I made decisions that completely ruined this game

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ah the late shift why did i think this would be a good video oh yeah the game late shift sorry not just do a late shift alexa would you turn on the studio lights there please love thanks very much you know i'm convinced if i don't say thank you to alexa that ai will rise up you are welcome i am your protector so yeah the game is late shift i think this is going to be fun so stick around for some terrible choices to ruin this high-stakes fmv i don't know what that is crime thriller forced into a brutal london heist your choices matter in this interactive cinematic experience blah blah blah i'm gonna do bad things and ruin the story luckily it is a game because you can kind of see daylight coming over here it wasn't actually a late shift i was going to try and lie to you oh cinematic okay new game choices matter i got an achievement already i did the first choice right i clicked play game don't get me wrong yeah i'm not judging him he's using his inside voice and i can't hear it over the music there we go turn that way down i appreciate it it's getting me amped and everything but i don't know what i'm getting amped for because i can't hear anything wait what is going on now where's my guy coming from it says no pedestrians right there i didn't tell you to do that god he's making the riskiest choice of all by himself lunatic there's two cars out the rest are logged should be a nice quiet night okay he works here fair enough he wants to disobey the rules that's fine i'm just saying rules are there for a reason now when do we get into the action of this because it's not all that long of a game so it must amp up pretty quick and here they are the most meaningful relationship i've ever had in my life oh it's a romance story with a bunch of metal bimbos oh he's into cars i've seen something like that on the learning channel i need the keys the maserati it's a secret but i really need those keys wait what is going on here this woman came back and she wants the keys to a car that's not even hers i'm just gonna give it to her yeah go ahead good boy what's in it for me i'll tell you one okay it's just she's just like i'll do you a favor if you just you know give me the keys to the card it's not mine i'm like right that might come in handy i'm moving house next weekend all right i could use a help with the boxes never mind check cctv no never mind just give her the keys there's a massive bang and i'm like nah don't check it out you're back here by one yes sir i like who i'm just giving her these orders like she's not gonna [ __ ] listen to me what am i gonna do if she comes back later than i arrange or it doesn't come back at all i literally have no power oh my god literally walked away for two seconds and now she's screaming help go there call police yeah just no go there go there oh my god it doesn't give me much time you go there without any weapons i probably should have checked cctv earlier what do you want from me oh i need to tie her up wait i'm not getting involved in this or actually no sorry i was thinking logically okay and when i'm done i'll i'll tie myself up wait why are you biting me ow i don't know why i'm grabbing my head i'm gonna felt that one oh now he's annoyed i've ruined everyone's day i've pissed her off trying to tie her up and i've pissed him off by not tying her up doesn't it look i can drive what oh my god what kind of fangs does she have to do that to his hand okay i have to drive because of his injured hand if i see him use that hand even once i'm going to have a word with you mister do i drive a run it's running is a terrible option so ron i got it into the car and just run out again oh i'm gonna die oh dear [ __ ] oh no i got away great where am i going though no don't walk now it's like me tired oh for [ __ ] sake let me give you a ride don't get into a car with a strange actually yeah it's my choice get in [Laughter] really after all this today and i'm just gonna get into the car can you drop me off at seven please mate i thought he was gonna say south korea it's like that's off the radar they'll never find us there look you see i've been kidnapped now i have the best of both worlds i ran away and almost got shot and i still got kidnapped anyway you know the guy broke into the garage don't you no this is the coincidence that i've been held at gunpoint twice in one night completely random oh he's trying to run again that wasn't even my choice he just tried to get out while the car was moving oh he's taking me back to his house okay maybe this isn't so bad after all maybe they just really want to play like a board game or something monopoly it's hard to get people to play monopoly with you at least with me i always buy all the houses and don't upgrade them to hotels so people can't buy any houses for their property yeah i'm kind of a monster oh no it's this guy again oh he's pissed he fell 15 feet onto a concrete floor what wait hold on can i pause it what happened you fell 15 feet onto it when was that the bang earlier i never checked the cctv i'm like i shouldn't know that plot hole i love when you just pick all the wrong options in these games because sometimes things just do not make sense oh my god no i didn't want to see that i'm not going to look anymore [ __ ] in the next 30 minutes called danny evie doesn't pick up trying all of that irish pete oh they're going to try and get irish pete never heard of him not everyone in ireland knew each other let's put a bullet in him i don't care contradict it i don't like that idea i'm not a murderer i don't intend to start now pass me different oxygen and a couple of cable ties protest steal away what steal away you stay where you are i keep trying to run make a suggestion t anyone you need someone to help you out and i need someone to stick a [ __ ] syringe to me i don't understand what is happening here he said i he wasn't gonna kill me why don't i just sit down get tied up for the evening and just make a night of it maybe have a drink or something don't push your luck i'm gonna push it i'm taking his risk so i want his share [ __ ] off oh my god i'm getting involved in this heist now okay i'll tell you what you two split 50 50 that's the deal done grand great i'm in a heist how have they just invited me in on this heist i've tried to run from them so many times and now i'm like son of a [ __ ] i'm in when i hit my desk this thing fell off and i don't know what it is do you think it's important to probably be okay although it feels a bit more wobbly i don't know a very powerful chinese clan called the choice are here tonight to reacquire a porcelain ball that has been in the possession of the family for over a thousand years reacquire what went wrong a careless business transaction so where tell them get it back we're here to stop them getting them back i can't believe i almost died for a fruit ball who's fooling themselves now a crime's still a crime it's a [ __ ] ball dude i get over that it's the start of the crime that confused me why did they hold that woman at gunpoint and nearly shoot at me like they nearly blew the whole heist thank you oh it's bidding paddles i thought we were going playing ping pong or something i'm just desperate to do any sort of activity with someone so for 950 000 pounds this marvelous 12th century did he win a cabinet and jesus that's a rip-off the thing's rotting apart if i had that kind of money i wouldn't spend it on a [ __ ] sideboard oh no i'm offending everyone this is it this is what i almost died for go up and smash it if that were an option three at the back three million are you you could buy one a bigger ball like this size and a massive fruit bowl for like five bucks on amazon these people are out of touch it's like bill gates guessing how much grocery shopping cost age with you sir it's your bid looking for nine oh god they're going up to eight million she keeps bidding and the guy is saying to stop i'm just gonna let her keep bidding there we go nine million i'll write you and i or you are you out of your face and we have we're at nah [ __ ] pocket change 10 million 10 five i have why are you going up above 10 million what are you gonna do with it keep your keys in it i'm selling oh finally eleven and a half like i was saying how there's no chance that they'll bid higher but i'm just gonna keep going oh i've pissed off everyone 12-5 i have oh thank god he went up above i don't even know why i'm doing this shouldn't i need like proof that i have this money when i came in here i just kind of walked in and i'm holding up a paddle i don't know what's even going on in here so to the gentleman on my right for 12 and a half million pounds thank you very much okay he got it fair enough i don't know what the point in that was all right where to the basement jeffrey's going to call the left from downstairs okay and then then you're going to take out the security guard what i don't think that's part of my specialty in fact i don't have a specialty do i play along and try and get out of this later or do i try and stop this little crime wave dead in his tracks do i prevent prevent the crime wave i'm flipping sides again now i can warn the security guard instead of attacking him or i can take this lift up to a higher floor and maybe warm one of the employees or go up to the roof and maybe try and escape from there i'm going to go up i'm going to go up to the roof if my plan is to parachute off oh god this is all going wrong i think i've figured out what was happening with the bidding though i think we're getting a cut of the sale so she was trying to raise it up and up and up i didn't know what was going on i was just like yeah keep raising it enter offices go downstairs go downstairs i took the elevator up to take the stairs down oh no they're missing oh no i know you were on to me weren't you okay i'll go to the basement i'll attack the guard sorry i apologize excuse me sir can you help me of course sir oh no they're everywhere how do they know everything i'm gonna do keep quiet squeal hey listen [Laughter] just squeal dude i didn't say try and like warn them or get help i said squeal i wanted like a wreath honestly probably would have been the best thing to do just a loud re and then pretend you're having a heart attack on the floor oh no what is going on here okay maybe i should have gone downstairs to knock out the security guard this guy just killed them instead oh he's got the ball oh good that'll protect it you know it's worth 12 million pounds but just just wrap it in a single layer of bubble wrap that'll be fine ignore answer i just ignore it [Laughter] okay you enter three zero nine two two zero he wrote the code on his pam really if you even got slightly moist from nerves that code would be gone so i know i like betrayed you guys and all that um but do i still get a cut of this this heist like i still think i deserve some money out of this [Music] oh no she's speeding all right look the murder and the robbery and all that i can deal with but speeding really speak up yeah speak up let's let's voice our opinion on this so as far as i've said [ __ ] you oh [ __ ] me yeah [ __ ] you every second scene one second i'm on our side the other side i'm against her completely well we have it like [ __ ] for that just get out of it okay the gang's all back together all five of us the best friends hi they're not gonna kill me aren't they let me see it i wanna see the ball like what makes it worth 12 million just keep him quiet until we get rid of this ball why are they being so forgiving to me by the way like every two seconds the other guy wants to kill me and they're like no keep them alive but with the security guards they just murder them in cold blood and i'm way bigger for a problem than them there should be some gaffer type in the back somewhere look out oh my god jesus see look what happened now i warned you i told you speeding was unforgivable but you didn't listen well why is he so distraught i've betrayed her like three times already oh my god i think they're all dead luckily the ball should be fine because we put it in that single layer of bubble wrap i think we should get further away and you know what i'm making bad decisions go go closer closer to the van it's warm over there see i told you that single layer of bubble wrap would work where are we going where are we going to go mr woolwood the police i don't know who mr woe is we're going to go oh yeah that's the guy we're selling it too i'm back in on the heist again now even she doesn't want to do the heist anymore and i'm flip-flopping all over the place leave her convince her i want to bring her i need someone to bounce off come on you're coming with me now we're best friends again god i gotta say they did well in that car crash and not a scratch like considering everyone else died oh no sorry she got a bit of an owie on her ankle my apologies i didn't realize it's mr wu here mr wu mr wu yeah never heard of mr wall oh no we're at the wrong place or maybe he's just playing sly yeah memory career [Laughter] perfect you right here a fortune cookie a fortune cookie yeah sure will i follow no i want the fortune cookie i gotta know what my fortune is not telling oh no it just says you are going to die oh no oh no they're they're all upset is this the same place i went to and hit man if so that was a different guy that was the dumpling chef there you go there's your little bowl why have you brought this here oh no he doesn't like it i want you on to the bigger one uh-oh oh no they really don't like the ball we stole this for you i gave no such order not to you or anyone else oh no i'm confused to the troy family possession of that bowl is a question of honor they have fought wars for it oh no why it's not that nice look at this one unbreakable cereal balls it's 14 pounds 14.99 you can save five percent with a voucher and like that could survive a car crash it's unbreakable watch this [ __ ] and look those are some designs on them if you want to get fancy all i'm saying is i think this was a waste of time and definitely not worth fighting a war over believe or disbelieve i i'm gonna disagree with this guy i don't believe him then you know your 20 is a lot higher than you thought it would be my guy goes from victim to heist leader so much he flip-flops get out of my restaurant i'm gonna object i'm not getting out of the restaurant [ __ ] you yeah that'll show you i don't think this is gonna work we will not meet again [ __ ] you it's just not a nice ball honestly that's the problem he doesn't like it i've done that before i've ordered something and then it showed up and i'm like i don't really actually like that take this hoodie for example while i think it's nice i bought it so i could blend into the curtains and then when i go like this it would look like at an odd perspective i'm behind the curtain but it's too dark and it doesn't work but you don't see me complaining well you do because i just did but that's because i was making an example of it you still want to know what my fortune cookie said oh no what did it say a young man may trust his ears but wise men trust his art okay that's not as cool as i thought it would be did you know about the choice how dangerous they are you [ __ ] did didn't you my guy is so weird he's like so naive as if he is the mastermind behind this plane it was the choice that ran us off the road i don't think it was i think it was organized bad driving he just drove into oncoming traffic honestly i'd give the ball to the taxi driver in exchange for the fare at this point knowing london prices it'll probably cost like 12 million anyway for a 10 minute taxi ride so it'll all work out is there any way we can get to just phone messages or what about that place in chelsea maybe they've tried to contact us there just shut up why is there a romance scene now this makes no sense i betrayed her twice tonight she's like i love that i love a man that betrays me constantly withdraw it's getting us nowhere it's believed despite the extent of the robbery which resulted in the hospitalization of three employees hospitalization no i i think you mean sent to the morgue they were they were dead why is the car still on fire and she's that close how long has it been burning now the fire truck truck's doing nothing as the thing just burns in the background if the bowl was indeed destroyed then it is a loss to mankind which transcends value i swear people are just way too into this bowl a chinese restaurant owner with known connections to the criminal underworld whose body was found out what they found the other guy so he got the fortune cookie saying you're going to die it's the ball isn't it you think it's ugly too i didn't want to say it what it i have some is in the reception shall i send them up someone downstairs oh jesus someone's downstairs i i don't know if we should go down to them i really don't i mean if you give me the options yeah i will but i just think it's a bad idea and that's why i'm doing it uh they can definitely see you there that your whole arm is sticking it all right they're gonna continue never mind don't do that wait how did you come up here what give me the ball don't trust her with the ball don't no i want the ball you said it was ugly he should have trusted me i probably should have um can i perhaps eat the bowl then they can't kill me where is it oh i still have it on me you didn't find it where could i be hiding oh i hope they don't cavity search yeah idiot shouldn't kidnap me i'm a heist leader my guy looks like he's on the bridge of tears and i don't blame him he's made so many bad decisions tonight and he's not even sure why look i've got a [ __ ] rice bowl oh god oh don't insult the ball they love the bowl the thing is me just denying that i don't have the ball isn't going to work because literally as they were kidnapping the lady turned to me and went give me the ball so i obviously have it where is the pointer from the auction not to copy your head in your pocket oh okay okay i legit don't know now what is going on oh he's unpacking the knives oh no what have you done to her so you made your partnership with her yeah sure why not it's complicated but yeah we're partners oh no they're putting this thing on me and i don't know what it is i don't want to see it i really don't i i'm getting all sweaty thank god i didn't write any notes down on my hand no i haven't got your [ __ ] right spot stop calling it a rice bowl they don't like that at all [ __ ] the classic prisoner's dilemma game theory first term whatever i tell them lives or dies on what mailing tells them and vice versa if our answers are inconsistent one of us dies okay so we got to be on the same wavelength here what would she say just punishment know your fate the long one the short one i know it's quite the long one i don't even know what it is oh dear one turn and it twists your intestines like a key wait hold on but there's nothing to open i i don't have the ball in my intestines can we not just have a conversation here can i trust her to be reasonable or will she keep quiet because if she does that she dies protect her oh not save yourself this going to come back to bite me i'll get you the bow i don't understand like that's not going to help them i don't know where the ball is i legit have no idea you bring us the ball you should be punished okay i mean i legit just abandoned her completely and was saying save me save me and then the threat is they're gonna hurt her i don't think my guy cares well he does sometimes he keeps flip-flopping say nothing they're just gonna cut her free they're just being dramatic about it oh no they actually killed her you have six hours to bring us the ball after that doppler will no longer be able to save her life okay and they're going to be able to save her that's fine it's bar how do you know that because i'm the one who wants a copy for him it was you you counterfeited it you betrayed me i knew it all along that's why i kept betraying you that's no i didn't see that coming at all what is this am i going to go clubbing there's a street fight and the police are here hey you do what just fight him for no reason smug boy looking for a fight yes and i don't know why the police are literally behind me that guy's so entertaining he's just like stop making me do stupid [ __ ] but why didn't the police stop me i just kind of walked away and now i've got to get another taxi god damn it i'm gonna have to take out a mortgage on the house oh no his anger's rising it's like the arthur meme so to sucker punch the taxi driver in the back of the head he's got anger issues and i don't blame him okay i think i'm going to the rich dude who was selling the ball originally because i think she counterfeited it for him an appointment with samuel paul mr parr does not receive guests before 10 o'clock i want to see him and i want to see him right now wait here mr pod she just said wait here and i'm walking in am i going to fight him too because i think i can take him there we go and i have a weapon now i'm definitely going to beat him up there you go sensibly in my study yeah okay that that helped he really loves pottery that's his weakness where's the ball i don't know since it was stolen i've lost track that's a lie it's the truth intimidate him or use force i kind of want to do both but i'll use force he didn't use force he just threatened to use force don't think you'd go that far i'll probably go hit him he's just not playing ball so i'll make him the ball and hit him with the golf club neither of us are leaving here until i get that [ __ ] ball oh god it's here the bull is here thank you he's telling me where the ball is the ball sorry i'm thinking of golf god i want to go outside again things are falling off my desk at an alarming race what was it this time oh that doesn't look good another one of these things but this time it had a screw on it this conversation is over oh god when i was under the desk looking at what was falling off he pulled a gun on me shoot him yeah go for it oh jesus okay well that's my uh lead gun how am i supposed to find the ball now this is so bad like what if those things were important and my desk is going to fall apart why am i taking the housekeeper hostage now what oh jesus christ dude i didn't tell you to do this but the ball isn't in the safe where is this [ __ ] ball [ __ ] oh he's very upset i have a really bad feeling about where this is going i can't seem to find the ball oh perfect sakura you just fight it no no i'm getting shot up no no no no no i don't want to die wait that's my ending the ball you have it where you think i'm going to tell you now i'm bleeding out you're dying the girl can still live i have literally not cared about her once i don't know why you think he cares [ __ ] you see what a horrible ending i got it i nearly got to the end decisions made 46 oh my god i ruined that so bad okay so this is another branch of the ending i was just at and he was going to call the choice to him that would have been the smart thing just been like look the old man has it just say that in the hotel room when she immediately said oh i made the counterfeit just turn them and go oh well mystery solid the old man has it go get him i have nothing to do with it and then they'd take care of the whole thing but instead i bled out on his floor okay they're just driving off together to get the ball now oh he's gotten it he's got the sacred bowl dude just smash it just for the laugh okay so in that ending he gets a million pounds from the old man just to not snitch on him essentially to the the choice that's a pretty good ending the fool how did i not get that anything i proved that i'm a fool give me the [ __ ] bowl oh no and this one he gets the golf club dude he's so old just charge him we bought this thing in the first place they're fighting over the golf club just punch him well maybe it should belong to no one no oh my god he just broke the thing you lunatic oh no the gentle little smack oh no is he gonna die in this one too wait they're waiting outside why didn't you come in to stop him smashing it why did you leave my inexperienced character deal with it is that the worst ending i don't know which is worse i honestly don't no i probably got the worst ending right because the lady's still captured she's gonna die because she doesn't know where it is the old dude is dead i'm dead yeah that's probably the worst ending i suppose what a great game though i hope you enjoyed let me know if you want to see more stuff like this leave a like a comment subscribe if you're new and i hope to see you next time bye for now
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 891,706
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Call Me Kevin, Call Me, CallMeKevin, CallMe, bad choices, late shift, late shift bad choices, late shift bad options, choice based games, choice based, callmekevin bad options, bad ending, worst ending, bad options, late shift bad, funny, funny moments, funny game, pick every bad option, every bad choice
Id: BCayp4rYSlM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 56sec (1496 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 01 2021
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