I Paid Fiverr Game Developers to Make the Same Game

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one of my favorite things about Fiverr is that you can pay people to make games for you which is something I've done way too many times I've had game developers recreate Minecraft recreate my game create horror games create platform games but in this video I wanted to do something a little different I wanted to challenge four Fiverr game developers to create the same game but the idea for the game would be generated by AI I was going to hire an AI expert from Fiverr to generate a chat GPT prompt use that chat GPT prompt to generate a game idea send that game idea to four different Fiverr developers and pay them to make it before we get started I wanted to thank Fiverr for sponsoring this video if you have not used Fiverr before Fiverr is a website with thousands of different freelance Services my favorite is game development because you can literally pay developers to make you games but there are so many other categories including their new AI Services which includes AI development AI art and much more if you'd like to check out Fiverr or any of the sellers featured in this video you can do so with my links in the description and you can also use the code bad game 10 for 10% off anyway to get started we needed a custom chat GPT prompt so we could generate a game idea I found a fiver seller named Cappy Rider who had a service in which they would write custom chat GPT prompts the benefit of getting chat GPT prompts written for me is that these fiver sellers were AI experts and knew the perfect prompts so that I could get the best game idea possible I paid the seller $25 and received a document with a bunch of chat gbt prompts tailored towards generating video game ideas I ended up using one of the prompts and received an idea for a game the idea for the game was dimensional Drifters dimensional Drifters is a 2d platformer set in a world where gravity constantly shifts as for the gameplay mechanics players control a character who can manipulate gravity in a world where gravity shifts dynamically the core gameplay involves navigating intricate platforming Levels by switching gravity orientation at will players must time their shifts carefully to avoid obstacles and reach the goal for the story the player became a dimensional Drifter after a mysterious encounter with a cosmic entity the player must Traverse various dimensions and overcome gravity related challenges to uncover the entity's true intentions and restore balance to the Multiverse also we received a unique feature dimensional Drifter standout feature is its gravity shifting game play which adds a layer of complexity to traditional 2D platforming players will feel a sense of accomplishment as they Master gravity manipulation and navigate challenging levels so there we go we now had an idea for our game usually in these FIV videos I'll give the developers a really simple phrase for what I want for example in the first I paid game developers to make the same game video I just told them I wanted an endless Runner shooter so it'll be interesting to see how the games are with much more detail given to the idea now that we had our IDE idea it was time to find four developers on Fiverr I found four different developers paid them all and eventually received four finalized games let's look at each one and see how they turned out for the first game we went with a developer that I've worked with many times before on this channel leonado leonado has been in many of my Fiverr videos before making an endless Runner shooter a platform shooter a horror game and a battle royale game so it was interesting to see how they would take the concept of dimensional Drifters I paid $100 for the game so let's check it out actually wait before we check it out if you want to play any of the four games from this video I've uploaded them all to my patreon at of dimensional Drifters so let's uh go ahead and play and see see what happens so I guess we've just got to uh walk around and um I I switch gravity all right nice so if we use the arrow keys here we can switch gravity and I guess we're going to have to try to get that box to hit the button to unlock that cage let's try it this is actually pretty interesting concept already so it's um okay go there do that and now what we need to like there we go okay cool sweet there we go all right so here we have dimensional Drifters as a puzzle game awesome so we're on to level two now we've got some spikes to avoid so let's see if we can uh work our way through this level um I guess not all right let's try that again so let's uh do that do that do that try that oh but how do we get across there no we need oh we needed the block there to get across okay all right this is actually way trickier than I initially thought all right so let's go down here maybe we'll go oh man across what happens there okay there okay for the second game we went with a developer named Justin I paid them $110 for the game let's check it out okay so for game two we've got dimensional Drifters again just by somebody else so let's go ahead and press play and it looks like it's a bit of a speedrun game which is cool we got our character here now we can attack with our sword as you can see we can also uh jump which I shouldn't have done that and of course being a dimensional Drifter game you can flip gravity let's try to complete this game as quick as possible let's walk around see what we can see what we can find okay I assume I need to get that box onto that button there so let's jump over and let's uh flip gravity again this is a really good integration of the gravity shifting feature so let's get that red key and let's uh continue on now I'm going to assume you need three red keys to open that door there flip gravity here let's go up can we can we do that what if we jump and then flip gravity okay that's really tricky to do but it actually works and we're at the start awesome all right so start by putting that there all right we'll do that cool so let's go ahead and flip gravity here flip gravity again jump over get our first key all right I'm going with this one next uh okay I don't really know what I'm looking at here let's flip gravity oh no this is I need to time this really well let's go oh no no no okay perfect okay what way do I go now I have to flip here I have to go there I have to oh man okay perfect we got the key let's go for the third game we went with a developer named cocoon I paid them $120 for the game let's check it out okay now we're up to the third game dimensional Drifters so already a different feel to this game so we can move around and we can jump that's pretty cool and then G to shift gravity all right let's give it a shot [Music] use the ladder to travel to the next level cool all right now we got some enemies so let's uh try to avoid [Music] them oh man all right flip gravity there flip there cool right so let's flip there we go all right we're on to the third level now let's flip gravity there flip gravity there flip oh no this is no all right [Music] uh there we go nice for the fourth game we went with a developer named Andrew pile I paid them $125 for the game let's check it out all right so here we are with the fourth and final version of dimensional Drifters so we're starting out here in this level and uh we can move around let's go through the door there awesome space to jump cool there we go okay so let's right click and oh okay we're about to shift gravity so let's uh click and we can oh okay this is this is wa this is cool okay let's flip gravity this way there we go uh let's flip gravity that way there we go and let's uh go through there cool left button what does that do okay there's a grappling hook oh that's cool that's cool let's go like that okay not like that let's jump Let's uh do that let's uh flip gravity halfway yes this is really fun all right let's go through here let's just I'm just going to enjoy this game so let's go up this way flip gravity down and then let's just uh disconnect that flip gravity that way okay we need to okay all right let's try about the level a different way let's flip gravity here let's uh go here and then we'll slow down but we'll actually hit a grappling hook see if we can uh whoa okay well that's that's sort of the right idea yeah so let's do that again so let's flip that slow gravity grapple hook there flip gravity no okay there we go all right so we finally completed that level Let's uh let's see what else we can do here so let's flip up and and flip this way maybe no this is actually a really really tricky game but I really like the gameplay mechanics all right let's just try that first way again let's go here then we're going to slow down and we're going to try grapple on that and flip that there then we're going to go up towards it there we go and yeah those are all four versions of dimensional Drifters we received once again if you'd like to play any of the games from this video they're available over at my patreon at Link in the description and if you'd like to check out any of the F Sellers from this video I've also got links to all sellers in the description if you enjoyed this video please be sure to leave a like feel free to leave a comment and you can also subscribe if you're new to the channel peace
Channel: BadGameDev
Views: 595,127
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BadGameDev, I Made a Game, Game Development, Game Dev, Game Making, Making a Game, GameMaker Studio 2, Unity, Godot, How to Make a Game
Id: vOfLnDg3gJo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 25sec (625 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 12 2023
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