I Made $1,835,340 By MINING To The PLANET CORE in Miner Dig Deep

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oh hey there i'm blitz welcome back to minor dig deep i have a goal for today my goal is a very simple goal my goal is to become a multi-millionaire yes that's right i know i know you're probably saying but blitz you probably don't even have any money or anything exciting yeah that's fine i have to get lots of money because games like this are great games to make lots of money in oh i just teleported deep underground where i can go deeper underground so i can start mining and mining and mining and mining and mining and oh yes beautiful gemstones and what is this what did i find now is that something beautiful like titanium i didn't know titanium existed in this game but i'll just find more rubies and even more rubies but i don't want that to follow me and crash and die so i have mind and minded mind until all of my light in the world has gone out of my eyes so i might as well go back up to the surface jump around in the beautiful snowy sunrise and then sell all my resources oh that's a beautiful thing 39 500 that's it we need to buy more resources light fuel that sounds good also a tin drill i'm buying that i don't even know what it does i just like the idea of having one i need a long lift oh and i could get titanium drill fuel is it ready and then i'll travel back down deep underground to do it all over again i kind of feel like i should start a new new lift thing like right next to this like if i open up my inventory and i put down my long lift right here i feel like that's a good idea so i can just go right into my teleporter my jobber and then go all the way down to the bottom of the world what kind of fun stuff do we have down here hmm i don't have any biting why did i buy any fuel why doesn't the drill come filled up that's annoying there we go that's much better and if i hit oh oh yes oh yes i love it oh stupid rocks got in my way again um i don't know about this oh i'm so scared but there's treasure down here ah yes i got my first ruby with the drill whoa okay we don't want to go down too fast too far ah okay i got an idea here we do this and then i do that oh run away then i can do this oh no how do i do this i need to go up a level i need to get that cobalt and we'll just fall straight through beautiful okay this thing is satisfying really satisfying i know it's expensive to run but it's still satisfying no shoot it sucks when you die but when this thing works it beautifully works i can blast through rock like nobody's business until you run out of fuel then you can't do much thankfully we have the old trusty rusty pickaxe no i died again with a full backpack i know it's not a full load but it's still a load oh yes 43 000 i like how this is going now what i'd like to get is this medium bag right here so i can hold even more stuff now i think my fuel is full because i didn't really use it and another little shipment oh that's beautiful only 32 000 though i feel like what i really need is a better lamp so i'm gonna buy that and then i'm gonna fuel up that lamp oh and the radius is so much larger it's beautiful think of all the treasure i can find now there are so many treasures i'm gonna be a millionaire in no time flat lots of titanium some beautiful shiny silver shiny not shiny sign he's not over boring copper oh but more titanium and even more titanium and even more titanium oh hot dang look at that beautiful mess let's go get these these are two silvers and another titanium and you know what i forgot that i have the drill and it works i'm gonna go down one more labor yes yes oh whoa there's something shiny down below what is that what is it it looks like a blueprint for something oh glorious blueprint what are you for oh a better drill amazing check it out there's 30. that's 30. a bag full of 30. this should sell for an insane profit 121 000 oh boy you have nothing to sell time to dig deeper oh i will oh i will give me some of the fuel give me a larger bag and fill my light up buttercup i just named i just named that mole thing buttercup i don't know why but it does seem as if our lift got stuck there's lots of presents down here for me i definitely see the problem there's a lot of rocks here i don't think i like this amount of rocks i think i've done it i think i've finally excavated enough that i can get this titanium out and it'll drive down those rocks oh there's so many oh no no that was a full inventory you guys also told me to buy the grappling hook i don't know why ah beautiful beautiful sounds it's so happy whoa [Music] i think i just found a deadly hole of death just what do you think oh shiny green thing just when you think the world is nice and clean and easy to live in you fall down a death hole trapped down to the bottom of the world no joke that thing's pretty dangerous i would not suggest doing that ever but there is a shiny green thing that i'm really excited about what are you in my life is this like uranium hello oh jade that was my nickname in high school i also just realized i'm entirely trapped down here how do i get out now oh no not again i guess the only way out is my phone down the hole again man that's really annoying i should probably have like a ladder on me at all times oh dumb i did i had the i had the thing i had the gravel hook oh stupid well i'll just slap in another lift right here oh look what i found another one of those death traps how do i do this am i stuck again oh come on if i touch it i go down and die this isn't cool i gotta i gotta use the gravel hook thing i don't know how to do that see oh really no way i'm stuck again oh i can mine though can i mine above myself that was scary oh i'm too young to die oh i don't like this can i just i'll just mine above me oh no there we go i get another yes no let go let go mine it okay now i can jump up okay and if i go that's still not going to do anything for me i need to go no ah so hard i don't know what i'm doing which is usual oh i just got to go down first oh no i don't want you why are you doing that i don't know how far this pitfall trap goes i guess we're just gonna mine it we're going we're going in okay i hit the bottom i tricked you game you didn't know about me this time oh this is nice being able to mine above myself why haven't i used this yet look at me i'm spider blitz i can keep digging up and up and up [Music] i think that's it though oh and another piece of the blueprint this is so scary so scary get over there okay i gotta get this one please don't fall okay it didn't kill me but i did fall that's fine uh you know what i have so much money right now on me and i have no light which means it's probably a good idea for me to teleport to the surface and sell my treasure yes oh jade are beautiful 7 000 each now i can buy all sorts of fun things like a bigger tank for my drill that i can use to mine all of the resources in the entire world i'm not a big fan of these pitfalls they're really scary hopefully i have a ladder can i just i gotta see place it nope oh you can't even you can't even place it there wow i'm gonna try to run through it ready and pop out nope oh no you can't fall down those they die i feel like i'm spider-man this is actually a lot of fun to play spider-man just go up get treasure come back down and then like branch over here find more treasure i don't know i can get that one oh just like that just like spider-man would obviously why would i even doubt myself then you just fall down another trap and die because you forget about it oh that's so annoying is there like an anti-fall thing in here somewhere i don't see one oh my bag just got full there's 50 items in there this could be very expensive and tada oh yes one point 131 000 that was beautiful that means i can buy an iron drill ooh or a titanium pickaxe that's even more exciting oh it looks beautiful i love it already it's my new favorite thing the cobalt drill is now available in this tour that sounds fun that must be better than the iron one oh hot ding i forgot to use my tin drill nice something quite ominous about falling through the ground like that i don't like it what i do like is getting lots of treasure even if i have to spider-man for my treasure bank's full just imagine how much richer i would be if i didn't die all those times 170. i'm gonna start a new lift because that sounds like a great idea i'll let that go down and i'll get more treasure over here and then i'll find some other weird treasure like this aurora light and lots of aurora light and even more aurora light and then we're gonna sell this gigantic stack of resources oh beautiful aurora light is 25 000 each hot dang we just made a buttload so i'm gonna buy the iron drill so i can mine so many more resources so i can make an absolute butt load of money oh my word and then i'll sell all of those beautiful luscious resources for so much money that was very satisfying but since i made a bunch of money i can make more money a larger bag xl i don't know how much that can hold but i'm excited and fill up everything i can do 70 now as long as i don't find some bad way to die like getting crushed by a rock falling down a large chute eaten by an alien monster that lives underground i don't think that exists but i hope it doesn't and here we are raw untouched beautiful ore i should just fill up with a terrible copper shouldn't i remember that time i talked about falling down a hill yeah it was now oh there it is the beautiful ore i've been looking for and even more and more and even more oh it's beautiful i even still like the jade it's quite expensive no oh no oh oh that makes me sad inside i tried jumping on the lift but i fell through the bottom of the lift and got crushed by the rock that would shouldn't have been there that was not good i still have 95 000 can i buy a bigger lamp no i cannot buy a bigger lamp how about a lamp fuel tank that doesn't even exist so that just means i have to find more minerals to mine oh there's some oh a blue shiny thing have i gotten the blue shiny things before i don't remember a blue giant shiny thing i think that's a sapphire if i know my rocks right minerals gemstones whatever they're called so to avoid doing the dumb again and dying in a big bad way i'm gonna hide over here until that's totally down yep just like that just keep going keep going down good job and then i'm gonna do it again oh this is so dangerous especially with 62 oars on me oh i do not like this green eggs and ham i do not like it sam i am hiding i'm gonna hide over here where my friends are just kidding i don't have any friends again why did you break this time oh because you got tin below you oh i don't like this plus i can't see anything but the ore is good and that makes me excited it's very creepy watching those rocks fall no joke i don't like it at all but i like ore i'm just watching and hopefully there's two pieces of ore right next to the ladder as i go up i there's one it's copper i don't care i just want 70. oh there's another one haha i did it the bag's full i'm gonna be rich i'm gonna be so rich i'm gonna have so much money because i'll be rich and then i'll share it with each and every one of you because we're friends and i don't have any friends but i want you guys to be my friend i'm excited i made it back to the surface and i didn't die yes and let's check you ready for this are you ready for the gigantic pile of loot oh 458 000 money hot ding that was awesome and that's the end of the video keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time bye i'd also like to thank ben ellen hagan dickie james autodave eagle arc seraphin x des bogger maxer zarnoff noah collingwood jason mcfarland dagan paul longstone and rail as well as the rest of the patreon supporters and everyone who has joined the channel as a youtube member
Channel: Blitz
Views: 186,230
Rating: 4.9436202 out of 5
Keywords: blitz, miner, miner dig deep, miner dig deep gamep, miner dig deep gameplay, make money, get rich, gems, gem, precious metall
Id: ourIKcGSyQM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 13sec (793 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 06 2021
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