I was not ready for this game

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/geodesins 📅︎︎ Oct 26 2019 🗫︎ replies
hey there friends how's it going my name is kevin and this video is sponsored by song of horror i've already played this on the channel i'm excited to play it again the last time we played a special mode of the game where it was a one shot challenge basically and i'm really excited to see if i can get just a little bit better at this game the game is out on october 31st so if you want to check it out you can add it to your wish list using the link in the description i'm really really enjoying this game so far i'm actually really excited to jump back in and try and find this daniel guy for a bit of context by the way if you missed it last time daniel was investigating this house and he got trapped inside it and now these characters are trying to find it essentially they are braver than i i tell you that much please let me be alexander don't judge me from last time me and him had a bond oh my god he's gone wait is he dead he's dead because i lost him in the last challenge oh my god we were so close okay the power was out and this one is working as an electrical technician so i'm gonna use her hopefully that'll come in handy or something oh and she's a flashlight as well or losing your character sadly you just lost one of your characters when this happens the victim is no longer a part of the story if you lose a character every item in their inventory will drop to the ground the location of these okay on the map that's perfect i'll find them okay as long as i have at least one character alive the story continues this is great news well it's not great news for alexander who is dead but at least we don't have to fully restart and i have a few characters remaining i think i'm doing okayish and that's a really positive thing when you're talking about me playing games if i'm doing okayish is it here is this the stuff someone left this behind i wonder who that was there's a study here that i wanted to go into last time but i didn't go down here i should have come down here standard garage remote control oh okay i could hide under this table if necessary oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] it's not what i want to hear i mean like it's good there'll be a place for me to hide but at the same time i don't like that there's probably going to be a reason for me to hide what the [ __ ] is that what the [ __ ] is that oh [ __ ] that [ __ ] that get under the desk what the actual hell oh this is spooky i don't like this why did my flashlight go out i i regret not taking just matches i want to go down to the garage and use that new button i found though it's so [ __ ] dark it's so [ __ ] dark okay let's try this again use it effects yeah the electricity is often i'm such an idiot at least i just figured out how to turn on my flashlight as an electrician you'd think i would know how to do that beforehand but no oh come on you're an electrician fix it no don't do it again god damn it the place is going to go up in flames the fuse is blew out i bet an overload tripped the circuit breaker okay well i guess we do have to find fuses in the house as an electrician i don't tend to bring them around with me i gotta find them it's half the fun of being electrician okay it sounds clear in here let's take a look ah bathroom lovely i have been pissing myself this entire time so this will come in handy oh look at this wow i love this game even more all of a sudden what the hell is wrong with her what's wrong with her she's freaking me out oh for [ __ ] sake why does this [ __ ] keep happening you can see something was dragged under that trap door what trapped oh down there really screwdriver maybe could i use that that's not what i need to do how the hell am i going to lift this open i don't think the remote control or the dishcloth is gonna help me here i think whatever i'm supposed to use i haven't found it yet the hell does that oh god there's someone crying in there oh jesus christ i don't like this at all what is wrong with her i need to find a way to get in there no this is the part where you leave jump out the window what is that staticky noise it's freaking me out okay good i'm outside this is the power i climb down the balcony and i run off to safety if i had some clips for the battery post i'm sure i'd get the floodlight to turn on oh okay aha grill tongs this should work use all i'm gonna do with that is make a short circuit in the battery well at least she knows what she's doing that noise is so unsettling it's making me so anxious oh my god what the [ __ ] was that what did it do oh wait behind me jesus christ no come on don't die don't die don't die don't die come on oh thank god i can't be losing another character already i'd be so screwed if i did i thought it was the door in front of me i was very very lucky there oh god that sound again is that my walkie-talkie is that like alerting me that there's like danger i think the monster might interfere with my walkie-talkie oh [ __ ] yeah that's definitely the case it's the same door he needs to get out of the hallway like how am i supposed to get out of here oh [ __ ] hell he scares me it's just always so close to death when i try and stop him is he actually still there is he gone he's still there [ __ ] that [ __ ] you how am i supposed to get out of here i can't i'm completely stuck in here i don't think i have any choice but to go out to it and i think it's waiting for me but here you go it's your life not mine i guess let's go okay i really thought that was gonna be me dying maybe i can use the dishcloth to mop up this puddle okay good yay i got the water dried up it said those wires might be messing with the lights so i figured i should kind of clean it up oh [ __ ] no my walkie-talkie is going nuts again where are you i know you're coming for me which door are you going to come for these creepy things going on and she's like oh i miss the fruits of my country so much as i look at the apples anything to distract you i guess all right you know what just [ __ ] it just go just go through the door i think i want to try the basement and see oh [ __ ] sake oh my god she's to pull on it now i'd hate that pushing is much easier oh my god it's got weird tentacles or something okay thank god we got it let's run out the other door fast oh i miss the fruits of my country so much to the basement to the basement run run run run run i'm just hoping me cleaning up that this little spill with the wires will stop this short circuit [ __ ] off for fake sake yeah i guess the fuses are just [ __ ] now we need new ones regardless oh [ __ ] off this guy trying to call me get the hint buddy i don't want to be friends okay what if i combine the screwdriver with the toolbox can you open it then uh-huh and there's fuses inside i'm a genius honestly that took me ages to figure out i wasn't even thinking they would be in it i thought maybe the thing for the battery would be in there i'm in the bathroom hopefully the monster won't come in it's occupied surely he understands that oh [ __ ] all right go out god i hope i get paid by the hour because this job is taking a while i'll fix sake what do i have to do if i die by electrocuting myself i'm gonna be pissed wait how do i know do they have different fixtures it doesn't look like it or do i follow the wires oh wait no i think i get it i don't think i need to follow these wires at all i just need to power those three boxes up top to the right amount that each of those would need okay i didn't explain that at all sorry that was such a useless explanation everyone's sitting at home just like yes yes i agree even though you already already figured it out anyway so it doesn't matter so we need to get one equaling 30 and the only possibility for that is 20 and 10. so let's start with that we're going to need this 10 again i think let's just try putting it down here for now that wasn't the 10 at all effect's sake we only need the 25 once so that should be down here i think wait no it should be up the top left actually god this is confusing it's there and there is that right no god damn it let me actually try and use big brain time here 25 only needs to be used once so it goes here i think so that's 35 going to the top left we need another 15. that can go here that's 50 going to the left one great if i use this one on the bottom left that'll send 30 up to the middle one but then the last one's 15 and i need that to be 25. god damn it she's not very good at her job is she i'm blaming her it's like she's the electrician wait the fees are in the right place what okay i i did it yes big brain time okay work come on yes i have light thank god milwaukee talk is still going nuts that doesn't seem like the most important thing right now yeah definitely not i'm surprised you even still did your job i would be gone okay i do feel a little bit safer now that the lights are out but why is my walkie-talkie still going nuts okay upstairs god damn it let's go nuts let's go nuts come on how strong is this thing jesus christ at least not as strong as me okay let's just peg it upstairs run it does feel a little bit better now that the lights are on but it's still so just uh nerve-wracking okay let's power this place up okay did that yes the black smoke cleared great we're making progress it seems like the light affects him but he didn't seem to care a while ago oh my god what is this creepy doll oh my god the way it moves is even creepier a voice recording of the husher mansion housekeeper masha isn't that alexander's wife no it doesn't matter he's dead now anyway oh god what the [ __ ] dude why are you trying to freak me out okay so that audio recording was basically her saying she couldn't find the main door when she tried to leave the house i got to remember too there's a few different things now the electricity is on like in the garage i've got the remote to open that place and the boilers down there as well i think they were saying something about turning on the boiler i'll go down there okay great this place looks like a safety hazard there's wires and sparks everywhere let's try this remote now the water falling on the wires is making it impossible to open the door where's the water oh over there oh must be something to do with the boiler then okay so do i want to turn it off i guess emptying press the right button shut down press the left button oh wait hold on there was a message i should probably read in case of malfunction preventing correct boiler functioning you can perform an emergency shutdown by keeping the blue button pressed for four seconds i'm gonna do that wait press the right one for fun first what's the right one do again that's emptying okay press the blue button two three four yes okay that worked i'm so smart i'm not just an electrician i'm a plumber too great do i have to be mechanic now as well jumper cables now i can use that on the light it's all coming together i feel by chance but still i'm happy should i try to take that folder this feels like a definite no i shouldn't because why would it ask me but yeah take it take the folder this is gonna be [ __ ] bad okay i got it oh jesus christ side porch god damn that garden is huge i'm just gonna check if there's anything else around here i don't think so i'm gonna go upstairs even though i just have this weird feeling i'm not gonna make it even though my walkie-talkie isn't going nuts so that does fill me with a little bit of confidence oh [ __ ] sake why do i ever talk ever [ __ ] running around the place just trying not to get caught out of this thing effect's sake oh my god that door is nuts oh my god they're all nuts no don't go in here oh of course it's the creepy child's room oh [ __ ] this jesus christ something terrible is drawing near you need to hide before it's too late look around you and find a place where you can go undetected once you've interacted with a hiding place it will appear on the map with the following symbol oh okay hiding hiding hiding hiding luckily they're going easy on me because it's the first time i'm hiding oh [ __ ] they suspect this backpack crack open turn on the light you managed to hide from the darkness but the worst is yet to come try to keep a level head to calm down follow the rhythm of your heartbeat by pressing space okay i'm glad you told me that because i just started going like as soon as it came up don't let your heart beat too fast or you'll start to panic above all else don't look at it what does that mean is this going okay feel like it is come on just come out the closet it's 2019 for god's sake okay i think i counted down oh jesus christ get out of there normal you call this room normal look at this this is terrifying oh my god that door is destroyed now i'm not gonna touch that [ __ ] i'm going outside i need some air after this okay use these clamps okay what good is this can i get rid of this with it yes okay it is weak to light wait what a [ __ ] off it just can't do enough why maybe i have to like focus it and then leave go and then grab it again okay now relax now zoom in again is that working i think it is yeah it is okay great now i can go into that room god knows why i want to i would leave key what could this be for masha oh it's for the housekeeper but why julia's room oh god it's the kids rooms isn't it let's just attempt to go in okay this isn't actually scary this is one of the more normal rooms in the house why is it so cold get in the wardrobe that'll warm you up god damn it she won't go in the closet no you know what it's 2019. good good for you good for you should i leave i don't like this yeah i feel like i should [ __ ] leave affect this okay yeah i don't know what the hell they're doing with the heating system here but this is not good it's an old house it's not energy efficient can i unclog the toilet with the grill tongs maybe will that work okay maybe i'm not a plumber like i was saying earlier what the [ __ ] no wonder you tried to flush this wait is this the room with the crying in it i gotta know come here they locked this door i got keys i got loads of keys now i'm coming in oh fix it what about my other key wait where'd my other key go i thought i had a master key can hear crying can i turn it on oh jesus christ i was about to say i'll scare the [ __ ] out of her but someone's trying to scare the [ __ ] out of me this thing came out of the toilet for sure that thing was a mess he's probably trying to get out of there because it stinks i'd have the same reaction if i was in there that toilet was filthy super glue great i don't know what that's for wait wait wait wait wait i have an idea there's a bit of metal here yeah i figured this out completely by accident i was just trying to stuff things in to knock the bit of metal out but if i combine the ring and the glue and attach that to the little bit of metal i can turn it god damn it this game is making me feel smart sometimes i'm doing it all by just fumbling my way through but i do feel smart do not listen to that music box okay well i guess they did is that all i got i wanted something really good out of this oh wait an expandable metal hook will that open the trapdoor maybe what else could it be used for trying to think i don't remember anything that i came across that it could be used for oh [ __ ] off dude i'm trying to explore here it is a really cool trait that she has like alexander couldn't do this all exam alexander all excellent it's his name all he could do is [ __ ] drink oh wait it's up in the attic i thought it was on the ground i could see the marks well we're going up terrible idea but we're going up oh no i can hear crying this is [ __ ] spooky oh [ __ ] off oh my god kill her just [ __ ] kill her just use your electrical power to just zapper a crying friend a parenting gift but only if they're themselves what don't talk in riddles i know this game made me feel smart but i'm not just speak to me oh [ __ ] off jesus christ there's some scaffolding from an old construction job i could reach it through a window what should i go this winter no no no not yet hold on oh wait i think this is the painting from the stairs that there was like a combination for the safe that i needed 1798 i'm gonna take a note of that it's the only like oval shaped one i found so i'm guessing it's that should i go through this window no you're just gonna fall out i am really tempted though but i don't want her to die it's like the only game i'm playing that i don't want someone to die in documents where's the safe riddle the number of her street address okay i can find that salt age the decade and year the canvas hanging upstairs right next to the thing okay so that means i think the combination was a four-digit code so his age has got to be one digit then which means that i just gotta do nine guesses as soon as i find out the street address that's fine go out the window yeah go out this one's fine you've got some scaffolding to stand on i hope no one at the company finds out about this that's what you're worried about oh it's like a quick way to the street i guess okay that's actually really handy to get around the house oh wait no it's not it's down to a telescope what the hell is this going to be looking at where the hell am i am i at a total different part of the house all of a sudden oh for effect's sake every room is as creepy as the last and they all have these [ __ ] dolls oh [ __ ] sake oh god i gotta hide under the desk under the desk not a very good spot but oh well oh my god hammer down hammer down it's very hard to camera when this [ __ ] keeps happening hey did i do it i think she's cam please don't freak me out just stop yes our face creeps me out a little bit too okay i'm glad that's over with yeah it's all about this music box they're freaking out about it do you think it could be in the safe now that i think about it it could be let's find the street address i'm assuming it's going to be somewhere outside i really don't want to go up there okay she won't go back up i guess the escape is in here somewhere i didn't see a way out ah on this side okay that door was kind of hidden what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] was that you stupid bird he better have the safe coat on him he says his nose with it i can't seem to interact with it maybe it was just to spook me i thought there'd be something on him i could eat him that's his four on the pillar over there yeah there's nothing at the front but that that pillar says four so it should be four and then one through nine and then whatever was the year the painting good thing i made notes because my memory is like a goldfish what the [ __ ] well that's working again at least although i don't think it's working on the other intruder in the house all right let's try this so we got four right and then his age no i can't remember any of this so i gotta check what it said on the note okay so four and i think it should be 98. did i get it yes i got it i'm a genius and it's a feken doll why do i care about these they left nothing useful behind here god dammit now what do i do i think the only thing i've kind of hanging over me is where does that key take me the one that i got off the housekeeper so let's look for a locked door there's one right next to me but i'm assuming it's not going to be that easy oh that's locked from the other side there is a door locked upstairs there i think that's the girl's room that i can't get into though [ __ ] it i'm going up into the attic and jumping out that window that i was too afraid to jump out of fortune favors the bold i'm just hoping it favors the stupid too okay i'm not supposed to go out there it's not letting me so i probably made the right choice earlier oh wait hold on a second we got something here i think i'm missing a doll but there's something going on here goddammit i can't remember where i got them or if it has any relevance to where i got them i mean i know i got him in the bathroom it looks like i'm missing one anyway hmm this is difficult at least i got the [ __ ] one in the safe i guess it's not all for nothing oh okay gives you little hints actually when you look at them so this one's ready for a shower so that goes in the bathroom this one's good at school apparently it doesn't give you any hint for this one flower maybe a garden or something this one it doesn't say anything it's just like this doll is horrible so probably studying right shower not sure she's just happy i send her to bed this one's got to be in the attic surely maybe i need three more dolls god damn i i don't know i'm gonna have to find another doll to play with i don't think we need to worry about that for now we need to get into that locked room what the [ __ ] it's alexander from earlier what the [ __ ] [Music] what the [ __ ] okay alina's story's come to an end she's dead what the [ __ ] was that i knew as soon as i interacted i was like i shouldn't do this but i just did it anyway oh my god i think we need the detective guy maybe he can figure this out her special ability is scented candles this is writing stuff down that would probably help me remember so this might be a good choice the only thing i can think is i was carrying firewood and matches but i don't know where to use those ah there's the stuff i need god she did so much work i miss her what do you mean that doesn't make sense combining matches and wood does make sense oh [ __ ] i just saw him off in the corner there i'm not going near him [ __ ] that just leave him alone leave him cry all he wants poor alexander man he just wants a drink okay he's gone good i wanted to explore this room a little bit the fireplace is empty i could light it if i had some wood yes let's do it who just goes into someone's house and lights up a fire for no apparent reason you don't think a few matches will be enough to light that why not some kind of fuel where would i find fuel all right so either basement or garage probably what's going on what is this oh now he's starting to freak oh jesus he's cold get outside oh [ __ ] [ __ ] okay into the basement we go you think that would only be colder but then we go i can't just stand here i need to move i'm trying dude i'm really trying oh god scary what the [ __ ] oh my god that scared me so bad come on let's go let's go let's go i know a place we can hide i've been looking at it for the whole game come on take the fuel take the fuel come on i need something to start a fire with locked is it the service door oh maybe that's where her key is finally for i've been looking for the store for ages i didn't even realize there was a door back there earlier i swear if i run into alexander in here somewhere i'm gonna freak another doll perfect never seen a grown man this happy to find a doll alexander i wish you never have to find this note don't worry he's dead a can of universal thinner that'll burn nicely take that what's this do i really need to look for something in there i'd have to put my hands in no don't [ __ ] look in there for now leave that off what the [ __ ] oh god damn it whatever is in that bath is trying to get out okay good goddess i think i'm getting a little bit better at those the heartbeat one not so much i'm still really bad at those on this leads into the main house okay great at least it's a bit of a shortcut it's got a question mark over the thing i left behind but i don't want to do that yet i want to light the fire i'm too afraid to do it i think he's going to die wait i can't put the fuel on the fire but maybe i have to interact with that bath before i progress let's go get you a bath buddy went from two seconds ago i think you're gonna die today let's get you in the bath this is gonna be bad this is at best gonna be a near-death experience oh for fix sake is he dead he's dead isn't he he's dead i didn't want to do it curiosity killed the cat well he killed kevin too okay do not fear because even though we've only one character left she is the strongest she has scented candles who can be scared when they smell of lavender i can't believe the detective died so fast you'd think he would stand the greatest chance in a house like this but he just went ooh toxic bathtub and just dived in the electrician was the mvp okay it's time to get these dolls in the dollhouse i believe i have all five of them now is she happy or merely starving okay so she's going either in the dining room or the kitchen then i guess so i really basically know where they all go except for two and i'll just have to move them around i guess until i get it right aha that gave me a key i'm not sure what that's for the dolls are all in place okay well that's fantastic i don't know what this key is good for but i'm glad i have it and the only other clue i have is to light the fire so i hope that does something because after that i'm kind of out of ideas okay yes i can light the fire it wasn't working earlier for some reason but it's working now and it matches there you go i'm out of items so i hope i have everything at this point it did feckle great what do i do now oh sweet but jesus christ almighty i was kind of zoned out there for a second i just kind of walked in on it it's gone very dark in that room now as well it wasn't earlier the hell does it have a piece of paper ate us save us we are doomed well if you're doomed then there's no point in me trying is there like there's no point in me going down with you wait are they where the dolls went well i'm about to find out because i'm going into the kitchen aha the error this is still really off-putting bound enslaved to its desire okay so kitchen dining room there's one in the bathroom and one in the library right or possibly the study oh [ __ ] hell i can hear him crying i don't know where he is i couldn't see him but i heard him okay there is one at the study help us make it pull through what and you should be the last one or second last one i don't know if that monster counts toss the dark one in the fire oh okay okay i can do that back to the dollhouse she has had a very stress-free journey in the mansion so far everyone else got tormented she's not even spooked yet oh [ __ ] why did i say anything take it so that's what the fire does okay now it makes sense if i can burn him throw him in the fire get rid of him even though he is handsome he reminds me of me in a way the fire was definitely the best place for that hideous thing ah that's what they used to say about me some people still do yes and he went away okay good this is the room i put him in in the little dollhouse what the [ __ ] okay this is the door they were talking about earlier in the little note it's all coming together and the key i have the key for it but there's a monster behind it oh what do i do i put down a scented candle that's what i do this will solve everything right the power of the scented candle compels you okay i don't know if this is the end or if i'm about to die well either way it's the end i guess [ __ ] what did i get myself into finally she's getting spooked and she's getting the worst one of all in the end i guess oh god this is gonna end badly isn't it oh wait i found him someone help us please no don't be calling out alexander is gonna come and cry all over you and kill you oh we found him oh thank god oh god what is this don't spook me anymore i've had enough i'll [ __ ] that what the [ __ ] oh [ __ ] off no no no no no okay so we got some new characters for the next one i guess which is pretty cool but that is episode one done i'm so happy that was such a satisfying game to play it's really good i really really like it but yeah i apologize this was probably a really long video but i wanted to do the whole episode one in in one video and i will probably do episode two as well uh but i hope you did enjoy it um i know i did uh if you want to check out the game the link is in the description i'm not like obligated to say i love it or anything don't worry i'm not just like oh reading off the script real nice game it actually is really really good but yeah link will be in the description i'll thank you for watching appreciate it as always and i hope to see you next time bye for now
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 1,104,314
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kevin, callmekevin, kevin1811, funny, moments, gameplay, lets, play, game, cmk, clips, haunted house, song of horror, song of horror callmekevin, song of horror one shot challange, song of horror full game, song of horror ep.1, song of horror part 1, song of horror funny moments, song of horrow callmekevin, song of horror walkthrough
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 39sec (1479 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 25 2019
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