This Gun Breaks All Laws Of Physics

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buy a power up to upgrade your gun i already like this one we just need a little bit of money to actually do so so we're going to launch it and we shoot it again and again and again which means we reach 57 meters for 57 and for that kind of money we can afford precisely zero upgrades so let's do it again windy's gonna keep shooting the ground take that berth that was maybe a bad shot 27 dollars i gotta do better so we could buy first shot power or we could see how much the next gun costs it's actually just straight up locked i can see the guns but i cannot buy the gun so we're gonna get first shot power and then we're gonna figure out how to properly launch this bad boy probably not like that we're getting worse luckily when you uh run out here we can just continually fire we touched a new record managed to break a new record with this one 69 meters what i'm really learning is this is a momentum game an extra shot would be a very very good so the first shot i'm still working on this was really bad but basically we gotta go that way but while i'm here let's take extra bullet power and then we're gonna fire the gun again hopefully a little more that way ah that might work actually i didn't realize you could bounce off the ground i can't shoot now i'm facing the wrong way oh an ammo box we broke a hundred meters for the first time so we're starting to make some real money okay there's under forty four dollars another bullet count another bullet to fire somewhere out into the world we're trying to murder the earth we're trying to keep a little bit of elevation while also not flipping the gun backwards new record did i enter new gun yet can i have a new gun there's so many fun looking guns there's epic and legendary guns we'll take a little bit more bullet power since we had exactly enough for that then we're gonna launch it maybe that way-ish that way that way i think it's gonna be a good one we gotta keep a little bit of elevation at some point though and it'll be nice to get an ammo crate we'll take more first shot power too because we can afford it the first shot i'm still a little on the fence of the best way to uh execute that we gotta keep elevation as much as uh momentum flip front flip good and we bought ourselves another bullet i think i missed click to get into this screen i would love one of these though this one was pretty good because i managed to bounce on the ground a lot well it's still not a new record but we're getting better that's not at all due to skill that's just due to getting enough upgrades that it makes up for a lack of skill because this is a really bad one i swear to do better when i'm not recording uh upgrades are getting expensive we're gonna take an extra bullet uh every extra bullets really gonna give us extra potential to go far come on flip back got it oh ammo box two ammo boxes this is gonna be a good one look at us go light speed oh we missed all the ammo boxes who's steering this thing 561 meters oh do we unlock a new gun is that what that is looks like we might have got ourselves a new gun this has plus 10 red stuff so i think that means it just has a little more bullet power um it's a little bit of a lackluster run but that's thanks to my poor skills but we made it 270 meters we're about one third of the way to a looks like a grapple gun so let's take a little more ammo boxes we'll take extra bullet power we'll take a bullet count for sure then first shot power times two so we're going to is keep on shooting our way hopefully that flips properly perfect uh i'd say i meant to do that it but it was more so i hoped that would happen well okay so once you've fallen downwards you really can't pick up your momentum again this one was a pretty good one i didn't hit any ammo crates but we make it 280 meters without doing anything special i hit an ammo crate this time and i just realized the ammo crate actually gives you a momentum boost as well so we made 430 meters ish on a single so we do need more ammo boxes i'm gonna buy one bullet count in more ammo boxes that hopefully means we can hit a few more i already screwed that up you gotta hit it right at about that angle so it gets you moving we missed the ammo box but what can you do about that still pretty good considering never mind backwards forwards oh here we go we got this under control 325 meters then let's add 5 bullet power and first shot power eventually these are really gonna start to add up uh i definitely actually notice a very minor difference there believe it or not uh but when you whoops fire things enough times you start to notice the little things oh do we have to fire the rest there you go i do find it very satisfying not only just to play this but how quickly you can get back to shooting again it's like two quick clicks and you're back because when i'm just caffeinated i don't want to wait for anything there we go that was pretty good and we're going to do a bunch of fun flips and miss the ammo crate 542 i think we got to get a thousand meters for this super gun but if we buy another bullet that's going to get us that much closer we just need to have better shots okay i did hit an ammo right here we're flying pretty low though we're gonna need never mind i'm gonna take ammo boxes again and bullet power each one of those is five percent so that's considerable this one oh i thought it was gonna get that ammo crate okay we missed that one too and you can go out of frame for a long time so that's good to know i forgot that once you're falling you really can't recover yourself there's a speed boost uh we didn't actually get any ammo from those we just got speed that's definitely the furthest i've ever launched a gun which gives us an extra bullet count which is huge and then let's take ammo boxes drama boxes not actually give you ammo or do only some of them i should really learn how this game works before i play it so we're moving at really good speed here uh we're out of bullets though we gotta break a thousand we broke a thousand oh okay we're going light speed okay and we lost it all because we're going upwards no extra ammo though we get an extra extra gun out of this because we're getting quite far well we got the gun that looks like a toy that a toddler would draw before doing anything we're going to the armory this is plus 15 blue stuff it's the basic alien gun does it fire lasers it does fire lasers so if i learned from the last time we can stay uh low and quick is maybe the way to do it provided we can actually hit some of the damn ammo crates along the way which we can't but i mean this is a thousand meter launch that's easy enough if we can make a thousand dollars every launch we'll be in good shape we also got three thousand dollars now so let's get two more bullets and first shot power we can fire 13 bullets now this is slowly turning into a clicker game and i'm all about that i love to click things we're gonna launch just get a little more speed please perfect good there's an extra speedy dude we need more spin well there's some spin but i didn't want it to come at altitude and it's very hard to time this now because it's quick uh there got it and whoops that was okay well i guess we'll rest here then 250. i feel like we need more bullet power in general we just don't have enough on this laser gun now hopefully we get a bit of a nice low and quick launch as long as we keep the rotation going too we start to run out of rotation room okay we got some good yup perfect this could be a good one i have a good feeling gotta get some height again let's just stay up because we got the speed and we got a new gun we unlocked the water pistol and we launched into orbit that's very satisfying 3000 meters we're going to make so much money i accept 3 864 meters so we get this gun it's got 15 yellow stuff i'm not really sure what the yellow stuff is i don't remember it is a water gun that means it's very light though because it's made out of plastic uh it seems to be able to fire bullets rather strongly so i'm not going to complain keep going keep going yup good this is a really good one considering we didn't really hit many crates if this could just be the average run moving forward we'd be very rich we've already unlocked the next gun it's like super nintendo gun from duck hunt i killed so many ducks with that gun 3 700 meters i will take that all day long i'm not even getting a chance to spend my money so we get plus 15 explosive number one that doesn't sound like something you'd ever want but it does fire lasers pretty good oh almost lost it there okay i might have lost it anyway this is my own fault i don't know what i was thinking there i guess i wasn't thinking i usually do better when i don't think to be fair so yeah not bad again this is just a pretty actually a bad run and we're making it almost 2000 meters the earth is really hard to kill okay now that we have ten thousand dollars to spend ball account ball account bullet count i don't know ammo boxes because now we have 16 bullets to spend so as long as we're using them fairly efficiently and still getting our rotation not like that okay i screwed this one up i have no one to blame but myself we might be able to recover this though because we're just that good sort of not really we're just lucky keep going it's all about the upgrades uh we'll still make money on this one at least uh we won't necessarily unlock a new gun but we'll try our best to get some good distance i tried to time them through the ammo box whatever we got 85 of the way to a new gun i'm not gonna complain we actually got really close to the new gun annoyingly close really why why must the game do this to me so let's take that first shot power up a little bit because it'd be fun just to get a big old launch right away the first shot always feels weak i think that's because i have trouble uh understanding the angle of that first shot from there i got a pretty good idea where it needs to be i just screw it up a lot like right now we're a little bit low we recovered that that was a little bit too horizontal there we go now we have some speed and we're gonna blast through and we're gonna touch the ground and hopefully launch again well we were oh that was such a bad bounce we would have gone so far we got nowhere i guess it's kind of funny because we probably hit the moon there so do we get 3 300 for that so we get extra bullet power this next one was going good i screwed up that shot really badly that was gonna be a record for sure it still might be we have four bullets i just need to see where we're coming down and how to reorient my stupid gun why can't they do the thinking for themselves oh wait we got a new gun and we're still going new gun 4 000 meters and we're still going 5 000 meters that'd probably be a new gun if we already had the new gun but next we get the nerf blaster so that's going to give us that gun so it gives us plus one plus 15 of those things and it looks very uh you know scary and intimidating very scary gun wanna get a little bit lower okay this one is not going as well as i would have liked so we'll get lower into the zone of ammo crates i screwed that up so bad we don't need to talk about this one i will buy some more ammo boxes and also bought an extra bullet count so we can fire 17 bullets so as long as we're firing knows fairly efficiently we're going places even just on bullet power now we can get going really quick when we do it ammo crates all the better uh when we hit orbit not super great but we're still going places next i get like a blunderbuss so i'm really excited about that one four bullets left though i don't know when we're coming back down there we are welcome back to earth well at least for a second then we bounce back out into oblivionville uh so we'll try and keep it going like that i'm just guesstimating where i'm shooting at this point but we did it 5 000 meters 5 000 meters and a new record and sparkles it's raining confetti from the sky so we've unlocked the corsair especial that's 15 i think bullet power and maybe an extra bullet anyways it looks like this so we're just going to launch it like we normally do hopefully through the field of those things getting back off the ground and trying to time this again this was a bad launch might still be able to recover this actually if we just use a few bullets and get a few lucky crates so keep it up keep it up there we are so far so good it's pretty good that even on a failed launch we're cruising past 2000 meters uh next we get an uzi so hopefully that's rapid fire actually i hope not because that's kind of counterproductive so this gun i believe was these two bullet power and first shot power we'll take one of these one of these one of these one of these and one of these it's good to have all the bullets but we need to make every one of those count too we need to get picky with our uh choosings now this was a bad shot again we've already lost all of our speed and we just did it again okay now we're back on track the ammo crates i seem to hit more than when i keep it fairly low like this so now we're getting somewhere that was the last one so hopefully we get a good launch we're into the moon we're 65 of the way there okay with that bounce we're definitely not getting the uzi okay this one obviously set up to be a better one because we're light speeding through this uh i don't really know what happened i kind of zoned out i was thinking about coffee and before you know it here we are so we got the uzi and then some that was a new record we blew past it and we got into a weird green zone so we're into like radioactive land and we're still going pretty fast 9000 meters that's probably like six guns from now but i think i might have learned a new strategy here the little blunderbuss that could that's worth ten thousand dollars so we get the uzi that's got plus 15 ammo crates and whatever uh this gun's probably actually better but we're going to use this just to show that i can so i realized that even if i get a little bit high i can still keep myself going so i shouldn't do exactly what i just did but basically we just keep going like this and eventually we hit the ammo crates and we stay just a little bit higher than i have been before you know we're going light speed and then we're setting new records i shouldn't have waited there we got to keep being consistent with that then well we missed all the ammo crates but you get the idea we're going fast the next round looks like a gun you would just stab people with instead which kind of defeats the purpose of a gun but it looks like the ray gun from call of duty zombies i think we're about to unlock it anyway just because my new strategy actually works so i did something right today we should celebrate oh it's a halo gun yeah i'll take a halo gun plus bullet power plus ammo crates uh plus we've also added two extra bullets so we're now firing 19 bullets per wow that's a really bad start i feel like this one spins faster or something does it's been faster i can't tell now i'm i'm really well whatever this is a throw away am i going crazy is the caffeine wearing off okay now well um okay so far this gun is my enemy i don't know why i can't make this one work i think it's just extra powerful or something the extra power is throwing me off so whatever we can recover this there we go we're about to hit light speed there we go we have extra bullets anyway so we get away with this i want whatever's next i don't know what it is about this gun but it's throwing me off we still have two bullets uh we're making a couple hundred meters per second currently so that's okay we'll see if we make the new gun which i think we will even without firing we should get there okay we unlocked whatever that thing is don't recognize it don't care where it is gonna keep on cruising along mostly because i need this money for upgrades but i'm happy to say goodbye to this gun it also floats it won't come back down from space whatever go there and there probably not a new record i don't remember where record is but it's probably actually not far off next on our fun guns is the bolt gun it's uh 15 bullet power and i think one extra bullet next we're getting into the rare stuff so we get three stats at once this one's quite a compact so it might spin easier i don't know if that's actually a thing in this game or not i like this gun so far because it feels good i just need to keep consistently shooting it every time it makes a circle but it gets quicker as it goes i like this gun we're going so quick i can't even look at the speed right now we need some elevation perfect okay i'm out of uh touches so we're going airborne definitely going probably 300 meters per second right now we got a new gun and we're gonna have a new record there it goes 10 000 meters or it is going and going and going whatever this gun was i like it next we get a super soaker there's 14 000 meters coming up on 15 000 meters this was definitely a new record and gonna be a lot of money i'm actually starting to get to the point where i'm annoyed i wish i had a bullet just to put myself back down so i'd get the next gun and move on but i'm going to make a mental note of this gun now in case one of these next ones is a struggle bus i'm coming back to use this one i think we've actually circled the earth we're back in the canyon hopefully this next gun is as good i mean it is rare so in theory it should be using the power of water we're going places yeah i think i like this gun too it seems to just feel right they probably all act entirely the same aside from their bonus stats i'm just being you know me so far so good we are whoops as i was saying that well we got two bullets in case you need to uh you know pick it up again which we might we're going about as fast okay that wasn't good but i think we're probably going to unlock a new gun provided we get a good landing somewhere here i do have one more bullet to help uh bring myself along there's a new gun though all right it's a golden ak i'm okay with this actually because we're about to just touch down and we got a new gun i love how short-lived some of these are warlord is next 15 golden ak thing so let's see how this one behaves so far it's going a little bit higher than i would have liked uh that's not the gun's fault though that's me but we do have forty thousand dollars to spend so we're gonna buy two more bullets and probably bullet power and ammo boxes but those are also actually really colossal upgrades at this point just given how powerful the gun already is uh so there we go we got our speed going now it just got to keep us elevated and we can get a little more speed if we want to but i mean speed isn't really necessary uh we hit orbit a little bit quicker uh our speed is still decent and we do have eight bullets if we need to get ourselves going again we could have we just screwed that up in a big bad way i don't love this gun i think the shape of it is throwing me off i should be going by that little white line but i tend to look at the gun which direction it's facing when i fire so that's not doing me any favors but we did actually recover this halfway decently and i think we're gonna run out of space i didn't notice the pink rainbows we usually fly over this section it's so nice here yep that's fine take your time gun i've got all day now this way for you to bounce along the ground it's a very slippery gun this slides along the ground well we still get eight thousand dollars so let's just get a little bit of first shot power i feel like we're lacking that so there we go and we're off i got a pretty good balance going here probably because i wasn't talking while doing it like it is really focused because i feel like we're going quick i don't want to look at the speed right now but it's probably quick yep that's 300 meters per second or something and we're probably a little ways up there i wish there was a height meter so we should unlock this thing rather easily and the golden ak is slowly bouncing its way past 15 000 meters so i don't think it's a new record but it's a lot of money you probably already have too much money if you have a gold plated ak but you can never have enough so now it's the mib gun man in black i believe i feel like this is the kind i'm gonna like because it's nice and short uh i don't know why but mentally that does stuff for me uh we had a really good launch with the new mib gun we missed the beginning but oh we still had a bullet neat so we're just cruising by at around 9 500 meters we're going 200 or 300 meters a second so this might well be a new gun it's got to be close 97 oh maybe it won't be a new gun it's painfully close though 98 well we got 98 of the way there i'm feeling pretty confident though this gun spins pretty quickly shouldn't have missed a shot there so there we go we're getting up the cruising speed and we're hitting a ton of ammo crates uh this might be a new record for speed just based on that get up high get up high oh i don't know what i'm doing anymore i lost control uh i accidentally just fired again while i was in the air you know what i think we're gonna i think we're gonna make it this time we're going pretty quick uh we hit our first bounce we get a huge barrel gun not sure where that's from don't really care give me the money i wonder what other fun biomes we're gonna find maybe we just circled the earth i'm not really sure how this works this is a yellow foggy one maybe bigger guns have the advantage though because they occupy more space and hit more crates our very first epic gun the hell gun not entirely sure where that's from but that's okay because we're about to launch it very very far very fast propelled by its own bullets uh it wasn't a very good launch i won't lie to you but we're getting speed now i don't know if there's a max speed anyway so i don't know if it's more efficient to actually space it out once you're kind of at this stage but uh we're at a pretty good speed i think yeah that's definitely cooking i'm pretty sure this is gonna be another gun right away and i'm not complaining with that whatsoever many hundreds of meters every single second there's the new gun right away and i'll see you in 10 minutes when this thing comes back down to earth if it comes back i feel like at some point they're just gonna float into space it's basically learn to fly but instead of a penguin we're sending guns into the atmosphere so we've graduated to the shotgun which gives a 15 boost to all the stats which curiously i haven't really needed to upgrade in a while i like all these viruses shells i think i might like this gun i just gotta get it back pointed in the right direction so there we go there's kind of that sweet spot where you gotta get these guns going and this shotgun is a decent size so i should be able to hit lots of the crates along the way come on crates we're like dodging them somehow well that wasn't great but i've had worse launches too uh we're already touching down so yeah it's definitely not great even a failed launch though is getting us 10 500 meters 50 000 to spend let's maybe just do ammo boxes a few times then bullet power and then one shot power that should get us going nicely then we're just gonna try and time it a little better than that you really need to keep that momentum up the speed really falls off quickly if you're not keeping yourself up this is a better launch and i'm gonna just lose a little bit of elevation there with the sacrifice i gotta get into the sweet spot of all these crates we hit a few in a hurry didn't mean to touch the ground there i mean we're still moving pretty quick so we'll get some distance we might still make that depending how high up we are i really want an altimeter whoops uh honestly we might still make it i've got five bullets i just need to get a controlled launch forward again can you come down nice and slowly gun please we'll still make it we're already 95 we're just so high now our guns are so powerful that we basically just make it pretty sure that's a star wars gun i think correct me in the comments if i'm wrong not that you guys already won't yes that's the solo gun probably a star wars reference so we just gotta get a decent little launch and then we're off i like this gun uh this was a halfway failed launch but now it's actually going okay we had a few crates he had a few more crates oh then we're out of yep uh we're going pretty quick obviously like 3 400 meters per second so we might still make it all the way to this gun i don't have any bullets left so we're just kinda gonna let it happen uh never mind it's not that close we've done it we've unlocked whatever the next gun is and then some we didn't make it 20 000 meters but we don't have to we still get sixteen thousand dollars to launch the solo gun we finally done it the gear is gone so that's the gears of war i believe so that's 15 bonus to all those stats and it looks legendary uh unfortunately it is kind of one of these bigger guns that always throws me off for some reason but this one's going well it was going not bad and we're a little bit of the ways to where we need to be okay this is a failed run for sure in fact let's just see if we can stop it here uh yeah shoot it backwards it um there it goes the gun is legendary i am not i do play better with shorter guns i think because i end up watching the guns more than the white lines so this is okay though i got the rhythm down shouldn't have missed that one we're okay keep it up there we go actually at this point i could probably kind of maintain speed really i don't know it's going to be better whatever i've been doing has kind of been working so um we have the bullet power now to float a little bit too there we go i think this will work out fine uh we finally hit the ground but we were like 10 000 meters when we did so this might be a new record uh we touched the ground again there but i mean we're at 90 on our second touchdown so we got the new gun uh 19 000 meters 20 000 20 000 and change we just broke a record around the 21 000 meter mark and we're still going pretty quick and we're in bubblegum rainbow land this feels right this is it it's time for the big boy gun the legendary rainbow gun and it looks mean so hopefully we do it justice by getting a pretty good launch uh i can live with this so we'll just kind of keep it afloat and we'll hopefully hit some weapon crates at some point keep it up there we go now we're going places oh that's gonna be close okay we're getting speed now yup this will work out real fine we're going so quick plus we get huge bonuses to all of our stats k word zero bullets so we touched down at ten thousand oh we didn't get a lot of height there though that was a really bad bounce uh another bad bounce uh well egg it's saying something when you're bad bound still gets you almost twenty thousand meters the unicorn gun is everything i hoped it would be eighteen thousand eighteen five yeah this will still be twenty thousand meters on a bad bad one well since we have sixty thousand dollars to work with let's just get a few more ammo boxes and wow upgrade is so expensive now i guess it is lucky that this gun has its natural stat boost so we don't need to work hard for stats anymore we just need to get proper shots which means we'll get good speed going we can probably do two spins now sometimes ooh that's close okay two spins might be a bad idea depends on how fast the unicorn is spinning i guess that's bad i've determined that the unicorn gun is kind of hard to use because of its size but i mean that was still 9000 when we hit our launch and it's going it's very powerful but i find a smaller one somehow easier to use i don't know if they actually rotate faster or just feels like they do either way this thing's going long on another bad launch well i'm very satisfied with this it's been a very satisfying time on to the next wonderfully stupid idea 20 000 meters [Music]
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 2,192,189
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Sb5BtW3V3W0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 18sec (1458 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 07 2022
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