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hey there i'm blitz welcome to a game called miner dig deep yeah it's a game about digging deep and mining things if you couldn't tell by the title look there's a little mole here i can buy things from inventory i can upgrade my bag for 10 000 i only have 300 so that means i'm gonna jump into the hole and start finding some resources look there's a hole down there a little bit scared of it let's not do that dig through oh that hammer is so slow okay dig and z z and air i got it hey i did so good you proud of me there we go oh what is that i like whatever it is i'm gonna dig it up and i got an emerald i didn't know there were emeralds like right below the surface can i dig above me yeah let's get that orange thing copper nice oh look there's so much stuff here i'm gonna be so rich i'm gonna be i'm whatever this thing is a citrine okay and then purple block what is purple block good for a road to light i feel like i feel like at this point they're just making things up now hold up is this a game where if you dig down in a hole you fall in the lava i'm kind of concerned like i can dig up one okay let's just i'm going down there we go there's another side train here oh please please don't dig too far more copper oh yes i feel like i might only be able to jump two which is fine because there's more citrine over here my bag is full now good because my circle is getting smaller can i go up yes return to sender okay sell the resources oh look hey that's all the crap i found i got it i made a thousand bucks i'm so proud of myself oh let's clean up that and whoa hold up this mold dude he can just like turn rock into not rock i got light fuel okay a lift a ladder a short lift i don't have that much money i see a light at the bottom of the world what is this thing why is there oh what is that i need it oh there's another light i need two lights what is this thing is it coal that's what santa brought me for christmas oh it's tin never mind santa didn't bring me that now is this thing gonna collapse in my face oh it did oh nice okay that's kind of cool i can use that to my advantage i believe just mine that whoa it almost crushed me okay we'll grab this thing what is this oh collect more blueprints so the cobalt pickaxe i need it in my life how many people oh what is that oh poop okay we'll just go over it then okay i got the blueprint nice let's grab this thing i'm almost out of light i think that's okay i'll head back up i'm good at bringing nine things back wow look at all that copper another thousand two thousand money i think i i think i might have one of those things you like to call a problem i can't i can't uh i'm three blocks down i can't jump i'm stuck in a hole it sucks why do i have to be why do i have to be stuck in a oh no too young to die how do i how do i die i don't know how to do this i have an idea if i dig this way i think you've been rescued oh yeah i lost everything okay that was that wasn't great did i lose oh i got my inventory still no to self do not go down in a hole that you can't dig out of wait i bought it i bought a ladder what am i doing i have a ladder i don't know how to use it okay you just literally just place it down okay let's just try it i have a ladder did it work did i does it hey if i delete if i oh that's good it's gonna kill me so hard oh no i'm stuck again oh come on game if i just buy a buttload of ladders then then i can never get stuck i'm so bright i'm so smart in the ways of being smart look at me i've gotta i can i can get out now if i dig to the edge of the map do i go with the other side pac-man style no you don't it was a fun idea though oh hey another map blueprint i need to go that way plus there's orr over there i haven't found any good ore in a long time oh and another one another one and another one oh yeah i was sneaky mr rock you didn't think i expected you to fall in my head no no i just that's stupid rock falling in my head when i can't see there's a rock there it's really annoying i had a really good full bag of inventory too maybe i'm being too greedy maybe my dwarf in me wants me to dig down too far and get too greedy and stuff like the dwarves of morya hey look 2 000 more money can i buy yes an iron pickaxe it's all mine now i should be able to pick things faster and harder and stronger okay i wanted to check out what this thing is i don't have any idea oh ha dang oh wow okay what does this do i have no idea i guess we'll just grab all these things first why didn't i not do this faster firster because there's so much stuff here to grab it's like a party i'll just make lots of big stones just oh that's only 600 that's why i didn't do it earlier i do have to admit that there was a ton of stuff up here at these front levels though there is so much garbage and it's worth 900. yes the cop cobalt pickaxe is available now that's oh my dream unfortunately my dream is expensive 25 000 expenses can i buy the extra big lamp now i can oh yes i got a big lamp i'm so excited hopefully i bought fuel oh is this bigger lamp i can't tell maybe it just takes longer to wear out that could be a good thing oh that one is worth 2 700. oh so this is what the world looks like if your lamp is fully filled up i think i like this kind of world oh i didn't do it i just i just accidentally kept hitting too hard where can i use it oh no oh no oh no can i get out of here i think i can get out of here i think i can i think i can i just need to buy some ladders oh i did oh no i fell okay we're ready we're good we're good everything's fine get get your double thank you let me buy some ladders thanks i really want to buy this lift i don't even know what it does but it sounds fun oh you know it has more information probably oh playable in a mine also quick vertical travel oh i like that what's the difference i'm guessing it's just the shortness of it i'm gonna buy it i'm i i need it for science purposes or something here we go ready for science if i place it down let's go over here i'm gonna place it down right here i don't even know what it does tab and short build whoa hey oh i like this oh oh it goes down 30 units oh wow go buddy oh look at all this loot hot dang where'd this come from all my life i like this lift it's my new favorite thing i think it no don't go oh you dummy why did you do this to me now it says to request yep i don't want no thank you can i even do this oh hey hey that worked okay then i'll just go down this way all right no no no no and then pow yes kill it bag full let me up oh hot dang that's so cool i need more of those i need to spend every penny on lifts oh probably not [Music] that's amazing kill me out of here oh i found a jackpot oh i'm full okay ready get on there oh that thing's so cool how much money do i have 5 000 oh that's my new best one 2 500 oh i like this can i buy another elevator oh i should save up for the bigger bag let's do that a green shiny thing that's my favorite color green oh emerald yes yes come on oh the emerald's 800 nice i got 10 000 money i got 10 000 money i have a bigger bag we can hold 20 now that must be the end of the elevator shaft here that's too bad oh that's in a really bad spot i just i just died with 19 storage it was full of fun stuff that was really bad i'm going to buy fuel don't do that i recommend not doing that i just about did it again that rock just about claimed my life but i am smarter than a rock i'm not smart enough to go that way come on get out of here and then oh i can't even go there am i dead i might be dead if i can do that then then okay i'm good everything's fine everything's better now sort of it's still amazing to get there yikes thank you mr elevator i've made the world's worst swiss cheese out of this world oh look at all that copper yes 3 000 money at least i can buy more fuel and another lift and a lift and place i want to place it where can i place it oh right here can i place it down i don't think that's a good idea can i place it there i can build it real right nice nice yes it's working let's go whoa oh balls there's a giant rock in my way no oh the rock moves yes this is is a rock i'm gonna name him rocky rocky the rock because he he has rock like prop oh no oh wow it moves too but it won't move a resource that's us oh you won't move three rocks though and check this out big old pilot copper yay 3800 that's the best you know it might actually be the the distance i think it actually might just be the full distance i can travel thankfully i bought another one and see go my favorite thing i'm a simple man i like simple things i also just remembered how satisfying branch mining was in minecraft oh emeralds it's like finding diamonds or like finding diamond emeralds because minecraft has emeralds i forgot about that part they're kind of worthless though oh look at that big old stonk pile nice i'm so close i am so close to getting a long lift 5 900 yes and then another one we'll put this guy down right here build lift nice i know that one had one more down to go but there's a lot of rocks there and rocks are mean i don't mind one it's okay if i'm being honest i really really really want to get another bank upgrade nope left first then down there we go now we can jump up and continue our path of world destruction i feel like i missed this path we need to go up one or two or maybe three oh this is very satisfying this is this even just the sound effects of this game uh-huh yeah i love it it's almost like some sort of musical remix just dropping the beat the mining beat okay this is a bad idea i'm gonna go down to three and hopefully i can get my way out of here oh i like my bad ideas bad ideas have lots of money here we go get over there oh i made it nice oh boy here's a puzzle how do i do this i can't dig to the side i gotta dig down it's like that old song can't go under it can't go around it gotta go over it something like that oh oh oh i don't like this okay i got to do this and then we go up nice don't get don't get goomba stomped there nice that was excellent i made our way through the puzzle oh and more tin okay 18. i'm almost full i don't want to i don't want to leave okay that's why i don't want to grab that one please don't get any more resources okay this is good this is good no more resources oh i need to come back in this tunnel for sure i got to get this resource no i don't i gotta go down here oh this is so bad i think i can make it out though i got it i got it oh i don't want to waste resources yes yes i made it oh okay excellent and ta-da oh beautiful there really wasn't that much though 50 000 money for a new bag okay so if i go back through this tunnel i can find all the big stonks that i missed unless of course i missed the tunnel that i was going in before and then i find it again yes shiny green thing must have them oh so many shiny green things oh i love this and then one of these okay that was probably bad i didn't need to dig that far oh no oh no i gotta go under it i don't like going under rocks especially when there's more rocks i got greedy click nice up over okay now just a straight shot all the way back to the elevator and by straight shot i mean a shot full of fun ores and resources yes oh look at all that six thousand three hundred huh daddy dog okay i can buy the new cobalt pickaxe but i kinda also wanna buy the long lift just to go super deep huh and the lamp medium is kinda cool i'm gonna do it i'm buying the pickaxe oh titanium pickaxe is next oh a tin drill i need that for science purposes did i fill up my light i don't feel like i filled up my light i must have oh yes this is beautiful can i dig these big rocks negative no no no no no that was fine up ah oh i found a red thing iron okay i don't know what it does but i'm guessing i can sell it for big stonks and another one look at that iron is worth ooh a thousand each i like it that puts me at 11 000 which means i can buy the long lift now oh that's beautiful i love it i love the sound that it makes too it's fantastic i think i'm gonna buy a long lift now just because i wanted to i don't know why i did that i'm hoping that my lips are all the way down to the bottom oh it is all the way down to the bottom that's beautiful beautiful news look at all these sweet oars and now i'm going to go over this way just a little bit and i'll hit inventory and i'll hit the lift long and that should go down a whole long ways oh i don't even know oh wait it already got stuck you got you got stuck on the first block you dork hey oh this might have been a bad idea can i get okay i can i'm making it rich i'm making it rich getting so much money by mining the earth up into little pieces does that make any sense i hope my song made sense how much money do i have now my guess is right around 8 000. okay 6 000 that's still a lot but not enough not enough oh this one this one got stuck right away okay we're gonna get this stuff out of here oh man what a mess down here okay got that iron nice oh oh i didn't know about that one okay ready and break that one too okay and then i want that iron nice that's so cool oh there's so many cool things down here and we'll kill this one and that one okay keep on going down keep on going down buddy i'm just gonna ride the lift i feel like i'm gonna hit a bell rock oh what is this what is this thing i need it can i touch it is it going to electrocute me i'm stuck why oh i'm not stuck it just took longer to get unstuck yeah i'll look through that one now no all right stop that ready and down what does this do nothing i just mine through it like regular it doesn't even give me cool loot i'm just gonna steal it all destroy its life it's what i'm gonna do and then it blocks me in the way that wasn't cool i really want to get back up to that layer but i can't know there's something satisfying about re erasing blue things from the world without any lamp i love flam so what is deep below that blue layer or what used to be the blue layer i'm not sure i'm gonna have to go this way oh i didn't even check is that out of out of thingies no 64 remaining wow this game goes deep i wonder if the drill crushes up these big annoying rocks oh what is that oh no my bag is full yes 8 000 money i found another one is this like a diamond please be a diamond how much your diamond's worth oh cobalt wait cobalts is cobalt an ore i thought cobalt was like an ore or an element i don't know i just got crushed i just like it crushed me inside it hurt real bad i had a lot of money a lot i was pretty rich not gonna lie oh hey look that's the one that crushed me don't do it again thank you oh there's so much good stuff here there are so many oars oh i love it so much and i got i got crushed again oh what did i just find what is that i need to get to it it's like a circling ball of death or something [Music] oh this is really bad oh oh no i've gone too far i gotta i gotta make sure i can make it back to my thingy oh i can make it back to my thingy okay about and down and then that way and then this way oh oh what teleporter back of the surface somewhere at this depth wait what oh resources will be kept [Music] okay huh that was cool i did it and then whoop sell the resources i made six thousand money what do i teleport back down to the thingy is this a teleporter oh yes oh that's so cool now i don't even need the things that i've been doing all day all day long wow that makes things so much easier i still need to know how much the cobalt sells for though so cobalt sells for come on 1500 each wow copper is terrible why am i even getting copper i don't have any idea but i feel like i got rich today and that's a good day as long as you get rich that's a good day anyway we're just a little bit away from the tin drill if you guys want to see more of this game let me know down below in the comments and we'll see you next time bye [Music] you
Channel: Blitz
Views: 219,353
Rating: 4.9573879 out of 5
Keywords: blitz, miner, miner dig deep, miner dig deep gamep, miner dig deep gameplay, make money, get rich, gems, gem, precious metall
Id: Bx3I4E44qjM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 42sec (1122 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 26 2020
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