I Sold 10,000,000,000 Kiwis

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so here's a fun idea we click on the kiwi we get kiwis once we get enough we send this guy into the castle to get electrocuted by lightning and then we keep doing it i really like a game with some casual murder really has me looking forward to something but then we can level up the kiwi cursor a few times because we've been murdering people for a while now we click we get three kiwis per click and that means more murder by lightning they've even formed a queue how adorable and then we can level up other stuff auto quicker okay well now the murder happens by itself i don't think i need to click anymore the timer goes down and we get 15. look for faster deliveries are we bringing electricity to this castle we're storing electricity in the kiwis oh we can speed up the electrocution process now we don't know what to focus on oh i see the more i click here the bigger the bonus gets so it sits around 200 at best but let's level up my clicking power now i get nine per click so we've also unlocked whatever is over here so we're going to keep clicking here and the pile gets bigger and something happens okay that's called the bag stuffer so that's gonna put more stuff into the bags before they get electrocuted i think it's pretty expensive to upgrade though so let's work on our uh auto clicker for a second we got two more upgrades there so now every time the auto clicker goes 36. so down here we have piled up about 1300 kiwis and each time one of the electrocuted idiots goes into this castle i think we get 25 coins so that's getting pretty good if we turn this up we'll get probably double that or they might just move a little quicker it looks like they just go quicker so we're getting 25 coins they're just moving quicker about it so it's kind of a process we need to keep this little cave full of kiwis we need to get them electrocuted nice and quick but we also need to level up this because it's telling me to then when we get 100 000 we get to unlock something over here but for now i'm pretty happy just to electrocute them for a while i can definitely upgrade my clicking power a little bit i feel like that's going to be my money maker for a while 13 per click so in theory once i have a nice stockpile down there i can just click the castle because they'll burn through that stockpile but they'll go through it quicker so this is probably the most efficient because now they're giving us 85 coins for going in here which is a lot better than it was so we're going to turn that into auto clicker power so now every time the auto clicker touches down 127 no uh upgrade the big stuffer as well i think that's just forcing more inside the little kiwis yup now they're doing 145 per trip we need more electricity to get them going lightning is a really good motivator so let's upgrade the bag stuffer again because that seems to be very much worth it and we'll keep them nice and electrocuted 265 per trip so we'll just do that one more two or three more times and then it should be getting even more per click oh we're burning to the kiwis quickly though starting to get stressful but 500 per click all because we're beating the kiwis out of a kiwi they're actually burning through these so quick like i can hardly click quick enough to keep up with it which it's an interesting problem to have oh okay so we have knights now who are uh oh okay we're gonna click on the kin the king came to uh do something about us and he's dead and we have 10 000 coins so we're gonna unlock whatever this one is uh that's a delivery speed upgrade so five thousand dollars and i'm not really sure what happened we can go maybe this holds this number better or they just go through that quicker anyways i'm not entirely sure all you know is i'm really enjoying this process so we're gonna upgrade the life out of that i'm also going to need to upgrade my delivery system here a lot because they're burning through my kiwi stockpile way faster than i can give them to them but now when they go through to the castle they're going to give us a lot more than i did before 805 so we also need this jolted i've definitely created a log jam in the process though i need to upgrade these guys so my auto thing is going to go a lot and that's a lot better he's now giving us 350 even more now so he's doing 391 now he'll do 4.95 soon to be 480 so it'll be about 500 per auto delivery i just realized there's a little witch sitting up top perhaps a wizard he's in charge of the lightning so he's got the most important role of all and i really gotta do better about keeping the lightning going up here there's always something to click on because that'll get them moving but we also need this we need more numbers so how many do we get we get up to 23 per click so that's actually a pretty big increase i guess clicking on the lightning man doesn't really matter because um we can't keep up with kiwi production anyway we need more auto generation so we're gonna spend five thousand dollars in upgrades uh wow which actually is only a single upgrade but that was actually a really big upgrade oh that's because i max bought it we bought a whole bunch of levels there so now the kiwis are gonna give us even more on the right no actually they're not they're gonna give us the same amount where it is putting more into the left compartment and i'm okay with that i like that over there that's where it's gonna stay still can't really keep up so let's spend another six thousand dollars going from 630 to 741 for auto movement then i'll upgrade my auto clicker one i guess now this is a little better they're starting to line up again so that means we can start clicking up here too to get them going through quicker and then clicking the kiwi and back and forth we go i zoned out for a second my coffee fueled haze we have 16 000 coins so let's upgrade again we're gonna get about a thousand per entry uh over here now and that's gonna help keep me ahead of the little lineup here these little idiots are working too fast for me has this kiwi always looked as happy or is that a new thing i can't really tell uh we can upgrade this if we want so they'll take 925 that's not a huge difference but it's you know it'll add up to over time and time is what i've got a lot of i think the king is coming back so we'll click the life out of him and then we should get a nice bonus you're not allowed to be here this is my kingdom now and you're dead which means we have 23 000 coins to spend i don't know what this black hole is but it's really annoying me okay ico works now when i try and get close to it it disappears anyways we're gonna upgrade this so it's now delivering 1200 that's about a 20 increase in production so upgrades are definitely getting expensive i can upgrade my cursor to have double the output so we're just going to do that right away 51 per click that just means all the more executions i mean electrocutions it's i assume they survive they probably just go in a big loop and come right back they get electrocuted again at least i hope they do then let's level up this guy so we're going to go from 900 to 1200. so know each one of the kiwis getting electrocuted and entering the castle 1200 easy money but we're definitely getting out of our production now so let's upgrade our auto clicker that's going to give me uh like a lot more and then let's upgrade that one more time it's gonna go from 1400 to 1700 those are really big increases that was expensive but that was a 20 increase to our kiwi stockpile but the bigger the stockpile the faster these guys get electrocuted and the more dollars we make i hope eventually there's more we can do to electrocute them we can electrocute multiple them or maybe we'll cut them in half or set them on fire fire is always a fun one and we're coming up a hundred thousand dollars so that means i can finally upgrade the castle not sure what that does but so if i spend 100 000 i get 1.6 coins so that's a 60 increase which is actually enormous right now because now we're getting 2 000 for every kiwi that lands over there which is a good deal for me they have to get electrocuted but it makes me money which means i should upgrade this one so the auto clicker is getting another 20 boost approximately because we're going through a lot of kiwis right now we need to turn us all into coins very efficiently and the new thing seems to be working because liquor fall our tank is we're up to 25 000 kiwis in there that all turn into lots of money then i crank up lightning power to 210 and then we can burn through all that and turn that into money extra extra quick but then we're probably gonna spend about fifty thousand dollars upgrading the productivity again at least on my auto clicker because i can't click forever i have to get up and get coffee at some point so this is going to give us another 20 increase and by the time basically i selected that upgrade we could do it again so there's another 20 increase so now he's shoveling in 3 000 kiwis every time he does that probably upgrade my own clicker too and we'll get another 50 there i mean why not upgrades are upgrades 76 every time we touch the kiwi not sure where they get that all but they've got a lot in there we're up to 40 000 kiwis stored oh there's something else coming up wait what is that oh come back with a crown okay we have seventy thousand kiwis in the vault we got thirty thousand dollars to spend i'm gonna upgrade the speed of the lightning processing pretty quick just because that's an extra fifty percent speed so they'll hustle their way along get executed ever quicker so now when i have lightning going at full capacity they really go through there in a hurry two thousand dollars for every one of those idiots moving along we're not quite a balanced production at this rate we're slowly burning through our kiwi supply but not by a hugely fast amount we just make a lot of money now oh and our king is about to show up again so we're gonna murder the ever loving life out of him i thought he'd be richer but i mean i'll take what i can get out of your corpse okay eighty thousand dollars to spend so i stayed up almost a hundred thousand dollars and i've still got a stockpile of sixty thousand kiwis to turn into money so i'm gonna level up the bag stuffer which is an awesome name for an employee and they're gonna know get a double they're gonna double their uh output so they're gonna burn through our stockpile of kiwis mega quick but every time they touch down now they're giving us four thousand instead of about two thousand so they've done we've doubled our income and that really shows because look at how much money we have so i'm gonna have to turn up my this thing so you're gonna now get a big increase so that auto thing is now giving a thousand more every load and it's doing a lot of loads and we're gonna give it another increase from four thousand to forty six hundred so it's like a 15 increase i think every time i click that but now we're making money stupidly quick we're making like four thousand dollars every couple seconds and that number is about to skyrocket okay we're just about to break 250 thousand dollars that means i'm gonna upgrade this and we're gonna get a pretty big increase to our profitability again we're getting about four thousand four coin now we're getting about fifty three hundred so now we can increase everything else but we just increased our uh income by a huge amount i'm going to increase my big stuffer again then we're gonna get even more we're getting eight thousand dollars every time a kiwi lands in our castle so we've doubled our income i should probably click the thing oh transcendence so when i want a prestige basically i can get prestige i'll get six coins if i do that now i don't think we want to do that yet i think i can save up some more prestige coins fairly easily i can also have this go from another 15 increase to its automatic deliveries i'll even upgrade my clicker so we still get actually a huge amount there i should do that more 126 per click and it's no problem at all okay i very quickly got another 210 000 to spend so i'm gonna upgrade this guy again so he's now got a big upgrade to how much he's shoveling into the auto system and i'm also gonna increase the speed another fifteen percent i mostly just wanna electrocute things faster the profit is a nice extra touch upgrades are definitely getting expensive now i've got 110 000 and i can afford two different things so we'll upgrade the bag stuffer then they're carrying 5 000 per load my prestige number hasn't gone up yet maybe i'm not clicking enough so we're gonna get another almost 50 increase at clicking power but we're also getting 10 000 per kiwi load so when i'm going like this obviously we make a lot of money quickly that's like almost 10 000 every few seconds basically but we're also going through our kiwi stockpile super quickly doing it this way i think the king's about to show up so we'll murder him for some dollars and we'll get some more upgrades oh he's knocking my idiots out of the way oh look how much money we're getting at him this time though that's very profitable 500 000 coins to spend so let's do the auto clicker from 6900 to about 10 000 which was definitely needed because we're running the stockpile super quick delivery speed is going to go up again another 15 uh that seems to level it up or something so it'll be interesting to see what that upgrade brings us oh my prestige thing just jumped up to 10. so now we're making progress prestige coins are worth a fortune i'm gonna try and burn through my 170 000 kiwi stockpile to try and turn that into massive profit we're going to i just need about six or eight hundred thousand dollars and so far this is working good we're burning to the stockpile pretty quickly but i've got 650 thousand dollars to spend but because there's something wrong with me it's time to figure out what happens if we hit the level up here this is not the best use of my money probably nothing happened i think that this meant the level ups leveled up so now they're getting a 20 increase instead of a 15. so that was a fun use of eight hundred thousand dollars but at least they're going to the security point adequately fast this will be a satisfying part we got six hundred and something thousand dollars to spend we can upgrade our simple coins per kiwi by a pretty big amount given how much we're already getting we're going from ten thousand to thirteen thousand that was basically a thirteen a thirty percent increase without actually slowing down any of our production anywhere basically that straight up adds pure profit and all we have to do is electrocute kiwis then i think we're due for an upgrade on our auto shoveler thing so there's a 15 increase to our automatic kiwi production and then i'll maybe spend a hundred and fifty thousand dollars on upgrades for my clicker which actually gives me another big increase that's like a 50 increase and at 276 per click i make several thousand probably every second then i'm going to upgrade how many they're taking per big so that's actually a pretty big increase in itself that's a 25 increase so we'll be making yeah a lot more on this end again uh six seventeen thousand but they're going to go through the stockpile quicker but that's okay that's kind of the point we just need to make sure that stockpile stays ahead because you can blast them through now look how quick they go so i'll probably get them to shovel more in there there's another increase there and we'll upgrade the clicker again just a little bit because i'm then gonna increase the amount they're carrying again because that's gonna lead to twenty thousand dollars per load on the other side now hunches tons they're definitely running through the stockpile alarmingly quick though when i uh don't continually fulfill it but luckily we've got so much there we're gonna get another upgrade there and my clicker also gets an upgrade and for the first time we're about to break a million dollars and we don't get any special achievement that's sad but our king idiot is about to make another appearance so we'll murder him one more time for funsies and hopefully that adds something to our abilities well he's definitely getting us lots of money these days not that we were particularly poor before that did give us more prestige points so we're gonna upgrade our pure profit one more time because we had the money for that and then we're gonna have these guys carrying more through so the kiwis now turn into about three and a half times their value so we're getting about three and a half times profit on those so the more they carry the more profit we get but we need to produce more as well but they're bringing in 32 000 every time they drop off so that's plenty but saying that the prestigio meter really is slowing down so i think it's time to transcend so this unlocks professions and blue arrows and i mean i still have 10 coins left over so i think i'm gonna get this 60 coins per kiwi delivered plus 60 that's huge and i don't really know what this is plus 60 kiwis per car hit i don't know what car hits are i think i'm going to take the save option plus 60 kiwis per click that should add up nicely now we're back to this basic idiot but we also have this over here so profession on tree so we collect these blue points and each one of these is a different play style i'll probably do carpentry because that's more so for auto clickers so i don't have to do much of anything we just need to collect some blue points as all so i'm gonna go ahead and max buy things as they come we should be making plenty of profit plenty quickly because already them dropping off are giving me 40 coins per load and they're taking 25 years so it's about a 50 increase and i'm already up to nine kiwis per click so we're definitely going to be making some money and we'll even increase these just to get them going again so for the first time i'm going to basically triple a little over triple my big stuffer capacity so they're now making a lot more per load they've jumped all the way up to 136 and that's good because we're producing a lot more than that also unlocked my first profession another look at this i read the blue text i like clicking or using an auto clicker i want to play a bit every 20 40 minutes i might be back in a few hours i'm gonna be here clicking away so archery it is for now all clicks also click the kiwi that's a good one to start with so now i can click both the security and it's uh yeah the archer's over there doing his thing so we're gonna do that and it's gonna increase our productivity a huge amount plus we get to shoot a kiwi and how fun is that so i definitely need to keep going here i guess i can even click here if i want to but it's gonna be all about the clicker for a minute the faster we click the more speed we get the more money we make easy peasy so since we're going to be producing so quickly we can upgrade the big stuffer who's going to have uh almost triple the uh input so we're going to have to triple the profits so every time they touch down now we're getting 328 and i'm going to click that one more time so we're going to get 616 every load and the king's about to show up and fight me and kicking the king is also going to make me a lot of money and productivity so let's spend about ten thousand hundred dollars on my clicker which gave me a big increase so then let's increase our this thing that about doubles our profits about doubled a thousand dollars even every time they touch down so let's make our auto dude do a little further we got one prestige point so far okay let's increase our production again and we'll keep on clicking we're getting thirteen hundred dollars per kiwi touchdown this is going so much faster okay then with my hard-earned archery points i'm gonna buy enables the archery target click it to speed up time i'm not entirely sure what that means but i like the idea of speeding up time oh this one oh interesting so we can click up here and speed in general just goes quicker yeah i could get used to this one because we could have both of these going and then they'll go super super speed and in that short little burst i've also just tripled my clicking capacity so if i go like this yeah we're making stupid amounts of kiwis so uh i'm gonna try and build up a big stockpile right now because if we build up a big stockpile now later on we could turn it into a much bigger profit uh we've done so good the king's already back i'm also gonna upgrade that that's gonna give me a huge increase again we're gonna click the king to death uh he's dead and life goes on and we're going to spend our twenty five thousand dollars on more upgrades there's another 25 increase to our clicking capacity power i can also spend another three archery points increasing the target multiplier on my archery so we can go 130 speed 230 percent okay 250 speed i'll take it i'm also gonna upgrade the auto kiwi thing by almost fifty percent cause it doesn't keep up with my clicking but it's not really that far off either and i will eventually get tired of the clicking depending on copy levels i can actually kind of balance it out between these two two if i want to increase this and i go back to increasing speed and then it's a multiplier and a multiplier and then they're basically sprinting for that castle they want to get this life over with so basically i'm going to high speed like this because we're making decent profit but we're also making a huge stockpile of kiwis but before sort of releasing that uh stockpile to turn into profit let's upgrade this so we're going to get more money for each one of those kiwis because we're already up to 2000 for every single kiwi that goes through them we've got a lot of kiwis so in theory we have 400 thousand dollars in kiwis sitting there and that number's going up and up and up especially when i turn my auto clicker up again not my auto clicker my clicker i don't have an auto clicker right now because i'm really stupid okay i'm going to click uh this auto clicker i'm going to increase and that's going to be a big increase to that so now i can be a little bit lazier okay i built up a stockpile of about 300 000 kiwis that should be enough now to increase these guys so they're going to carry quite a bit more through which is going to turn into more profit i'm also going to turn up their processing speed by 15 and we're going to give them a little boost over here and just like that we're making over three thousand dollars per trip and my stockpile is still growing because my stockpile numbers are outrunning my processing capacity and that's still a good thing thirty two hundred dollars every time i go through there and let's increase that again got another three points that i okay i guess we're buying 50 max target multiplier so now we go up to 300 speed which is just all the more profit for me and here comes the king again we're gonna go ahead and focus just a little bit on him because he needs to die in a hurry and got him i really like this 300 speed thing it's really going along so much so that we've in fact saved up a quarter of a million dollars 250 000 so that means we can upgrade simply our profits by a large margin so we went from 3 000 per load to 4 300. that's actually almost a 50 increase and that doesn't reduce our profits or speed in any way that's just pure profit then i'm gonna spend a hundred thousand dollars on clicking power which is going to give me not quite a 50 increase but something up there somewhere almost 500 per click and we've got a stockpile of about 700 000 cubies so we're gonna turn that into quite a bit of profit each one of those kiwis turns into about three and a half dollars so we have about two and a half million dollars of kiwis sitting there so far okay well i'm here i'm going to upgrade uh so they're carrying twice as much now so they should make twice as much profit as they go now so we're up to 8 500 per load plus my uh auto deliver is gonna go 50 increase my clicking is starting to struggle to keep up a little bit with demand we're still doing it but not by as much as we'd like so we're gonna do that and get a big increase to our clicking power now look at that number go up we're at 940 000 kiwis collected uh we're getting ahead but not by a whole lot but we're coming up there's a million kiwis in the vault and even millions so that's gonna turn into three and a half million dollars at least i guess we should probably upgrade the speed in which they go through there's a 30 increase to their speed moving through so we'll turn it into profit quicker now we're making money quickly look how quick they're going through 8 500 per load and we're gonna step that up soon just killed the king one more time so we got a few more prestige points but we also got a lot of money from that we can upgrade our profit again so we're going from 8 500 per idiot into the castle up to 10 000 11 000 11 000 so uh we're getting about four and a half times profits now so we have i don't know five million dollars a kiwi sitting in the vault so we just gotta get them processed the best way to do that is probably upgrade my auto clicker just a little bit more okay then i think it's only fair to spend about three hundred thousand dollars on the big carrier that's gonna almost triple their capacity so now we're gonna be making almost triple the profits twenty seven thousand dollars per kiwi into the castle that might start to burn through our stockpile but the profits from that are going to be enough to fuel the upgrades to hopefully keep ahead of production i mean we've already made about 400 000 coins after that and security seems to have trouble processing let's get more clicker upgrades that's actually probably worth it so 800 kiwis per click and each one of those turns into four times profit so it's about 3 200 per click right now and so there's hundred thousand dollars to spend i'm going to spend that on security upgrades because it's only worth one upgrade but it's probably gonna be fine then we'll upgrade how much they're carrying by another 25 i think i actually picked that twice because it just happened to roll over there so now we're going to be making 43 000 every time an idiot gets electrocuted and goes in the castle okay then i'm also going to double my auto thing basically because it will add up quite a bit especially when you're going at 300 speed also i'm going to spend 4 coins 40 max security speed multiplier not that i'm touching this much but now we can probably get over the 260 or something 240 whatever that's fine look how quick they go through now look at all the money coming in oh i don't know what to do now do we have them carry more yeah let's have them carry more we can turn all that into money so quickly so when securities up and this goes up they're starting to run through when we make a million dollars in no time at all and the king comes back and we kill him hopefully quickly oh he's going so quick can we get him can we get him got him oh and that actually gave us two million dollars so we can take the prestige points and then level this up again for more profits so 14 000 kiwis turns into 78 000 so it is a pretty good mark upon that speaking of which carry more for me and also better clicking so we have currently uh what are they making 85 dollars every time they land there so we're making a million dollars every you know few seconds really at this point if i get both my multipliers going absolutely concerned is running through eighty five thousand eighty five thousand eighty five thousand yeah so we're making lots and millions of dollars they're burning to my stockpile but i'm somehow not that worried about it right now uh especially because we're still about to even turn up the profitability one more time because money is just coming in so stupidly quick so now every load is a hundred thousand dollars one hundred thousand dollars every time a kiwi touches down but they're definitely going faster than i can click so we're burning the stockpile quickly but we're making some money while doing it it was worth it to build up that massive stockpile even without the security uh speed upgrade we're still making a hundred thousand dollars every every second like it's stupid amounts of money right now so we're gonna take this five million dollars and i am going to turn that into better clicking probably so we're gonna get a 20 increase oh actually these get bigger and bigger now so every time i click 2 000 kiwis so that's not bad at all and i think every upgrade now is going to be huge again we very quickly saved up another three and a half million dollars and that puts me in the ballpark of this so and upgrade the uh kiwi cursor there's a 50 increase how much i get every click so 3 000 kiwis every click so i think we're actually ahead of production again which is stupid considering how much money we're making for every one of those kiwis so naturally we're going to spend five million dollars on fake carrier upgrades that's going to give them a 25ish percent increase so we're going to make 25ish percent more money 140 thousand dollars we actually made 40 more money so that means things are moving along an alarming rate you know what let's upgrade wow we can get big upgrades here so we might burn to that stock pilot an alarming rate suddenly but we're going to make so much money doing it because security is going to go quicker than ever watch what happens if we click here get that going and then we click this one back up man it's just 140 hundred forty hundred forty hundred forty i can't even talk that fast it's so much money so i need to upgrade my clicker right away that we're now getting four thousand per click and i don't know if that's enough to keep up even even at our fastest clicking whatever the case we're getting about seven times profit so every click right now is worth about thirty thousand dollars uh and the king is coming back but we're moving at super speed so i need to clear oh i missed a bunch of clicks though that's not good but look how rich we are and we got all those prestige points but there's also 22 million dollars which is enough for more profits again that's a huge increase in profits so we're up to 211 000 per kiwi now so we're getting almost 10 times multipliers so every click is worth about ten thousand uh forty thousand forty thousand dollars per click and we're doing a lot of clicking and delivering a lot of kiwis speak of which it's upgrade or clicking for an extra one thousand per click which is actually a 25 increase which is huge okay so even if we don't touch anything we're making 211 000 every couple seconds but i'm gonna uh upgrade my auto thing because that's long overdue and then i'm gonna sit here and collect a little more money at an alarming rate uh we're also producing more than we ever have before by a large margin then it's time to spend about six million dollars on upgrades for this guy so you're not going to get a huge upgrade but that's i don't know 20 30 so now every time a kiwi runs into the castle 250 thousand dollars a quarter of a million dollars and they're doing that so quickly it's hard not to be making a stupid amount of money we're also going to spend 5 million dollars on a 30 upgrade there and i think another clicking upgrade is more than necessary that's another 1 000 increase so that was a 20 boosted clicking power and we're going to do a 50 booster auto clicker which is actually huge and since that did level up and we're going 300 speed we really should just keep it going there's another 20 increase to that okay this is going to be fun i've been preparing for this for a minute we're going to spend 55 million dollars boosting our profits again by a large margin so now every time an idiot goes in there 330 thousand dollars but also now with this every time i click i also click security so i get that massive speed boost i also have a stockpile of 4.3 million dollars there so if i start rapidly clicking this the profit is gonna be absolutely absurd look at that 333 thousand dollars i'm making millions of dollars a second probably close to two million dollars a second we're burning to our stockpile rather quickly but look how much money we have then if we increase the amount of money uh these guys carry on their backs now we're making 650 000 a load so yeah many millions of dollars every second and i'm really happy i was able to engineer this for myself we need to upgrade our clicker there's another 50 increase to clicking power so yeah we're still burning through our stockpile but not super super quickly so that was fun and we can increase our capacity again so that when they have enough kiwis about a million dollars per load or it's like 15 times profit so every click gets is about 150 000 once it's unloaded i mean even going on a no stockpile i can keep them going this quickly that's still a million dollars every second probably even quicker so you get the point we probably made billions of dollars by now by torturing kiwis [Music] [Music]
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 982,864
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 32sec (1592 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 04 2022
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