I Paid Game Developers on Fiverr to Make the Same Game

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so i'm sure you're familiar with fiverr if you're not fiverr is essentially a website where you can pay people for freelance services like graphic design animation and most importantly game development so i thought it would be a good idea to pay different game developers on fiverr to make the exact same game i would provide them all with the same game brief and it was up to them to make the game but before we get into the video a lot of you guys have asked me what software i use to make my games and the answer is game maker who have also sponsored today's video game maker is the fastest and friendliest cross-platform game development software out there whether you already create games or you're looking to start game maker is the software for you some of the biggest indie games out there such as undertale hyperlite and more have been made using game maker proving how powerful of a tool it is for game developers my favorite feature of game maker is that it's an all-in-one software meaning everything you need to do to make games can be done in the one software art coding game design it can all be done in game maker with no barrier to entry making game maker studio 2 the ultimate 2d development environment another feature that makes game maker special is their drag and drop system you can create a game without ever having to write code just choose what you need from their extensive library of events and actions to create any game you want game maker provides a wide range of both video and written tutorials for you as well so you can learn and create your game all in one place from endless runners to platformers to rpgs to classic arcade games the learning content has you covered you can also meet thousands of other game developers by joining game makers forums discord and reddit here you can talk to others about your favorite games learn from other game developers and most importantly get fixes to bugs in your game you can start your free trial of game maker studio 2 today using my link in the description i highly recommend you give game maker a try as it is personally my favorite way to make games and the game development software i use the most so start your free trial today and let me know in the comments what your favorite features are back to the video so here's the plan i was going to write up a brief for a game find three different fiverr game developers send them the brief and play and review the games when they arrive let's start with the game brief the endless runner genre has been a popular game genre over the past few years so i wanted to make one with guns the name of the game i wanted to create was gunner runner and the brief is as follows an endless runner platform game but with shooting elements whilst jumping over obstacles in an endless runner gameplay environment you also have a gun and can shoot enemies for extra points some enemies also have weapons and tried to shoot at you the game should get progressively harder as the run goes on please be creative please also use royalty free graphics assets or graphics assets you create and give me permission to use perfect so essentially an endless runner with shooting mechanics now that we've got our brief let's head on over to fiverr and see what we can find when i first started looking through the fiverr gigs i noticed a lot of them had something in common the starting app price would be pretty cheap especially for a game development gig however their first package was simply bug fixes if you wanted a game developed it would cost upwards of one thousand dollars however i tried contacting some of these sellers anyway but when i told them my budget for the project i didn't get a response however i eventually found someone that was interested i found a gig contacted the seller we agreed on ten dollars for my project requirements and with that our first order was made for the second order i found another gig that was ten dollars sent my offer the seller accepted and we had our second order for the third order the seller offered to do it for 25 and our third and final order was made within a week i had all three games back and i was ready to play [Music] all right so here we are with the first game endless runner so let's start by uh checking out how to play so don't run into blocks shoot uh enemies for extra points up to jump uh right to shoot and f11 for full screen perfect so let's start and uh give it a shot okay i like it so far so let's shoot nice and uh obviously a block so let's jump okay pretty simple pretty simple so essentially what it looks like is uh oh god this is gonna be tricky and we've died all right so uh we got our distance and we got our score so let's restart let's have another shot all right oh this is getting tricky nice so it looks like there's only one obstacle and that is this reoccurring block and uh obviously the monsters they're not really an obstacle they're just there for extra points you know the game's pretty simple but it does the trick it's pretty much what i asked for it's an endless runner with shooting mechanics the enemies don't really attack they're just there for points but that's cool as well but yeah overall pretty fun i'm about to hit a high score up there we go okay cool game one was called endless runner this game had a nice pixel art design and the game also got progressively faster and more difficult as time went on which helped with the gameplay the endless runner system was good the shooting worked well and overall the game was simple yet effective for only ten dollars this game was great as a possible prototype or starting point of a future project [Music] alright here we are with the second game gunner runner so let's press any key to start and let's give it a go so we can jump we can also shoot we can collect gems this is pretty good so far i see that our first enemy let's take him out i think it's oh okay i i just died but i respawned because i have a heart that's awesome again all right let's uh let's actually try to play i really like the endless run obstacles how they're sort of randomly generated that's pretty cool so let's uh do that continue playing on what i like about both the games so far is that the distance run is not exactly your score you there you can do other things to get more score so you can obviously kill enemies in this one and collect gems man this feels like a great arcade game like it feels like um it's got a consistent gameplay loop so you can basically keep playing for as long as you can maintain uh your heart so we've just died then as long as we collect another heart we can keep playing um which is great it's great for doing high scores and the variety in obstacles is really awesome so i like this one let's let's try to go for ten thousand see if we can uh get ten thousand all right we're down to one heart we've got a thousand uh a thousand points left that we wanna get um let's try to avoid as many enemy bullets as possible the game's actually getting faster i've noticed that's awesome so it does get progressively difficult it's almost like they took the brief and did everything asked for we got a new high score it wasn't quite ten thousand but that is awesome the thing i really like about this game is that it gets faster as it goes on which makes it increasingly difficult and yeah that was awesome game two was called gunner runner which was the name i requested and man this game was awesome this game felt polished with an overall consistent and clean art style great animations and a clean gui the endless runner level design was incredible with different platforming obstacles to constantly adapt to the shooting element was also great not only could you shoot enemies but they could shoot you back this meant you had something else to think about whilst playing not just the platforming obstacles this game would work great as a full release and for only 10 it was definitely worth it i might even turn this into a full game what do you guys think [Music] all right and here's the third game oh nice we're already straight into it so let's go for it um how do we shoot okay okay we hold down the arrow keys i am pretty sure what i need to do is uh run to each platform before it disappears and try to shoot as many enemies off as we can i think the enemies will just try to push us off or try to prevent us from going but they don't really hurt us or anything so we can we can just leave him there and we can all hang out i've just fallen off i've just fallen off all right let's uh let's go again actually we're gonna shoot him off anyway because you know why not that's uh that's the point of the game i like the shooting ability it's pretty cool all right you know what i'm happy with a high score of 14 that works game three was called runner shooter and this game had a unique approach to my request essentially different platforms spawn endlessly with enemies that try to kill you and you have to keep running to new platforms before your current platform disappears you can also shoot enemies to knock them off the platforms and for each platform you survive you get a point the game gets progressively difficult as the old platforms disappear faster and faster as the game progresses with more enemies spawning too this game felt very clean with a nice design and a unique gameplay experience for only 25 this project was incredible as a starting point for a hyper-casual mobile game so those were our three games from fiverr if you enjoyed this video and want more fiverr videos leave a like what did you guys think of the games let me know in the comments and if you're new to the channel you can also subscribe on screen now i've got some videos you may enjoy so feel free to check those out and uh yeah peace [Music]
Channel: BadGameDev
Views: 3,392,105
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BadGameDev, I Made a Game, Game Development, Game Dev, Game Making, Making a Game, GameMaker Studio 2, Unity, Godot, How to Make a Game, I Paid Game Developers on Fiverr to Make the Same Game, Fiverr, Fiverr Game Development, Fiverr Challenge, I Paid People on Fiverr, Fiverr I Paid
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 48sec (588 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 25 2021
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