I made a game using Godot for the first time

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gdau is an open source game engine that's been booming in popularity recently and it's no secret why hi Unity hey hey man I found this extra 20 cents lying around do you want it oh yeah man thank you why'd you do that personally I'm an Unreal Engine developer myself but I used Unity for the first 6 years of my game Development Career so seeing their new Revenue sharing policy is quite saddening so the question becomes can I make an ire video game in an engine I've never [Music] touched but first I need to come up with a game idea my wonderful mother is very passionate about gardening and I'm a big fan of plants as well but I'm not as crazy about getting my hands dirty that's why I chose a career where I have to sit at my computer all day because of this I've always wanted to make a game about tending to plants decorating your home with them and making sure they stay watered and pruned the idea is you can get new plants anytime but the more plants you have the more you'll have to upkeep will you play a relaxing game game of interior gardening or will you collapse to your insatiable desire for horiculture expansion your huous turning your life into non-stop plant care that can never realistically be uphill by just one mortal man sketching out the concept for the game I decided when you get a new plant it should spawn as a baby and grow into a full plant eventually become overgrown which will require pruning and then die if you don't water it enough this required me to draw four versions of the plant as well as designing a room with a lot of options for plant placement and I also needed a character to actually tend to the plants since spooky season just started I decided to make the character a little skeleton Gardener before I turn these Concepts and sketches into drawings I wanted to dip my toes into gdau and make sure I could figure out how to get at least the basic game mechanics working I named this project living for plants because Mr skeleton here is incredibly passionate about his garden but it's also funny because he's not living he's dead as long as I could click on a Sprite to move it around I'd have the confidence to complete the whole game I created my first script and it was at this moment I realized gdau uses its own programming language called GD script which I had never used or even heard of and I'm pretty sure good has a way to integrate C into its engine which I have a lot more familiarity with but screw it this is a video about no experience so I'm going all in and using the language I have no experience in when is the next bus to Bikini Bottom what the bus schedule the next bus I can't understand your accent after a lot of online research in 14 lines of code I can now pick up Sprites and put them back down hooray now that I'm fluent in GG script I'm feeling it's about time to draw those sketches I use CR for my drawings and animations but I only started doing this a few months ago so I'm probably not the best person to take advice from that but I do know two things for sure one I'll never make an adobe subscription again and two credit is free so take that how you will so I've drawn the setting the skeleton and four plant versions so with gdau I'll first add a button to spawn a plant I've been programming for 12 years so surely I can instantiate a Sprite oh I've crashed the engine since it definitely didn't take me an entire hour just to figure out why the that wasn't working I had plenty of time to give my plant the interaction code from earlier so I can now pick up and place the plant wherever I want to increase the immersion further I added VR just kidding to increase the immersion I only allowed the plant to be set in certain places as well as dynamically adjusting the scale so it actually looked like you were placing it behind you next I spawned it as a baby Sprite instead and figuring out how the gdau timers work switched it to an adult and then overgrown and to switch it to the dead plant I need the plant to run out of water they need to be watered periodically so I reused the timers and made a progress bar appear on the pot to let you know that it needs that hydration after adding the same pickup code to the pale and making it rotate when you click I realized I need some sort of actual watering animation I added this particle effect with some water droplets I made and I thought it looked pretty nice but I decided to ask my friend Tyler for a second [Music] opinion I tried a few more ideas before deciding to draw a full-on water flowing animation I never animated anything like this before so I just looked up waterfall animations online and wigged it from there and I actually love the way it came out it looks so fresh and crispy I just want to I did the same thing for the shears but when you click on the plant it removes the overgrown leaves wow that was not fun or satisfying in any way so I went back into credit and spent way too much time making each overgrown Leaf its own individual objects so that in game you could snip them off manually one by one but it was totally worth it I made each Leaf disconnect from the plant and fall off all floaty like like a realistic leaf and all I did to get that effect was actually just rotate the leaf as it falls since none of these Sprites have their Pivot Point on its own Center it sells the effect wonderfully by rotating around an invisible point now this was pretty much the game I had conceptualized but it really wasn't engaging yet despite the goal of creating a relaxing SL sort of simulation game I think the gameplay Loop was far too one-dimensional for it to be actually enjoyable so I decided to switch the new plant button for a shop where baby plants cost a small amount of money but you can resell them as adult plants to make more money to buy more plants I mean after all you are living for plants I sketched the concept for the shop and quickly designed the economy of the game like what factors would decrease the plant's value I added the shop to gdau and even made this cool open and close animation and once I had figured out animations I couldn't stop there and I had to create this cool Bluey animation for when the plant spawns in but what it's a plant shop that only sells one plant I think it was finally time to get some more options into here I decided to make four more plants total because four plants wasn't just four more drawings for each plant I had to draw the baby version the Dead version and and eight overgrown leaves that you clip off totaling to 55 drawings for just five plants but man was it worth it making this little indoor garden was much more fulfilling when you had a variety of plants to choose from and the thing is I was starting to get a hang of gdau at this point and I was having so much fun of this project I just couldn't stop polishing it I added a plant counter I made the skeleton happy when you're watering the plant I allowed you to flip the watering pil because you actually couldn't really even reach any plants that were placed on the left side of the screen I added a cell menu that shows you why the plant will sell for that amount I mean clipping leaves occasionally give you coins so there's another way to make money without actually having to sell your plants and at this point I was ready to call the game finished but there was one thing I knew I needed to add that I couldn't ignore anymore customizing the pots every single pot looks the same and for the entire time I was working on this game I was trying to convince myself that I didn't care to avoid the amount of work it would take to add it but I failed so I drew eight new pots of different shapes and sizes but I think it's pretty obvious to see which one's the best it wasn't as simple as that though I created separate layers for each pot so you'd have the ability to change their color to anything you'd like as well as including a light shine that you can change the opacity of to simulate different amounts of glaze this also meant I had to create another menu with all the pot options as well as value sliders to change the color and glaze and even thrw in some slots at the bottom that you could save colors in so you don't have to recreate the ones you like each time the pots don't cost any money but to add a little extra progression into the game I made it so you had to cultivate a certain amount of plants to unlock them and after adding some sound effects and music that's the game it took about 5 days to complete and truthfully I'm really proud of how this project came out but the important question is now that I've created an entire video game at gdau what do I think of it well it's fantastic once I got used to it I really liked the organization from its node based setup GD script was pretty straightforward and easy to pick up and truthfully I think Gau is going to be my new go-to engine for my smaller 2D projects instead of unity I had a blast making living for plants and you can go play it right now on itch.io plus it's an HTML build so you can play it right in your browser and make sure to like let me know what you get for your high score have fun playing and I'll see you next time
Channel: shawcat
Views: 1,008,283
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: godot, experience, gardener, skeleton
Id: XQ_LpQzbsok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 34sec (454 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 15 2023
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