6 DEVS Compete to Make the BEST GAME for $10,000

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all six of you have been invited to compete against each other to make the best possible video game in 3 weeks for an enormous price pool of $10,000 I'm coming for the cash price I'm super excited for the competition I'm not very confident am I ready no am I excited yes I am ready to win I'm really not this is going to be awesome each week five judges will play analyze and dissect your games and decide which two devs should get brutally 11 ated the others will pass on to next week of the competition there are six of you adents but only one of you will win $10,000 is out but there's a tie between there's a draw winner of the second blank and fr competition goes to You'll all to base your game on a theme and the theme for this competition is Moto Mori which in Latin means remember you're mortal Meo Mori that that's a pretty good theme not lie what the hell does that mean I'm not a scientist I don't know what that means you know uh but I looked it up it means remember death spooky you know it does sound like a great theme for a horror game or maybe something death related what is death even like why must be die I really like the theme it's like surprisingly deep like there's a lot of different ways you could go with it and a lot of different imagery that's associated with that I think it's going to be really cool you can definitely do a lot with it but I mean it's just asking to be a horror game I was going to do a horror game anyways I don't know if I'm going to win or not but I probably won't okay so sit back and enjoy watching these incredible devs cook up some absolutely insane video games let's start things off with a developer from moonleaf Studio aidas the momentum ore inspired me to make a game where you need to die in order to progress the first thing that I did was open up Millan note and write down all of the ideas I had for the project that's right guys millot is the go-to tool to organize all of your game projects they helped make this high stakes Game Dev competition possible and not only that but they've gifted all creatives with a beautiful and extremely easy to use tool that we're using to plan our next projects you can choose a templates for example the game design brainstorming one and add images arrows to-do lists text custom Doodles links and so much more it's a stunning way to map out what's on your mind you can even invite your teammates to gather feedback and collaborate in real time cherry on the cake Mill note is available for free with no time limit and the link is in the description with that said back to AAS from moonleaf Studio during the brainstorm I decided to make an atmospheric horor medieval game where the player has to control prisoners who are attempting to escape the prison through underground tunnels then I focused on creating the first person melee combat where no beans were harmed during the process of course inventory to pick up and switch between different weapons as well as weapon drops on death after that I made it so that there are five prisoners in total that you can play as each prisoner will have a set starting weapon and whenever you die with one character a tombstone appears and you drop your currently held weapons which can be used and picked up during your next playr free weapon types will be used to fight against specific monsters sword is strong against Undead glub against skeletons and the hay Fork against the rats this means that in order to beat all of the enemies the player will have to kill his character to gather as many different weapons as he can or just struggle very hard with one weapon instead when you pick up your comrade's weapon you get reminded that death is inevitable and you will most likely perish in one way or another which makes the prisoner extremely terrified and provides him with a random debuff such as sickness breath shortness or even dizziness I spent a lot of time building the atmosphere and sound effects because I really think that those are the core elements that make horror games great and hopefully I will get to the next round where I plan to add way more exploration possibilities proper ending and even new debuffs such as hallucinations after researching the theme on Monday I had no idea what to make I feel like momento Mori kind of impli something dark like a horror game in an attempt to stand out I wanted to look a bit beyond that and make something about both life and death since I had no plan yet I first made a player character featuring The momentto Mory hourglass for some reason making the character got my ideas flowing and I was able to plan out most of the game on Tuesday in my game you play as a young Spirit wizard who controls life in a mystical mushroom Forest you can find Spirits or take them from creatures and use them to create new [Music] creatures it's like a combination of Spore Pokémon and a short hike the first thing I did after modeling and programming the character was to decide on a look for the game I went with cartoony graphics and bulky pixels like in a short hike and a pink and purple color scheme to make it feel mystical next up I dusted off my procedural animation stiped to use as a base for the creature system I made a system that takes in a creature blueprint and dynamically creates the creature allowing for different sizes and body parts before continuing programming I decided to make some new parts and spawn random creatures everywhere which looks cool but also slightly horrifying I then worked all Friday to design and Implement a spirit system Spirits are like build build blocks for life and all creatures are made out of a combination of spirits when you defeat the creature it drops Spirits matching its parts so you can use them to create new creatures I also built a user interface to hold the collected spirits and allow for creation of new creatures finally on Saturday I did some bug fixing and added a tutorial I also implemented a small Quest where you have to build a particular creature for an NPC currently he just shows a smiley face and that's it if I get to the next round I will Implement proper progression with a new area there's a lot of other stuff I want to add as well and I'm really hoping my project gets picked so I have a good excuse to continue making this game imagine receiving a call from your doctor and they say hey man hey man you only have one day to live dude so that sucks what would you do would you just sit on your butt all day watching freaking Ting tongs no you live your life to the fullest well that's the exact idea for my game it's your final day on Earth and you have to complete all your bucket list items before you die in this Whimsical Adventure players navigate a vibrant open world filled with quirky characters and unexpected challenges and you might be thinking oh this seems like a very generic adventure story game the catch is you control your character using active ragd doll physics adding a delightful layer of chaos and maybe a little bit of funny moments too you can jump climb fight do sick flips and interact with the locals to learn their stories and uncover Town gossip I was taking a walk up the mountain earlier and when I got home my ring was gone each item on your bucket list presents a different obstacle to overcome maybe you want to dunk a basketball like LeBron James but there's no way your little ass is getting up to that hoop however with some creative problem solving and perhaps the aid of a trampoline Anything is Possible Oh my God maybe you want to get engaged but you don't have a partner well you better find an engagement ring and try to hoop it over the next person you see I know it sounds confusing but essentially the goal for the game is a combination of goat simulator and human fall flat in one moment you might be 3D platforming your way up a mountain and in another you might be fighting in a boxing match I honestly see so so much potential in this game and if I were to continue this is what I'd want to do add more NPCs that will say funny stuff and contribute to the overarching story and goals ideally the game will be able to be played in a sandbox so I'd like to add more physics objects to play with more interesting physics based puzzles a larger open world with multiple regions different buildings you can go into more items like swords guns a skateboard all that stuff and there are definitely some bugs so if you find one that's on me and honestly I've built a really good base to work with here and this is only the tip of the iceberg as they say so viewers you should vote spooky to stay in the challenge it's not a vote thing oh what's up it's not a vote thing it's not a vote thing it's the judges it's just the judges yeah oh yep oh okay keep me in the challenge please please I won't let you down I promise I prise welcome to the catacombs your task is simple you seek eternal life but someone wants to stop you the first time I ever heard the phrase momento Mory it was in a series of unfortunate events so I modeled the main character kind of after klouse from the books you know glasses not very strong or decisive so because I chose to give him all handdrawn animations just filling out his kit took most of the first day so here's the kit as a fancy lad he has a cane that he can use to reflect projectiles but the direct damage is a joke he can also catch items and throw them at enemies and fitting through tight spaces is possible with crawling but it's slower which is a problem because the entire time the oil in your Lantern is depleting and your light shrinks you can only replenish it through combat but the worst part is that when Grim is close enough he sucks away your light even faster and he's always getting closer at the bottom you find Grim's heart and if you can reunite them you get a prize it's an angry Grim Reaper if you can manage to defeat him you get to decide your own fate now what's here is just one level but in keeping with the death theme I think a Rog likee structure would be very appropriate which is why I plan to implement it along the way you'd fight other bosses all of whom would be the spirits of people people who sought immortality in the usual ways you know Glory wealth science children Etc I'd also add relics that give Buffs and debuffs different items that you could hold and use a ghostly shopkeeper and of course more regions so if you'd like to see that let me through to round two please guys we've just opened up the Game Dev Rockets Academy now with this membership you'll gain access to a course that will teach you everything you need to know to make video games fulltime you start by learning the basics of programming and gradually learn step by step by making various game projects all the way up until you make your own large FPS video game which you'll put on Steam now here is where things get even more exciting every single week we're going to be going on live interactive lessons and covering specific Game Dev topics from game art and rapid prototyping to programming Ai and VR and we're even paying top dog industry professionals to go on live calls with our members and they're going to be sharing their valuable skills and knowledge with our students to put our community member skills to the test at the end of every month we'll be hosting Members Only Game creation competitions and not only that but there will also be demo days where we give the spotlight to our members who will get to Showcase their latest game projects to the entire community so to recap Game Dev Rockets Academy is a monthly membership that not only offers you a massive course they will teach you everything you need to know to start making video games and selling them but also the community you need to support your passion give you valuable feedback and inspire you you might even find the perfect team member that will join you on your next game project so join now with the link in the description with that said let's get back to our quarter finals momento Mori means remember you must die or even remember death so I thought what if you actually had to remember that you were dying what if you're a scientist doing some shitty research on a virus that just happened to get leaked into the entire facility and now you are infected and you need to keep shoving injections to temporarily tame the virus while looking for the actual cure and trying not to get murdered by humanoid monsters being one of the scientists also means that you have to be the one mixing the vaccines so I made these adorable looking vials and these adorable looking enemies you can kill the enemies to get vials and then shove them into this machine to make the vaccines there are three types of vaccines and each of them requires a specific recipe which you can see in this handy list which also has this mysterious recipe that will only be revealed if I go to the next phase of the competition a game like this really calls for a Resident Evil type inventory which this game really needed because the UI is a giant mess and I hope the judges can understand everything that is happening if I do make it to the next phase aside from the secret recipe I would add a pause button which seems crucial for this game and probably a run Button as well also this enemy only takes away health so it would be interesting to have an enemy that could affect your infection levels I would also add weapon reloading and probably another weapon oh and I also made a main menu and an intro with some lore I call the game immune Hearts hi everyone I'm s a 16 years old YouTuber who loves creating video games and today I'm going to introduce you to grimal cam The Last Shadow the idea is to create a super fast combat game with a horror and a rug like theme unfortunately time has been rather short for me due to numerous exams to do this I started by creating a player controller allowing the player to perform all these actions then I concentrated on the game field adding lots of camera effect post processing effects and so on then I downloaded this arm model from sketch Fab and animated it I find this world pretty cool but then I had to move on the wor stage of the project hey I oh no this was the longest step for me but after days of work I had this night and after all that I had already reach the last day I told you I didn't have much time but it doesn't matter because I rush to add these new things Dash new enemies grappling hook teleport table Arrow sprectrum mode to be faster and stronger and finally the HQ every time you die you will respawn here then you will have to find a portal in this big graveyard to get back to your levels I also already created the whole story for me which is pretty exciting but that's for this second if I qualify that's it for me bye okay guys it's now time to decide which two projects are going to get brutally eliminated joining Noah and I are Thomas Stewarts hi I'm Thomas Stewart I'm an indie game developer and YouTuber and I'm also the developer of the Cozy Island Builder game Bridges and docks which just released today lemon hey everybody I'm lemon I'm the creator of patch quest which you can get on Steam and I'm also now working on a new game which is sort of a ant colony simulator you can follow my devlog on that on my YouTube Channel and TI yo yo I have my channel do a wielded and my game in cave Runner releases on Steam in like a week well anyways uh quick warning the iconic first meeting audio mess up returns so for this first meeting Thomas and lemon don't sound great it'll be all right in the other meetings though don't worry I like the concept of the game and I think this concept of you have a character that's doomed to die but then you pick up from that with the next character but then they die and you pick up and you carry on that concept has legs I think you could make a proper game out of that I think actually in almost all of these games slow running speed is a is a continu problem true other than coder's game which has incredible controls and such a joy to move around the world really feels good C game I loved it but my only problem with it was the the theme I didn't really understand where momentto Mor came into play for me though momentto Mor a big part of is like the fact of like remembering you're going to die to better live so there's that feeling of life you're like okay destroying creatures but you're creating new life and so on it's not the best implementation of the theme but I don't think it's completely off topic I thought that his theme and concept were strong one of the stronger ones but for me and this is a small thing but it's also a huge thing the speed at which you run is extremely slow I just think bui's game has a lot of potential and because he has a base to work with now and because the type of game it is I think he made it easy for himself to just add stuff left and right really populate the currently not super populated world right I just add more cars more people walking around to mess with give me a place where I can find a jet pack or let me ride a jet ski you like the possibilities are endless cuz anything could work well for the game he's made I wanted to talk about Li Ho's game which initially didn't seem incredibly impressive to me in the dev log but actually had the most fun with that game those cool platforming I like how you can grab the bones throw them the whole thing of the lights you know the creeping death and stuff really cool character design not bitter about that horrible J Spirit the pants off of me I love the jump scare was not expecting it at all all the zombie jumps out screams at you some horrible noise behind it and then you're like oh okay this is this kind of game it raised emotions in me it made me feel afraid made me feel like the times like oh yeah totally got this then the virus killed me anyway typically as a player I really like games where the traversal feels good and so I I liked the idea of running and jumping and sliding and grappling I thought that that was all awesome and pretty fun to play with but yeah it was definitely the weapons in particular seem to be a source of a lot of bugs so without further Ado we're going to announce the first developer who passes on to the semi-finals yeah the first developer to pass is going to be lixian congrats lixen the next contestant to move on to the next round is coder coder welcome all right and then the third developer to move on to the semifinals is D now guys we have to eliminate two of these three developers here so we've got Bui we've got short e and we've got Stumpy each of them made very very different games that's why the decision was super super hard so the last person to join the semi-finals is buy and sadly Stompy and shorty are eliminated and it really breaks my heart cuz these two games were also incredible but we had to come to a decision man it's extremely difficult deciding which Challengers to eliminate but we must move on to the semi-finals Bui lixen CER and dren have an entire whole week to improve on their game round two baby I'm glad my name was the first one to be said because even though I looked cool calm and collected I was actually very nervous anxious and extremely uncollected uh honestly a guy like me a game like that you had no choice but to move me on I had you in the palm of my hand like a little baby I am literally just so relieved to have made it to round two that was stressful that was stressful I'm happy to move on to the next round I think I'm still confident in my ability to win the challenge although I'm kind of worried about lexan game yes I feared coder did a wonderful job and I feel like right now is the biggest threat in the competition honestly when I played the other contestants games I was like okay uh I'm out it was a good run I do feel kind of cool that mine's the only 2D game in the semi-finals so maybe that'll be point in my favor I don't know yeah I am scared to make things extra juicy we threw our semi-finalist a little twist each would throw a new theme at their opponent meaning that now they not only need to incorporate Meo Mor into their project but whatever other theme their opponent Cooks up as well a whopping $110,000 are on the line here this is some super high stakes Game Dev so without further Ado onto the semifinals starting with Cod deer after the first juding face on Sunday I wasn't entirely sure how to continue I had some cool mechanics but nothing that resembles an actual game loop after some brainstorming I concluded that my game needs a bit of an overhaul instead of a wizard you're now an astronaut and you need to upgrade your spaceship by selling creatures I basically stole the game loop from Playmobile Pirates and put it in Space the first thing I did was to model the new character and also some spaceships I decided to turn the original character into an NPC that operates the space buildings around this time we also got the Twist and my word was chaos in case my chaotic sleep schedule this week doesn't count I decided to implement a seat-based random terrain generator the terrain generator took a couple tries but eventually I settled on a system that takes small height maps and combines them into a large map by moving and rotating them it also overlays pearly noise on top to make the terrain even more chaotic and finally it spawns trees rocks and grass next up I made a space scene that connects planets to the trading center and the upgrade station originally I wanted to make it top down with a fixed camera but I found that keeping the control St person similar to the character feels much more intuitive I also implemented a customade save system to save things like the inventory and the active scene I then got to work modeling the trading center and the upgrade station which ended up taking a full day the trading center allows players to sell their creatures and it shows creatures that are in demand so you can sell them for a much higher price than normal finally I did a UI overhaul because I needed to separate the inventory and the creature creation interface I also added mini Maps so you can see where you are in space and on the planet additionally I added a comic book style intro to introduce the story and I made one of the NPCs in the trading center do a random dance every time you enter overall I'm quite happy with where my game is at currently I do still need to finish the ship upgrade system and the ending so hopefully I'll make it to the finals I also have a long list of other stuff I'd like to add but first I should probably get some sleep all right the character I modeled last week was uh not so good so I modeled a new one and gave them longer arms to make it easier to Vault over things then I spent the next couple days polishing the player controller to make uh the movement more predictable and after that Li hoo had given me the theme of uh piracy so uh freaking am I right anyway so I added a new bucket list item called star in a movie where you star in the next hit film centered around you guessed it Pirates your role in the movie is to steal the treasure from the pirate ship by completing a series of physics based puzzles and after that I worked on a couple more bucket list items can we get a warm welcome for Judy diamond in this bucket list item aptly named Make It Rain you have to go to the strip club and use the Bands That Make Judy dance but you better watch out cuz Judy is currently throwing it back for a real one sorry about that basically you have to grab the cash from the table throw it on stage and the task is done now one of the main concerns that the judges had week one was that the movement was too slow and there was no sprint button so of course I added a sprint button and made it so you can move a little bit quicker but I also added the Black Thorn prod 3s when you equip the btp 3s you get a massive speed boost and jump boost essentially turning you into Sonic which ended up being pretty op in the game so I hid them behind a large 3D platforming section where you have to climb Vault and swing your way up a mountain I also added other things like a new particle effect for when you get knocked out I made the city a lot bigger I improve the graphics a bit and if I were to continue these are the things I'd want to add so I'd want to add more NPCs quirky little guys you know with different stories that intertwine with one another a goat simulator style point system where you get points for doing flips and I'd also like to add a big open area with like ramps and Ledges that you can use your your your fresh new btp 3s on and uh yeah that's about it as you probably guessed these videos are really expensive to create so we need to know if you guys the black th prod Community absolutely love this concept so that we can produce it again so make sure to like subscribe it's really a huge support if this video reaches 50,000 likes we'll immediately start a new game def competition and we'll raise the stakes even further with that said let's get back to the semi-finals last week I made this dream wish list of things that I wanted to get done and uh they kind of all happened so please forgive this double shot Yapp pecino that I am about to power wash into this video right now I started with this new UI that shows your Lantern levels and health and added wall climbing for some much needed verticality and a stamina system for Rog likee stuff we need an upgrade shop that means we got to get a modular stats system money the upgrades themselves and a shopkeeper the shopkeeper is old Redeye and he's on your side for profit the coins are called viatica which is the Latin name for the coins you bury with the dead red eye also does the tutorial so I designed 22 new upgrades wrote some chill music for the shop and things were feeling pretty good good then I got my twist Bui decided to give my little Victorian Crypt game the word computer it's okay man we're cool once the Panic stopped I started thinking my bosses are All Souls who craved immortality but failed and I already wanted a scientist so I remembered a love lace in 1800s mathematician credited with being the first computer programmer perfect so Augusta was born a character who wanted to create the infinite machine but she was robbed of credit and forgotten this area is her infinite machine complete with these Gearhead demons that just really won't quit with that sorted I needed level design and fast I decided to go for procedural generation which was terrifying since I'd never done that but long story short it happened and the algorithm's kind of cool finally I needed a UI for helping you review what powerups you have the smaller upgrades come as prayer beads and get strung together as you gain them the bigger ones are relics and you can just Mouse over to see what they do there are some hilariously broken builds possible already and I'm just getting started last I wanted some more music for this new era area in a fever dream between the hours of 2 and 4:00 a.m. last night I wrote These two piano pieces for the exploration and boss fight if I get to go on there will be more bosses more enemies more areas and more relics that will be even more unhinged than I am right now I started this week by adding a couple of mechanics to the player and doing some Polish so added running and reloading I added a pause button I replac the infection bar with a number I added feedback when the infection goes up and feedback when you use the syringe the enemy now has a delay on its attack so now it won't just slap you until tomorrow and added a camera shake when you get attacked and then the twist happened so my word for you is birds as in the animals birds so I made Birdman no wait that already exists man bird also while I was working on the texture for this lovely creature I accidentally made the regular enemy look even worse I reworked the entire level so it's not just a bunch of Senseless corridors modeled a handful of new props added a new key card reader and multiple key cards and the new goal for this demo the judges probably noticed the lack of red vials in this demo and the recipes list is also a little different with all this I just didn't have time to create the last recipe so here are all the promises that I probably can't keep if I make it to the next round adding the last recipe that will be my top priority a map because without the level layout can get a little confusing also in this demo you're just grabbing key cards for progress and it would be nice to have puzzles or at least a puzzle to break the monotony of just grabbing key cards that definitely a new gun this time polish the environment and add some more lore and again this game is really asking for Resident Evil style inventory but I'm not going to lie I've never made one and it will probably take me the entire week to make that so if I can somehow manage to do that I will but no promises on that one coder's game I thought it was really interesting that he changed the theme so drastically to space but I thought that it worked really well with how he was implementing his gameplay I liked what he did with the space travel I liked what he did with the random generation of the the planets with the change in his theme I think the link to momento Mory was even weaker than it was last week like I think he's going in an interesting Direction with his game but it but I didn't see the link to momento Mor anymore I really like the aesthetic of the game simple to the point the theme is there I like the new boss the random generation I really like the game I love the atmosphere the Indie feel and also how it plays really fun I also think his implementation of the new computer theme was very very well done easily the hardest second theme I'd say but he absolutely nailed it I also like how it's a Rog light now though the random level generation definitely isn't perfect there were moments where I simply got stuck not because I was bad at the game but it was physically impossible no I swear it was it was the game not me I liked what Bui added to the game I liked the pirate I lik The Twist that he added in and I liked the Sprint mechanic it was a lot more enjoyable to run around and play with the rag doll physics you know now that I wasn't going 2 mph Bui game I really liked it really cool editions but they were a little a little bit hidden I feel some of them were hard to find the I would have liked to see more you know more life in the town more NPCs characters cars moving around more there or or just a smaller town so the elements that are in the game are more condensed and therefore you you bump into more of them lean's bird enemies were very cool I like that whole introduction scene also still atmosphere wise is just amazing overall let's be real now I was a bit disappointed that the combat was still the bare minimum though originally I thought you were just meant to get hit with every fight as you're provided with medkits after every encounter but I learned that you can dodge their attacks by sprinting at the right moment even with that in mind though it's still like you know the combat isn't amazing or anything it's like a philosophical question there's so many things that you can grade these games on and it just depends on what what we want to emphasize we've come to a decision super hard there was a short moment where we were like is there a worlds where we just keep all four games for the final round we decided that was a very bad idea for the video so the first game to go through is dryden's game catacombs thank you we all felt that it was very well put together and well polished on on multiple levels there was it was difficult to really point out any one part of the game that fell flat enough to to criticize it too harshly there's three more developers luki coder Lian all three games were so different which made it so hard to come to the final decision but in the end we did the second finalist of this black from PR G of competition is lition thank you we've arrived at the finals Dryden versus liion who will win $10,000 place your bets as usual they have one week to make progress on their game let's start with Dryden first of all we have a new title disinherited in the story of the game you play as Samuel A young poet and the son of a banking Mogul his father Charles bodair has heard of a relic that can grant eternal life and descended into the catacombs to find it after a month he was pronounced dead at the will reading we find that Charles has cut Samuel out of the will and left everything to his cat saying that Samuel has wasted his 18 years of life and is unworthy to inherit the fortune Samuel vows his Revenge by saying that he's going to make everything of his life and descends into the catacombs after his father to claim The Relic that his father could not no spoilers but when I release this game which is official going to happen by the way the father and the cat might be making an appearance so here's what I added this week I started by adding a climbing up animation a Dodge roll and the quality of life platforming things like a jump buffer and coyote time then I got to work on the second boss Augusta is pretty humanized and empathetic so I wanted to reinforce the horror again with silus the doloris silus leads a cult that worships pain on the grounds that pain seems to extend time and therefore the perceived length of one's life his monks walk around hitting themselves in the head and throw planks at you you next I got my twist thrown back at me piracy my stretch goal was already to add another boss so I created udor the imperious in life he was a monster until he stole a relic that could Grant eternal life with the fine print that a Maelstrom would drag his ship into death's domain I also wanted to push the throw and catch mechanic further so I added a five shot cannon that you can yoink off these pirate enemies it's really too fun and his unique Relic is a hook that lets you accidentally get items for free from the shop hopefully that's enough piracy to qual ify I also wanted to give the player more opportunities for choice so in the shop there's now a bead Trader you give him two beads he gives you one that matches one of yours it helps out with planning your build and to reinforce the momento Mory theme a bit more there's now this momento system that lets you select one of three items that you had in your last run at the start of your next run it's getting late now so my plan is to just make a bunch of music and hope that I can get as much of it as I can into the game wish me luck okay the first thing I did was add the mythical last recipe the dark syringe it's a syringe that heals 100% of the infection and unlike others as soon as you interact with it it's automatically used once used you can choose from a list of abilities that unlock from the top down abilities like reducing the infection rate making the syringes reduce more infection when used or make the enemies do less damage among a few others the second thing I did was adding the shotgun I was actually able to program bullet spreading so making sure the enemy is close is key and I think it turned out really powerful I did some tweaking on floor a and now the elevator actually has buttons for you to go to different floors which means I made an entire new floor floor B I made these water tube things for the man bird and even made a jump scare with it then came the twist which was my previous twist to coder which was chaos not even a problem I added a subfloor to floor B called floor B2 which you go by accessing this hatch inside is a very long Corridor that opens up to this large room with a pull in the middle I'm sure nothing bad's going to happen good jump scare but maybe not chaotic enough how about this there are now also some checkpoints throughout the game so you don't have to start over if you die which means I had to make a safe system to make sure all the items and triggers don't appear or retrigger when you die or when you go back and forth between rooms this took a very long time unfortunately I didn't have time to add Maps the puzzle and lore but I still think these new additions are pretty spooky at least I hope so oh my it's a super difficult decision they're both really really good and they took the theme in really interesting directions uhoh I'm a dead end this is really bad okay that actually seems really good I'm going to give you this and this and then he's going to give me a jump bead for both games I was surprised by the scope they kind of just kept going and they started introducing new stuff shark hell no man I got theophobia galeophobia aqua phobia gimbo you want to play this next part for me this is so cool and then for Dryden I thought it was really cool how there were multiple properly functioning bosses that all feel unique we'll be revealing our vaults one by one starting with me and going through it that now there's a Twist there's not only five judges here but we also included the blankon pr community and our G of Rocket students to vote on their favorite creation to like where each judge has got basically a weight of one vote power the community they voted on their favorite game and they had a power of two meaning that in total there's seven votes so there can't be a draw I'm going to start my vote goes to dren's game disinherited I also feel that Dryden Incorporated the theme M the best although you guys both did an incredible job especially like the third theme um but yeah that's why there's [Music] more the games are so different like they are completely different genre wise gameplay wise everything is so different feels like we're comparing apples to oranges right after discussing for well a while my vote goes to lixian my vote went to the game that Drew me in with its depth of systems items characters replayability and charm so my vote is cast for dren's game disinheritance I think both your games are great and both have a lot of potential to be expanded further in the end my vote is going to lixian there's one more judge here it's Liam so my Vault goes to dren's game we're at three four disinherited two for immune Hearts but there's the community and they've got a weight of two so the votes based on the community 730% in the 70% and the winner of the second blank and PR competition goes to lition who made immune Hearts congratul ah thank you thank you oh my God my heart you're both ending up in 3 weeks with a steam game basically like really impressive work such learning experience um I was thinking maybe having you know the full steam release how how about you jden what's your what's your plan for the game well I I definitely want to release it I've kind of fallen in love with the concept and uh I want to keep developing it cuz there's so so much that I didn't get to put in that I wanted to so yeah I'm I'm definitely committed to a Full Steam release and I'm going to work as hard as I can to get there and that Mars the end of the second black th PR Game Dev competition what an honor to host such an event with these incredible game developers link to the work of all the judges and competitors can be found in the description so go and show them some love we have just gotten started guys we aim to create even more ambitious high stakes game of competitions so make sure to like the video subscribe to the channel when we reach 1 million subscribers will host an enormous Game Dev competition set in a medieval castle we'll invite our judges and Challengers at the actual location and host one of the most epic dramatic competitions you've ever seen so hit subscribe and start spreading the words if you also want to see an inspiring gamedev TV reality show thanks for watching stay tuned incredible things are going to come cheers
Channel: Blackthornprod
Views: 299,559
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blackthornprod, game dev competition, 6 DEVS Compete to Make the BEST GAME for $10000, codeer, thomas stewart, dualwielded, bewky, lixianTV, moonleafStudio, Strompy, game design, devlog, make a game, tournament, indie games, game dev reality show, cash prize, game jam, 6 devs
Id: f7yVXik-tqY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 21sec (2301 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2024
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