The DARK Side of Stardew Valley... (Pt 1)

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on the surface level dodgy valley appears to be a very cheerful and charming farming simulator where you pet your cows plant your crops and exploit your pigs to make you more money than needed so you can build this giant ass gold clock for some reason but beyond the surface there are many deep and dark secrets hidden and scattered throughout the game welcome to the dark side of stodgy [Music] valley now the first couple stories in this video are relatively known throughout stodgy valleys if you're sick of hearing these stories just bear with me because later in the video i'll go through some more interesting stuff also if you stick around long enough then you'll be able to hear from our mysterious special guest anyway this story starts with pierre he has the owner of the general store in pelican towns dodgy kelly now pierre is married to caroline and has one daughter abigail but it is heavily implied throughout the game that abigail is actually not the daughter of pierre but in fact the illegitimate child of the wizard at eight hearts pierre gains new dialogue where he states does abigail look anything like me don't tell my wife but sometimes i wonder if i'm really the father caroline also has some eight heart dialogue of her own where she states when we first moved into pelican town i would take secret walks the wizards tower don't tell pierre he has jealousy issues abigail was born about a year after we moved into public in town i wonder if she ever experienced a life outside the valley now the wizard also has some interesting dialogue at ten hearts where he states you mustn't tell anyone but i have reason to believe that one of the locals is actually my daughter i could be mistaken it's rare but it does happen now i kind of understand why pierre would have jealousy issues if his wife was taking secret walks to another man's house when they first moved into town caroline did say that abigail was born about a year after they moved into pelican town and nine months isn't exactly a year but i wouldn't be surprised if caroline was still taking these secret walks to the wizards tower three or four months after they moved in i also remember other girls saying at one point in the game that she can't remember the last time she dyed her hair purple i looked through the wiki and i couldn't find this exact line of dialogue however i did find some reddit posts that mention the exact same thing so i don't think my brain was imagining things and i'm pretty sure this is true there is a sixth heart cut scene with pierre where you sneak into his bedroom when he's not there and you look behind his bookcase to find his secret stash here immediately realizes someone is in his bedroom so he hurries in to find who is in the room he's not very happy and he tells you to give him back his secret stash you give him back his secret stash and from here on out you get two dialogue options in the first one you say you're going to keep it a secret and in the second one you say something along the lines of your wife deserves to know about this depending on what option you pick he's obviously happy or sad and he calls you a terrible person if you say you're gonna tell his wife that you never do you never tell his wife but you know what he doesn't know won't hurt him anyway there is no concrete evidence on what this secret stash could be but it could possibly be adult magazines or drugs of some sort i believe the first possibility more to be true because he doesn't want his wife knowing about it but you can decide for yourself this cutscene is nothing huge but it's just another indicator of how many little secrets are swept under the rug in stardew valley now when i first thought of this idea for this video i thought i would find heaps of stuff about how terrible jojo mod is but if i'm being honest the more i looked the more i've found that jojo mart really isn't that bad and pierre is a really big sure jojo mart is a giant corporate entity that competes with a smaller local shop front that thing is they never put pierre out of business and if you really think about it jojo mart does not kill animals abuse humans harm the environment or anything else immoral in fact jojo ma positively affects the economy of pelican town as it employs two of the townsfolk shane and sam and it gives a direct competitor to pierre now not only does giving a direct competitor to pierre give the inhabitants of the town more variety of choice on what to buy but it encourages sales from the two shops and if something is a lower price then not only are people happy about it but they are also more likely to buy more of that product so the seller benefits because they make money from items being sold and the customer benefits from the lower than usual prices and variety of choice when shopping so if you really want to place your anger in someone place it in morris because he is actually a really big but the thing is because morris is the manager of the local jojomar it gives jojima a bad reputation because people subconsciously think of morris as jojo mart instead of someone who works for jojo ma this is because their competitor pierre is a person that runs the general store so when you think of the general store in pelican town you think of it as pierre's store so when people see morris as the manager of the local jojo mart they think of it as morris's store because it's easier to comprehend the whole jojo mart vs pierre battle this way now i'm not letting jojomar entirely off the hook here because not only in the opening cutscene is there a guide found dead at his computer in skeleton form because no one has checked over there in so long but because jojoma also dabbles in mining not only is mining very bad for the environment all that stuff but the reason why george can't walk isn't because he is old and frail but because he had an accident in a coal mine 30 years ago which resulted in him being wheelchair-bound this could be a mere coincidence but george could have been contracted under jojo corp when he had this accident which would reflect badly on the work and health and safety regulations among georgia corporations now this all falls apart when you realize that george is at fault for the mining accident not the corporation behind it but it's still something to think about now i did call pierre and also just a minute ago so i'll go over that now pierre has a strained relationship with his daughter abigail due to him being oppressive of her ideologies and he takes credit when you sell them high quality crops and forage pretends that they're his own and dismisses it when they're bad quality crops but that's far from the worst of it out of his 42 dialogue encounters a whopping 35 about making money at his shop in some form and five of these seven non-related dialogues are about him either confessing his insecurities or talking about how good he was back in the good old days his event dialogues aren't any better either with four out of six of his accessible dialogue options are talking about the store too the worst thing for me though is this one piece of dialogue my dreams to keep opening new stores until i become extremely wealthy so you're telling me he complains about owning his small little poor shop that is soon going to go out of business by this new large corporate entity in town which is a lie by the way because it never goes out of business but then he says he wants to become the mega corporation by opening all these different storefronts until he becomes filthy rich himself so he's practicing exactly what he's preaching against pierre got to be the biggest hypocritical fictional character i've ever seen i also forgot to mention that there's this new cutscene i'm pretty sure it's due from the 1.5 update but basically it shows how much of an pierre really is i'll leave this video down in the description just so you can see it uh the person interacts ever is pretty funny so go watch that after this video lewis the mayor of the town is in a secret relationship with manny the owner of the ranch south of your farm where you can buy animals from first sign of this relationship is in marnie's normal dialogue where she states i think someone in the town is a liking to me but the next sign of this relationship is much much more revealing if you have both marnie and mayor lewis at six hearts and you enter the town between 7pm and 11 pm a cutscene will trigger in this cutscene lois and mania discussing their secret relationship and how lois wants to keep it secret for sake of his job or you just stand to the side eavesdropping on the conversation until they realize someone is over there once you reveal yourself you are given two dialogue options you can either say that you're gonna tell the whole town or keep it a secret if you say that you're going to tell the whole town then male also break down into tears i think it's pretty funny that mae lewis a man who has never been married before thinks that having a relationship is going to ruin or affect his job especially considering that the bus is broken down and when it is up and running it's driven by the town drunk the community center is in ruins the last museum curator ran off with all the gems and artifacts he can't provide proper housing for two of the town's residents and there is literal trash everywhere i don't know about you but i think lewis is just making up excuses because he wants to hit it and quit it if you go to mayor lewis's room which you need two hearts to do so and you look around you'll eventually find a note that reads won't you come by tomorrow night if you come through the back window no one will notice i'd like to see you more often i know you're busy but can't you make time for me i hope to see you tomorrow um now because of the information revealed in the cutscene i just talked about a second ago we know that this mysterious m is in fact marnie i was gonna say something about how two adults are still sneaking into each other's houses through the windows like they don't want their parents getting angry it's pretty funny but i'll leave that for the next bit of information because it gets even funnier in the 1.3 update concerned abe introduced the magnifying glass and secret notes once you have obtained the magnifying glass through a two-part cutscene quest with karobus he will give you the magnifying glass which will allow you to find secret notes secret notes could be found by doing the usual activities like holding up artifact spots and breaking rocks in the mines or whatever now secret note 21 gives you a very cryptic clue but if you decipher it correctly it tells you to interact with this bush at exactly 12 40 pm at night yep that's right these two adults that are probably 40 to 50 years old plus that both have two homes no kids or significant others are sneaking through windows to greet each other and are hiding in random bushes together at almost 1am at night i'm just ashamed at this point but it gets even worse on the third of summer year one may lewis will send you a letter in which she tells you to discreetly retrieve his lost purple underwear and give it back to him keyword here being discreetly now where could maelos's lost purple shots be robin's house no haley's house no it's of course in marnie's room you can give lewis's purple shorts back for a very little reward of 750 gold but you can also do a little trolling with them in the lure festival if you put them into the community soup then you get a very entertaining cut scene where the governor almost dies and lewis gets very angry and embarrassed you can also put them in the grange display for the whole town to see them if you do put laws shorts on your grange display and you talk to manny you will get some unique dialogue that was some strange looking purple lettuce in the grange display i swear it looked just like a male or so special ah oh never mind once lewis has inspected your grange display talk to him and he'll angrily state you was this some kind of sick prank those are very private here take 750 star tokens and don't tell a soul now go clean up your box and bring me my item tomorrow now i don't think he realizes that i put them on display for the entirety of the town to see so it doesn't matter if i don't tell anyone because everyone already knows about them but as you might have been able to tell by now lewis isn't exactly the sharpest tool in the shed but it's not all ours for my boy louis most nights laws are sneaking into marty's house through her window or whatever but on this one tuesday night the night of fall he's feeling like the man because at 5 30 p.m he walks into marny's kitchen and cooks dinner then at 9 20 pm he de heads directly to marnie's bed and doesn't lay next to her but on top of her for the entirety of the night so i think that would earn some wrestling if you know what i mean marnie also has this really rare dialogue that she has a 0.01 chance to say when you enter her shop the dialogue reads when the door opened i thought it might be lewis okay i know i've been exposing mail laws for quite a bit of this video so far it might be getting a little boring but this is the last bit of the video where i completely defecate on may lewis at least for a while so bear with me anyway i talked about secret note 21 not too long ago but there is another secret note that exposes louis which is secret note 19. this note 2 is very cryptic but if you manage to decipher it then it basically tells you to go around to the back of meilor's house and interact with everything until you find the solid gold lewis statue if you place it in the town for all to see and it's not destroyed by one of the npc's walking through it then you will receive a letter from may lewis where he tells you not to tell anyone about his project and he of course gives you another 750 gold for hush money after this has happened the statue either has a 10 percent chance to appear in marnie's room or a 90 percent chance to appear in melissa's room the statue in town will be replaced with a rotten plant you can keep doing this and the statue will keep returning to either marnie's or may lewis's room but there won't be any more letters of harsh money now this may seem unrelated but at first i thought pelican town was a tax haven because well you the farmer one of the people that contribute heavily to the economy of pelican town does not have to pay tax taxes were once instead juveli or at least experimented with but never fully implemented into a public version of the game so i kind of forgot about them but then i found this line of dialogue from lewis hmm tax collection mumble spring festival expenses mumble yes in this line of dialogue he is clearly mumbling to himself by the expenses of running the spring festival and taxes which means not only is he building golden statues of himself but he also makes golden statues of himself out of taxpayer money this also means that everyone in the town including probably the mayor has to pay taxes except you the player the millionaire of the town doesn't have to pay taxes just like in real life now there might just be corporate attacks in pelican town but with all the millions that you can be making and all the products that you are selling i feel like you would have to be counted as some sort of business so the question still remains how far does the corruption in pelican town run hey folks i'm wally gugg i also do uh starter valley stuff you want to check me out um yeah but uh i'm just here doing a little bit of scripting for mossy so here we go the ferngill republic is the nation that starter valley is located in and the ferngild republic is at war with a nation located across the gem sea called the kotoro empire now kent an npc that comes back to peliton town at the start of year two was forced to fight as a soldier for the foreign republic and just like most soldiers that have to fight in war kent was held in a prisoner of war camp for some time and now has severe ptsd like for example whenever you give him something that he hates he will say this they gave me this is the prison camp i've been trying to forget about that shudder or if you talk to him at the flower dance he has some sad dialogue where he states this open field it makes me nervous whisper happy thoughts kent happy thoughts his biggest ptsd episode however comes in the form of his three heart cutscene as you enter kent's house the cutscene starts off with kent's wife caroline making popcorn on the stove she greets you as you walk in but then kent comes running along and shouting at his wife that sound you should have known that sound would remind me of the war kent then goes on a long talk about the loss of his friends and even though popcorn used to be his favorite things have changed and he says he's a different man for when he first left jordy then whispers to you asking if you can say something to break the deafening silence regardless of which dialogue options you choose kent apologizes to his wife for verbally lashing out at her however if you choose a rude cutscene option then he will actually get angry at you also the last ptsd related thing mossy could find is this sadly oblivious piece of dialogue from vincent that seems weird since he came back i wondered what happened to him he doesn't play with me anymore poor vincent and poor kent truly disturbing that he had to go through this and also thanks for massey for having me on now i could have just ended the video with the kent segment but i thought i would add this dirty segment as well because she is married to ken so her problems tie in nicely with ken these problems being that she is depressed and wants to leave her family because she got married too early in her life at first jody seems kind of busy because you know she is a mum and all that stuff but then you realize that 10 of her 13 combined summer fall and winter dialogues are about something related to doing lots of work or something to do with her kids she also has this alarming dialogue of what do i do for fun that's a good question i like sleeping and i don't know about you but that's exactly what a depressed person would say but at six hearts jody gets much much more specific and personal it's nice to have a family but i'd be lying if i said i never long for the freedom of youth where does all the time go so i remember when sam was a young little baby wearing diapers he was such a cute kid don't tell him i said that you must really like talking to me huh sometimes i dream about life of my own without a family to look after is that horrible don't tell anyone and then at eight hearts she gains these two extra dialogues i had a dream that i had complete freedom no obligation to anyone but myself then i woke up and realized i had a full day of house jaws ahead of me and this last dialogue confirms what i said earlier at the start of this segment we kind of rushed into our marriage with kent being a soldier and all i hardly got a taste for youth and freedom and now it's too late to ever go back just don't make the same mistake now i know if jodie is a fictional character but she is a very well written one and i think that we can all learn a lesson from her story now originally this video was not going to be two parts but that's because i didn't realize just how long this video would take me to make and just how long it would be like seriously it would at least be double the size of the video you're watching now so like and subscribe so when part two comes out you get notified and join me next time where i discuss the elemental wars the mystery of jazz and much much more with my new mysterious special guest that isn't wally gog although wally guard is welcome to feature in part 2 if he really wants to
Channel: Mossy
Views: 718,859
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stardew valley, the darkside of stardew valley, stardew valley gameplay, stardew, The DARK Side of Stardew Valley..., mossy, mossy stardew valley, stardew valley 1.5
Id: yLYGcr8o0vU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 43sec (1063 seconds)
Published: Sat May 15 2021
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