I logged on to find our vault blown up... but by who? (minecraft factions)

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hello guys how's it going welcome her back to another episode of fashions now I've been getting a lot of comments asking about did my vault get inside there or technically did twins vault get inside because it's really his vault he just invited me and Raven into it and if you don't know everyday I invited a random person who is living on the surface in the wilderness with a house on a faction server into the base the own plane base cuz I felt bad I couldn't invite him into the faction I knew that base was gonna get raided and I was like look you can live there for as long as you want you know I mean do what you need to do you know me if you go find a faction whatever anyway and but yeah I invite him into the vault and I just fight I don't know if he's inside there not now twin hasn't said anything but twins been asleep so he wouldn't have known anyway so anyway me and Raven we decided not to go there yet we're gonna go on camera and see if it is I've actually stayed away have you stayed away from the vault for a few days I I haven't gone on yeah I have an exam been waiting to see like what would he do because I was thinking like if we leave it will he just inside it because he thinks we don't live there or like what but anyway we're gonna go there now see what's going on and see if it's inside like there is looking like if we did inside if we did write it there is a decent amount of stuff like twin has a decent written is basically doesn't have spoilers in there anymore but he still does have like I believe prop for costume in champ books that are very decent so if he did rip and this all goods are not cuz tune was like yeah that's fine just hopefully doesn't inside so it's it's patchy no all goes out on me I don't want to invite him in I have no idea why it's all your fault if you join us go down below smash that like what it'd be greatly appreciated but em let's em let's do this alright home vault let's see I don't know if I've got three seconds hold off all right and I'm here oh dear I'm not gonna lie a lot of my comments are coming twins are coming I kind of saw it coming Oh what I was just trying to be nice okay well I didn't have anything in my vault I don't care in heaven I didn't even have oh it's his way this blown up as well um you um it's me goofy yo I missed him yo he might be afk do you think or do you think hang on hang on hang on is there any holes down to it he said a high no he said F whoo oh my god one second oh my god you know what's after happening you know it's definitely definitely definitely after happening whoa take care dick kid right now cuz they might know get geared all right I'm gonna go did she tell you right now I'm thinking I've done F whoo it's me goofy so basically he was in the faction at all right so um I basically you can stay here as long as you want to get in your feet you know to find a faction cuz obviously a faction was full we can't invite him and and I think a faction is after offering him you can join his faction if you unless inside that base do you mean cuz he's in a faction call not tell her which F who not tell her and that like there's like the 20 of richest faction suddenly for him to go into that faction after that I don't know I would say something happened maybe not maybe maybe he got x-rayed I'm just saying get geared cuz I'm but i just said yo he said he just said hi I think and it's anything obvious let me just go back but obviously I don't want to be caught off guard about any parts cuz I do okay is there any holds do you see any walls at all that I can see and see anything what do you think Raven was no he got like I dog twit hasn't woke up yet so twin doesn't know the line wins online is he actually online no he's not usually this game it's just I don't know if he knows is he a good twin don't don't tell more get him to call if he I just I just said twin Adams his call can you Adam yeah I Adam I think what's after happening is he's got offered to inside like you know I mean and you can if you do this you can join a faction even though there now there was there was stuff here but it wasn't amazing stuff like you know I mean like it's fine it's fine but the fact that he did do it if he did cheeky monkey you know I mean I tried to do nice things but you you just like a cool I Colin Quinn I I say he's afk he was online a minute ago speaking all right but like you just you tried you nice things like I'm Tucson like Ramon's the opposite and I'm like I'm nice Raven you're bad you know you don't care you know give a monkey about anyone you just kill anyone but yeah I think this after happened there was nothing here though like there was stuff here but nothing amazing clickbait is the best book like he blew up his own vault and he worked so hard no so that's why I don't know now I missed him a dude's endings I'm just gonna leave a beat there anything left here look at so much work into it so if we did blow up himself I'm a bit confused to be honest I'm very confused I don't unless oh hang on oh hang on no maybe it was x-rated we might be blaming them a bit tomorrow a look at this what's this about cuz like this basis B not for like two weeks so like it would have been it's time since right twin twin twin twin baby can you log back on overlord please and you yeah can you log back on over please just can you come to the vault face look what Goofy's after doing this is insane he's made us really rich he's done something like I don't know like he plays something down and it just made us like he's just gained of like a load of value from one chest it's insane that's really notes okay yeah okay yeah we're really joking yeah we kind of figured out that maybe it wasn't goofy this look come over here is this what it is so how wait how'd you know it wasn't goofy cuz like Anthony's I saw goofy in Nutella and I was like okay not her after offer him loads of money to inside and if he does he gets a faction so what happened so I was doing my outro yeah and I actually saw that we had claims over here and I was like oh and then I logged off log back on and somebody was in my base not even a part of them claims just a random person in the base like maybe they're like random claims were over there oh okay yeah I've just f maps I see what you're on about yeah yeah so it wasn't even them it was some random person and the killers and I've seen him I killed him claimed it reloads and I came back and this was all blown up oh dear well there wasn't much here though was there not really you might have had spawners down on ya know ya Goofy's the one who lost the most now I instantly blame goofy but that's natural I came on to see him in one the bass blown up him in Nutella cuz usually like you know I mean if you know let's be honest we all know that we've invited members into like members into skirling just sent me done I'll just end up back and put like you know we've all invited members into our faction and we know how much they get offered like to forget inside so like I insi just assumed the worst but I was like why would he blow up his own ball especially look at all the word like these slabs must've taken like hours to do do you know that mean so yeah so basically someone in the killer's radar vault so underscore King G our guy the god guy wanna so it is alright yes God the god guy won all right and there where a four million let's pull out okay so we have a bounty we will do a race to see if we can raid them back you can even make my whole eye look your ball didn't get blown up look at this ball in the game right now anyway bear off than you two are yeah like do you want annoy me is that they blew up the vault like man it's like this they kept the Middlesbrough nice sugarcane farm actually how did that unsee the sugarcane farm did survive like it's not able to right here oh yeah Oh Vince the whole now obviously looking for I couldn't see it but since goofy had spawn is down I'm not they're not accurate or anything like that and obviously not cuz goofy hats Bona downs which mean that probably was billions of entities but okay we will do our best to find out faction we probably will never raid them because it's just it just won't happen but we'll see if we can get revenge but we'll avenge you we can't so this is gonna go on video anyway but we have a we have a window of time before this video goes out we can't say in chat looking for their base we can't do anything or that because if we do that they're disappear forever and yeah we need to find someone that maybe knows what our base is or maybe get someone on the inside to give us the course of the base that won't betray for looking from that faction he's looking looking from there for a faction like from the faction they seem like a bunch of friends like so they're not gonna inside because it's just a small group but that were yeah they're worth to they have too many in smaller bodies no honestly though I was I like I thought I'm happy I I'm sorry to Anais a weird situation be happy but I'm happy because I thought it was my fault after inviting that guy and being so nice I was like okay sure he won't survive like one I didn't trade his base when I found him I gave him safe haven but like you know I mean back look at like can we just be grateful of something look at us come here like our little bird has spread his wings his wings and he's now in like and what he's in a the 20 richest matches I mean that's art you know I mean that's our son going out in the world and like this freaking grow so fast he was only the other day I invited him into the vault the only other day he came into this world and I had my best stuff there if we raised him from the young nurturing child he was into who he is today I mean he's out there now let's add something inside Nutella alright guys moving on with the video the killers if we find you we were raging but we most likely will not find you I have a end of all hack so the other day and Cyber Monday the end of all hack to drop these are out for a limited time for a week only I believe something like that they're different to the end of all November's if I name them they're a lot better they seem pretty darn Gucci at the moment so Adam a room yeah where can you get one you can get one I stored us like Peavy calm if you so wish to they are 17 pounds right now to sail on I have no idea if that sail is gonna be gone or not and but yeah that's the price of them right now actually this the sail will probably stay on those things why not like just turns video goes out cuz I feel bad I didn't advertise it and I didn't let you guys know cuz you know I mean some you may be relying the video so today only it'll be ending tonight so if you want to grab it there you go right twin you have one don't you friend I have one okay I have one I'm about to confirm one and boom boom boom there we go alright so this is what you get you get one to two additional at homes one too to show bonds at Chapman's 1ab an item two exclusive titles one random booster double xp booster would be amazing because imagine like I can save it for magnets so I'll be doubly like super quick two to four random charms and a hacked I am a question mark interest and you can I make it that's no question and then you can get even a divine chestplate divine sword I wouldn't mind a fine sword I need one for making the god set later on random Titan summer pretty decent or Ram kit scroll and I have no kids right now so anything could be better twin yeah do you know but I'm on the store right now are you gonna are you gonna be getting one yes okay wait for you you get one now or you get one layer I'm getting one now okay right well let's do a triple opening this would be sick oh look we got a little like platforms you know what am i alright then wait for you twin okay so the three of us have the end of all should we make any sort of like deal whoever gets like better stuff or like how do you really describe who gets better but I guess we'll open them all at the same time you know I mean I know can we do any so a challenge and I guess you know I mean twins paid hard-earned money for it so now we're just gonna open them what we get yeah okay no okay okay sorry I thought Ravens good place now okay everyone grab your positions we're gonna face this way okay right you're on okay ready can everyone see everyone's interval no even sorry alright ready yep on the blue on the blue okay everyone know that yeah everyone okay three are we going on go yeah on one on go three two one go here we go Wells fancy here we go I think I got to I got to I got one I got a glitch sword whatever that is okay I'll fly is it cool or personal hey Don Oh who'd I get I better go I ain't got the experience my gosh I got two enchanter charms oh my god is really pretty I can't see 110 command of and a divine chestplate wait no friggin way that's insane you know that kids like everyday or something bad something like it has a insane cooldown so what I get so I'll call out my god I got to set homes just to go over it I got one I am unknown enchantment a glitched sword which is a sharpness one plus nine and I attack damage and - head in space it admin so it looks kind of cool though and titled fly hash that hacked as as you cool title divine chest plate I got a temp command of such farm shop that be good for started map but I'm I could sell it at like the end the map potentially three in China charms and a are no personal soul boosters they want to swap you've got the head what level are you level 10 you know how nice is gonna be for killing magma when I get to it like honestly it's the worst working level what like can I ask you a question was a was spiders easy I'm just making sure okay anyway what do you guys get I got to set homes yeah and uh no enchantment I got my little coupon code yeah I got title but I got a hack title I got a personal so booster or not a function soul booster yeah two inch arms at a virus title and a divine chef plate that's your bad I was hoping I'd get designed so it to be honest what I got to find chest might as well but actually that's actually perfect because pv1 that's my leggings and my chest lay done so all I gotta do is get boots now oh I have I have it I'm just gonna say you have to say beats can you bring this yeah they actually spare you just took them off yeah you just took your just because the other ones have turned forward I didn't want to waste it okay are you sure yeah boom okay right that's all sore then I can let you start making my god side actually that's perfect that's honestly that is perfect right and what what am command thing did you get I got such farm shop I did eating anything okay I guess it's kinda like 50/50 you do 29 face I got this I got farm shop yeah we might be at a sunlit Sun I think as a bundle maybe make more money out of it we could I don't because at the moment I don't know well at you I have G sharp does anyone need farm shop have it cuz I have info I have globish up right now and I think I have like hmm like I'll take farm shop when um so more days left of it yeah you wanna have it I'll take it okay if it benefits the faction it benefits the faction there you go honestly if it was like raid shop or something that could tell Frank millions but it's not but anyway and there we go I'm gonna open up my own known enchantment look that is hatred one looks noble one for a bow I don't know what love one I'm gonna save that may chest for like a good soul just because that's pretty sick and then obviously I'm gonna redeem the set homes I don't know what you guys are gonna do but like honestly your homies they're freaking better cuz I keep running out of them especially because our base like we let you have two bases so I can't keep upsetting my home's all in them yeah I can we go dawn and dash'd it and I'm personally gonna save the charm so layer when I'm desperate I'm gonna open them because I have an addiction I would save them I would save them because do you think about it right this is the end of it now like Black Friday has came Cyber Monday like you I mean like this is that's obviously the craziest time for Zico I'd be careful cuz I even one open one I'm just saying if you want you can open all of them you want to be my guest but just like you know I mean you have you do have an addiction yes going for it alright we'll see well that's it like since you know for the one he's definitely gonna open all know that is our base raided and that is the end of all hacked it'll be out for like a week time grab if you want it alright so me and Raven are going to go attempt to just do some PvP in the war zone now if the horse pawn him we're gonna go for them because I need to get 10 horde kills to level up Raven you're done that on you yep I'm completely dumb so it doesn't matter do you don't mind if I get a cousin no no okay are you geared ready to go yeah I'm fully good pots fully everything everything pots everything maybe not by to sword yea or nay show so I'm out okay stop it stop it this is probably gonna end in death but yeah let's give it a shot I'm not wearing a God said or anything I have decent on me is an IG mask but it's not even leveled up so who cares well use it I might as well take it down okay anyone here alright it's on isn't it and no I think I think we just missed it potentially that's you so I'm every time making a god set soon um and I did I did notice a difference when you have a God set you do take so little damage and peer Jim is over here I see someone as a guy in food when I go for him by the volcano by the pair doom I'm coming he's dropping sharp 5 RP potentially he's gonna TP and I think he deftly has friends he's too slow down the arrow deafening on a teepee people in he's plotting off he's definitely yeah yeah these reinforcements okay crazy oh it's crazy carrot that guy said here find me and come get me and everything I just got poisoned by that guy yeah he's running away he's run away this guy's running there's a guy in a back me no come here buddy should we get into the pit of doom like getting like known as sick dangers for a session they're running dude running this actually only two of us right now yeah I'm coming coming up I'm dropping I'm coming I got debuff as well come I'm not debuff comes along pop up if anything we might have to call reinforcements the monetising as well okay right where my the chlorine or we might have to call reinforcements right there's about fourth Manas right come on displayed this way Tuesday here Oh trust me this survived this guy's world here oh no there's another guy like well geared oh this guy this guy this guy this this guy could drop oh it's gonna kill I'm happy I'm gonna be the Enderdragon mosque yeah yeah dude that guy's well geared in the Dragon Mask is so freakin all P it's insane oh they have tainted webs that must be fully leveled up actually because I realize he's 13 yeah I'm literally stockings my spot we might um yeah yeah we got more reinforcements but I don't know if it's gonna win yet they probably want me I'm gonna pearl out over that way just get like a chance to breathe there we go how you doing I don't really care if I die right now I'm happy I got a killer didn't get Luton oh my god the amount of people here is insane all right where's our trap it's an orphan that uh it's full follow me for me okay right yeah yeah just pearl pearl in front of you yeah I see you go for it go for it go for it might as well go for it oh we're so gonna die but who guys go go go go oh yeah if it's wrong I'm sorry but my keys oh let me give em equivalents okay what just gave her the coordinates right now no like okay I've been hit by can slow down person on being hit by something oh lordy I can't see you like I'm blind Oh God I'm coming wrong way just like yeah just being 90 blocks close for a gun blind to get here wait I'll go bright I can't see where where are you see me no behind you on the runway right what like this way up there oh I see yeah yeah is this a I don't know this is it this is it this is a walk-in pv-1 quickly we need up city in G shop clacks is okay I'm buying obsidian nope that's not sitting well this is a nice safe like at least I know where he is I can remember where they might mountains where we do the bus clock yeah we can trap people in here how do we get down there is there a hole down there yeah oh yeah is it all right I'm gonna get not picked you throw it out I'm gonna make the Hager Oh random guy or their research like I've got not by to sword and let me get a pickaxe out let me see if we could trap someone I don't think we can oh oh the food guys in here little guy try to be safe in the end if he did realize hiding in there okay right you know Rebecca that hates us 14 case I just tell it yeah okay hang wrap this armor do we have any chest down there so we can just all explored the guy with the god mouse killed someone with a demigod set I'm gonna set whole trap here set home trap okay so this is nice to know cuz least then we can we have a place to be safe at can you cover up the hole please no no I mean everything cool dude a lethal sword fell down you and everything watch you make money okay do we have chess we do Oh if they don't sensible one goes in I'll block it up I can't I fell you feelin me feelin me feelin ya love here's what I just well done don't freak over go for killing before you get the reinforcements in don't go go go good I 1 1 1 I don't think anyone else was TP and maybe they will I felt I'm gonna stay put so good oh he's gonna definitely be in reform since he definitely definitely definitely is Jude widely he probably thought we're down here so it's like oh they're not coming back yeah TTP people I'm gonna try to get out of there so I can just kill them no matter what let's rip wut rip wow cool yeah yeah okay one of them has a gold sword I'm trapping them in trapping them in right Raven you might die but I will get the kill yeah Ryan my arm is about to break yeah I'm gonna go to go I'll keep me combat don't worry Dori I'm coming down to come down and come down oh my god okay I'm here I'm here I'm here I'm here Oh Judi protein you're probably not trapped come on come on do one got trapped gggg keep drop Kim job Samus what helmets gone how much guns gonna drop his friends gonna drop hammers gone Hammers gone it goes wrong there we go we bomb in a bomb we got yes let's go okay right oh yeah oh yeah Ryan yeah I just got sharp five blinding strike three retaliate three famine five rivalry three sword yeah that's pretty darn decent I my guy only had least two hours wonder why is losing my hunger oh my god well that was freaking stressful oh oh just in time just in time I don't think they expected like Auster's just TP back up they were like hold it down the trap there must be stuck grab that are more quickly store like here oh he cursed to resurrection one reinforced for chess player did he yeah that's yet that was a pretty a pretty decent kill and that honestly really really is a decent kill almost like ya did that he said he did they did almost get us to be honest we weren't really prepared so close and my armor was needing about to pop and everything I'm just opening the prop for in the chest over there I don't think I fully traffic blocked us up we to unblock the trap as well before we do I'm doing it I'm doing it yeah grant okay do I keep going what's it reboot yeah well we're at the moment I said TP for PvP I said this to my allies and truces so my faction can see it our troops can see it and no one's TP and so at the moment like I would gladly fight them out in the field but we don't have enough numbers here if we do that no just dead you know I mean might as well farm some stuff hang on I made I'm so sorry I've made an absolute mess of chess room but I think I definitely made the right decision by getting out did you did you did because if I didn't that guy with a pearls and yeah we basically gave him the room to Paris so I got his friend trapped and then just created a man yeah I saw that GG honestly I'm so lucky that guys as well I'm so lucky that guy's Hamlet popped honestly we got we basically made some kills from absolute nothing so I just got some lucky I think I drained the guy of pot tonight can I see that sort slide back on yeah yeah yeah sure cuz that sounds like a good decent sword because that was probably the guy I was it was even that guy that was blinding me or it was the guy in the air the guy had blinding stroke yeah it was it was that did that sort of blind strike ah no one like yeah so was he for him or if it was the end dragon guy cuz that's all that she really does the sword at you all right so we're I'm just gonna continue PvP we're not gonna go to the trap no one's there right now anyway and I probably won't go back but I guess now it's nice having that bit of safety I guess if you need to go for a sec and but yeah nice nice one nice one nice one but that was definitely that was funny they nearly caught us off guard grounds but it was a 2v2 and thank god he's helmet pop that made the fight go quickly but we killed him literally at the same time that was that was a GG now I need to get some horde kills and so we just restarted so I say we have to wait 20 minutes for the Horde de-spawn it's kind of hard to tired so 20 minutes yeah I'd say so hopefully it's not an event otherwise no well if actually if it stood just in chanting horde that'd be great but yeah okay so wait 20 minutes so I guess we can just go look for some PAP and we can go to loot Lake if there's anyone going on there who got loot lake could do a bit of fishing see the thing is hard to fish your pots you need like a team to protect you in a new fish yeah are you gonna run Lou Lake I mean you know yeah I'm gonna go just have a look see what's going on hello I already see a Vikings guy hmm looks like he's after killing someone we're Vikings a second ago I think there were I think so they were in a big group like a people think so and just tasted your just be yeah look their enemies this isn't done I know yeah II have next he's went over that way so you got a bo-breeze stuff like I don't wanna use my book any good stuff yet so I'll let you be like the chaser yeah see he's gonna try get on that tree I'm coming in behind oh he's definitely gonna try gold nut tree yes sir that's it good job good job I thought he's about literally about to log there he has an axe I'd be interest to see what kind of access or sure to find me now oh he's on eight dude go on going going on are using that sword yep yeah I can deficit boom there he goes lovely stops what's that axe so me a decaying as a bit anytime I see someone acting like must be really good I don't know why I think that he had squids he'd fish do you have any like enchanted fish I think that's like we can get 10 careful dude we might as I type this stuff sharp 3 after all into our filter the filter system Oh a little achieve was not worry if it's isn't just our junk system might as well its Armour at home yeah V so I'm going to show this off to the viewers watching so we actually made the achieves at home yes home base we actually made the hopper system where we just drove stuff into so we don't fill up a vault with random stuff so any time we just get randomly with this we basically just put it into here and it should filter into the chest let me go it should filter the chest all the way out here we filled up a load it costing decent bit of money but hopefully it'll be worth it and like I guess we have no excuse now not to keep these few chests that we haven't here tidy you know so we got it okay I'm gonna hold the guy with the hell and the dragon mouse keys back not by to sword yes or no no it's in water oh oh I'm getting 41 okay okay trap yeah yep all right I'll T beat you I'm gonna teach you to not by to sort out faxon's raven coming except that and let's run for the trap they're all on me run around me okay i know exactly where the trap is go go go we're out of wood go I'm probably gonna die I think you're on you I think they might think that I got TPD in because you're about to die I don't never mind never mind there aren't they only you yeah there are me it's all good you know it's all good I know exactly where to go now so it's not really too much of an issue oh good guy in 20 there we go Oh God the driving bass imagine we got him that would be like honestly the best day wait where are you I'm on my way on my way coming slowly but surely I don't have punch to bow so I can only even run at the speed I can go out like and I've got slowness and everything just keep chucking those pearls keep chucking is around me dude he's trying to do that TP more people in I'm just one man or two I guess it might be alright I'm nearly there nearly there slowly push the trap get ready just be sneaking somewhere and like I'll run in and you kind of come in behind us something that I'm not even there yeah are you mom there's no way behind you you ha that's that's not possible that's not possible it's like a hundred bucks in front of you of course I got knocked out yeah my saw own okay keyboarding keyboard and keep walking dude I why do I get blindness is this guy oh my god oh my god I need this job dude that guy is insane go go go go go go go it's literally right in front of no I know I know I know I know I know that guy is freaking insane I mean nearly okay okay okay okay dude that guy honestly you don't go anywhere near him the amount I nearly dropped in like two seconds flat don't go near him it is dangerous okay and he goes out honestly Raven I'm not joking that guy is dangerous I'm just you're basing all right and this is our trap I'm gonna shop to buy some more pots Irene yeah it's a trap we tried we killed two people in this two seconds ago I don't know I look to go down the ravine is he trapped like fully captain ravine Oh peas in a mighty moe's TPA are we go were you trapped down there as well no we can get out okay right gone I'm coming gogo my god what the freeways on fire that's good I'm sorry Potts I don't have strength full speed okay come on missing wait okay there we go come on I'm on a plane back here I'll claim it back here it I think it's wilderness or not wouldn't know it for technology every day here well they're not online so we should be good oh my god I'm dropping he's dropping it's only when you see that ender dragon masters game over guys well a team - and you're the only one who can pinch account on they'll try to get help they trying to get out yeah dude why is this all on fire what the Frick okay they're out there out there out look this still ago trap my kids okay come come come yes he should bear to jump into me okay try him in front keep him that corner or not by too soon now come in handy in there give me that keeping there he's gonna try pull out this way there we go in that corner I think he just accepted someone who tried to yeah definitely definitely definitely I say he's perfect I say his legs are about to pop I would say or is it a boot or something something about the papadum exit exit exit you can keep him in there keeping me in a keep in the corner keep me Connor that's it keeping their keep their game there boys Oh keep him the corner keep in the corner oh my god oh my god you think he's friends gonna come back it's a solo solo solo solo he's done for get ahead good dude is romantic sorry that's dope if they're charging off don't babu's them back no we're just trying to keep them annoyed yeah but if they charge and they actually come up the water don't blow that I witnessed we're just hitting people that are like close god oh my god let's I got knocked out and either got killed you probably poked would knock them down boys I don't mind him oh he's training la cocina he's a he's just he was just a decoy that's what he is right now I said go on I can see the name go down him go on dub dub go on go on ah oh my god Oh closer closer closer to you know about g4g I got Annihilator three I'm awesome prop for his head for 24k or give me an axe back max don't don't you dare clear like you dare clear like oh I need to go kill some of those hoards we've not the time oh yeah okay G freakin G okay I'm gonna take our back to base home new base home base GG I was just sitting there watching I could see the name getting close there's like come on guys go on gg okay well least we've got one person to chat but now they're gonna know about it 93 sword not too bad prop 400 me and take have pushed it I'm gonna go shop and go for the quick trip this guy GG right I'm gonna go up and see if I can get some horde kills just see if there's any open a mountain just see if I can get a killer so just to help towards the level cuz I do need to get some of those okay at least it wasn't a waste oh my god well I mean II had one kill and then it got stolen laughing and the hordes been defeated perfect alright it's gone for I'm charging down wait where's the water go oh you know me I'm thinking all good wait surely the tech tech tech tech okay morning I'm going in no no no we need to help take okay so I invited Batman now it's me help me please wait he's no he's now he's no I'm not either well I'll keep going him back for you Ryan yeah though we didn't that the water would have done something bad I'll game up I'm up come on Tex get knocked up come on Turk wait guys they want me to get off you know that don't you now they can't get up so some of these put the water back otherwise I'm not coming off all right I believe they're not gonna come up any more actually them hi actually they might what we need to do is need to push forever back let's all push back here let's actually not show him our angle and I get closer that makes sense everyone push my ex working on them you don't let him get closer because that's what we don't want like you want me not won't push don't push tech yeah let them push no tech toys sexier taking it up everyone come back keep coming back you come back listen if they want to come for us we're only gonna trap more outnumbered there's nowhere Ravine them right now unless we trap them look low that guys getting closer and closer come around the corner I see you sir line of sight see what they do and they get raised like get in behind him and bam out took my legs off oh yeah I think they might dad you might go for that yeah I'm the boots you got be careful oh you gotta be very you do know what kind of mask you have on right yeah and you know how much people damage people can do tech needs to come back here they're not gonna come any closer if they can just hit a dare and Tech's gonna keep knocking back alright Raven come back you might come around a corner see what they dig just a little crouch let's just see what I do because surely they're gonna want to be inquisitive right yeah they're gonna be curious like I don't know if it's gonna work but like it's not gonna work if they keep sitting like sitting down they're like what about Raven they're dead I'm gonna die for you guys oh here you go here we go here we go here we go [Laughter] oh my god Raven Raven Raven no no back you gotta get in behind or even gonna die and if he does get this fault [Laughter] a twin yes I'm gonna work I think no please don't wait I'm trapped my almost about to break okay come in a minimun I'm here to help you he's gone mad legal meddler yeah I need to go to Iowa City on one I'm gonna try to trap him if I can it's actually scary when six of them start pushing us that's actually scary yeah yeah dude we need we should have got that killer we should have actually confirmed that kill I was trying out City and chopper a bit more all right guys I think that's all the PvP for today we're pretty much out numbered so if we fought them in like basically just a field you know I mean just literally normally PvP them will be dead I'm 100% one of their guy is like is fully decked out the damage he does is insane now ravers are trapped this guy in but this is the guy with the end dragon mass by very much doubt he is going to go in that trap I I doubt it 100% but guys I'm go to end of this episode here thank you very much watching and I will see you guys in the next one [Music] you
Channel: RyanNotBrian
Views: 69,128
Rating: 4.873589 out of 5
Keywords: mine minecraft, craft minecraft, mine craft, minecraft video, kid friendly, minecraft youtuber, minecraft modded, mcpe, minecraft, survival, minecraft lets play, creepersedge, minecraft server, minecraft raiding
Id: rMNf1r4s0e8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 21sec (2361 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 28 2018
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