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we are starting okay I have no idea when I'm live so I could be live right now and have no idea so hello livestream or a video and I'm receiving your content receiving your content well I'm just gonna say hello how's it going guys a welcome to the live stream everyone seems to be joining in or video depending when you're watching this I am doing a live episode of factions and the faction of AI we're very very scared because you know live streaming doesn't really doesn't really go too well together do you know what I mean like it's just not a game-mode that you should be live-streaming but anyway we're going to be attempting it we're gonna get this right it's gonna be a super small raid but it's the only raid we catch you find because you can't exactly read your biggest enemies elijan because you're kind of like telling them that you're raiding them it just doesn't work so we got twin here we got Jane we've got Jay Tom and we've got Raven Raven I'm assuming you're over the walls are you know you know all right are we ready to go we've chased the cannon apparently it works so I guess we'll see right I guess we'll see you our life okay we're live so that's every good all right are you ready should we go now or should we wait oh not ready oh I need I need to explain as well and you might see the chat is kind of covered that's all you can hopefully not see who we raid and then contact them and get a TP that we're just s now it's probably not gonna work at all but I guess we'll see what happens you know what I mean but welcome everyone in the chat is good absolutely crazy if you do enjoy this fashion likes to do make sure the hair like going to be greatly appreciated and it really helps me out as well and might motivate me to do enough one because they're you know these take a lot of repairing to do they really do and FaceTime is face cam isn't on right now because I'm having trouble with my lighting so I'll just be like really dark I should have done this morning if I was gonna livestream catch some have trouble with that okay right guys let's do this I'm really not happy with you run why because you didn't say hello mano gets is the streamside I dunno I mean I'm invisible now and pressing the fire button and staying either the button okay right this raid will literally be over in like 10 seconds like it's a really really short round by the way we've already item to crouch because there's a guy in the base alright does he not have an invisibility potion that's why we're whispering we've already cannoned a slight bit of the base just to make sure it's working and it seems to be working and if the cannon messes up on stream oh well we have Raven to fix it hopefully all right twin press that button do not let gen fire it you'll find out tomorrow by the way no face kappa oh i just explained that no face cam because literally my lightnings broke and it would just you wouldn't be able to see my face at the rooms to drive my normal eyes come on let's do this can someone enemy that faction please yeah you try not to look at it too much because if I look at it too much it's gonna go wrong no I have chat kind of mostly covered face the left-hand side of chat doesn't cover the right lovely yeah it's working okay right last wall here we go pretty much last wall anyway we don't staying that she bought a cannon are you recording twin yeah I'm recording okay alright we might want someone who's not recording because twins content is just gonna be pressing no I I am the funny guy I am yeah um do you want to go over I okay here we go yeah okay okay hang on let's do this let's do if we get this guy this is five million dollars oh come on come on come on come on we want to kill someone sit whoever kills a wheel that's what we want that's what we came is for news I'm using a strict spot you're keying well it doesn't matter who gets it as long as someone gets his head that's all I care about can we kill him before he gets back otherwise this could be really bad like really bad someone except me I can assist TV this I I can't I can't risk it I can't risk it in case it gets everyone here hailer Guinea said we need his head guys get it bad no matter how much itself watch it hmm that's what we came here for okay hang on can I sell a please I can't pick it up oh my god again that's a lot of money okay right I'll redeem this and this will go to like I know someone gonna fire the camera again something yeah fired Academy student keep going for you stock up be honest no way no way oh there we go thank you okay $1,000,000 that brings me up to what I thought I'd weigh more money I'm gonna be honest like five million dollars I'm gonna hide here you go pearl yeah I make it III think it's uncool out of go for it it keeps pushing out now sixteen seconds someone already found the gun no someone was in his crash at the can of who was that who was that okay we're clipping that's very weird risk and clip okay I can fix you can fix herbally okay will everyone move back for a second I'm gonna try Perla now so you can get those leggings okay thank you very much that'd be great okay hang on let's do this here we go are they cleared they cleared happening yeah okay I've just sold it so yeah I've made a lot of money of that and by the way what are people saying I'm late I didn't even plan this livestream how could it be ballet you guys are such pros yes what then yeah no faction life human is there it's interesting because it's not really a game mode like you can really like him because if you're raiding an enemy they can kind of see you're raiding them more people can warn so it's it's quite awkward okay and so Raven you're saying you can fix right yeah it should be able to write tewindrow that you can at least maybe we'll try that fire that fly at the cabin if you can't at least you made a million dollars you not I mean that's good money I think am i up no okay no we're good we're good - good perfectly fine why would it blow up we don't work we were a passion you know I didn't work oh never mind then I suck do you know do not anyway a week fixes actually yeah okay yeah just do take your time take your time there's no there's no rush it's not like we're getting into a big massive base we literally came for that guy that was it yeah I need a water bucket I can go shopping I got I got infused buckets okay no you can I'll go shopping get you one home I got some I got some I got some okay oh you wait you find Twitter though it was okay well it has to be a surprise for you shoot I'm firing now they could be a visible people outside the cannon I wouldn't be surprised by the way so probably is yeah I'm just saying like I wouldn't be surprised okay see if that works come on yeah that worked we're in a good job ray with your legend oh no wait no no no can you fire never shot really quickly I know no watching no wait wait the chest okay is dumpin in them oh there is actually no way is that is level one OTT Oh take that quickly take a creamy obsidian Oh lovely no please skeletons photos it didn't split it enough but like they broke I just can't get them hang on let me make sure yeah you did fix it good job skeleton spawner to slide there can you get it from down below I don't know try try glitch through it it was like that you right there we did it oh I see Lou is there any way like him someone end up well through it like it like not obviously glitch into it but like just what about for interpreter the wall maybe might like go into a little but hang on I'm gonna try this oh my plant I told that I we all thought the scatter would actually do it if damage the split both fit but obviously not you have a planet what's the plan Raven you got a little bit till it clear legs you pearl at that corner could you not get it maybe that was my plan but I thought if there's a two block gap we can do it but I don't think we can that's heartbreaking that is fairly heartbreaking there's ten of them as well yeah I know hello we got 1 million dollars or what hey Danny go get them guys what if we fired like a huge shot to hit them my mic is not muted ok I know it sounds I can literally see my audio going up and down with my mic don't you troll me ok all the way the whole life ever again not I can also cvy sing everyone spam Mike knew it on a stream I can kind of see that in chat no guys I don't think there's any way Jonah just fired a cannon to see if something magical happens I don't know but yeah I'll do that I'll go back to it real quick and fire your probably yeah you probably is gonna hit the other side of the wall or so that's gonna happen yeah oh wait we already have one over there but like it's not being fully always-on below it okay aren't enough magic rhyme yeah no I was like I was like how did that happen something's emptied what time did I just fired oh we probably probably ran out of shots we only filled up a like 10 we didn't fill of that matter when you feeling okay right bring the CEG's over with blow these up and there we'll see if we can wait yeah I can't decipher them yeah so we don't need to use the cane anymore right yeah Raven I'm really afraid to piss TP oh I got it okay good okay fine and you can't just TPS factions Raven all right Kendall works too seriously that's really irritate me I want them I keep end upon that I'm hoping for the best I have a plan I have plan B okay what's plan B I just fell down yo okay this is just Belu you can make ask a can and line it up with the side of that block and fire like 14 tear dick yeah but did you quickly do quickly I'm not going to know for you to do it ya know if we have five minutes to clear they just looking I don't see him anymore they're gone twin except that Ryan they're gone are they actually gone oh well like we could have yeah that was a good idea at least we tried at least can we just have a moment of silence please you said silence not singing backpack and stuff put it yeah a bit too late flats a lot of effort for Ted's ghost looks I'm gonna sauce these hoppers yeah that's that's a mop-up if we get that that's good I don't know if you I think you can't get no I think we can get it please no we can't no help well just try get some hot present well whoever jumped down here with me this kind of I'm good good wait who's this this one plays okay use the Enderman mask oh yeah could have I could have rode a lot more but you've been in my mask that guy was right in the chat he was Ryan's cords don't give up my chords please no do it you want okay go on FJ what do you wanna do you want to have Vincent okay yeah I keep Jay Tom wait what actually I don't like being in here what about people come to gang because if we're stuck in there yeah it's good yeah I want to get out can I can I can i TP Qi please I'm scared I don't want to be down I'm claustrophobic a little bit the stream froze did it I hope not are you good you're being the boss when is your texture pack coming out at very soon I'm itchy trying to figure out how to merge all together because I need to figure out why I need to take from it because I use multiple texture packs that's just one it's not just like a texture pack okay it's like 12 right this is the one raid we technically did on livestream and didn't get ganked at well you're welcome I feel for fixing it like yeah well yeah and you know we got through it so GG you know if we didn't have Raven where we be right now exactly definitely not missing I mean I got you in there yeah look we decided we said the guy or the skeleton spawner and we said the guy so it's what but I think it's more satisfying killing a guy for one minute who's here that's you okay right I guess guys let's blow up the canner mystery man why not time to celebrate me I mean ganked about the courts as well no do it do I show my chords do I show my cards okay okay I got it who's getting the TNT to blow up cuz it's all that teams maybe it's already it's our there's TNT in the chest oh there's yeah we got it we got to drain the water to senio house sponged I do actually I've probably bought Li prepared fact this is a ruin ye pod is missed hey how did you get up so quick I'm fast hill you're cheating wait has someone been at the cannon me in twin wha yeah but like I a little bit I'm sorry oh okay how did it blow what is going wrong with our talents today oh yeah that was blob yeah go on for me okay oh I can use that TNT blow up we're good yes one jet away otherwise I won't blow up well okay you wanted to blow up well yes sorry I'm watching I'm totally not working - yes - the same someone told me told you to FK page you see you back seven you want do how could you wanna bet no yeah I trusted you is this like - when will I get invite oh yeah would it yeah Raven you gonna betray me again who's next stream everyone we need to make sure that Howard got me a challenge I'm thank you very much Raven was it you know what sake is anyone saying in chat right now just okay no one's saying in chat so I was just waiting before because it's like a 30-second delay back joint back what ofjoy deflection I thought it wasn't right now would you just be cool with it no wait what no I want to split the space dude like you know it's the young coders hate yo yo yo yo I know what you do right make like the longest detonation trailer we did this before he doing it like we know yeah we know we're gonna make longest okay I'm gonna go it's gonna it's gonna be a waste okay I'll just use this stack we'll go far far away and we'll follow us this way yeah yeah you go that way it's gonna be like dominoes it's gonna be great it's gonna be great imagine like we split like an upper base of love yet can I be happy it's for the good views I'm gonna get this little avi so I'm gonna just said that's my old faction base why someone living in others this is someone take it over but anyway whoever just walk me down China job thank you very much I do appreciate you blew it up some blue that wasn't me Raven was it we may have a breach that could be an invisible guy here they could be an invisible guy who make obsidian platform that was smart oh okay right he's just watching okay I thought I was like that must be a live person flying around pepperonis guys Raven it blew up for where you baby no no seriously was it you Raven no it was a Jen was it you oh no Jason was a mom Jen no no daddy serious cuz they could be people here now no I was doing my TNT trial wasn't people here together I think it was twin exposed I'm recording I got proof I wasn't doing it I was dreaming so I know you know you could just trust my word come on alright so we're done this raid that was great I pretty much enjoyed that guys I have something now I want to say to you guys putting up the stream because I'm really afraid but it's oh is it is it the new thingy like like actor out like yeah flex blowing out of each way and a little thing in the floor oh no no okay okay so well one out respect trade gang we're gonna go open up one in challenge I'm not a boys cab see here who tp'ed calves EU I didn't okay hang on let's go Craig gang let's go more crates we're gonna open up this one in China champ see what we get from here that's what we're gonna do but then I'm gonna message in chat because I don't think people can see the checkers I hid that and I'm gonna say what I have what we do okay yeah well you know me I'm gonna say what I have and what we can do with it and I don't know oh I think I know what is what what is it does it begin with H yeah it does yes I know what it is I think i revolved okay right and hang on so lemon tree BRE I'm excited let me store in my bulb base up in this is gonna be wholly nog about ya know if it's a holy nugget I will be so happy Jason did it so I took my drink drink my string I trust it all right enchanted charm holding oh yeah here we go okay I think we should sing Spice Girls okay right all right let's do this I actually don't see you holding milk in sight but we'll see what happens okay right Mary want me to UM thanks very much hopefully you're lucky lucky okay and it's going to be it's not bad an endermite spawning I will take okay right here we go all right here we go it's going to be oh oh okay right it could have it could have been a slice or a book thirty thousand dollars and is they got a bunch would yes no no okay right so end of my spoiler and thirty thousand dollars and I will keep that because I'm only level seven you know I've been really bad this map at ranking up like it's like I keep forgetting about doing it or it's the fact that we keep getting split I have no idea I say it's like you can't slip okay right Raven mm-hm chef I have this yeah I think I know what it is okay everyone I think people already know I noticed you both I'm just saying right I think boo me guest yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah is everyone ready no wait wait wait wait wait wait I already mine I am not ready I'm not ready either don't worry I need to go get stuff as well okay do you know what I'm just going to say it to the stream okay ooh fancy I think I am just like that okay this is gonna be bad I'm gonna die I can already feel it coming Oh stream I have got a horde summoner from like last week that I I'm going to summon in so if you want a chance multi yeah come to war zone this is this is gonna be fun I just say there's meters and Ausmus everyone's already buying pot so everyone already there is war war zone okay it's just such on just don't spawn and okay hang on so put your deep-freeze away put your yo no seriously yo someone just bought me the arcane bundle no no way guys guys you do not need to buy me charms i SuperDuper appreciate it but you do not need to buy me charms thank you very much I don't know who's buying these so I don't I can't say thanks in any way and then everyone in chat is it you saying like I bought it I bought it like I don't know got it so thank you I appreciate it but you do not even ask okay and let me get some gear ready okay I don't need that I don't need a pickaxe can I summon a horde like at spawn like do I need to know try it just right click it now but them in view I can just jump hey I'm gonna get ready I want to get ready first okay so are we gonna fight all the people because there's life and stuff well I'm going to try farm as much stuff as I possibly can and then I'll probably get murdered yeah but there let's just hope that it's a good horde I want the well Ford okay right so purchase row these I can't pop you be by the way at like Raven can either Kapil's no yeah okay I'm just gonna I'm just gonna use my couple as well I'm good take oh I was about to use my chicken mask in this that could have been very bad yes okay right guys I'm nervous really really nervous horse on this jump yeah I don't know I think you can right I'll try right clicking spawn see what happens please say come on guys everyone a chat legendary horde that's what we want if we get that trust me there will be no PvP because everyone will just want to kill these guys but we'll make sure you have strained pots in cases the armored hoard because if it is and what are they spoon and they spawn all around place okay everywhere everywhere okay I'm gonna go this way okay you guys are raised some people are offered he jumped oh okay right I'm jumping no coming okay here we go right it's a well Ford yes that's what I want I love well horns yo get up looks money patches oh my god oh my god I'm in war zone okay Oh what is what our people do dog make oppa I got a couple mystical jobs away Brevard mystery mob match to whoever just bought them thank you very much appreciated you boy for me boy for me I'll take it okay right come on I want I wanted to look 20 punch it's what I want come on looks money pouch if anyone gets it I want it $3,000 yo some simple money pill I'm just eating AG apples so I can just run it will say it will literally say in chat oh god he said this a hundred left okay what I get nothing from him no please do not buy me stuff right now I super free shipping why are you trying to kill me leave me alone find him find a horde well I said she wanted to well for as well like obviously I'd like a legendary but like that's asking a bit too much no come on link we got it we got it yo did he yeah how many are left I think I went to like the bit area where they've all been cleared out 30 mobs left 50 mobs left yeah error 404 were just chasing me down or something yeah I've got someone behind me I'm not sure exactly who it is my horse mouse doesn't work it just stops yeah it's a little bit but obviously he's fixing at the moment but he it was a well full I didn't get a chance to murder a lot because I was too busy trying to make my mystical charms going by but the person he bought many mystical charms thank you very much showing for me alone Oh crossfire they found me okay I'm gonna find you I'm gonna find it don't worry parkouring like I've never parkour before alright well we all meet back in the mid is that is that my faction movement nope let's go that's the cream I've been attacked array okay okay I'm being a tile I'm booked trust me I wanna run as well I'm just gonna tag you and run like a look Jen run like run right now we need to make a tactical and I need to drop this mr. Chris realm and you seem to go left and I'll like take the Horde this way okay get off me it was about six I might be the PV the way it's safe oh no oh my god I have a tight guys guys this is insane please I'm in the war zone not a good time not a good time thank you very much that I appreciate I read um there's live guys where is it when I read where you oh I slash spawned because I was getting chased by about 30 people yo Matt Berger if you're watching this I don't know if he is but like why not because it would be great you know start the coffee if you want to not be cool you know yo he doesn't want to call manipro failed and they all think it did it okay we're gonna look at it like it's not hard to find me just follow the horde of people like oh my god look at this this is insane it's actually rather safe because well I say this right now because of the fact that there's so many people that they had to hit you all time yeah exactly I've - mystery mob masks - I mean guys like literally um what do i do do i do i run around like yo just I see the Horde just stand in the crowd just down the crowd they heal you up it's fine okay yeah randomly pearl somewhere Ryan and just don't even live trust me they're gonna follow that I just did they see the pearl Oh on top of a mountain - I gotta give this guy flash board he's a witness he's a witness like eight people chasing me okay I'm gonna go spawn and I'm gonna look down and see the Horde under the whole just so you can see her tanco spawn wait Jenna you still alive all right yeah let's go someone did buy me things oh my god I need to view up guys okay I'm just gonna clap for this like you do not need to buy chimes I super appreciate if you are I do appreciate the only thing is I just don't know who's buying it for me so I feel bad I can't say thank you I can't do anything like that so yeah mhm thank you I appreciate but like just be careful like you be in a war zone or something like that okay so should we go should we go to the bloodbath bring it up and watch your chance do you know I'm gonna go open them all right oh no open them in a bit I'll be able to mazhab uh-oh I bling with you I'll open up with ya war Peavy let's do this twenty minutes I'll be there in a second okay hello Bob let's go all right I hope you guys are enjoying this crazy crazy stream yo is anyone else here am i doing it once Oh cloud again I'm coming I'm coming up I am so going to die like I'm like ready to die just let's just see if I can survive at least Wow 4 minutes and 16 seconds or I'm dead Ryan look how many people literally dropping I know poor like the more members Owen the better you know I mean so let's do this let's fight I actually technically twins my like double stun agent man because he is youtuber Bobby's head so no one know who's a real youtuber well no twin is a really cheap I mean but like join me who's me yeah that kind of hurt didn't mean that way I promise okay oh yo just pop someone very proud moment that's my first pump very very proud I have a plan alright everyone needs to get into the middle area so that no one can see me I can't even get there I'm sorry right yeah Ryan I'll put on your skin right and then we'll both just run through each other and then we'll confuse the enemy yeah no oh you can get off the edge it's actually kind of cool like you can kind of like crowd control people off the edge what's the plan it's it's an escape plan there's a life member about to dine a compliment oh is it like glitching out the map somehow some magical way how long 51 seconds oh don't get out same fight oh no no no in the middle I need I need to make sure I never you to be here okay Shh oh man you still in school I'm here right random target you know where were you at right oh okay yeah okay kind of can't see anything right now I get deeper are you kidding me I get deeper yeah I brought you Buster I think someone just let you run into the crowd you just wanted the D box all of us how long we got 2 min by two minutes 15 seconds a plan I still have like D fries on that's why I'm doing it kind of works okay you brought more sets Oh like I have like one space that is legit oh I only bought don't get high people died for daddy that's good I wouldn't mind get it I wouldn't mind getting the armory we have time we talk in the actual stream chat is he left not have time in the situation to do I love how only two souls have been harvested in this massive fight two two dots two people only died everyone's talking each other I know yes lovely no one guy you die alright start to watch me like a month ago by I love watching you you're sick people all the good work thanks buddy appreciate it you know for like 30 seconds I think oh yeah thanks man it means real not when you say the same thing for me know how long how long who's gonna get this I don't know I can't see Ryan I can't sleep I know okay right once this chest is over its operation get out of here alive somehow that's not gonna work not at all doing that whoever gets it is my life whoever guesses unluckiest person alive got it you control this table got it okay right everyone run right this is my plan Ryan whoa right I got I got am what Steve could jump moves to and I'm gonna jump out oh my if you have a spare one yeah I do I have one okay can you drop it oh my god you need you need to go drop me one down below just drop I gotta kill you right below you that Oh someone might be to hit me up there it's cool it's cool do this right now I'm not gonna get out I dropped you my last part did you pick it up oh my god I have to sit in the corner here V what no I didn't pick it up son mastered what oh no guys no okay I'm just gonna ride you get out share your secrets I got on the tree can I get out of here Oh people on me right oh no they bowed me back in combat no leave me alone oh oh right here some this guy could die this guy's in the corner he could die oh he died yes okay right I'm here okay now need to be here well they're bowing me to get me in combat that's it keep on me yo FS brago has left his faction just to kill me oh come on I need a bowl I need a jump boost like you actually get up here oh just go hero think wait come on yes way possible right now I'm not gonna say from which faction just let me help no I'm so dead in this corner guys I'm so dead right right I'm gonna get more jump boost and I'm gonna drop them off the side of the PvP like drop a billion drop quite like oh yeah like I mean like that watch ACS right I mean like how are you like right in a second like if you're yeah I'm getting there I'm getting them like I'm gonna die like a second sorry I'm watching CSA I need to do is get in the crowd of people and in lighten it up run frien I'm coming over drop you a Nimbus no no no won't matter just drop the thing tell me you drop down a road straight over to okay hang on such PvP I'm just trying to stay in the air yeah yeah alright I'm dropping them all now they're dropping them all now okay I'm looking for don't drop them all by just knowing I see you guys going okay wrong way right drop some drop them throw some more I call a Jordy troubled oh I died no I died okay the super chat a big can you invite record dude and tell Jade um he's a pig you're a big dude okay Ryan you ready run you ready yeah yeah drop him okay dropping oh I see him oh no people knocking wait I got one let's go let's go let's go did you get one yeah I know the corner I think I think I might be to get all over this way oh please get me outta here I tried to save you do yeah at least we tried that's it that's it that's it come on people hit me hit me hit me hit me that's what I want find your helmet is gone rip like a swear word hit me no it's not working I taught me back your boo stop here but it's not gonna work yeah if Ryan I'm gonna drop some secretly you can just grab them off your left side left side of where you drop them I've got everything I need I just tank it up I go to die like I won't be able to find the enemy faction going legit and let me out wait wait was he just looking at you no he was up here with me like where I was and he let me out yeah I'm literally trying my best to get out of here but I go for J Tom he said your rule bad oh no no no it's bad it's bad it's being fully like they've they flushed out trust me I'm dead oh no no it's not gonna work it's not gonna work everything's been blocked off everything to be logged off it's not possible we can go up the tree hang on hang on hang on I'm playing with fire and I Freddie and I have seven crapples left I'm gonna get the biggest allen chat rescued you did you thank you very much whether with you super chat hello MJ Tom sounds like a stormtrooper J ninja gaming three one eight thank you very much for the super chat I bought you ten enchanting charms about Raven 500 best of luck when you open them thank you very much dude I appreciate it if it was you two actually bought them thank you very much dude appreciate you don't have to buy me charms okay well that was them interesting relaxing relaxing I've got I have like three heart attacks relaxing experience you know I have like three I felt very relaxed you know I definitely feel like I should do that again sometime I feel like you might want to go to a doctor and I just wanna go see what what pukey looks like right now I mean that all on me now so you know yeah I'll just leave J time to observe don't worry time I'll jump down and I'll save you don't worry J time I'm calming much man I'm dorje time I'm gonna say sorry I didn't I didn't last time I I had my special I'm Ron and it was very weak I got you I got you okay um I'm gonna go for my jobs yeah let's go open ten inch arms to govern oh the way I have ten mystical I definitely got ten ten yes I will be ten that's like that's like 50-pound it's insane like people do not need to do this but I'm gonna open it on streem for you wait what hang on hang on hang on one okay I eleven mystical chimes that's freaking insane guys what I didn't realize how much I got because I was this she'd like in mid-fight okay were Craig's let's do this like oh holy nugget on how let's do it Oh knocking okay ravenous I hope you get holy no thanks man I hope you don't whine how do you feel about me she's surviving you know I okay right Raven let's go three two one are we spamming all oh yeah yes BAM all of them because we've got like eight open your I am I see the holy nugget not lying I see the holy nugget if you get okay I got nothing at my first one is escaping it all quick do it yeah but do you want a quick dude on my quick do it I've got money both times like that's all I get no I I'm just gonna do mall at once I think like this it's more okay if there's no hole you know you're going by and like no I think I'm gonna do like this would you turn up I'm not gonna be on cool though I got nothing I got my steak it nothing Ryan yo Ryan I got nany mommy ten Ryan I got money money money money like both times I got money and then the other three times I got money Canada bundle money Canada bundle money cannon Arundel I've seen like a lot of people okay alright I'm throwing up this year I'm gonna keep the Obsidian because that's what she pretty massacres in the stream what's up Matt beggar hey Charlie don't work thrown out that there we go I don't need pro three anyone and hopefully someone benefits for me okay here we go I've got filter enables so people can throw stuff in to fight your Midori okay a recce dude I bought your Lord 14 eight times pink squad did you buy over la thank you very much for cheap job okay can this bundle and case fly this spawner okay I'm going to throw out the cobwebs I'm keeping a teen Tito I need that let's do this okay come on holy longer let this ten like the lychee ten charms [Music] what's gonna be what's it gonna be it's gonna be a free holy nugget for matching it in like three holding I'll get someone that'll be epic okay mark it shout five I'm gonna keep the shop five but throughout the mercenary kit so whoever it gets that hopefully you appreciate it cuz I don't Raven how many times did you get five and I got nothing at all maybe because y'all come too fast okay right now opened them and I got the same exact thing three times in a row Ravens luck has changed this season I don't have a bike oh hold on hold on the list no if it's a wholly new girl I will do something like a dare on stream like it okay it's a general kit I'm gonna like God okay let's probably stop saying to a lady I need to go home I've got too much stuff man we're doing yeah be hey Raven what you doing here Oh could you ran out a charm shut up let me open a mister for my boy oh it's going let me open a mystical one okay gap I'll give you don't I'm gonna give me one out around I'm gonna give you this one mystical that's not in the stack I'm gonna give you now right but don't open it now behind these let me just go behind you on the other side of the Warren he's glitched he's phasing no he's not I think we should ban him come you ban him it's the people that are sharing the base no no no no no it's fine I don't have power booth okay right so here we go I need some hype guys I need to get the hoe okay no Holly no get it we got up sitting in and Oh 50 thousand dollars that's pretty good okay right three much time to go don't open that mystical charm yeah I want to see what you get what you yeah anarchist Oh imagine if I did if you did I'd be like so friggin height okay here we go oh Oh No what if a mystical shaman would have been fair happy with that mr. cool I would like a double up telling me come on no holding oh you're here I don't think at all is twin life no I don't think twins live I think he's recording I think yep yeah I recorded okay did you work did you record the the lab or pupae [Laughter] what well like your double up technically is kind of like your mystical John that's well of a develop oh yeah I mean like mystical charms are pretty solid oh yeah that's amore rated elixirs is good alright one more here we go and then I'll open up one inch and a charm mr. Kochan we've Raven as well again and it will even air for a bit because I don't want to open them all because she do y'all get to get the holy no detriment in china bowl okay right Raven let's do this we're doing it yeah one mistake damage let's go let's go so hangover we need to do remember what we did last time the winner gets something whoever gets the better things know things yeah it was whoever got the stuff that was worth like more value got it so Ryan I'm willing to put on the line what mr. kajam oh all right eggs I don't have a secretary I can't put online well you can put something else up hmm you have a stack of six Tuesday why what are you interested in I don't know just dad you misper anything up I really don't mind I'll give you a chicken five mass no oh do you want an all clicker tile yes I will yeah I won't take that yeah okay then all right let's do this all right here we go I wouldn't mind a stockist eggs to be honest actually I here we go H one of yours open which one have you got have you got like 1st 2nd and the bonus is slow no middle is top and in the bottom then okay so what did Jim to spam it yeah okay no no no one that time one that time but just okay the bonus last okay okay right three two one go okay look here we go here we go here we go I don't see Anika's an anarchist in mine and I have cost an applause I don't see that in mind do you see that in yours because if you get us and you know oh okay well that didn't keep a secret yeah here could be a second one you ready let's go out we'll open it now what's gonna be okay right what did you get them what'd you get okay I cuts every day as well what do you get a second one ah poppers oh I go legendary KITT what wins what wears a hopper yeah I'd say offers it doesn't really yeah okay all right those bad boys the crates there we go oh my god there's too many faction people with a name that's right okay Raven because you know you know thank you but my name is JSON not Raven oh okay okay Peevy stakus eggs nice oh my god your where we should go because it y'all guys we should go warp arena Raven will you be our champion no no no I was gonna say if you want arena and Reiki to say thank you chat won't you want me for an invite to the faction know about no Oh doesn't make sense like there's no like reward for us if we lose like make sense really you know okay here let me take this prop for I need to get some gear back because like I have absolutely nothing absolutely often at you there's still one thing I need to open up one more thing this imported this episode the mob mask well like there was like I could do them another day but yeah and bought September's end of all because they came out last night and I had an open online so you can yes you can get anarchist in this one but it will be like probably like Nick they they're changing about but there is some something in here that is going to be very useful and I do need because I use up most of my homes anyway is additional set homes so I wouldn't mind that yeah well go while can you guys see me open it as well yeah yeah okay is anyone else getting one of these things that we can open up more unless I don't have enough money to pay phone earlier I did but I didn't ever else but to know for me never mind them I just TP you are oh thank you 20 page with twin did you say you were getting one early I saw some said their game when are they for okay right unless you were surprising me I mean now please say this is a secure area is it we're fine we're fine so if you don't know what these are they're pretty much the limited time like vaults that come out each month there's different ones with different stuff inside it and you know I'm just gonna say if we get a whole number for someone we're gonna do now okay like right that's it guys okay right I'm ready I'm also nervous okay yeah drum roll please okay what's gonna be please the homes no they say - it's one me I've got a raven okay oh okay come on come on please be lightning unknown a chapman okay we will find out what that isn't a little bit he says lightning that's what I want so excited Hey look at that spin to kill checkers that's not bad random oh yeah cause for certain like things are night bows and so fat that ok alright what's gonna be the admin test paper grade fi a lazy remarks alright was gonna be a adventure ooh kid venture won't you get and now is gonna be even I think the bonus reward so whatever it's gonna be you better get ready it's about to go down oh my god I wouldn't I wouldn't have mind getting the vine boy again because I could have given someone else but that that's pretty good ok right so two additional sounds look yeah I think I'm going to give this one to Raven yay cuz he does help me rate quite a lot and he does fix the cannons for us so I think it's valuable that he has an extra home ok yeah you're getting one don't worry everyone's gonna get a home if I get any more gonna get more we didn't get my workplace hostile can I even train it you accept that drop it I would not take it okay alright redeem right-click and they're gonna treat to one birdie we go okay unknown enchantment let's see what this is gonna be boom it's like okay I was lucky today but I'm lucky now it's the core one effect that's pretty bad okay kill the tracker for sword and axe cool kill track of a boat kill it here Jane oh yeah hello oh great oh thanks okay so lazy tile for two marks that's what my marks September tile that's for me and also I forgot to actually redeem my August titles of demon that one as well and you know Venturer do I sell or do I not tell I'd sell it sell it sell it wait you'll see when you already have it no I don't I don't I don't have it I have kit base for next map that I'm excited for so I'm pretty okay in like the department like I think sell oh I'll save it I think yep and Pedro Santos thank you very much for the super Chad I tell Raven he is lovely your lovely River oh it was like it was described as novel web resume make sure what was his name Pedro Lantos yo big up upendo man got a fortune essence big up my mind Pedram guys my TV's practically full okay I found up with these hordes I'm going in biz okay no you won't be we should downstream yeah alright right is I'm going to open up these three mystery mob mass to because ya know I will because I already have a ton of them so I need to open these now and hopefully I get something good and I want more crates that's awkward please does everyone get end of all no it's pretty much a limited time thing on the store and you can get it I think they're on sale at the moment for and run left run left let's go Raven let's go you could get no more horse on there is anyone is anyone at the wild area yeah me i'll get such man okay hanging I'm just gonna redeem these really quickly hang on what am I gonna get one we're gonna get please give me an angle squid skeleton oh no I should lie see more often wait can I know open these in spawn because I don't you want to risk it in the walk no no that why they're what we were safe it's all it's all blocked up no nose yo I just got a skeleton 5 and a weaver skeleton 4 and the squid mask for and the strange thing was it was from a mystery mob master that's it that's incredibly rare it wasn't - I don't have enough PV space guys go run go over it I'm coming and try the pickaxe don't lean down that's not rare okay just hang on guys I am okay hey what's this silverfish spawner I'm gonna take this out okay villager spawner I'm gonna keep a slice but I'm gonna take the out put there and okay we're good okay coming okay so spike just TPS someplace okay Raven nice people yeah no seriously it's like I don't know who's doing it that's enough that's the one thing I don't like it I like to die at least like to say thank you you know hit it bravely jeez bang him one anyway okay what else I hope you get lightning Chapman I really do yeah okay was gonna be test papers yeah okay now it's gonna be what kids oh you've got one for Marx and one for Jim oh I got three that's not bad even though it's only one that's not bad that's not bad at all okay did you guys were really good oh that could sell now it now come on take it take it yeah if it was a number of words I'm gonna imagine though imagine if it was another horse Americ that be happy I'm so nice the face and left is irritating the face and left is pretty much there so that when I was raiding people couldn't really see what I was up to or if I do such wild people can't see cords it's kind of a measure you gotta take when you're live streaming knocking away and Jim Jim thank you very much for soup chat it said tell raven do daily factions yeah there's a long story behind that which I will explain soon may not okay right guys everyone in the prop for this room up ask what you do mister and I've got what my unknown enchant okay let's go bang I got firestorm okay right wants another set home then cuz I got one originally who doesn't have one give everyone else at home give them like J Tom twin something to sounds like was how about the function or like calling out everyone no I just come okay Jen can I have mine okay Jen take that okay come over stuff well five your video I got I got a think Woodstock slapper it's a knock back to stick what do i do make sure home where is it was it a bets a bet I forgot it's a bad one there we go home Oh pray tell me redeem that bad boy before I lose it by him you can save some oh you have to be in shop ok be a bit get rid of that put those in there are they in there yo I got divine sword your when you open that bad boy right now okay don't left yep stem right here alright yeah yo I'm so happy about our skeleton horse mass that's the one I want as well because I want to be right you ready yeah I'm ready yeah yeah yeah okay it's going here we go what's gonna be that's not bad we've got luck today usually we don't at all holy smokes what is going on today Jing Zhi J ninja gaming thank you very much for the super chat again doo doo doo and hash tag story time with Raven story time well the story time no you like story time we've Raven I think that's what you means ok guys let's get geared hoardin I'm ready ok oh my god everybody's down there wait and Wham no I throw all my pots because I panicked all right I'm bringing like to spare sets I don't think that's gonna save me for something okay can you wait like just once there come on myself killed Ryan yeah yeah do you know when you get a divine sword yeah know what you get from that right a sharp sticks know what you get divine elixirs what 60-minute speed to 60-minute strength to 60 minute fire resistances 60 minute resistance yo did you get them two of them could I take one we use it for the Horde I mean I'm down is that how is that waste I mean I don't just do it it sounds like the right thing to do in fairness who can think of how much we're gonna have to run yeah exactly that's okay I'm gonna go shop and get some parts let's go don't you don't need to anymore feuds Alexis Nell then yeah we can just have straight pots the whole way exactly right all right guys if you're the server get ready horde is about to spawn in legendary oh okay let's do this run at you and shop yeah I'm just gonna try to get some pearls and croco cuz I forgot what's it good I'll give you the thing now 30 to ensure we get resistance as well that's pretty good take less damage good yeah you can you can I didn't know you could either then where is other there okay good thing we found them but too many stacks okay and what I trade it with you Raven will that be safe Singh yeah I'm by the Alexa motion just come over here it's been the best dream vacuum I've ever done like it's actually been really enjoyable like death comes back on streaming but like I'm used to wave extreme what we don't even know who bought yeah yeah I know whoever did it thank you very much appreciate the quick background just look at it I know that is actually like what I I'm not usually a fan of pots but I'm just gonna say this that's a good pop you know that's a dope pop okay right sighs spawn Ravan thanks that's a lie mom your mom's watching the string I'm ready all right I'm ready as my buddy Ryan yeah I'm ready okay I'm dropping it's ready okay all right spoil it go why not pawn up please be a well fear we go bump it see well forward let's go okay right do the best you can just get as many kills as can get look to money-pouch if you can and get loads of cab there's a lot here there's a lot here oh I can't do that one oh god nothing from that it's it's pretty much a lot game just go like smack as many as you can okay and we're gonna go this one Oh got a money pouch or not money punch but I know Oh need to fish that would know he stole off me okay this is very hard like it's very hard you killed me just get like me sir go to the ward I know exactly that's my thought behind me as well me and Ryan could just run forever so there's so many people do in the hordes that is only buddy's left already like that's rude I think that's right a very fast wait what yeah there's only 50 left already like that just went straight away 25 your someone has an over horde summoner what was simple money under my supplement that's mad I think that's metal smoke tain to sim or someone god simple my purchase GG oh well I don't think I'm gonna find any where are they at there's about some there's literally about thirty people right by me I've got point B though me and Brian can just run for me and Ryan can just run for an yeah we've got an hour to run otice guy here okay I think they're all dead already wow that was that I actually got out of there alive wait you go out with I've got the perfect plan well I'm sound off a mountain I'm using that knock-back stick I got numbers two hitting them all off do people take fall damage no but it's working so what mountain you on bringing up a horde to you fun no no I don't mind I can I can do it yeah I'm just getting absolutely tank yeah I think I might run now no wait they hit me up some of it they hit me up somewhere no we can get up to hang on hang on if I get into Ravan what we need to do right I'm out I'm out oh my god four blocks are literally run around like in a massive gang and you're out are you I was gonna say we get like a massive hoard then you pearl and you get away easily okay IRA out the best way possible someone hit me up to some Hill I just pull it over and no one saw me Yeah right run into a crowd and just cut to like the right or less and they won't even know if I hurl up on this tree right here yeah I'm trying to I see more often but factions isn't really like you know thank you exactly like cuz one like this is the exact reason of why it's hard to livestream factions like look what's going on behind me hey look what's chasing you away I'm on top of a hill but I don't think they saw me enderpearls so I'm like Audi like I'm gone like they actually didn't see me in the prone at all I don't think it's a waste like should we just go PvP with the 60 minute pots even if we die ribbons I mean if you want I mean oh like wait wait they're doing another one yep oh let's go we've got 60 minutes okay Raven come on let's go I'm 50 I'm literally right here and everything to me says yeah I'm 100 blocks away I'm magic I was just here as it spawned in maybe you knew that I did ask matters you're capturing it comes up in chef by much crazy super 1970s fire that was issued a lock and let you run straight over to what the courts again and it did you just follow the big stairs up in the middle it's that big massive bill okay oh yeah I'm on it geyser I'm a Jian if we can all get on that up great no I don't often it's just I don't know I've never really done a cop before I don't know how it works but if we won this this would be absolutely insane I'm probably gonna die I don't think we will be able to win it but we'll see what happens I guess just we as many people on the platform I think it's possible I went I went the wrong way you can't miss it it's a massive building yeah I see yeah everyone's in a middle right get in a corner just sit in a corner it's kind of hard though I'd let you two sit in a corner I'm not like everyone off you I see your corner and I see the corner I'm in another corner no one's hitting me I'm like is she hitting the score no one no one's hit me in a while I'm still in this corner how do I know if we're winning or not I don't know I think we're still camping so if I can not gonna get back in that coma yeah behind so I'm knocking him out yeah if you get off the stairs you're over I think I think the way it works is that there like a factory has to spend at least 15 minutes in it completing 15 minutes I know I don't know how it works but it might be so my dad I just think that oh my god I could die Joanne you expect people to part you up that is going from heat I'm not even on the cops fine I was first honest that's fine I think though at first I was like I was least like nearly first under on the platform I don't know I don't know how you know I do not know how you know I mean unless it's to someone else yeah yeah maybe if you have to get your faction off but you have to keep your faction on yeah I don't know unless you just tryna stay on as much as possible me and Ron still have strength speed and resistance yeah I know it did she perfect timing these are fine elixirs I actually might try purchase a few of these and some people if they sell them yeah I don't think you can get them off yeah but some people might sell them someone else just died yep if someone's targeting you just go in the middle and crouch this is the first time doing it off and I'm really really doing it oh my arm is popped someone's how much is pops hey I was just in the corner stop not my gear working I need you to catch Jack his life let that one work with her no wait Oh what worse than us trying to raid that one time work we got people know maybe we'll be left off you can see if like you were winning it or like who's gonna I'm gonna die get in the middle hide switch out the set wait okay so everyone just time potentially date imagine Oh turn on the side bedding setting foot right now let's stay on the no not even there much longer we'll have the most time which means we'll win anyway yeah but yeah I I've been actually sit in the corner I've been actually fair lucky I mean that you've been hitting uh get what that's incredibly good plan sit in the corners I wish you something hug in the corners I'm not getting knocked out right okay yeah even if we go off we still want is we have the most time that is the duration how long are factions been on it or how long it is I don't know this would be the first time in ever winning a coffin my fashion career wait is it the whole building I know it would no no I don't think it is but you know the tactic right I think the tactic is if you sit in the corner they knock you into the other coin so you actually don't get there knocked out look I'm just back in the other side now by the way what's your said yeah can you guys I can why is he chasing me don't die I'm normal crapples okay Matt Matt just basically we need to be on for 10 min well if we win we win if we don't we don't know what unlike thank God I brought an extra set yep two minutes ninety two minutes fifty nine ten weather how are you on set right I'm on my last set but I felt like like I said like broken the stuff yeah oh yeah you can use it right I might oh oh I did yes but I've only got 15 travelers left three left people over people are healing me up so it's kind of okay I'll just really like near a corner look we don't win a suite a hell of a fight I'll be completely honest Ryan terminus though no I said earlier this is the same way all right wait this is tense people are healing me up it's perfectly fine people are some people are healing up so this time is going this time is this she going by so slowly I know one minute fifty fifty quite a lot because they hit you not me flashing pot one minutes one minute ten minutes I'm just hoping sorry right now oh my helmets about to go nope how long if we win this because I think this is the first one for our faction to cap the cough I'm your main guy to do the job for you you guys are here to the payment he knows how it works you know how it works is to stop our faction from winning all the time that's the first time in like two years like I tried cost before and I've never won them ever like ever and then I did our livestream that was two years waiting to happen you know the way it works it's the first person to cap it for your team it's you got to protect that guy because before it used to be like power factions like if you had so many members you would practically win because the more members you hadn't it you'd win but it'd make everyone have an even fight yo I'm getting out your eye yo let's go get a blowy chest holy smokes Raven we could have not used that divine elixir better exactly and we would have done it I've got people after me I believe but I got yeah I got people I for me is I'm gonna try let's do my best to get out of here if I die it fine I don't have the rewards on me I think I have to redeem it or is this the faction leader who does but edge yeah we're gonna put McKay's in life gone do you best I'm just trying to get over oh I present I thought my private land you know Chad say GG thank you very much appreciate it is the first time two years you're amazing two years coming literally oh that was crazy guys that's not like us to Winnick off but it happened and we won't win one for a very long time I would say okay and can I get off his they're chasing me I think I'm good I'm good home fires yes let's I'm just gonna get you nice dip yeah a dip dip oh my god hey I need to move my desk our buddies don't up hangout life are chasing me I've applied anyway someone just said in the stream chat I'm on the toilet yo Oh guys nine couples left and three pots ah all the guys the holy nugget as well nice it said can I go up and read what we got our eyes did screenshot it is what what you do what what's the command let's call for Dean no week maybe I can do it touched off redeem no slash plus me sauce redeemed maybe I don't know that's bad if we can really fees there's help my god I just took off my armor doesn't if I mean you'll find up five Ryan TP yes term plus I'm home beat you go one life is busy that's when I wasn't gonna live site you're stupid out nice I mean I'll tip you down just took my armor yo twin did you accept that T beats me I'll just deep-space rewards apparently that's it oh bloody container y'all these things I think I don't know I think we got to be get over stuff as well I'm not gonna forget it no I think we got over stuff as well I think I'm not sure no XP how much excite your faction XP we got coins like watching coin coins how many we got four teams yeah no got to got to okay right well it's absolute luck if we get good at this TP oh who can have TP tooth twin me I'm here okay I'll open in the world I don't what we're gonna get from this we could get like are these are the things that you can get like diamond blocks and so from this could have just been the daily cough we may have hyper stop over Norman there's what war to going on way what you it's me it's awesome life going against each other okay well Tommy's open up I can't get out okay Joe me to wait if you can yeah I can wait no problem the bloody could good though am I thinking about everything dad mr. Popham vocal they were actually bad but I don't know if they are still listening cuz we could has only one the daily cough not the weekly you soon yeah support still that's really good for us yeah I can't get out because he pops me oh wait ham all salads a guy who pops when I took off my armor hmm I was gonna get out there alive a flame I have a plan I have a plan your log no eggs no I planned oh yeah I'm gonna have to lock just accept might laugh actually yeah like you have any gun no I'll just accept my death I was good make him run okay if they want to kill they're gonna be a hit cuz I believe they are like this was only I think it's only a weekly tough wait what's what's the coolest one well what's the coordinates our spawn oh your head out there no I want to dine spawn there's about twelve of them on me it's like it's like zero and zero yeah see I'm sure sure is I'll go see what it is don't you have any good news okay it's no no I'm 50 a z1 away okay cool I'm good someone just bought in to vote today I'm running are you far away from it I'm like a hund wait what was the Z or the X sorry X was 150 okay I'm like 150 bucks or hey I'm in war zone I'm in war zone I'm good all right you may pass that's what I wanted okay yeah flash pain 25 m/s and no there's obviously a bit how many people on they've 414 people online the server's gonna be struggling a little bit like jamming factions on you designed for like 300 people like plugin wow I missed my pearl as well okay you're in the war zone yeah yeah I'm in was oh no we're good okay go I'm just gonna keep baby made you a little platform to put on there again I don't think you're really pulling back for anything you just right-click it I think I think they said they're gonna update this to be like really cool but like we'll have to win it again for that time I think someone's dropping poles down spawn someone dropped me poles don't spawn okay are you gonna go think you can do it probably not though chase me in Hoth masks nope you know I'm using this 60 minute power as much as I can oh yeah you have to keep use here help me Raven there's two of them off right I've got nothing I don't mind dying yes I'm okay JS I'm coming back okay come come me in the middle of sport I've got no good gear but it's fine oh right I put the ultimate plan Ryan Ryan I bought a horse three and I'm booking it okay horse three you don't need it if I'd if I lose I lose a horse five okay is this you in the middle nope that's not us I don't know where you are what coordinates you were I mean coming I'm going I don't know how to get to the top of the hill where are you Ryan can I get back to the car can you get something like that no nope hmm hmm where you at don't keep running if you can plug I'm gonna defend you bravery I'm coming Raven extend me TP here I can't I'm running if I stop I'm dead hmm but then if you get away of it I might be okay that's that's Smith Jen you looked into this for a minute there I can I got scared no no okay I'm dead no I'm trying to set you at EPA but it says please wait to your teleportation request expires - I can't even slash it yeah GPS I can't I'm dead oh then it's all over for me rip my pot in my pots not working I'm back at the cars myself in the crowd know I could drop you some president then you get way like that there's about six them after me yeah I'm cool I've come for the cops they're to pick off area if it's Hanley I can't I'm the only one here I'm gonna die I'm gonna survive they're just boosting me they hate me was not back where were you now on top of the hill by the car okay I can I've got a plan I've got a knock back sort or a knock back to stick my bear up here I'm come on the cuff oh that's my plan like would you say to the right of the coffee left the coffee feel I don't know I'm just running in circles at the back of the car for you I got the hill I don't know where I am facing like I didn't even show up the hill I'm down again right is that my got bored no it's not my god boys just the power of five it's not my my good boy don't worry Ryan a scandal to list ahead okay stairs okay I'm coming back this is vibe I understand that so wait okay well you wait you got y'all learning their sticks them off to me yeah let's go run Raven run I think you're good still oh I do I'm gonna MIT I didn't even see you yeah I just let you thought this with the crowd where did you go now I'm just I'm running up the stairs there's about eight of them okay right no ways Joey's here that's all good everyone's here okay they're gonna go Amina Raven Raven this is the one time that people aren't just going for me yep hey I could just stay in the crowd just punch I need to get to the hill Joey anymore just distract him from gum for ratings no there's still there's still three but no bombs Ange always taking damage it will issue just annoying if I can hit this guy off the hill I can do it sirens outside I think I'm done [Music] Joey's on me I got up you woke up the edge please is it gonna be edge I think you did come on I'm so just wrong hey what's going on yeah run probe oh I could try to drop you some pros right like it work you maybe wait I I can even be able to okay I'm pouring up there and I still chasing me I've lost you Raven I've completely lost you Kraven like I think it's just time to like just take up around except nope no oh hang on there's a boy guy here I need to kill this guy this guy race yeah I'm gonna die no I'm get out of it Ryan I think I can get out okay you've said that like 10 times so please no there's no one has changed for time well I can count as well if you got out oh no there's more of them so I different ran into straight line and found more of them yeah two one I'm out alright will you come back I'm out wait no yeah no I need how brave and jump back into the war zone I might know I might know don't worry I get up III like I'll see you over there trust me I know how to do this kind of stuff I've been doing it since I was 10 five oh okay okay I think I'm out I think we're good I can't type because I'm nervous flash spawn there we go I'm out all right I'm out as well I'm out all right um guys I hope you guys enjoy this lighting so far it's about to end but we are going to open up this bloody container where we doing wild I'll just do wild no once you find this in time okay I already have it how did you take me like five seconds to get out and it took you look you know because there was about eight of them all on me with also called horse masters oh but wait I'm mater to do matters you might get a loot bag as well but since I'm not leader leader can you do some coffee warrants if you get like a loop back face reward yeah I did oh we got 2500 faction xp3 faction effects and two faction coins oh yes early so we didn't I'll take that okay Thiessen f coins so here we go mad to the bullying contains at like a it's okay but like I think better very very soon okay three two one oh my you back okay yeah loot bags are loot bags oh yeah I got 32 blocks of poison I got 50,000 $25,000 that's good no Joey you didn't have that before I think it's the daily cough I think you do get more for the week anyway I don't know by the way um this has been a very very good stream guys thank you very much for the people who have bought me charms I got a skeleton horse master day which is insane that's the thing I want and we'll be able to upgrade that soon we've a skeleton mask for like loads of enchanted charms of mystical charms and I appreciated that and my faction videos are gonna be full opening of them for the next few days now but thank you very much guys if you did enjoy this lab like one it'd be greatly appreciated and maybe I'll stream more and texturepack should become that soon because I'm gonna get Raven Raven you're gonna merge it all together your friend is yeah okay all right awesome but guys thank you very much for watching and I will see you guys
Channel: RyanNotBrian
Views: 170,434
Rating: 4.8565841 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft server, minecraft factions, no swearing, roleplay, mods, mod, adventure, challenge, custom, trolling, mini game, server, factions, saicopvp, raid, creepersedge, minecraft raiding, minecraft cannons, minecraft adventure, minecraft castle raid, minecraft castle, minecraft mod, RAIDING OUR NEIGHBORS! (REVENEGE) | Minecraft FACTIONS #667, OUR MONEY IS GONE! | Minecraft FACTIONS #675, 1 HOUR EPISODE *INSANE KOTH WIN!* | Minecraft FACTIONS #680
Id: QZXg7df9t_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 9sec (5709 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 17 2017
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