm just eating the continents I'm 200 2 or hold on 3.33 megamet there goes the the moon there goes the earth I eat all the planet this is where we start as a 607 zeptometer black hole I had to I didn't know that my black hole talked I had to go over to Google to find out exactly how big a zeptometer is I think it said it's 1 16th of a meter in case you're wondering that's really small like right now we're not even eating protons and neutrons we existing at a sub molecular level or something I don't know science wasn't really my strong subject I just like to eat everything that could be vaguely considered the derivative of life now as you can imagine you may start small but eventually we're going to get bigger and bigger I actually don't know what a black hole this size would do were it to be released on Earth it's like the M the most malnourished black hole in the entire universe oh now I'm an autometer maybe maybe that's how you say it I'd have to look up on Google what that is because I don't know okay now oh I'm eating protons at this point and neutrons oh yeah give me the makeup of your cellular structure oh it's delicious I there's nothing I love more than slapping a neutron and a proton together between two slices of bread with a couple of pieces of American cheese I love that my black hole is like oh it's delicious so what's coming after the protons and neutrons are we going are we going molecular at this point is this considered Atomic I think this is considered Atomic feters the best part about these numbers is that they could they could just be making up anything and I would buy it it really doesn't matter they could be like oh yeah it's a it's a Grom meter i' be like oh it's named after me oh hydrogen nucleus I feel like hydrogen May normally be important oh you're a big piece of something I didn't get to see what it was there it is oh it's an oxygen nucleus there's one way to destroy all life on planet Earth it would be by eating all the oxygen although technically I think we're beginning on Mars all righty I'm past a sadow meter now into you know Pomers or whatever it's called part of me wants to say like pico meters like pico Deo cuz I'm so hungry right now that's why I'm playing an eating game oh it's like a it's like an atomic Mickey Mouse I can't wait to chew on you m hydrogen I even get to see their magnetic fields or whatever I love it okay now we're eating the oxygen that's good Mickey come here you look delicious I can't eat him yet I'm not big enough oh now I can hold on there we go it's a water molecule oh H2O I'm getting an entire like eighth grade science lesson that I never thought I would get in a game between devouring all of the air and all of the water and basically all of the molecules I think I understand why I'm going to be the reason that no one gets to survive what comes next after molecule when do I eat objects that I can easily identify like a like a pencil or maybe a paperclip maybe asking yourself great what would those be doing on Mars listen just like on Earth I can only imagine that scientists and astronauts are leaving stuff all over the place that is a very vibrating red molecule what are you we're starting to gain size a lot faster now into the 500 oh I ate it oh an an iron oxide m Ule yeah let's see what life is like without your iron oxides oh okay things got really out of hand all of the water molecules belong to me woo the black hole is starting to get out of hand I like it uh chomo virus I mean it doesn't sound like it would taste good but black holes don't care they're just glad to get fed oh now I'm just eating the entire virus in one one bite there we go besides like paper clips and stuff I also want to get to like size terminology that I know even millimeters now feel a lot more comfortable also was there like a molecular frog down here yeah see him chilling on this whatever this is I can't eat him yet but I imagine I eventually will nothing's getting left behind you understand I will devour oh hold on bacteria page I am going to eat Literal time and space itself that's right your conceptualization of time W is not long for this world I am eating all of the crispy frog creatures oh yeah molecular potato chips delicious so high in sodium I would assume I don't know are bacterio fages salty this be more like a bitter meal I have eaten a lot of your friends and family man I feel kind of bad about this oh here we go I have upgraded to whatever I don't know whatever those whatever those red spheres flopping around or I assume they're not meatballs I guess they kind of are they're like microscopic meatballs when am I allowed to eat one those are prickly like a prickly sausage or something I do love sausage too oh don't don't touch the prickly sausage for some reason it's got uh like black hole repellent on or something oh I can eat my first meatball sweet where is it here we go caucus sure ccus it's oh wow I am just I'm finally starting to eat the giant eggplants well I guess they're super small eggplants ah I finally developed into a micrometer micrometer micrometer I went on Google right now to look and everyone's pronunciation has thumbs Downs all of them are rated terribly no one can agree on exactly how to say this I love that my black hole is like swimming I'm not really sure where where as a black hole I developed this skill set but obviously it's coming in quite handy ooh what was that Martian dust I'm eating full dust particles now how how I've grown as a black hole from my my youthful black hole days they grow up so fast okay the the objects for me to eat are becoming more mobile no they're like running around at this point not really sure if they're trying to body check me or what my whoa what was that it was like a fuzzy balloon like an angry fuzzy balloon I kind of want to touch it oh it's not it's not happy it tried to murder me I wanted to make friends with the Martian balloon creature and it tried to kill me ow it tried to murder me again stop that oh I can eat whatever these are now they're kind of like a molecular pickles yeah that right there that word see it oh I am eating all of the pickles all right we have leveled up to the the next violent stage of complete and utter D no joke I'm being chased by an angry camouflage sock not super happy about it it's also so eating a lot of my food oh I can eat that now not really sure if it's important or not but it doesn't really matter because everything's going to die anyway oh yeah it's like a water balloon filled with delicious I don't know maple syrup or something so sweet so delicious I really want to find out what it is that's following me trying to mug me I'm going to be eating you soon enough you understand oh yeah the time has come I've run away long enough come here yeah that's what you get for betraying me socks now there's a now there's like a big potato with feet running around okay we have upgraded to the next level now I can finally start maybe eating the baked potatoes although my when my baked potato is biting me back it loses some of its like appetizing this that'd be a great way to like not have to eat your vegetables like your parents are like eat your vegetables and you're like Mom my vegetables just bit me come here yeah it doesn't feel so good does it yeah you're tardigrade that's what you get for being edible oh we're into the world like the visible world now I'm eating crumbs that means we're at 1 mm a word I know there like a bunch of computer chips laying around I don't I don't know what these are we got some nuts and bolts very good I love that whoever was I think I can assume this like a space station or something like they just left all their tools all over the place not really taking good care of this place oh yeah oh uh oh it's a water droplet no H2O the humans can't have anything to regrow their civilization from can I eat a nut yet no I do love nuts okay I think I've eaten just about all the crumbs oh here's some more can I eat the nuts yet no I love how the black hole is kind of like captured by the stuff around it not really sure that that's something a black hole should have to worry about oh I ate my first nut oh it's glorious Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum uh-huh okay drinking some more water you got to hydrate you understand even as a black hole mother black hole is always nagging at me telling me to drink more water there you go getting more iron in the diet too oh I had a capacitor and a bolt and a computer chip uh got to wash that down with some water we're starting to be able to eat everything now now nothing's going to get in my way because the black hole is starting to get bigger than everything else is that a stick of ram a stick of RAM on the side over there I think it might be like a protein bar oh it is it's an algae bar oh God that sounds awful ah yes Garden Fresh algae my favorite flavor M okay we're in the centimeter area now that's good and again we're gaining size pretty fast here so can I can I eat an algae bar yet really want to know how this tastes I mean I may regret saying that but oh there we go I can eat a circuit but ow what is that it's like the the robotic Doge the robotic doge is like I haven't had a friend on Mars in like the last 25 Days please talk to me no I'm here to eat all of you and your friends and your algae bars but I you weren't really doing anything with them anyway space snack okay these these space dogs are oh here we go yeah robot dog no he was such a good dog 21 cm there was a whole bunch of snacks over here in the corner I don't know why oh it's a human the humans are like man we made such a mess and now it's all been cleaned up how did that happen if only you knew no one's asking where all the robot dogs are going I just ate I don't know what that was like a trash binner Oh I just ate a person oh a compressed gas that was a human being that just got black holees oh boy there goes all the storage containers and a wall just at straight up ate the wall yep starting to get out of hand now 100% you should this is why you don't feed the black holes people me your Hydroponics plants too come here no one's Left Alive all the walls we don't need those oh I think I'm going to let all the Compressed Gas out if I eat the air loock yep planter boxes no plants on Mars I decided I'm eating your Lazy Boy chairs too I love how they don't even try to get away from the black hole they just see it coming and they're like well here we go all right I'm over a meter in size now that's good get everything on this uh kind of like this the outskirts of what I assume is like a like a little tiny space Dome over here little living quarters oh there goes the airlock yeah you better run oh no oh I made it outside Martian rock all right there goes all the Compressed Gas oh there's a Rover over here I can't wait to eat that I'll bet there's lots of nutrients inside of the Rovers hope you guys weren't Excavating all this rock because it pretty much belongs to me now all right we're at 2 m there goes the outdoor storage containers I had to get big enough to eat those there's a lot going on here on Mars what are all you guys doing I didn't know there was so much traffic here all right there goes those storage containers still can't eat the Rovers yet okay there it is oh the rovers are getting eaten 3 M 4 M I appreciate that all of you Rovers obey the speed limit because it makes my job a lot easier solar panels oh no oh wow 6 M 7 m 8 m now we're moving right along am I going to start eating the oh it's the corridors oh through there was no one inside of there imagine that you're you're enjoying the beautiful Martian Sunrise when all of a sudden a black hole slurps your entire Corridor away yeah as it happens man all right 11.5 M I still can't eat the main living domes yet but I think I'm getting to that oh never mind Martian Building 13 M oh there's no survivors are you still like discovering stuff was it still a good idea they're like No Gray it wasn't we should have stayed on earth oh boy now I'm just eating entire Martian neighborhoods look at it we're at 24 M right now 25 I can almost eat every single building yep 30 m okay now these Tootsie Roll looking buildings are edible that's nice they went to Mars looking for life and I mean I guess they found it but then I immediately ate it so I'm not really sure if you want to call that a win or what oh boy am I going to be eating like Martian mountains and stuff like all the different dunes and can you even eat a crater it's not really like something that you would digest yeah we're going to eat it yep whole hill just eating the entire Hill why not Boop there oh I'm I yep you do eat the craters I love it Mars is going to be so flat and desolate no Hills no valleys all right we are now 304 I am getting like 20 M at a time I mean to be fair I am eating entire Mountain sides but you know 600 M I'm going to be a kilometer soon there it is full kilometer not going to lie some of these Hills are getting really big okay so at this point we can eat pretty much every Hill and crater ah yes it's a great day when a young black hole eats its mer its very first Mountain ring range look at it I'm getting like 2 km per per Chomp as well all of the mountain ranges belong to me uh 180 km oh my god oh I'm eating the polar cap there we go I am so sorry now I'm going to eat all these asteroids is that a megameter even if it's supposed to be like megameter or Mega meter what I like it as Mega meter more because it sounds oh it's Earth I was going to say it just sounds more epic I can't wait to eat earth oh I've waited for this day Earth first Mars oh God right Mercury oh that Venus oh that Earth no okay hold on oh hold on let me I got to grab this asteroid belt here I need to get a little bit bigger the sun's looking at me and it's like don't you dare there goes Uranus there goes Neptune there goes Saturn there goes Jupiter ow the sun is really hot I mean I know obviously there's a lot of things over here that I can't eat I was able to eat this small star it was a young star if you will the tiny star uh-huh oh now I'm starting to eat a lot of stars lot of stars are getting eaten kind of feel bad about this there's not going to be that many stars left I don't know if I ate the sun yet or not specifically gigameter okay I can now eat every single star it really doesn't matter look at that bam right there huge star look at this oh that one's still pretty hot but this one isn't I mean it's still hot you would figure it goes down not quite as smooth have I have I eaten all of the stars yet I feel like I'm running out of stars there's not going to be a goldilock Zone anymore for life to exist because there won't be Stars uh-oh oh yeah I'm getting real big uhuh 10 12 16 oh that was a red giant oh yeah I like to put some barbecue sauce on the red giants that was some curly fries are those what is that is that a is that like an ow is that like an entire nebula I need to know but I can't eat it yet not big enough I love how the only stars that are left are the red giants uhhuh oh yeah oh my God it was it's an entire nebula I'm eating nebulas I'm chewing on nebulas like pistachio nuts oh yeah the purple nebulas there's the there's the sour apple nebulas right there you've got the uh the black cherry nebulas am I now like Lighty years in size okay I've I've now upgraded even past those sad nebulas to is that a space manay wow imagine just living on Earth you know having a good time all of a sudden your entire existence is wiped Away by a random space manay I didn't know that this is what space manay ate okay I can just about eat every single yeah eat every single size nebula so now I'm going to be eating the space manta rays I feel oh oh it is it is a space manta ray I mean I just came up with that name but apparently that's what it is I feel so bad about that but it's so juicy listen to the sound he's like you ate my you ate my brother here yeah you can meet him inside the black hole oh yeah oh all the space creatures I am an equal opportunity Destroyer all right what what comes after this are we I'm going to run out of existence pretty soon here you'd figure ow what is that I don't know what we're about to learn it is a star cluster an entire cluster of stars is getting eaten now I'm a par SEC don't you run away from me star cluster the star clusters have developed minds of their own they actually have a will to live that's odd oh boy that's right existence the universe isn't big enough for the both of us I have eaten a lot of star clusters and I'm still getting bigger oh boy oh oh I'm I'm eating the very edge of the galactic dust look at it all your Galactic dust belongs to me okay it's it's starting to get out of hand now I'm starting to get to the point where I can just like roll around and I end up getting a lot of Galactic dust to e yeah you see right there oh boy oh god oh yeah that a kilar SE oh my god oh the elliptical galaxy I'm eating galaxies I'm eating spiral galaxies now okay so now almost almost none of the galaxies are big enough there we go I love how it still has that super high pitched voice oh a Galaxy group eight an entire galaxy group yeah tastes a lot like potato salad I can't believe how extreme this goes mega par sex now Galaxy clusters super clusters I had my I Dy on my very first super cluster oh what is that it's got googly eyes I love that the giant Cosmic Destroyer has the googly eyes okay he's eating like super clusters as well so I'm not the only one destroying life you see that right there slurped it up like a milkshake oh I can eat him noodly monster that's what they call it the noodly monster all the super class D look at how ridiculous this is oh the universe oh Another Universe oh remember the beginning of the game everything has come back full circle but what's after this then yay all of the universes are gone well now I don't have to worry about going to work tomorrow because I ate the entire universe any folks hope you enjoy this episode of tasty Planet forever till next time stay foxy much love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 1,138,081
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simulation games, graystillplays, simulator, and this happened, gameplay, game, best android games, mobile games, android best games, all levels, tasty planet forever, tasty planet 4, tasty planet speedrun, tasty planet forever black hole, tasty planet forever walkthrough, tasty planet forever ending, tasty planet, tasty planet game, tasty planet forever game, tasty planet goo, tasty planet grey goo, tasty black holes, black holes, tasty planet shark, tasty planet bee
Id: 096a-MBuASk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 112min 24sec (6744 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 29 2024
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