100 Illegal Houses In Minecraft!

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these are 100 of the most illegal bases of all time starting with notice something off about this desert what if I told you there's not one but three secret bases right here so if you place a texture map inside an item frame and place it like so it makes your secret entrance look exactly like a cactus all right Chase there are genuinely three secret bases and all you have to do is find one of them and you don't have to break anything what do I get you get my Riz all right wait I got to find it before you give it to me okay yeah what do you think it is by the way huh do you think it has something to do maybe with the sand the bushes the cactus maybe none of them the cactuses really stand out this is not something in the water what about the water I don't know you tell me all right that's it like this video of Chase's blind I mean I I feel like it should be a little bit more quick Hint it has something to do with the cactus chase you have 30 seconds otherwise you know what 30 seconds how are there three places in here uh uh no no don't chase all I'm saying come here go all I'm saying buddy this my dog's name you better find this freaking secret base or this guy is about the literally experience I love my boy River it's going to be okay it's going to be okay River you're literally in between two of them I'm listen Preston hear me out wait wait that's not a real Cactus tell me you found it tell yes I found it oh my gosh is River okay yeah he's fine can you just put some water down or something like that what oh going to go to the next PA so picture this you stumble into the in Portal room what's your first instinct probably to jump in the portal right but hold on what if you jump in without lighting it boom it's the one and only hidden passage to your base your friends are not going to expect this one I will tell you right now this secret base is somewhere in the stronghold and again you don't have to break any blocks I'll start looking don't look at me Chase don't let this secret base have a stronghold on you please so I can't I can't I can't destroy any blocks yeah maybe okay like think about this Chase right you stay right there like think about the pois okay inside of a stronghold You' got like what the library you've got the jail rooms you've got the end portal room like maybe it's in one of those there's no like road map they're always different maybe go explore here just see did can I trust you yes all right okay okay okay all right all right there Go books books what would Ty Lopez say Preston knowledge knowledge nice do you think it's in the library if not I'll teleport you to the next location no no I I let me let me investigate a little bit more all right no no you already said it's not in the library I'm teleporting you there's some enchanted books I didn't say that all second location I would you to tell me if the bookcases have I'm set the timer for 60 seconds set minute no wait this wait okay let me know you want to go to the next Boi I'm ready wait wait wait wait it has to be in the well I actually forgot about the well but it's not the well I'm a little I'm going to teleport you to the last and final location all right this this this is it dude this is it oh no press it press it oh wait I'm in creative mode what am I what am I kidding wait it has wait I know where I know where it's at I know where where wait does he actually know no if you actually know where it is please we would love for you to show us like just demonstrate it I know let me cook you doing wa what you let me cook Preston I'm coming I said it was somewhere in the stronghold how did you suffocate okay maybe it's in the lava yes time did I get it yeah you definitely got it man oh dude the lot the amount of time it took you to find this was illegal wait did I did I did I beat the time though no I'm sorry you did not beat the time using a goat horn is a great way to annoy your friends but did you know you can actually use it as a secret pass Cod make sure to place redstone with a skull sensor like this and you have yourself a super hidden base okay chase this is easy all right you get three attempts but one of these items opens the door to the secret base what happens if I pick the wrong item then you don't get in the base no that's not base now pick your first item and use it all right all right I'm going to you know trust my heart first C pickle you're go yeah put it down come on work baby well okay now you have two more attempts you can choose that's it I'm clearing your inventory banned absolutely banned from pickles Please Subscribe if you think pickles are awful they are disgusting they're disgusting okay second item I okay I only have oh my I'm sorry that's fine no pick up all the items pick up all the items and only use your second item oh it could be a sound detecting thing and I could play a goat horn but then at the same time I could do the same thing with a shul treer I'd see it dude all right I'm going to listen you know how much I love my go horns are you locking goat horn I'm locking in the goat horn okay and you're sure I didn't do reverse psychology and put that item in there so that way you would fail cuz I know you use it literally in every video I think you did you did reverse reverse psychology let's see if it is reverse reverse psychology 3 2 1 what did do it it was yeah it was the go horn but this does not mean that you are the goat just want to make that very clear yeah but can we just the interior here Prest I know it's secret it's kind of tacky I just and I mean listen the barrels in between the chest dude like I don't know are you losing your touch when it comes to builds and this next base uses one of your friends's greatest weakness patience if you walk on this pressure plate to open the door you'll see nothing special in this room but the trick is to stay on the pressure plate for a long time and voila secret room open simple but genius welcome to the next secret base Chase I will give you a hint all you need to do is apply pressure pressure okay so I'm assuming it's probably okay please I will tell you right now it has something to do with the house there is nothing L there's nothing to do with this grass pleas again I'm giving you three tries otherwise guys literally he will make this go on for forever well okay I'm just going to start with the little balcony Preston the uh redone block and the the I would say lever but I'm going to say like you the lever all right let's see does the lever open is this wait does this count as a try yes it does okay all right all right oh I'm scared he has chosen the lever and it has not worked no that didn't no no no Ser you literally Tak 20 seconds to click a dude I didn't just keep going go all right I get I still have three attemp is running thin after your second attempt I will give you another hint okay okay so if this is an observer then I might need to put something on top of it no no blocks need to be broken no blocks need to be placed but but not place I can drop it right no drop no block no place you just all you need is yourself to activate it that's why is there a button don't worry about it yeah no no all right you have one attempt left it is not inside the house it is outside the house and remember I gave you a hint you need to apply pressure okay outside the house okay uh pressure plate BR did you just teleport me I'm trying to help you but there you I mean there's no way you teleported me straight to the pressure plates maybe I did maybe I didn't no not that one oh wait wait there was a delay there there oh he thinks he's found something let SP cook okay well now I now he any day now right wait what wait yes no wait yes do we this at this point just let me in no let me in please maybe you apply pressure for long enough I I'm not even counting that one I'm not counting that one no we're going right over to the next bace that did not count H I'm taking all this stuff though yes oh wait I'm in Creative dang it this hidden base is the ultimate hiding spot break through bedrock with a redstone Contraption like this then use some boats and leads to make your very own base under the void this one is totally illegal baby shark you didn't hear that right sir find the secret base okay again no blocks required to be broken but you do need an item to get to the secret base this is this a metaphor for you hitting Bedrock no you have hit Bedrock my friend with finding these bases I've got most of them oh no creative no creative mode you do need an item but there is no Redstone involved all right gosh you need an item that helps you with your movement movement why there's why there but there's buttons everywhere you can do there's no way I believe no this is this is you're you're getting me off the trail I know I I yeah I'm definitely getting you off the trail yeah can you let me a a a pickaxe real quick there's diamonds Chase come on you're even I know we're in creative mode but like just are you are you give me a hint what do you have you have a date tonight why why are you so okay well yeah that's there's no way that's it okay let me just keep looking uh you literally have your first item that's the only item you need to use to get to the secret base and I will say this you do not need to glitch through any walls all right like with the elytra no weird glitches or anything like that all right well you know what they say in Toy Story right to infinity and and be yes ow ow okay it's not above it is below it's below below below below below below below have you maybe seen a hole somewhere like right here look at this beautiful are you saying it's I don't know where you I just hear voices where are you wait wait oh use your yes he is getting hotter no getting hotter are you really are you messing with me is this really the way you just have to be careful you can't fall too deep okay cuz the void will start ticking I'm nervous well I'm going to help you get over those fears the same way my dad helped me learn how to swim oh oh wait there's a boat oh wait a second wait a second now I will say you have to land on it very carefully otherwise it will crumble okay now I can do this I can do this what is this like that's a a death trap no it's a secret base it's like a reverse Treehouse basically maybe slow down maybe maybe you should try to enter the boat maybe you should right click a both that's what I'm trying to oh chuggles no chuggles and now you know why this base is illegal you notice something off about this forest and no it's not the lever right here I'll give you 3 seconds to spot it did you see it this right here is actually the secret entrance to the base how sick is that if you place a map inside an item frame and place it on the ground like so it makes your base invisible to see if this house is truly invisible and illegal I need to see if my friend can figure it out in 60 seconds okay uh and there's no mods there's no mods the coolest thing about this entire video is everything is vanilla which means you can do it right now what about this lever over here that can't be it I don't know I mean FL it okay I'm going to give you 10 seconds starting now what okay you can see my name tag below you maybe that's a pretty good hint maybe is it around the fence okay yeah my assistant is not helping me no no no no no can I flick it here no I'm dang it bro what's the what and that was just our first illegal house now we're going to go to the next one this base is impossible to blow up Let Me Explain If you place stairs outside your log them like this then even a million TNT won't be enough to blow this up you have an infinite inventory of TNT you can use as much TNT as you would like all right bet let it cook all right I got a lot of TNT going down over there man H wait oh you I bet you didn't think I was going to place TNT on the ceiling huh go in creative mode place as much TNT as you want come on how how much time do I have like 20 seconds yeah it sounds like you just made that up but let's go no no server help him out server spawn him some more T I don't need no server help there you go what the heck that what uh what just happened what was that oh no I only take damage if I get close to the walls but if I'm in the middle of my base I take no damage this is insane how are you alive I blew it didn't I I'm standing on the next illegal base because for some weird reason in Minecraft if you stand on top of a Sher box right click it you phase right through it and you can make an illegal house that simple all right Chase I've made this one intentionally easy what you see you are very hot you're warm uh well I see a shulker box nothing's in the shulker Box wait it's like I have an idea if I stand on it yes no no no okay that's it this house is officially not illegal anymore I'm moving this to the next one do you see the next illegal base I'll give you 3 seconds that's right it's the stone directly behind us this is a one-way spy house so from the inside of this house I can literally see everything but will chase be able to find me all right we made a really popular hideand-seek video on the Preston IRL Channel around this okay that's so many and it's ins it's something inside the cave okay um I see Iron Coal like are you like really trying or you just like you role playing for Content definitely uh definitely role playing hardcore right now seriously where is it uh Preston I don't see anything fine oh you know what I'm going to threat to blow up this whole cave tell me or I'm going to blow it up Preston tell me where it's at I am you're very cold that's all I'm going to say you're nowhere near me okay fine then I'm going to blow this up and it's going to make it hot just like hitting that like button let's go baby are we going wasn't that sick though honey blocks have a crazy secret about them because they're actually a little bit smaller than other blocks you can shoot through them meaning you can create a secret entrance by using Arrow like this shooting a Target block and then opening up an entrance to your Secret Base come on like tell me this isn't illegal and because of their size you can actually land on another blocks and then you go here and then finally to the secret base I'm going to give you a couple of items you got to figure out how to open the secret entrance to this base okay arrows bow oh oh okay oh press this is there's a there's a Target block of what now what what oh what what wait wait what happened I I heard something I don't hear it what the okay I can't tell if you're messing with me or not like there's no way you're actually this bad um no dud I've been playing Minecraft since pre-alpha I know what I'm doing Jas please everybody in the comments is screaming I'm screaming everybody please yell at Chase in the comments right now this is brutal see you later I'm CH enough baby that took away too long that was only the first part of the secret base now we go to the more difficult part I don't think you're going to be able to figure this one out like this is illegal for a couple of reasons because I can't say that no Bees were harmed in the making of This base that's why it's illegal puns are done and I am going to have some funs are you going to jump or what are you just going to sit there and flap all day something okay so I'm assuming I can't break the honey I can't break it okay uh okay I'm just going to try to oh oh there we go there we go I messed up already didn't I come on stop it how do you do it so look Chase when you get here like this watch out for the top lock you can hit your head you got to like time it and then jump around it what if I can't even get there ah skill issue if you eat a chorus fruit you will teleport randomly but did you know you can use this as an illegal way to enter a base build an entrance into a fake base but make sure to place the carpet on the stairs like this and you have yourself a super secure hidden base go through the painting okay now you want to stand right here eat the chorus fruit and Bam literally you Tepe into the secret base I freaking love secret bases I hope you guys love secret bases as much as me it's one of my favorite things in Minecraft oh by the way so for the secret base you're going to need a few of these okay chorus fruit did you just what' you call it what chorus it's like chus say Chipotle CH hey can we get some after this uh I'm eating the chorus fruit no why would you be right here you dummy hey hey maybe it's something to do with the chests maybe it's something to do with this smoker hey oh painting okay Mr watch this okay I'm going to bust right in there three two one what wait really that's it BR no whoa whoa whoa this is not it buddy this is not if you think this is it you're cooked yeah this wait I'm going to eat this fruit and see where it takes me come on come on oh let's go no okay this one was a little bit obvious right like a little bit obvious of course the easiest way to camouflage your base is to hide it behind a wall but there is one problem with that players can easily watch you and dig through themselves and every time you enter your base you need to close it up behind you which is super annoying the only way to get into this base is to have an efficiency 5 netherite Pickaxe mine through the Cobblestone while holding W and you get inside right chase is on the case what am I looking at e am I hearing what are you doing to that pig you don't want to know Preston what happens behind clo stone is staying behind Clos Stone he okay well I have a wooden pickaxe so I'm just going to start mining around this obsidian there's a perfect doorway oh oh Preston I thought in see you wait oh yeah wait wait hold on you're missing an item you need a you need an ender pearl server give him ender pearl server right now oh my hey say please give me an Ender ender pearl dude Ser okay okay okay chill chill daddy chill okay I got this i got this let me just okay and get it okay wait how do you how am I supposed to do that oh wait H off hand put in my off hand oh brother we're going to be here for an hour aren't we compress it come on move move I'm not moving no no no I'm I'm a rock I'm a rock what if I told you it's possible the pickaxe no it's not wait do I do the bottom I'm doing the bottom what the heck rested you said no mods what are you doing man there's no mods in here dude it's just a giant generational Redstone Contraption server give him a netherite pickaxe server okay ask politely server can I get a netherite pickaxe please oh oh yes is that what you did yeah but I have efficiency 5 the secret entrance only works if you actually do something illegal in the real world because to get into this base you have to strip down completely naked and then it opens up but it only works if you're wearing a gold set of armor first if you set up Redstone like this and then turn the Lecter to page eight then you ditch your clothes the door will magically swing open for you once you take them off in front of it all right I'm going to give you that all you need are these four pieces of armor to get inside the secret base and I'll even tell you that this is the secret entrance obviously right here wait what's that noise uh just skull sensors don't worry about it what are you doing you're just going to stand there wait wait wait what does Patrick say open sesame yeah maybe you should talk to it open oh it's an audio thing to get inside of this base you have to do something illegal well it's illegal in the real world but it's not illegal in Minecraft uh not hitting the Subscribe button that has potential to be illegal but this is like genuinely illegal to do in real life like if you did this in real life you would get a lot of jail time what wait what I just how did you know wait why did you know why is your first instinct to take your clothes off like I that's always my first instinct Preston picture this you stumble upon this inconspicuous looking house in your game and what is your first instinct you'd probably come in here and just pass on it maybe leave but if you throw an ender pearl perfectly straight down at the lava into the fake trash you teleport into your secret base with all of your diamonds and emeralds come in dude come on oh you're going to need some of these by the way look at that gross face up there bro who whoa whoa hey those are my people all right well I'm an expert ender pearl thrower so all I got to do is make it inside your mouth oh let's go okay uh new attempt ow just right inside your eye I mean mouth let's go got it wait that's it that's not it no that's not it come on Preston what oh there's a button up here in a trash can anything that oh more pearls I'll take all these maybe ender pearl in the lava okay I don't think it's okay I'm going to flip one up and then click this button wait Preston where did you oh my I will give you all of my diamonds if you can figure it out in 10 seconds all right I'm all right I'm going no way you did that on your first try di these are my diamonds baby yes this regular dirt block looks totally normal nothing special right grab your closest hoe dig a tiny hole and voila you can hide a secret lever to open your hidden base oh here's your tip scatter these sneaky levers around like confetti but make the rest of them trigger traps all right I got my hoe all you got to do is you something you are okay okay uh you're not really giving me any hints here is that your base over there well I mean there is a sign that says right here not a leave to a secret base what the are you kidding me you know you wouldn't make it that obvious what if I flip it flip it around no what are you wait do I have to watch this this is going to work boom okay now I can't tell if you're actually me are you are you for real uh yeah I'm just meing around bro just what do you you ho oh hey look at him go okay yeah but do I have to hoe everything there's only one block you need to hoe oh my out of all these grass blocks Chase you're triggering me right now oh dude this is actually painful like I I don't cringe often yes what you literally jumped on the Stag Mite My Guy what's the giveaway how are you supposed to know it's next to a tree come on there's only like six trees come on man this is so obvious like it's it's painful it's painful yes oh first try baby right post right this is the classic secret painting base but these days everybody knows about these secret bases and that's exactly why we're using this to our advantage if we place a pressure plate here and a block above it we can actually block players from jumping in forcing you to know the secret code of throwing an item inside of the painting here you go you need some of these yes yes for some reason jce has an unnatural obsession with Pickles in real life and also in Minecraft we really can't explain it I love sea pickles because it reminds me of you so I'm going to start breaking in the house yeah why don't you figure out the secret entrance no take your time I got to pee anyways so take your time okay so Preston's peeing right now so I am going to do everything that I can't do technically nice little button yes okay and then that should have opened this okay so I climb up here I look at the the button is there two listen press and P's for a long time so I have some good amount of time [Music] left oh guys I'm running out of time okay what happened I literally was like that was like a 3 minute PE what the what is oh it's a sensor it's a sensor okay oh that was the hint yes yes finally dude oh my God SE pickles this one is top tier let's be real most hidden bases are not exactly hidden if someone can just break in with a few blocks right but fear not our next trick is as brilliant as it is hilarious place a pressure plate on a Target block and pack it in with blocks now move that Target super far away and voila your secret entrance opens up from a 100 blocks away it's like having a secret base on the man move the target block far away and voila you have your secret entrance right here all I'm going to say is that there is a target block somewhere and you can see it from where I'm standing got it I no I am not the target block oh okay now while you try to figure this out let me go grab some water stop leaving me I'm out of water dude I'm thirsty oh don't that's are we sure it's not Preston oh I found it if I can come on I'll get it okay Preston I found it but I can't hit it oh wait oh oh you finally see it now don't you Preston you want to shoot it for me give give me that give me that I got you lower you got it wait okay you hit it now what wait wait wait keep open no okay how long of a delay is it no oh my that's it we're moving on to the next legal house imagine you stumble into this base there seems to be some strange frames on the wall but you realize it's a redstone torch puzzle your instincts tell you to solve it to uncover the hidden entrance and guess what you do causing the entrance to actually open but then that's where the real twists happen well well well Chase what is your first instinct here I'm assuming there's some sort of uh pattern I have to put in these torches so I'm going to try all of it pointing up oh okay that's actually a pretty good idea this okay then I'm going to try all down listen there's a lot of options we might be here all day okay I'm going to go ahead and dissolve the first two for you all right okay but I was right right and in the idea yep yeah yeah yep come on there we go all right easy now you got to find the secret base was it the secret base no it was there's a base within a base that's pretty B yeah I was going to make that joke you know what else is based buying fire merch from firem merch.com I'm not even wearing any right now I'm wearing my Jimmy Mr Beast Goes to Jail shirt so since I helped you plug fire merch can I get a hinty please all I'm going to say is this is where the magic happens W oh I see I see a little if I join you in bed I'm telling you the fan fictions are going to go crazy write us a fanfiction in the comments nope nope don't do that I think I found your TR card Preston wait how am I supposed to what the uh wait how did you wait what how I how did you you I got to say this secret base is highly effective cuz even if you know where it is you still can't can't even get in is it effective if you can't get in your own house oh I can get in trust me in Minecraft 1.20 they added an amazing new item called the calibrated skull sensor a deep dark device that's activated by sound making it almost like invisible Redstone if I eat this button here watch as the skull sensors go off and trip this ender pearl thousands of blocks away we're going to put our we're going to put our ender pearl right over here and then we're going to leave this bad boy in stasis just like that this is our secret base thousands of blocks of away with our ender pearl already in stasis right over here next to our calibrated skull sensor if I eat any piece of food right over here watch the magic you got to figure out where the secret base is because something's about to happen to me oh there it is no I wasn't looking oh no that is so crazy all right anyways J have fun you're never going to get in this base so I might as well go do the outro here no no don't do I'll find it I'll find it yeah I uh genuinely I don't think you're going to find me so I'm going to just uh I'm GNA leave it's 5:00 and it's time to go home it's come on don't oh Preston Preston Preston you think I wasn't going to see this he just disappeared right here maybe I eat oh man it's getting late oh it's getting late maybe have to make noise in the gravel activate the sensor okay I can only click so many pieces of stuff so maybe I put the mutton in the [Music] water server are you telling me to find the base chase you got 60 seconds I'll give you a hint I'm standing right next to it okay you're standing over it right now oh dude you're so warm wait I heard a noise yes how did you break the egg in one hit because I can smell Turtles Wherever I Go Preston all right what do you rate it 4.75 we can do better I bet you didn't know you could build a secret illegal base using nothing but shulker boxes the shulker boxes vanish after a 100 blocks of distance where you can't even see them so if you're all the way down here like you can't even see the base uh uh you know what that first uh base that I found is kind of underwhelming Preston the secret base is somewhere inside of this border how long how long do I have I'm not going to time you for this bad boy okay um where do you think the base is do you think it's up or do you think it's down well now that you said up I mean no nothing I don't think it's up it has to be down wait I'm going to give you a little bit of a hint and Chase look down okay now look up what the are you in creative mode what is this am I standing on barrier blocks or something else I'm assuming it's barrier blocks come come build up build up I swear if I get up there and you just push me off I'm not going to do that I would not do that what how wait was this out of out of Sher boxes can't be viewed once you get 100 blocks away from them you just can't see them this is 10 out of 10 I no idea these hidden waterfalls are all over mountains in Minecraft but did you know you can swim up one and make a secret base inside it's so basic and soap vanilla but it's perfect bro this is so freaking cool am I in the right spot pred there's a secret base somewhere you got to find it wait I I can't find you Preston I'm literally right behind you oh jeez oh my gosh did you make this mountain no this is a naturally generated Mountain h i don't believe the water falls no this is fake it's something in the water oh okay okay he thinks it's something to do with the water uh-huh I think it's going to be one of those hidden chests behind a water that open up a door youd have to start in chase you got to start swimming in it like this all right it's this one I know it I smell it oh he's thinking it's this one yeah it's yes it is okay but would you have known that though honestly no all right what's the rating 7 7.2 the hidden boat room you need a boat to get into the secret base all you have to do is build a corner like this and you're done that's genu L all you have to do look at this look at this boom Oh that's freaking crazy you just have to be careful though you don't want to see the corners through the wall bring in the chase okay bro this one is actually freaking nuts so if you can figure it out everybody can dislike the video but if you can't they have to like the video that's how confident I am in this illegal house buddy this whole video is at stake with this one illegal house all you have to know is no hints no hints no hints this time oh my gosh okay I've never seen him so intense about this okay a bunch of boats m is a boat oh Preston I don't act like you know this dude I had no idea this existed no no no no no no I used to do this in uh in in uh in uh roleplay servers watch this wait oh I saw a little thing I saw a little thing I'm about to clip into the wall dude this is in the back rooms my guy watch this watch this let me cook and Dismount no I'm giving you three more tries at this point okay maybe it's in here okay it's somewhere between the lanterns my guy it's near the lanterns are you sure it's it's not clipping I don't need a clip you told me not to give you any freaking hint and I regret it that's one of your tries you got two left uh I know I'm trying here what the heck what you okay summoning the boat Army are you ready Preston okay I'm ready for greatness show me greatness 3 2 yes yes get disliked get disliked you freaking knew it the whole time didn't you no I didn't what are you rated Chase 8.9 that's pretty good this is the illegal spy base why is it the illegal spy base because if you set up note blocks with redstone like so and if you play the correct melody in the perfect order your secret room will open I'm going to wager again this time I'm wagering if you get it right everybody can unsubscribe but you get it wrong they have to subscribe so all I'm going to say is there's a secret code with these note blocks and rather than spamming them you get three [Music] tries okay that's one that's one try it's a specific order wait with five different note blocks there could be like 100,000 different that's why you get three tries and ah all right that's two is this personalized did you come this is your last attempt this is your last attempt what if I do the the first and the last on the outsides or should I do the insides oh he's trying to play a little game with me huh so I'm going to do the second from each side ah and ah can I get one more attempt one more attempt all right one more I give you one more okay if I stare hard enough I think I can smell it one you're already wrong what I got to remember actually the order the order I think is Boom Boom boom yay it's one two four I got to give this like a 8.4 that's despicable head out to the snow biome dig straight down and make a house now build back up with scaffolding and cover the hole of snow making a perfectly invisible entrance I I actually like forgot where I put it is it this one oh it's this one dude this is nuts bring him in welcome to Ho gamer ooh you Star Wars reference I I did I I think it was kind of Hoy there's wood there's wood there's wood okay that was actually that was not supposed to happen um no no no no no it counts it counts dude I'll even help you out bro I'll give you a shovel wait I can I can dig I think this would actually be really fun if the durability on the shovel breaks you lose okay come on come on I should have given a gold shovel what was I doing you want me to find it don't you no no maybe I don't maybe I don't okay how big is this barrier block well I have to see how big this barrier block is what the how much are abilities in that shovel shoot oh I have one more dig oh I have one more dig bro you should maybe it's your last dig on me oh my God I didn't think it was going to break dude Chase come here come here you know what dude you were literally one block off what that no no no no no oh is this not sick oh this is great all right give us the rating listen I was going to give a good rating but brown bed sheets that's kind of cringe dude it looks like someone pooped in bed uh Ian 6.9 I server kill him no no don't don't thank you server thank you since Chase hated the snow scaffolding secret base I decided to stay within the snow biomes and build it inside the Ice Bike biome all you have to do is just hollow out the middle and throw some powdered snow in front of the door and you're literally done okay I think it's right right here yes yes dude come on man usually I hate powdered snow cuz I always like fall through it and die but for an illegal base is actually perfect and I know it's going to make Chase get triggered which is why I love it even more oh this is going to be an nice one yeah no I it's somewhere in the powdered snow everybody knows you take damage when you stay in the snow yeah I knew that so if you are in the snow for 7 Seconds you will die but you got to find the base in the powdered snow somewhere well I'm assuming it's right where you went well hey careful bro that's 2 seconds get out get out get out get out I'm going I'm leaving I'm just powdering my nose oh wait wait is this it no no no oh cold cold c c c c c c c oh okay okay maybe it's on the other side of here where the heck are you going dude no oh no no no oh I'm stuck lost you're hot you're actually really hot no oh oh oh problem it's right freaking here dude oh my oh it's small it's it's a little esimo Hut uh rate it rate it rate it I'm going to give it a three server kill him welcome to the instant home this looks like a normal patch of land but what if I told you that you're looking at an illegal base if you ho this dirt a redstone sequence will create a base out of thin air all right Chase to find the base for once you got to use your hoe what did you call me you no you got to use your hoe to find a base hey uh Scott can you come in here don't call my brother-in-law it's near here okay it's near a pumpkin or it's near a compost okay near why you just breaking everything dude I'm not doing that bro oh oh what do we see here Chase what was that what was that what was that oh oh oh enchanting okay okay okay so you see a sliver of the base but how do you you get in M wait I can get in with a hoe wait I see Pistons I see Pistons Preston well you got a limited use on this bad boy careful dude oh shoot why is gold so sucky yeah why is gold so bad okay near a compost oh let him cook let him cook can I get inside if I'm be honest with you chase I forgot where it is how am I supposed to get in I don't know that's a great question okay so you're at wait he finds another piston how much durability you got left oh shoot I have less than half okay let me just oh I broke it I broke the golden ho ho no mo for Chase I think it was this one are you wait one hoe did that that crazy boom instant secret base huh what the I'll give it a better rating uh honestly hey hey don't forget it involved hose with hose involved I'm going to give it a 9.1 we'll take that stop I'm giving you 5 Seconds to figure out where this next illegal base is it's somewhere in the village if you said it was inside of one of the vill homes you would actually be incorrect it's actually in probably the most obvious spot in the entire world the well yeah it's so simple but it's so good come on the beauty is it's so obvious that I don't even think Chase will know exactly where it is and your friends on your server probably won't either I'm ready to find this illegal base comrade Chase BLS you have five th I I will make you proud uh I will check this one first hey hey you don't got to break nothing you don't even got to flick nothing there's no red stone this is as vanilla as they come I don't believe you I'm I'm thr okay that is now two structures my friend no I did not open door I just looked through window key word I said structures I didn't say houses oh my all right all right I'm droing I'm dropping the accent I'm getting for real this would be a structure houses would be a structures Wells would be a structur I didn't think you'd find it that fast well that was a bad illegal house and what is the rating of this out of well three it's a three all right server Dr the secret house thank you server you place magma blocks and chain fence down like this and then cover them up you can actually make your very own Electrical Fence and even though it's not technically electrical it feels like an electrical fence whenever you get close to it wo wo lava okay this one's a little bit less secretive but let's see if you can get through the fence all right first I'm going to jump I'm just going to try to he's take me back take me back all right okay that didn't work okay come on come on this is like a three block jump two block jump but why does oh it's a MAG it's oh oh is he realizing it now but if I shift on it can I jump from here no I can't PR give me a r give me a rope quick please all right this is your final attempt come on wait there's trees nearby okay I have an idea all you need is a wooden pickaxe to get in I promise can I break the carpet only thing you're allowed to break is the fence gotcha oh is he learning now there we go there we go I'm breaking the fence nothing's happening okay well you can come in now oh wait oh oh does that count do that look cool yeah we're going to make this one count it's a it's a negative -2 out of 10 what it's not secretive the hidden lava curtain take a look at this room there are all sorts of cool lava designs on the walls but there's a trick even if you realize the illegal house is hidden behind the lava curtain you have to decide is it the mouth the ride eye or the left eye This legal base almost as hot as our merch okay okay we're going to ring chase you do get one ender pearl that's it what this is probably our biggest base okay let me just inspect everything okay okay let me just I just need to take all this oh oh he sees something oh he's hot oh you're hot but no no no no no no more TNT for you we okay yeah no more TNT for me Chase you're hot right now wa second oh wait a second wait a before you throw that Pearl all I'm going to say is Choose Wisely what okay so it's either your eye your other eye eye or your mouth do you remember I just told you chase that I have to get glasses what is this Who Wants To Be A Millionaire jeez okay um which eye is a good eye which one do you remember which eye of mine is bad all right and this is it no was it the left prove it prove it what the maybe next time you'll pay better attention to me if I give you a good rating can I join you yes uh five well I'm definitely not let you in now that's a terrible rating your mind probably doesn't go to bees being the first thing to protect your legal house but they make for a perfect mob to actually guard your house the trick is when you step on these pressure plates the bees below will be activated but if you remain calm and don't Smack the bees they won't actually attack you however I have a feeling when you walk in a house with a bunch of bees spawn you're probably going to want to fight back cuz you're freaking out uh this one's pretty easy chase you saying that makes me feel like I need to avoid something I've used something in an illegal way inside of this house but depending on how you interact with it it will be illegal or not illegal you're making me nervous man you got to just go in just walk in look I'm just going to just touch it I'll go in with you let's go no no 3 2 1 go let's go oh gosh oh the are they wait are they aggressive PR he passed the challenge what is that oh why would you smack fly my be fly not the Beast hey chase you just got to be you but not We Wrong Channel now you can rate the house wa just for the effort I'm going to give you a 7.9 if you attach Redstone to elcon you can make a hidden room open up but only after you get to the last page in the Lector and bonus points if you put something really boring inside I'll let you see what that is once Chase figures it out all right what was our favorite commercial on YouTube growing up Chase uh Ty Lopez oh knowledge knowledge that's your head okay so candles that what is it why there are no knowledge in the candle dude well no no because you light a candle when you need to have enough light to read to read H is it up here yo Don't lecture me what oh listen if I read that book it's going to put me in a weird spot no it's not just read the book it's beautiful be movie by Jerry Seinfeld narrator black screen with text the sound of oh go she going read the thing I made a mistake I made a mistake no way to the last page like in the middle last that last page whoa don't forget to like and Subs subscribe wait what is this wait yeah wait PR can you stand right here uh where just like right here for me real quick yeah I can why okay there we go hey yo ah dang it hey you trying to suffocate me Preston you're not going to like my rating for this all right that's it that's it I'm locking you in there you can come out when you read the whole script all right I'm giving this a one though because everyone's going to flip to the last page that's a great movie this three house looks really normal but what if I told you it was completely indestructible let's be honest we know how much Chase loves his TNT if you water log all the leaves like so and place water in the ceiling then nobody can blow up your base I don't care how big their TNT cannon is or how much TNT they have they ain't getting in and in case they do try to mine The Treehouse I've got a surprise from them all right Chase what items do you have right now do you just have a TNT oh finally that's right baby I'm actually giving you the option to blow this up wait you didn't even look at the house before you ignited the TNT oh gosh wait is this like in is this impenetrable oh buddy yeah that's right you cannot impregnate this house uh watch me okay okay he's going one TNT oh looks like nothing happened dude maybe maybe you're losing your edge with your TNT buddy oh he's going on the top oh lotud this one's good P oh he's going from the bottom okay okay I like this this is going to work oh wait there's a beehive this is a trap too all I'll break it I'll break it I'll break it oh wait that's not going to work what the oh he's trying dude he's trying okay this is it oh Preston okay okay oh what this is it this is it this let me in see yes oh you kind of get in and I get laser beamed up and then I'm oh still not in what now Chase have you tried maybe using a pickaxe to get in that might work you didn't give me a pickaxe well come over here all right wait I I didn't try this all right all right mining yes yes I didn't tally oh it didn't work the way it was supposed to there's a command block whenever you mine the the leaves that it summons crazy TNT so it's not vanilla zero out of 10 terrible base you should probably be arrested for how legally stupid this is this is ridiculous dude 0 out of 10 bro leave the base alone we saved the best for last this is the Death House house so impossible to find that your friend wouldn't find it in a million years because the way that you get into this house is you actually have to die like gentlemen this is the most illegal house we have ever created and it's all vanilla all right so look set your spawn point right over here press the button right here so this blocks the spawn point so if I were to die right now for example I wouldn't actually be able to respawn here because my bed is obstructed which is what makes this house so good but if we wait 30 seconds then the Pistons will retract and the bed will no longer be obstructed yay all wait Chase are you above the base yes I am oh okay good luck getting in buddy this base is impenetrable surrounded by Bedrock deep down in the darkest area of Minecraft can we make a wager I'll lit even tell you what this Bas is the only way you can get in is if you somehow set your spawn point inside which you didn't because well you couldn't have no only way I could have done that is uh work with the server and we know that the server doesn't like me so no absolutely not so good luck getting in here buddy can we make a wager yeah okay what's the wager if I get in the house you get banned from the server so if you get in the house I get banned but if you don't get in the house I get banned I'll take down wager that's a good wager all right let me just oh man I don't know how to do this Execute Order 66 engage yes wait how did you say you're spawn point in here Preston I made amends with the server wait server ban me before he kills me oh oh Preston no get out let's go baby fight illegal with illegal
Channel: PrestonPlayz
Views: 816,787
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, preston, brianna, gaming, funny, family friendly, ssundee, unspeakable, mrbeast, aphmau, canman, lankybox, cash minecraft, nico mc, stokestwins, gametoons, maizen, eyestreem
Id: 2MKdN9NnqFM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 16sec (2836 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 04 2024
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