Best Of Blarg and Friends 2023 - Lethal Company, Minecraft, Warzone, Siege, & More

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hold on brother hold on is this a standoff we having for this customizing my weapons oh okay sorry I let you be all right cool you're customiz it wasn't that funny guys my was not that funny what happened what happened we were having a stand up with RPGs that as soon as I shot you started loading up the I thought we was just doing a prank bro you were trying to I'm the pilot this is not going to go well LSPD I'm let Y no this is going to be bad oink oink oink oink I'm Pig let's get it I'm going to leave 1 hour of Silence broken up by metal pipe in my microphone thanks buddy oh started already quick best of blur 2022 but a metal pipe plays randomly throughout the video don't give him any idea I'm giving you the idea that basically already is my content what do you guys want to talk about until the next metal pipe will Bey soon you want to take bets on how long it takes for the next metal pipe to show up I say we sit in silence until the metal pipe arrives I'm down moment of that's not M that's not mine that's not mine okay all right all right everyone be silent everyone be silent man what if it's like 9 Minutes Matt shut the up I'm committed if you are it's like watching a movie tell me to shill shh oh Amber Alert I can't do anything about that sh ain't no way we doing this gzy come on bro what else we going to do play War Zone editor don't cut any of this whoa whoa whoa uh whoa my game just broke now you deploy to the war zone and now we go to commercial breaker I hate this I hate wait oh never mind readys oh all right let's move on thank God let's go on the train cuz why not I swear to God if I if I see that entire segment of anybody's videos I literally told my editor not to cut it not leaving like 2 minutes 3 minutes of absolutely nothing for got hit by a train in here is it a turret that's a turret Matt that's a turret you cannot block that with your sign Grizzy get disable that right yeah he can wait he can yes he can how do we type to it can we type uh FaceTime him true somebody could just FaceTime him he's not answering son of a yeah he's not going to answer how we just run past it where is it I see it all right I'm going to run past it okay oh it says somewhere too he didn't make it and car's on fire and I'm fart don't fart near it it set it on fire we got to go to the campaign hold on we got to go run we got to go give good reasons to be elected thanks can you let me stand up okay okay I'm glad we're in such a rush get in the car please get inzy stop Lolly gagging thank you you're a lolly me no bro odds what are the ond I'm licking I need a the car another mom B you right into that you walk right oh my god I didn't even see it man all right that works what is up hello M ow join join I heard it through somebody's headphones I'm not even in the game and I heard it holy well well I was going to do this fellas come here I was going to do [Music] this stop why does it have Reverb that is so loud and for what Jesus Christ that is that is so loud got don't look at me don't look there anymore it's not there anymore man I didn't I didn't place any more traps I just put that one there but Matt had to place an anvil the first two seconds your own risk stop bro ain't no way oh my God no that is so can somebody make 25 Anvil stat God damn guys guys that is so what up what up what what's up what's up BR sex SE sex go to bed I got to bed I hope nothing wakes me up yeah all right oh my God I'm up I'm up I'm up all right yeah I'm hold on there we go sleep through the night just to let you know that's only thing I did that's it we're not done what oh let me find a whip let me find a helicopter let me find a helicopter let me find a helicop yeah yeah no I'm a good pilot I'm a good pilot hop out of there Stevie Stevie hop out out of there I got this all right all right are you ready co-pilot I'm ready how do I fly this uh that that button does something and then the that throttle right there that throttle you just died what happened to you Larry and those pedals they pedal okay okay can't forget I can go up and that's it oh hold on know we're doing something am I doing good am I am I doing good yeah you're doing great am I doing good oh Jesus Christ am I doing all right what the was I just SP in this some bit got a car I'm not a good pilot I li I about to lied on my resume I'm sorry fellas clearly uh guys yeah uh yes my car on [Laughter] fire oh no kick it off get out of there I didn't want to roast por oh my God it's all God it's all God it's all it's it's it's all falling apart so fast what the hell oh my God oh my God where's our getaway vehicle we need to lower these things find there's like a there's like I got sniped no one's shooting me so see this way I died so there's one more of these somewhere on look on the look look that was me just it fell over I died right there oh Troy stop stopy the subway who are these guys it's over well it's over it's shocked who the is K hey they're ripping their pants off dude I'm telling you no RI your pants off guys there'll be none of that in our town you here there'll be no ripping your pants off the is K you leave me me alone I'm they past us subscribe to K these guys are trolling bro I know they're not even doing tasks I'm doing a lot of tasks I know what you're talking about I tried and I got shot I haven't done a task in a minute I'm just following I'm just I'm just an Indian guy following KY no way there's no way he's not he's not he's not he's not I don't believe it I if he keeps following me maybe but like I don't know you mean you me it might be him no blast him he's following you right that was Gooding oh what the just happened you shot a random person you should have shot the guy following you did not shoot the Indian you should have shot the guy following you sake oh my God don't know kindar act they're up to but like they're ripping down their zipper pulling their pants run away just fart on his dick and head out what's up I don't look behind you no I'm good okay I could see your silhouette through the wall when you were dancing in front of his outline what bro F I just farted on his dick and Di I farted on yummy in the left sometimes you got Flex on crying and alone why do you think you're crying it's cuz of his fart dude I'm not very good at comforting people thank you I appreciate that morning fly away fly away I'm not hearing no squealing yeah you what do you want me is that squealing man if I was two big standing up on biped legs I'd be walking in the main room right now going upstairs stairs I'm going light you on fire the instant I see you can I move these lamps or anything nope it use the paper clip how do I open this door oh open up the whole time oh my God I was like how does he not see me and then you turned it around and just oh yeah yeah I you have to flip it around that's a cool like thing I forgot about that let's play catch the bottle you have to catch this all right thr it wait hold on let me you ready what happens if I jump in this all right one more one more don't got big should I show them the the two I made the other night why does the vill have like a kick drum on his voice dude I made a King Julian one you you want hear King Julian bust a fat wad so bad play on that [Music] puppy does sound how was that King how was that King Julian anyway that's all all all right but listen to katos there's so much FM just stuck in his throat dude that's the worst case of Co ever while coming flaming all over the place boy got ltis is literally solidified in his esophagus stage eight oh this a promising room NE this is a promising room what what let's go this is a start no idea he way gra enough loot take this engine good battle all right you try and do the shortcut again yeah that's crazy you tell me that I'm lazy I get hit by a ladder that's insane I'm suing company bro I didn't think that would work but you know I had to give it a world yeah I kind of just like looked up I'm like man let's test this for science not again smoke out n wait who else pressed him who else voted him who else voted for I don't know what's happening it's mad why is it mad what do you mean I'm grizz's the one shooting you why you why I'm running away from the guy with the gun I hate you I literally you're standing next to me and I'm not shooting oh it's you okay stupid that was literally Grizzy unloading on you no I knew oh my God it's wait it's not you get off of me why I squeeze back through this game Dumb this game I think it's I think it's Min why cuz he voted everyone else out it's gzy why is it Grizzy trapped in the cell he trapped in the cell I couldn't say anything yeah let's go shoot his ass on gang I just chok I just choked him out so he knows it's me okay I just choked him out when he had a mask on he couldn't say Yeah me me and Droid had a bit of a bit of an interaction yeah I know I I was watching it through the wall he was hiding in the prison cells like I wonder if he knows I'm here all right uh I guess let's go shoot his little milky ass no I want to act I want to activate all the weak points and then kill him as a monster so he can't fight back okay who the hell is this here you are who is this who's what are you m yeah it's me H oh he's through the he's right there he's coming through he's coming through run M please kill him where's that little at bro we're literally going to run out of time and now we got to shoot him oh my God you were with him the whole time I thought you were going to kill him when it was activated no I I I was waiting for you I thought you wanted to do your little didy dude I was L you do the Diddy I was setting up it would have been funny oh here hold on he's right here oh he's gone guys I think it's Grizzy I wonder who it is please I vote for both you oh I can look at that what the game still he's escaping by the way I didn't know that was even a thing oh come on now you you're a hey shout out to the three infected to the three infected if only we had more innocent people that would ined editor make pan Frank editor while you're at it make hand Frank hold hand hand Frank pan Frank and they're hid the cupboard make canned Frank godam sexual they're going to fight her immediately oh my God they have it can Frank it's just V sausages ham Frank ham Frank Dam Frank Dam clam Frank make fan Frank this is so stupid make Disneyland tram Frank all right trans Frank let's do sand Frank just and Frank but Arab the vo is telling me to release my grandma from my leg what why is your it's your entire Grandma did you like use her lashes to tattoo on your leg or something she's under the calf muscle he put an entire human being in the skin of his thigh yeah I'm not happy about the direction that you went with that sir dude I wish I had more time with this one I was going to crush it oh that's incredible I can't I didn't know what the this was like a submarine what is that put too much work Mak the nipple straw titty looks like somebody put jeans on a banana what the is look like a pocket dude that looks like why do I have to type the IP address you have to type in an IP address I don't know W that's so I don't know how do I join you have to type in my entire IP address I can't join nothing happens when I click join oh I didn't even host it yet hold on okay now try still nothing game just unplayable oh my game's like the you good naked H guy run through your set up oh my god dude go hit host and just spawn in oh my God it's so I just fell through the Earth dude it's so loud dude the settings are just quit it's so loud dude it's like Mario Sunshine on crack exploded this thing Mario Sunshine wishes it could be frog. exe is not responding flying out into the ocean what the my game crashed I fell through the A and theame is so loud oh my God I fell through the Earth and died died and my game crashed all right I might have been a little ambitious frog fight I'm all for two on games tonight I'm sorry game I'm sorry fellas I'm over for two on the frog game oh we the jetpack okay let's go to an eclipse baby every single moon is an eclipse well game it I think so basically we got to go like we got to be inside I think outside's the worst okay yep up up away that's crazy no shut all right I spawn morning F what is happening to me what welcome to Hunter why is there a guy floating outside of your vehic why am I being draged is that me no such thing I am being dragged up the stairs against my will I am floating right now oh this is busted oh no this is busted back oh no not working for you I am is everything that could go wrong is currently going wrong stop it puffer's been killed Smitty don't do it him across the map s hold on hold on I got to back the car up there we damn you're resilient buddy I'm I'm Invincible hold on I'm curious bro bro why is M Invincible dude I'm built DIY what the I'm built DIY blood oh my God you good I am so far from good down the hell I am so far from good all right I'm done I think I got a video yeah all right that's all you needed we need to kill at least one animal together come on one come on got to do one it's been like an hour I've been recording for is oh it's broken I broke it get another car Smitty doesn't actually exist for me he's just two floating rifles what are you talking about are you serious how broken is your hold on restart your game no I think this is good s is actually just two floating rifles okay this is this is all I can see for Smitty restart your game he's just too floating rifles walking up the stairs oh my God I feel so bad for the editor of this one damn Dam bro my hair going crazy with this yeah my the noodle face is going wild with this holy is this what is this there's some things money can't buy for have a happy Birthday Josh or else on Happy Birthday Chuck Norris who's on the Chuck Norris birthday Reddit there are some things money can't buy for oh gorilla 69 in front of children there's Master Card oh editor enhance Zoom the screen these are extremely mad oh you know what I'm going to go for the birthday one let's go I can't believe that got a point bro I just all right here we go Chuck Norris birthday memes dude no I found a specific part of the internet and for some reason you'll you'll see it M Santa is in custody after telling the little girl she will get the aftermath of chyl I like it for Christmas any D was purring at it Santa is a c after telling a little girl she will get happy birthday okay I'm enough I'm done don't with the happy birthday memes they're all named Josh you're Josh and it's your birthday while you're watching this dude there you go there's your birthday card there isn't entire just sub part of the internet that is all just Josh birthdays if you would have told me that before the six Happy Birthday Josh pictures you sent I wouldn't have believed you but oh going with it I'm all saying is C have ch little girl she will get blank for Justin please help my dad is hitting me again oh my God you got Tock great round you got to pick the birthday one great round I know it's me I'm this Cesar like it's always like oh these cards are terrible but I genuinely feel like this is the worst round of cards that we've ever this is pure ass what do you mean there's some gold here what do you mean I'm going chobble I guess yes damn I got to find a better Josh image iose pleas don't see one more happy Birthday Josh image going to throw my monitor out the window yeah I'm going to go downstairs and Chuck my room across the street I can't wait to see this round here we go can't wait blank Pennywise nickel smart oh that hurts my body even it's better than happy Birthday Josh I don't know if it is I don't know if it is Happy Birthday J that's the only good one I'll accept that one actually makes sense though in my vagina more likely than you think I hate it so much blank in my vagina this is not going to be dude what is that oh my God what is that bro that's the priest uh the priest card two in the yellow two in the yellow two pink and the yellow I know I'm always like oh yeah when I'm the cards I get horrible cards but I think this is genuinely the worst round of cards I have ever seen do you take back what you said about that being worse than the Josh memes cancer I'm just just so I don't fuel the the Josh mes the Josh is coming for you bro whether you want I'm I'm using a Josh Birthday meme this time all right gentlemen spawn on me all right I'm coming bring us to Matt sir wait hold on wait for baby Luigi roll wa me holy there's a tank hey is this our goal uh not quite hey there Roblox buddy [Laughter] we talk people build man why did you just go fly just see how far I go to it's going to be like a home run it's like a home run sound effect from melee there's not even a second to rec the Roblox character he just took out his legs l oh my God what Happ hold on hold on that one was Airborne can you hit me in the head with it you want to do this you J the front off stand in front of it you get hit the Noggin with it dude oh God oh God why the ground oh yeah bug sick how did I just miss it sorry ow how are you the ball how's mnaz so bad it's gone that's a goal go in what the hell is going on hooray what a stop quit cheering dude play the game oh my so bad look dude the movement is so my God messy messy messy messy messy oh that was crazy me when I eat [Music] ribs good guys get everything you need fuel dnam please help gri I'm about to scream gri I'm to scream you ready I don't know what's happening no we're just we're good we're good this is our safety [Applause] Corner God boxes sh the boxes oh my God oh my God oh my God suggested two wordss on the train John you can't put that in there put the box down I'm not trying to I'm trying to protect my ass I see dude this is the most horrifying thing what the [Applause] I just I just turned around and there was I was literally hidden behind a box in a train cab that doesn't even make sense yo I was I Wasing his John's we's we you got a bucket up there I'm going to do a flip bro terrified that was a worst thing that's ever happened to me grab it grab it go go go go go sham they holding me they're holding me get it out don't put it there don't put it there other way do he run this way again I'm trying to pull dude I was about to get cut in half oh my god did not block that at all going back in for a solar run as well why did I do that I I think I'll turn my console back on and finish the level I am so I'm soup is back before I'm even did you just get laughed I'm about to get laughed right now sentient milk when a dog walk up dude what that's an insane sentence nothing this way we're going to have to make a little jump ski here I believe yeah yeah we are watch and learn liberals all right he's so good oh God that was that was scary holding a 5 ton deer is all right fantastic everyone made it he tried to block him hey gentlemen it's locked oh we got to go open it open yeah yeah yeah oh god what happened to him killed himself he just he just jumped off he's in heaven that's not not ideal where do Intergalactic work guys go and they die uh no weere good buddy oh there's an engine there grab that was that English or Viet there's an engine there what do you he's returned by 3:22 p.m. soup you dick what did he oh my God when he dies he can set it so he we only have an hour to get back to the ship instead of just waiting for us to complete the mission minutes oh my God all right we got to go back we got to run we have to go back this way I have no idea where I'm at in space and time though uh okay just come this way oh my God we have no time sup is the worse for doing that okay check in here really quick oh my God there's a lot okay all right all right well you can put your down and then it'll go in your inventory uh this is 70 I can shove this whole thing up my ass 18 all right we're good you can't put the the large axle takes up space but you can grab something inventory it is leing oh I like a four dude he's actually leaving us bro where do we go I don't even know how to leave he left you piece of you are such a cuck we had so much I know I know you are the worst I hold around a 2 ton metal Cog yeah me too I was carrying we had so much it's going to be fine we can make it back boys it's all good SE we're going to make it back boys do the happy dance rule of thumb gentlemen don't be that guy this guy this guy a pce of guy in particular I will be not stopping I will also be not stopping look at your this horse is broken can you fix table it's the butcher table hey man I'm kind of hungry cutting I need a cold cut of a hun leg can you give me a little bit of horse Pudo please what the little horse Pudo please for the love of God little horse salami please let's go get a drink all right finish up that horse by the time I'm out please okay today I am assembled four of the biggest idiots in this mon I've assembled four of the biggest idiots I know and one of the best fornite play guys please me yeah go sorry me but I'm 12y old a chance to get through the intro man my bad I assembled the four biggest idiots I know to go up against tfue one of the best fornite players in history microwave don't microwave man give me a damn break in game anybody want the Jimmy junga why am I doing this again no no no no you're good you're good not going we're sorry we're sorry continue continue guys didn't know behind me I'll I'll sit and wait go for it you guys are going to play free games of fortnite all right let's do this dude good luck guys good luck me when Uncle Ben dies there's no music guys this was unintentional but apparently my notifications went out like this please paste there we go me when I'm in school and I really want to eat paste what is I was like I read the title and I'm like Sinister what's so weird about this I can't believe he's that on stream man when it was your birthday and you let like birthday streamit cuz you put like night or something yeah I spam the words night or birthday stream something I wish I could make it easier to everybody night in a title ever again I'm putting night in every single title count your characters yeah count your characters every title from has character Squidward too Squidward's eyes are like I'm what you called me what this is a Ware no window concrete building no no don't ring it don't do that yet don't dude service what just happened what did I miss what happened dude got attacked by the tentacle all watch out watch out watch out watch out watch out watch out yeah I would not stand close to that now he's not coming cuz D made him mad God damn it okay he he got it we're good all right there profits good so we get oh okay good profit good profit that's our boss hey look at that paycheck baby I hate the little fast crawlers are so annoying little ankle biters like Ricky coming after you Berwick seniori bwick go to Mexico somebody taped to a skateboard and sent him to Mexico do you think Ricky bber could do sign language I think everything he would do would look like a gang sign look like a hanger that got ran over what do you mean Vlog likes that a lot dude I have never heard Vlog lap this hard ever I don't think I not that funny I we found how to break B about Ricky B's hands a over anger oh my God it's such a good description of his hands he he looks like a coat hanger that was used for an abortion oh my God I'm crying oh dude my face is so wet there's so many tears in what nostrils nose Time Blood no it's booger brain I got booger brain's leaking out of your eyes what what is what is this game give me the Su coming in sumach don't you have to put it on the what you are you just feeding her Suma I am pissing your bl's pissing on the meats he's pissing all over the ribs bar is pissing all over the ribs in the kitchen all right well I'm putting that on the girl little piss seasoning oh I'm pissing everywhere I'm pissing all over Massie I'm pissing all over your girl oh I have this thing oh what's that what is that we're brusis and a land mine who touches I'm going smack it with my shovel s [Music] did that kill so too it killed so they leave their shovel and their flashlight behind oh I wouldn't turn that corner um what corner did you oh oh oh okay well why are all the bottles protected by Heavy Artillery should we take these back to the ship just a flashlights we can buy more shovels they were on sale God damn it guys that's going to shoot you all right uh let's just get the out of here cuz they are dude dude dude's last words you're I'm going to H it with a shovel it killed soup too soup just down the hallway yeah I know he didn't even have a chance to yell no just died just like a 5-year-old playing in the sand of Iraq oh man I got I got a lot of booies in my nose I got clearly what the I was mid drink bro I was someone just dropped something did you just hear that buddy turned the Dyson on he scared the out you drop scared me made me drop I think for this quarter we should add this emote to the Minecraft game what do we think yeah looks good to me got my vote yeah baby what about that little block and ters look at this you dead F bro it's fabric I had too many banana I ain't never seen anything like that how about you smoke bro me after one Bud Light hold on let me come over there let me come over there naked guy pissing off the mountain wait what bro what am I watching what am I watching what is that what am I watching what kind of rule 34 is this Minecraft sex MRA Minecraft sex Minecraft Steven harambe oh mama you him into another realm oh no he's on the grind set he's over you already post. Clarity kicked in Andrew tapate he's getting [Music] ra no stop got a leaf blower fetish got that Home Depot sex mod what are you peeking into like you guys think I got a pier yeah probably oh my God you scared all the half Ned guys away crash how did I survive that holy we did survive did you say crash no no big submarine please did you say crash no submarine I think he said crash didn't he hold on this guy wants a piece of me ow uhoh I off the youing bopped me off the mountain how did I kill someone never said that word before spb why' that monkey just go flying that was me ball stuck yeah I think we broke the game trying to kick this little slug off me I got him look at my foot this just up here wait hold on I got to try this I've been trying to hit this the whole time oh my God holy how' you do that you kick over the wall you want something cool holy that was wicked please stoping disability bu there's a problem why is there a dead guy in the place you so you dick you di you just lay right in front of dude with your dead corpse I literally flung my corpse on top of his dog and then he opened the door and I died what the is somebody come hit me hit me hit me with this go don't run Don't Panic I'm not moving ow you go H me again K me again I don't know he broke his neck my head anymore how much is that worth a dollar what oh you can carry his body do not throw me off the edge I think we got to throw him over give him a burial oh my oh Amazing Grace that's what too my God that's karma for throwing my corpse into the abyss um um scarying we got to go we got to go get the out get out run run what the is that so hard that Screech was so I got to take the cash register I know I got to take that back oh you can go up there okay I'm sorry brother I ain't got the distance work no it's cool dude I didn't want to win anyways oh okay thanks cuz I did what I got bananas no you don't let's go suck my dick why wait that one where did he come from yes he was over your head he was over your head he was too focused on he Anakin your ass dude he didn't notice just screams suck my dick as he flies over AAC suck my dick all right I'm done for the night your games Matt I need I need right there okay you're a member of in out Inc an international team of professional exorcism you deal with the most unpredictable cases of the exorcism this time comma you and your team find yourselves in an old mansion in M you only soring one way according to local wait actually I got big lungs just one solid Note One salad note Dam be the worst person snoring just sound like someone revving a motorcycle in your room 20 second breathing oh that be awful okay I'm just getting star oh more reading for years hor happen young woman ra this game is so the place each of you as a shocker find a way I can't hear anything there's a lot of people here you has a shocker H yeah easy I just said one thing the head on one is fun though this is going to be my God all right fellas let's get into it don't get woman to hit can we speed everyone those might all go by has a problem man oh there's going to be more don't worry fast oh my God the lag I almost got hit on the way down watch out watch out tune ass Run f for everyone no wait up the middle is the play I lied is everyone good all right everyone's good I died I'm still alive everyone it's just you and you and SM out there wait spy are you still drunk I'm with you baby you guys smoked oh oh my God the mini coup please stop yeah it just drifted to me oh no I'm using you as a body Shield it kicked me out wait you won no it now it's truly a cucumber party skills uh marker gun wait Q or skills why do they say qes cumbers everything everything in skills is silent I just said qes no you hit I Cans I can fake it's very simple if you see three cucumbers just chase them down and blank what my sound effect no I boosted them I boosted my sound effect interface a microwave do not boost your sound effect a microwave what the walking is so loud jump up jump listen to your Guy ow I'm going to turn him up I'm going to turn him up oh because there's a microwave right here man he's in there hold up hey where we going guys where we bird the f w w what what what what what are you going to use that gun that I just got you are you going to use that gun my God does this dog it's an eyess dog I can't shoot it I don't know he's dragging his ass I I don't know I don't know does he look like that I being eat deed I stunned it I think I don't know I don't think you did bro when you shoot the gun it's like the stun gun is not good got some kick yeah this is not good well we only have to get $500 luckily so oh he's the over there here boy boy rist boy all right I'm going to lure him you stun his ass and we'll run past him all right ready that is not going to work yeah don't let me die here bro his ass I got him let's go let's go I'm stunning him let's go grab my dude you ran right over my oh yeah we're good we're good we're good oh my God chasing their asses there's another one oh my God oh my God oh my God no why'd you leave behind the most person why I don't know what I'm doing piece of I believe in him I got what the is that that's an SCP monster what is that thing what the hell is that what is that okay I to the shadow realm what the even happened okay all right sure dude that not even that good I'm about to bust a broom broom broom bromomo bromomo where the is over here he's spamming hisb try why are you not in School uh this has never happened to us this man is spaming himself you kiss your mother with that mouth occasionally I'm not trying to scare you guys NS but there's z z z z z z z z z z z Z shut something is happening to me I'm M I'm muting ninja I'm mu you guys got to kill this team come on noobs you can do it you've already killed these guys he's white he's white he's white white man thees that mean what does that mean what does that what do I do with that information doesn't have any Shield why are we profiling come hereu you and me oh my God bro no way they got it they got it they got one let's go oh pressure oh oh that was close this it teams are here yeah dude they comot me in the face we have by where are they we need one more kill one more kill where you going Z I'm getting in there's one on me one on my body not done I know the game's not over but I'm doing it yeah that's all that matters that's all that matters C my God in the most dramatic get a couple more just for fun get a couple more wait a minute bro been Ang dude this guy's anchoring the whole time you good you were not going to get him what the you not going to get going zip get up the zip get up the zip byebye thanks dude thanks for taking all that time than for dying whatever dude a good point yeah thanks for sitting up in the Rock and doing nothing that's great High ground and help trash you're trash no way you win this no way you win this no way you win this God we lost the Gat my team hey don't matter abon and didn't help in the fight yeah totally don't how to survive boy yeah I di a fall image ladies and gentlemen no way ninja anything you have to say um I'm not seeing enough movement dude hey man brother hey man I got you don't worry look right here I would have done it New York dude lucky a little all right GG player related options everybody they're off yeah that shit's already off John huh he said what he just bro said bro said huh he's on a different planet right now what are we doing okay okay player options make sure you don't have god mode invisible unlimited stamina can be on keep that on no fast run no fast swim no super jump wood he is uh Wood's in the is everyone paying attention yeah yeah yeah I'm hitting the B I'm watching what the Woody doing that you got to cancel the emotes brother you're St he doing smoking a bong with a machete in his hand F get 30y with it all right does everyone have those settings off um yeah here you can kill me to prove it wait I can't move help F4 and then cancel emote no I'm good now bro just has a boom box look at his glasses too what the no way oh I forgot my headphones murder maze for the people who haven't played this before you better find out you you would hit me while you wouldn't hit me while I'm dancing will you okay what the innocent bystandard okay okay all right everybody everybody so did yeah wait who's it I don't even know I thought I was ATT you know what I'll be it for the first one let me be it John you're the r inside the maze you have to enter from the main entrance John we have not started yet get back here Mr you have to enter from the main part and you must stay within this area you can first when you say this area when you say this area what do you mean by that everywhere that's within the maze you have to stay in the Maze isn't life a maze who the invited Woody my fa trying to figure out the FL oh there it is there first person right yeah first person you get it there's only there's only two items left with we're 64 we clear yeah we cleared it out call the ship I'm staying here wait wait leave your flashlight leave your flashl oh take my take my I can't LOE thank God that drunk guy driving the ship that's crazy I got these guys in flashlights too and they're saying all this no no close the door close the door jump goodbye world I want to see you jump did it hooray said goodbye world I love we just I respect it I respect it to see him fly off dude my first as soon as I got my I ran into a door got my neck snapped I was like no I'm dude no then kill yourself I feel bad I don't know about you guys but I think we all deserve a couple Road beers I can't live with all my thank you killing wait where's mine where's my where's my dude who keeps jumping how do you not die I think you take damage you do take damage you don't die though he that I think Matt took your flashlight over here all the way down the hallway to the right man go all the way to yeah make it right yeah yeah go there hello sir how are you yo he's right there bro does not see it apparently we can beat his ass we need taser chill though oh hell no oh my God that's crazy that's czy oh my God he's coming he's coming hey rouette rouette rouette rouette all right sh D what are he doing is he going up heed he is body yo give me back yo give me give me back oh yeah okay I don't think we can take Droid can we we can't get him right no if if he's cocooned up we're we can't grab him oh hell no oh hell no get the out of here M yeah I was just playing I was just playing with the Droid can I no clip in an airplane that would make my life a lot easier up that's it I'm teleporting I wouldn't oh I'm already dead you completely survived no no way we both separately took a cargo plane to do 91100 tons of metal oh my god let's find a dinky little airplane Let's Race one side of the map to the other this one's good what's that one look like I a little ball sack sticking out of top cuz the alien but it looks uhoh I think pey needs more practice as the cop so next one I'm going to play it was worth it it was worth it it was worth it God damn it you shot a civilian by accident and me was that gra what we just TR no was there pey was next to me that's I was like I might as well blow his brains out was successful we might need to finish the round yeah Matt you going to hold on to me while I fly sure what happened to your wings I fell down take me away Angel both of us all right come on I'm never walking again let go let's go man to the right I'll let you I'm never walking again this is perfect look at this I love watching stop wait can we go big glowy thing oh getting humped out inally we wouldn't be able to reach triplets damn you ever thought you bit roasted in the middle of the air I am straight grabbing P's fly he's got every Tu you give me I fly tug Me Harder all right now we droing you ready three two let go oh like he like go my good what a what a audio heck and now I land gracefully man I want my wings back somebody go start hold on somebody go take me back to the mountain all right come on B hold on let's go going backed my the this is so cool all right take take me to St I got to restart the game so I can get him man life pretty good right now getting tugged off in the sky man ain't nothing better high club yeah is this what the mile high club is oh holy oh I pooped myself no bro Uber be looking different is that a monkey in a wheelchair I broke my leg Pingu ran over in Los Santos Mor at 11 I got to go I got to go the gorilla in the wheelchair is amazing I got to go these men man [Laughter] after wheel knocked over by I got to get out of here these people are crazy looks like Karma finally caught up to you huh Karma finally caught up to the penguin now he's in a wheelchair mat turn around I know I don't want oh my God please please thumbnail God please n anymore n anymore oh God uh the goo there's nothing over there there's nothing over there I went over to the goo away hello Mr go not not where you going to go where are you going God damn it's a big goo I'm stuck I'm stuck man this goo this goo too goddamn big he goo too big for he feet oh you're alive dude this goo's been chasing me oh F oh man why is the Goof f F why is the goo fast why is that fast goo that's not slow goo the goo's over there wait I got the goo I'm leading the goo away man oh my God fast oh my God it's fast yeah I left a part over there don't go there you get trapped lead it away you want me to lead it away yeah lead it away I'm stuck come on Mr Goo come on come on who's a good goo come on oh oh oh oh oh not good not good come on Mr Goo I know where the power plant station thing is if we want that by the way I can yeah I'll come with you you want to grab it yeah uh let me just let me just go on through okay all right all all right ready go back around it Jesus I'm not going to lie bro boy there you a boy trap I put an item on a mine and whenever someone picks it up they'll blow up to I was trying to get you but at least I'm being honest at least I'm being honest we can get puffer I Goomba stomp him I might have Goomba stomped him on accident he might have been Goomba uh I'm 1 HP so if you want to I was the only one with the information of the power station n you know what I think we're good let's go go grab it God they're going to lose a damn man I hate peer pressure in this Smitty I'll do the autopilot right now you guys SE Matt Matt died Matt died oh really I had no idea let us see what mean you had no idea that seemed that seemed fishy puffer oh my God lost puffer we lost puffer that's good enough what take look guess what happened he's so Dead's way such a you're such a for that one I suspected it was go bro how did he it he knew what he was getting oh my god did Jo know that was there yes dud he said find out for yourself I thought I would have time to like get out but I didn't know it was going to be goo I died immediately oh dude Matt teleport to me it's very urgent I'm on a mission and I need your help uh hold on I'm loading game 8790 uh Lego City needs your help a rat has has gotten on top of a G wagon I'm so glad around just a dead guy in the street as soon as I spawn did you know that would happen no I didn't know that puffer holy wait hold on fellas uh I'll be back in a couple minutes okay this is back on my G wagon now where you going oh he don't worry about it you don't you stay over there where about I'm actively curious no no no no no stay over there stay get that what are you doing go away what you doing get your ugly ass dude monke why go away you're ruining my fun over here what are you doing don't worry about it go over there worry about yourself I'm C I'm curious I'm doing something I'm very curious why you're this right now I'm doing something man you're you're ruining all my fun you're so dumb that's such a I heard yall into wild hogs time to cross the street without thinking damn damn rela I'm just a I'm just I'm just a I'm a wild hog he's a hog Rider did you so dumb are you okay oh ow in an accident how am I still alive why is that guy trying to fight trying to get in my car yeah fight the deer damn damn boy surprise it's come on come on this come on it's Josh's birthday get your Josh get your best Josh memes ready surprise it's happy Birthday Josh unless you're Mexican surpr very good surprise it's happy birthday Kayla Wilson I thought about using just a random name One S surprise it's it's Dr it's it's that's that's that's it's my brain's melting everything I got to give it to Kayla Wilson let's go can we move on or no please I'm can we move on or we still why would I be tired of blank I'm just not getting good at mind one more round one more round why would I be tired of deep frying Josh just now getting good at it what where how does that exist where do you find that what is like is there a restaurant named Josh how would you like your [Laughter] Josh what I'd be tired of Happy Birthday Josh D I'm just now getting good at it what would I be tired of just a guy happy birthday Chama Mei what the I saw that I saw that one earlier in my travels dude look at this round of cards just sit back and stare at IM imagine if this was the first round like we just started with this imagine somebody just clicks to like later in the video Josh Josh deep frying Josh is definitely the winner here yeah that's fair all right please I am begging it depends on the prompt it depends on the prompt apply to anything pictures Happy Birthday Josh mes and Grandpa secret St Grandpa Josh's secret stash I'm not really doing it works with anything works with anything I find when it doesn't work hope Run free surprise The Audience by giving everybody a Happy Birthday Josh everybody got a Josh never G Happy Birthday Josh go dude 50 Shades Happy Birthday Josh I'm ready I'm ready to blow my brains out this round hey say less bro hey say less bro I'm waiting puffer you better not have been lying about baby napping cuz I'm waiting out here to get kidnapped yeah I'm going go up there too now I got found Dad we're trying to get kidnapped you're kind of ruing our maybe I need to be like not around that's what I say yeah I'm going to go upstairs and watch from the window just kidnapped look at him peeking through the window you let me know if they come by okay all right Dad never in my life did I think my career would be being a virtual baby waiting to get kidnapped while my dad ordered stuff on Amazon what a life yeah it's got to be like one in every 100 cars or something something but God damn per you just want to sit in Discord and wait for it to happen I mean I've seen it I haven't yeah you haven't seen what happens I know I want to see what happens all right so let's restart the lobby and we'll just next session no I'm going to make a thumbnail I'm just going to keep my game open we'll send you the footage I ate glass I hope I get kidnapped soon I'm bleeding a lot I there it is mat it's right there are you kidding me you kidding me baby Nappers right there there it is yeah dude are you what are the eyes are I'm are you kidding me I'm done no shot that's so dumb no way dude they're opening the door and everything they are literally coming to molest me and I didn't get to see it oh I'm going to follow them I don't know what happen 30 seconds I'm I'm just staring at the entrance okay okay okay all right so can are we allowed to leave the mze at all no are you in first person as well yes sir get your little green ass out of here me excuse me excuse me excuse me where are you going let me practice my swinging before I get in this maze I'm out at 20 seconds now I don't need I I am I oh man well 30 I I found the entrance again where did she go you little little off what do you mean off nothing where are you Grizzy oh spy you should make a nighttime night we're not we're not doing it like right now we're doing it right now who who let moonight in the call I'm changing the day what the f I'm just imic Smitty with his little hand up towards the sky little velvety hand pointed to God you haded rain oh it is rain he's changing the weather he's making Morey why you turning this into a horror game right now dude J please where are you pH where are you the trick is to also move with him oh hell no hey I see you grabs get B ass out of my face God damn it truck was bling I swung over Garfield Bro I such a perfect hiding spot I know why I left come here gy no no no Luigi Run Luigi Run so like a flash of Kermit when he turned the corner you yummy somebody help me that was a clean sweep oh my opening your right now go he's over here you Fu idiot can I hit it through the door you see my head see my oh damn that's crazy I have to lose so much money because of that what lose money L that's wild manane that's crazy you we lost so much money we lost lost $300 that is that is the only words I did you actually just lose all your bra cells right there I went into the look for I went like another turn around I sh away off the table can't go to now we can't oh my God we got we got to get right do that I don't know I didn't think I didn't think any would happen you dumb ass go to your timeout corner now get the lighting this is his thumbil get the lighting this is his thumbnail get in the lighting this is his thumbnail what you do with that Shame Shame cor time out now you are in timeout you no actually that was like the dumbest thing I've ever seen you do you're stupid you're stupid I want you to know I want you to know pull my pull my finger pull my finger I SC my but F this what yeah you want some to Union Union not you let it die let the union die want the union credit actually if I'm any Union I can't get fired so Union you just pulled the L I was I was on the side we got back we got everything back yeah yeah you're welcome I knew it going to [Applause] happen that's what I'm saying this my union yeah yeah there is a the Lord the the there's a bunch of baby bald baby bald baby I'm chasing a bald baby through the house running wait hold on I'm chasing a bald baby hold on I got to see where the bald baby wait where'd you go wait uhoh room room I came in and Grizzy gri just standing on the table hiding from the ball game there's a bald baby in here just chilling come here very simple task Gadget button job Gadget button Gadget button no no no not BL the gadget Buton nasty you need to use your Gadget to bre Mouse the Bandit thing he's got the electricon now shoot it now shoot shoot that shoot the wall now enter the camera it it exploded did you not see it explode five it exploded my Gadget exploded what do you mean it exploded it watch look ready kadouch Sho it higher very top dude that was very skin color of you huh I'm going to pass out please please on the other side of the wall to slank all right let's go somewhere else we lost our breach we lost our breacher let's go wait it's gone wait wait w no what I was so happy there for one second trick that's insane that's unhinged yeah crazy like we're doing like literally yeah already beat the game you know yeah there that have beat this game in 15 minutes which has taken us two hours to even get started yeah you know what well we're making more money than them on these videos aren't we whoa I I didn't I didn't know that got of SP coming out who who who got be with the speed Runners bro I'm going buy a Ferrari in front of them I'm going to crash it and I'm going to buy a second one just to piss off nothing will stop me I'm inevitable I'm in I'm a see an enemy I am com Su coming to my son what Cal that one's going on mcnasty's patreon for sure no cuz it's actual content what was he doing I think he's trying to use the he's using the size mod but it only works on certain characters I'm guessing remember the name [Laughter] I don't think I don't think that guy's could have any idea how funny that truly was that's not good not good nothing good everything bad wait wait this isn't going to St holy what sound like the girl moaning why that sound like the porn meme you didn't survive the second time man that's hilarious bro you you ain't going to survive twice man surv it twice IV you you ain't that I can't gra bro was Lo for a second what if I go through the loot dude why that sound like the moaning meme make a oh a train I don't know how to climb hold on I'll help keemstar up can you let go me oh I am dead I am not helping keemstar off he's been hit by a Terrain oh he's Alive's been a third alive let me help let me help you up grab me please please for the love of job oh I did it oh my God uhoh I got to help that tur up oh man the turd is not alive I have been flushed oh hold on yummy you did it once you can do it twice did you get [Laughter] decapitated just his head remains just his hat sitting on the thing what the how does that even make sense hey what wayos oh what the that was such a bad time to take a drink oh my God this game's humping mechanics are some else they spot on I like it unlock the G no way dude I thought I thought surely that's the end of funny stuff I can take a drink immediately starts railing them in the B dude the monkey humping is so good he's so he's so humanoid it's so disturbing it's so hilarious come on Matt oh we swim boy oh Max it come on boys is this what the basement of chilies looks like it says I shouldn't be here oh wait wait a minute guys behind oh God he's coming after us go [Applause] he's oh my God it's so close I knew exactly what was going on dude I've been in rooms like that before that's all we had to do guys we're good dude I feel like every time I die my my inventory gets like tripled that's probably a glitch oh yeah that's probably yeah we should abuse that like I literally had like hold on hold on hold on hold on I want diamonds testing this I'm taking 10 diamonds and I'm dying I don't care what y all say I'm trying it and let me know when you're going to do it so I can get in the safe spot he going to kill himself randomly some point today I will kill myself hey let's test this Theory and jump some lava yeah do not jump in lava your all your will burn away oh really oh really just CAU on to that oh really I had no idea all right Nelson keep hitting me I'm beating you with my me actually don't hit me cuz I don't want I don't want our loot to mix I want to uh oh yeah yeah yeah everybody di in a safe space hold on U hit me one more time with that P baby okay one more time one more time mother there was no you literally just you just I want us to die in separate area this is why I want the Minecraft series to end there no actually Christ um Matt it worked I have 20 diamonds that's what I thought oh my my God I have 20 my brain is huge wait what mat kill me kill me die separately die separately die separately no way dude we're F wait do you both have diamonds no way we're about to abuse this dude I got to see this with my eyes call this glitch my wife cuz I'm abusing the hell out of what if we all split the diamonds wait where oh my god look let me see Give me the give me the diamonds I want to see uh I didn't get any M I have 40 see you later 10 10 put it 10 I want to see I want to see we can all get full diamond armor if we keep doing this that's what I'm saying split 10 10 10 there's your 10 there's your 10 somebody else get in front of me somebody else get in front of me dude what is that's got to be an issue with the the script right for when we die obviously oh we ain't fixing this hold on the hell give some diamonds thank you we ain't fixing this ho now now my inventory is full let me get rid of same all right everybody and kill them somebody die somehow somebody di wait mat come here all right everybody gather us so much here is wait hold on do you have a bow can somebody shoot me at range I don't have AOW I can I can I can I have no arrows someone took my arrows no way arrows I have 22 I don't I have golden horse armor though yeah that on when you die Grizzy I think it I think it makes it bad threw it in the pile hold on all right wait wait I am I am multiply the diamonds all right I want to know remember when I said this episode one and everybody Gass at me think I was a idiot so but now he won it over with it's so unhinged that it's like not possible all if you were like no man you did stupid idiot mine didn't do it mine didn't do it either we lost all our diamonds well I didn't lose them I still have them I still have 10 oh never mind I think they're in here uh they might be in got be in there is your inventory full why are you not mine is full mine is oh my God mine is so all gold armor you actually wait does it only work for m boy look at F damn the worm inside the train uhoh I heard that crunch across the map bro you're malicious malicious that was loud I'm tell you that like a Scooby-Do crun bro just ate a Scooby Snack holy it' be crazy if on top of the water tower right now shut the up dude it's not even me but I'm pissed for them you saw me sorry I really need this thing who my devour right now the who did I go and steal that fruit from and then just get him I was full HP I said sorry I really need that and I was keeping that when fly can you revive puffer yeah can you revive is that come on I'll let you do it come figure out you doesn't know where is he gri he disappeared again what the hell no way dude I don't know how I have no idea where you are this do pump ability ability no it's a glitch bro it's a glitch I got a GL what what I got blunger at your at I'm shot I've been wounded is it like a Tracker it might be yeah I don't know what it does huh go go go ass out here man look at the eyes and the blend wait do you see the watermelon back there bro he a I got covered by me dude that was confusing the out of me for so long I'm like this game sucks have abilities all this this is a guard this is a guard okay hey watch hey hey hey where you going where you going where you going yo he's he's already make a sketch wait you sketched him out you sketched him out he's about to draw back away back away look like he about to draw everybody middle Mouse button at him the hey check out the guard hey what are you doing your phone what are you doing your phone you think he's suspicious of us yet let me peek your nose let me peek your nose all right let's go Bank oh there's door right here just ended off with than hey guys wait what youing the guard hey man guys I'm stuck lockpicking a door oh sorry I didn't mean to walk into you you're not even on the hando guys you Matt's getting arrested Matt just get arrested get arrested Matt get arrested Matt just get arrested he's going to pull out his we save you we'll save you shot him shoot him shoot him oh my God all right vote to restart oh man get down do why youy sometimes you have to restart everything kicking off oh my God sweet Jesus everything's blown up oh that's s I'm shooting what is happening so don't lockpick understood just don't lockpick in front of the Guard dumb ass look he don't know he don't know he dumb what a got his ass got his ass swag man got swag corn who's got more swag hell who wins who tongue chulu tongue tongue going to be the name of my autobiography when I die who Tong Tulu Grandpa fulu the Lesser known Hawaiian quote I'd say greater known probably fulu some people hang live laugh love some people hang who is Tulu get that through head son we go to m makak and tongu kahulu if I catch you Tong kahulu outside of marriage you're dead wake up Hulu loves Hawaiian jokes for some weird reason you just got mahaka laka heing starts dying for hours my eyeballs are wet dude I just I feel like you were you tracking me no you think I track frogs that'd be coold that time is incredible oh what oh swing on him swing on him you're not the last or anything you're funny damn what dude he's gling F me wait oh my god dude Smitty literally doesn't know how to go up that path what that one there's no way bro I have like six directions to go and you right through there you you've avoided this path so many I'm sorry gri I Wasing okay damn that's toxic all right the one one you're glitched just no clip puffer puffer you see what I'm cooking yeah oh my God I thought I saw something my God bear just fell fell on my head Wy know I'm going to start looking for bodies falling in the sky yeah that's why I'll give you a hint you're nowhere near them dude BR warmer very hot what the damn it Dam it no you won can't believe that I'm a man of my word you won can't believe you won by running me over yeah illegally winning yeah I deserve that yeah that's deserved okay you don't need to drag my corse through the mud though okay yeah oh my God oh my God all right dude what the fucku what are we supposed to do dude I'm I'm going to they're running a train on my ass POV you're at Black Friday and you have the last microwave from Walmart I got hit by the tree I got dude I jumped in the air and got hit by the train you got hit by the train I jumped landed and got smoked by a train it happens would you rather be avocado or his EXC racist that did not that did not sound like Nick you slurred the hell you said that a little too fastop you said that a little too fast boy you said that a little too confidently okay would you rather be avocado avocado bro you got to enunciate Brother Slow that down would you rather be Cado over okay now it's just all right would you what what is the would you rather you're just asking if I'd rather then me him then me okay would you rather be Nic aado avocado or his husband who's his husband I don't even know who that is Dave Smith Dave would you rather be nikado avocados did you just shoot a corpse wa you did that on purpose and he marked it his bomb site he P so bad I thought you did that like just jokingly no shot a corpse and marked it as bombsite a he scared me what the fu this is what I think this is the one I looks like the last I didn't get anything remotely close to this I got two circles look at this I thought that was a grenade [Laughter] again how did peer turn into a grenade either that or be publicly humiliated humiliated humiliated I got to tell you what I heard you were committing heinous crimes in my town sorry I'm going to find you I heard you were smoking my boot and knees Shadow D in pack BL you y why you going I'm going to sh you when you least expect it I'm going to kill you I'm going to shoot you blog voice cheat a no it's actually it's actually Jo bid actually Joe Biden is actually in the session yeah this is actually Joe Biden yummy can you say something horrendous when that voice I have my face game on it can't be saying crazy oh my God it's so good Shadow money wizard gang can you say I'm going to suck off Ben Shapiro's Chinese L what I was talking about the other day was how much ALB wanted to suck Shapiro's big old shiny C shiny I want this voice changer so bad oh my God Japan's latest Beauty fan is injecting air into your basketball so stupid how did you find that how did you find that ha picture is just like where the is that from 2007 YouTube tutorial I can hear soundscape playing on that yeah that was made in Windows Movie Maker like 18 years ago hyper cam2 that's amazing how what the I just like what you're supposed to do oh my God that's amazing they spent the last like 8,000 years just like flat basketball puls Japan's latest Beauty fat is injecting bat into your pets dumb as wonder who this of course that's the that's so stupid what happens when you put a bat in a bat k God yeah me Japan's latest Beauty fat is injecting big penis capsules into Obama plushy I I don't think you need to do that yeah I think I this is tough man this is a good ass round air into basketball yeah air into basketball's got to be the winner that's that's outstanding the fact that you found those two images I found I I was looking up SpongeBob memes I found basketball first I was like all right I got to just find air fellas let me know what you think of the Grizzy artwork outside the house come here there he is I don't like his laugh zombie it's zombie no all I had was dirt blocks so he was the only one I could make it's got to be racist okay Jesus Christ I'm let you die dude what is this the Birch actually look like teeth look I made sure to get the hair right too I got the hair look at the ears dude that's crazy so stupid God this is the worst house I've ever seen what are you talking about this is hard I don't know where hold on wait let me go let me go over the beds or let me go at the beds what these saplings why in no all right I'm right wor I'm out of cases uhuh uhuh no one's having it damn it's still perfectly fine Who lit the cat in the call that did sound like a to that was weird I didn't even mean for it jar Jo the call that's crazy Droid I bet you purr when you're stroking your no no no no no shut the up 100% you you just gave the f ideas man just imagine fro r I think I might have hit him nothing like fures purring while they stroke they when you're stroking your God there still ramp or is that one the letter mying in the middle of the call out there one he's going to be jerking off tonight think about that he's going be like wait oh yeah he's not going to be able to jerk off every time I stop so I can get think y are some sick fcks go acrossing River how did it happen twice come across this River but wait look come across this River I dare you I'm don't do it [Laughter] wait we can make a bridge when your frog girlfriend leaves you for a toad no man no oh guys I'm going to do it don't do it don't do it do it you're So Graceful wait can you yeah that's what I was going to try to do okay starting Focus up Focus up I need the Vib I yes sir that's worth big money okay that guy already has wildly in last place Jesus I violently in last place that guy's 91 BR that guy's oh my God give my boy blar some money I have $7 oh God I feel like I'm looking at a car crash right now I can't stop watching it though you're getting morally wounded and I can't stop looking at you $2 you are getting stabbed in the anus oh heavens bro this is your one right this you're going to this was a top 10 like a $300 skin here oh my God no it's not you have $1 and the top guy has 210 oh this one's say two cases short and sweet $128 buying I like it we just throw Bots oh it is two Bots all right it's me and a guy vers Bots surely me and a guy beat the Bots as long as the Bots don't win oh that's big money for the yes sir all right only one more case and that's easy dub easy dub okay not good oh we're up yes all right money money is we're almost back to we can almost buy the how 50/50 again that's huge can't wait till someone does a side by side comparison of our video versus the actual can't tell which one's which I did I did a chin up and it left me on the you did a chin what did you do a chin up for hold on hold on hold on watching in front of me right now I could go get one hold on my shit's freaking can we get that Mexican back can the Mexican come back please this is big set up falling apart can the me to drive the car down the road can't see above the steering can the Mexican come back I got to get back in the back seat where's the who's the Mexican he needs your help soon that's what he's saying what do you need me to do he needs you to get in the car I need you to get in the car I I did Shin UPS in the back seat and it broke my game God this is so f everything I've done in my life leads up to this moment all right ready Lee Harvey oswal to kill the president and Qui on set action just like real carfield is doing a burnout [Music] Le Harvey dumb ass holy wasn't even loaded in on my screen when you shot him the first time it's just a blob okay that was worth it you want to take two or all right take two I think that was good enough I think we get the idea it looks so good that might have been the most garbage thing I've done with my entire life that Garfield did a burnout it really set the tone for what was in happen round two instantly Le Harvey OS second oh so Cur why is there a naked woman in the street oh my God swah swag I don't know if they have any of that yeah I think they're generally poor aren't they saying you got to have money to have swag swag is a way of life swag is your mea swag is the way you walk it's the way you swag stand for sex with adults ganger secretly we are gay six wet gushing got swag when I first got my uh laptop as a kid that's what I searched seven wet gushing I typed in what is a seven wet oh what is a Siri show me CH Siri what is a per China wet Bobs when I'm like eight and I'm on YouTube look for porn wet Bobs panny's girl chest female boob hop hopping hopping bunny sexy vagina sexy you had a weird child squirting dude dud I don't think I was saying to like six Rose tight wet pink KY dude Ed you got a lot of work to do here yeah have fun with that Ed Ed have fun with that Ed hot sexy Vladimir Putin trying to bot big [Music] black fat BBC G fcking George 4K dude somebody's gonna say a word I just feel it cursed autocorrect it's like your grandma just trying to like say hello yeah she's like hey how's your day going voice to speech she calls him like a let's play word association okay I'm going to say a phrase or word I want you to say this first thing that comes to your mind okay wait what all right what are we doing ready Matt yeah hamster what I already knew you were going to say ham switch ham [Laughter] switch am switch stinky sandwich you're having a sandwich meat moment I would love to have a swi hungry I would love a sandwich meat moment just one a single Mortadella Pizza lobsters chair I itched my balls too hard now they feel weird that's a lot of words what say your ball is too hard I itched my balls too hard and now they feel funny salt and no Edgar Vin Edgar yeah that kind of works Vin Edgar just P bro are we using the Slater or books um I'm coming with you my God going I'm under the map I'm under the map dude I am under the map fell you I am under the map I am not stopping I am not stopping are you okay I broke the game I'm under the map how do I kill myself open your map and see how far it sent me oh my God I'm still staring at the top bro he went to the other cave M I'm a criminal who's farting okay wait how do you do the how do you do your uh I might have done a small amount of trolling as host no I meant how do you do your um ability a small amount of trolling why a small amount of trolling oh God damn how do you do your how many shots did you shots do you have we might have 10 each r no you don't no you don't also fellas what the what in the what the hell they're just sh stop stop stop this is how they did it back in the day boys wait I'm getting flash over everyone's going to die until we admit who's the criminal look at the center of the town is going here holy God I SP I spawn on the wrong side of the map dude I just saw buffer running for his my God stop stop wait you guys aren't even counting are you you're going to kill yourself probably dude whoever is GRA the gra the hold on hold on don't let him come see the massacre in the center of the Town dude it is actually you guys want to see your walk in the center go see the center go take a little peek it is a SL oh my God it's just how far it goes to you guys you guys really said no Russian hell remember no Mexican hey that's how they did it back in the day boys this is man this video this video of this baby walking up the street is disturbing one happy baby bro oh my god look both ways you look both ways TR you can't cross the street like that oh you know [Laughter] maybe oh my God like concussion watch out watch out oh my God it's all right you're just like a normal NFL player it's not a big deal you're right holy the shaking oh my God w i f what does it look like when I approach him fellas oh God that's a horror movie come here I got died come on oh my god oh hey okay I need me that perspective pick up pick him up again go pick up Jord again pick go pick his ass up no please wait what does it look like I see your Griers stay there stay there it's terrifying come here you're mine now dude why you fix him up it's so cursed you're just looking down at him get the you my father tro that is so good I need that POV someone's got to send me that please oh that was so funny nasty up or is he dead dead as hell I'm I'm dead on the this might be I'm basically Jo no oh little I'm I'm M dong moments yeah I agree you got this yummy you can do it I believe in you I'm fading into nothingness you're Reviving bro what the the oh no freedom freedom it's to you I'm dead I'm dead I got you buddy it's all up to me I'm dead unless you revive me get up I'm out of perks God damn it you're going to get stuck in that corner drink drinking a beer no by alive how did you run through it what how did you run through the Trap I was trying to kill you got Juggernog Yummy's hacking bro oh my god no way no way okay the sweet releas God the sweet release oh my sweet release of death good Lord oh my God hey fellas I might have got a lot of downs but look at them kills damn there's something weird going on behind that x-ray there's something weird going on behind that x-ray get back here we're not done what the wait hold on F no mind as what's Happ don't pay attention to what's happening behind the X-ray how do I have boxing glove here someone take my here take mine no I'm scared I well now I'm just controlling the tiger and my guy's completely detached he's just bobbing out in the water I am the tiger so you know I am the tiger you're riding blue dude look look back towards the water you're just in the you're hovering out I am way out there and I think I'm getting farther away yeah I'm looking weed right now I just got some weed I'm leaving the most busted piece of I've ever seen dude you are literally just right here for me you're I no I am Tony tiger role play right now look out in the water oh I'm I'm I can't even see myself anymore get off I think I I have to catch it same thing happened to me where am I where am I going hey do you see me out at se I look like somebody dragging a PNG in Photoshop I'm telling you right now we're going to have four different videos from this one like nobody's footage is going to look the same I feel like I ate all the pills in my grandpa's pill cabinet and this is this is what happening to me all I wanted was this all right everybody gather my inventory is so full Matt how many how many bro we got to get Smitty over here to see the the the calling oh no is it the anvils it might be an anvil or two Smitty oh back away you B the away you bu so actually buil a tower of the free diamonds wait this is big so I can't can't as so as I was saying um how many are you doing all right how's everyone doing going to let it ride out is everyone having a good [Music] day holy as they drop oh my God back I'm not Anvil so now that we got that enough ANS so surely we leave these a couple of them as like a battlefield that on there we go that should be good we can duplicate the rest yeah the battle bastard stupid uh let's go we have full diamond let's go let's go make diamond armor literally no one can with us damn bro grw fired me look at me now grw what a what a turnaround from last episode we thought that was the most successful episode look at this thing are you kidding damn know even if we eventually we just going to do this again where's my bucket of water um found one it's fine damn it B arrow that not even make the shortest AR I've ever seen in Myck is wrong with you no puer it's time to find the warden all right all right guys how did I even do that I don't know he you you do it like a super limp all right no it was bad it was it was like a block of distance went straight into the ground did you guys see the nare video oh my God I heard about it won't watch it is it n the stuff that just like pulls hair off your body yeah and some guy did a tutorial how to remove hair from your ass and he what's his channel what's his channel what's his channel what's his channel just look up how to remove hair from your ass and it has 20 million views in 5 days how do share you oh wait hold on for reference this is how hairy my butt is right now saw the video there it is what the that that was that dude that was in the first five five seconds yeah two seconds in no warning he just goes all in for it this is how hairy my butt is yeah it's it's way worse than you can ever imagine he's spreading that bro you can see in you could see out his mouth that's how deep you could see into his dude what the a human telescope make him swallow an eyeglass and you'll be able to see Mars from his that's incredible oh my God he it in the video if you if you I'm sorry I'm going incognito it looks way better by the end of the video though oh I didn't even get how you got that far how do you get that far I I oh dude I saw it once and I thought my life was over I want to watch I to dou bro my God I want to see what happens in the douching your butt episode he's got to get way in there no no I'm good on that one what if you put a camera attachment to the douche up in there let the record show when I hit 20 2 million subscribers I will spread my hairy ass open on the internet and you will Nar it clean I mean at that point I should have enough money to just go out I don't really care I'll I'll show my butthole to the internet I'll I'll sh my balls too how a in front of a GoPro that's my tutorial and then you just spread your ass and you poop how to use a GoPro to take a video on YouTube well that's all a man needs in life is to know how to build a shed and get his butthole clean so he can have nice sex with his boyfriend in the shed that he built exactly your little you're not even behind me me you the Kevin Floyd music du just an ancient ruin you walk in it's just a dwarf and a skeleton chasing each other like what upo look at the footprints I know the footprints are crazy man I like how you just watching everything it's funny he is just watching behind that pillar over there go to those Footprints no [Laughter] you don't want to do that I think we found a little flaw go the go the the go just go around with your stupid I can't come here get your little where's your little hairy ass foot I know you got hairy foot hey stop looking at me over there don't shoot it oh got his ass dude just man keep farming it till you get it and you'll be able to get him no problem this is ridic how long do you have it what the he has to have it now he has you doing no we missed dude I'm throwing a guy's hand what the hell is that man I'm glad youall discovered this when Matt was hunting oh please what oh no right back to square one I see Griz in the hallway just looking at me G is just in the hallway looking at you you know what I'm going to go sit on the throne hi puffer okay you do it Hey where's the throne the middle what you mean for five minutes no you think I've been enjoying my time in here bro it's all discombobulated doesn't know North from West I hate both I promise I will not go around a pole come here why did I hear a bomb hate this game mode I heard a the whole time don't do it stop wait stop M literally just get down Mr President I was running away from a grenade I threw at a bush on accident KN man he got C the cross I'm never going to Chicago again all right I am I am stuck between a blank and a hard place what am I stuck between what is what is BL stuck between today stump would be actually Immaculate shut up dude I'm changing my card be even more meta to play it now that we all talked about it if we all play stump it's still fine what if we all play the same stump picture to pick this stump yeah there's no more stump mes God that just yet to be created the best stump memes are the ones we share with our friends no along the way I'm just looking at that I know don't exist stumpo oros just self stump stump gavo fravo stumpo this is stuffed goavo stum Brothers stum stumo tree last chance to look at me stump schizophrenic guy on the sidewalk schizophrenic using the stump grinder everybody do the heis and stump thanks stump FBI guy I am the one who Stomps oh my God the stump shut up D you're making me laugh too please stop I might just play this oh no all right got him stuck between who is that wter bite Walter B it's not even funny I'm just so dead right now did you find the whatever I'm stuck between that guy in a hard place that I see it I was really hoping he didn't see it that's the game try to get come on dude I hear an explosive please don't please don't use the proximity mines guys you're not going to be able to get me with it cuz I'm driving too fast now oh my God we'll see about that um I think holy what a throw Roblox arm is kind of crazy I I don't know where I'm oh I'm on the that's a grenade I like this oh my we got it just got hit by another car can't see anything eat a I am hiding in the trunk guys no one will see me back here right like back oh what the he just got pushed and now he's on fire get out of there guys I'm stuck as well in the back of a truck guys good news I think I found where to go where are we going Mister getting this one thank you soup drive drive drive drive drive oh my God bro I didn't know what you were yelling about maybe grenade is a better word is that car oh that car's on fire the other one this car's on fire now everything's on fire all right next car maybe this one will work orang looks nice get the blue the orange one is not F gotve we got to move Roblox head all right cool you don't even know where you're going we got to go we got to get out of here we got to get we're on fire I think we're on fire now this car's on fire we got to go on fire we got to get the next one yellow the yellow I can't even say I can't even I I can't I got it I got it don't worry I can't say no we're on fire it's on fire my is where are you I find my guys I got I got a car I have a car that on fire oh my God wait a fire truck a fire truck the only truck that can't get caught on fire a fire truck godam it get me out of here dude I've blown up so many times get in guys oh my God I'm crying come on all right we're good all right we're I want to get on the back way all right perfect we're good that did nothing let me back my own car I'm going to live in a turbine okay oh I killed the guy look at [Music] [Laughter] him he just landed so ow this is bad the role play I Could Captain blackard I like role playing Ro play you want to role play with me yeah okay I'm going to Tar your driveway and you're my client but your driveway was previously T okay do you want your driveway who's that sucked I a character walking their dog by hey man I got my driveway this guy does a really good job okay somebody else is ly hey bro class somebody else say uh I'm another guy walking by maybe you should retar from I'm a walking by I'm Dave gr walking by hello f fighters welcome to the neighborhood Dave gr I'm 54th president Barack Obama walking by oh my God it's Obama don't don't say I'm a guy in a wheelchair rolling by I wish I had legs I'm back to the guy that was walking by originally wow there's a lot of people walking by today huh I'm a flamboyant little loser I'm 13 gorillas walking in unison down the street I'm an entire Cricket Orchestra speaking in tongues man it is a cool neighborhood this witchcraft ass I feel like we're an episode of Star Wars God Dam it I was thinking in my head are we both going to climb over or kill each other I have a shov fight with this is AIDS as hell I can't hit you you I'm here now come in fellas come in if I die first here I swear to God it was the last one get here dude I no come on Jo Epstein loely what's he looting a pled Parenthood maybe I don't know something like that oh man wait don't kill it I'll take that don't worry I'll take that off your hands don't kill it this lovely man comes here and adopts all these children you're such a saint we love you Epstein don't take that out of context oh man wa is a is a the teacher saying that or the with the students I think that was the do on YouTube saying that you was the do on YouTube NOP dud where were you at we got to put that on a shirt no I don't know about that hey guys new merch make sure we put our faces all of our faces on it too everybody know where's Matt me dude no way how does he do it he can't keep getting away with it yeah did he plant another big bomb yeah he did he did he did he what's up sweetie hey get him what do you want get him bro get him get me bro res me dude yeah res him I thought you had to be the medical guy you absolutely have to you just got to carry him to the paramedic thing don't you no you have to be have no idea hold on what I just noticed how did that not register in my brain dude [Music] ow no way one of these guys he keeps placing bombs I he keeps placing bombs in the same area bro he almost killed himself I was I was said 1% when one of you were following me I walked back towards the bomb hoping it would kill you and all I did was put me down to 1% health I didn't even notice your health to slow for a little while I knew you were the one placing bombs you got Smitty killed I followed him for so long damn it I was right Matt literally cropped D to me with an IED like he made it look like I planted the bomb bro I IED in they're looking I walked in there with the wrong clothes and was like well they saw me so I might as well plant the bomb and then they were distracted by your dumbass in there my dumb ass I just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time you placed it on him like you placed it on him so it looked like crop dusted me dude it's so far Matt's still up there wait Matt's doing it why does it keep happening mom I'm doing it Mom oh no Smitty laying down on the ground says I'm Still In This Get side wiped by a car I'm going to do it oh my god oh I'm still in this I'm still in it tell you I made it oh my God that's crazy at this I'm get close we got to run back we got to run back sake oh Hot Potato baby come here holy I'm fast I'm fast that's really awkward cover I'm going to come up there what I I think I could do squat watch him struggle Matt can't climb he's stupid hey guys we should get out of here yeah we should go no mant yeah yeah I was gone KN it guys I'm stuck I'm stuck d That's for that sucks that's awkward come here got you dude how that's the wor come here come here holy hey you ain't going to fart to me you ain't going to fart to me right oh I farted and it just I think Matt going to die no why are you help yeah we're helping we're helping holy it reset I'm going to die no I want you oh my God was just potato he not help help me why' you fart on me wait a minute oh there a potato walking around the or rolling around might be the pl there is a potato's po what the is happening to me I'm getting bombed by a potato I feel like this is what happens in Ireland at any given moment it's me oh my God got a grapple dude I didn't realiz I could do that Griz if you fart on me one more time no I didn't know he was there what you me I saw you you were there before oh it was up there what the hell get out of piss off soap your ass mat let me slap your ass please no please I like my botle on touch Grizzy stop keep mov keep gri oh I got him yes don't touch me don't touch me don't touch me no getent no getent he farted on my ass I'm about to die I love being a potato dude gzy oh well M's dead this isn't good oh butt potatoes oh look at that yeah yeah get it po get it bro oh my God why is who's the who's the Smitty that's just aiming down the barn what's this I'm just making sure everyone's good hold on I kind of want to see what smoke bomber does SM go ahead test it out this gu no we're not we're not doing Joes do you have to feed there's no shot that's right stanky in here what are you at the petting zoo don't worry about it what was that so that's what smoke bomber does what was that what was that over there nothing stanked in his nothing at all at all Yummy's having a schizophrenic episode how'd you go in a bar and just leave the bar what did you even do anything in the bar I drank why you responding to me hey yummy that was a man in the bar why are you responding me like I'm one in front of me I was I was the guy that fed two horses in a row yeah okay yeah you were right this early is a big mistake as he shoots you really what do you know he was right that is not him do not shoot that person that is not him do not shoot him be thees in the yum yummy was actually aiming at me earlier when you were like do not shoot that person that was me earlier I went and fed two horses he's like how many Hors this guy need to feed you a suspect you do not shoot him that is not him do not shoot that guy do not shoot him oh that is the same guy as me but no you should shoot that guy he look he looks like he's up to some suspect oh his ass faing the back Wick y yummy that was me again how did you that was the guy that I was telling you not to shoot that was the is wrong with you guys shut up I don't I don't know what the hell is going why happened you you had me in you had me in your sights twice oh that is the character that I was earlier but that's not me anymore I didn't say yeah you should have trusted your little balls uh this is going to be people's phone background that's how good mine oh my god John I swear to god dude I'm not even going to try you why why is Peter Dr cursed what did this guy have I don't remember anything else wait can I see where you're aiming I pressed F instead of bro what happened L jumped out of the helicopter I wanted to press e to see what he was aiming at and I I fat fingered after it's like I never went pissed it never even happen time just skipped through time and space yeah you think what I'm thinking [Laughter] no ouch [Laughter] I'm going to go pee this time as soon as we get in the helicopter and if I come back and we're dead I'm going to be convinced that pissing is time travel you time travel dude welcome back to 5 minutes ago what welcome back I'm going to go piss after I get in the helicopter so am I doing it McNasty you you have a plan you have to do it all right well we're we're going big this time go a little further this time oh you were tring on it yeah I I I wow bad terrorist all right we'll just slam into the side of the mountain like Spirit Airlines oh actually we could probably hit this one okay there is that you mhm okay hunger there goes the helicop [Laughter] flying oh my God all right first try let's do it time travel is real time travel is definitely real what's going to happen when I go it's going to be like 1983 going to walk outside there's going to be a colored water fountain outside of my house or something still holy puffer get inside get inside get inside looked at him I looked at him Smitty he's upset you looked at the Enderman yeah he's vibrating now what what do you mean close it close it close it close it close it close it close it what what is why is everything getting louder holy Matt looked him right in the eyes what's Sam my friend don't look at him we should probably I'm going to block this yeah good idea so you just treat him like homeless guy on the side of a New York Street M yeah don't look at the why you got an arrow in your butt don't you can't look at me in the eyes mining that way this way where I'm looking is pointless damn he's dead he died water water water I'm in the water God Water Guys B is dead there's a guy with a block he's mad at me though dude the end's down here the 's down here this is my corner this is my corner your stuff's going to fall get out of here this is where if I die guys I'm getting chased by a whole heap of like you're actually this when I say when I say my stomach dropped and my life flashed before my eyes when I saw Matt's name falling D I'm still alive I'm running just die just give up he literally just ran in it oh my God everyone group everyone group up everyone group up I I know where it is I know where it is come here where's Matt where's where is it was a godamn I'm in a come here come here this way this way that is actually insane why do you just run in the hole Matt the hole wasn't the problem it was a man I looked in the eyeballs earlier fell 100 blocks I was fine down there holy I didn't realize how guys oh God bro no what happened they got hops outside de we rled up there skeletons and creep our spawn we hold on hold on we need we need tools before we go over there we need at least a pickaxe it's going to despawn I'm going to try and break I'm going to try and break it for the way you said guys is how I imagine Drake would say guys pull over guys we company we have company all right let's hunt Joe Biden down what out of out of context can we get that out of context we are hunting Joe Biden to death God I'm going to shoot the president in the head you guys really should have used the Smitty skin for this no no I think I look like somebody who'd shoot the president Ain no way where you at Biden where you at I'm over here doing various tasks for the American people leave me alone the foothills of the jing jong pong you think that's actually him theing Jing Jang Pang smoking Moody Shadow Garden it so so good it's insane Joe Biden Wasing a bomb Joe Biden was bombing a train yo you definitely picked that one first did you you pick that one first I really have no idea where the I'm at or what is going on holy this Joe no away that was a bit skeptical at first but after he said that I'm pretty sure that's it's got to be him I forgot I did this oh my god there's no way where's mat mat sorry I was taking this guy with us we found your big brother my friend hello oh I forgot I did wait mat take off your helmet take off your helmet my big brother on you he'll recognize you man hello how are you doing it's been so long beautiful stand right next to him oh my God oh my God that is perfect class picture day beautiful dud he's standing there look how happy he looks he's looking over you I missed you too bro it's like you just like grab your waist I completely forgot I missed you too I hope dude there's got to be some way to photoshop that where he's grabbing his waist I hope he picks you up and P you on the wall you and me both why did it get so quiet when I said that sex Bel Matt Matt be careful be careful sex spell yeah I know but just just just be wary because when we did that last time started attacking you I did nothing last time I literally rolled up and bro said time to swing look at Richard's AFK I think we might have to take care of him oh I I didn't even do that I I don't know what happened to him that looks pretty sus there Vinnie I don't know if I can trust you after to see in that I I I I I don't know what to say he just died get his body get his body take his body to the fish let have fun with it first don't waste it they don't use coffins in Italian culture oh my God he's having fun he's having fun he's having fun can I see what that looks like pleas show what that looks with it little cousin oh my God me driving 90 with my unbuckled newborn baby in the back seat unbuckled just let's have a body throwing competition see how we can throw him try to get him on the roof let's play toss the Vinnie I got him never mind damn wait Traders Luigi and Mikey uh uh [Laughter] have said nothing you were fine till you ratted us out the immediate gunfire was so good all the guns getting pulled out too holy that was so good we're playing Frogger officially because I'm a Frog let's get into it walk slow let's see if I can do it I thought we were rats it's not looking good for me oh stop hold on this might be good it's not good I didn't even make it onto the street everyone just stops I wish there was a way to tell the nobody stopped for me I got hit oh okay man you really sped everybody up here that's good actually if you shoot they'll keep they'll run fast oh yeah okay everybody switched to rat I guess [Laughter] that was the best I've ever seen smoked holy oh my God I'll go first I got this wait wait we're going no I got this oh god what happened oh no don't worry I'm coming back I'm coming back all right we're in this together fellas okay oh God it's time to rat up or shut up all right is there cheese on the other side yeah there's cheese on the other side all right fellas no sprinting no sprinting there's a New York compartment over there I may have I I got to stop wait do we just keep going I don't know what just keep going keep going keep going he stopped he stopped for the rat yeah you got to Sprint you got I'm the car we're good we're good go go go go guys no I'm fine go on without me Brothers lost an acci oh no go go get the cheese oh I made it I got wins this round we just caused the 160 car pile up all right you have to Sprint otherwise they'll stop for you if you just walk casually they'll stop you have to Sprint so they don't stop yeah I noticed that no I me hold on we got to regroup regroup regroup goofy ass Heist Revenge okay can I be of service in any way you have your mask on and you are carrying an M4 on the roof I see you no you cannot at this point I'm going to go jump on the light post outside the bank and you can't it doesn't have Collision we tried don't try it you're going to die he going do it oh my God you do it you the entire Heist oh my God man I thought he just jumped what did you just throw stop wasting Amo all right we don't need him right like yeah wait hold on wait they're just confused there's a lot of people confused about me is there it is I was trying to do a little trolling I was just trying to do a little trolling swe's so [Laughter] quiet is this a small a small amount of trolling the furthest we've been man you fumbled it p Ah dude okay who drew a little pecker on him what is that that down there that's a minion Fleshlight that's were talking about who gave a little hog I didn't have time [Music] [Laughter] I it turned into modern art wow dude that's like what companies have been doing with their logos over the years he so I I tried I tried to give him pants like the the tool where it fills in but it filled in the whole screen twice yeah I I might have given him a wiener but at least I gave him something dude this got this got butchered it was right here it just got simpler it just got simpler it's fine art what is that that's the plane it's just going the it missed oh turn around oh no it's getting better like how he went from the inside to the outside yeah these aren't different pictures these are just the whole thing but a different persectives sorry no you can CL up Matt Matt really not the time Matt really not the time one person left it's a one one please let me have this hey is this Castle from uh World at War you're lying you just look up oh my God you know what blame Matt blame mat scream at him full armor my God that guy was so far away from the fight I guarantee you he's probably just wait he was chilling on top of that building that entire sorry guys I couldn't hear what was going on I was chopping out a tree with chainsaw default skins one shocker nasty moment puffer acting like he can't just deaf in the Discord to win bro that a high content acting like that that chainsaw noise made the guy lay down and drop shot him with full armor entire chat's like wow Matt really sold that like yeah Matt you ruined it he can def it at any time he loves the cont I can't believe sorry guys I didn't realize the viewers were watching for us to win war zone games yeah my bad I really wanted to win the game oh my God yeah you know every time I upload a video where we don't win everyone says guys I'm really disappointed in them I need a max ammo like I need a dick in my butt dude now yesterday give [Laughter] me oh hell I'm getting Rod hard put away wet boys I'm in a box of tits with one dick oh you're up my train dude you're about to get me killed I think I'm dead what is being said right now why is V laughing I heard I'm going to box the tits with an no dig I don't know what MC said he said I'm getting Ro hard and put away wet [Laughter] funny oh my God I'm actually back nasty Alla is real I'll tell you what his name is yummy and he's a little white guy is this what it's like to be a poor person are we living POV poor people yes this is this is skid r at La all the time why are they called ver I don't know I didn't name I feel bad for ver oh dude he's back up back up dude back up back up okay we're good we're good what going on over there no more trolling let's die I'm going home I'm not murdering anything murder so what I pushed you down a 20ft cliff get over it chriy your hair grewing chriy your your hair greu it's gri damn Grizzy that's an interesting style my friend stupid grizzy's hair grew in hey Grizzy wonder what it feels like to have a tit full of milk like it's going to burst I feel like you should maybe take a couple minutes off of speaking I bet it would feel good like you ever seen like a cow get one of its like massive zits popped and it leaks Brown for like 8 minutes I would do that with my tit I like prick my nipple and I should would start leaking everywhere you did you need to a woman that's what you need to do so you can stop talking like that that me I just laugh farted laugh farted I heard that youed hear that you FL my boy larded and fled it's like a little double barrel shotgun it went off in Tangent cuz I went and went you're gambling Pitch Perfect oh my God I'm gambling yeah all right our team's up no it's 2v2 it's 2v2 so it's me and retired Dennis come on Dennis let's go Dennis carry the team baby yes sir I guy on the right only has 10 bucks you're winning yeah he does yeah that guy sucks alth that one gu got 75 actually I think they're are they winning right now I can't count yeah I can't oh we're Den it's the carry uh-oh that's not good that's not great I don't think we're winning right now oh let's go wait how much was the howl that is a big hole I knew I was going to need that golden horse armor for what we have a horse at home I wanted to ride this one I didn't even see that I didn't even see that hole oh my God it's a black sheep my's inside out damn it bro I was not nice not funny not funny not funny did not laugh not funny funny not funny guys not funny that happen to me if Grizzy crossed I was so ready to just knock the one like build the biggest bridge ever I'm trapped they've trapped me in their [Laughter] cage man that was close the games rich people play h good all push your friends in the in the Deep squid game we play squid game with us we're all okay with dying cuz we have a box full of diamonds back home who has better handwriting Ricky Berwick or Michael J fox does Ricky Berwick have hands kind of got lobster claws he has like claws yeah he's got claw that's kind of bad oh I'm getting seven G's so cool we get it you have an Android yeah go ahead and use a snapchat camera idiot okay we did it we got to slide the now all we do now is Slide over here and drop it off okay you actually hit me okay okay bro are you guys bro don't do it again bro BL what up BL please don't oh my God lord you dude oh my God bro no way oh my God I knew we weren't going to be able to make it I knew it we still have alive I'm back on the the boat get on all right we're almost there BL get the away from me you Ash wagon BL BL we are literally dude oh my God oh my we were literally right there literally right there at it oh my God I'm going to end it tonight I'm going to come to your house and freaking eat you I didn't like that at all no what else oh my God look at that look at the the camera go all the way across the map back to here yeah yeah baby Sor about that that was my fault you're you're right about yo wait is that a guard guard guard oh we're just going wait guys a guard let that crazy guy through sorry about that I let him Scurry by like a squirrel I camera not oh my God what can you not revive him no I can't it doesn't let me it won't let me I maybe he won't notice maybe he restart please dude I hate how I open that gate I hate how I opened that gate and Matt's first thought was to Sprint through it and then jump off it's cuz the camera the camera noticed me and I went to fight or flight mode and I couldn't fight so a single thought going through that brain dude just just just Primal energy it had to be flight all right sleep time hold on I name a cow I name a cow I'm ringing the bell I Nam cow I Nam cow Matt get to bed how do how do I name it you got to go to the Anvil again the whole thing get sleep come on car Carl's waiting for you sleep Carl look all right perfect man de in Anvil above him no way that's like when you said when you were when you were like oh you got to use to the Anvil I looked at you when I went like this because I moved wait I Noti is that how I use the Anvil genius is that how I use the Anvil that I do it right stop doing that bro's going to die bro's going to die a booby this man really set up a booby trap get out of my they would never do it to Smitty no no no no no I just spent a whole lot of time putting ANS like this whole room is filled with did a little offline grinded what can I say he's so amazing I actually I did that uh at the start of the session if you're curious I didn't actually play I didn't even notice my health didn't even go up yeah SLE was a lie yeah sleeping does not put your health up Matt you have the Anvil by the way if you want to put it back where it was oh do I have the Anvil yeah I think so oh yeah now you can name now you can do the name tag I Googled funny cow name and I'm picking the first one God it's stupid oh hold on it's all caps all right big guy are you nameing Kim kashian how much health do you [Music] have it might be worth it fellas it might be worth it two levels oh come on oh what I XP makes me not want to do it it sucks table let's number number two was Leonardo decal PR I Anvil my head anvil on hise again look at his dumb ass oh head what the hell he's he's freaking he's on he's having fun he's on our Ro he's having fun is he dangling from our ceiling for anyone else no no he was left on the ATV uhoh I don't mean to do it it just happens me when I piss in my dad's what the hell is happening did you die no you little rat ass car no you did not it was a choice black I'm trying to figure out how to switch my weapon crank I'm cranking my Bro frog down no frog needs to be put down wait is that your wait no I can shoot through you watch hold on wait stop what the hell I'm in attack position frang mantis defense [Laughter] mechanism gy loves spring man his jokes G's niche go ahead go ahead try to on my turn uh it's in here I'll just give you this one here yeah give me a wheelchair my game I think my game actually you just crashed my game the game CR all right that should be that's a sign I think all right that's why people don't go downstairs gorilla fall out of a wheelchair go down I couldn't even see you I took your empty wheelchair Roll by all right I'm done I could see that I'm done that's that's a a sign from God what a CO incredible dude you disabled me y you disabled me bro tripped and fell actually brush my ankles into the floor oh oh you can score from the like spawn that's what makes it intense buddy that I'll kill you what dude your character like automatically spins around like a dumbass I think that's you pal oh there goes there goes there go there it goes Dam he slid your ass into it how did his giant head block that you incoming they're laughing at you BL oh my oh my oh my oh my what what holy no way dude my fat dick on the way oh my God oh my God move move take it oh I was almost [Music] there well I think we know who's the best I think you're a idiot into the hole sex time what's that putting B everywhere oh my god oh bro I'm at I'm at half of a health no you want to test oh there's a creeper there's a not the house the house don't let him go let him my stuff on the ladder don't take it my stuff is on the second floor I will kill everybody the house the house you purposely die to it honestly it looks better I couldn't go anywhere cuz f with wood wait guys guys someone came for the portal oh what oh we have a pig man out here give him stuff give him stuff give him stuff tra gold he want gold I ain't got gold I a't got gold I got gold boots I'm chilling get away get away from him I'm going to give him I'm going to give him it immediately started shooting me look I have an arrow in my head come back to the house come back there's a zombie in the boat I trapped him is zombie in the boat where you going little guy where you off you little buddy guys we're going somewhere we're leaving get in there me we're on a little Adventure pu's got a new boyfriend how do Peter just like stupid in every car all right doing why he bouncing on a dick hold on I'll do it I'll do it down I'll do all right I'll lay down do it on the monkey monkey knows where the emote is that's necessary for this get lined up right oh that's perfect all right golden lineup here you want to back up a little bit bro's shy look how shy sunbathe thees sunbathe work should oh my God bro oh my God no way we're making the ultimate life [Music] form throw gang signs while he's pegging him bro I can't dude hold on I need to kiss I need a kiss oh it's too much oh oh my God that was perfect that was awful that's the perfect way to end it if that's if that's the way we're going out that's yeah I think that's I think that's Bible says it's wrong mat me please oh right you got you got a minute 25 dead you're not going to be able to do it you he could do it he could do it I grabbed the wrong thing you got it you got it you got it how much Sprint you got where the the church where's the church there stra straight St Mark it I'll mark it they broke it they broke it this way Matt this way this way can still do it it's on that Mark oh man how the did you ping that it's a guard worm oh my God go go go going to kill me he going to kill me it's over got to go to Ed you're son of a wait me forget me just go just go just go I refuse to leave my friends you had to leave at least you are not going the lever puffer I thought y I thought they would make it I'll be honest with you we might win this I'm coming for you go go go shut up stop moving we we we can live here all three of us we can live here deserve deserve deserve deserve deserve cheaters holy this is go go go incoming who's going to be the soldier that somebody's got to be a sacrifice here it's been real P wait no you got a lot of Health right he go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go come on go go go go go it's way too quiet this lad out the way don't worry oh my God there's no way I hit shift oh my God oh my God holy damn it damn it revive revive revive I destroyed this Church who's resing you the spirit of Jesus it's oh I didn't think the res would increased the time beautiful the lion the in the wardrobe stained Bears stained Bears that's a good curious turd curious Gorge Uncle Fork Uncle Fork I don't I don't know who that is all right that's I that's the end of that Uncle Fork I show or anything I have no idea what is yeah Uncle it's just two things it isn't anything how do you respond to that two nouns do fill up my toilet with and Afraid Oprah winter po fill up the toilet game of turds wa Dr fill up the toilet breaking turds bad pooping bad bad poopy poopy bad better call poop better call Walter shite How I Met Your Jesse pink turd more like the fresh turd of B air this is the story all about how I sh my pants more like I 40 Courage the shitty dog cage a big red Clifford you Clifford oh C's a dog C's a big brown dog a dog there's nothing special about him at all he's just a dog pimp my Pimp My ready for another one let's go poop my ride Pierce poop my ride MTV turns it's like poop comma my ride I'm going to close the videos I'm going to close the game now all righte it's desktop time give me more give me one more good one recording no one more good one guy stranger shits okay all right I'm done for things all right I'm I'm done Call of Duty that was a good one it's just a game what is the game literally that was good get out of my shower what I call you sol Bo thank you sorry my dad actually walked in the shower with me but it was really embarrassed just busted through the wall and get out GL to give you a clip buddy D I remember my dad one time I walked on me I was getting out of the shower and I fell and Crush my nuts on the tub horrendous I hate y take Grandpa long to think about it don't you do it I have a Grappler Grappler grer do what are you doing go ahead and do it I have nothing to live for fuing live why you circling me like a shark I got shot at yeah shot mysh off are they coming up they shot my bush off right here he's a bush he not a bush what the hell oh the mountain anymore what is happening I only got four plungers left come on Grandpa I'm playing Grandpa I'm not going down to resm I got him don't do it don't do it Grandpa please I'm sorry about what I said about Trump you're right the older generation knows better man I'm trying I'm trying man grandpa off oh wait Grandpa kind of Fu you with it wait I don't think I have enough time no I don't think I have enough time he's getting godam puffer kill him if he dies the Arby's franchise dies with him no young people eat Arby he's not burd okay Grandpa you can eat the stop you old Matt what do you want me to do stop being handicapped this from safety Grizzy help me I literally can't literally can't that man is dead that man is so dead that man is so dead you are toxic all the wild just banjo music is oh my God [Music] n
Channel: Blarg
Views: 3,380,771
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: D6LQb41Y36U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 167min 57sec (10077 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 26 2023
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