I made a custom Bowser's Fury level based on the Title Screen from SM3DW [Bowser's Fury modding]

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today i took the title screen level from super mario 3d world and made it into a playable level in bowser's fury we start the game by falling down and instead of landing on first step island mario lands with his head onto the title screen island you can see i've made some changes here and i've added some things to collect it's raining and there's a large bowser in the background it's funny that this path has a very sharp cutoff point here because the camera doesn't normally zoom out this far in the title screen of super mario 3d world and the majority of the level's decorations like trees and flowers are in view of where the camera normally is instead of regular goombas there are now goombas with cat ears and fur because almost everything has cat ears in the game bowser's fury you can jump off of this island into the goop if you want mario to get damage and there aren't any invisible walls preventing you from doing so so you can see that there are some key pieces that you have to collect to unlock the warp box at the top of the level so let's look around this level and collect the keys i made this question mark vlog give you a mushroom and these other bricks break into nothing we've got to keep an eye out on a fire flower so that we could get the key piece that's inside the pipe mario climbs up a tree and gets the first key piece you can see that from behind the level there's no graphical wall here because you can't normally see the level from this angle and although it looks like there's nothing here the wall is solid and you can't go through this space this is similar to what we've seen in other parts of the game when we explored super mario 3d world with my zero gravity mod so we climb up the next tree and we get the next key piece we head on up the level and you can see that there's a key piece floating way up here too high to reach how can you reach this if you try to do a ground pound and a jump to reach it you'll learn that there's an invisible block here but even with this invisible block hit it still looks like this block is just slightly too high to get on top of so what we'll do is a 300 iq play where you jump on top of the locked warp box and you can get the key piece from here and this should be possible without even using the invisible block so you might be wondering where could this fire flower be there's some suspicious looking ground over here and if you ground pound on this hill there's a buried item and a fire flower pops out mario shoots his fireballs into the pipe destroying the spiky things he gets the final key piece and the warp box becomes usable once you step into the warp box it teleports you to a new island and you get a key piece right away right when you spawn out of the warp box it looks like you need some more key pieces for another wart box on this island and this key piece is inside of the area that you can't normally access once you step out of this area you can't get back in so that's why i made it so that you get the key piece right away right when you take the warp box you might have noticed the locked warp box that's under the stairs so let's look around for some more key pieces so we could use this warp box you can see a key piece up at the top of the level and this time there's a super bell inside the pipe so let's use our fire flower to have a safe path through the pipe and get the cat bell power up we head on up past the pipe and we get the next key we still can't access this warp box that's under the stairs because you need two more key pieces and you can see to the side that there's a ship here and bowser is in the background too this is the ship that's normally in the background of world 3-5 as you normally take a pipe through the level and i thought a shipwrecked ship would be a nice addition to this stormy night atmosphere of bowser's fury at this side of this island i added a tower of stone blocks that you could climb up for a key piece and as you turn around facing towards bowser there is a key piece that's high up and far away and it looks like it's going to be a tough jump we get a spin jump jump and a cat swipe and we just get the cab piece the next warp box is going to be ready now and the lighting here looks really cool i put the level up really high and it ended up looking like this and i kind of like it it's definitely really unique compared to what you normally see in the game i added a platforming part to this level where you have to make a few jumps and there are some switches that flip when you jump and you didn't just see anything strange falling in the background did you the reason that this area looks so strange is because we're currently near a title screen map and we're very high up in the sky and you can see it as it loads in and hey look it's a giant koopa over there at that island but our warp box is already ready and we head into the warp box you might be wondering what's over at this island with the giant enemies so let's head on over there i also lowered the level a bit so that the lighting is a bit more normal now and these big guys look pretty intimidating there's a giant koopa a giant spiny and a giant goomba they look like they're just vibing to some music right now look at that koopa bobbing its head i wanted to take out these giant enemies they're only scaled up but their hitboxes still work just like they normally do when they're normal enemies so the spiny goes away it's hilarious to see a regular sized shell appear when you first hit the giant koopa and the goomba reminds me of my how big can you make goombas in super mario 3d world video and the lighting up here is really cool as well this is probably my favorite scene that we've seen so far in the video when you get into the warp box fury bowser is woken up now what an intense moment as this giant bowser is getting ready to start shooting fire at mario and yes i did scale up this bowser to be bigger and if you're interested in more of that you might like my how big can you make bowser in bowser's fury video mario runs along the island frantically trying to avoid the fire when he sees a sign that's pointing to the left and a question mark block that is up high mario hits the block a mega mushroom pops out making mario giant you might be wondering what happens if you get a mega mushroom and giant mario walks towards fury bowser and if you thought that a super bell power up spawns when you go between bowser's legs you're right that is exactly what happens now let's go back to completing the level mario jumps into the goop and starts heading to the next nearby island it's funny that when mario steps into the goop he floats for a moment before he starts walking the island is too high for mega mario to jump onto so he has to wait to turn small before jumping wall jumping and doing a dive onto the island but if you mess it up mario falls into the goop and you have to start over from the very beginning of the level so here we go again and this time my jump was good so i made it up onto the island without even needing to do a wall jump and dive and we see a small stone block prison here it looks like it's a bit too high for mario to get in whether we are doing jumps or spin jumps or ground pound jumps and then wall jumps and dives we're not able to make it into it and there are also protruding spikes on the island and fireballs falling from the sky so little mario has to be careful here because there's a lot going on here this question mark block here should give us a propeller box once we hit it but let's head into the prison first mario jumps wall jumps off of the prison then dives forward and he makes it onto the top part there's a p switch inside so mario drops down and you hear the sound of a cat shine spawning when mario lands on the switch mario does wall jumps to get out of the prison and heads on over to the question mark block let's just get this propeller box and head on up to the cat shine and oh and it just gives a coin that's because it's supposed to be box propeller instead of propeller box if you put propeller box instead of box propeller then you just have a coin spawn so let's do everything all over again and this time a propeller box spawns and mario jumps up i adjust the camera angle so we get a better look at the giant fury bowser and we can see the look on his face when we finally get the cat shine and there we go the title screen showdown catshine has been obtained in yesterday's video i tested what happens if you put items and enemies on the world map in super mario 3d world and i had a lot of great suggestions of other stuff to test in the comments i'll most likely post a few extra short clips on my twitter or on my second youtube channel which is used mostly for youtube shorts all the links are going to be in the video description if you are interested in more using the title screen of super mario 3d world to create a mod level in bowser's fury was a really fun experiment and if you're interested in more experiments and testing what is possible in games you might enjoy some of my other videos i hope that you all have a great day thank you so much for watching and take care [Music] everybody [Music] you
Channel: ZXMany
Views: 574,909
Rating: 4.8599954 out of 5
Keywords: bowser's fury, super mario 3d world, mario, super mario 3d world bowser's fury, title screen level, super mario 3d world title screen level, bowser's fury mod, super mario 3d world mod, mario mod, mario modding, super mario, funny mario, bowser's fury custom level, zxmany, zxmany bowser's fury, zxmany mario, super mario 3d world glitches, bowser's fury glitches, bowser's fury secrets, mario custom level, super mario 3d world custom level, bowser's fury gameplay, switch games
Id: Pe2SYC6Cz3I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 19sec (499 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 30 2021
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