Capturing the NEW STRIDER Mob in Minecraft Hardcore!

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Mojang is actually bringing out minecraft updates faster than I can keep up in videos this is what quarantine is supposed to be thank you my craft thank you our countries aren't even in lockdown for like less than a week and I'm already going crazy anyway hey how's it go welcome back to Minecraft hardcore the original series where today oh boy we've got a new mob to hunt down tame and ultimately capture but I don't quite know how it's gonna go so let's oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I might need to update some of you guys so I did a charity stream last week we raised a lot of money for a Jew kay thank you for that but during that stream I did a tiny little bit of work on the castle and bite a little bit I mean I planted some more of this stuff I grew a couple of these mushrooms and planted some of these vines that's pretty much all I all I did really yeah oh and I born me with some of the ground which this particular little turtle seems to really enjoy so I think it was worth it but I think this place is looking spooky is looking cool and I'm about it I've just realized maybe we could like half change the bridge as it goes along the water that would be cool however one downside to this is that these grew way too high they're touching the cloud which I'm not so whether to keep them or not to be honest or whether to chop them down and start again I can use a slab just to kind of limit the growth of them but let's take asleep and then we need to grab a few things to try and capture this brand new mob oh by the way of course it lives in the nether so to capture this brand-new mob we are going to need a fishing rod and also one of these things ah oh no okay we um oh dear never mind I have found one warped fungus in this little pink chest here as you can see top right new recipes have been unlocked which looks like a carrot on a stick but you would be mistaken it is not a carrot on a stick I've got too much stuff for my imagery give me a second we're gonna make a golden choker box to keep all my important stuff in just for now okay gold it's gonna be gold and I'm gonna have to keep it here for now it's gonna howl was all my good bits that I'd normally have attached to things gonna be iron axe fortune axe lucky boy is gonna be their end of us is gonna be the exits almost broken oh yeah okay let's shoot is up there the rest in peace buddy actually not rest in peace quite the opposite I need some of this string and again I can't remember how to make a fishing rod I always mess up how to make either a fishing rod or that's definitely or a a bow so we have a fishing rod plus the warped fungus and we get warped fungus on a stick sounds horrific but there's a certain mob the might just like it and we also need a saddle let's take two just in case and it sounds like I need some food so let's quickly rock these pork chops in here quick flash fry of those I may use this to capture the new Strider mob I can't tell whether it's gonna be really ugly or like so ugly that it's kind of cute you know what I mean either way we're gonna find out today I need to swap this out make sure I'm wearing golden boots apparently they just spawn in lava because they have fireproof feet and there's also something else that was added to this update as well now I'm looking at the notes and there's something called a lodestone and now I'm telling you about this now because we need a nether right ingot to craft they're taking nether I Engert and chiseled stone bricks and you can place it down right click it with a regular standard vanilla minecraft compass and you get like a waypoint that compass will then point to that lodestone now I don't know whether those work in the overworld but I have you know when I get nether I ink it which hopefully will be next time I will test it out but either way that sounds awesome it's like waypoints in Minecraft but you don't need to use the banners so let's grab these pork chops and let's head to the nether let's go oh this portal is beautiful now there's finished I actually really loved it it looks so good oh no oh no I made a mistake I made a mistake why they do this I didn't even bring any materials with me okay I thought I was you you would have thought by now I would have learned from my past mistakes and been prepared and being careful but the opposite has happened I think I've become too comfortable in this world and that's eventually gonna get me killed but we'll see we'll see not today mr. lava not today so I feel like I don't actually need to fly that far I thought I might need to but apparently these guys will just spoon the lava I'm hoping so I don't know whether they need the new biome or not I should probably do more research before before I start these episodes but I wanted to be authentic I want the discovery to be real we're like a wildlife adventurer trying to find the latest and greatest animal because these Pig lens these spawn here so I guess I think this is the guy who stole my gold all that time ago he's probably still got it but I would really like to try and bring a Strider to the overworld because I just want to I really want to if there's something new I want to capture it I wanted one of the pig Lin's but they turn into pig men oh wait I should have wore a lead with me apparently you can lead them right in two seconds I always forget stuff always forget something lead lead leads okay I have six I'm gonna grab two because there's gonna be lots of larvae speaking of lots of larvae probably gonna need a couple cobblestones just to try and get this guy out so bear with me let me see if I can find one of these punks I know I normally hate on the nether but I'm actually finding it pretty nice even with you guys you've upgraded you changed your name and you've got new friends as well and I feel like the nether is becoming quite a cool place to be apart from the part where the things that you craft from the nether stuff blow me up but apart from that it's it's a cool place to be I'm sure I just heard something new no definite in here anything new I'm just going crazy I might just fly in a direction real quick and see if there's any around oh this is a bad one this is a bad one oh no whoa okay I need to be way more careful with this thing I don't actually have that many fireworks left so if I could find one real quick that I'd be super nice I didn't find a fortress the which is really annoying cuz it's so close to my spawn it's crazy I'm scared I'm scared I'm scared I'm scared I'm scared oh why do I do this to myself I mean this would be the perfect place to want to spawn if it really felt like it actually don't know how rare they are nevermind oh we got them they're beautiful Oh kinda dude we found them already okay I need to try and get over there safely enough how can i lure it over I know it likes this but I don't think this is gonna be close enough okay why am i burning wait hold on hold the phone wait what why did that just burn me are we are we doing this now minecraft is this what's happening are you gonna stop burning me or are you gonna threaten my life this has just become very very dangerous but apparently what you can do is you don't need to tame them you can just go ahead slap a saddle on it and ride it but it will go wherever it wants again exactly like a pig if you grab this warped fungus on a stick obviously it's a carrot on a stick for a pig no no no no whoa whoa whoa well okay this is bad this is really bad I'm just gonna fling this back at it no no no stop just be God oh the blue fire was kind of cool but I'm not about this today mr. gassed and I think so you want to meet let's shoot he's got a pretty sick reputation get out of here oh wait there's more over here there's loads oh my gosh he died okay never mind we're going over to these guys out what what oh I took off the gold I took off the gold oh I won't gold on I declare peace peace know you don't wanna shoot at me you don't wanna shoot at me stop stop right now stop oh no he's gonna kill me she said she's gonna kill me no one saw that no one saw that don't even okay I take it back the nether is awful right if I could get back to what I was doing very very peacefully and not gets me in your guys's way I think this is the way I came from but I'm gonna have to try this out this is perfect look at these dudes they're super cool let's get rid of this let's be very very careful hello fellas they are baby ones oh man hello are you gonna hurt me oh you're coming this way oh he's coming this way I don't know how to get him up here though because he's just flat on the floor wait wait I lead him up here I come here fella you might add she come with me come here but as you can see this is not a mods here it is look come up here well they sound weird can they get oh they can get up oh I've got way too many of them now alright I need you come this way they're actually so ugly that they're cute that's what it is right this guy is saddled now I can ride him ignore the arrow in my ear I now have this guy as my pet he is now mine okay I need to figure out how I'm gonna get home though without dying I'm gonna wear my Electra and I'm gonna oh no I'm gonna have this in my off hands this here just in case we fall in the lava together apparently we could just look at their legs their legs are made of pure stone they're quick oh they're really quick this is awesome but now everyone's gonna follow me and if I fall off I'm dead like very dead oh this is really cute look at them this is awesome I hope a gas doesn't blow me up but this is the brand new mob guys brand new so they move on netherrack but then if they go on to larva they're way faster so this is like their normal speed nether AK is their slow speed actually anything but lava and they go slow but this guy is booking it right now I kind of wish I had two of them I'm gonna have to grab two and try and breed them oh speaking of breeding I found out that one of my achievements is now reset it is this one I complete all the advancements and the achievements but everytime they update the game and they add like a new animal then I have to then breed that to then get the achievement back it kind of takes it away from me and apparently I don't need to pre these guys no no not these guys I need to breed the hog lines that's right the crazy guys who try and kill me I've got to try and breed one of those with another one and I'm not quite sure how I'm gonna survive it but we're gonna do our best so as you can see right now this guy's gone super slow and he's only going the way I want him to because I've got this fungus on a stick this is so cool everyone wanted nether boats so that you could make like I don't know a bow out of nether right maybe that could go in lava but this is good and it's quite fast on the lava these guys are pretty quick now if I'm correct yes yes yes this is so close to my portal this is great hey buddy you can see one of these guys before have you I think so they can even walk on the magma blocks this is awesome the noise they make is kind of cool as well or apparently yeah look they're shaking so they shake when they're not in lava because it's not like they're their natural habitat but I'm gonna take one home oh no oh no oh no don't do not do not do not oh I went straight past his head stop this stop this is interesting oh I need to kill it I need to kill it why would you do this to me hello come back with me friend I will protect you you never need to see one of these horrible big white blobs ever again but another thing that happens to these guys is they do get damaged by water and by rain so we live in a desert biome that's gonna be pretty ok are they trying to attack me I'm wearing gold buddy I don't know if it's the gold that you like but I'm wearing it do not attack now I don't actually know if this works because as I mentioned earlier the pig leans so the ones that you trade with they turn into normal pig men if they go to the overworld so I'm hoping this guy can come with me dude I'm so lucky that I found this so quick I found the baby ones as well this is probably my favorite mob added to minecraft no lie they're so unique no one expected this whatsoever and they're awesome the mechanics are sick they walk so fast in lava and I'm about to get one to go in my walls I'm so happy right answer if you would kindly follow me yeah let's get you in this portal shall we let's see if this works oh we went through did you go through pretty sure he went through hope he's not dying on the other side otherwise it's gonna be a big problem hello okay you're there let's go this way yes look at me walk out my portal I'm so pleased so I can do this and this now you ain't going nowhere oh we got one already hold up so good we got one already so now my next mission is to try and get another one but also steal its baby that means I should be able to just leash one walk with the other and do exactly what I just did and ride that baby all the way home Oh sometimes when I'm trying out a new feature it takes me hours over different days I'm talking to you Pig Linds I'm talking to you I had a trade of you for hours oh by the way minecraft this little patch note I'm gonna find it I'm gonna find it because when I read it I was a little bit mad oh yeah changes you are now more likely to get so speed books and boots from bartering with pig lines thank you for that thank you I can't believe they did that right let's see if we can push our luck and go and get another one it would be really handy I probably need to do a fishing session to make it so that I can get some name tags cuz I'm long overdue and I really need to stop storing all my captured animals here I need to find a place for you guys I need to build a superhero base for you and a lava base for you I guess you are beautiful look it's got upturned mouth it's kind of like a really sad little bloated whale with legs I really like it yeah I really like you a lot it's cute I love it now to capture a second I'll be back don't you worry don't be don't be scared it's gonna be okay what we're gonna have to do is build like a mini nether for it so it doesn't miss its home well let's do it I'm gonna grab another one and it's baby you watch it's gonna work ain't no gas gonna stop me right here are the baby ones okay here we go here we go this has been so easy I'm so pleased hello friends can I interest you in a walked fungi on a stick and a one-way trip to paradise that's right paradise the overworld whatever you want to call it look the way they walk as well they're so sick I think I'm in love with you just sayin alright this saddle this one up you have been chosen let's go now I need to hook up a baby one I am a little bit sad that I'm about to take one of these guys from their parents but hopefully they stay babies and hopefully they don't try and kill me oh it's adorable hold on hold on I want to see if I can capture the right one though got him let's go quick don't say a word let's go look at him he's really cute but I feel like we potentially going too fast right he's only got little legs come this way oh he's really cute guys I think I love him you good you make quite little high-pitched sounds - which is is nice right we're gonna go a little bit slower now my friends and also apparently struggle to get up here which is not ideal come on don't shake don't shiver just ride oh no we may have found a glitch can you not get up here oh no oh I almost went in the lava I'll take this okay great yeah we can do that if you like why can't you come up all of a sudden excuse me come on buddy I think he's glitched out a little bit I can't grab any of them wait why okay guys he is floating not quite sure why let's try go in I'm just going to grab leads and grab them I think oh man this is not going to plan I told you I told you I shouldn't have bragged about it being so easy earlier it's now got a little bit more difficult I wasn't prepared for glitches I should always be prepared by glitches and for dropping my leads in the lava that was that was inevitable it was going to happen okay I don't want to talk about it they're on their way okay I know I promised you some friends but they're on their way I just need to grab a couple more leads that's all it's fine and I'm hoping that going back through the nether resets them four leads that better be enough or wise bring me a big trouble where are they I think they're over here hello guys how are you can you come up now are you still glitched I might just have to pull you up can I do that come this way oh okay I don't know what that was but you're here now yeah is that get over to you as well come here ow why do they act like balloons wait I'm gonna need this this and this I don't really know what happened there but we're gonna go with it I think we're gonna struggle getting up to where we need to go something is a little bit weird about these guys oh wait yet they're floating again um never mind floating guys there are two floating wait I'm fired above the ground this is perfect okay I think there is a little bit of a bug this might be because I'm luring one and riding one at the same time even the pig leans like wait what these guys are working properly and then I get stuck again okay this is gonna be interesting come on buddy flow up here oh if I get off you then bring you towards me let's just see what happens I don't want them to float that much because they're gonna die no no no don't die don't die don't be that guy come this way I think he's gonna die I think he's gonna die oh I just need you to not hit the floor so hard come on guys there's no way for me to heal them either which is a problem right I can't even use like water I guess I could use mine cards or something yep yep they're broke they definitely broke I just need them to not hit the surface don't die don't die don't die don't die this way this way this way this way this way please don't die here they come this way Oh pains me every time he does that this way little man one more Hill to go it's not gonna be that bad I promise you I mean it is pretty handy that they do fly up oh no they're really gonna die okay this is good this is good this is good right now you guys should be able to come through give me my leads back come through come this way oh they're not gonna be able to walk now are they oh jeez I'm just gonna push you at least they'll be able to go in the portal let's let's see what happens are you low enough to get in the portal buddy I don't think he is oh he's ready to go let me see if I'm push him down I don't know if that worked come on to the floor get to get on the floor your little friend has already gone through I need you to go down this isn't exactly what I had in mind I'm lost I don't know I don't know I don't even know what I'm gonna do where's the little one hello where'd the little one go he definitely came through ah okay let's let's go sleep and let's figure this out together I'm gonna have a thinking carrot it makes your eyes see in the dark and makes your brain do nothing really it's just thinkin food okay the little one well there he is hey buddy um come here how am I gonna get you out look what he's like I'm cold I'm scared and I'm not sure where I am please help me I don't know why he's stuck in there to be honest with you I don't really want to go back into the nether come this way you like a balloon there he is are you gonna fall back down I think he's glitched he's definitely glitched but for now you can stay there whether you're glitched or not this way buddy this way and I need to help your friends through but I think I might have to make my nether portal bigger I don't know if that's gonna break my portal system look he's still hanging I could just drag him round until he falls to the ground come on wait he did it then no he's gonna die now isn't he stuck to the ceiling this way oh wait wait he might actually fit in now I think he fits come on push him through pushing it through yes he's gone I broke the new mob already it took me 30 minutes is he in here there is get your booty here near buddy so one of them works the other two dunno what happens they're just kind of floating around chillin but we've got a family of them here I'm so pleased so next thing we need to do is kind of make them a little patch of something I feel like it would be really fitting to have them chill in here I don't know about you but I feel like a little I don't know lava pit or something would be sick so we could do a lava pit here fill the base with this stuff Bam Bam pull the way pop lava on top and then a fence around the edge I just need to find a good fence and then we're good we're done I can't believe it's been this easy so far oh here we go fence so we can make that purple crimson fence I want to make crimson fence okay this is let's just break this let's do it and then make this into planks and then I can just grow a new one if I want to I'll leave that there for a second hello what are you doing here you think this is funny you can't be in here this is a peaceful place you're not allowed don't even pretend to be a turtle I know that's what you're trying to do I also needs buckets and plenty of them I used to have a whole Joker box full of buckets there we go I'll take those cuz I need to make lava I think I need twelve don't I so I'm gonna drink two of these just to make sure that I could do it drink for no reason lovely oh I just got rid of my own box that was fantastic I was like oh I'll be fine that's ten eleven and then 12 I just need to empty these out there we go there we go so that's 12 buckets of lava I can grab let's grab these oh wait they're just normal sticks hold on a second yes okay so I can definitely make world he's I just wasted two of them but the rest I can do in normal planks don't actually know how many I'm gonna need but let's just make as many as we can cuz they're kind of cool that's twelve definitely gonna need more than those yeah we can make a gate as well as the last two we can make a gate there sticks sticks this in the middle is a crimson gate let's see how many more we need it shouldn't be too many let's get it here dude this stuff looks nice looks like nether bricks just a little bit are we need two more you're joking yeah no one will notice this has to come down anyway that might add to be enough oh it's enough yes I need to stop jumping off there without my boots on actually I can ride two of them over here yeah I'm gonna do the lava first me one two three four five six seven eight in a couple more inventory slots twelve slots Perfect's all that noise we always talk about minecraft ASMR somehow that's not a good sound that's another one to add to the list you guys oh you grew up okay three of you can stay here Wow you know supposed to grow up this is meant to be like Neverland you can't ever grow up here Loki thought that was a slime for a second way is this gonna be annoying I feel like this is gonna be annoying yep yep yep definitely gonna be annoying if only they had a decent way to be able to make flat lava I need one more bucket why me you're okay turtles these turtles having a great time since they let them out of the big dome underneath so don't be saying that it was a bad idea to take that away I bet looking back on old episodes it looked trash okay give me that is this the last piece why is that not flowing why does that look like that how have I done this liquids in Minecrafts should never exist the physics shouldn't exist anyway about twelve more there's no way that I can't make this flat with 12 more buckets of lava right there's no way yes now what do I do with 12 buckets of lava it's not my problem right now let's get these guys into where they need to be starting with yet you I guess I'll take that lead back thank you those are expensive let's go this way you're gonna cross the magical bridge they're gonna be really slow and shaky just because they hate being here everyone's looking at me I kind of feel like I'm at the start of a movie right now like a montage everyone's look at me as I go past so buddy is super hype I'm about it I'm glad he walks in this properly as well this is so cool these are like the nether pigs we never knew we wanted but a really really cool I'll don't kill me please there we go drag you in and there you go you're where you want to be ah so cute you don't think these purple bits match that much but we're stuck with them now no offense guys but I'm just gonna drag you okay oh no not the one that's float or they're both floating aren't they I wonder if they'll change when they go on lava and kind of open so Oh No how am I gonna do this oh I know they get hurt in water but will they make it over because technically they're floating so I think they might be okay it'll come this way guys it's gonna be okay don't fret they're floating over the top that's supposed to get hurt by this Oh imma be using this glitch just for now Oh fellas yep perfect perfect now you guys are gonna go at the back right there just need to push you along there we go don't be shy don't be shy there we go we did it I kind of want this guy's going a bit more my speed is really not being that nice to me right now Oh apparently though if we splash this guy with speed or one of these guys with speeds they will be affected by it so that's kind of cool but only on lava there we go we have our very own little pits of on our black cat that is not a good sign at all if anything unlucky happens in the next few episodes it's because of these guys and the black cat has crossed our part no no no no no no no no stop stop don't walk across this yeah get out of here hey get away no be gone begone please I don't have to kill you okay cuz I will I'll do it if you come back on these parts don't curse this land please guys there you go look I need a I think I'm gonna grab myself a item frame real fast and we're gonna put the warped fungus right outside we're making a good collection here actually we have captured I didn't think we'd be able to do this I thought we'd have to go really far but we have captured pretty much every single mop close enough we've got the schalke in a far-off lands what these guys which hopefully will be fixed in a new update because they're floating right now and I kind of hope that one of them would stay a baby but it wasn't to be we fixed item frames next cannot see attached to the block that would be really nice hmm I want to try something real quick what if I put this here quick test there we go oh that looks good guys that looks so much better where I'm gonna have to borrow a little bit more of this I'm getting rid of these trees anyway so please don't be offended just need four of them you ain't that makes it fit into the environment a lot better there we go sweet welcome Striders of the nether so these guys are here now they're chillin their flow in there glitched and I think they're pretty cool I would ride them but I have a feeling that if I jump off it if I get off it I'm gonna land straight in that lava and this my friends is minecraft hardcore so I don't want that to happen now there is a couple other things I still need to explore all of them need to be nether right by needs to I need to find some ancient scrap and they're pretty rare to find so I'm gonna try and do that next time if there isn't another update minecraft the Mojang have been killing the updates new stuff every week like new mobs keep it up and guys if you enjoy it me keeping up with the updates finding the new things capturing the Strider and if you like the Strider leave a like let me great appreciated subscribe to the channel as well because if there's new minecraft updates be sure that I will tackle them and find everything new in hardcore mode no deaths well I haven't died completely yet thank goodness there are totems guys thank you so much for watching leave a like if you enjoyed subscribe if you're brand new and I'll see you in the next one give I [Music] hostess I swing wagon candle campus super full rubber band
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 2,939,503
Rating: 4.9473276 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, dantdm, dan tdm, tdm, dan, funny, gaming, minecraft, dantdm minecraft, yt:quality=high, minecraft hardcore, minecraft survival, minecraft 1.15, child friendly, kid friendly, family friendly, minecraft strider
Id: FP0A_nd5z-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 43sec (1723 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 28 2020
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