The Most Impressive Scratch Projects

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hi i'm denshi and today is may 20th scratch's 15th anniversary now for all of you zoomers who are probably younger than scratch it was a game making engine that worked with these sprites and you could have backgrounds and everything was programmed with these basic little programming blocks that you could stick together and it would teach kids about programming and you could make these simple little games now you probably not think much of the scratch engine when you first saw it i mean it seems pretty basic you know even childish compared to programming like you traditionally would with a programming language that's typed obviously however this engine is actually incredibly powerful and people have pushed it to such extreme limits and that's what i want to take a look at in this video some ridiculously impressive scratch projects but before i do that i just wanted to say that scratch is basically the only reason i'm into computers nowadays i think it was third grade ict class they were teaching us boring stuff like html how to use powerpoint and stuff that you teach in a computer classes so kids are basically competent with computers but one day the teacher just pulled up scratch and it to me it was like this shocking thing it was all adobe flash back then i remember going home from school and going online looking as many tutorials as i could possibly find on how to make a platformer in scratch because i just really wanted to make a platform like a game where you could jump around like mario and i i watched some really long tutorial on how to do it and i was just so happy to be programming like that and i think that's really one of the main reasons i got into computers and if it wasn't for scratch i probably wouldn't be here so so yeah thank you to whoever at mit came up with scratch anyways tear jerker aside let's actually take a look at some impressive scratch projects the first one i want to take a look at is getting over it with scratch it's even got narration and everything so yeah let's take a look oh there you go all right there's the world record the world record is actually managed by this cloud system i didn't know they had this but apparently scratch now has cloud variables where people can submit stuff to your project and it can be stored and all users can see it and over here we have a high score and somebody apparently beat this entire game in less than a minute so yeah good on you anyways i'm probably not gonna do it here we are getting over it with scratch you might take this for granted by programming something like this with the physics of a hammer being able to push yourself is no small feat and it's no small feat in like a programming language but it's definitely no small feat well they've got to work with is is blocks right uh so let's take a look at how this goes i'm not going to go for any speed runs because i know that's incredibly complicated let's see so over here over here there's no feeling more intense than starting over there's the narration if you've been updating the scratch project moments after you've shared it then what you're about to go through may be too much at least go away and come back and remember to pause the game by pressing p i think that's pretty much it for what i could probably get accomplished in this video game as everybody who watches my channel know i am awful at video games so let's try something else now this game still by griff patch is paper minecraft i remember this fondly because as a kid who couldn't afford minecraft i was always playing the versions you could find on online websites that were free so let's try playing this here we are paper minecraft wasd mouse click ef all right new game game mode i'll go creative just so i can see what it's like here we go all right wow that's pretty cool so i remember this being like very very like i had a lot of stuff in the inventory let's see oh yeah there is stuff there's building blocks miscellaneous oh there's mobs i don't remember there being mobs okay let's try spawning some mobs and spotting some water and apparently you can spawn yeah houses oh they have redstone in this that's crazy let's take a look at that all right so how do mobs work with this oh that they break it wait a minute how am i meant to place this i did i place it oh there he goes okay how do i place the water um oh there it goes that's really weird because it's like right flicking in my browser so the water actually flows that's insane i wonder what they have in case it's a bit like terraria i guess it's got like you know this underground section it's all 2d but yeah i'm sure you can oh my i fell into the death void oh no saw the death boy oh there's like this whole thing can i fly oh that's cool how do i go down though oh like that i can hear the spiders wait why am i dying i'm creative oh check it out wait what happened okay well that was paper minecraft now let's take a look at something that's a little bit similar now for the next games i want to take a look at they're actually very intensive to run using the regular scratch engine they're all still programmed in scratch however using a tool called turbo warp we can put any scratch project and recompile it to much faster javascript and there's a few examples that they have on their website like for example terraria i don't know if this is the whole game of terry area because i've never played teriya but it sure looks like it alright here we are terraria let's load up a new game i'll just generate a random character yeah that'll be fine uh and let's go let's see small world so here we are in terraria um i've never played the real one so i don't really quite know how it is but i'm assuming this is very similar to it let's see we got a sword we can kill stuff okay check it out we're destroying the flowers so can i go into the ground i don't know how terror works oh here we are was i not meant to go here oh there's water here oh i died all right here we are back in terraria i will say the pixel here is fantastic i'm assuming it's ripped straight from the game but it looks really good even in scratch anyways i guess that's terraria in scratch now let's take a look at some other games one of the most impressive things i've seen in scratch is the crystal seeker 3d platformer yeah that's right you heard me right 3d games in scratch the way these are accomplished is by using the pen tool which is available in scratch which lets you basically draw any geometry you want this doesn't mean it's easy to draw a 3d level and most everything done here has to be done with some very advanced techniques anyways let's take a look at it uh we're on a fast computer and here we are crystal seeker good bad bad stole the diamonds find all the diamonds okay and so here we are with crystal seeker now crystal seeker is a basic platformer uh you're this polygonal creature over here uh and get the coin there we are five coins press space jump all right seems pretty tame thus far basic little 3d level jump on it to vanquish not kill the bank what does vanquish mean and this has a camera i don't know that's still messing with me like this whole 3d environment built entirely in scratch the way that geometry is constructed here is amazing like there's there's sprites in a 3d environment there are moving blocks and stuff there's even basic animations with this little character like he stretches up and stretches down when he jumps this stuff is wild i will say though there's not much in the way of dynamic physics now that i really expect it like when you move forward with this guy he moves forward when you stop pressing the key he just stops instantly i'm moving forward now i'm just like walking about then he just stops there we are the crystal this is the level goal all right level two oh my gosh passwords all right let's go start level two clank plank there's definitely some planks here oh my gosh check that out it's a plank that you can move dynamically that is crazy and it's like balancing itself this still feels more like a technical demo than anything but all the impressive stuff that's done in scratch is still blowing my mind like you gotta understand when i was a kid people were just making like basic stuff in this it was just you know mario or i don't know some painting program or at most you'd get like some something like 2d minecraft which is still you know hyper impressive this just takes it to a whole other level no wonder the games have to be recompiled to javascript there's actually good level design too like this platforming is pretty interesting all right we got the crystal second level completed hooray i think that's all i'm going to take a look at for crystal sea girl though i'm sure it gets very interesting and lots of cool new game mechanics show up i'll have every game here linked in the description if you want to take a look and who knows i might play this on stream all right next up we have portal 3d test chamber 13. this is another impressive 3d game this is actually portal in in scratch all right here we are if you become lightheaded feel free to pass out an intubation associate will be dispatched to revive you with peptic cell and adrenaline i'll put a portal here i'll get the cube and pass it through the portal okay where's my cube why did it disappear [Music] i closed the door i can't get out it's an ever consuming void i'm sorry one interesting field of projects in scratch is the 3d or like math generators like this one for example generates terrain as you can see what you can do is you can move around and rotate to see it and then when you stop it actually renders it higher you can get texturing and stuff like your generate texturing we can have more erosion or less erosion we can increase it like for example and run it as you can see there's more erosion you can change the source terrain you can generate new terrain you generate with new noise and increase the resolution to make it much cooler there we are big uh and as you can see it's just purlin noise i'm assuming but yeah check that out it's cool terrain generation that looks quite nice in scratch another cool one is the 2d physics engine this one's pretty cool because it lets you basically create objects that interact with each other this yeah this repels them and this okay this generates lots of little circles i think demos like these are probably the most impressive because like imagine trying to program an entire little physics simulator in scratch of all things and i love all the different demos that there are in scratch demonstrate different cool things that you can get away with block programming anyways that was pretty much everything i wanted to take a look at in this video i hope you enjoyed watching these different projects i'll have links to each one of them in the description like i mentioned before i think my favorite was probably crystal seekers because it seems very interesting and cool and impressive so definitely check that out in the description but anyways happy 15th anniversary scratch i've been denchy goodbye [Music] you
Channel: DenshiVideo
Views: 4,068,301
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Denshi, DenshiVideo, scratch, scratch 3D, scratch platformer, scratch minecraft, scratch mit edu, scratch impressive, scratch 3D Engine, Scratch 15th anniversary, Scratch 2022
Id: tpGzqzpjmRg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 0sec (660 seconds)
Published: Fri May 20 2022
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