I Used Godot For 100 Hours, Here’s What I Learned

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[Music] i've been using godot as my primary game engine for several months now and i'll say right off the bat that god is a great engine but it's certainly not perfect so i would like to talk about the ups and downs of using it based on my experience this is 100 hours of godot i'm saying this right now and i'll say it again many of the things i criticize are already being changed for godot 4.0 but this isn't a review of what godot will be this is a summary of what it has been in the time that i've been using it so some of the things i mentioned may be out of date or uninformed especially in the case of issues i encountered that i was unable to solve godot has a lot going on and i haven't discovered all of its secrets far from it if something i stated isn't accurate or you know a workaround to a problem i've encountered please share it in the comments both for clarification to those watching and for me who needs tech support it should also be mentioned that although this isn't specifically a unity versus godot video unity is my main point of reference for game engines so there will be a lot of comparisons to that program and just like godot i don't know everything about unity remember there is no perfect game engine all of them have their pros their cons and their niches and finally i am not a professional game developer i am not a professional programmer i'm a guy who picked up a hobby a few years ago and wants to share his progress and thoughts online i only hope this video is helpful to those less experienced folks like myself deciding whether or not to learn godot and is at the very least entertaining to everyone else so with that out of the way let's begin with a brief history of how i got here i downloaded godot over a year ago and pretty quickly discovered that i liked it but i was very focused on unity at the time i had been learning it since 2018 but it was only in late 2020 that i really started to get a feel for it so i thought it was a bit early to be jumping [ __ ] but in the summer i tried out a few different game engines researched some others and soon found myself once again intrigued by godot simultaneously trying to learn godot unity and unreal engine wasn't working out for me i was hardly learning anything so i put everything else on hold and decided to give godot a proper shot i figured that 100 dedicated hours would be enough time to figure out if the engine was really for me 100 hours took a long time especially given that i was still in high school and had other hobbies but i've put in the work tutorials prototypes game jams a couple game remakes and some small experiments in vr the whole time i have logged my thoughts on the learning process and the differences between godot and previous engines that i have used so that's a summary that leads me to where we are today we tend to overlook the problems of things we deal with on a regular basis so although some of the things i comment on may not seem particularly notable to a long time godot user they certainly will be to a rookie let's get into godot itself starting with the initial appeal of the program godot is cool and that's not some generic comment that's an app description of the energy that it radiates other engines may have a vast portfolio or a detailed resume to back them up but godot showed up for its job interview in a slick suit and a charming gleam in its eyes it opens fast and it loads even faster its icons are perfectly sized its labels are succinct and that navy blue not only sues the eyes but ensures that its windows never get lost in a busy desktop perfect for my window jumping workflow when i imagine creative suite user interfaces the first programs that come to my mind are blender pre 2.8 or unity so to see a program that prioritizes making its ui not disgusting is really cool objects are all color coded and have their own unique symbols adding in objects doesn't feel like filling out a spreadsheet but rather digging through a lego bin i'm not saying it doesn't take itself seriously as a game engine but rather that it respects itself as a modern application the level of polish put into its ui is commendable it feels deceptively simple to use i scan the interface and feel like i understand everything in unity i'm desperately trying to avoid making eye contact with any option that i don't already know godot makes me feel smart godot makes itself look good and godot does it all expeditiously i chose godot because it's cool and some might say that a more logical draw would be the open source nature the improved workflows lack of licensing null cost or the fact that godot doesn't need to shell out billions on unnecessary tech to impress investors but for me that reasoning came later on in the very beginning i was just picking the coolest guy to have on my team but being cool doesn't mean you'll be a good player so let's see how good o rolls godot doesn't have the same workspace arrangement options that unity has besides a few toggles and sliders for adjusting menus it's very static godot is a single window program every menu even those that seem to pop up are really just an overlay within godot's little bubble while in many ways this allows good o to be very predictable and organized this does hugely limit the ways in which it can be personalized and since you have your files scenes 3d and 2d workspaces and code editor all in one window it can seem to be a very cramped workflow for the first while but there is a rhythm eventually dragging in assets opening a tab for the asset creating a script jumping back and forth between windows it's got a flow to it and you want your work to have a flow it's called good workflow one thing that i've always really liked about unity was how you could manipulate the scene while you were in game move things around changing variables the whole shebang it's really helpful for quickly testing things out without restarting the program godot does sort of have this in the form of the remote scene you can change variables and positions and whatnot but it's strictly through the inspector you can't see the changes happening in the scene view with all the gizmos and whatnot it's not the end of the world of course but it is a feature that i miss if you want to debug and godot get ready to use the print debug method a lot also get ready to see output overflow printless text a lot too godot's reset buttons are surprisingly useful almost any time you change a variable the little icon pops up beside it this is great for encouraging experimentation and exploration of new features without worrying about trying to find the default value when it messes up your whole project clarity is huge in godot it's always clear which labels are connected to which inputs which variables are aren't representing their default value which togs are on or off which nodes have scripts what family a notice from the visibility of nodes and on and on i say as i run out of things to go on and on about point is godot has clarity it's communicative transparent if you will so despite its compact menu i always know where i am and what i'm looking at that's preferable to me speaking of preferable what on earth are those nodes i was talking about all game engines have their own special ways in which they work unity has mono behaviors unreal engine has blueprints gamemaker has a 100 a year subscription fee and godot has notes i was most familiar with unity and in unity everything is a game object the way you define what each game object does is through components that you can add to your heart's content so when i switch to godot where you can only have one script per object i figured they'd pin me for a fool but after a few tutorials and adjustments to my game structure i found that in many ways this quote workaround is far easier to deal with while yes there is an appeal to creating an all-powerful game object monster to throw into a project like a wild science experiment by using godot's specific child parent sibling structure commonly known as a family it forces you to properly organize your hierarchical structures in a more readable fashion paired with the identifiable symbols each family begins to represent an organized team of little node people mesh check collider check camera check physics check we've got a player everybody by cutting out the concept of components for the most part each node gets treated equally and we no longer require weird specifications like get component as opposed to get child though it does mean you'll end up with a lot more random nodes whose only purpose is to house a script nodes also replace unity's distinction between prefabs and scenes loading in a new level is the same as deleting one node and adding another which is really helpful for separating code into more modular pieces that way you wouldn't face the classic unity struggle of synchronizing changes between multiple scenes i'd have one main node that i'd call world or game or something and it would have all the boilerplate in there 24 7 and that i would make the level nodes children of the world and swap them in and out as i please structure like this is certainly possible in unity if you ignore the concept of scenes plural altogether but godot sees this as the default workflow and not something you may or may not discover jumping between the world node the player node the level node and the random button node is instant intuitive and feels conducive to the workflow in unity if i make something into a prefab i'm probably done with it opening up a prefab in unity feels like lifting a rotting log godot is modular with a capital m it takes some getting used to but it's darn good so what's it like to code these modules i'm not a big python fan i personally like curly brackets and semicolons and clear variable types and all that stuff that makes coding in c sharp slower to write but far easier to read gdscript godot's custom scripting language is very similar to python in that way but i won't harp on gdscript syntax too much because a i haven't used python in a while and b a lot of it is just personal preference also yes c-sharp is a language that can be used with godot if you download the mono version but c-sharp is way less popular than jd script in the godot space so finding engine-specific help is a lot more tedious and i don't have the guts to deviate from the norm much as i prefer c-sharp syntax switching was not as big of an issue as i presumed i used it i got used to it i got over it and now i hardly think about it but i do care about how the coding side of things interacts with the engine side of things because it isn't always super silky smooth first the workspace the coding tab is a tab it can't be opened to a separate window or put on another monitor you can connect godot to an external code editor and download some autofill modules for it but that kind of takes away from godot's all-in-one functionality and i was too lazy to set it up but i quite like how the built-in editor works and would really love it if i could simply right-click the script tab and toggle between connected and windowed mode it can sometimes get disorienting when i'm trying to work quickly and i'm switching between tabs and script nodes and my eyes are darting around trying to find the thing i'm looking for again the more i did it the better at it i got and i don't think about it much anymore but it does still make it a little confusing at times especially with the way it automatically opens and switches between scripts without making it clear that that's what it's doing but more on the coding side of things godot has autofill or intellisense or whatever it's called it kind of sucks in unity or at least visual studio community as soon as you start typing it gives you a full list of possible methods variables and other junk it was always clear exactly what each option was what you could do with it and even what you shouldn't do with it in the case of deprecated entries godot doesn't tell you what's what sometimes it's implied through its naming but if you're not sure it won't give you a straight answer i've had plenty of cases where it autofills what i assume to be a variable only to find out when testing that it was actually a method not that i would have known it doesn't automatically add the brackets but this is all assuming autofill actually gives you an answer to begin with you may get a list for sure but it's organized with a lot of the most common pieces of code either buried beneath or not present at all several times i've wondered why doesn't godot have this obvious helpful feature only to find out from online forms that it does but it would have never told you as such small typos will instantly vanquish all similar results and sometimes i have to rewrite an entire line of code just to get autofill to show up again and trying to get code autocomplete from another node is awful when referencing a node such as player i expect to use playerreference.something for it to recommend some of the variables that the player contains sometimes it does but most of the time it doesn't whether the player scene has to be open or the specific instance has to be selected or the accompanying script has to be open i'm not sure sometimes it autofills and sometimes it doesn't the way you get other nodes kind of sucks to begin with you're forced to use a specific chain of getparent.getpair.getparent.getnodemethods to climb all the way up and then back down the node hierarchy in other engines you could just make a public reference and drag it in but the closest thing in godot is the export variable option but that's very limited best you can do is export a node path which does not restrict the type of node that can be inputted in the slightest also you can't drag and drop a node in here you have to click the button and search to the whole hierarchy for the right node it makes public lists pretty darn unbearable my best solution was to make an auto load script which is godo's version of a singleton called references to store references to every needed node in the project i would really like it if godot had a better built-in way of dealing with this and maybe it does but i certainly couldn't find it well till a few days ago where i was recommended a video demonstrating a future update that fixes part of this problem see it's tricky to criticize godot because it keeps getting these improvements every other week darren gadot not even letting its issues persist long enough to complain a lot of this stuff is going to change soon i want to keep putting that out there so that i don't scare people away from godot but since i am talking about my experience thus far i think it's fair that i get to nitpick anyway and complaining's fun so while we're at it here's some more complaints about godot's scripting if a built-in method gives you a variable that you can use such as delta in the process function it will get mad if you don't use that variable and forget to put an underline in front of it marking it as unused similarly for methods that return a value they want you to put it into a variable and if you aren't using the variable to put an underline in front of it it doesn't break the game by any means but it breaks my heart and it makes my code look funny in unity if you want to get the position of an object you would use transform.position or transform.localposition depending on world or local space pretty reasonable yeah so you'd think godot would have a similar naming convention for these variables wouldn't you and godot does have dot position for 2d nodes at least and that's a local position for global position you need either get or set global position and in 3d it's even weirder instead of position you use translation again for local space and then global translate just kidding that's a method you need globaltransform.org that's the world space of a 3d object the forward vector the direction of the object unity's version being transform.forward is globaltransform.basis.z just kidding it's negative globaltransform.basis.i said because the uh z-axis is backwards i guess there was an explanation but i forgot and don't care those are the more notable examples of godot's weirdly named variables again some of the stuff is changing soon other stuff can be changed if people simply request the change or change it themselves not me because i'm afraid of programming at a level lower than scripting but braver people can because open source and godot are just awesome like that and in the worst case scenario the reason why something sucks will be justified and i'll have closure gdscript is a baby language i don't mean that as an insult it's a very new language made by very few people it's quite literally in its infancy but despite my many nitpicks and moments of frustration it's still a very competent language overall i actually enjoy using it one of its cool features is signals they're like unity events but better they're little emitted signals that communicate when something has happened with a node like a timer running out an object being collided with an animation ending and all that kind of stuff they can be connected to methods and other nodes through the editor to allow for communication amongst the nodes without creating coupling here's a diagram of what coupling means the way i understand it is that so many objects are holding hands that if one node falls it takes the others down with them signals are like a high five gets the job done way less reliance on each other boom signals makes the coding experience much nicer moving on before i delve into godot's 3d i want to briefly mention its physics since it's kind of a combination of code and 3d also 2d but i didn't deal with a lot of 2d physics so i won't be bringing it up the physics system isn't bad but it isn't always great i found that physics can be quite jittery on a smaller scale oftentimes collision-related signals won't work and things move just a little weirdly when translating movement and shooting physics from a game i made on unity into godot i noticed it felt off even after tons of fine tuning the physics felt off i can't tell if it felt too floaty or too heavy or if the acceleration was wrong but every time i used physics it just felt a little off that's probably on me but i never felt that way in unity or unreal here's something cool though in godot you can have non-convex colliders on rigid bodies and kinematic bodies and it works i haven't dived too deep into this territory but i see realistic non-glitchy behavior i use this for a little sequence where a spaceship flies in and you can jump around on it while it idles and you know what there is no jittering no lagging no clipping no crashing nothing yet despite working ghetto kept warning me not to use it for such purposes it's dumb why not what if i want to be cool huh in unity when you try to do this the object falls to the floor and an air tells you that the functionality is deprecated whatever unity's favorite word is deprecated the last thing to mention about physics is that it's kind of weird to deal with code wise the two main methods that interact with physics bodies are physics process the equivalent of fixed update and unity and integrate forces some physics variables can only be changed in physics process and some can only be changed and integrate forces and i never know which one is which if you try to change a physics variable in the wrong method nothing happens and sometimes the way you change a variable is different for physics bodies than for non-physics bodies if you want to change the position of a rigid body for example you must use state.transform.org in the integrate forces method i still struggle with physics coding constantly but i usually get it working mostly how i intended anyway that's the extent of my thoughts on godot's physics 3d navigation works well initially the controls felt a bit abrupt but i quickly figured out how the hotkeys and adjustments and now prefer it to unity while unity's editor camera is far smoother to maneuver the snappy star and stop of godots ensures that my view never accidentally slips past an object though this can all be changed in editor settings if you want it to be more alike to unity matter of fact all this can be changed in editor settings controls gizmos and other stuff i've forgotten it's awesome the only way to select objects in the editor besides using the hierarchy is by using select mode which i prefer to unity where you might accidentally select an object while trying to drag another you can also enable the switch or use alt and right mouse to get a list of all the objects at the location you're clicking better yet you can press a button that will make sure that when clicking a child node like a mesh or collider that the parent will automatically be selected instead of course there is snapping multiple methods of manually updating position slash rotation and scale and of course a snap to floor option which is very handy for keeping your scene grounded pun intended in godot all of your post-processing tone mapping fog and the inclusion and other background stuff is located in the world environment node you can only have one of these running at a time but you can swap them out and they contain pretty much every setting needed to make your game look good godot's 3d functionality is awesome there are a lot of options for making your game look however you want though most of us good odebs will stick to emulating retro 3d graphics thank you very much shaders come with all kinds of checkboxes transparency shadows unshaded built-in triplinger mapping with several customization options different diffuse modes specular modes blend modes calling billboard mode proximity and distance fade sick i have no need for a lot of this but because it is here i want to use it anyway and i want to use it incorrectly because it's fun and has inspired my creativity there's all kinds of 3d nodes i haven't touched yet but sure as i'll plan to navigation and navigation meshes spring arms and vehicle wheels a lot of occlusion related things lights light probes 3d sprites actually those i have used they're basically billboards but they are simple to set up have a lot of customization options and work well immediate geometry for when you just can't wait vr godot supports vr i haven't done much with vr besides putting myself into a level i made but it works and it's pretty easy to set up even i can do it that's not to mention everything else hiding in here just waiting to be messed with but with all this excitement i of course must mention some of the annoyances i have importing is a little weird you import the mesh which then needs to be opened as a scene and saved as basically just that an open mesh scene and then you can make that a child of the object it represents sometimes you can skip the third step and just tinker with the open mesh but godot restricts just how much you can do that with a well organized file structure it's fine but always a little cumbersome re-importing meshes is kind of weird too it works but it will take up to several minutes before the changes actually update both in editor and in-game and restarting godot doesn't fix this immediately it always updates eventually but it's still rather annoying what doesn't update however are mesh collisions you can generate a mesh collision by selecting the mesh pressing the mesh button and picking from a number of collision generation options i take this cut and paste it into the main physics body node and make sure everything is scaled correctly but if you modify the mesh and re-import it you have to regenerate your collision node every time and it can be a bit of a hassle to quickly defer back to things i like about 3d this feature isn't a solution by any means but it's one hell of a sorry if you go to project tools export gltf you can export the current node and all of its children as a 3d file and then use that as a reference for making models in something like blender of course it doesn't retain its script data but nevertheless it's extremely helpful for modeling i used it heavily for my platforming game once i'd made measurements for the optimal platform distances and sizes i brought the test layout into blender and traced around the measurements but that's enough praise back to things i don't like because i must complain 3d audio it kind of sucks in my opinion by default the audio stream player 3d node that's mouthful has an attenuation filter applied that makes audio sound more muffled the farther away it is but it sounds bad and i always turn it off by cranking the cutoff hurts to its peak even still the spatial audio sounds weird going from the left speaker to the right feels way too dramatic and listening to something coming from one side will make the opposite speaker completely silent unity's felt more unnatural and balanced by default though i do like that godot is a little louder i also found that goodo's audio is more prone to popping at the end of sound effects i fixed this by ensuring that i faded out all of my audio tracks in audacity but it seems kind of odd that i never noticed this in unity earlier i mentioned that the shaders have a lot of options which is good but shaders and 3d rendering aren't always the best firstly depth related glitches are a constant problem especially when getting custom shaders involved i'm always toggling different transparency and occlusion settings and making sure that things are rendered in the right order also shaders lag like hell when they are first loaded you'll rarely see in the editor because they're loaded as soon as it's open but when running an exported build it's bad frozen screen stuttering audio tearing depending on how many shaders you have and the power of your computer this can last several seconds my basic understanding is that the game is waiting until the shader appears on screen before it actually compiles the shader code which is what causes the hold up this is a planned fix to my knowledge and workarounds are possible but they are arduous to set up i know i filled your ears with complaints but this this gross shader lag is the one and only part of godot that actually makes me wince it's embarrassing seeing my computer freeze because a little polygonal robot had too many colors for it to handle most other 3d bugs i found have to do with webgl and mac builds of my games they don't seem to handle godo's 3d very well but hopefully the new vulcan rendering will fix some of this in summary 3d options navigation variety great incredible fantastic even 3d working keeping itself together not always so great but to say that godot's incapable of making 3d games is ridiculous even now it just needs a little more optimization than other engines nothing drastic so 2d i don't use it often i'm just more of a 3d guy but i have used it a little so i'll talk briefly about my thoughts on it firstly godot's 2d works on a completely different family of nodes than 3d meaning that the two don't really interact with each other outside of signals and references if you want to combine 2d and 3d elements in the octopath travelers style you'll probably end up doing everything in 3d using sprite 3d and animated sprite 3d nodes which work great none of this is a knock against godot having 2d and 3d completely separate means that it is far easier to code for both and even to make games that utilize the difference most 3d nodes have a 2d equivalent and vice versa but the 2d arsenal has some really neat nodes of its own things like y sort from making sprites go in front of or behind each other a parallax node polygon 2d navigation lights and more the reason that they are considered different from the 3d counterpart all has to do with the in-engine separation they function in two different worlds in unity you would still have to use vector3s to make 2d objects move which led to a lot of conversion being required to switch back and forth but godot's 2d code is programmed for 2d stuff vector 2's normal sounding variable names that kind of thing and godot was ideal for pixelated games too it has a number of settings for screen scaling that allow the game to fill a monitor while still rendering at a lower resolution best part is that this works for 2d and 3d meaning that all parts of your game will render at the same resolution same can't be said for unity's render texture solution which is tedious to set up and lacking in configurability unity's 2d seems like it was an afterthought but godot's got 2d in its dna once again i haven't dived too deep into the 2d side of things but what i have seen i have lotted however i have used the gui system quite a bit so i can touch on that everything gui related is housed within the green control family of nodes and let me tell you the control family is a big one unity has about 20 different components for fulfilling your ui needs but i counted and godot has 56 from pop-up windows aspect ratio containers and color pickers to nine kinds of button different sliders scroll bars progress bars item lists tabs a video player there is a lot to choose from and most of it works right out of the box at least initially getting into the nitty-gritty i did find the abundance of options confusing it sometimes anchor margin grow direction rex there are a lot of options for placing and scaling ui elements but i can never seem to get it to work how i'd like especially in regards to elements that adjust based on screen aspect ratio but that isn't a godot specific problem i just find ui design confusing in general dealing with fonts is kind of weird though the default font sucks it's tiny and not adjustable in any way including size when you import a font you have to save it as another kind of file before it can be referenced even as a reference the nodes seem to prefer that you use a theme for defining their look and the theme builder is great it's a little sweet that allows you to change the properties of every button slider and text box that you'll come across but with the complexity of all the ui elements compounded it can be very confusing to make specific design changes i'm not sure if i should check the import settings on the actual font the settings on the file was converted to the theme input area or the theme override area that also includes a font input if you're not careful you can get lost in a nest of nodes though insanity appears to be the nature of gui development in general yet i still found many development fun and making menus isn't something i've historically found fun or even bothered to do it all is the documentation bad well yeah but not in an abnormal way it's just as bad as any other game engine documentation too few details a lot of missing features etc it's certainly not notably bad just could do with a bit more of itself i like how it's structured though if something is there it's pretty easy to find through a web search and the pages are organized in a way that makes sense and it's easy to bounce between details there's also integration of the documentation within godot itself many lines can be looked up with a quick right click when people say the documentation is bad i think what they really mean is that the quantity and quality of online solutions is lacking in every engine i've used the most helpful answers were not from the documentation but from forums because godot has a smaller community especially in the case of people learning 3d relevant answers have been few and far between a lot of unanswered inquiries outdated responses from earlier versions and sometimes just straight up wrong answers for some reason with the seeming barren desert of information and the fact that google seems to be mocking me with its unity equivalent answers constantly popping up alongside it's no wonder why people come away from their google search with a rather negative impression of godot's online resources but i assure you to this point i have always found a way to make godot do what i want sometimes it's extremely roundabout and inconvenient but it's a solution nonetheless either way if the documentation forms aren't giving you an answer i've had quite a bit of luck with the good old discord i swing in type up my problem provides some version information and a screenshot and usually some other member far wiser than i will pop in and help sort out my predicament the godot community is very supportive very helpful and very understanding i often felt looked down upon by people in the unity forums and on discord but with godot the attitude is different they're people making games making software they're not trying to be the elite masters of the gamedev world they know that the program isn't industry standard they know that not everybody is at the same knowledge level the whole approach is one from a more artistic point of view than from a technical nerd point of view and i'm not saying that godow folk don't know their material not at all but the way they approach interacting with those less experienced is honest humble and supportive this kind of attitude seems rather rare in the tech groups with open source software forums being the place i see it most often at least that's been my experience but i digress the point is documentation will never be perfect and online support will never be perfect but it can get better if more people join the godot community and express their despair in the forums and we all find solutions together it becomes a better experience for everyone documentation aside godot has plenty of tutorials not unity levels of plenty not even close but certainly enough to get you to the point of familiarity with godot i personally started with complete your first complete 3d game with godot by gdquest and godot action rpg series by heartbeast which were great introductions to the godot workflow and many of its features from then on i got most of my video based learning from people like mises bastianolai game endeavor play with fursufer kids can code and others whose names have slipped my mind at a certain point you stop watching tutorial series and just watch one-off tutorials on shaders saving and loading and those smaller pieces of game development my past experience with other game engines made the tutorial phase rather brief but through these tutorials i began to discover the greater godot community for the sake of time i'll have to save my disquisition on the many wonderful people and projects of the community for another day but if you're in the godot community please share some cool projects and people for everyone else and i to check out and maybe share some resources that helped you learn godot i would like to briefly mention godot's platform compatibility it runs on windows mac linux and apparently on the web just fine and dandy and it exports to windows mac linux and html5 with varying degrees of success windows exports work great not really much to say you get a folder with two files in it and somehow that's enough to run the game linux works i think i've submitted a linux build and all of my game jam entries and never had anyone say that it didn't work so that's good i think i don't have linux but i do have a mac and mac is iffy i find for simple 2d and even 3d games it works fine but if you start turning on the post-processing ao ssf or even add too many lights it'll act up and display incorrectly webgl is a similar story if you're uploading a web build go easy on the graphics here's something funny i noticed about the combination of mac os and webgl nothing the game does not run on mac through webgl whatsoever i've tried it on my mac family members max and even heard from a mac owner in the comments it does not appear to work for whatever reason could be that i'm using gls 3 for rendering could be something else i have not taken the time to fix it now you may have noticed that i didn't list playstation switch or ouyan that list of export devices you probably already know why but just in case here's the skinny godot is open source meaning people can see the code that makes it up console companies giving out their software development kits don't want everybody to see the code inside trade secrets security concerns whatever it's a conflict of interest now if you want to contact the console companies yourself and sign an nda for the sdk or pay somebody to port for you you may but godot can't support those platforms out of the box unlike unity that does support those platforms out of the box or did you have to pay for those now maybe you're best off with unreal so long as they don't go to war with another platform again ah well porting the consoles is always going to be hard regardless of whether or not the engine says it can do it if you really want your godot game on switch you can make it happen my conclusion my thesis and my point is that i really like godot yeah i know i spent half the video complaining about it but i seriously love the program i also really like unity but unity's packages and deprecated assets and overabundance of systems makes me feel like i don't have control over my game one day i'll open it up and something will be broken an asset will be deprecated a system will have fundamentally changed and my journey to understand it all will reset every project i make in unity feels fragile a single press of a button or a flick of a switch could render the whole thing unusable and unreal engine is just too much for my brain and computer to handle but godot's deceptively simple compact workflow clean interfacing and ease of use makes it far more appealing to me i feel like i made the game that i have complete control of the project if that makes any sense and on a more personal and perhaps petty note it seems like godot and the names behind it care more about the people using the software when i see unity investing in massive technologies and adding tons of features that the average developer wouldn't ever use while the common tools are constantly becoming obsolete and then being replaced by new ones that are incomplete i can't help but feel left out of unity's advancement godot and open source software in general is very grounded the people making the software are the same people using it there's communication there's community there's understanding and there's this thing that everyone is a part of that everyone contributes to that's what i really like about godot and that's why i want to keep using it i want to keep the conversation going what are your thoughts on godot what are your thoughts on other game engines what do you value when making that choice and the video what did you agree with what did you disagree with and what did i get wrong perhaps i'd really like to know also if you're in the good old community who are some of your favorite creators and what are some projects that deserve some attention heck let me know what you're working on and thank you for watching maybe i'll see you at a thousand hours ciao for now
Channel: LazyAlarm
Views: 931,965
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: godot, game development, godot game development
Id: YVjT0OeE4P0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 9sec (2109 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 18 2022
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