I made another horror game in 24 hours

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horror is not a genre at least not by itself let me explain take some famous horror games Resident Evil is an action adventure game and also horror Five Nights at Freddy's is a job simulator and also horror the forest is a survival game and also horror the list goes on this is a philosophy I'm pretending I've known forever and not something I read online recently and agreed with horror games might be the most popular choice of genre for Indie developers probably stop stop watching that in my opinion if horror was a genre in itself with else to accompany it the games wouldn't be much more than just a button that says press to get jump scared Booga Booga even as I was looking for game examples I noticed that even steam doesn't list horror as a genre but rather as a theme so I wanted to challenge myself to make a horror game in a genre that no one has made a horror game of in before except I was really struggling to think of one card games you have inscription farming game pumpkin Panic submarine simulation games barot trauma so since I was struggling I stopped thinking about horror and started thinking about games that I like to play my whole life I've always been drawn to games that involve for example Apex Legends Dishonored Celeste Spider-Man PS4 not the PS5 remaster get out of here impostor Hollow night n Plus+ crab Champions Mr Fancy Pants Titanfall 2 just CZ three my beloved Super Mario Bros Learn to Fly Batman SSX Super Monkey Ball Mirror's Edge the Shady night demo it takes two wait wait wait wait wait go back Mirror's Edge everybody's favorite rooftop jumping wall running cop punching cool eyeliner having Parkour game today this Brave man asks what if Mirror's Edge was spooky are you serious are you serious you well as far as I know there's no horror Parkour game get the out of here oh won't want to be you he's an idiot he's a conard Kevin don't feel bad I don't feel bad don't feel bad it was a perfect idea so I immediately started designing last time I did an episode on this there was some confusion on how it worked which is no one's fault but my own so I just wanted to make sure it's clear this time when I made the Wicker devil I made it in a 24 25 hour period but only got to work on it about 16ish hours because I had to sleep and eat unfortunately this time the goal was to make the game in 24 hours of work broken into two 12-hour sections I also completely designed the game before I start the timer because having a solid detailed plan is crucial to a good outcome for this kind of challenge so now that we're all cleared up this is what I came up with a monster is chasing you through a parkour map and you must make it to the end before he catches up to you but here's the twist the monster is smart and always analyzing your movement so however long it takes you to complete the current level is how long the monster will take to complete the next level because of this each level is scarier and must be completed faster than the last you win the game by completing all five levels with that the timer begins and I started the most important step which is making the map look pretty then I switched to the irrelevant stuff I was confident I could make all the movement mechanics in the allotted time period because I had programmed movement systems before many times just for funsies heck even nightly routine my panda fantasy Survival game has sliding vaulting gliding and grappling as well as a button that puts it in your steam wish list wink so in a pinch I can reference those projects if I get stuck lateral movement and jumping was a breeze to get through but I couldn't move the camera yet because I actually wanted to attach the camera to a skeleton mesh bone so I could add procedural animations later on so before anything we're going to have to build a skeletal mesh for the player I have absolutely no idea if I'll have time to animate some kind of player model but if I do it'll be way easier if I just use his hands and feet I already owned some glove models but I didn't have any shoes so a little too much longer later the skeleton was done now 2 hours later I can finally move my camera around with it attached to the bow I mess with the character movement component on my character which is such a timesaver so when you sprint it ramps up speed over time like a Mirror's Edge and added all the classic platforming tricks like coyote time jumping higher with a longer button pressed and increased gravity when moving downwards and to those who aren't familiar with unreal I'm not doing all of this from scratch unreal has an incredibly robust character movement system that I'm building off of which attributes to being able to check off these boxes in only a couple of hours sliding is something I love to make and it's not too hard all you have to do is make the character decelerate very slowly and have the angle of the floor influence the direction that you're moving wall running took a little bit more fin angling because there's more things to check like moving the player alongside the wall but also making sure that it updates the direction based off the walls normal so you can move on curved surfaces as well as allowing you to jump off of it in the direction of the wall normal slowly applying gravity so you move downwards and most importantly moving along the wall at the same velocity that you had when you jumped onto it and it was vaulting that actually screwed me up for a while the one I thought was going to be the simplest was just not working for way too long my character kept getting stuck inside floors and bouncing around or kept getting thrown to the left and only the left and also clipping through walls entirely and it just took me a couple of hours to iron out and get it working properly which is a couple hours longer than I would have liked I see I'm the kind of guy who likes to get everything he wants instantly with no effort if only I had a website that effectively built up my programming and problem solving skills so I could get over this uh wall perhaps I could be of assistance Superman no it's today's sponsor brilliant brilliant is where you learn by doing and has thousands of interactive lessons in programming as well as math Ai and data analysis brilliant is designed to be unique effective using Hands-On problem solving that let you play with Concepts which is a method proven to be six times more effective than watching lecture videos plus all the content is crafted by an award-winning team of teachers researchers and professionals from MIT keltech Duke Microsoft Google and more but brilliant I'm no good at memorizing the maths equations don't worry little dude brilliant helps you build your critical thinking skills through problem solving not memorizing you'll be building real knowledge on specific topics while also becoming a better thinker what particularly interests me about the website is their growing number of programming courses which you can use to start building programs day one with their drag and drop editor learn essential coding elements like Loops variables and conditionals and something I think is underrated developing your mind to think like a programmer to build a strong foundation in writing robust programs to try everything brilliant has to offer for free for a full 30 days visit brilliant.org shat or click on the link in the description with it you can also get 20% off an annual premium subscription thank you again to brilliant for sponsoring this video brilliant away sliding while running and vating altogether took about 4 hours but I finally got it working by messing with the player Collision which is kind of hacky but my time was starting to dwindle and I couldn't find any other options as you might have noticed I was also adding in procedural animations to the camera bone using unreal's control rig so there's camera tilt when you wall run and vault as well as camera reactions to jumping and a camera shake when you fall really really fast I had one more movement mechanic I wanted to add which was zip lines and I won't lie for the other mechanics I tried to take some Liberty from my other movement projects and try to come up with something original and cohesive for this project but for zip lines I pretty much just copied and pasted what I had from night routine but but it's only because the time that vating took was stressing me out zip lines are simple though you connect to the spline where you enter it and it moves you along and throws you off at the end or you can jump off at any time they are also momenta base so you move along the spline at the same speed that you grabed onto it I could add movement mechanics forever because it's addictive and I love it but we're nearing the halfway point and I hadn't even added any horror elements to my game so I called it a wrap on movement and started putting together the first level and then I'll get on to creature creation then I'll get [Music] creature whoa sorry my computer froze or something I don't know that was weird anyway I'm letting the map be made primarily out of boxes so it's feasibly possible for me to actually make some in a couple of hours so I just got to lay it all out continuously test it to make sure everything's spaced out well for the movement and make it about a minute long to complete I'm trying to move fast so I'm pretty sure I can wrap this up in about 30 minutes holy crap that took 3 hours I completely forgot about the incredulously famous proverb shock hat hates environmental design and also he's bad at I really wanted to get a head start on the monster and make him tonight but it's just way too late now I have to go to sleep it's the next day and I've got to focus on the second half of this game the horror before designing the monster I wanted to come up with the logic so there's no way I was going to make some AI logic system that could navigate through the parkour map and follow you and do flips and tricks and stuff so instead I just made a spline that follows the map from start to finish and had this ball move along it and if it catches up to you you lose I'm really glad I did it this way because one it literally took me like 10 15 minutes to create and two I was actually kind of terrified running away from this sphere cuz I had no idea how close it was behind me so it's finally time to design the monster I cracked open blender and Dying Light Dying Light is a horror Parkour game well as far as I horror parkour well as far [Music] as well I wouldn't really categorize Dying Light as horror but it does have its horrifying moments but most of all I'm shocked I got this far into the development without even thinking about Dying Light especially because that's another game that I love and I've played it quite a lot but it's too late to change course now last time I did this challenge I made a monster from a pre-existing deer model and this time I want to do it from scratch I needed something that can kind of follow you like a ball can so I decided to go with this spider-like creature because I had a pretty cool idea and I'm not going to tell you what it is yet I'm just going to take you along for the ride I drew this up during my design process but I didn't really have a great idea in my head of what that was going to look like in 3D I just knew I wanted something kind of like a spider and something kind of creepy which means I was changing a lot of things as I went like don't get too attach to This creepy smile I started with I change it later on I gave him a giant thoracic body a spindly neck and a face that will hopefully make a player say oh good Heavens that sure tops off the old fear meter I dissuade myself from seeing that creature again as it invokes deep feelings of horror to make it spider-like I sculpt at these holes for the arms to go in wait a [Music] minute I added in the arms and I'm actually really proud of this model I made here I think the beauty in these 24-hour challenges is it forces you not to overthink or become hyper focused on the tiny details most mistakes I make just become part of the model or part of the game and the result is often flawed but something I'm always very proud of I textured it in substance painter and since I was focused on going quickly I just modified one of the built-in smart materials and then painted in some dark areas back in blender I gave it the crappiest rig known to man cuz it's crunch time baby I removed the ball and switched him out with the spider let's see how the new spider looks actually how could you possibly expect to scare anyone with that thing its arms don't even move that little nerd is right this is where my great idea came into play I added in an ik function to snap the legs nearby terrain so it would appear that the monster is propelling itself forward as it goes Let's test it out oh wait oh freak to be honest that's even scarier than what I was going for so I actually kept it to a degree if any arm can't reach the terrain it'll Bend up like that and give it that weird floaty animation which makes this thing appear really alien and otherworldly it's by no means perfect but I'm astonished at how quickly I was able to do it adding ik legs was kind of a risk for me because it's not really something I experimented that much with before but since I kept it simple it really only took me like 20 minutes and I'm very happy with so because it's a horror game I had to check the three boxes make it nighttime make it spooky and give the player a flashlight and of course added a jump scare when the creature caught up to the player it's not as good as my wicker devil jump scare but I was too nervous to waste a lot of time to try to animate something on top of all this procedural animation stuff I added so I just went with the classic trick of parenting the camera to the headbone and I think it's good enough especially because I just went against my entire whole Spiel of mistakes becoming the part of the game and I spent like an hour ironing out bugs and tweaking tiny parameters my time was dwindling fast so I realized I had a choice to make make more maps or add firstperson animations I knew the option had to be make more maps because multiple Maps is integral to the original idea of having the monster matching your previous level speed which is too bad cuz I really wanted to add those animations goodbye shw cat goodbye gloves goodbye shw cat bye I made the way you beat the map by going through a door which displays all your time and other info as well as a prompt to to the next level that also gave me the idea to make the main menu of map with doors to play and quit the game and also acts as a little tutorial area which has its own little timer I wasted too much time on that I shouldn't have done it but I did I started working on map number two and I tried to be a lot faster than I was with the first but today I learned that map design and the time it takes to put together is something I continue to seriously underestimate trying to space everything out nicely for fluid movement as well as making it take about the same amount of time as the first map was making me realize the dream of five Maps was slipping out of my fingers as past shock cat struggles with that daunting task current shock cat wants to say we're nearing 100,000 subscribers oh my god when we hit 100,000 I'm going to do a special 100,000 special so make sure you stay tuned for that and drum roll please how many Maps did shock cap create in its remaining 3 hours one yep I am still bad at map design so there were only two maps in the game but that's not a bad thing the game is still fun and it's spooky and I had a blast making it and you can play it right now on it. it's called Midnight momentum momentum momentum so go get some high scores on it and let me just tell you my main menu high score is 596 and I am betting not a single one of you can beat it that is a direct challenge to all of y'all I'm sorry it can't be done but wait right before you go play it I know a lot of people are clicking off I just want to clear one thing up since a lot of people were confused about my wicker devil video when you download the game this screen is an optional donation page you can just click right here where it says just take me to the download you do not have to pay me a single thing to play it it's totally free so go have fun playing it I had fun making it and follow me on Twitter at sha quack for more updates about my other projects or maybe even this project who knows we'll see and beware he's always watching [Music]
Channel: shawcat
Views: 725,024
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: midnight, momentum, unreal, engine, ue5, parkour, horror
Id: U4_fcMGqprw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 21sec (861 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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