I Spent 100 Days in Stardew Valley (Boycotting Pierre Edition)

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They actually did 200 days

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ahumanpileofgarbage πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 22 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Omg, I have to watch it.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Initial-Reach7703 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 22 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

She’s so funny, I watched that video yesterday!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Proud_Finish πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 26 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
buckle your seat belts folks because this is the most hardcore video i have ever made you heard that right spending 100 days in stardew valley is no joke i'm sure you've seen other videos like this but then again you haven't because in this video we have to set some ground rules for one i am going to be boycotting the infamous piers the reason for this well obviously it's because i hate him i know he's a human who works tirelessly in a small town as the sole shop owner with a family and a life but how dare he close his shop on wednesdays this boycott does not include the backpacks because i'm not a masochist but also does not include the bouquet which leads us to the next rule i must marry abigail within this first 100 days what can i say i'm a sucker for forbidden love plots so i won't shop at pierre's but i will woo his daughter because i'm boycotting peers i think the only reasonable thing to do is to go the jojo route and i know i know capitalism is evil and eat the rich but as my favorite lawyer said you either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain and a villain i am our last tiny ground rule is no restarting days no matter how awful i mess up and with that let's get right into this challenge oh and if you enjoy this video i'd really appreciate if you liked subscribe and commented your thoughts down below this took a hell of a lot to put together so any love you can give means everything all right to anti-pierre farm we go as the new person in pelican town i started my journey as most would searching through the trash on the way to buy more seeds at joja i ran into my future wife i planted my new parsnipsy it's foraged and went to bed i woke up on day two immediately harassed by a letter from pierre begging me to buy his stuff i managed to move on and after watering plants and foraging i got the fishing rod from willy i spent the day fishing and later had the misfortune to meet elliot but that night i got level 1 foraging and level 1 fishing it was raining on day three so i spent my hours cutting trees and fishing i also found some high quality and not at all soggy bread in the trash and later bought some more seeds including tulip seeds which were an absolute waste of money i bothered abigail in the saloon got my first geode and got level 2 fishing that night on day 4 creepy clint greeted me and gave me the furnace blueprint i watered my plants found spring onions and horseradishes and went through the trash in broad daylight i donated my geode finding to the museum and fished with my best friend willie it was then that i realized i chose the hilltop farm which meant i had a mining area i could have been taking advantage of this whole time so i used my energy on it when i got home and went to bed with level 1 mining on day 5 i woke up a little lonelier than usual but lucky for me as i left my home marnie was there with a stray cat a new companion a new friend and under much consideration i decided to name my new friend capitalism after the ruler of my own life in-game and out i harvested my parsnips and bought new seeds donated to the museum and then i got to farming level one on day six i witnessed a crime a crow had gone one of my precious crops so i made a scarecrow friend in retaliation my anger stayed with me as i entered the mines for the first time but by just 1pm i made it to level 10 and got some fancy new boots then i went home made a furnace and went to bed day 7 was my first potato harvest so i sold what i got and went through the trash as usual then gave mayor loser a birthday gift i spent the day fishing found a chest with an emerald ring and i made 2 000 gold on the way out i gave elliott his absolute favorite gift seaweed and cursed pierre as i bought the backpack in order to make up for buying from pierre i went straight to joja and cut pam in line to buy potato seeds i got to level 2 foraging and made some money from the potatoes on day 8 i watered my plants gave abigail a flower and finally headed off to the mines i was hoping to get to level 15 today and actually made it past that but nearly died in a monster attack so i had to head home early i managed to get level 4 fishing and level 2 mining so that's plus day 9 was another day of cutting some trees watering and harvesting crops planting some more i managed to snack some cauliflower seed from gunther and gave abigail some breakfast i fished the rest of the day and got the fisherman achievement and planted some new seeds before heading to bed i did the usual on day 10 watering crops and digging through trash and actually managed to buy the silo from robin the rest of the day i mined and managed to get to level 20 and got a better sword and also got to 25 before having to leave the mines for the night day 11 was another potato harvest and i found robin's axe foraged and fished i seriously contemplated getting the fiberglass rod but decided to save my money for strawberry seeds just in case today i also got one full gracious heart from abigail which would be one of many i went to bed and got level 2 farming and made good money from potatoes day 12 was pretty bland besides finding a strange bun in the trash and spending time in the mines i found some amethyst for abigail and a new forest sword and made it to level 35. day 13. today i had the highest hopes i was ready for a game change for the seeds that would get me more gold than i could possibly handle i set up my farm for my new seeds and headed to my supposed victory but it was there that i realized my terrible terrible mistake the stand that sells stuff at the egg festival it's run by pierre yes the same pierre i am boycotting in this playthrough the same pier that now stands between me and my sweet sweet money-making strawberries i contemplated cheating on my own game buying the strawberry seeds even though pierre's grubby prince had already made their way onto them but i decided for what is left of my own dignity and pride to put my foot down no i said and i left pierre's stand with just two fingers in the air and then i went to beat his daughter and my future bride at the town's egg hunt and i beat her like an egg in a metal bowl sweet sweet victory sweeter than the strawberries that taunted me from beyond the rickety wooden stand i left victorious and with a new accessory that would make up my personality for the next month i slept with a smile and a cool ass hat and got ready for the treacherous rest of spring day 14 was my start of something new instead of strawberry seeds i went ahead and bought a ton of seeds from joja and plant those instead i collected melon seeds from gunther fish to make money for the fiberglass rod and got the mother catch achievement in celebration i gave elliott more seaweed and finished my introduction quest by speaking to the person i completely forgot about pierre but you know what they say keep your friends close but your enemies closer last night i got level 5 fishing and chose the fisher advancement i also saw that it was supposed to rain tomorrow and since i had the gold i took the opportunity to upgrade my watering can now that i was poor i decided to give abigail quartz right in front of pierre to make myself feel better i also collected enough wood to repair the beach bridge so i foraged there and got level 3 foraging that night day 16 started out bland i forged the beach and tried to bribe the old mariner to give me the mermaid pendant early and then i bought some more potatoes when i went to say hi to abigail i actually got her two heart event we defeated the prairie king level like it was a tiny useless innocent baby and then i went to the mines high on adrenaline and made it to level 47 before retiring for the night i leveled up in mining and combat on day 17 i got my shiny new watering can and fish to get some of the money back i also got an ancient seed from a treasure chest instead of saving my money on day 18 i decided to spend it on a copper pickaxe i searched the trash cans got my ancient seed recipe and fished on the way home i bumped into abigail and she complained about her dad's cooking which i guarantee is no better than his customer service skills i gave pam a birthday gift and got level 6 fishing on day 19 i gave jody a cauliflower and visited abigail donated to the museum and ended up getting a strange fossil reward and starfruit seed i forged the beach and fished after i sold everything i gave elliott his favorite gift and made copper bars and went to bed i got my copper pickaxe on day 20 and hid some geods then donated all the stuff i found to the museum and got some generic furniture i visited abigail foraged the beach and accidentally gave shane a gift that he hated at the start of the new week i of course went to give abigail accords i mined all day and made it to level 55 and i leveled up in farming and got a good amount from my crop harvest on day 22 i decided it was time to get the jojo membership i fished for the rest of the money for it and bit the bullet but i sat on this decision for a while before realizing that if i didn't go through with this membership i would make less profit and pierre would laugh and spit in my face so i ended up finally going through with it but i felt so guilty and to make myself feel better i hung out with abigail on the bridge and mine for amethyst to give to her later i also got the dagger on level 60 and leveled up to mining level 4. on day 23 i did the usual but also placed some of the new furniture gunther gave me i gave abigail the amethyst i found yesterday hoping i would get high enough hearts to ask her to the flower dance but it only got her to three hearts but i made it to level 7 fishing that night today was the day of the flower dance so after watering crops and chopping trees i headed down to my inevitable rejection i decided to ask abigail anyway hoping that by some miracle i wouldn't be shunned for being the town outcast but she stuck to her script and left me hanging to stand beside creepy clint haley donned her flower crown and when i tell you i prayed for alex's sake that the outfits and dancing were the only thing similar to mitsumar after crying myself to sleep last night i watered my crops and to make my heart break even harder i visited the community center overtaken by joja then i went to see abigail while she slept i swear it's only creepy if you make it creepy and i went to the mines where i got a new pair of tundra boots and a diamond i made it to level 70 and got a master slingshot that would most definitely be shoved at the bottom of one of my chests because i never used those i got to level 3 combat though the 26 was a big cauliflower harvest day which meant big money i went through the trash around town and saw abigail as usual and fulfilled the quest for haley i went fishing and made a good amount of gold gave elliot seaweed foraged the forest and went to bed the money from the harvest was good i officially broke 10 000 bells which meant i woke up on day 27 to demetrius proposing the cave i decided on the mushroom cave since i was more concerned with money than actual items and because of my newly full wallet i decided to upgrade my axe on the way there something monumental happened i was gifted with something so wondrous it literally knocked my socks off feet bear a garbage hat i upgraded my axe with it proudly on my head and decided to show off my hat in the mines i got to level 75 before going to bring emily a gift and accidentally gave her the amethyst i was gonna save for abigail i honestly was so mad i almost restarted the day but i took elsa's advice and let it go to make up for my mistake yesterday i gave abigail my last amethyst it got her to four hearts so it seems the garbage hat can do no wrong then i made tappers fished and of course gave elliott seaweed day 29 was the start of summer the birds were chirping the random non-existent rooster was crowing and the sun was beating down on me for the first day of summer i got my upgraded pickaxe and then i stocked up on seeds at joja and gave abigail another gift while flipping pierre off i planted my new seeds chopped trees until i was exhausted and went to bed i pretty much mined all day on day 30 in search of one more solar essence i was literally desperate for a glowstone ring and luckily a little ghost dropped a solar essence for me and i made it that night on day 31 i decided to finally buy the coop and i made a lot of money on fish on day 32 i was kind of at a loss for what to do i found a farm totem though which would be helpful later and then i went through the trash proudly in front of elliott and donated to the museum i fished and made some money on mushrooms but not much i did the usual on day 33 fished went through the trash gave elliott seaweed and mined i ended up getting level 8 fishing my coop was ready on day 34 so i went and bought two chickens morris and bezos respectively i tried to give abigail and amethyst but the game decided it wanted to defy true love day 35 was yet another boring day i watered crops greeted my new chickens gave abigail on amethyst and fished i fulfilled a quest for gus and went to bed but made 1 000 gold on the fish i caught day 36 was raining so i didn't have to water my crops i found cookies in ellen's trash thanks ellen and i decided to do a lot of mining today even though my store was not exactly up to par these levels were tough but i was stubborn and ended up getting to level 90 before 6pm i finally got a better sword and tried to go further but eventually just called in a night i gave gus a birthday gift and went home to make mayonnaise maker then i got to level 4 combat and level 5 mining where i chose the geologist's benefit i got my first eggs on day 37 and made some mayonnaise i also got my first bee house and abigail called me interesting i got my pickaxe upgraded and fished the rest of the day that night i got level 5 foraging and chose to be a gatherer on day 38 i realized too late that i didn't have any amazing items for the luau i pouted as i cut trees and made tappers for supplies i gave meru a birthday gift and caught abigail on the way home from the mountain lake and went to bed day 39 consisted of me pouting as i threw my lame cauliflower into the town soup but day 40 went a bit better it was raining so i didn't have to water crops and i had a nice little harvest i also finally got my steel pickaxe and i got the iconic heart event with abigail and we do it to our hearts content i spent the rest of the day getting my ass kicked in the mines but i still managed to get to level 100 where i got my first star drop and yes i said it reminds me of subscribers so please be my personal star drop and click that subscribe button if you haven't already i also ended up with level 5 farming and chose the tiller edition because obviously today i woke up to not only rain but a big harvest of melons my melons are definitely bigger and better than yours i'll tell you that much i can't even say that without laughing i bought more melon seeds and broke a ton of geodes i donated my artifacts and organized them by color because i'm that extra got some pumpkin seeds and made it to level 105 in the mines and then made bank on day 42 i went to see the cart lady and got a rare seed in preparation for fall and went mining where i got these space boots which no are not the same as moon shoes sadly but i also got the squires hat and could only make it to level 118 before calling it quits at level 5 combat i chose the fighter advancement for some reason on day 43 i decided to buy the backpack before getting the greenhouse why i don't know but i also found out that abigail was at a whopping six hearts i made back some money fishing at the beach but decided i should probably try to find more amethyst for abigail so i went mining and left the day with two amethysts in my pockets and a heart full of hope oh and a key to the skull mines because i made it to the bottom of the mines also i got level six farming today i did the usual farm chores and fish so i can make money towards the greenhouse i went desperately looking for abigail at one point but couldn't find her so made some iron and other bars instead on day 45 i made a ton of bars and stuff for my future sprinklers for my even future greenhouse i also gave abigail her weekly gift and gave sam a birthday gift i fished the rest of the day and found a dinosaur egg but because i didn't have a big enough coop to hatch it i just gave it to the museum on day 46 the ancient fruit i had planted was ready for harvest but since i am desperate for money and greedy to the core i decided to sell it instead of saving it for the greenhouse i made some more sprinklers though and i did more fishing for the greenhouse on the way home i actually got another heart event with abigail where we basically told pierre to get a life also i got level 9 fishing the next day i finally made it to almost 25 000 gold which meant i could get the greenhouse i fished for the rest of the money gave elliott seaweed because of course and headed up to jojo but it was there that i realized my next big mistake the greenhouse wasn't 25 000 gold it was 35 000 gold somewhere in my delusional mind i thought i might actually progress in this playthrough but alas i was wrong i gave demetrius a dumb flower and fished in the dumb river and went to bed in my dumb non-greenhouse i was desperate on day 48 desperate enough to do useless quests and take ones for any amount of money willie was closed so i couldn't get immediate profit from fishing so i knew i'd have to wait yet another day to buy the greenhouse but i saw abigail crack geodes got a useless rare crow and fished that night i made just enough for the greenhouse tomorrow day 49 on my way to the greenhouse i found out i had seven hearts with abigail the rest of the day was me making up money for when i'd be poor after buying the greenhouse of course i also gave elliott seaweed before going to finally finally get the greenhouse that night i watched morris reign over his most likely underpaid workers with a smile on my face but day 50 exactly halfway through this play-through i officially got the greenhouse i placed my sprinklers and planted radish seeds and ancient seeds while i had no energy i went ahead and showed off my cool ass sword to abigail i foraged and mined a teeny bit to look for amethyst i didn't get any but i did get level 6 mining day 51 was a filler i sold stuff checked the chickens broke geodes donated what i got and mine with still no luck with amethysts on day 52 i gave my favorite fisherman a birthday gift and fished like crazy and that night i got level 7 farming i officially got the first house upgrade on day 53 i also gave george a hot pepper got caught by elliott as i dug through the trash and went to go mine for amethyst still nothing but i made a lot of gold the rain on day 54 was taunting me i still didn't have amethyst for abigail which meant i couldn't get to 10 hearts which meant i couldn't get the mermaid pendant also i almost got struck by lightning so that's just a cherry on top but then when i ran into abigail i saw that she had eight hearts i freaked out as you can see but that meant i could take a big step forward and get the bouquet i also ended up finding two sturgeons in the mountain lake very easily and when i went into the mines i found an amethyst i made the big step on day 55 and i officially asked abigail to be my girlfriend she said yes of course and nothing else on this day really mattered compared to that but i did get level 6 foraging that night on day 56 i woke up in a new house after redecorating with the stuff i had i got a letter from abigail about her next heart event so romantic i couldn't get it that night because it was the moon jelly festival so i did some stuff in preparation for fall and stared out into the sea full of hope and possibility i also got level 8 farming which meant i could officially start my alcohol business anti-pier beer that sounds good right day 56 was the start of a very crazy and eventful month i put down my new sprinklers gave abigail and amethyst and upgraded my axe so i could finally start getting hardwood in the secret woods i spent all of my money on cranberry seeds and planted them with fertilizer i also got the scene with abigail where the ghost outed her for her feelings for me pretty rude not gonna lie but i'm also not complaining so i placed some more tappers on day 58 so i could get oak resin for kegs i also got the new request board which would be helpful with getting extra money i accepted demetrius's request first because fishing is like my thing and gave penny a birthday gift then i used the rest of my money to buy more seeds and went to bed by the next morning i had both finished demetrius's fish quest and got a new one from marty's amaranth i bought that seed and some others and officially got to nine hearts with abigail i also picked up my shiny new axe and finally got through to the secret woods i didn't do much on day 60 besides prepare for future stuff i chopped wood in the secret forest cried because the old mariner still would not budge and give me the pendant i also made more bars and lightning rods and by the end of the night i got to level 10 fishing and chose the pirate advancement because i wanted more artifacts and also because pirates are cool on day 61 i got my first battery packs which meant i could start the mrqi quest i again tried to threaten the mariner to give me the pendant but when he wouldn't fold i fished instead i bought the battery pack to the tunnels and because i couldn't find elliot to give him his seaweed i just dreamt about shoving it down his throat the only notable thing i did on day 62 was bring a rainbow shell to the train platform to mr unpronounceable i mined and couldn't find any more amethyst and went to bed my luck was not great on day 63 when i went to bother abigail she was stuck behind an invisible barrier so i donated to the museum and got a bear statue has anyone seen alex around recently i mined for amethyst but had no luck and spent the night planting seeds but went a little too hard and fainted for the first time in this playthrough but at least i got level 7 mining on day 64 my luck had returned i had a good harvest got oak resin for my first official keg but the luck didn't stop there when i walked in my greenhouse the site was so beautiful and illustrious that i almost cried all of my cranberries had finally grown to a harvest and that only meant big money after giving abigail a court she gave heavy hints that she wanted to get married and i swear i would propose right then and there if i could i took a linus trash quest and got level 7 foraging that night along with mega money on day 65 i was pretty much sweating about getting abigail to 10 hearts i tried desperately to find amethyst for her but still no avail but at least my first pale ale was ready to give to pam so after doing my daily chores on day 66 i finally gave marty the amaranth she wanted and gave her a quartz on top of that i ended up being able to grab mayor lewis's panties and decided i would keep them no no not like that i mean for the fair i was gonna keep them for the fair i also gave pam her pal ale to aid her addiction but at least i got paid i woke up on day 67 to see good and bad news it was gonna rain tomorrow but i still didn't have abigail at enough hearts to get the mermaid pendant and my pumpkins hadn't harvested yet which meant my only hope at getting her to ten hearts would be finding an amethyst but that hadn't been working but then the craziest all by chance thing happened today of all days the slime i murdered dropped in amethyst it was a miracle it was fate it was the work of yoga itself and with all of that i tracked down abigail i shoved the amethyst in our hands and somehow somehow i made it to 10 hearts the next day i flew through my chores just to run straight to the beach after weeks of trying to bribe the old mariner into giving me the pendant he finally gave it to me fair and square i joined abigail and her friends at the saloon my palms slick with sweat it was when we all decided to head home when the rain was falling the hardest it had all day i was walking abigail to her door and just like that i popped the question and she said yes we kissed in the rain and it was truly truly movie magic ryan gosling and rachel mcadams wish they could day 69 started with an appropriate activity harvesting eggplants it was also abigail's birthday so i gave her a special gift and reveled in our aesthetic the local goth and trash bag together as they should be i fished for linus's quest and got level 9 farming i woke up to a new achievement on day 70 and as our last day before the wedding i couldn't get a word in with abigail because she was in pierre's room instead i paid for the bus stop and finished my trash quest for linus i also made a seed maker and got another achievement and tried on outfits for the wedding i settled on my classic garbage hat and went to bed early the wedding was iconic pier looked absolutely livid as the confetti fell from the sky and marty looked maybe more excited than me and abigail but in the rest of the day i bought off the mine carts and went to the oasis for the first time but i couldn't buy the beet seeds for the mr qi quest so instead i went to the school mines and almost died 30 times before heading home on the day of the stardu fair i did all of my chores and placed a new keg before heading to town with lewis's underwear in my back pocket after lewis reprimanded me i got my tokens and was taunted by pierre but i spent the rest of my time gambling the tokens away and got my star drop on day 73 i was given good humor by the spirits so i decided to go to the skull mines i bought all the bombs i had and as many staircases as i could make and even then i was under prepared it was so scary and i had to use pretty much all of my staircases but i made it to level 25 and then left i also bought the beet seeds planted them and slept soundly um mr q i came through on day 74 with that sugar daddy energy i got 10 000 gold in the mail so i could get the bridge fixed today and because of my harvest tomorrow i could pay the last community goal i also bought a new silo gave lewis's underwear took robin's quest for a thousand wood and committed a crime by how much would i cut on day 75 my mother-in-law asked for a pumpkin to carve with abigail and i was not invited don't know what's up with that i mean it's not like my farm is called anti-caroline so anyway i went off and stepped into jojo with my head held high and on day 75 of my 100 day playthrough i finished my last goal but honestly it felt so empty like maurice just yawned behind the counter and the one cashier who's always on shift watched me with her dead eyes no one jumped around no genemos greeted me or hailed me for my efforts and it was honestly just like sad so i gave elliott seaweed and cut more trees i finished robin's quest though and got the homesteader achievement as well as level 8 foraging the spirits were happy today so i knew i would have to go to the skull mines even though i hate them got the jojo cutscene and achievement ew then i almost died from the fire breathing dragon things but i made it out of the skull mines with three amethyst and two iridium so practically nothing day 77 was kind of rough i saw the boat scene with willy knowing i had not enough iridium to fix it but i gave ellie a seaweed through my anger and broke geodes hoping i would get iridium by some miracle i got three i got the useless copper pan and decided to buy the barn i also gave robin a birthday gift and bought a calendar i went to the mines to find more geodes and got level 8 mining the spirits were in good humor once again so i knew i should go to the skull mines but first gunther gave me the sewer key i headed to the mines and of course found so much amethyst when i wasn't looking for it i actually nearly died so i had to go home but i got level 7 combat day 79 was not a big progress day i went to the quarry to find some more geos and ended up finding this mine i had never seen before and it was terrifying it almost got me killed and i don't know how but i made it out alive i got level 10 farming and picked the artisan benefit i was a bit fed up on day 80. i only had 9 beats of the 10 for the mr qi quest so i had to put some in the seed maker but i did end up buying two cows your mom and cool pierre and i accepted a quest to kill 50 dust spirits i also gave george a birthday gift and managed to get enough hardwood to buy the stable as i was mining i realized i wanted to get food from gus from when i went to the school mines again but of course i got there just as he closed so the morning of day 89 i woke up to some good news my spice gem berry was done which meant i could give it to the statue in the secret forest so that is exactly what i did then i finally bought salad from gus i hunted the dust sprites until i finished the quest on day 82 abigail surprised me with another star drop claiming it was a symbol of our iconic iconic love i also got to officially name my horse and decided upon cash because let's be honest we all want to be riding on cash am i right then i took cash to get glammed up at the hat mouse and upon thorough contemplation i decided to retire my garbage hat and pass it on to my new best friend i got myself a cowgill hat and went off to unlock some geodes i only got some iridium but not nearly enough on the day of the spirit festival something absolutely horrifying happened the spirits were in good humor i had to go to the skull mines again listen i'm not trying to start anything here but the skull mines literally suck so hard they are impossible to get through i hate the monsters and i rarely actually get iridium i used a farm totem to get home in time for the spirit festival and got the golden pumpkin today i had a plan the skull mines are so treacherous and unbearable that i literally want to file a restraining order against them so i decided i would get iridium another way i would get a super cucumber and put it in a fish pond it would take a while but i could harvest iridium from that so did my usual stuff i upgraded my pickaxe i gave elliot some seaweed like the good old days and went to fish for the super cucumber and i finally got it so tomorrow i knew i would get the pond and have sweet dreams that i was anywhere but the skull mines [Music] on the first day of winter i went ahead and bought the pond from robin i also said screw it and bought some furniture and recipes because why not the rest of the day i decorated built cheese makers and took the two dozen egg quests from gus i also finally visited crops in the sewers but i didn't realize until i got home that i forgot it was his birthday so sorry krobus on day 86 i got willy's squidfest and my beats were finally done which meant i could progress in the mr qi quest i picked up my pickaxe and hit some geodes then donated what i had to the museum and got the crystal chair i put the beets in lewis's fridge and got the sand dragon quest for next time i go to the desert fished for the squid and got it before heading home the next day i threw my super cucumber in the pond gave willy his squid and linus a birthday gift i mined for geodes and got some and then i got a very unsettling scene with linus i went home traumatized day 88 was a good fortune day so i knew i had to bite the bullet and go to the skull mines i did a bunch of stuff as i waited for pam to show up at her job and then headed off before going to the mines i gave a solar essence to the sand dragon and got my last mr qi note the mines were pretty okay this time but more importantly i actually managed to get enough iridium for the last iridium bar that meant tomorrow i could finally finish the boat and then i could go to ginger island i also got level 8 combat on day 89 i got my last iridium bar and my exclusive club card from mr qi got my first super cucumber row and finally fixed the boat in celebration you know what i did i i gave elliott some seaweed and then i cracked some geos and then decorated paths until midnight i flew through my farm chores on day 90 and finally went to ginger island for the first time it was barren except for the local native boy i scared i was gonna go into the volcano but i realized i should get a better sword first so i used my farm totem and walk to the guild to buy the lava katana pierre showed up at my doorstep this morning and begged me to buy stuff from his store but now after having the backpacks and bouquet i would never crumble for him again i went ahead to ginger island again and this time went into the volcano ready to prosper and even though i got ambushed by 85 flames i got to level 10 on the first to rye i took the prismatic shard in my calloused farm hands and warped home before i could lose it today was the ice festival so i planted some stuff and took a quick trip to the desert to get the galaxy sword once it was physically in my hands i rushed back to town because obviously i was gonna do the most important thing and win this festival i bought eusa's furniture and abigail made a flattering snowman recreation of me i won the fish contest obviously and went home victorious again on day 93 i headed to ginger island where i managed to harvest a total of 10 walnuts i paid the parrots to harass and move the turtle from the left side of the island and then i got some more walnuts over there and planted some pineapple seeds after exploring and getting six more knots i towed him back home and made preserved jars for the row i had been getting and i also got level 9 foraging day 94 was another day of ginger island exploring i finally befriended leo and cleared out the entire farm planted more seeds and met birdie i left the island early to try to give sebastian a gift and actually managed to catch him before we went to bed on day 95 i realized i had enough hearts to see abigail's last heart event scene where she commits murder for me romantic i know then i went ahead and bought another star drive from provis before upgrading my axe i ended up spending yet another day going over to ginger island to try and progress over there my goal was to get enough walnuts for the farmhouse but i had a terrible experience i basically died there but luckily i didn't lose too many items but i still fainted immediately after that despite my trauma from yesterday i plan to finally get the ginger island farmhouse the memory puzzle is the hardest thing i've ever done in a while and i literally had to record the screen because my memory is not good enough but i still managed to get enough and i officially unlocked the farmhouse after sleeping for the first time at the island hut i foraged around a bit before heading home i walked around town just like the good old days picked up my golden pickaxe found a trash can i didn't even know was there before and checked out joja the movie theater is 500 000 gold so maybe in another 100 days i'll be able to get it i got the last of the eggs i needed for the ghost quest and i also got a bass in the mail that i used for jody's quest i finished gus's quest and went home to sleep where i got level 9 mining on day 98 i got the mini fridge in the mail i gave harvey coffee because it was his birthday and i gave elliott seaweed because i hate him then i went to ginger island i went to the volcano but gave up early and fished for golden walnuts until i was tired on day 99 i forged some coconuts and broke some mussels on the way back to the farm i took the bug gut quest and then did my chores i decided to unlock the big coop from robin so i could hatch a dinosaur egg then i headed to the night market i got the pearl from the beautiful mermaids bought a painting with the last of my money took a free coffee and went home for the last day of this long long playthrough i wanted it to be a little bit more humble and laid back i gave abigail my wife an amethyst i harvested stuff fed my animals and donated to the museum i gave elliott seaweed and headed to the mines where i killed some flying bugs then i went to the night market and did some deep sea fishing i bought another expensive piece of art and then spent a ton of money on the seeds that pierre starved me of way back when then i made the short journey back home i really exceeded my expectations of this playthrough it was a long and tough time to record and edit and put together but it was worth it to see my progress and i hope you thought so too if you did i'd appreciate if you liked subscribed and commented whatever you want because you know it's a free world and know that i appreciate you for watching this and not clicking off and if you did click off you know what i respect that [Music]
Channel: Rinqueen
Views: 581,611
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: I spent 100 days in stardew valley, I played 100 days in stardew valley, stardew valley, stardew valley 100 days, 100 days in stardew valley, stardew valley playthrough, stardew valley speed run, stardew valley gameplay, 100 days stardew valley, stardew valley boycott pierre, stardew valley anti pierre, stardew valley abigail, lets play stardew valley, rinqueen, rinqueen stardew valley, stardew valley funny
Id: 9nkb5GY-eX4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 54sec (2394 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 02 2021
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