I LAUNCHED a BABY VILLAGER in Minecraft Hardcore!

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right today I'm doing something that has been needing to be done for a while that's right behind me is the villager vending machine and thanks to the inspiration that I got from the kind of half episode that happened the other day where Trixie blocks completely transformed my world I feel like I should do some buildings so today when we transforming this top floor right here which i think is currently unused by villages we're gonna make it into a villager penthouse complete with baby extraction unit that's right I'm gonna sound so weird to say I'm gonna make a baby extraction unit using mine cards and hopefully a little bit of slime block as well and some redstone er II I haven't tried this out yet but I'm pretty sure if you get yourself a minecart and a slime ball you can go ahead and fire out a minecart or fire it in the air something like that but I want to attempt to make something that's gonna extract the baby villages from their parents at wait that sounded weird extract them from the penthouse where their parents live that's a little bit more uh a little bit better for the the brain image right there and we're gonna do that using minecarts and slime blocks so first off we're gonna try and make a villager apartment or a villager penthouse that could be housing to villages that then just make babies on babies on babies and we ship them off to give them a job or whatever now where the inspiration is gonna come from it's different pieces of furniture obviously we need lots of beds in there that look impeccable we're gonna need a romantic fireplace as well so I'm gonna try and make one of those today and let's see if my building skills can be flexed so today this is the part that we are going to be transforming it's gonna be up here it's actually pretty empty already it already has already made hole for an extraction so I think is there another yeah there is another room I knew it there's another room over here and he's get rid of this floor as well oh oh hello what's up sorry to invade your privacy yeah you're probably wondering what's going on no you can't get up this is the penthouse suite and you are not allowed here I'm sorry don't cry please don't shed a tear maybe one of your one of your ancestors your future generations will be chosen but you are not please please be gone I need to build around you get down come on you know what I'm gonna push you you don't deserve to be up here please stop you are not worthy of the penthouse so we need to work with this area I think this is as wide as we can go we are gonna give them Oh should we do a balcony that'd be pretty nice a balcony out the sides yes absolutely right the top has less silk touch why do I have so much garbage in my inventory all the time get out of here rotten flesh nobody likes you so we also need to open up this bit to be able to give some kind of extraction facility using the minecarts but I don't know how well that's gonna go to be honest with you this is gonna need some planning and it's gonna be a probably gross I need to also find a space for the gubbins for all the redstone that needs to happen as well okay let me grab some materials and I'll be right back I feel like I'm gonna need some woods and I feel like I need some of that wood over there I want the orange stuff right now so I'm gonna quickly take buddy to get some of the orange woods and then we're gonna get started I grabbed two beds but I think we actually need three because we need one for each villager and then one for the new villager as well so I'm gonna make three of these just so we have enough beds for the villagers to happen we should probably have some way to drop bread in as well wait and eat these resources let's not waste this terracotta it's a pain in the butt to get there we go three beds right let's take slow horse even though I need this to be a quick trip slow us let's go and we're gonna see so slow he's so slow here we go I need some of these bad boys right here are you kidding me Oh slow horse I was just about to talk some real nasty words about you but it's fine I thought you disappeared but it's fine yeah this is some of my favorite looking wood and I think this is gonna be the best stuff to match our bending machine because it's all done in this hour orange terracotta so I think we should continue of this we only have two block high space to work with it's gonna be tricky but you know what there's enough space that my brain box can handle I need to fit a fireplace and a bed that's at least that they're the two things of a checklist that's all I want from this I have 39 acacia logs that should be enough I also need to replant the trees remember the environment we must save the environment are stupid humans are killing the environment so we must save it right slow horse let's get out of here we have made it thank you slow horse that was an absolute pleasure let's see again I have so much trash in my imagery the garden be gone oh wait no you can't pollute the Seas that's terrible give it to the characters instead but you need to be very careful what you throw out the characters because it could be gone forever how much this gonna give us BAM that's enough we need a crafting table gonna borrow this thank you and we need to make ourselves a balcony let's grab the crafting table over here and this makes some slabs shall we I think these orange slabs gonna be beautiful so let's put the balcony stuying here remember this is supposed to be a place for them to be super happy so they make babies and this is the way we're gonna do it we're gonna pamper them put them in a place of luxury and then we're gonna steal their children and ship them off to help me out this is awful I'm doing it anyway how big do we want this to be cuz I'm a little bit worried we have 36 glass panes is this gonna be enough of a balcony you know what I think that'll do look at this yes the epitome of luxury and I'm using these crazy long words as well I'm pretty proud of myself right now speaking of luxury I'm gonna eat myself a golden carrot we need to put down some beds it's gonna be a triple wide bed that's right a triple bed or should it be facing like this 100% it has to be facing the view oh I just realized I need to be careful because if zombies spawn up here these villages are gonna die and I really don't want that that would be awful if you imagine treating them to luxury and then they all just die to a zombie accident that would be horrible right I think we're good up here light is looking good we will put some torches down here just in case as well it's getting too nighttime already my goodness I also don't want song bees to spawn down here because that will ruin my entire village your farm let me just put down these I'm out you try out the bed real quick it's gonna yeah it's gonna do a quick sleep up here just to see if there's an optimal quality for them to sleep in yeah you know there's definitely enough room to - starfish that's great oh I'm gonna have to make the ceiling higher aren't I just to make this this better I need fences yeah there we go yeah that didn't work did it there we go we're going for poster ha ha oh yeah ah yeah this is it this is it it kind of looks like a swinging bed looks a bit weird look at that what kind of villager wouldn't want to be on that and definitely have to make this higher though because the villagers aren't actually do they need to stand on the beds I don't think they do but you know what to make sense I guess you know what they do they do otherwise it's gonna be atrocious let's just raise one piece first and then see if we want to do the whole thing because I'm not entirely sure okay now they can stand on it and now we can still have it hanging from the ceiling this is not where you were supposed to go thank you right that's the bed now I need to do the fireplace the bed takes up the whole thing and I still need to do the bit where it's like the extraction method the slime box gonna be like here I think because otherwise it's gonna attach actually it might need to be one lower but you know what I mean you know how this is gonna go so this is the extraction method it's gonna it's gonna literally be a minecart takes them away bounce on the slime block and then go down here somewhere maybe maybe under the ground I'll be sick to see them disappear into a hole but we we make it perfect so the minecart are this is great my mind is worrying I just need to add a fireplace otherwise this isn't gonna be look good is it if I fill this in and then we have the extraction method here which is only one high because I already want to fit babies in there the fireplace might just have to go here it's gonna have to happen problem is if I cover this up does it ruin everything oh no we're good hopefully the construction doesn't bother you guys the construction noise it should be fine oh I don't know I need stone-like desperately just do a big jump out of here hopefully they don't do that either this could be a safety concern this is getting out of control this whole business here I haven't planned this at all to be honest with you so this could take I think that this is the beginning this could take a while and still look trash but I'll be proud knowing that I built it okay we also need to get two villages up here only think about that so the netherrack needs to go like here actually that's perfect it's that gonna spread to the woods that worries me you know what yeah I'm gonna move it back one which is gonna ruin the aesthetic just a little bit but it doesn't matter I'm gonna like this I'm gonna pray that that doesn't spread because if that spreads I'm we pretty upset this has to be cozy okay real cozy here we go that's not so bad is it failure self fire I think because it's contained it should be fine yeah we don't want them to walk into it either so I need what cobblestone wall look good we need bricks this doesn't look good at all does it actually the same bad I just need to hang things on there and that's gonna be beautiful I might even put lanterns down there yes and this is the extraction facility let's not worry about that for now look at this thing though this thing is so nice we need lanterns how do I crop lanterns and panicking already iron nuggets I completely forgot they even existed all right how many Lance's do I need one two three four five six that's it's six six Landers really perfect Oh almost broke my legs need three more one two three sweet six lanterns is it working oh it's contained it's looking for you to look at this Oh eggs better it looks way better it's like hanging from a chain that looks decent um I wanted to put one on here yeah or I could hang it from there that would look nice just hanging it from there look Weerd gon be honest with me does it look weird if it looks weird I'll stop but for now I'm gonna put it there just because you can't answer me just yet right but and then but ah yeah this looks great I guess I could put a window back here but this is where their babies will be extracted through so I kind of I don't want them to see what happens will do I do I want them to see what happens I feel like I do I've gotta wear like that I'm gonna make them see it okay glass panes throughout remember needs to be open it needs to be Airy yeah this looks good I want to live here apart from the like extraction of children part but apart from that I'm liking it let's put some lantern II oh my goodness it just got better and I'm gonna sleep in it again don't tell them don't tell them they're gonna get in and be like why is it warm okay so they can't escape can name I don't think they can go down here but just in case they can we're gonna make a a Keysha trap door look at me that's gonna go like this just in case they can feel like they escaped I don't think they can jump anywhere else I'm pretty sure so what we should start working on now is the extraction methods cuz that's pretty important if the extraction method doesn't work this whole thing is a waste and then we need to get some villages up here so let's just open this up real quick this is where the piston is gonna go I can't really figure out how I'm gonna get it to work because I need I think I need a detector rail here as the minecart detects it's out it's not what I need to do so I'll put them in the minecart I'll push them along they'll go down here and hopefully get pinged up by the slime block is that gonna work so any one way to find out my friends only one way to find out right slime block here can't be touching anything else it just felt fantastic right while I'm down here why don't I get detector rails powered rails I'm not actually sure what activates a rail does so let's grab one of those we're gonna need ourselves for minecart as well I'm pretty sure and let's see what we could create I kinda wanted to oh my goodness this looks so good in the front oh look the pen house oh dude I again I want to live here look at that it doesn't look weird at all the orange wood was a great choice are with the lanterns as well you guys are gonna be jealous so jealous yeah I see it in your eyes green with envy okay now we're gonna try and get a little bit smart with this so sticky piston slime block so that when the minecart fall was off this is gonna be an activator rail actually no this is gonna be a detector rail because when it detects redstone no when it sex a minecart it should emit a redstone signal yeah there we go and it's gonna admit the redstone signal onto the piston and then activate it I think the ejection machine I wanted to be floating but I don't think that's gonna happen but I think you should be able to work I don't think it's gonna be that difficult and then I need to test it with a villager inside which could be slightly risky to say the least right so this will activate the Redstone right can you see can you see it my brain it's already swelling because I'm having to use it too much eventually we need it to go in here in there so it's gonna need to come out go up up is this actually gonna work straight from here hold the phone that might actually just straight up work what if I put this on here oh okay that works straight away we might have to put a delay on it but as long as I can hide that and make it look nice I'm gonna be the first person to try this that's not going fast enough well done that was a failed mission oh geez I would've died a redstone our night is gonna be tragic this is working though what if I put a powered rail down there apparently already picked up one because I'm an idiot I think I want a redstone block here then I can do the powered rail like this let's see if that is now fast enough no I definitely needs it to lay on it okay okay okay I need some more redstone gubbins I never thought I'd say that about you having fun do redstone if this works it's going to be legendary we all watch babies flying out the back of my vending machines exactly what I built it for okay let's make some repeaters smooth stone one two three I think that should be enough for our repeat a sweet I think I won't even anyone for this it's not gonna be a 4 tick delay that'll be ridiculous it might need to be less with the 3 Howard rails this this is per yes there we go yeah it's still way too fast this is complete sick though always good and so I can add a delay right here I think let's make it four that's probably gonna be way too long though right I don't know maybe three yes do three here we go test subject number one oh hello why didn't I fly very high I don't think I'm going fast enough this isn't optimal this is gonna hurt them as well I need to keep that in mind can i power another rail this far I don't think I can can I I can well that's good what if I do another one here five powered rails let's go oh yeah that's better so that's where it lands right there let me make a note of that so to be honest we don't really need the extraction mechanism but because I find it fun we're still gonna keep it like that we don't need it to fire them in the air but you know what I'm gonna do it right so if that works we then go down here and now we need to make it so that it goes underground which is gonna be a pain in my butt so I think I want it to end over here but this isn't gonna have glass on it anymore like at all so they're gonna come down here hopefully land it and keep coming down how far down is this I guess it doesn't really matter we're just gonna go down a little bit more they're gonna come down here remember they're gonna be babies so there really needs that much room I can hear the cat so I think I'm close so I'm just gonna go this way and see what happens yeah there might be too low this way I'm underneath our night that's annoying I've come too low oh I'm close I'm really close okay I need to make sure this doesn't go wrong I just need to travel down here as safely as possible and then I'll cover it over when I'm done this might actually be perfect sure they just need to make up here and then into their future residents which eventually is gonna have no roof on it there we go that's what I'm talking about and then I can even connect it to here oh that's great are you guys okay in here you are the two chose ones by the way so this is gonna be magical for you I think this is gonna work all the way from the top I should land here I could have made this actually way lower goodnight so I'm gonna land down here regardless let's see if it works let's see if that's the right place then what's right with an actual test subjects this could be the episode where I caused him to die last time I was curing them this time they might just die on their own accord here we go yes yes that works I didn't touch anything yeah all this works perfectly okay that's great come back to anything I want to make sure is that this just goes straight into a ramp straight away so I'm gonna make it like this that's it cuz then I just fool down like a one-by-one hole right so I cover all this up cover this with sand and then I'll be ejected out the back and it should just pick up speed straight away I'm pretty sure right test drive number three straight Oh does it not fit in a 1x1 hole ah there we go okay just need to go back one more that's fine carving this sort of I want them to just fall literally do you guys know what I'm doing here you know I'm doing right I want it to just fall straight into a hole so it doesn't look weird and nothing else can fall down it may be a zombie could fall down if it gets there at the perfect angle but apart from that this should be okay because remember they're gonna be babies they can fit through the half blocks he's excited he's ready to try this out maybe I need both of these open I'm not too sure let's try like this it's gonna be worth it but it's gonna be painstaking to to test out and I hope no villagers die in the process that would just be awful come on come on yes Oh slip straight through the gap ah that's beautiful all I need is a couple more powered rails and they'll go straight up there ah this is great okay we know that works so I think the whole can be there right okay now I need to get these two villages up top so let's just dive in and let's just put them in a minecart real fast just so he's nice and trap get in you know what to do get you've done this before no you don't wanna go that stop spinning are you the spinning guy always the spinning guy right definitely don't want you going down there that'll be awful could you get in please yes okay you have been captured great success where's your friend you're there okay that's not helpful I need another minecart and I need the rest of my rails to get them up to the top somehow I need to get them in their penthouse so they stay there then I need to give them bread so they can make a baby and then we can test this thing out and see if it works and then when it's tested we can make sure that we've got it all encased looking nice as nice as you can do anyway I feel like I can test this I don't put my life on the line and try this through a single block it definitely works through a single block Oh Wyatt it must slow them down maybe I'm gonna have to test this and see what happens rather than I need your friend to get inside come on it's gonna be a great time you me and a minecart how did that how did that even work do you see that puppet ah gotcha they can't escape me for long these nerds now I need to get him out of here this is going to be a nightmare I need to get him up there Oh it's like actual magic just occurred I think this is gonna be fine I need to get both of them up there and then keep them up there while I test the rest ironically their babies are just gonna end up in this same section but I need to redesign the section anyway so let's see if they'll out you go up there first boy have I got a deal for you penthouse suite all you have to do is agree to obey me for the next hundred years maybe even more just X Y is this for X years on the contract it's gonna be fine just sign it you don't need a lawyer it's okay yes oh that's one let's get a second there we go right no why did that just happen here we go feels like old times huh guys old times right to make sure they don't burn themselves they can't get down here they can jump on here but they can't fall off right oh no and I feel like that's a safety concern am I gonna have to make this twice as high just so they don't jump on I feel like I might have to you know I'm gonna do it I'm gonna have to get you guys to just not jump off it's like in hotels when they don't let you have like a window open that far right so we have our two friends here I now can't jump off the roof which is great now I just need them to make a baby and then I can test out the machine I think it's gonna be great all right so for this to work I think I need this to be a slab and then they can't get out right there we go welcome my friends welcome to the penthouse suite you are very very lucky villages indeed you have been specially selected for this program and I just need you to do one thing oh no it's the baby gonna go in there die be tragic and then I'll see you guys in a bit okay you know just get to know each other have a great time because I need you to know each other real well for this next bit to work well you're doing fine I've misplaced my redstone block has anyone seen it ah yeah of course I left it out here what a stupid guy why didn't I remember I put it there okay looks like they're getting to know each other pretty nicely that is good so I'm about this here and then this here that completes the Machine right um I think I need to give them bread now I think all I need is a baby and then this could work I don't think you can get out there but you can in a minecart so one two three one two three there we go I'm gonna have some two just for good luck actually I'm not if you're gonna eat it all you kidding me oh it's happening I just hope the baby doesn't find a way to get out I feel like this is a hazard guys this is acid isn't it this is a hazard okay I'm just gonna put this here just for now I need to add some more fences to that bit or another piece of glass yes happens magic wonder even he's wondering like what is how did this happen what okay next thing I need to do is avoid putting that villager in and it's only the baby that I want that's all I want friends just the baby you guys can go over here let's chill enjoy the view enjoy the view right now what's the best way to get him into a minecart I'm kind of not sure these guys seem eager to try it there even queuing up but this cannot happen dude come over here there we go there we go white I am going to start recording because I want to see this from the third person let's see if this happens go [Music] yes my experiment looks a launch Tim it's like it has the space eggs program but betsa did he go all the way down you know I can say buddy you survived how you feeling are you feeling good it's really good Oh what what do I need I'm losing my mind that I should play my craft at night oh my goodness all right this goes here I need another powered rails when he's going to grab one of those and let's show the replay of that real fast I could already imagine it and it's it's already funny of my head oh my goodness powered rail at least you get six of them out of it though that's not too bad right I think that's it I do need some more redstone torches actually so let's grab those nice let's see if this is enough right redstone rail don't worry you'll be free in no time redstone rail here I feel like that should be there but let's at least give it a try see what happens that works that works as well BAM okay right I'm gonna give him a little push see what happens oh no this way that way yeah go go oh that's perfect and he goes under there without dying I did it oh I wish I could get him back up there to complete the job that'll be magical I think what I can do is well I'm gonna push you back down just to try one more thing buddy okay go back down there I hope I haven't killed him now let's sleep and then we'll find out if we killed the man but but please don't die you're my first test Oh No but wait where are you oh you're there how did you how are you doing this I don't mind at least you're not dead right you go down here and hopefully you'll make all the way to the ends yes this doesn't matter as much because at the end there's gonna be like a sorting system so I'll stop them and then I'll give them the green light to go when I've given them their appropriate job that's how this is gonna work if like this experiment has gone well so far let's get you no way let's go this way come on buddy you have done this so well I'm proud of him I feel like a proud dad already my goodness he's a legend so what's gonna happen is they're gonna come up here just like this and then they're gonna get stopped right here and then on this side we're gonna have a lever that should be able to send them off when they're done because on this side we're gonna have like a little job place so that I can put down their appropriate job and then send them off when they're done down here and then they can join their their friends in here I think this is going to be one of the greatest projects I have ever created it's gonna be glorious right one more test run let's do this we need another baby we need another minecart that the tricky bit is getting them into the minecart but apart from that I think this is gonna work how you guys feeling you're feeling kids they're like where is my baby nothing happens you're fine let us through one two three and then you're gonna steal that okay why are you stealing all what is going on here breach I haven't got that much bread left oh no don't kill yourself in the fire stop looking for your child they're not here three yes right make another baby that I can send off to another dimension please hopefully they don't walk this way that's the only danger as the baby could go that way can you you don't me to look okay I'm not looking can you just do it please oh okay sweet all right come on come on I need this to work this is gonna be glorious give me your child I need to send him to college wait what you said no why are they saying no or the bed problem that is gonna be a problem I think the other guy needs to sleep in a different bed I think that's what's going on here oh no that's not good but look at this beautiful place we live in right now I'm gonna put another bed down just to make sure that this works and could you just respect what you've got hit your you're in the darkest dankest corner of their apartment look at this it's beautiful the views are to die for right now you got a perfect view of slow horse you wouldn't want that look I'll put some sleeping bags down you could just have them okay while I'm waiting let's just put a sign on to know what happens so there this way baby launcher there we go baby launches this way all of this ungrateful this is like a multi-million emerald apartment right here and you know making me babies I think they're suspicious of the baby launcher is that because I put the sign there you can read no that wasn't in the plan I'm running our bridge here final get more bread if that's what you want I got my bread moolah look guys guys if you're not gonna use it okay they've claimed different beds this is great great news are you stuck come on buddy I know you might be stuck but you've got some you've got some loving to do it's really creepy come on yes they finally listened I've been under so much bread if I see anger signs I'm sending you all down the elevator okay the launcher will be dubbed the villager launcher show me the baby that's right now I'm taking all your beds away capital of the fire little friends right there little man are you ready for the trip of a lifetime it's gonna cost you exactly nothing and it's gonna be great it's gonna go this way here we go oh you know I said oh my goodness I thought he's gonna jump I genuinely thought he was gonna jump come buddy be nice I don't to send a minecart down for nothing here we go go yes ha ha there he goes Oh I wonder if you went all the way down this time sorry friends another baby has been lost well recruited by me dude if he's made it all the way that would be legendary there is there's your brother is what will grown up we did it guys let's go I don't think I recorded that second one so you couldn't see it but the machine works it drags them all the way through here all the way from the top bounces them off there today you have witnessed greatness absolute greatness I just need to make that look a little bit nicer somehow because all the Redstone works perfectly I'm gonna have to leave a gap up top and besides the slime block because obviously I don't want to ruin the way it looks let's just fix this up real quick can't be having this looking messy now it's just some epic proportions and if she has a redstone machine in an hour I also need to make it so that I can I can just have one single like block open which I should be able to do right yeah there we go that should because now I could just cover it over and all of this will be hidden I seem to make sure it's lit up properly cuz nasties down here would be outrageous but it works they're like wait you look like me are we related yes yes you are you little punks that is now completely invisible apart from this which should still allow them to go down hopefully that's the other experiment we need to try out and we just need to cover this bit over and then we are done here we have made a villager baby launching machine now what I need to do is work out my stop-start method here so that I can like choose their profession and then have a little Bank here as well so I can score villages and then I need to add something to drop bread as well and I guess I need to do like an automatic bread machine somehow so I've got carrots but I haven't got wheats I don't think so anyway let me check the chest cuz this guy has gone a little bit crazy and started producing wheat for me it's kind of thrown some wheat and some seeds I'm not sure what's going on there and he's run out of carrots you need to be slayed and fixed my friend I'm gonna eat my last juicy carrot because today we finished a villager launcher which i think is beautiful and it came out of my own brain box I didn't copy it I did it and we built the the penthouse as well looks phenomenal look at them up there ah they look so happy so beautiful and guys if you stuck around for this long make sure you check out the contest my film coming out this weekend all over the world so please check in description below if you've got a screening near you and come and see it it's gonna be a lot of fun I promise but that's good we pretty much it for me guys thank you so much for watching me try and discover how to make a village a baby launcher if you enjoyed it and happy with the Machine please people like that we greatly appreciate it subscribe if you are brand new by hitting a big red button on the bottom corner of your screen and I'll see you guys in the next one good bye [Music] most is our swing wagon candle canvas super full rubber band
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 3,387,229
Rating: 4.9341917 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, dantdm, dan tdm, tdm, dan, funny, gaming, minecraft, dantdm minecraft, yt:quality=high, minecraft hardcore, minecraft survival
Id: pR4eQ7PtIuQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 21sec (2001 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 28 2019
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