Seven Minutes to Decide On Godot 4 in 2024

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two years ago we made a video presenting gdo but the engine has come such a long way since then that many of its scans just disappeared if we go back there were a few companies using goodu in production over the past 2 years we saw in the hits made with it like the popular Survivor game rotato the mining Rog like domee keeper and the award-winning story-driven case of the golden idol so it was time to refresh the presentation this video is sponsored by good old game devs like you who invest in learning with GD Quest remember for a limited time you can pre-order our good 4 coures below launch price they're rolling out starting January 13 2024 on GD School our own new learning platform gdau is the biggest most active and most popular free and open source 2D and 3D game engine this means that it comes with no strings attached you can do whatever you want with it you never have to pay any anything no matter how much money you make with it and that can never change good cannot be bought or taken over by anyone it belongs to all of us still development is well organized gdau has a core team of over 10 Engineers mostly seniors driving its development they're backed by thousands of contributors worldwide helping out with buck fixes translations and other improvements we'll talk about how this is all funded but first let's look at what good can do for you with gdau you can make desktop games mobile games browser games and Export to the Nintendo switch and Xbox through third parties note that veterans from the project are hard at work bringing Full console support to good 4 the latest release we've seen a couple of commercial successes released on Steam rotato and so on large companies are also using G to produce many games the gambling industry but not only the engine is also amazing for app and Tool development we made a complete fre open source code learning app with gdau learn gdscript from zero which you can see in action right now other great programs made with gdau include cozy blanket a 3D retopology app on iOS and pixel over a pixel art animation and VFX app gdo is a fully-fledged game engine with a feature Rich editor including an animation editor and animation tree a script editor user interface design tools visual Shader programming tile set and tile maps and much more it even comes with great support for online multiplayer games and virtual reality and all that is packed in just a couple of dozen megabytes making it a quick download it launches fast and runs even on slow computers and Android tablets 2D support is plain excellent and 3D is quickly following suit with a big leap in quality of life in the latest version currently or 3D performance and tool set are still not on par with unreal or Unity but the Gap is closing fast with more and more users creating 3D games and improving features and user experience however you do get an underrated counterpart access to easy source code that any professional developer can change G is written in C++ which can sound scary but the developers take great care in keeping the code accessible and easy to change as it's an essential perk compared to other engines it means you never have to be stuck with a bug that won't ever be fixed you can make changes yourself or work with a developer to do that for you while the ecosystem and job market are not the largest good game releases on Steam are doubling every year and an increasing number of content creators and users are adopting the engine GD officially supports C C++ and GD script its own scripting language which is also the most used it is surprising but Gau has its own language for the same reasons that the Unreal Engine got its own language verse a targeted language tailor to the engine features allows you to develop more expressively and more simply general purpose languages like python or JavaScript aren't designed for games at all they end up being costly for both the engine developers and users to support having a tightly integrated domain specific language like gript allows you to write simpler code and iterate faster so it pays off but as I mentioned goto supports C and it can mix and match languages as they can interoperate no problem also note that neither language will be dropped as this is an open- source project and the community cares very much about having both note that the engine has a free and open source asset Library accessible from within the editor where you can find free plugins and templates to accelerate your projects we make a bunch of those a commercial asset store is in development as we record this video the funding model is slightly unusual but Rock Solid it's kind of decentralized to ensure the Project's longevity the good foundation receives funding through user donations sponsorships from large companies like Microsoft and meta and grants such as the Epic Mega Grant several companies as included also directly hire developers to work on good under the foundation's leadership this creat a solid Network where there isn't one Central entity that can fail and bring the project down with it though might sound great but is it for you I want to be as honest as possible there if you've invested a lot of time learning Unity or unreal and you're happy with them as much as I love Gil there's not really a reason to switch that is aside from the belief that software should be open sourced and accessible if we don't want to wake up one day with no say or influence on the tools we use if you're a seasoned Game Dev a trained professional or a company and you occasionally participate in game jams it makes a lot more sense to use the opportunity to try a free and open- Source technology where you're in complete control so I encourage you to try gdo if you're new to game development or you do want to try something new though definitely give gdo a try it's powerful and fun to use for production work starting with gdau 4.2 the engine is feeling pretty stable of course there's always room for improvement and you should expect it to keep gaining maturity with each release some exciting Indie projects have already been ported to good 4 like Halls of torment and road to bustu and the developers feedback is encouraging it's no reason to rush you should always assess if an engine works for your game but it's a sign that good 4 is already stable enough for some serious commercial projects if you're learning how to code well first good call because ultimately there's no real way around if you're serious about making games check out our free app learn gdscript from zero and if you're completely new to gdau we've made a free interactive step-by-step tour that runs directly in the engine editor and helps you find your way around the user interface you can find it on our website [Music]
Channel: GDQuest
Views: 98,588
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game engine, GDScript, Godot, games, beginner, Godot 4, unity, unreal
Id: yS9cuu5o5Ug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 36sec (456 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 05 2024
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